Newspaper of record

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The New York Times Building in Midtown Manhattan; some meanings of the term originated in reference to The New York Times. NYTimesBldgByLuigiNovi2.jpg
The New York Times Building in Midtown Manhattan; some meanings of the term originated in reference to The New York Times .

A newspaper of record is a major national newspaper with large circulation whose editorial and news-gathering functions are considered authoritative and independent; they are thus "newspapers of record by reputation" and include some of the oldest and most widely respected newspapers in the world. The number and trend of "newspapers of record by reputation" is related to the state of press freedom and political freedom in a country. [1] [2]


It may also be a newspaper authorized to publish public or legal notices, thus serving as a newspaper of public record. A newspaper whose editorial content is directed by the state can be referred to as an official newspaper of record, but the lack of editorial independence means that it is not a "newspaper of record by reputation". Newspapers of record by reputation that focus on business can also be called newspapers of financial record. [1] [2]

Newspapers of public record

Paris headquarters of Le Figaro
, France's centre-right newspaper of record (public record and by reputation) Le Figaro, boulevard Haussmann.JPG
Paris headquarters of Le Figaro , France's centre-right newspaper of record (public record and by reputation)

A "newspaper of public record", or government gazette, refers to a publicly available newspaper that is authorized by a government to publish public or legal notices. [3] It is often established by statute or official action and publication of notices within it, whether by the government or a private party, is considered sufficient to comply with legal requirements for public notice. [4] Such gazettes may have minimal or no editorial content (opinion articles), and are focused on public notification of state services and state decisions; an example is Latvia's Latvijas Vēstnesis . [5]

In some jurisdictions, privately owned newspapers may register with the government to publish public and legal notices, or be otherwise eligible to publish such notices (terms used may include "newspaper of general circulation" among others). [6] [7] [8] Likewise, a private newspaper may be designated by the courts for publication of legal notices, such as notices of fictitious business names, if judicial and statutory standards are met. [9] [10] These are sometimes called "legally adjudicated newspapers". [11]

Government organs

The term "newspapers of public record" can also denote those owned and operated by a government that directs their entire editorial content. Such newspapers, while pejoratively termed "state mouthpieces", can also be called "official newspapers of record", independently of whether they publish legal notices - distinguishing them from a gazette whose primary role is to publish notices, as their entire content represents the official view and doctrine of the state. This kind of official newspaper is distinct from newspapers of record by reputation, and is liable to fail the reputation criterion due to its governmental control. The word "official" can be used to distinguish them from "newspapers of record by reputation". Examples include Russia's Rossiyskaya Gazeta , [12] North Korea's Rodong Sinmun , [13] and China's People's Daily . [14]

Newspapers of record by reputation

First edition of Neue Zurcher Zeitung (1780), the world's oldest newspaper of record by reputation NZZ Erstausgabe Titelseite.jpg
First edition of Neue Zürcher Zeitung (1780), the world's oldest newspaper of record by reputation

The second type of "newspaper of record" (also "journal of record", or in French presse de référence) is not defined by formal criteria, and its characteristics vary. The category comprises newspapers that are considered to meet high standards of journalism, including editorial independence (particularly from the government and from its owners), accountability (mistakes are acknowledged), attention to detail and accuracy, and comprehensiveness and balance of coverage; [15] they are regarded internationally (as well as in their own country/region) by major global outlets. [16] [17]

Despite changes in society, newspapers of record by reputation have historically tended to maintain a similar tone, coverage, style, and traditions; many are over a century old and some over two centuries old (e.g., Neue Zürcher Zeitung , The Times , The Guardian , Le Figaro , and The Sydney Morning Herald ). [16] Newspapers of record by reputation can be respected for the accuracy and quality of their reporting and still be either ideologically conservative (e.g., The Wall Street Journal and The Telegraph ) or ideologically liberal (e.g., The Washington Post and The Guardian ). [18]

Although many countries are proud of their newspapers of record by reputation, in some countries they face an openly hostile state or political system that tries to suppress their press freedoms. Examples are Turkey's Cumhuriyet , where many of the staff have been imprisoned; [19] Panama's La Prensa , where staff have been shot and the owners forced into exile; [20] and Venezuela's El Nacional , [21] which was forced out of print when the state seized its assets (see examples of fallen newspapers of record). [22]


The term is believed to have originated among librarians who began referring to The New York Times as the "newspaper of record" when it became the first U.S. newspaper in 1913 to publish an index of the subjects it covered. [18] [23] In recognition of that usage, The New York Times held an essay contest in 1927 in which entrants had to demonstrate "The Value of The New York Times Index and Files as a Newspaper of Record". The New York Times, and other newspapers of its type sought to chronicle events, acting as a record of the day's announcements, schedules, directories, proceedings, transcripts, and appointments. By 2004, The New York Times no longer considered itself a newspaper of record in the original, literal sense. [24]

Over time, historians relied on The New York Times and similar titles as a reliable archival and historical record of significant past events, and a gauge of societal opinions at the time of printing. The term "newspaper of record" evolved from its original literal sense to that newer meaning. [23]

The derived term "financial (or business) newspaper of record" is attributed to The Wall Street Journal , [25] [26] the Financial Times , [27] and to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) . [28] While newspapers of record by reputation are typically major widely-read national (and international) publications, subject-specific newspapers of record also exist (see examples of subject-specific newspapers of record).

Examples of existing newspapers

CountryRegionLogoNameCity of publicationFoundedLanguageRefs.
Flag of Argentina.svg ArgentinaSouth America La-Nacion-Logo.svg La Nación Buenos Aires 1870Spanish [21] [29] [30]
Flag of Australia (converted).svg AustraliaOceania Age-logo-blue.svg The Age Melbourne 1854English [15] [18]
Sydney Morning Herald logo.svg The Sydney Morning Herald Sydney 1831 [31] [15] [18]
Flag of Austria.svg AustriaWest Europe Die Presse logo.svg Die Presse Vienna 1848 [a] German [33]
DER STANDARD schwarz.png Der Standard 1988 [34]
Flag of the Bahamas.svg BahamasNorth America Nassau Guardian logo.webp The Nassau Guardian Nassau 1844English [35]
Flag of Bangladesh.svg BangladeshSouth Asia Logo of The Daily Star.svg The Daily Star Dhaka 1991English [36] [37]
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg BelgiumWest Europe Logo du journal Le Soir.svg Le Soir Brussels 1887French [38]
De Standaard logo.svg De Standaard Groot-Bijgaarden 1918Dutch [39]
Flag of Bolivia.svg BoliviaSouth America El Diario logo.jpg El Diario La Paz 1904Spanish [40]
Flag of Brazil.svg BrazilSouth America O Estado de S. Paulo Logo.svg O Estado de S. Paulo São Paulo 1875Portuguese [41] [42]
Folha de S. Paulo.svg Folha de S.Paulo 1921 [43]
O Globo.svg O Globo Rio de Janeiro 1925 [21]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CanadaNorth America Logo Le Devoir.svg Le Devoir Montreal 1910French [44]
La Presse Canadian newspaper.svg La Presse 1884 [45] [46]
The Globe and Mail (2019-10-31).svg The Globe and Mail Toronto 1844 [b] English [47] [48] [49] [50] [18]
Flag of Chile.svg ChileSouth America El Mercurio.svg El Mercurio Santiago 1900 [c] Spanish [21] [51]
Flag of Colombia.svg ColombiaSouth America El-Espectador-logo-2024.svg El Espectador Bogotá 1887 [52] Spanish [53] [54] [55]
NUEVO LOGO DE EL TIEMPO HD.jpg El Tiempo Bogotá 1911Spanish [21] [56] [57]
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Costa RicaCentral America La Nacion (Costa Rica).svg La Nación San José 1946Spanish [58] [59] [60]
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech RepublicEast Europe Lidove-noviny-Logo.svg Lidové noviny Prague 1893Czech [61]
Flag of Denmark.svg DenmarkNorth Europe Berlingskelogo.svg Berlingske Copenhagen 1749 [d] Danish [62] [63] [64]
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican RepublicNorth America Listindiariologo.png Listín Diario Santo Domingo 1889Spanish [65] [66]
Flag of Ecuador.svg EcuadorSouth America Logo-ec.png El Comercio Quito 1921Spanish [21] [67] [68]
Flag of Egypt.svg EgyptNorth Africa Al-Ahram Cairo 1875Arabic [69] [70] [71]
Almasry Alyoum logo.png Al-Masry Al-Youm 2004 [72]
Flag of Finland.svg FinlandNorth Europe Helsingin Sanomat wordmark.svg Helsingin Sanomat Helsinki 1889Finnish [62] [73]
Flag of France.svg FranceWest Europe Le Figaro.svg Le Figaro Paris 1826 [e] French [75] [76] [77]
Logo liberation.svg Libération 1973 [75] [78]
Le Monde.svg Le Monde 1944 [f] [75] [79] [80] [77]
Flag of Germany.svg GermanyWest Europe Frankfurter Allgemeine logo.svg Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurt 1949 [g] German [81] [51]
Logo-der spiegel.svg Der Spiegel Hamburg 1947 [82] [83] [84] [85]
Suddeutsche Zeitung Logo.svg Süddeutsche Zeitung Munich 1945 [86]
Die Welt Logo 2015.png Die Welt Berlin 1946 [87]
Die Zeit-Logo-Bremen.svg Die Zeit Hamburg 1946 [86] [77]
Flag of Greece.svg GreeceSouth Europe Kathimerini-logo.svg Kathimerini Athens 1919Greek [88] [89]
Flag of Guatemala.svg GuatemalaNorth America Prensa-libre.png Prensa Libre Guatemala City 1951Spanish [90]
Flag of Haiti.svg HaitiNorth America Le Nouvelliste Port-au-Prince 1898French [91] [92]
Flag of Hong Kong.svg Hong KongEast Asia SCMP logo.svg South China Morning Post Hong Kong 1903English [93] [94]
Flag of Iceland.svg IcelandNorth Europe Morgunbladid Logo.svg Morgunblaðið Reykjavík 1913Icelandic [95] [96]
Flag of India.svg IndiaSouth Asia The Hindu logo.svg The Hindu Chennai 1878English [97] [98]
The times of india.svg The Times of India Mumbai 1838 [h] [18] [99] [15]
Flag of Indonesia.svg IndonesiaSoutheast Asia Kompas.svg Kompas Jakarta 1965Indonesian [100] [101]
Flag of Iran.svg IranWest Asia Ettelaat.svg Ettela'at Tehran 1926Persian [102] [103]
Flag of Ireland.svg IrelandNorth Europe The Irish Times logo.svg The Irish Times Dublin 1859English [104] [15] [105]
Flag of Israel.svg IsraelWest Asia Haaretz logo.svg Haaretz Tel Aviv 1919Hebrew and English [106] [107] [108] [109] [18]
Flag of Italy.svg ItalySouth Europe Il Sole 24 Ore.svg Il Sole 24 Ore Milan 1965Italian [110]
Corriere della Sera.svg Corriere della Sera Milan 1876 [111] [112] [113] [77]
La Stampa.svg La Stampa Turin 1867 [114] [77]
La Repubblica.svg la Repubblica Rome 1976 [113]
Il Messaggero.svg Il Messaggero Rome 1878 [115]
Flag of Jamaica.svg JamaicaNorth America Gleanerlogo.png The Gleaner Kingston 1834English [116] [117]
Flag of Japan.svg JapanEast Asia The Asahi Shimbun logo.svg The Asahi Shimbun Osaka 1879Japanese and English [118] [119] [120]
Nikkei logo ja.svg Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) Tokyo 1876 [28]
Yomiuri-Shimbun-Logo.svg Yomiuri Shimbun 1874 [121]
Flag of Kenya.svg KenyaEast Africa Nationlogo.jpg Daily Nation Nairobi 1960 [i] English [122] [123] [124]
Flag of Lebanon.svg LebanonWest Asia Annahar.png An-Nahar Beirut 1933Arabic [125]
Flag of Malaysia.svg MalaysiaSoutheast Asia NSTlogo.png New Straits Times [j] Kuala Lumpur 1965 [k] English [126] [127] [128]
Flag of Mexico.svg MexicoNorth America Excelsior logo.svg Excélsior Mexico City 1917Spanish [129]
Reforma 1993 [21]
Flag of the Netherlands.svg NetherlandsWest Europe NRC logo.svg NRC Amsterdam 1970 [l] Dutch [130]
Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandOceania The New Zealand Herald logo.webp The New Zealand Herald Auckland 1863English [15] [131]
Flag of Nigeria.svg NigeriaWest Africa The Guardian Lagos 1983English [132] [133] [134]
Flag of Norway.svg NorwayNorth Europe Aftenposten logo.svg Aftenposten Oslo 1860Norwegian
[62] [135]
Flag of Pakistan.svg PakistanSouth Asia Dawn Newspaper logo.png Dawn Karachi 1941English [136] [137] [138]
South Asia Daily Jang logo (2024).png Jang Karachi 1939Urdu [139] [140]
Flag of Panama.svg PanamaNorth America La Prensa (Panama City) logo.svg La Prensa Panama City 1980Spanish [141] [142] [20]
Flag of Paraguay.svg ParaguaySouth America Abc color.PNG ABC Color Asunción 1967Spanish [143]
Flag of Peru.svg PeruSouth America El comerciovector.svg El Comercio Lima 1839Spanish [21]
Flag of the Philippines.svg PhilippinesSoutheast Asia PDI logo.svg Philippine Daily Inquirer Makati 1985English [144] [145]
Flag of Poland.svg PolandEast Europe Gazeta Wyborcza.png Gazeta Wyborcza Warsaw 1989Polish [146] [147]
Rz logo big txt.svg Rzeczpospolita 1920 [m] [146] [148]
Flag of Portugal.svg PortugalSouth Europe Diario de Noticias.svg Diário de Notícias Lisbon 1864Portuguese [149] [150]
Logo publico.svg Público Lisbon 1990 [151] [152] [153]
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg Republic of the CongoCentral Africa La Semaine Africaine Brazzaville 1952French [154] [155]
Flag of Romania.svg RomaniaCentral Europe Adevărul Bucharest 1871Romanian [156] [157] [158]
Flag of Serbia.svg SerbiaSouth Europe Logo of Politika.svg Politika Belgrade 1904Serbian [159] [160]
LogoDanas.png Danas Belgrade 1997 [161]
Flag of Singapore.svg SingaporeSoutheast Asia The Straits Times Logo.svg The Straits Times [j] Singapore 1845English [126] [127] [162]
Flag of South Africa.svg South AfricaSouth Africa Mail & Guardian logo.jpg Mail & Guardian Johannesburg 1985English [163] [164]
Flag of South Korea.svg South KoreaEast Asia Chosun IIbo Logo.svg The Chosun Ilbo Seoul 1920Korean [165]
Dong-a Ilbo logo.svg The Dong-A Ilbo 1920 [165]
jungangilboCI.png JoongAng Ilbo 1965 [165]
Flag of Spain.svg SpainSouth Europe La Vanguardia (cabecera).svg La Vanguardia Barcelona 1881Spanish [166]
El Mundo logo.svg El Mundo Madrid 1989 [167] [77]
El Pais logo 2007.svg El País 1976 [168] [169] [77]
Flag of Sweden.svg SwedenNorth Europe Dagens Nyheter.svg Dagens Nyheter Stockholm 1864Swedish [62] [170]
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg SwitzerlandWest Europe Neue Zurcher Zeitung.svg Neue Zürcher Zeitung Zürich 1780German [171] [172] [77]
Logo Le Temps (Schweiz).svg Le Temps Geneva 1998 [n] French [172] [173]
Flag of Thailand.svg ThailandSoutheast Asia BangkokPost.svg Bangkok Post Bangkok 1946English [174] [175] [176] [177]
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and TobagoNorth America T&t guardian logo.png Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Port of Spain 1917English [178] [179]
Flag of Turkey.svg TurkeyWest Asia Cumhuriyet logo.svg Cumhuriyet Istanbul 1924Turkish [19]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United KingdomNorth Europe The Telegraph.svg The Daily Telegraph London 1855English [15] [180] [18]
Financial Times masthead.svg Financial Times 1888 [15] [18] [27] [77]
The Guardian 2018.svg The Guardian 1821 [o] [18] [77] [99]
The Times masthead.svg The Times 1785 [p] [180] [15] [18]
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesNorth America Los Angeles Times.svg Los Angeles Times Los Angeles 1881English [15] [18]
NewYorkTimes.svg The New York Times New York City 1851 [15] [18] [181] [182]
WSJ Logo.svg The Wall Street Journal 1889 [15] [18] [77] [183]
The Logo of The Washington Post Newspaper.svg The Washington Post Washington, D.C. 1877 [15] [18] [77] [183]
Flag of Vatican City (2023-present).svg Vatican CitySouth Europe L'Osservatore-Romano-logo.svg L'Osservatore Romano Rome 1861Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Polish, and Portuguese [184] [185]

Examples of existing newspapers (subject-specific)

CountryRegionTopicNewspaperCity of publicationFoundedLanguageRefs.
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesNorth America LGBT+ Wash Blade logo.svg Washington Blade Washington, D.C. 1969English [186] [187] [188]
Flag of Ireland.svg IrelandNorth Europe LGBT+ Gay Community News Dublin 1988English [189] [190] [191]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United KingdomNorth Europe LGBT+ Gay Times London 1984English [192]

Examples of fallen newspapers

The former headquarters of El Nacional, Venezuela's long-standing newspaper of record, which was seized by the state in 2018 and forced out of newsprint production El Nacional building.jpg
The former headquarters of El Nacional , Venezuela's long-standing newspaper of record, which was seized by the state in 2018 and forced out of newsprint production

Over time, some established newspapers of record by reputation have lost their status due to financial collapse, take-over or merger by another entity that did not have the same standards or allowed increased government control and suppression of the paper's editorial independence. The existence of newspapers of record by reputation is an aspect of the level of press freedom and political freedom in a country, with major first-world democracies having several such newspapers (e.g. United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Japan); in contrast, countries that have seen a decline in their newspapers of record by reputation can represent a decline in levels of personal and political freedom (e.g. Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Cambodia). [1]

Examples include:

See also


  1. Staff split in 1864 to form Neue Freie Presse, aryanized by the Nazis in 1938 and closed in 1939, reestablished as Die Presse in 1946. [32]
  2. Successor to The Globe (founded 1844), The Toronto Mail (1872) and Toronto Empire (1887); papers merged in 1895 and 1936.
  3. Spun off from El Mercurio de Valparaíso (founded 1827).
  4. Named Berlingske Tidende until 2011.
  5. Le Figaro is France's oldest national newspaper still operating to this date. [74]
  6. Founded as a successor to the discredited collaborationist Le Temps (founded 1861).
  7. Considered a successor to the Frankfurter Zeitung (founded 1856), banned in 1943 by the Nazis.
  8. Named The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce until mergers in 1860–1.
  9. Originated as the Swahili Taifa in 1958.
  10. 1 2 The Straits Times and New Straits Times were qualified as "semi-official newspapers of record" in the Encyclopedia of Journalism (2009) as "each is tightly connected to the dominant political party of their respective countries". [126]
  11. Spun off from The Straits Times (founded 1845) upon Singapore's independence.
  12. Merger of Algemeen Handelsblad (founded 1828) and Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (1844).
  13. Dissolved in 1931 and revived in 1944, second dissolution in 1951, revived again in 1982.
  14. Merger of Journal de Genève (founded 1826), Gazette de Lausanne (1798), and Nouveau Quotidien (1991).
  15. Founded as The Manchester Guardian, adopted its present name in 1959.
  16. Named The Daily Universal Register until 1788.


  1. 1 2 3 Christopher, H. Sterling (2009). Encyclopedia of Journalism . Vol. 3. SAGE Publishing. p. 1020. ISBN   978-0761929574.
  2. 1 2 Martin, Shannon E.; Hansen, Kathleen A. (1998). Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age: From Hot Type to Hot Link . Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. p.  1. ISBN   0-275-95960-0.
  3. Martin, Shannon E.; Hansen, Kathleen A. (1998). Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age: From Hot Type to Hot Link . Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. p.  5. ISBN   0-275-95960-0.
  4. Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edn . West Publishing. 1990. ISBN   90-6544-631-1.
  5. House, Freedom (13 September 2004). Nations in Transit 2004: Democratization in East Central Europe and Eurasia. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. p. 342. ISBN   9781461731412.
  6. See, for example, L.N. 362 of 1997 of The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette
  7. For example, see Texas Local Government Code - Section 52.004. Official Newspaper Archived 9 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  8. "1.12 Official Newspaper - City of McCleary". Archived from the original on 27 December 2021. Retrieved 20 July 2022.
  9. See, e.g., "California Government Code, Sec. 6000 - 6008". California Legislative Information. California State Legislature. Retrieved 12 March 2020.
  10. "New York Consolidated Laws, General Construction Law - GCN § 60". Findlaw.
  11. "Fictitious Names: Adjudicated Newspapers". County Clerk. County of Sonoma. Archived from the original on 29 October 2012. Retrieved 4 October 2012.
  12. Zadorozhnii, Oleksandr (July 2017). International Law in the Relations of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. K.I.S. p. 144. ISBN   978-6176841463.
  13. Em, Pavel P.; Ward, Peter (January 2021). "City profile: Is Pyongyang a post-socialist city?". Cities . 108: 102950. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2020.102950. S2CID   225116450. ... a line that appeared in Rodong Sinmun (Rodong Sinmun, 1999, 29) the official newspaper of record in North Korea.
  14. Manuel, Ryan (14 December 2017). "China is furious and Australia should expect more backlash after questioning its influence". Australian Broadcasting Corporation . Retrieved 10 May 2022. Most significantly, the People's Daily, China's official newspaper of record, had a special signed editorial attacking Australia's government and media.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Caulfield, Mike (8 January 2017), "National Newspapers of Record", Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers, Self-published, retrieved 20 July 2020
  16. 1 2 Salles, Chloë (January 2010). "Media Coverage of the Internet: An Acculturation Strategy for Press of Record?" (PDF). Innovation Journalism. 7 (1): 5. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 13 June 2011.
  17. Martin, Shannon; Hansen, Kathleen A. (1998). Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age: From Hot Type to Hot Link. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. pp.  6, 27, 31. ISBN   0275959600.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Corey Frost; Karen Weingarten; Doug Babington; Don LePan; Maureen Okun (30 May 2017). The Broadview Guide to Writing: A Handbook for Students (6th ed.). Broadview Press. pp. 27–. ISBN   978-1-55481-313-1 . Retrieved 7 May 2022.
  19. 1 2 Shaheen, Kareem; Hatunoğlu, Gözde (24 July 2017). "Turkish activists decry attack on press freedom as journalists stand trial". The Guardian . Retrieved 10 May 2022. ...because Cumhuriyet, the country's newspaper of record that is committed to secularism...
  20. 1 2 "Four Journalists Win Columbia University's Cabot Prizes For Coverage of Latin America". Columbia University Record . 21 (9). November 1995. Retrieved 9 May 2022. For the past 15 years, Mr. Eisenmann has led Panama's internationally respected daily newspaper of record, La Prensa, as founding editor and publisher.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Johnston, Donald H. (2003). "Chapter: Freedom of the Press in Latin America". Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications. Vol. 2. Academic Press. p. 143. ISBN   978-0123876706 . Retrieved 9 May 2022. ...the newspaper of record in any country is compulsory reading for political, business, and cultural leaders and the most prestigious such papers in the region, organized into the Grupo de Diarios America, are La Nacion (Buenos Aires, Argentina), O Globo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), El Tiempo (Bogota, Colombia), El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), El Comercio (Ecuador), Reforma (Mexico), El Nuevo Dia Interactivo (Puerto Rico), El Comercio (Lima, Peru), El Pais (Montevideo, Uruguay), and El Nacional (Caracas, Venezuela)
  22. 1 2 3 Vargas, José González (19 December 2018). "From Distant Glory Days to Utter Degradation, El Nacional Mirrored Venezuela". Caracas Chronicles . Retrieved 9 May 2022.
  23. 1 2 Martin, Shannon E.; Hansen, Kathleen A. (1998). Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age: From Hot Type to Hot Link . Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. p.  7. ISBN   0-275-95960-0.
  24. Okrent, Daniel (25 April 2004). "Paper of Record? No Way, No Reason, No Thanks". The Public Editor. The New York Times . Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  25. "Newspapers". Georgetown University Library . Archived from the original on 28 November 2022. Retrieved 7 May 2022. The Wall Street Journal is the financial newspaper of record
  26. Roush, Chris (2006). Profits and Losses: Business Journalism and Its Role in Society . Marion Street Press. ISBN   978-1933338057.
  27. 1 2 Brooks, Richard (2014). The Great Tax Robbery: How Britain Became a Tax Haven for Fat Cats and Big Business. Oneworld Publications. ISBN   978-1780743714.
  28. 1 2 Culpepper, Pepper D. (January 2011). Quiet Politics and Business Power: Corporate Control in Europe and Japan (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics). Cambridge University Press. p. 128. ISBN   978-0521134132. ...the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the business or financial newspaper of record, had three million;...
  29. Vigón, Mercedes (12 July 2013). "Journalism ethics is 'personal and non-transferable'" (Interview). Interviewed by International Press Institute . Retrieved 10 April 2019. In spite of the readership crisis in the United States, The New York Times is a newspaper of record in many countries, as is Le Monde in France or La Nación in Argentina.
  30. Beezley, William H. (September 2021). Latin America 2020-2022 (54th ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. p. 154. ISBN   978-1475856439. The country's newspaper of record is La Nación.
  31. "What We're Reading". The New York Times . 14 October 2011. Archived from the original on 18 February 2015. Retrieved 6 May 2014.
  32. "Die Presse - Die Geschichte". Archived from the original on 6 February 2014.
  33. Baber, Katherine (18 May 2022). ""American First Aid": Jerome Robbins and Leonard Bernstein at the Salzburg Festival, 1959" (PDF). Journal of Austrian-American History. 6 (1): 76. doi: 10.5325/jaustamerhist.6.1.0074 . ISSN   2475-0913 . Retrieved 25 October 2023.
  34. Markovits, Andrei S.; Reich, Simon (18 October 2018) [1997]. "Austria: Germany's Junior Partner". The German Predicament: Memory and Power in the New Europe. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. p. 102. doi:10.7591/9781501732898. ISBN   978-1-5017-3289-8. LCCN   96042943 . Retrieved 25 October 2023.
  35. Beezley, William H. (September 2021). Latin America 2020-2022 (54th ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. p. 433. ISBN   978-1475856439. The Nassau Guardian, founded in 1844, is the country's newspaper of record and one of the oldest continuously published newspapers in the Western Hemisphere.
  36. Roy, Anupam Debashis (January 2020). Not All Springs End Winter. Adarsha. p. 144. ASIN   B097ZL8NFW. Reports on the demands of the students that were published on the Daily Star, often considered Bangladesh's newspaper of record, ....
  37. Sklair, Leslie (November 2020). The Anthropocene in Global Media: Neutralizing the Risk. Routledge. p. 126. ISBN   978-1000263763. Bangladesh: The first and most articles (19) appear in The Daily Star, often considered the newspaper of record.
  38. Toussaint, Éric (July 2012). A Glance in the Rearview Mirror: Neoliberal Ideology from its Origins to its Present. Haymarket Books. ISBN   9781608462841. ... Bruno Colmant, head of the Brussels stock exchange and professor of economics, published an oped in Le Soir, the Frenchlanguage daily newspaper of record, stating that ...
  39. Art, David (May 2011). Inside the Radical Right: The Development of Anti-Immigrant Parties in Western Europe . Cambridge University Press. p. 112. ISBN   978-0521720328. For example, the Flemish newspaper of record, De Standaard, published an ...
  40. Field, Thomas C., Jr. (2014). "Preface". From Development to Dictatorship: Bolivia and the Alliance for Progress in the Kennedy Era. The United States in the World. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. doi:10.7591/cornell/9780801452604.001.0001. ISBN   978-0-8014-5260-4. LCCN   2013038571. p. xii: Bolivia's newspaper of record, El Diario{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  41. Robinson, Laura (July 2022). "Institutional trauma across the Americas: Covid-19 as slow crisis". International Journal of Cultural Studies. 25 (3–4). London: Sage Publishing: 462–478. doi: 10.1177/13678779211070019 . ISSN   1367-8779. OCLC   42449276. PMC   9127627 . PMID   37519845. p. 467: the leading national right-of-center newspaper of record, Estadão
  42. Fabricio, Roberto (16 April 1992). "Brazilian Officers Issue Manifesto". Sun-Sentinel. Archived from the original on 18 February 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2013. The statement, published on Tuesday by O Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil's newspaper of record, was datelined in Fortaleza, a mid-sized city in northeastern Brazil.
  43. Carter, Cynthia; Steiner, Linda; McLaughlin, Lisa (December 2013). The Routledge Companion to Media & Gender . Routledge. p. 435. ISBN   978-0415527699. The daily Folha de São Paulo is Brazil's newspaper of record
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  65. Buckman 2007 , p.  234: "The dean of Dominican newspapers is Listín Diario, founded in 1889 and still the most-read newspaper in the country, with a reported circulation of 88,000."
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  67. Pozo Vélez, Homero; Knapp, Gregory (2003). "Media and publishing in Ecuador". Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 9 February 2025. El Comercio ("Commerce"), published in Quito, is perhaps the country's most prestigious newspaper; it provides detailed, serious coverage of political, economic, environmental, and cultural news, together with commentary by a number of well-known columnists.
  68. Buckman 2007 , p.  222: "Some elite dailies are over a century old and have established global reputations for journalistic excellence. Some of the more venerable are La Prensa (1869) and La Nación (1870) of Buenos Aires, Argentina; O Estado de São Paulo (1875) of São Paulo, Brazil; Jornal do Brasil (1891) and O Globo (1925) of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Listín Diario (1889) of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; El Mercurio (1900) of Santiago, Chile; El Comercio (1839) of Lima, Peru; El Universal (1916) and Excélsior (1936) of Mexico City; El Tiempo (1911) of Bogotá, Colombia; El Universal (1909) and El Nacional (1943) of Caracas, Venezuela; El Telégrafo (1884) of Guayaquil and El Comercio (1921) of Quito, Ecuador; El Diario (1904) of La Paz, Bolivia; and La Prensa Libre (1889) and La Nación (1946) of San José, Costa Rica."
  69. Fleet, Kate; Boyar, Ebru (July 2018). Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period. Brill Publishers. p. 152. ISBN   978-9004367142. Their relations were destined to end abruptly shortly thereafter, but as long as they lasted the report on their marriage along with their photos were featured on the front page of al-Ahram, Egypt's newspaper of record.
  70. Perreault, Gregory (2011). "Islam is Everywhere": Coverage of Islam in the English Egyptian Press". Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly: 14. Retrieved 10 October 2013. This is significant because the state-run Al Ahram is considered the paper of record in Egypt
  71. Bein, Amit (December 2017). Kemalist Turkey and the Middle East: International Relations in the Interwar Period. Cambridge University Press. p. 173. ISBN   978-1107198005. ... with long excerpts of it published in columns on the front page of al-Ahram, Egypt's newspaper of record.
  72. Cook, Steven A. (2012). "A Tale of Two Egypts". The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780199795260.001.0001. ISBN   978-0-19-979526-0. LCCN   2011016635. p. 196: al Masry al Youm quickly became Egypt's newspaper of record
  73. Muir, Simo; Worther, Hana (2013). Finland's Holocaust: Silences of History. Springer. p. 20. ISBN   978-1137302649. [T]hey appeared in the monthly magazine of Finland's paper of record, the Helsingin Sanomat.
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  75. 1 2 3 Ballarini, Loïc (2020). "The Local Press as a Medium to Create Diversion". In Ballarini, Loïc (ed.). The Independence of the News Media: Francophone Research on Media, Economics and Politics. Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-34054-4. eISSN   2634-5986. ISBN   978-3-030-34054-4. ISSN   2634-5978. p. 133: The French newspapers of record that are reputed around the world for their supposed authority on France and French matters are national papers published in Paris: Le Monde (centre left) and Le Figaro (conservative right), as well as Libération (centre left), which has seen a significant decline in its readership numbers, and Mediapart (left, investigative journalism), which is the only pure play company considered to be a newspaper of record.
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  88. Clogg, Richard (February 2018). Greek to Me: A Memoir of Academic Life. I.B. Tauris. p. 75. ISBN   978-1784539887. She had been the courageous publisher of the conservative Kathimerini, the nearest thing that Greece had to a newspaper of record.
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  91. Rhodes, Leara (2001). "4. History: Development of Media in Haiti, 1700s–1956". Democracy and the Role of the Haitian Media. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. p. 69. ISBN   0-7734-7314-9 . Retrieved 4 February 2025. To balance the editorial voices, Le Nouvelliste was founded in 1898 by Chéraquit and Henri Chauvet as a newspaper of record and one which strove for objectivity.
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  149. Wheeler, Douglas L.; Opello, Walter C. Jr. (2010). Historical Dictionary of Portugal (3rd ed.). The Scarecrow Press. p. 189. ISBN   978-0810860889. The major Lisbon newspapers are Diário de Noticias (daily and newspaper of record) ....
  150. Eaman, Ross (2009). The A to Z of Journalism . The Scarecrow Press. p. 237. ISBN   978-0810871540. The most prestigious newspaper for print journalists is the Diario de noticias, Portugal's "newspaper of record", followed by the more popular Jornal de noticias and the staunchly independent Publico.
  151. Cavanagh, Allison; Steel, John (November 2019). Letters to the Editor: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 17. ISBN   978-3030264796. Our case study of a Portuguese newspaper of record, Público, ....
  152. Carter, Cynthia; Steiner, Linda; McLaughlin, Lisa (December 2013). The Routledge Companion to Media & Gender . Routledge. p. 435. ISBN   978-0415527699. The daily Público is Portugal's newspaper of record, with typical news and section divides.
  153. Fishman, Robert M. (April 2019). Democratic Practice: Origins of the Iberian Divide in Political Inclusion. Oxford University Press. p. 234. ISBN   978-0190912888. .... with Portuguese journalists included José Manuel Fernandes, at the time director of Portugal's newspaper of record, Publico, Lisbon.
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Works cited