List of NATO country codes

Last updated

This is a list of heritage NATO country codes. Up to and including the seventh edition of STANAG 1059, these were two-letter codes (digrams). The eighth edition, promulgated 19 February 2004, and effective 1 April 2004, replaced all codes with new ones based on the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. Additional codes cover gaps in the ISO coverage, deal with imaginary countries used for exercise purposes, and designate large geographical groupings and water bodies (ranging from oceans to rivers). It consists of two-letter codes for geographical entities, four-letter codes for subdivisions, and lists the ISO three-letter codes for reference. The digrams match the FIPS 10-4 codes with a few exceptions.


The ninth edition's ratification draft was published on 6 July 2005, with a reply deadline of 6 October 2005. It replaces all two- and four-letter codes with ISO or ISO-like three- and six-letter codes. It is intended as a transitional standard: once all NATO nations have updated their information systems, a tenth edition will be published.

For diplomatic reasons, the country that is now known as North Macedonia was designated as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for a number of years and received a temporary code, FY/FYR, explicitly different from the ISO one, which was 3166 MKD. Since its name change following the 2018 Prespa agreement with Greece, the country is identified with the MK digram and the MKD trigram, [1] but on car license plates, they must be changed to NM or NMK. [2]

The Republic of Palau is also often indicated (at least in the United States) as PW.

Digram Trigram EntityComment
ABABB Asia 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
ACATG Antigua and Barbuda
AFAFG Afghanistan
AGDZA Algeria
AJAZE Azerbaijan
SSSSD South Sudan [3]
ALALB Albania
AMARM Armenia
ANAND Andorra
AOAGO Angola
ARARG Argentina
ASAUS Australia
ATACI Ashmore and Cartier Islands Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1
AUAUT Austria
AVAIA Anguilla
AYATA Antarctica
BABHR Bahrain
BBBRB Barbados
BCBWA Botswana
BMBMU Bermuda
BEBEL Belgium
BFBHS The Bahamas
BDBGD Bangladesh
BHBLZ Belize
BKBIH Bosnia-Herzegovina
BLBOL Bolivia
MMMMR Myanmar
BOBLR Belarus
BPSLB Solomon Islands
BRBRA Brazil
BTBTN Bhutan
BGBGR Bulgaria
BVBVT Bouvet Island
BXBRN Brunei
BYBDI Burundi
CACAN Canada
CBKHM Cambodia
CELKA Sri Lanka
CFCOG Republic of the Congo
CDCOD Democratic Republic of the Congo
CHCHNPeople's Republic of China
CJCYM Cayman Islands
CKCCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CMCMR Cameroon
CNCOM Comoros
COCOL Colombia
CQMNP Northern Mariana Islands Also listed under the subdivision code US-MP-
CRCSI Coral Sea Islands Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1
CSCRI Costa Rica
CTCAF Central African Republic
CVCPV Cape Verde
CWCOK Cook Islands
CYCYP Cyprus
CZCZE Czech Republic
DADNK Denmark
DJDJI Djibouti
DODMA Dominica
DRDOM Dominican Republic
ECECU Ecuador
EEEEE Europe 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
EIIRL Ireland
EKGNQ Equatorial Guinea
ENEST Estonia
ERERI Eritrea
ETETH Ethiopia
FFFFF Africa 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
FGGUF French Guiana 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-973
FIFIN Finland
FKFLK Falkland Islands
FMFSM Federated States of Micronesia
FOFRO Faroe Islands
FPPYF French Polynesia 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-PYF
FRFRA France
FSATF French Southern Territories 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-FST
GMGMB The Gambia 8th ed. STANAG 1049 revised from GA (now: Gabon)
GAGAB Gabon 8th ed. STANAG 1049 revised from GB (now: United Kingdom)
GCn/a East Germany Obsolete 1990
DEDEU Germany
GGGEO Georgia
GIGIB Gibraltar
GJGRD Grenada
GLGRL Greenland
GPGLP Guadeloupe 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-971
GQGUM Guam Also listed under the subdivision code US-GU-
GRGRC Greece
GTGTM Guatemala
GVGIN Guinea
GYGUY Guyana
HKHKG Hong Kong Also listed under the provincial code CN-91-
HMHMD Heard and McDonalds Islands
HOHND Honduras
HQHQI Howland Island Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under IQ, not in ISO 3166-1
HRHRV Croatia
HUHUN Hungary
ICISL Iceland
IDIDN Indonesia
IOIOT British Indian Ocean Territory
IQUMI U.S. Minor Outlying Islands Baker, Howland, Jarvis, Johnston, Kingman Reef,
Midway, Navassa, Palmyra, and Wake Islands
Also listed under the subdivision code US-UM-
ISISR Israel
IVCIV Côte d'Ivoire
JMJAM Jamaica
JNJNM Jan Mayen Island Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under SV/SJM;
Also listed under the subdivision code NO-22-
JOJOR Jordan
JQJQA Johnston Atoll Appears with 9th ed.; also listed under IQ, not in ISO 3166-1
KGKGZ Kyrgyzstan
KNPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
KRKIR Kiribati
KSKOR Republic of Korea
KTCXR Christmas Island
KUKWT Kuwait
KZKAZ Kazakhstan
LELBN Lebanon
LGLVA Latvia
LHLTU Lithuania
LILBR Liberia
LOSVK Slovakia
LSLIE Liechtenstein
LTLSO Lesotho
LULUX Luxembourg
MAMDG Madagascar
MBMTQ Martinique 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-972
MDMDA Republic of Moldova
MEMNE Montenegro Since 8th ed.
MGMNG Mongolia
MHMSR Montserrat
MIMWI Malawi
MKMKD North Macedonia While the country had the provisional name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the digram was FY and the trigram, FYR.
MLMLI Mali MLI in ISO 3166-1
MNMCO Monaco
MOMAR Morocco
MPMUS Mauritius
MRMRT Mauritania
MVMDVThe Maldives
MXMEX Mexico
MYMYS Malaysia
MZMOZ Mozambique
NAANT Netherlands Antilles removed from ISO 3166-1
NCNCL New Caledonia 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-NCL
NFNFK Norfolk Island
NHVUT Vanuatu
NGNGA Nigeria
NLNLD Netherlands
NNNNN North America 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
NONOR Norway
NSSUR Suriname
NTNTTNATO countries9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
NUNIC Nicaragua
NZNZL New Zealand
PAPRY Paraguay
PNPCN Pitcairn Islands
PFPFI Paracel Islands Appears with 9th ed.; the entity is omitted from 8th ed., not in ISO 3166-1
PKPAK Pakistan
PLPOL Poland
PMPAN Panama
PTPRT Portugal
PPPNG Papua New Guinea
PSPLW Palau In 9th ed., the digram is also assigned to Palestine
PSPSE Palestinian Territory Temporary code; 8th ed. has no digram for Palestine
9th ed. also assigns PS to Palau
PUGNB Guinea-Bissau
REREU Réunion 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-974
RMMHL Marshall Islands 8th ed. omits the trigram (mistakenly?)
ROROU Romania
RPPHL Philippines
RQPRI Puerto Rico Also listed under the subdivision code US-PR-
RSSRB Serbia 8th ed.
RURUS Russia Original code RS is not to be used 8th ed. Now assigned to Serbia.
RWRWA Rwanda
SASAU Saudi Arabia
SBSPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-975
and assigns SB to "Serbia and Montenegro"
SCKNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
SESYC Seychelles
SFZAF South Africa
SGSEN Senegal
SHSHN Saint Helena
SISVN Slovenia
SJSJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Also listed under the subdivision code NO-21-
SLSLE Sierra Leone
SMSMR San Marino
SNSGP Singapore
SOSOM Somalia
SRSRR South America 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
SSASM American Samoa Also listed under the subdivision code US-AS-
SSWSM Samoa Some sources (other than the STANAGs
themselves) claim the digram was WS
STLCA Saint Lucia
SVSLV El Salvador
SWSWE Sweden
SXSGS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
SZCHE Switzerland
TCARE United Arab Emirates
TDTTO Trinidad and Tobago
THTHA Thailand
TITJK Tajikistan
TKTCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TKTKL Tokelau
TLTLS Timor-Leste
TPSTP São Tomé and Príncipe
TSTUN Tunisia
TUTUR Turkey
TVTUV Tuvalu
TWTWN Republic of China (Taiwan) Also listed under the provincial code CN-71-
TXTKM Turkmenistan
TZTZA Tanzania
UGUGA Uganda
GBGBR United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)8th ed. STANAG 1059 removed UK
UAUKR Ukraine
URn/a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Obsolete 1992
USUSA United States
UUUUU Oceania 9th ed. adds the trigram, not in ISO 3166-1
UVBFA Burkina Faso
UYURY Uruguay
UZUZB Uzbekistan
VCVCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEVEN Venezuela
VIVIR U.S. Virgin Islands 8th ed. lists "VI or VS";
Also listed under the subdivision code US-VI-
VNVNM Vietnam
VSVGB British Virgin Islands 8th ed. lists "VI or VS"
VTVAT Vatican City (Holy See)
WANAM Namibia
WFWLF Wallis and Futuna Islands 9th ed. lists it under France as FR-WLF
WIESH Western Sahara
WZSWZ Swaziland
XBXXB"Brownland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XEXXE SHAPE (ACO Command)9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XGXXG"Greyland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XIXXI"Indigoland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XLXXL"Limeland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XMXXMNATO [4] private use in ISO 3166-1
XNXXNNATO "Blue" Command9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XPXXP"Purpleland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XRXXR"Redland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XSXXS SACLANT (HQ SACT Command)9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XWXXW"Whiteland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
XYXXY"Yellowland"9th ed. adds the trigram, private use in ISO 3166-1
YOn/a Yugoslavia Obsolete 1993
YT- Mayotte Former NATO code ME is not to be used since 8th ed.;
8th ed. omits the trigram (mistakenly?);
9th ed. lists it under France as FR-976
SCG Serbia and Montenegro 9th ed. lists SB for the digram, which
8th ed. assigns to Saint Pierre and Miquelon, removed from ISO 3166-1
YUYUG Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of)
ZAZMB Zambia
ZIZWE Zimbabwe
Water Bodies (9th edition)
1A-1A North Atlantic Ocean
1B-1B Bay of Biscay
1C-1C Bristol Channel
1D-1D Denmark Strait
1E-1E English Channel
1F-1F Bay of Fundy
1G-1G Gulf of Guinea
1H-1H Hudson Bay
1I-1I Lake Volta
1J-1J Panama Canal
1K-1KInner Seas Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland, a.k.a. Inner Scottish Sea, [5] including the Minch,
the Sea of the Hebrides, and stretching to Ireland
1L-1L Labrador Sea
1M-1M Gulf of Mexico
1N-1N North Sea
1O-1O Niger River
1P-1P Baffin Bay
1Q-1Q St. George's Channel
1R-1R Irish Sea
1S-1S Skagerrak
1T-1T Gulf of St. Lawrence
1U-1U Hudson Strait
1V-1V Davis Strait
1W-1W Magdalena River
1X-1X Caribbean Sea
1Y-1Y Gulf of Cadiz
1Z-1Z Cantabrian Sea
2A-2A South Atlantic Ocean
2B-2B Amazon River
2C-2C Congo River
2D-2D Drake Passage
2E-2EGulf of Campecha Gulf of Campeche (typo)
2F-2F Gulf of Fonseca
2G-2GLake Granada Lake Nicaragua
2H-2H Gulf of Honduras
2I-2I Río de la Plata Bay
2J-2JGulf of San Gorge Golfo San Jorge (typo)
2K-2K Sargasso Sea
2L-2L Magellan Strait
2M-2M Gulf of San Matias San Matias Gulf
2P-2PPutymayo River Putumayo River (typo)
2Q-2Q Orinoco River
2R-2R Río de la Plata
2S-2S Scotia Sea
2W-2W Weddell Sea
2X-2X La Pérouse Strait
2Y-2YSalomon Sea Solomon Sea (typo)
2Z-2Z Yucátan Sea
31-31 Tonle Sap
32-32 Song Hua Giang Bassac (Hua Giang) River
33-33 Chhâk Kâmpóng Saôm Kompong Som Bay, Cambodia
34-34 Chhâk Veal Renh Veal Renh Bay, Cambodia
35-35 Chhâk Kaôh Kŏng Kaôh Kŏng Bay, Cambodia
36-36 Huang Pu (Yellow River)
37-37 Yangtze River
38-38 Hang Chou Wan Kwang-Chou-Wan
39-39 Sunda Strait
3A-3A North Pacific
3B-3B Sakhalinskiy Zaliv Sakhalin Gulf/Bay/Bight
3C-3C Celebes Sea
3D-3D Tatar Strait
3E-3E East China Sea
3F-3F Formosa Strait
3G-3G Gulf of Tonkin
3H-3H Halmahera Sea
3I-3I Luzon Strait
3J-3J Sea of Japan
3K-3K Zaliv Shelikhova Shelikhova Gulf
3L-3L Gulf of California
3M-3M Molucca Sea
3N-3N Inland Sea
3O-3O Amur River
3P-3P Philippine Sea
3Q-3Q Sea of Okhotsk
3R-3R Korea Bay
3S-3S Sulu Sea
3T-3T Gulf of Thailand
3U-3U South China Sea
3V-3V Teluk Tomini Gulf of Tomini
3W-3W Mekong River
3X-3X Bo Hai
3Y-3Y Yellow Sea
3Z-3Z Singapore Strait
4A-4A South Pacific Ocean
4B-4B Banda Sea
4C-4C Coral Sea
4D-4D Amundsen Sea
4E-4E Teluk Bone Gulf of Bone/Boni
4F-4F Flores Sea
4G-4G Bellingshausen Sea
4I-4I Lake Titicaca
4J-4J Java Sea
4K-4K Bismarck Sea
4L-4L Bali Sea
4M-4M Makassar Strait
4N-4N Napo River
4O-4O Pacific Ocean
4P-4P Gulf of Carpentaria
4Q-4Q Ceram Sea
4R-4R Ross Sea
4S-4S Solomon Sea
4T-4T Tasman Sea
4U-4U Arafura Sea
4Z-4Z Antarctic Ocean
5A-5A Arctic Ocean
5B-5B Barents Sea
5C-5C Chukshi Sea Chukchi Sea
5D-5D Bering Sea
5E-5E Alaska/BC Coastal Waters
5F-5F Gulf of Alaska
5G-5G Greenland Sea
5K-5K Kara Sea
5L-5L Lincoln Sea
5N-5N Norwegian Sea
5P-5P Laptev Sea
5R-5R Bering Strait
5S-5S East Siberian Sea
5T-5T Northwest Passage
5U-5U Beaufort Sea
5W-5W White Sea
5Y-5Y Anadyrskiy Zaliv Anadyrskiy Gulf
62-62 Strait of Hormuz
6A-6A Indian Ocean
6B-6B Bay of Bengal
6C-6C Strait of Malacca
6D-6D Gulf of Aden
6E-6E Red Sea
6F-6F Bass Strait
6G-6G Great Australian Bight
6H-6H Gulf of Mannar
6I-6I Lake Malawi
6J-6J Ussuri River
6K-6K Zambezi River
6L-6L Laccadive Sea
6M-6M Gulf of Oman
6N-6N Andaman Sea
6O-6O Limpopo River
6P-6P Persian Gulf
6Q-6Q Gulf of Aqaba
6R-6R Arabian Sea
6S-6S Savu Sea
6T-6T Timor Sea
6U-6U Suez Canal
6V-6V Lake Victoria
6W-6W Gulf of Suez
6X-6X Lake Nyasa
6Y-6Y Lake Tanganyika
6Z-6Z Mozambique Channel
7B-7B Baltic Sea
7E-7E German Bight
7F-7F Gulf of Finland
7G-7G Gdansk Bay
7H-7H Gulf of Riga
7K-7K Kattegat
7L-7L Leba River
7M-7M Baltic Approaches
7P-7P Pomeranian Bay
7T-7T Gulf of Bothnia
81-81 Gulf of Sirte
82-82 Naama Bay Sharm el-Sheikh's Naama Bay??
83-83 Gulf of Hammamet
84-84 Gulf of Sollum Khalîg el Salûm
89-89 Mediterranean Sea
8A-8A Danube River
8B-8B Black Sea
8C-8C Caspian Sea
8D-8D Adriatic Sea
8E-8E Mediterranean, Eastern
8F-8F Durrës Bay Bay of Durrës, Albania
8G-8GAgean Sea Aegean Sea (typo)
8H-8H Mediterranean, Central
8I-8I Lake Tiberias
8J-8J Balearic Sea
8K-8K Kotor Bay
8L-8L Ligurian Sea
8M-8M Sea of Marmara
8N-8N Ionian Sea
8O-8O Lake Ohrid
8P-8P Istanbul Strait Bosphorus
8Q-8Q Lake Scutari
8R-8R Aral Sea
8S-8S Strait of Gibraltar
8T-8T Tyrrhenian Sea
8U-8U Çanakkale Strait Dardanelles
8V-8V Vlorë Bay Bay of Vlorë, Albania
8W-8W Mediterranean, Western
8X-8X Gulf of Lion
8Y-8Y Alboran Sea
8Z-8Z Sea of Azov
9A-9A Atlantic Ocean
9E-9E Lake Erie
9H-9H Lake Huron
9L-9L St. Lawrence Seaway
9M-9M Lake Michigan
9N-9N Lake Ontario
9S-9S Lake Superior
9W-9W Lake Winnipeg
9Z-9Z Great Lakes
IW-IW International Waters


See also

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০88A country code is a short alphanumeric identification code for countries and dependent areas. Its primary use is in data processing and communications. Several identification systems have been developed.

ISO 3166 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, special areas of geographical interest, and their principal subdivisions. The official name of the standard is Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions.

ISO 3166-1 is a standard defining codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. It is the first part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes are three-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. They allow a better visual association between the codes and the country names than the two-letter alpha-2 codes. They were first included as part of the ISO 3166 standard in its first edition in 1974.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">ISO 3166-1 alpha-2</span> Two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes are two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. They are the most widely used of the country codes published by ISO, and are used most prominently for the Internet's country code top-level domains. They are also used as country identifiers extending the postal code when appropriate within the international postal system for paper mail, and have replaced the previous one consisting one-letter codes. They were first included as part of the ISO 3166 standard in its first edition in 1974.

ISO 3166-2:CV is the entry for Cabo Verde in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

ISO 3166-2:IT is the entry for Italy in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

The FIPS 10-4 standard, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, was a list of two-letter country codes that were used by the U.S. Government for geographical data processing in many publications, such as the CIA World Factbook. The standard was also known as DAFIF 0413 ed 7 Amdt. No. 3 and as DIA 65-18.

ISO 3166-1 numeric codes are three-digit country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. They are similar to the three-digit country codes developed and maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division, from which they originate in its UN M.49 standard. They were first included as part of the ISO 3166 standard in its second edition in 1981, but they were released by the United Nations Statistics Division since as early as 1970.

ISO 3166-2:UG is the entry for Uganda in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">ISO 3166-2:KI</span> Entry for Kiribati in ISO 3166-2

ISO 3166-2:KI is the entry for Kiribati in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

ISO 3166-2:MK is the entry for North Macedonia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

ISO 3166-2:SH is the entry for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.

ISO 3166-2:BA is the entry for Bosnia and Herzegovina in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1.


  1. "European Commission > North Macedonia". European Commission. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  2. ""North Macedonia" Vote Not All About Country Name". Polgeonow. Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  3. "ISO country code for South Sudan". ISO. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  4. NATO Standardization Agency (NSA), Report of the Technical Panel to the Asset Tracking Interservice Working Group (ASTWG), 12 July 2007
  5. "Limits of Oceans and Seas, 3rd edition" (PDF). International Hydrographic Organization. 1953. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 October 2011. Retrieved 29 December 2020.