Joxe Azurmendi

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Joxe Azurmendi
Joxe Azurmendi.jpg
Joxe Azurmendi on the 50th anniversary of the magazine Jakin (2006)
Born (1941-03-19) 19 March 1941 (age 83)
Alma mater University of the Basque Country, University of Münster
Era Contemporary philosophy
Region Western philosophy
School Continental philosophy
Main interests
Modernity, Age of Enlightenment, Rationalism, Romanticism, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of language, ethics, nationalism, Basque literature
Notable ideas
The State as secular church, [1] morality as a political weapon [2]

Joxe Azurmendi Otaegi (born 19 March 1941) is a Basque writer, philosopher, essayist, and poet. He has published numerous articles and books on ethics, politics, the philosophy of language, technique, Basque literature and philosophy in general. [3]


He is member of Jakin and the director of Jakin irakurgaiak, a publishing house which has published over 40 books under his management. He also collaborated with the Klasikoak [4] publishing firm in the Basque translations of various philosophical works and was one of the founders of Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (The Basque Summer University). [5] He has been Professor of Modern Philosophy and a lecturer at Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (The University of the Basque Country). [6] In 2010 he was awarded the title "honorary academic" by Euskaltzaindia (The Basque Language Academy). [7]

Azurmendi is an intellectual who studies the problem more than the solution. Azurmendi's essays cover modern European topics in great depth and knowledge. He has incorporated the philosophy and thinking of European thinkers, especially German ones. He often adopts a polemic tone. [8]

Joxe Azurmendi is, in the opinion of many, one of the most prolific and erudite thinkers in the Basque Country. [9] [10]


Joxe Azurmendi studied philosophy and theology at The University of the Basque Country, Rome and Münster. [11]

At the beginning of the 1960s he joined the cultural movement which grew up around the magazine Jakin , and was in fact the director of the publication when it was prohibited for the first time by Franco's regime. He has collaborated closely and uninterruptedly with the magazine since its restoration. In that publication he has raised the problems of Basque society in the context of European thinkers. [12] [13] During the early 1970s he focused his attention on disseminating basic literature in the Basque language on subjects which were being hotly debated at the time in the Basque Country: nationhood, socialism, internationalism, [14] etc. In the 1980s he began teaching at The University of the Basque Country, and in 1984 he submitted his thesis on Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta, the founder of the Mondragon cooperative movement, in which he argued that Arizmendiarrieta's project aimed to unite individuals and society under an organisation which combined both socialism and French personalism. [15]

In 1992 he published what was to become his best-known work: Espainolak eta euskaldunak (The Spanish and the Basques). The work, published by Elkar, was written in response to a text by Sánchez-Albornoz which claimed that "The Basques are the last people to be civilised in Spain; they have a thousand years less civilisation than any other people ... They are rough, simple people who nevertheless consider themselves to be the children of God and the heirs to his glory. But they are really nothing more than un-Romanised Spaniards." [16] Azurmendi's essay refuted and dismantled the stereotypes maintained about the Basques by certain Spanish intellectuals. [17]

It was on the threshold of the new millennium, however, that Azurmendi's work reached its height. During the early years of the 21st century he published the trilogy formed by Espainiaren arimaz (About the soul of Spain) (2006, Elkar), Humboldt. Hizkuntza eta pentsamendua (Humboldt. Language and Thought) (2007, UEU) and Volksgeist. Herri gogoa (Volksgeist. National Character) (2008, Elkar). In this trilogy, Joxe Azurmendi reveals some of his most significant thinking.

In 2009 Azurmendi published his most personal work, Azken egunak Gandiagarekin (The last days with Gandiaga), where he reflected on different forms of rationality within philosophy of science, philosophy of religion and philosophical anthropology. The main thesis he defended is that scientific rationality has left us without the necessary language to deal with the meaning of life. [18]

Philosophical work

Video highlighting the philosophical contributions made by Azurmendi (English subtitles)

All of Azurmendi's philosophical work has been a defense of freedom of thought and conscience. The Human-Animal is one of the basic categories developed to carry out his work. This concept unifies his thought, which is not a closed system. [19] His work emerged and developed during a period marked by a crisis of culture, politics and values. [20] But it was a crisis that he understood not as something negative, but rather something that opened up a whole new range of possibilities. Consequently, all his thinking is centred around the defence of freedom in every field, but especially in relation to conscience and thinking.

Far from fleeing the crisis, then, his work tries to outline how we can live in this situation. To this end, he adopts a relativist perspective, and given that modernity has left us with no solid base, he fights against the last vestiges of the dogmatism towards which our society tends to lean when in crisis:

" The proclamation of relativism is provocative. ... I am not particularly interested in being an apostle of relativism. But as I come from a dogmatic culture [Franco's regime], I'm allergic to some things. Truth, Reason and absolute correction were Catholic in that culture. Now I hear that postmodern relativism is the cause of the moral misery and the loss of values. It is seen that there is a nostalgia of dogmatic culture, disguised with some democratic and enlightened discourse. That dogmatic culture has relativism as its enemy, for that reason I claim this convicted relativism. But it is not an absolute relativism." [21]

In this sense, for example, he is critical of the modern state, which he accuses of being the new church seeking to control our consciences. [1] He also criticises the exploitation of morality, or in other words, how politicians, instead of solving the problems facing them in their various areas or fields, flee instead to moral ground to hide their responsibilities under the cloak of supposedly absolute moral principles:

"In the mean time, what is the point of repeating the old tale as to what the state is becoming? Once the sour critical analysis of sometime ago (Herbert Marcuse: One-Dimensional Man ), the dark negative utopias (Aldous Huxley, George Orwell [22] ) and the protest cries (May 68) are forgotten, and with a near lack of the slightest sense of resistance in civil society, the cobweb of power spins peacefully over our heads, all over the place. Even the dressing room." [2]

He has also made an important contribution in questioning the canonical interpretations which have been constructed regarding different issues. Of particular interest, due to his erudition and training in Germany, is his interpretation of the German Enlightenment. In this context he deconstructs the apparent opposition between the French Enlightenment and German Romanticism and proposes a new way of thinking about the different aspects which stem from this opposition. [23] In this way, he defies certain Spanish and French intellectuals (Alain Finkielkraut [24] ) and argues that nationalism in fact arose in France (Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Ernest Renan) and was later reinterpreted by the German thinkers and romantics. By doing this, he questions the way in which authors such as Goethe, Schiller, Herder or Humboldt are viewed as the fathers of metaphysical nationalism. In this field, the opposition between civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism is deconstructed. [25] Thus, Azurmendi criticizes the essentialist basis of Spanish nationalism [26] and French nationalism [27] that operates under these nation states.

Some of the topics Azurmendi deeply develops in his essays first appeared in his poetry of youth. Azurmendi is within the Basque poetry of the 60s which shows the fight against the tradition, the old faith and the dogmatic certainties: [28] [29]

But we wish to be free
is that my fault?
They tried to give us a tree from Gernika,
a false blank check,
as if the desire to be free were a sin,
as if we needed an excuse for it,
but despite that, we, quite simply, wish to be free.
That is what we want, that is all.
This is the latest deception:
they have led us to believe
before from outside and now from within
that it is our responsibility to justify our wish to be free.

Manifestu atzeratua (Belated Manifesto) (1968) [30]

He also dedicates a large part of his work to recovering and reinterpreting Basque thinkers, breaking through and dismantling numerous stereotypes. Of particular interest is his research into Jon Mirande, Orixe, [31] Unamuno [32] [33] [34] and others. He is an author who has worked from within and for Basque culture. He claims to have been influenced by Basque authors [35] from the post-war period, for example, in questions of language. In this field, he has researched other authors also, including Heidegger, Wittgenstein, George Steiner and Humboldt. The fact that his vast oeuvre is all written in the Basque language is clearly consistent with his thinking.

Writing style

In his language Joxe Azurmendi combines an educated register with colloquial expressions, and his prose is fast, incisive, and ironic. Azurmendi's Basque is modern and standard and he demonstrates great knowledge of the language, and richness and variety of expression. [36]


In recent years, important steps have been taken to make Azurmendi's work known. [37] In the previous decade, for example, all of his work was digitized; several articles were written, many of them by his former students; courses on his thought were organized and several magazines published monographs.

Later, more systematic lines of research were initiated. For example, at the University of the Basque Country (EHU) three doctoral theses which take Azurmendi as a reference have already been presented and didactic proposals have also been made to incorporate into the curriculum of the teaching system. [38]

Lately, several Basque authors have opened a line of research to put Azurmendi's thought in dialogue with feminism. In this sense, the researcher Mikel Urdangarin has compared in his doctoral thesis the model of the subject developed by Azurmendi in his work and the model that has been developed by several feminist authors such as Simone de Beauvoir, Silvia Federici, Monique Wittig, Maria Mies, Judith Butler or Vandana Shiva. [39]

Awards and recognition


The Inguma [49] database of the Basque scientific community contains over 180 texts written by Azurmendi.



Articles in journals

See also

Related Research Articles

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  1. 1 2 Joxe Azurmendi: Barkamena, kondena, tortura, Donostia: Elkar, 2012, section: "Kondena, barkamendua, hoben kolektiboa".
  2. 1 2 Joxe Azurmendi: Demokratak eta biolentoak, Donostia: Elkar, 1997. p. 101.
  3. "Azurmendi, Joxe" Archived 23 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine . Harluxet Hiztegi Entziklopedikoa (Encyclopedia Online in Basque)(Retrieved 29 October 2013)
  4. Klasikoak Archived 14 June 2013 at the Wayback Machine , Collection of translations into the Basque language of the classics of universal thought (website of EHU)
  5. Andoni Olariaga: "Joxe Azurmendi. Askatasunaren pentsalaria" in Alaitz Aizpuru, Eukal Herriko pentsamenduaren gida, Bilbo: UEU, 2012. p. 147
  6. Joxe Azurmendi at The University of the Basque Country (EHU)
  7. 1 2 Joxe Azurmendi at The Basque Language Academy
  8. Altzibar, Xabier. "The Essay in Basque" in Mari Jose Olaziregi (ed.), Basque Literary History, Reno, Center for Basque Studies/University of Nevada, pp. 283–84
  9. Altzibar, Xabier. "The Essay in Basque" in Mari Jose Olaziregi (ed.), Basque Literary History, Reno: Center for Basque Studies/University of Nevada, 2012
  10. Iturriotz, Ander (2010). "Zergatik Azurmendi?", Hegats, 45: 9–15.
  11. Preface of Gandiaga in Joxe Azurmendi: Hitz berdeak, Oñati: EFA, 1971
  12. Sudupe, Pako: 50eko hamarkadako euskal literatura II, Donostia: Utriusque Vasconiae, 2011. p. 283.
  13. Many editorials, new journals, and even a summer university were established with the aim of creating strategic institutions to modernise Basque culture. Azurmendi, Haritz & Garmendia, Alba (2019): Basque ‘68 in Light of Cultural Nationalism and Critical Utopia, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 5 (1), p. 90
  14. Joxe Azurmendi: Arana Goiri-ren pentsamendu politikoa, Donostia: Hordago Lur, 1979. p. 1.
  15. Andoni Olariaga: "Joxe Azurmendi. Askatasunaren pentsalaria" in Alaitz Aizpuru, Euskal Herriko pentsamenduaren gida, Bilbo: UEU, 2012. p. 149
  16. Joxe Azurmendi: Espainolak eta euskaldunak, Donostia: Elkar, 1992. p. 17.
  17. Azurmendi, Haritz & Garmendia, Alba (2019): Basque ‘68 in Light of Cultural Nationalism and Critical Utopia, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 5 (1), pp. 88- 90.
  18. Arrieta, Agustin (2013): "Eranskina: Joxe Azurmendiren Azken egunak Gandiagarekin" in Arimak eta balioak, Donostia: Jakin. p. 100
  19. Urdangarin, Mikel (2024): Gizaberetxo komunitario burujabea: Joxe Azurmendi eta feminismoak subjektuaren inguruko elkarrizketan, Doctoral thesis, EHU. pp. 76-94.
  20. Azurmendi, Haritz & Garmendia, Alba (2019): Basque ‘68 in Light of Cultural Nationalism and Critical Utopia, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 5 (1), p. 79
  21. Joxe Azurmendi: "The Basques are Argonauts with very fragile ships", Interview in Hegats (45), p. 209.
  22. Azurmendi asserts how Nineteen Eighty-Four is the history of the rationality of Europe – how the absolute rational and scientific State-control identifies society and State, with no other place for the individual. The individual is a mere gear inside the State. The State knows the truth; the individual wanders in subjectivity. Azurmendi, Haritz & Garmendia, Alba (2019): Basque ‘68 in Light of Cultural Nationalism and Critical Utopia, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 5 (1), p. 83.
  23. Joxe Azurmendi: Volksgeist. Herri gogoa, Donostia: Elkar, 2008. p. 129.
  24. Joxe Azurmendi: Euskal Herria krisian, Donostia: Elkar, 1999. p.119
  25. Joxe Azurmendi: Historia, arraza, nazioa, Donostia: Elkar, 2014. p. 27.
  26. Joxe Azurmendi: Espainiaren arimaz, Donostia: Elkar, 2006
  27. Joxe Azurmendi: Historia, arraza, nazioa, Donostia: Elkar, 2014
  28. Estankona, I. 2010: "Artean gazte eta berde: Azurmendiren Hitz berdeak eta Manifestu atzeratua", Hegats, 45: 71–83
  29. Zulaika, J. 2020: Arbola beltzaren poema: Azurmendi, euskal mende hautsiaren lekuko, Jakin, 237: 15-28
  30. Joxe Azurmendi: "Manifestu atzeratua": Olerti 1968, 1968 III-IV Uhaina, p. 18-27.
  31. Orixe is revisited critically by Azurmendi, who praises his talent but condemns his anti-modern response to an endangered culture. Azurmendi, Haritz & Garmendia, Alba (2019): Basque ‘68 in Light of Cultural Nationalism and Critical Utopia, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 5 (1), p. 92
  32. Joxe Azurmendi: "Unamunoren atarian" in Euskal Herriko pentsamenduaren gida, Bilbo: UEU, 2012. p. 29.
  33. Joxe Azurmendi: Bakea Gudan. Unamuno, historia eta karlismoa, Tafalla: Txalaparta, 2012. Azurmendi delves into the thinking of Unamuno, under the pretext of the novel Paz en la guerra by Unamuno, which deals with the last Carlist War and especially with the site of Bilbo. It therefore turned out in an interpretive essay on the conflict Carlism vs. liberalism, or in other words, in an interpretive essay on Basque Country and Modernity. According to Azurmendi Unamuno analyzed and rejected the Basque problem from a 19th-century point of view
  34. Interview on Unamuno: «Unamuno ez da inoiz liberala izan; antiliberala zen azken fasean ere», Berria, 31 May 2012 (Retrieved 29 October 2013)
  35. Joxe Azurmendi: "Kierkegaard-en 'egunkari ezkutua'", in J.L. Ormaetxea, Txillardegi lagun giroan, Bilbo: UEU, 2000
  36. Altzibar, Xabier 2012. "The Essay in Basque", in Mari Jose Olaziregi, Basque Literary History, Reno: Center for Basque Studies/University of Nevada. p. 284
  37. Urdangarin, Mikel 2024: Gizaberetxo komunitario burujabea: Joxe Azurmendi eta feminismoak subjektuaren inguruko elkarrizketan, Doctoral thesis, EHU. pp. 50-52
  38. Azurmendi, Haritz 2024: “Sarbide bat Joxe Azurmendiren pentsamendura Bigarren Hezkuntzari begira” in Haritz Azurmendi, Alba Garmendia and Jon Mentxakatorre (eds.): Euskal pentsamenduaren garabideak, Bilbo, UEU. pp. 43-66.
  39. Urdangarin, Mikel 2024: Gizaberetxo komunitario burujabea: Joxe Azurmendi eta feminismoak subjektuaren inguruko elkarrizketan, Doctoral thesis, EHU
  40. "Anaitasuna, 328" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2020. Retrieved 25 March 2014.
  41. "website of UEU". Archived from the original on 26 March 2014.
  42. "Premios Euskadi de Literatura 2010".
  43. "Premio Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa de Humanidades, Cultura, Artes y Ciencias Sociales".
  44. report Archived 13 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine of Amaia Ereñaga, Gara, 9 November 2012 (Retrieved 29 October 2013)
  45. "website of Basque Language Publishers Association". Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 8 December 2014.
  46. "website of The Council of Gipuzkoa". Archived from the original on 19 December 2014.
  47. The jury noted that the work allows us to rethink Europe. Website of Basque Government Archived 23 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  48. Jakin. 237 (2020) ISSN O211/495X
  49. "Joxe Azurmendi". Archived from the original on 31 October 2013. Retrieved 15 January 2013.
  50. "Memoria -".
  51. Anaitasuna on the website of Euskaltzaindia.
  52. "RIEV 48". Archived from the original on 2 November 2013.


  • Aizpuru, Alaitz (coord.) (2012): Euskal Herriko pentsamenduaren gida, Bilbo: UEU ISBN   978-84-8438-435-9.
  • Aizpuru, Alaitz (2013): Suak erreko ez balu (I), hAUSnART, 3:102–121.
  • Altzibar, Xabier (2011): "XX. mendeko euskal literatura: saiakera" in Mari Jose Olaziregi, Euskal literaturaren historia, Donostia: EIZEI ISBN   978-84-615-0546-3. English edition: Olaziregi, Mari Jose (2012). Basque Literary History, Reno: Center for Basque Studies/University of Nevada. ISBN   978-1-935709-19-0 (pbk.).
  • Arrieta, Agustin (2013): "Eranskina: Joxe Azurmendiren Azken egunak Gandiagarekin" in Arimak eta balioak, Donostia: Jakin. ISBN   978-84-95234-48-3.
  • Azurmendi, Haritz (2019): Joxe Azurmendiren nazioa Nazionalismo Ikerketen argitan. Abertzaletasun kulturalaren defentsa Euskal Herri garaikidean, Doctoral thesis, EHU.
  • Azurmendi, Haritz & Garmendia, Alba (2019): Basque ‘68 in Light of Cultural Nationalism and Critical Utopia, Studies in Arts and Humanities, 5 (1): pp. 77-97. ISSN 2009-8278
  • Azurmendi, Haritz; Garmendia, Alba and Mentxakatorre, Jon (eds.) (2024): Euskal pentsamenduaren garabideak, Bilbo, UEU. ISBN   978-84-8438-906-4
  • del Olmo, Karlos (2013): "Joxe Azurmendi: Espainolak eta euskaldunak (1992)" in Egungo euskal saiakeraren historia, Bilbo: EHU. ISBN   978-84-9860-829-8.
  • Eizagirre, Xabier & Zabaleta, Iñaki (2021): Pentsamendu bat gure munduari. Joxe Azurmendi Kongresua, Andoain, Jakin. ISBN   978-84-949759-2-9
  • Olariaga, Andoni (2017): Erlatibismoa eta egia-ostea, Doctoral thesis, EHU.
  • Olariaga, Andoni (2019): Erlatibismoaren egiak, Bilbo, UEU. ISBN   978-84-8438-691-9.
  • Hegats. Literatur aldizkaria (45). ISSN 1130-2445.
  • Jakin. 237 (2020) ISSN O211/495X. (Monographic issue on Joxe Azurmendi Congress)
  • Sudupe, Pako (2011): 50eko Hamarkadako Euskal Literatura II, Donostia: Utriusque Vasconiae ISBN   978-84-938329-5-7.
  • Urdangarin, Mikel (2024): Gizaberetxo komunitario burujabea: Joxe Azurmendi eta feminismoak subjektuaren inguruko elkarrizketan, Doctoral thesis, EHU.
  • Urla, Jacqueline (2012): Reclaiming Basque: Language, Nation and Cultural Activism, Reno, University of Nevada Press. ISBN   978-0-87417-875-3