List of Indonesian agricultural universities and colleges

Last updated

Agricultural training institute, Bogor, 1920-30 COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Landbouwopleiding Pantjasan in Buitenzorg met de vulkaan Salak op de achtergrond TMnr 60016672.jpg
Agricultural training institute, Bogor, 1920-30

This article lists agricultural universities, academies / polytechniques and colleges in Indonesia, by region.


Bali and Nusa Tenggara


East Nusa Tenggara

West Nusa Tenggara



Central Java

East Java


West Java



Central Kalimantan

East Kalimantan

South Kalimantan

West Kalimantan



North Maluku



West Papua


Sulawesi, 1977 Celebes1977-64 hg.jpg
Sulawesi, 1977

Central Sulawesi


North Sulawesi

South East Sulawesi

South Sulawesi

West Sulawesi






North Sumatra


South Sumatra

West Sumatra

See also

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State University of Gorontalo (UNG) is a state university in Gorontalo, Indonesia, that was established on 1 September 1963. At first the university was a junior college and part of Guidance and Counseling UNSULUTENG. In 1964 its status changed to Guidance and Counseling Branch IKIP Yogyakarta at Manado. In 1965 it joined the Teachers Training College branch in Manado Gorontalo.

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