A newspaper of record is a major national newspaper with large circulation whose editorial and news-gathering functions are considered authoritative and independent; they are thus "newspapers of record by reputation" and include some of the oldest and most widely respected newspapers in the world. The number and trend of "newspapers of record by reputation" is related to the state of press freedom and political freedom in a country. [1] [2]
It may also be a newspaper authorized to publish public or legal notices, thus serving as a newspaper of public record. A newspaper whose editorial content is directed by the state can be referred to as an official newspaper of record, but the lack of editorial independence means that it is not a "newspaper of record by reputation". Newspapers of record by reputation that focus on business can also be called newspapers of financial record. [1] [2]
A "newspaper of public record", or government gazette, refers to a publicly available newspaper that is authorized by a government to publish public or legal notices. [3] It is often established by statute or official action and publication of notices within it, whether by the government or a private party, is considered sufficient to comply with legal requirements for public notice. [4] Such gazettes may have minimal or no editorial content (opinion articles), and are focused on public notification of state services and state decisions; an example is Latvia's Latvijas Vēstnesis . [5]
In some jurisdictions, privately owned newspapers may register with the government to publish public and legal notices, or be otherwise eligible to publish such notices (terms used may include "newspaper of general circulation" among others). [6] [7] [8] Likewise, a private newspaper may be designated by the courts for publication of legal notices, such as notices of fictitious business names, if judicial and statutory standards are met. [9] [10] These are sometimes called "legally adjudicated newspapers". [11]
The term "newspapers of public record" can also denote those owned and operated by a government that directs their entire editorial content. Such newspapers, while pejoratively termed "state mouthpieces", can also be called "official newspapers of record", independently of whether they publish legal notices - distinguishing them from a gazette whose primary role is to publish notices, as their entire content represents the official view and doctrine of the state. This kind of official newspaper is distinct from newspapers of record by reputation, and is liable to fail the reputation criterion due to its governmental control. The word "official" can be used to distinguish them from "newspapers of record by reputation". Examples include Russia's Rossiyskaya Gazeta , [12] North Korea's Rodong Sinmun , [13] and China's People's Daily . [14]
The second type of "newspaper of record" (also "journal of record", or in French presse de référence) is not defined by formal criteria, and its characteristics vary. The category comprises newspapers that are considered to meet high standards of journalism, including editorial independence (particularly from the government and from its owners), accountability (mistakes are acknowledged), attention to detail and accuracy, and comprehensiveness and balance of coverage; [15] they are regarded internationally (as well as in their own country/region) by major global outlets. [16] [17]
Despite changes in society, newspapers of record by reputation have historically tended to maintain a similar tone, coverage, style, and traditions; many are over a century old and some over two centuries old (e.g., Neue Zürcher Zeitung , The Times , The Guardian , Le Figaro , and The Sydney Morning Herald ). [16] Newspapers of record by reputation can be respected for the accuracy and quality of their reporting and still be either ideologically conservative (e.g., The Wall Street Journal and The Telegraph ) or ideologically liberal (e.g., The Washington Post and The Guardian ). [18]
Although many countries are proud of their newspapers of record by reputation, in some countries they face an openly hostile state or political system that tries to suppress their press freedoms. Examples are Turkey's Cumhuriyet , where many of the staff have been imprisoned; [19] Panama's La Prensa , where staff have been shot and the owners forced into exile; [20] and Venezuela's El Nacional , [21] which was forced out of print when the state seized its assets (see examples of fallen newspapers of record). [22]
The term is believed to have originated among librarians who began referring to The New York Times as the "newspaper of record" when it became the first U.S. newspaper in 1913 to publish an index of the subjects it covered. [18] [23] In recognition of that usage, The New York Times held an essay contest in 1927 in which entrants had to demonstrate "The Value of The New York Times Index and Files as a Newspaper of Record". The New York Times, and other newspapers of its type sought to chronicle events, acting as a record of the day's announcements, schedules, directories, proceedings, transcripts, and appointments. By 2004, The New York Times no longer considered itself a newspaper of record in the original, literal sense. [24]
Over time, historians relied on The New York Times and similar titles as a reliable archival and historical record of significant past events, and a gauge of societal opinions at the time of printing. The term "newspaper of record" evolved from its original literal sense to that newer meaning. [23]
The derived term "financial (or business) newspaper of record" is attributed to The Wall Street Journal , [25] [26] the Financial Times , [27] and to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) . [28] While newspapers of record by reputation are typically major widely-read national (and international) publications, subject-specific newspapers of record also exist (see examples of subject-specific newspapers of record).
Country | Region | Topic | Newspaper | City of publication | Founded | Language | Refs. | |
![]() | North America | LGBT+ | ![]() | Washington Blade | Washington, D.C. | 1969 | English | [186] [187] [188] |
![]() | North Europe | LGBT+ | Gay Community News | Dublin | 1988 | English | [189] [190] [191] | |
![]() | North Europe | LGBT+ | Gay Times | London | 1984 | English | [192] |
Over time, some established newspapers of record by reputation have lost their status due to financial collapse, take-over or merger by another entity that did not have the same standards or allowed increased government control and suppression of the paper's editorial independence. The existence of newspapers of record by reputation is an aspect of the level of press freedom and political freedom in a country, with major first-world democracies having several such newspapers (e.g. United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Japan); in contrast, countries that have seen a decline in their newspapers of record by reputation can represent a decline in levels of personal and political freedom (e.g. Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Cambodia). [1]
Examples include:
... a line that appeared in Rodong Sinmun (Rodong Sinmun, 1999, 29) the official newspaper of record in North Korea.
Most significantly, the People's Daily, China's official newspaper of record, had a special signed editorial attacking Australia's government and media.
...because Cumhuriyet, the country's newspaper of record that is committed to secularism...
For the past 15 years, Mr. Eisenmann has led Panama's internationally respected daily newspaper of record, La Prensa, as founding editor and publisher.
...the newspaper of record in any country is compulsory reading for political, business, and cultural leaders and the most prestigious such papers in the region, organized into the Grupo de Diarios America, are La Nacion (Buenos Aires, Argentina), O Globo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), El Tiempo (Bogota, Colombia), El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), El Comercio (Ecuador), Reforma (Mexico), El Nuevo Dia Interactivo (Puerto Rico), El Comercio (Lima, Peru), El Pais (Montevideo, Uruguay), and El Nacional (Caracas, Venezuela)
The Wall Street Journal is the financial newspaper of record
...the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the business or financial newspaper of record, had three million;...
In spite of the readership crisis in the United States, The New York Times is a newspaper of record in many countries, as is Le Monde in France or La Nación in Argentina.
The country's newspaper of record is La Nación.
The Nassau Guardian, founded in 1844, is the country's newspaper of record and one of the oldest continuously published newspapers in the Western Hemisphere.
Reports on the demands of the students that were published on the Daily Star, often considered Bangladesh's newspaper of record, ....
Bangladesh: The first and most articles (19) appear in The Daily Star, often considered the newspaper of record.
... Bruno Colmant, head of the Brussels stock exchange and professor of economics, published an oped in Le Soir, the Frenchlanguage daily newspaper of record, stating that ...
For example, the Flemish newspaper of record, De Standaard, published an ...
Bolivia's newspaper of record, El Diario
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)the leading national right-of-center newspaper of record, Estadão
The statement, published on Tuesday by O Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil's newspaper of record, was datelined in Fortaleza, a mid-sized city in northeastern Brazil.
The daily Folha de São Paulo is Brazil's newspaper of record
[T]he Toronto-based Globe and Mail has had the kind of success in Canada that the New York Times had enjoyed in the U.S., as the leading 'newspaper of record' with a national readership.
This essay interrogates representations of Afghan women in the Globe and Mail, Canada's major English-language daily and newspaper of record.
Germany's FAZ [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] and Chile's El Mercurio are each nation's newspaper of record.
Luis Carlos Sarmiento, who has a $14bn fortune, according to Forbes, in 2012 bought El Tiempo, Colombia's largest-circulation daily and the newspaper of record.
On January 19th in Bogota, the city section of El Tiempo, Colombia's newspaper of record, ran a report which sent shivers through most urban readers.
Although still regarded as a conservative paper, La Nación has emerged as Costa Rica's most popular publication, and it is often mentioned as one of the best newspapers in Latin America. ... Unlike La Nación, which is a colorful yet serious newspaper of record ...
Quite simply, La Nación was and continues to be the newspaper of record for the country.
He noted, for example, that La Nación, the country's newspaper of record, was capable of 'removing and installing presidents' ...
Lidové noviny is traditionally held to be the Czech Republic's paper of record.
... generally regarded as Denmark's leading paper.
At the time, Camilla Plum, a Danish food writer and TV personality, was quoted in Denmark's newspaper of record, Berlingske, lambasting the manifesto's toothlessness.
Listín Diario resumed publication and quickly reclaimed its position as the newspaper of record in the republic.
El Comercio ("Commerce"), published in Quito, is perhaps the country's most prestigious newspaper; it provides detailed, serious coverage of political, economic, environmental, and cultural news, together with commentary by a number of well-known columnists.
Their relations were destined to end abruptly shortly thereafter, but as long as they lasted the report on their marriage along with their photos were featured on the front page of al-Ahram, Egypt's newspaper of record.
This is significant because the state-run Al Ahram is considered the paper of record in Egypt
... with long excerpts of it published in columns on the front page of al-Ahram, Egypt's newspaper of record.
al Masry al Youm quickly became Egypt's newspaper of record
[T]hey appeared in the monthly magazine of Finland's paper of record, the Helsingin Sanomat.
The French newspapers of record that are reputed around the world for their supposed authority on France and French matters are national papers published in Paris: Le Monde (centre left) and Le Figaro (conservative right), as well as Libération (centre left), which has seen a significant decline in its readership numbers, and Mediapart (left, investigative journalism), which is the only pure play company considered to be a newspaper of record.
Le Monde - respected national daily, considered to be France's newspaper of record
Die Welt, published in Berlin, is often considered the German newspaper of record.
She had been the courageous publisher of the conservative Kathimerini, the nearest thing that Greece had to a newspaper of record.
Alexis Papahelas, editor of Kathimerini, Greece's newspaper of record, has coined the term "coalition of the unwilling" to describe the array of ultra-leftist and ultra-traditionalist forces bent on blocking reform.
Prensa Libre, the traditional newspaper of record, represents business interests—increasingly, liberal business interests that might oppose the central government.
To balance the editorial voices, Le Nouvelliste was founded in 1898 by Chéraquit and Henri Chauvet as a newspaper of record and one which strove for objectivity.
Ernest Chauvet, the patriarch of Haiti's current paper of record, Le Nouvelliste, was considered to be Haiti's leading professional journalist because of his training at the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
The South China Morning Post remained staunchly pro—government and surpassed expectations by becoming the newspaper of record ...
The clippings are from the South China Morning Post, the paper of record in Hong Kong
The interview appeared in Morgunblaðið , Iceland's newspaper of record ...
.. Kompass, the Indonesian national newspaper of record.
They include the daily Kompas, the newspaper of record, with a circulation of more than half a million, and the weekly Tempo, which has built a solid reputation for investigative journalism.
In the years to come, of the three main pre-Revolution dailies, Ettela'at continued its traditional position as a 'newspaper of record'.
The Irish Times is often referred to as 'Ireland's newspaper of record'
Today, the Irish Times is one of Ireland's most authoritative journals – the newspaper of record for political and intellectual elites from Mayo to Monkstown.
Ha'aretz, the left-of-center daily of record, ...
In the past few months, Haaretz, Israel's paper of record, has run a series of articles expressing misgivings about outside influence.
Recent polling, alongside articles in both the New York Times and the Israeli paper of record, Ha'aretz, indicate that the American Jewish community no longer feels represented by our so-called representatives - if we ever did.
In late January, the declaration ran as an ad in Ha'aretz, the national paper of record...
Il Sole 24 Ore is widely regarded in Italy as the business paper of record
The Daily Gleaner, established in 1834, is one of the oldest continually published newspapers in the hemisphere and is still Jamaica's newspaper of record.
One frequent target is the Asahi Shimbun, which to many is the liberal newspaper of record in Japan.
Some months later, Japan's newspaper of record (the Asahi Shimbun) published a poem calling Hatoyama "the grim reaper" (shinigami).
..Asahi Shimbun, Japan's second largest newspaper and the 'newspaper of record' ..
The Yomiuri Shimbun is considered by many to be Japan's newspaper of record
Kenya's newspaper of record, the Daily Nation, published a banner headline "Never Again" over an editorial with a sharp, eloquent warning
Al-Nahar became the Lebanese paper of record in the 1950s
Straits Times (and New Straits Times): ... it has emerged as a newspaper of record
The NST at the time was the doyen of Malaysia's English-language media, a paper of record which attracted the best writers.
Excelsior, Mexico's paper of record
The New Zealand Herald was a paper with daily paid-for sales of over 250,000; it had an image of something of a 'paper-of-record'
... The Guardian – Nigeria's elite newspaper of record, usually compared within the country to The Times or to The New York Times ...
Security agencies' unbridled cancellation of opposition political party rallies prompted the Guardian, Nigeria's newspaper of record, to condemn the government's behavior in its editorial on December 5, 2006.
... The Guardian newspaper, a Nigerian prestige newspaper and a publication of record. The Guardian, like some other publications in Nigeria, still exercises considerable influence on policy-making, despite dwindling newspaper circulations, and, as a "favourite of the intellectuals", is one of the most influential national titles.
Aftenposten, Norway's newspaper of record and the newspaper with the widest circulation, is privately-owned and has broad coverage of news, culture, public policyand business.
Cyril Almeida, a senior journalist with Dawn, Pakistan's newspaper of record, who, furious at the news of my expulsion.
Dawn is the unofficial newspaper of record - indispensable for businessmen, diplomats and military officers alike - and known for its influential editorials that affect Pakistan's image worldwide.
In Pakistan, which has a longstanding, if strained, military alliance with the U.S., the country's newspaper of record, Dawn, ran an editorial under the headline "Trump on the Warpath."
After the 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama , and the ouster of General Manuel Noriega , La Prensa became the country's newspaper of record
ABC Color, the Paraguayan paper of record
the anti-Marcos weekly Mr. & Ms. [...] would become the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the present day paper of record
The Philippine Daily Inquirer, popularly known as the Inquirer, is an English-language newspaper in the Philippines. Founded in 1985, it is often regarded as the Philippines' newspaper of record.
The creation of what is arguably the national newspaper of record, Gazeta Wyborcza, stands as an example of ....
...Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, the main Polish newspaper of record...
The major Lisbon newspapers are Diário de Noticias (daily and newspaper of record) ....
The most prestigious newspaper for print journalists is the Diario de noticias, Portugal's "newspaper of record", followed by the more popular Jornal de noticias and the staunchly independent Publico.
Our case study of a Portuguese newspaper of record, Público, ....
The daily Público is Portugal's newspaper of record, with typical news and section divides.
.... with Portuguese journalists included José Manuel Fernandes, at the time director of Portugal's newspaper of record, Publico, Lisbon.
... La Semaine Africaine, the Catholic weekly published in Brazzaville since preindependence, and the country's paper of record, continued to appear regularly at all times.
La Semaine Africaine has long been regarded as Congo's vieille dame: its 'gray lady,' a reference to The New York Times. Founded as a church newsletter in the 1950s, La Semaine Africaine became Congo's newspaper of record during the democratic transition of the early 1990s. It now publishes twice weekly and, although its journalists self-censor, it remains independent.
Adevărul, the closest approximation to a paper of record in Romania, has been particularly strident on Hungarian issues and on other themes that strike deep into the national psyche.
Adevarul was the largest newspaper in Romania during Communism. ... Today Adevarul is considered a prestigious newspaper.
The first is Adevărul ('the Truth') one of Romania's most serious newspapers (equivalent to a UK 'broadsheet') with something of a reputation as a 'newspaper of record.'
... wrote a commentary in the Jan. 26 issue of Politika, the Serbian newspaper of record and the oldest daily in the Balkans.
In addition, the conservative quality daily newspaper Politika is consulted on various issues, as it is still considered the daily newspaper of record in Serbia.
the Straits Times [is] Singapore's state-run newspaper of record
The prominent "big three" publications — Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, and Joongang Ilbo — are newspapers of record with a combined three million subscribers.
Coverage in El Mundo, the second 'newspaper of record' in Spain (mainly in 2016) begins with two well-researched ...
For this chapter, we analyzed the environmental information published by the newspaper of record in Spain, El País.
A few days later, a Spanish newspaper of record, El País, published an interview ...
Dagens Nyheter, Sweden's paper of record.
In addition, we consulted all 302 newspaper articles in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (the newspaper of record in the German-speaking part of Switzerland), and Le Temps (the newspaper of record in the German-speaking part of Switzerland), that covered...
Bangkok Post is the English-language newspaper of record in Thailand...
The Bangkok Post was used because it is a newspaper of record in Thailand and the most widely read of the English-language dailies.
The newspaper of record's decision to uncritically broadcast a closed session with Russia's ambassador to Thailand yesterday has been met with anger and disbelief.
..that although the Guardian is the nation's [Trinidad and Tobago] newspaper of record...
The [Trinidad and Togabo] Guardian, founded in 1917, is the country's newspaper of record.
... long the newspaper of record in the United States and one of the world's great newspapers.
The New York Times is widely recognised as the country's newspaper of record.
about the struggles and celebrations that have been documented by the nation's LGBTQ+ paper of record—including the introduction of civil partnership
It is the "paper of record" for the community, it is a charity with a public service remit, and it receives public funding for its tiny office and handful of staff.
But a spokesman for the Liverpool Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Network said under no circumstances should publications like the Gay Times be removed. The spokesman said: "We think the Gay Times is a paper of record for this community and should be in every library in the city.