(Bayerische Flugzeugwerke AG)
(Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
(Rene Durenleau, Rantoul, IL)
((William Burgess) Bidwell-(Shirley) Yale Aviation Co, Gardiner Airport, Portland, OR)
(Bird Aircraft Co. / (Joe & Harry) Brunner-(William E) Winkle Aircraft Corp, 17 Haverkamp St, Glendale, NY)
((W W) Bird Aircraft Co, 1905 Atlantic, San Diego, CA)
(Bird Corporation, Palm Springs, CA)
(Bird Wing Commercial Aircraft Co.)
(Raymond Bittner, Chicago, IL)
(deForest Blackburn, St Louis, MO)
(Diamond Airplane Co, Black Diamond, CA)
(Blackshape srl, Monopoli, Italy)
(Société des Avions Blanchard)
(Bley Flugzeugbau GmbH, Naumberg)
(И. А. Блиндерман & В. В. Майоров)
(John W. Bock, Los Lunas, NM)
- Boeing Model B-1
- Boeing Model B-1D
- Boeing Model B-1E
- Boeing 1 B & W Seaplane
- Boeing 2 C-4
- Boeing 3 C-5/C-6/C-11
- Boeing 4 EA
- Boeing 5 Model C
- Boeing 6 B-1
- Boeing 6D/E
- Boeing 7 BB-1
- Boeing 8 BB-L6
- Boeing 9 (Schedule 5336) Navy Boeing giant boat
- Boeing 10 GA-1/GA-2
- Boeing 10A BA-6
- Boeing 11 BA-11
- Boeing 12 BA-12
- Boeing 13 BA-5
- Boeing 14 BA-SP
- Boeing 15 PW-9/FB-1
- Boeing 16 O2B-1/DH-4M-1
- Boeing 17 T-3
- Boeing 18 NBS
- Boeing 19 BSP-1
- Boeing 20 coastal plane (Alaskan survey)
- Boeing 21 NB
- Boeing 22
- Boeing 23
- Boeing 24
- Boeing 25
- Boeing 26
- Boeing 27
- Boeing 28
- Boeing 29
- Boeing 30
- Boeing 31
- Boeing 32
- Boeing 33
- Boeing 34
- Boeing 35
- Boeing 36
- Boeing 37
- Boeing 38
- Boeing 39
- Boeing 40
- Boeing 41
- Boeing 42 XCO-7
- Boeing 43
- Boeing 44
- Boeing 45
- Boeing 46
- Boeing 47
- Boeing 48
- Boeing 49
- Boeing 50 XPB
- Boeing 51 OB-1
- Boeing 52
- Boeing 53 FB-2
- Boeing 54 FB-4/FB-6
- Boeing 55 FB-3
- Boeing 56 [28]
- Boeing 57 PW-9
- Boeing 58 XP-4
- Boeing 59
- Boeing 60
- Boeing 61 PW-9 with air-cooled engine
- Boeing 62
- Boeing 63 TB
- Boeing 64
- Boeing 65
- Boeing 66 XP-8
- Boeing 67 FB-5
- Boeing 67A FB-7
- Boeing 68 AT-3
- Boeing 69 F2B-1
- Boeing 69A F2B-1
- Boeing 70 tandem engine, 10 passenger flying boat
- Boeing 71 twin-engine, 10 passenger flying boat
- Boeing 72 five-passenger airliner
- Boeing 73 airliner
- Boeing 74 XF3B-1
- Boeing 75
- Boeing 76 F2B-1 modified with metal wings and rod aileron control
- Boeing 77 F3B-1 (production version of Model 74)
- Boeing 78 two-seat fighter
- Boeing 79 bomber/torpedo/scout aircraft
- Boeing 80
- Boeing 81 XN2B-1
- Boeing 82 six-passenger trimotor airliner
- Boeing 83 XF4B-1
- Boeing 84 US Army ground attack aircraft
- Boeing 85 three-engine patrol flying boat
- Boeing 86 US Army primary trainer
- Boeing 87 three-seat mailplane
- Boeing 88 mailplane (new design)
- Boeing 89 XF4B-1
- Boeing 90 US Army pursuit
- Boeing 91 Model 83 with metal frame wings
- Boeing 92 F3B with Handley-Page slot wings
- Boeing 93 XP-7
- Boeing 94 two-seat USN aircraft
- Boeing 95
- Boeing 96 XP-9
- Boeing 97 XFB-5
- Boeing 98 US Army pursuit
- Boeing 99 F4B-1
- Boeing 100 civil version of F4B-1
- Boeing 101 XP-12A
- Boeing 102 P-12
- Boeing 200
- Boeing 201 cabin monoplane
- Boeing 202 XP-15
- Boeing 203 two-seat sport/training aircraft (redesigned Model 81)
- Boeing 204 four-seat flying boat (B1E)
- Boeing 205 XF5B-1
- Boeing 206 two-seat pursuit for US Army competition
- Boeing 207 all-metal amphibian
- Boeing 208 USN flying boat
- Boeing 209 [28] scaled down PB-1 (P2B-1)
- Boeing 210 airliner version of Model 200
- Boeing 211 light pursuit aircraft
- Boeing 212 hypothetical US Army pursuit
- Boeing 213
- Boeing 214 Y1B-9
- Boeing 215 YB-9
- Boeing 216 bomber study
- Boeing 217 bomber study
- Boeing 218 redesigned P-12B with monocoque body
- Boeing 219 preliminary pursuits (six models study)
- Boeing 220 1000 hp pursuit with experimental Pratt & Whitney engine
- Boeing 221 Model 200 modified for 4, 6, or 8 passengers
- Boeing 222 (1931) P-12C
- Boeing 222 tilt-prop project based on Mitsubishi Mu-2 [28]
- Boeing 223 F4B-2
- Boeing 224 internally braced monoplane pursuit
- Boeing 225 pre-P-26 monoplane fighter project
- Boeing 226 Model 80A conversion for Standard Oil
- Boeing 227 P-12D
- Boeing 228 as P-12D except with drawer-type ammunition boxes
- Boeing 229 trimotor transport study
- Boeing 230 cancelled; not used
- Boeing 231 production version of Model 221 (5 passengers, lengthened fuselage)
- Boeing 232 interception biplane fighter
- Boeing 233 USN monoplane scout
- Boeing 234 P-12E
- Boeing 235 F4B-3
- Boeing 236 XF6B
- Boeing 237 Model 232 redesigned (for US Army maneuverable pursuit)
- Boeing 238 trimotor monoplane transport study
- Boeing 239 trimotor biplane transport study
- Boeing 240 low-wing, internally braced monoplane pursuit study, US Army
- Boeing 241 1000 hp biplane pursuit
- Boeing 242 1000 hp monoplane pursuit
- Boeing 243 twin-engine monoplane transport study (800 hp engine)
- Boeing 244 redesigned Model 240
- Boeing 245 redesigned Model 240 (mid-wing, externally braced)
- Boeing 246 Y1B-9A
- Boeing 247
- Boeing 248 P-26
- Boeing 249 USN speed - service parasol monoplane
- Boeing 250 USN speed - low-wing monoplane
- Boeing 251 P-12F
- Boeing 252 biplane - USN speed design
- Boeing 253 high-wing monoplane - USN speed design
- Boeing 254 mid-wing, wire-braced monoplane - USN speed design
- Boeing 255 low-wing, internally braced - USN speed design
- Boeing 256 F4B-4 for Brazil
- Boeing 257 new transport
- Boeing 258 torpedo design study
- Boeing 259 two-seat pursuit - geared 1535, US Army
- Boeing 260 USN proposal - Spec. #112-3 - two-seat fighter
- Boeing 261 F4B-5
- Boeing 262 USN special VF small two-row biplane
- Boeing 263 USN special VF small two-row high-wing monoplane
- Boeing 264 P-29
- Boeing 265 single-engine, two-seat fighter, US Army
- Boeing 266 P-26
- Boeing 267 export version for Brazil with F4B-3 fuselage and P-12E wings
- Boeing 268 USN pursuit studies - biplane
- Boeing 269 USN pursuit studies - biplane
- Boeing 270 USN pursuit studies - biplane
- Boeing 271 USN pursuit studies - biplane
- Boeing 272 USN pursuit studies - monoplane
- Boeing 273 USN pursuit studies - monoplane
- Boeing 274 USN pursuit studies - monoplane
- Boeing 275 USN pursuit studies - monoplane
- Boeing 276 B-9B
- Boeing 277 US Army special high-speed pursuit, Wasp Junior engine
- Boeing 278 US Army special high-speed pursuit, GR-1535 engine
- Boeing 279 US Army special high-speed pursuit, Wasp F engine
- Boeing 280 original proposal for the 247
- Boeing 281 P-26A for export
- Boeing 282 USN single-engine carrier bomber
- Boeing 283 single-engine mailplane
- Boeing 284 twin-engine multi-seat fighter
- Boeing 285 two-seat pursuit, US Army
- Boeing 286 new US Army bomber - resembling the 247
- Boeing 287 USN biplane fighter
- Boeing 288 Y1B-9A for export
- Boeing 289
- Boeing 290 airliner for United Air Lines
- Boeing 291 preliminary study - USN 2-seat scout - 1535 geared engine
- Boeing 292 preliminary study - Army Corps observation - 1535 geared engine
- Boeing 293 preliminary study - USN single-seat fighter - 1535 geared engine
- Boeing 294 XBLR-1/XB-15
- Boeing 295 US Army bomber
- Boeing 296 USN single-seat fighter - proposed spec SD-112-5
- Boeing 297 YP-29
- Boeing 298
- Boeing 299 XB-17
- Boeing 299B YB-17
- Boeing 299E/299M B-17B
- Boeing 299F YB-17A
- Boeing 299H B-17D
- Boeing 299J proposed B-17 derivative with tricycle landing gear, shoulder-mounted wings and B-24 like fuselage
- Boeing 299-O B-17E
- Boeing 299P B-17F, B-17G
- Boeing 299Z B-17G modified as a testbed for turboprops
- Boeing 300 original proposal of the 307; basically a four-engine 247
- Boeing 301 two-seat pursuit
- Boeing 302 flying boat for US Navy
- Boeing 303 P-12E except with SE engine and brazier head rivets in body
- Boeing 304 as Model 303 but with the fabric covered steel tube fuselage of the P-12C
- Boeing 305 VPB type - 4 engine USN flying boat
- Boeing 306 tailless aircraft studies
- Boeing 307
- Boeing 308 six-seat inline air-cooled engine - transport study
- Boeing 309
- Boeing 310
- Boeing 311
- Boeing 312
- Boeing 314
- Boeing 315 VB-VT study
- Boeing 316 XB-15 derived airliner project for KLM
- Boeing 316B long-range heavy bomber derivative of the 316
- Boeing 316D Y1B-20
- Boeing 317 twin-engine trainer
- Boeing 318 mid-wing monoplane transport
- Boeing 319 patrol derivative of 314
- Boeing 320 six-engine, twin-hull flying boat [28]
- Boeing 321 twin-engine patrol flying boat
- Boeing 322 pressurized tricycle B-17, B-17 wings and tail; precursor of B-29
- Boeing 323 four-engine passenger flying boat
- Boeing 324 patrol derivative of the 314
- Boeing 325 four-engine, high-wing transport
- Boeing 326 pressurized six-engine transatlantic double-deck flying boat for Pan Am
- Boeing 327 four-engine flying boat for Pan Am
- Boeing 328 six-engine airliner for Pan Am
- Boeing 329 twin-engine attack aircraft
- Boeing 330 six-engine, very long range heavy bomber
- Boeing 331 high-speed twin-engine attack aircraft with V-1710 engines
- Boeing 332 high-speed twin-engine attack aircraft with V-3420 engines
- Boeing 333 pre-B-29 project with V-1710 engines in push-pull pairs
- Boeing 333A as 333 but with V-1710 engines in tractor configuration buried in the wing
- Boeing 333B as 333A but with H-2420 engines in tractor configuration buried in the wing
- Boeing 334 pressurized tricycle B-17
- Boeing 334A improved 334
- Boeing 335 single-engine observation aircraft for USN
- Boeing 336 single-engine observation aircraft for USN
- Boeing 337 twin-engine patrol flying boat
- Boeing 338 single-engine fighter
- Boeing 339 three-engine fighter
- Boeing 340 twin-engine fighter
- Boeing 341 pre-B-29 project; improved 334A with R-2800 engines
- Boeing 342 twin-engine patrol utility amphibian
- Boeing 343 twin-engine torpedo bomber
- Boeing 344 XPBB Sea Ranger
- Boeing 345 B-29
- Boeing 345-2 B-50
- Boeing 346 four-engine high-altitude, very long-range heavy bomber
- Boeing 348 single-engine, high-wing monoplane fighter
- Boeing 349 twin-engine dive bomber
- Boeing 350 XPBB with four single-stage, two-speed R-2800 engines
- Boeing 351 XPBB with four two-stage, two-speed R-2800 engines
- Boeing 352 twin-engine carrier-based fighter with R-2000 engines
- Boeing 353 XPBB with four single-stage, two-speed R-2600 engines
- Boeing 354 XPBB with four two-stage, two-speed R-2600 engines
- Boeing 355 XPBB with center wing tanks and armor
- Boeing 356 twin-engine fighter for USAAC
- Boeing 357 XPBB with four fuel tanks
- Boeing 358 as 353 but without armor
- Boeing 359 as 353 but with four fuel tanks
- Boeing 360 (1941) four-engine, twin-boom, global range flying wing heavy bomber with pusher engines
- Boeing 361 high-altitude, global range four-engine heavy bomber with R-4360 engines
- Boeing 362 eight-engine, global range flying wing heavy bomber
- Boeing 363 six-engine, twin-boom, blended wing body global range heavy bomber
- Boeing 364 XPBB with two R-4360 engines
- Boeing 365 four-engine, global range heavy bomber with pusher engines
- Boeing 366 cargo/troop transport with 307 fuselage and B-17E wings
- Boeing 367 C-97 Stratofreighter
- Boeing 367-60 C-97 derivative with four T34 turboprops and gull wings
- Boeing 367-64 C-97 derivative with four J57 turbojets in podded pairs and swept wings
- Boeing 367-64-60 minelayer for USN with four J40 turbojets
- Boeing 367-80
- Boeing 367-86 two KC-97Gs with T34 turboprops
- Boeing 368 carrier-based fighter studies
- Boeing 369 high-altitude, pressurized version of the B-17
- Boeing 370 as 365 but with four R-4360s in tractor configuration
- Boeing 371 cargo version of the XPBB
- Boeing 372 XPBB with two R-4360 engines
- Boeing 373 (1942) six-engine global range heavy bomber with R-4360 engines
- Boeing 374 twin-engine torpedo carrier, similar spec as the Grumman F7F
- Boeing 375 single-engine carrier-based fighter
- Boeing 376 (1942) single-engine carrier-based fighter
- Boeing 377
- Boeing 378 submarine patrol version of the AT-15
- Boeing 379 unmanned radio-control torpedo armed version of the AT-15
- Boeing 380 as 378 but with R-1830 engines
- Boeing 381 four-engine cargo aircraft converted from B-17F; pre-XB-36 competition
- Boeing 382 four-engine cargo flying boat converted from 314 series
- Boeing 384 four-engine, long-range bomber project; B-29 derivative
- Boeing 385 six-engine, long-range bomber project
- Boeing 386 six-engine bomber
- Boeing 390 fighter project, competitor of Vought F5U
- Boeing 391 fighter project, competitor of Vought F5U
- Boeing 396 fighter project, competitor of Vought F5U
- Boeing 399 single-seat, pancake wing, tailless fighter project
- Boeing 400 XF8B
- Boeing 401 two-seat helicopter project
- Boeing 404 six-engine pusher flying-wing bomber
- Boeing 417 post World War II feeder liner design, never built [30]
- Boeing 424 pre-B-47 project: a B-29 with two turbojets in nacelles placed above (1943-44)
- Boeing 431-16 high-wing transport project with two Pratt & Whitney Double Wasp engines
- Boeing 431-16 high-wing transport project with Wright Cyclone engine
- Boeing 432 pre-B-47 light bomber project: 4 jets in fuselage, engines on top of aft fuselage (1944)
- Boeing 440
- Boeing 448 initial B-47 project: swept-wing, 6 jets in fuselage (1945)
- Boeing 449 jet interceptor project
- Boeing 450 B-47
- Boeing 451 YL-15
- Boeing 452 B-47 variants
- Boeing 454 USN jet fighter project
- Boeing 455 USN night fighter project
- Boeing 457 interceptor-fighter ramjet project
- Boeing 458 competitor to the XP-92, project
- Boeing 459 USN fighter project
- Boeing 461 design involved in B-52 competition
- Boeing 462 bomber project with propeller-driven engines; winner of B-52 design competition
- Boeing 464 B-52 and all preliminary designs
- Boeing 466 XP3B
- Boeing 473 pre-707 airliner projects derived from B-47 and B-52
- Boeing 474 first B-55 bomber project for USAF with four T40 engines
- Boeing 479 second B-55 project for USAF
- Boeing 481 bomber developed from B-52
- Boeing 482 USN "penetration" fighter (OS-112)
- Boeing 483 large jet bomber
- Boeing 484 jet bomber
- Boeing 486 seaplane fighter; Boeing's last flying boat
- Boeing 490 ASW project competing with S2F; same wings and tail as XF8B
- Boeing 495 USAF transport project competing with C-130
- Boeing 701 XB-59
- Boeing 707
- Boeing 707 Phalcon/Condor
- Boeing 717 Stratotanker
- Boeing 717 (MD-95)
- Boeing 717-231
- Boeing 720
- Boeing 727
- Boeing 727 Spec
- Boeing 727-224/Adv(F)
- Boeing 737
- Boeing 737 AEW&C
- Boeing 737-73W BBJ
- Boeing 737-86N
- Boeing 737-8V3
- Boeing 737-100
- Boeing 737-200
- Boeing 737-300
- Boeing 737-522
- Boeing 737-700C
- Boeing 737-724
- Boeing 737-824(WL)
- Boeing 737-900ER
- Boeing 737-990ER
- Boeing 737-3Q8
- Boeing 737-8Q8
- Boeing 737-7H4
- Boeing 737-7L9
- Boeing 737-89P(WL)
- Boeing 737 MAX
- Boeing 737 MAX8
- Boeing 739
- Boeing 747
- Boeing 747 Supertanker
- Boeing 747-8 (formerly 747 Advanced)
- Boeing 747-8F
- Boeing 747-8FZ
- Boeing 747-100
- Boeing 747-156
- Boeing 747-200
- Boeing 747-400
- Boeing 747-406(M)
- Boeing 747-412F/SCD
- Boeing 747-4B5F(ER)
- Boeing 747-432(ER)
- Boeing 747-436
- Boeing 747-830 C/N 37827)
- Boeing 747SP
- Boeing 747 Dreamlifter
- Boeing 757
- Boeing 757-2D7
- Boeing 757-351
- Boeing 763
- Boeing 767
- Boeing 767 LuxuryLiner [31]
- Boeing 767-200
- Boeing 767-200ER
- Boeing 767-223ER
- Boeing 767-346(ER)
- Boeing 767-3Y0
- Boeing 767 EC-547
- Boeing 767-332/ER
- Boeing E-767
- Boeing KC-767
- Boeing 777
- Boeing 777X
- Boeing 777-3DZ
- Boeing 777-232(LR)
- Boeing 777-289
- Boeing 777-3FX(ER)
- Boeing 787
- Boeing 787-8
- Boeing 787-9
- Boeing 787 Dreamliner
- Boeing 797
- Boeing 7E7
- Boeing 7J7 (cancelled)
- Boeing Model 908-909
- Boeing 953
- Boeing 2707 (cancelled)
- Boeing YAL-1
- Boeing A7-BAO
- Boeing AT-3
- Boeing B-9
- Boeing XB-15
- Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
- Boeing Y1B-20
- Boeing B-29 Superfortress
- Boeing XB-38 Flying Fortress
- Boeing XB-39 Superfortress
- Boeing B-40 Flying Fortress
- Boeing B-44 Superfortress
- Boeing B-47 Stratojet
- Boeing B-50 Superfortress
- Boeing B-52 Stratofortress
- Boeing B-54
- Boeing XB-55
- Boeing B-56
- Boeing XB-59
- Boeing BLR-1
- Boeing BFB
- Boeing BQ-7
- Boeing YC-14
- Boeing C-17 Globemaster III
- Boeing C-18 Monomail
- Boeing C-18
- Boeing C-19
- Boeing C-22
- Boeing VC-25
- Boeing C-32
- Boeing C-33
- Boeing C-40 Clipper
- Boeing KC-46
- Boeing KC-135R/751
- Boeing C-73
- Boeing C-75
- Boeing C-97 Stratofreighter
- Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighter
- Boeing C-98
- Boeing C-105
- Boeing C-108 Flying Fortress
- Boeing C-127
- Boeing C-135 Stratolifter
- Boeing C-137 Stratoliner
- Boeing CO-7
- Boeing E-3 Sentry
- Boeing E-4
- Boeing E4B Nightwatch
- Boeing E-6 Mercury
- Boeing E-10 MC2A
- Boeing F-9
- Boeing F-18 Super Hornet
- Boeing FB
- Boeing F2B
- Boeing F3B Seahawk
- Boeing F4B
- Boeing F5B
- Boeing F6B
- Boeing F7B
- Boeing F8B
- Boeing GA-1
- Boeing GA-2
- Boeing AH-64 Apache
- Boeing HRB
- Boeing L-15 Scout
- Boeing LHR-DOH
- Boeing NB
- Boeing N2B
- Boeing OB [28]
- Boeing O2B
- Boeing XP-4
- Boeing XP-7
- Boeing XP-8
- Boeing X-8A Poseidon
- Boeing XP-9
- Boeing P-12
- Boeing XP-15
- Boeing P-26 Peashooter
- Boeing P-29
- Boeing P-32
- Boeing XP-925
- Boeing XP-936
- Boeing XP-940
- Boeing PB
- Boeing PB-1W Flying Fortress
- Boeing PB Flying Fortress
- Boeing P2B
- Boeing P3B [28]
- Boeing PB2B Catalina
- Boeing PBB Sea Ranger
- Boeing PW-9
- Boeing T-43
- Boeing/BAE Systems T-45 Goshawk
- Boeing TB
- Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar
- Boeing X-32
- Boeing X-37 Future-X
- Boeing X-40
- Boeing X-43
- Boeing X-45
- Boeing X-46
- Boeing X-48
- Boeing X-50
- Boeing X-53 Active Aeroelastic Wing
- B & W Seaplane
- Boeing AXB
- Boeing Navy Experimental Type B Carrier Fighter
- Boeing A-213 Totem - see List of aircraft (Bf–Bo)#Boeing Aircraft of Canada
- Boeing BB-1
- Boeing BB-L6
- Boeing Bird of Prey
- Boeing BX [28]
- Boeing Business Jet
- Boeing C-204 Thunderbird - see List of aircraft (Bf–Bo)#Boeing Aircraft of Canada
- Boeing C-700
- Boeing CC-137 Husky Canadian Armed Forces
- Boeing CL-4S
- Boeing Courier
- Boeing DH-4M
- Boeing Dreamlifter
- Boeing E-767
- Boeing EA
- Boeing GA-1
- Boeing GA-2
- Boeing NLA
- Boeing Pelican
- Boeing Phantom Ray
- Boeing QSRA
- Boeing Skyfox
- Boeing Sonic Cruiser
- Boeing T-7 Red Hawk
- Boeing SLV Stage 1 (supersonic reusable launch vehicle)
- Boeing SLV Stage 2 (hypersoinic, scramjet-powered reusable launch vehicle)
- Boeing Airpower Teaming System [32]
- Boeing Wedgetail
(George Bogardus, Troutdale OR, and Eyerly Aircraft Corp, Salem, OR)
(Byuro Osovikh Konstruktskii - experimental aircraft design bureau)
(Maurice Bokor (also seen as Morris Boker), Bronx, NY)
((Frank E & Joseph) Boland Aeroplane & Motor Co, Rahway, NJ and Mineola, NY, 1928: Boland Aeroplane Co, Newark, NJ)
(Lynn L Bollinger-Otto C Koppen, MIT, Cambridge, MA)
(Bolte Aircraft Co, Des Moines, IA)
(William H Bolz Jr, Palmyra, NE)
(Bomhoff, Canada County, OK)
(L. Dewey Bonbrake, Kansas City, KS)
(Monsieur Boncourt, Charles Audenis & Jean Jacob)
(John Bond, Cupertino, CA)
(R.O. Bone Co., 415 E Industrial Ave, Inglewood, CA)
(Albert et Emile Bonnet-Labranche)
(Leonard Warden Bonney, Wellington, OH)
(Carr E. Booker, Raleigh, NC)
(H.T. Booth. Freeport, NY)
(Cecil W Bopp, Waterloo, IA)
(Lowell J. Borchers, Mt Vernon, OH)
(see also: SGCIM) (Etablissements Borel / Gabriel borel)
(Harry Bosshardt, 1850 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA.
(Leonard L. Bottoms Jr., Quinton, VA)
((Edward & Curtis) Bounsall Aircraft, Mesquite, NV)
((Allen P) Bourdon Aircraft Corp, E Greenwich, RI, 1930: Merged with Viking Flying Boat Co.)
(Paul Bourgois with Sénémaud as engineer and Deckert as test pilot at a workshop in Levallois-Perret)
(Clarence H. Bourn, Dallas, TX)
(Marcel Bouvet and Charles de Rougé)
(Peter M Bowers, Seattle, WA)
((Richard "Dick") Bowlby Airplane Company, 1510 N Fairview and 413 S Market St, Wichita, KS)
(Elmer Bowman, Owatonna, MN)
(Jack B. Bowyer, Wichita, KS)
(Chester M & W Hunter Boyd, Logan Field, Baltimore, MD)
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