List of fishes of Hawaii

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Eight main islands in the Hawaiian archipelago Hawaii Islands.PNG
Eight main islands in the Hawaiian archipelago

The fish species of Hawaii inhabit the Hawaiian archipelago in the central North Pacific Ocean, southwest of the continental United States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of Australia. The islands are part of the State of Hawaii, United States. The state encompasses nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, comprising hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles (2,400 km).


At the southeastern end of the archipelago, the eight "main islands" are (from the northwest to southeast) Niʻihau, Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Kahoʻolawe, Maui, and Hawaiʻi. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands include many atolls, and reefs. Due to Hawaii's isolation 30% of the fish are endemic (unique to the island chain). [1]

In total the Hawaiian Islands comprise a total of 137 islands and atolls, with a total land area of 6,423.4 square miles (16,636.5 km2). [2] This archipelago and its oceans are physiographically and ethnologically part of the Polynesian subregion of Oceania.

The climate of Hawaii is typical for a tropical area, although temperatures and humidity tend to be a bit less extreme than other tropical locales due to the constant trade winds blowing from the east.

The surrounding waters are affected by effluents generated and released from the islands themselves. Floating plastic garbage is a problem, and refuse from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch affects its beaches. Other pressures on Hawaii's fish population are its fishing industries and whaling [3] until IWC's moratorium in 1986. [4] In the last century, some commercially fished stocks have decreased by 80-85%. [5]

Due to its isolation, very few native freshwater fish species are found in Hawaii, and none are entirely restricted to freshwater (all are either anadromous, or also found in brackish and marine water in their adult stage).

The seven native fish species regularly seen in fresh water are the flagtail Kuhlia xenura , the mullet Mugil cephalus , the gobies Awaous stamineus , Lentipes concolor , Sicyopterus stimpsoni and Stenogobius hawaiiensis , and the sleeper goby Eleotris sandwicensis . [6] [7] Three of the gobies, A. stamineus, L. concolor and S. stimpsoni, are famous for their ability to climb waterfalls to reach higher sections of freshwater streams. [7] Several other species have been introduced to the freshwater habitats of Hawaii and some of these are invasive. [8]

Species of fish

Hawaiian language NameCommon NameGenusScientific NameFamilyCommon Family Name Endemic
Fisher's angelfish [9] Fisher's angelfish Centropyge C. fisheri Pomacanthidae [10] Angelfish N
Flame angelfish [9] Flame angelfish Centropyge C. loriculus Pomacanthidae [10] Angelfish N
Japanese angelfish [9] Japanese angelfish Centropyge C. interrupta Pomacanthidae [10] Angelfish N
Masked angelfish [9] Masked angelfish Genicanthus G. personatus Pomacanthidae [10] Angelfish Y
Nahacky's angelfish [9] Nahacky angelfish Centropyge C. nahackyi Pomacanthidae [10] Angelfish Y
Whiskered boarfish (striped boarfish) [9] Whiskered boarfish Evistias E. acutirostris Pomacanthidae [10] Angelfish Y
Kākū [11] Barracuda Sphyraena S. barracuda Sphyraenidae [12] Barracuda N
Blackfin barracuda [9] Blackfin barracuda Sphyraena S. qenie Sphyraenidae [12] Barracuda Y
Kaweleʻā [11] Japanese barracuda Sphyraena S. helleri Sphyraenidae [12] Barracuda N
Deepsea moi [11] Beardfish Polymixia P. berndti Polymixiidae [13] Beardfish N
ʻAweoweo [14] Common bigeye Heteropriacanthus H. cruentatus Priacanthidae [15] [16] Bigeye N
ʻAweoweo [14] Hawaiian bigeye Priacanthus P. meeki Priacanthidae [16] Bigeye Y
Lanternshark Hawaiian lanternshark Etmopterus E. villosus Etmopteridae [17] Shark Y
Auweke [11] Moana kali Parupeneus P. cyclostomus Priacanthidae [16] Bigeye N
Pāoʻo [9] Hump-headed blenny Blenniella B. gibbifrons Blenniidae [15] Blenny N
Ewa fang blenny [9] Ewa fang blenny Plagiotremus P. ewaensis Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Pāoʻo [9] Gargantuan blenny Cirripectes C. obscurus Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Gosline's fang blenny [9] Gosline's fang blenny Plagiotremus P. goslinei Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Pāoʻo [9] Hawaiian zebra blenny Istiblennius I. zebra Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Mangrove blenny [9] Mangrove blenny Omobranchus O. obliquus Blenniidae [15] Blenny N
Pāoʻo [9] Marblehead blenny Entomacrodus E. marmoratus Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Pāoʻo [9] Scarface blenny Cirripectes C. vanderbilti Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Pāoʻo ʻ kauila [9] Spotted coral blenny Exallias E. brevis Blenniidae [15] Blenny N
Pāoʻo [9] Strasburg's blenny Entomacrodus E. strasburgi Blenniidae [15] Blenny Y
Bandit angelfish [9] Bandit angelfish Apolemichthys A. arcuatus Pentacerotidae [18] Boarfish N
ʻOio [11] Longjaw bonefish Albula A. virgata Albulidae [19] Bonefish Y
ʻOio [11] Shortjaw bonefish Albula A. glossodonta Albulidae [19] Bonefish N
Pahu [9] Spiny cowfish Lactoria L. fornasini Ostraciidae [20] Boxfish N
Moa (Pahu) [9] Spotted boxfish Ostracion O. meleagris Ostraciidae [20] Boxfish N
Makukana (Pahu) [9] Thornback cowfish Lactoria L. diaphana Ostraciidae [20] Boxfish N
Pahu [9] Whitley's boxfish Ostracion O. whitleyi Ostraciidae [20] Boxfish N
Lauwiliwili nukunuku ʻoiʻoi [9] Big longnose butterflyfish Forcipiger F. longirostris Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Blacklip butterflyfish [9] Sunburst butterflyfish Chaetodon C. kleinii Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Kīkākapu [9] Bluestripe butterflyfish Chaetodon C. fremblii Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish Y
Chevron butterflyfish [9] Chevron butterflyfish Chaetodon C. trifascialis Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Lauwiliwili nukunuku ʻoiʻoi [9] Yellow longnose butterflyfish Forcipiger F. flavissimus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Lauhau [9] Fourspot butterflyfish Chaetodon C. quadrimaculatus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Kīkākapu [9] Lined butterflyfish Chaetodon C. lineolatus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Lauwiliwili [9] Milletseed butterflyfish Chaetodon C. miliaris Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish Y
Kīkākapu [9] Pebbled butterflyfish Chaetodon C. multicinctus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish Y
Kīkākapu [9] Ornate butterflyfish Chaetodon C. ornatissimus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Kapuhili [9] Oval butterflyfish Chaetodon C. lunulatus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Pennant butterflyfish [9] Schooling bannerfish Heniochus H. diphreutes Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Pyramid butterflyfish [9] Pyramid butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys H. polylepis Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Kīkākapu [9] Raccoon butterflyfish Chaetodon C. linula Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Reticulated butterflyfish [9] Mailed butterflyfish Chaetodon C. reticulatus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Kīkākapu [9] Speckled butterflyfish Chaetodon C. citrinellus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Speckled butterflyfish [9] Speckled butterflyfish Chaetodon C. ephippium Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish Y
Teardrop butterflyfish [9] Teardrop butterflyfish Chaetodon C. unimaculatus Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Thompson's butterflyfish [9] Thompson's butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys H. thompsoni Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Kīkākapu [9] Threadfin butterflyfish Chaetodon C. auriga Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Tinker's butterflyfish [9] Tinker's butterflyfish Chaetodon C. tinkeri Chaetodontidae [21] Butterflyfish N
Viviparous brotula [9] Viviparous brotula Grammonus G. nagaredai Bythitidae [22] Viviparous brotulas N
ʻUpāpalu [9] Bandfin cardinalfish Pristiapogon P. taeniopterus Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes N
ʻUpāpalu [9] Bay cardinalfish Foa F. brachygramma Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes Y
ʻUpāpalu [9] Deetsie's cardinalfish Apogon A. deetsie Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes N
ʻUpāpalu [9] Evermann's cardinalfish Zapogon Z. evermanni Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes N
ʻUpāpalu [9] Hawaiian ruby cardinalfish Apogon A. erythrinus Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes Y
ʻUpāpalu [11] [9] Hawaiian spotted cardinalfish Ostorhinchus O. maculiferus Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes Y
ʻUpāpalu [9] Iridescent cardinalfish Pristiapogon P. kallopterus Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes N
ʻUpāpalu [9] Transparent cardinalfish Pseudamiops P. diaphanes Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes Y
ʻUpāpalu [9] Waikīkī cardinalfish Apogonichthys A. perdix Apogonidae [23] Cardinalfishes N
Agile chromis [9] Agile chromis Chromis C. agilis Pomacentridae [24] Chromis N
Blackfin chromis [9] Blackfin chromis Chromis C. vanderbilti Pomacentridae [24] Chromis N
Chocolate dip chromis [9] Chocolate dip chromis Pycnochromis P. hanui Pomacentridae [24] Chromis Y
ʻāloʻiloʻi [9] Hawaiian dascyllus Dascyllus D. albisella Pomacentridae [24] Chromis N
Midget chromis [9] Midget chromis Chromis C. acares Pomacentridae [24] Chromis N
Oval chromis [9] Oval chromis Chromis C. ovalis Pomacentridae [24] Chromis Y
Threespot chromis [9] Threespot chromis Chromis C. verater Pomacentridae [24] Chromis Y
White-tail chromis [9] White-tail chromis Chromis C. leucura Pomacentridae [24] Chromis N
Barred conger [9] Barred conger Ariosoma A. fasciatus Congridae [25] Conger eel N
Puhi ūhā [9] Hawaiian conger Conger C. marginatus Congridae [25] Conger eel Y
Hawaiian garden eel [9] Hawaiian garden eel Gorgasia G. hawaiiensis Congridae [25] Conger eel Y
Large-eye conger [9] Large-eye conger Ariosoma A. marginatum Congridae [25] Conger eel Y
Puhiuha [11] White eel Conger C. cinereus Congridae [25] Conger eel N
Nūnū [11] Cornetfish Fistularia F. commersonii Fistulariidae [26] Cornetfish N
Hawaiian coral croucher [9] Hawaiian coral croucher Caracanthus C. typicus Caracanthidae [27] Croucher Y
Puhi Palahoana [9] Bearded cusk eel/Many-whiskered brotula [28] Brotula B. multibarbata Ophidiidae [29] Cusk eel N
Blue-eye damselfish [9] Blue-eye damselfish Plectroglyphidodon P. johnstonianus Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish N
Bright-eye damselfish [9] Bright-eye damselfish Plectroglyphidodon P. imparipennis Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish N
Kupīpī [11] Gray damselfish Abudefduf A. sordidus Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish N
Hawaiian gregory [9] Hawaiian gregory Stegastes S. marginatus Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish Y
Hawaiian rock damselfish [9] Hawaiian rock damselfish Plectroglyphidodon P. sindonis Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish Y
Mamo [11] Hawaiian sergeant major damsel Abudefduf A. abdominalis Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish Y
Kupīpī [9] Indo-Pacific damselfish Abudefduf A. vaigiensis Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish N
Phoenix island damselfish [9] Phoenix island damselfish Plectroglyphidodon P. phoenixensis Pomacentridae [24] Damselfish N
Curious wormfish [9] Curious wormfish Gunnellichthys G. curiosis Microdesmidae [30] Dartfish N
Fire dartfish [9] Fire dartfish Nemateleotris N. magnifica Ptereleotridae [31] Dartfish N
Indigo dartfish [9] Indigo dartfish Nemateleotris N. heteroptera Ptereleotridae [31] Dartfish N
Mahi-mahi Dolphinfish Coryphaena C. hippurus Coryphaenidae [32] Dolphinfish N
Little mahimahi [11] Pompano dolphinfish Coryphaena C. equiselis Coryphaenidae [32] Dolphinfish N
Exclamation point dragonet [9] Exclamation point dragonet Synchiropus S. corallinus Callionymidae [33] Dragonet N
Fringelip dragonet [9] Fringelip dragonet Draculo D. pogognathus Callionymidae [33] Dragonet Y
Hawaiian triplefin [9] Hawaiian triplefin Enneapterygius E. atriceps Tripterygiidae [34] Dragonet Y
Longtail dragonet [9] Longtail dragonet Callionymus C. decoratus Callionymidae [33] Dragonet N
Rosy dragonet [9] Rosy dragonet Synchiropus S. rosulentus Callionymidae [33] Dragonet Y
Haielepo (Hīhīmanu) [9] Spotted eagle ray Aetobatus A. narinari Myliobatidae [35] Eagle ray N
Nehu Hawaiian anchovy Encrasicholina E. purpurea Engraulidae [36] Anchovy Y
ʻōʻili [9] Barred filefish Cantherhines C. dumerilii Monacanthidae [37] Filefish N
Oilipa [11] Bluelined leather jacket Osbeckia O. scripta Monacanthidae [37] Filefish N
ʻōʻili ʻūwi ʻūwi [9] Hawaiian fantail filefish Pervagor P. spilosoma Monacanthidae [37] Filefish Y
Loulu [9] Scrawled filefish Aluterus A. scriptus Monacanthidae [37] Filefish N
ʻōʻili [9] Shy filefish Cantherhines C. verecundus Monacanthidae [37] Filefish Y
ʻōʻili lepa [9] Squaretail filefish Cantherhines C. sandwichiensis Monacanthidae [37] Filefish N
Unicorn filefish [9] Unicorn filefish Aluterus A. monoceros Monacanthidae [37] Filefish N
ʻōʻili [9] Yellowtail filefish Pervagor P. aspricaudus Monacanthidae [37] Filefish N
āholehole [11] Hawaiian flagtail Kuhlia K. xenura Kuhliidae [38] Flagtail Y
āholehole [11] Zebrahead flagtail Kuhlia K. sandvicensis Kuhliidae [38] Flagtail N
Malolo [11] Flyingfish Parexocoetus P. brachypterus Exocoetidae [39] Flying fish N
Ioloaʻu (Pinao) [9] Oriental flying gurnard Dactyloptena D. orientalis Dactylopteridae [40] Flying gurnards N
Commerson's frogfish [9] Commerson's frogfish Antennarius A. commerson Antennariidae [41] Frogfish N
Hawaiian freckled frogfish [9] Hawaiian freckled frogfish Abantennarius A. drombus Antennariidae [41] Frogfish Y
Painted frogfish [9] Painted frogfish Antennarius A. pictus Antennariidae [41] Frogfish N
Reticulated frogfish [9] Reticulated frogfish Antennatus A. tuberosus Antennariidae [41] Frogfish N
Sargassum frogfish [9] Sargassum frogfish Histrio H. histrio Antennariidae [41] Frogfish N
Warty frogfish [9] Warty frogfish Antennarius A. maculatus Antennariidae [41] Frogfish N
Walu [11] Oilfish Ruvettus R. pretiosus Gempylidae [42] Snake mackerel N
Weke pueo [9] Bandtail goatfish Upeneus U. arge Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Munu Doublebar goatfish Parupeneus P. trifasciatus [28] Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Munu [11] Island goatfish Parupeneus P. insularis Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Moano [11] Manybar goatfish Parupeneus P. multifasciatus Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Weke moelua (weke ʻula [9] Pfluger's goatfish Mulloidichthys M. pflugeri Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Moano [9] Sidespot goatfish Parupeneus P. pleurostigma Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Wekeʻā [9] Square-spot goatfish/Yellowstripe goatfish Mulloidichthys M. flavolineatus Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Kūmū [11] White saddle goatfish Parupeneus P. porphyreus Mullidae [43] Goatfish Y
Wekeʻula [9] Yellowfin goatfish Mulloidichthys M. vanicolensis Mullidae [43] Goatfish N
Barred tide pool goby [9] Barred tidepool goby Kelloggella K. oligolepis Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Black coral goby [9] Black coral goby Bryaninops B. tigris Gobiidae [44] Goby N
ʻoʻoopuʻohune [9] Cheekscaled frill goby Bathygobius B. cotticeps Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Cloudy goby [9] Cloudy goby Opua [45] O. nephodes Gobiidae [44] Goby N
ʻoʻoopuʻohune [9] Cocos island frill goby Bathygobius B. cocosensis Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Divine pygmy goby [9] Divine pygmy goby Eviota E. epiphanes Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Eyebar goby [9] Eyebar goby Gnatholepis G. anjerensis Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Golden green goby [9] Golden green goby Priolepis P. aureoviridis Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Gorgonian goby [9] Gorgonian goby Bryaninops B. amplus Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Halfspotted goby [9] Halfspotted goby Asterropteryx A. semipunctata Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Hawaiian shrimp goby [9] Hawaiian shrimp goby Psilogobius P. mainlandi Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Michel's ghost goby [9] Michel's ghost goby Pleurosicya P. micheli Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Shoulderspot goby [9] Shoulderspot goby Gnatholepis G. cauerensis Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Taylor's dwarf goby [9] Taylor's dwarf goby Trimma T. taylori Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Twospot sand goby [9] Twospot sand goby Fusigobius F. duospilus Gobiidae [44] Goby N
ʻoʻoopuʻohune [9] Whitespotted frill goby Bathygobius B. coalitus Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Wire coral goby [9] Wire coral goby Bryaninops B. yongei Gobiidae [44] Goby N
Bicolor anthias [9] Bicolor anthias Pseudanthias P. bicolor Serranidae [46] Grouper N
Earle's splitfin anthias [9] Earle's splitfin anthias Luzonichthys L. earlei Serranidae [46] Grouper N
Elegant anthias [9] Elegant anthias Caprodon C. unicolor Serranidae [46] Grouper Y
Giant grouper [9] Giant grouper Epinephelus E. lanceolatus Serranidae [46] Grouper N
Hapuʻupuʻu [11] Hawaiian black grouper Epinephelus E. quernus Serranidae [46] Grouper Y
Hawaiian yellow anthias [9] Hawaiian yellow anthias Odontanthias O. fuscipinnis Serranidae [46] Grouper Y
Roi [9] Blue-spotted grouper Cephalopholis C. argus Serranidae [46] Grouper N
Sunset basslet [9] Sunset basslet Liopropoma L. aurora Serranidae [46] Grouper Y
Hawaiian longfin anthias [9] Sunset basslet Pseudanthias P. hawaiiensis Serranidae [46] Grouper Y
Thompson's anthias [9] Thompson's anthias Pseudanthias P. thompsoni Serranidae [46] Grouper Y
Iheihe [9] Acute halfbeak Hyporhamphus H. acutus Hemiramphidae [47] Halfbeak N
Iheihe [11] Halfbeak Hyporhamphus H. pacificus Hemiramphidae [47] Halfbeak N
Iheihe [9] Polynesian halfbeak Hemiramphus H. depauperatus Hemiramphidae [47] Halfbeak N
Arc-eye hawkfish [9] Arc-eye hawkfish Paracirrhites P. arcatus Cirrhitidae [48] Hawkfishes N
Hilu pilikoʻa [9] Blackside hawkfish Paracirrhites P. forsteri Cirrhitidae [48] Hawkfishes N
Longnose hawkfish [9] Longnose hawkfish Oxycirrhites O. typus Cirrhitidae [48] Hawkfishes N
Pilikoʻa [9] Redbarred hawkfish Cirrhitops C. fasciatus Cirrhitidae [48] Hawkfishes Y
Poʻopaʻa [11] Stocky hawkfish Cirrhitus C. pinnulatis Cirrhitidae [48] Hawkfishes N
Twospot hawkfish [9] Twospot hawkfish Amblycirrhitus A. bimacula Cirrhitidae [48] Hawkfishes N
Piha [9] Delicate roundherring Spratelloides S. delicatulus Clupeidae [49] Herring N
Pietschmann's Infantfish [9] Pietschmann's infantfish Schindleria S. pietschmanni Schindleriidae [50] Infantfish N
Schindler's Infantfish [9] Schindler's infantfish Schindleria S. praematura Schindleriidae [50] Infantfish N
Ulua kihikihi [11] Threadfin jack Alectis A. ciliaris Carangidae [51] Jacks N
Kāhala [11] Greater Amberjack Seriola S. dumerili Carangidae [51] Jacks N
Ulua [9] Barred jack Carangoides C. ferdau Carangidae [51] Jacks N
Akule (Hahalalu) [11] Bigeye scad Selar S. crumenophthalmus Carangidae [51] Jacks N
Lai [11] Doublespotted queenfish Scomberoides S. lysan Carangidae [51] Jacks N
Ulua [9] Island jack Carangoides C. orthogrammus Carangidae [51] Jacks N
Ulua lāuli [11] Whitetongue jack Uraspis U. helvola Carangidae [51] Jacks Y
Barred knifejaw [9] Barred knifejaw Oplegnathus O. fasciatus Oplegnathidae [52] Knifejaw N
Spotted knifejaw [9] Spotted knifejaw Oplegnathus O. punctatus Oplegnathidae [52] Knifejaw N
Awaʻawa [9] Ladyfish Elops E. hawaiensis Elopidae [53] Ladyfish N
Pakiʻi [11] Flowery flounder Bothus B. mancus Bothidae [54] Left-eyed flounder N
Pakiʻi [9] Hawaiian dwarf flounder Engyprosopon E. hawaiiensis Bothidae [54] Left-eyed flounder N
Pakiʻi [9] Panther flounder Bothus B. pantherinus Bothidae [54] Left-eyed flounder N
ʻulae [9] Clearfin lizardfish Synodus S. ulae Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Hawaiian lizardfish Synodus S. dermatogenys Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
weleʻā [9] Nearsighted lizardfish Trachinocephalus T. myops Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Orangemouth lizardfish Saurida S. flamma Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Redmarbled lizardfish Synodus S. rubromarmoratus Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Reef lizardfish Synodus S. ulae Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Slender lizardfish Saurida S. gracilis Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Twospot lizardfish Synodus S. binotatus Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
ʻulae [9] Twospot lizardfish Synodus S. lobeli Synodontidae [55] Lizardfish N
Aʻu [11] Black marlin Makaira M. indica Istiophoridae [56] Marlin N
Aʻu [11] Atlantic blue marlin Makaira M. nigricans Istiophoridae [56] Marlin N
Aʻu lepe [11] Sailfish Istiophorus I. platypterus Istiophoridae [56] Marlin N
Hebe [11] Short-nosed spearfish Tetrapturus T. angustirostris Istiophoridae [56] Marlin N
Striped marlin [11] Striped marlin Tetrapturus T. audax Istiophoridae [56] Marlin N
Awa [11] Milkfish Chanos C. chanos Chanidae [57] Milkfish N
Makua [11] Ocean sunfish Mola M. mola Molidae [58] Mola N
Opah [11] Moonfish Lampris L. guttatus Lampridae [59] Moonfish N
Kihikihi [9] Moorish idol Zanclus Z. cornutus Zanclidae [60] Moorish idol N
Puhi leihale [9] Barred moray Echidna E. polyzona Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi kauila [9] Leopard moray Enchelycore E. pardalis Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Dwarf moray Gymnothorax G. melatremus Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Giant moray Gymnothorax G. javanicus Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Large-spotted snake moray [9] Large-spotted snake moray Uropterygius U. polyspilus Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi kāpaʻa [9] Peppered moray Gymnothorax G. pictus Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Slendertail moray Gymnothorax G. gracilicauda Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi kāpā [9] Snowflake moray Echidna E. nebulosa Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Brown speckled eel Gymnothorax G. steindachneri Muraenidae [61] Moray eel Y
Puhi [9] Tiger snake moray Scuticaria S. tigrina [28] Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi lau milo [9] Undulated moray Gymnothorax G. undulatus Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi kauila [9] Viper moray Enchelynassa E. canina Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Whitemargin moray Gymnothorax G. albimarginatus Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi ʻōniʻo [9] Whitemouth moray Gymnothorax G. meleagris Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi ʻou (Puhi ʻapo) [9] Yellowhead moray Gymnothorax G. rueppelliae Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Yellowmouth moray Gymnothorax G. nudivomer Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Puhi [9] Zebra moray Gymnomuraena G. zebra Muraenidae [61] Moray eel N
Ama'ama [11] Flathead grey mullet Mugil M. cephalus Mugilidae [62] Mullet N
Uoauoa [9] Acute-jawed mullet Neomyxus N. leuciscus Mugilidae [62] Mullet N
ʻAha [9] Crocodile needlefish Ablennes A. hians Belonidae [63] Needlefish N
ʻAha [9] Houndfish Tylosurus T. crocodilus Belonidae [63] Needlefish N
ʻAha [9] Keeltail needlefish Platybelone P. argalus Belonidae [63] Needlefish N
ʻAha [11] Needlefish Strongylura S. gigantea Belonidae [63] Needlefish N
Uhu [9] Bullethead parrotfish Chlorurus C. spilurus Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes N
Uhu pālukaluka [9] Ember parrotfish Scarus S. rubroviolaceus Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes N
Pōnuunuhu [11] Gaimard's parrotfish Calotomus C. carolinus Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes N
Uhu [9] Palenose parrotfish Scarus S. psittacus Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes N
Lauia [9] Regal parrotfish Scarus S. dubius Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes Y
Uhu [11] Spectacled parrotfish Chlorurus C. perspicillatus Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes N
Yellowbar parrotfish [9] Yellowbar parrotfish Calotomus C. zonarchus Scaridae [64] Parrotfishes Y
Cushion star pearlfish [9] Cushion star pearlfish Carapus C. mourlani Carapidae [65] Pearlfish N
Fowler's pearlfish [9] Fowler's pearlfish Onuxodon O. fowleri Carapidae [65] Pearlfish N
Ball's pipefish [9] Ball's pipefish Cosmocampus C. balli Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish Y
Bluestripe pipefish [9] Bluestripe pipefish Doryrhamphus D. excisus Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish N
Edmondson's pipefish [9] Edmondson's pipefish Halicampus H. edmondsoni Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish Y
Fisher's seahorse [9] Fisher's seahorse Hippocampus H. fisheri Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish Y
Hawaiian smooth seahorse [9] Hawaiian smooth seahorse Hippocampus H. kuda Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish N
Redstripe pipefish [9] Redstripe pipefish Dunckerocampus D. baldwini Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish Y
Thorny seahorse [9] Thorny seahorse Hippocampus H. histrix Syngnathidae [66] Pipefish N
Pomfret [11] Pomfret Taractes T. steindachneri Bramidae [67] Pomfret N
Kōkala (ʻo(ʻopu kawa [9] Giant porcupinefish Diodon D. hystrix Diodontidae [68] Porcupinefish N
Kōkala (ʻo(ʻopu ōkala [9] Longspine porcupinefish Diodon D. holocanthus Diodontidae [68] Porcupinefish N
Kōkala (ʻo(ʻopu hue [9] Spotted burrfish Chilomycterus C. reticulatus Diodontidae [68] Porcupinefish N
Puʻu-olaʻi Ambon toby Canthigaster C. amboinensis Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish N
Floral puffer [9] Floral puffer Torquigener T. florealis Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish N
Puʻu-olaʻi Hawaiian whitespotted toby Canthigaster C. jactator Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish Y
Puʻu-olaʻi Lantern toby Canthigaster C. epilampra Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish N
Puʻu-olaʻi Maze toby Canthigaster C. rivulata Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish N
Randall's puffer [9] Randall's puffer Torquigener T. randalli Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish Y
ʻoʻopu hue (keke) [9] Stripebelly puffer Arothron A. hispidus Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish N
ʻoʻopu hue (keke) [9] Stripebelly puffer Arothron A. meleagris Tetraodontidae [69] Pufferfish N
Hāhāua [9] Manta ray Manta M. birostris Mobulidae [70] Ray N
Hāhāua [9] Manta ray Manta M. alfredi Mobulidae [70] Ray N
Omo [9] Common remora Remora R. remora Echeneidae [71] Remora N
Leleiona [9] Slender remora Echeneis E. naucrates Echeneidae [71] Remora N
Pakiʻi [11] Three-spot flounder Samariscus S. triocellatus Samaridae [72] Right-eyed flounder N
South Pacific sandburrower [9] South Pacific sandburrower Crystallodytes C. cookei Creediidae [73] Sandburrower Y
Purple chimaera Purple chimaera Hydrolagus H. purpurescens Chimaeridae [74] Chimaera Y
Longnosed chimaera Pacific spookfish Rhinochimaera R. pacifica Rhinochimaeridae [75] Chimaera Y
Pyle's sandlance [9] Pyle's sandlance Ammodytoides A. pylei Ammodytidae [76] Sandlance Y
Redspotted sandperch [9] Redspotted sandperch Parapercis P. schauinslandii Pinguipedidae [77] Sandperch N
Goldspot sardine [9] Goldspot sardine Herklotsichthys H. quadrimaculatus Dorosomatidae [78] Sardine N
Makiawa [11] Round herring Etrumeus E. makiawa Clupeidae [49] Sardine Y
ʻOpelu [11] Mackerel scad Decapterus D. pinnulatus Carangidae [51] Scad N
Coral scorpionfish [9] Coral scorpionfish Scorpaenodes S. corallinus Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Nohu [9] Decoy scorpionfish Iracundus I. signifer Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Nohu ʻomakaha [9] Devil scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis S. diabolus Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Dwarf scorpionfish [9] Dwarf scorpionfish Sebastapistes S. fowleri Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Galactic scorpionfish [9] Galactic scorpionfish Sebastapistes S. galactacma Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Nohu pinao [9] Hawaiian green lionfish Dendrochirus D. barberi Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish Y
Nohu pinao [9] Hawaiian turkeyfish Pterois P. sphex Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish Y
Kellogg's scorpionfish [9] Kellogg's scorpionfish Scorpaenodes S. kelloggi Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Oʻopu kai nohu [11] Large headed scorpion Pontinus P. macrocephalus Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Leaf scorpionfish [9] Leaf scorpionfish Taenianotus T. triacanthus Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Lowfin scorpionfish [9] Lowfin scorpionfish Scorpaenodes S. parvipinnis Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Nohu [9] Shortsnout scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis S. brevifrons Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish Y
Spotfin scorpionfish [9] Spotfin scorpionfish Sebastapistes S. ballieui Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish Y
Strange-face scorpionfish [9] Strange-face scorpionfish Rhinopias R. xenops Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish N
Nohu [9] Titan scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis S. cacopsis Scorpaenidae [79] Scorpionfish Y
Nenue [9] Bicolor chub Kyphosus K. hawaiiensis Kyphosidae [80] Sea chubs Y
Nenue [9] Brassy/Lowfin chub [28] Kyphosus K. vaigiensis Kyphosidae [80] Sea chubs N
Nenue [9] Gray chub Kyphosus K. sandwicensis Kyphosidae [80] Sea chubs N
Nenue [11] Highfin chub Kyphosus K. cinerascens Kyphosidae [80] Sea chubs N
Manō [9] Blue shark Prionace P. glauca Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō [9] Grey reef shark Carcharhinus C. amblyrhynchos Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō [9] Bignose shark Carcharhinus C. altimus Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō pāʻele [9] Blacktip shark Carcharhinus C. limbatus Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō pāʻele [9] Blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus C. melanopterus Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Cookiecutter shark [9] Cookiecutter shark Isistius I. brasilliensis Dalatiidae [82] Shark N
Megamouth shark [9] Megamouth shark Megachasma M. pelagios Megachasmidae [83] Shark N
Manō [9] Galápagos shark Carcharhinus C. galapagensis Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō [9] Sandbar shark Carcharhinus C. plumbeus Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō [9] Silky shark Carcharhinus C. falciformis Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō kihikihi [9] Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna S. lewini Sphyrnidae [84] Shark N
Manō kihikihi [9] Smooth hammerhead Sphyrna S. zygaena Sphyrnidae [84] Shark N
Niuhi [9] Tiger shark Galeocerdo G. cuvier Galeocerdonidae [85] Shark N
Niuhi [9] Great white shark Carcharodon C. carcharias Lamnidae [86] Shark N
Manō [9] Shortfin mako shark Isurus I. oxyrinchus Lamnidae [86] Shark N
Whale shark [9] Whale shark Rhincodon R. typus Rhincodontidae [87] Shark N
Manō lālā kea [9] Whitetip reef shark Triaenodon T. obesus Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō lālā kea [9] Oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus C. longimanus Carcharhinidae [81] Shark N
Manō hiʻuka or Manō laukahiʻu [9] Thresher shark Alopias A. pelagicus Alopiidae [88] Shark N
ʻiao [9] Hawaiian silverside Atherinomorus A. insularum Atherinidae [89] Silverside Y
Fowler's snake eel [9] Fowler's snake eel Ophichthus O. fowleri Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel Y
Freckled snake eel [9] Freckled snake eel Callechelys C. lutea Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel Y
Henshaw's snake eel [9] Henshaw's snake eel Brachysomophis B. henshawi Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel N
Large-spotted snake eel [9] Many-eyed snake eel Ophichthus O. polyophthalmus Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel N
Magnificent snake eel [9] Magnificent snake eel Myrichthys M. magnificus Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel Y
Pencil snake eel [9] Pencil snake eel Apterichtus A. klazingai Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel N
Saddled snake eel [9] Saddled snake eel Leiuranus L. semicinctus Ophichthidae [90] Snake eel N
[9] Bigeye emperor Monotaxis M. grandoculis Lethrinidae [91] Emperor breams N
Toʻau [11] Black tail snapper Lutjanus L. fulvus Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Taʻape [11] Blue striped snapper Lutjanus L. kasmira Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
ʻUkiʻuki (Gindai) [11] Brigham's snapper Pristipomoides P. zonatus Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Wahanui [9] Forktail snapper Aphareus A. furca Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Uku [11] Gray jobfish Aprion A. virescens Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Lehi (Lehe) [14] Ironjaw snapper Aphareus A. rutilans Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
ʻOpakapaka [11] Pink snapper Pristipomoides P. filamentosus Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Onaga [14] Longtail red snapper Etelis E. coruscans Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Ehu [11] Squirrelfish snapper Etelis E. carbunculus Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Kalekale [11] Von Siebold's snapper Pristipomoides P. sieboldii Lutjanidae [92] Snappers N
Boreham's sole [9] Boreham's sole Aseraggodes A. borehami Soleidae [93] Sole Y
Holcom's sole [9] Holcom's sole Aseraggodes A. holcomi Soleidae [93] Sole Y
Therese's sole [9] Therese's sole Aseraggodes A. therese Soleidae [93] Sole Y
Uʻu [11] Bigscale squirrelfish Myripristis M. berndti Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [9] Bluestripe squirrelfish Sargocentron S. tiere Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Uʻu [9] Brick soldierfish Myripristis M. amaena Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [9] Crown squirrelfish Sargocentron S. diadema Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [9] Dwarf squirrelfish Sargocentron S. iota Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [9] Hawaiian squirrelfish Sargocentron S. xantherythrum Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish Y
Alaʻihi [9] Longjaw squirrelfish Sargocentron S. spiniferum Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Uʻu [11] Pearly squirrelfish/Shoulderbar squirrelfish [28] Myripristis M. kuntee Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [9] Peppered squirrelfish Sargocentron S. punctatissimum Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Uʻu [11] Rough-scale squirrelfish Plectrypops P. lima Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [9] Spotfin squirrelfish Neoniphon N. sammara Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Alaʻihi [11] Goldline squirrelfish Neoniphon N. aurolineatus Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Whitespot squirrelfish [9] Whitespot squirrelfish Pristilepis P. oligolepis Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Uʻu [11] Whitetip squirrelfish Myripristis M. vittata Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Uʻu [11] Yellowfin squirrelfish Myripristis M. chryseres Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Yellowstripe squirrelfish [9] Yellowstripe squirrelfish Sargocentron S. ensifer Holocentridae [94] Squirrelfish N
Stripey [9] Stripey Microcanthus M. strigatus Microcanthidae [95] Stripey N
Pākuʻikuʻi [11] Achilles tang Acanthurus A. achilles Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Māiʻiʻi [11] Black and brown surgeonfish Acanthurus A. nigrofuscus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Black surgeonfish [9] Black surgeonfish Ctenochaetus C. hawaiiensis Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Maiko [9] Bluelined surgeonfish Acanthurus A. nigroris Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Kala [11] Bluespine unicornfish Naso N. unicornis Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Manini [11] Convict tang Acanthurus A. triostegus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Palani [11] Dussumier's surgeon Acanthurus A. dussumieri Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Kole [11] Yellow-eyed surgeon Ctenochaetus C. strigosus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish Y
Goldrim tang [9] Goldrim tang Acanthurus A. nigricans Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Gray unicornfish [9] Gray unicornfish Naso N. hexacanthus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Lined surgeonfish [9] Lined surgeonfish Acanthurus A. lineatus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Naʻenaʻa [11] Orangeband surgeonfish Acanthurus A. olivaceus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Umauma lei [9] Orangespine unicornfish Naso N. lituratus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Kala lōlō [9] Paletail unicornfish Naso N. brevirostris Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Pualu [9] Ringtail surgeonfish Acanthurus A. blochii Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Api (Māneoneo) [11] Sailfin tang Zebrasoma Z. veliferum Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Kala holo (ʻlōpelu kala) [9] Sleek unicornfish Naso N. caesius Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Thompson's surgeonfish [9] Thompson's surgeonfish Acanthurus A. thompsoni Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Pualu [11] Elongate surgeonfish Acanthurus A. mata Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Māikoiko [9] Whitebar surgeonfish Acanthurus A. leucopareius Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Whitemargin unicornfish [9] Whitemargin unicornfish Naso N. annulatus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Api [9] Whitespotted surgeonfish Acanthurus A. guttatus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Lauiʻīpala [9] Yellow tang Zebrasoma Z. flavescens Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Pualu [9] Yellowfin surgeonfish Acanthurus A. xanthopterus Acanthuridae [96] Surgeonfish N
Aʻuku [11] Swordfish Xiphias X. gladius Xiphiidae [97] Swordfish N
Moi [11] Threadfin Polydactylus P. sexfilis Polynemidae [98] Threadfin N
Blackchin tilapia [9] Blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon S. melanotheron Cirrhitidae [48] Tilapia N
Flagtail tilefish [9] Flagtail tilefish Malacanthus M. brevirostris Malacanthidae [99] Tilefish N
Pake ulua [9] Bigeye trevally Caranx C. sexfasciatus Carangidae [51] Trevally N
Ulua lāʻ [9] Black trevally Caranx C. lugubris Carangidae [51] Trevally N
Kamanu [11] Rainbow runner Elegatis E. bipinnulatus Carangidae [51] Trevally N
ʻōmilu [9] Bluefin trevally Caranx C. melampygus Carangidae [51] Trevally N
Ulua aukea [9] Giant trevally Caranx C. ignobilis Carangidae [51] Trevally N
Ulua paʻopaʻo [9] Golden trevally Gnathanodon G. speciosus Carangidae [51] Trevally N
Butaguchi [14] White trevally Pseudocaranx P. dentex Carangidae [51] Trevally Y
Humu-humu ʻleʻle [9] Black triggerfish Melichthys M. niger Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Blueline triggerfish [9] Blueline triggerfish Xanthichthys X. caeruleolineatus Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Humuhumu mimi [9] Bridled triggerfish Sufflamen S. fraenatum Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Finescale triggerfish [9] Finescale triggerfish Balistes B. polylepis Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Gilded triggerfish [9] Gilded triggerfish Xanthichthys X. auromarginatus Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Crosshatch triggerfish [9] Crosshatch triggerfish Xanthichthys X. mento Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
nukunukuāpuaʻa [9]
Lagoon triggerfish Rhinecanthus R. aculeatus Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Humuhumu lei [9] Lei triggerfish Sufflamen S. bursa Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Humu-humu hiʻu lole [9] Pinktail triggerfish Melichthys M. vidua Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
nukunukuāpuaʻa [11]
Reef triggerfish Rhinecanthus R. rectangulus Balistidae [100] Triggerfish N
Nūnū [11] Trumpetfish Aulostomus A. chinensis Aulostomidae [101] Trumpetfish N
Ahi palaha [11] Albacore tuna Thunnus T. alalunga Scombridae [102] Tuna N
Poʻonui [11] Bigeye tuna Thunnus T. obesus Scombridae [102] Tuna N
Kawakawa [11] Kawakawa Euthynnus E. affinis Scombridae [102] Tuna N
Aku [11] Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus K. pelamis Scombridae [102] Tuna N
Ono [11] Wahoo Acanthocybium A. solandri Scombridae [102] Tuna N
Ahi [11] Yellowfin tuna Thunnus T. albacares Scombridae [102] Tuna N
Laenihi [9] Baldwin's razor wrasse Iniistius I. baldwini Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Belted wrasse [9] Belted wrasse Stethojulis S. balteata Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Hīnālea ʻiʻiwi (Hīnālea ʻakilolo) [9] Bird wrasse Gomphosus G. varius Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Hilu [11] Black striped wrasse Coris C. flavovittata Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Laenihi [9] Blackside razor wrasse Iniistius I. umbrilatus Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Laenihi [9] Brownspot razor wrasse Iniistius I. celebicus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Christmas wrasse [9] Christmas wrasse Thalassoma T. trilobatum Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Kūpou [9] Cigar wrasse Cheilio C. inermis Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Disappearing wrasse [9] Striated wrasse Pseudocheilinus P. evanidus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Eightline wrasse [9] Eight-lined wrasse Pseudocheilinus P. octotaenia Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Five stripe wrasse [9] Fivestripe wrasse Thalassoma T. quinquevittatum Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Elegant coris [9] Elegant coris Coris C. venusta Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Flame wrasse [9] Flame wrasse Cirrhilabrus C. jordani Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Forktail sand wrasse [9] Forktail sand wrasse Ammolabrus A. dicrus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Fourline wrasse [9] Four-lined wrasse Pseudocheilinus P. tetrataenia Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Hawaiian cleaner wrasse [9] Hawaiian cleaner wrasse Labroides L. phthirophagus Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Malamalama [9] Lined coris Coris C. ballieui Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Hinālea luahine [9] Old woman wrasse Thalassoma T. ballieui Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Ornate wrasse [9] Ornate wrasse Halichoeres H. ornatissimus Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Laenihi [9] Peacock razor wrasse, Black-barred razorfish, Blue razorfish, Pavo razorfish, Nabeta Iniistius I. pavo Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Pencil wrasse [9] Pencil wrasse Pseudojuloides P. cerasinus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Poʻou [9] Ringtail wrasse Oxycheilinus O. unifasciatus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Rockmover wrasse [9] Rockmover wrasse Novaculichthys N. taeniourus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Poʻou [11] Rose colored wrasse Oxycheilinus O. orientalis Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Hinālea lauwili [9] Saddle wrasse Thalassoma T. duperrey Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Shortnose wrasse [9] Shortnose wrasse Macropharyngodon M. geoffroy Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Slingjaw wrasse [9] Slingjaw wrasse Epibulus E. insidiator Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Sunset wrasse [9] Sunset wrasse Thalassoma T. lutescens Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Surge wrasse [9] Surge wrasse Thalassoma T. purpureum Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Twospot wrasse [9] Twospot wrasse Oxycheilinus O. bimaculatus Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Laenihi [9] Whitepatch razor wrasse Iniistius I. aneitensis Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Laenihi [9] Wood's razor wrasse Novaculops N. woodi Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Hīnālea ʻakilolo [9] Yellowtail coris Coris C. gaimard Labridae [103] Wrasses N
Aʻawa [9] [11] Hawaiian hogfish Bodianus B. albotaeniatus Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
ʻopule [9] Pearl wrasse Anampses A. cuvier Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
ʻopule [11] Psychedelic wrasse Anampses A. chrysocephalus Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Sunrise hogfish [9] Sunrise hogfish Bodianus B. sanguineus Labridae [103] Wrasses Y
Hīhīmanu Broad stingray Bathytoshia B. lata Dasyatidae Whiptail stingray N


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<i>Kuhlia xenura</i> Species of fish

Kuhlia xenura, the strange-tailed flagtail or Hawaii flagtail, is a species of ray-finned fish, a flagtail from the family Kuhliidae which is endemic to Hawaii, where it occurs in fresh, brackish, and marine waters. It can be found in tide pools, estuaries, and on reefs occurring over sand or rock.

<i>Kuhlia sandvicensis</i> Species of fish

Kuhlia sandvicensis, the reticulated flagtail, zebra-headed flagtail or Hawaiian flagtail, is a species of ray-finned fish, a flagtail from the family Kuhliidae which is found in the central Pacific Ocean. It is popular as a game fish and can also be found in the aquarium trade.

<i>Kuhlia mugil</i> Species of fish

Kuhlia mugil, the barred flagtail, the fiveband flagtail or the five-bar flagtail, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a flagtail belonging to the family Kuhliidae. It is found in the Indo-Pacific region.

<i>Oplopomus oplopomus</i> Species of fish

Oplopomus oplopomus, commonly known as the spinecheek goby, is a species of goby native to the Indo-Pacific region. They can grow to a maximum length of 10 centimetres (3.9 in). They inhabit coral reefs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bean's sawtooth eel</span> Species of fish

The Bean's sawtooth eel is an eel in the family Serrivomeridae. It was described by Theodore Gill and John Adam Ryder in 1883. It is a marine, deep water-dwelling eel which is known from throughout the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Western Pacific Ocean, including Iceland, South Africa, Réunion, and Australia. It dwells at a depth range of 0–5,998 metres (0–19,680 ft), and leads a solitary lifestyle. It migrates vertically at night. Males can reach a maximum total length of 78-80 centimetres, making it the largest sawtooth eel.

<i>Kuhlia rupestris</i> Species of fish

Kuhlia rupestris, the rock flagtail, jungle perch, mountain trout, buffalo bream, dusky-finned bulleye, rockmountain bass or spotted flagtail, is a species of ray-finned fish, a flagtail, from the family Kuhliidae. It is a catadromous species which is native to the Indo-Pacific and northern Australia.

<i>Sphyraena helleri</i> Species of fish

Sphyraena helleri, the Heller's barracuda, is a schooling species of barracuda in the family Sphyraenidae.

Kuhlia malo is a freshwater and brackish water species of ray-finned fish from the family Kuhliidae which is endemic to French Polynesia.

<i>Doryrhamphus negrosensis</i> Species of fish

Doryrhamphus negrosensis, commonly known as Negros pipefish, flagtail pipefish, Masthead Island pipefish or Queensland flagtail pipefish, is a species of marine fish of the family Syngnathidae. It is found in the Western Pacific Ocean, from Borneo to Vanuatu and the Yaeyama Islands to the Rowley Shoals and the Great Barrier Reef. It lives in mud flats and reefs, both coral and rocky, where it is often associated with sea urchins. It is a rather solitary species which may be found in pairs or small groups. It inhabits depths to 9 metres (30 ft), and can grow to lengths of 6.2 centimetres (2.4 in). Although little is known of its feeding habits, it is expected to feed on harpacticoid copepods, gammarid shrimps, and mysids, similar to other pipefish, it may also act as a cleaner fish like other species in the genus Doryrhamphus. This species is ovoviviparous, with males carrying eggs before giving birth to live young. Males may brood at 4.3 cm. It is a small bluish to bluish-grey pipefish which has a pale stripe along the dorsal side of the head and snout, and a dark fan-like caudal fin which has white margins and an orange base.


  1. "Hawaiian Fish". hawaii scuba diving. 2009. Archived from the original on 15 June 2009. Retrieved 2 March 2013.
  2. "Hawaii Public Forecast Products". National Weather Service. 2009. Retrieved 15 October 2009.
  3. Whaling in Hawaii Archived 5 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine .
  4. Stuart Biggs (30 May 2007). "Kyokuyo Joins Maruha to End Whale Meat Sales in Japan". Bloomberg. Archived from the original on 9 October 2007. Retrieved 17 October 2009.
  5. Jason Philibotte (2009). "Fisheries Local Action Strategy (LAS)". National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . National Marine Fisheries Service . Retrieved 17 October 2009.
  6. McRae, McRae, and Fitzsimons (2011). Habitats used by Juvenile Flagtails (Kuhlia spp.; Perciformes: Kuhliidae) on the Island of Hawai'i. Pacific Science 65(4): 441-450
  7. 1 2 Fitzsimons; and McRae (2007) Behavioral Ecology of Indigenous Stream Fishes in Hawai‘i. Environmental Studies 3: 11–21.
  8. Yamamoto, Mike N.; Tagawa, Annette W. (1 January 2000). Hawaii's Native and Exotic Freshwater Animals. Mutual Pub. ISBN   978-1-56647-342-2.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 Hoover, John P. (2008). The Ultimate Guide to Hawaiian Reef Fishes, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Whales, and Seals. Mutual Publishing. ISBN   978-1-56647-887-8.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "FAMILY Details for Pomacanthidae - Angelfishes".
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 "Guide to Hawaiian Fish Species". State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources. 2009. Retrieved 17 October 2009.
  12. 1 2 3 "FAMILY Details for Sphyraenidae - Barracudas".
  13. "FAMILY Details for Polymixiidae - Beardfishes".
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 "Current Line Fish Facts for Bottom Fishes of Hawaii" (PDF). DLNR—Division of Aquatic Resources. Retrieved 16 March 2009.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "FAMILY Details for Priacanthidae - Bigeyes or catalufas".
  16. 1 2 3 Fishbase Priacanthidae
  17. "FAMILY Details for Etmopteridae - Lantern sharks".
  18. "FAMILY Details for Pentacerotidae - Armorheads".
  19. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Albulidae - Bonefishes".
  20. 1 2 3 4 "FAMILY Details for Ostraciidae - Boxfishes".
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "FAMILY Details for Chaetodontidae - Butterflyfishes".
  22. "FAMILY Details for Bythitidae - Livebearing brotulas".
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "FAMILY Details for Apogonidae - Cardinalfishes".
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "FAMILY Details for Pomacentridae - Damselfishes".
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 "FAMILY Details for Congridae - Conger and garden eels".
  26. "FAMILY Details for Fistulariidae - Cornetfishes".
  27. "FAMILY Details for Caracanthidae - Orbicular velvetfishes".
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 Russo, Ron (1994). Hawaiian Reefs: A Natural History Guide. Wavecrest Publications. ISBN   978-0-9635696-0-8.
  29. "FAMILY Details for Ophidiidae - Cusk-eels".
  30. "FAMILY Details for Microdesmidae - Wormfishes".
  31. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Ptereleotridae - Dartfishes".
  32. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Coryphaenidae - Dolphinfishes".
  33. 1 2 3 4 "FAMILY Details for Callionymidae - Dragonets".
  34. "FAMILY Details for Tripterygiidae - Triplefin blennies".
  35. "FAMILY Details for Myliobatidae - Eagle and manta rays".
  36. "FAMILY Details for Engraulidae - Anchovies".
  37. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "FAMILY Details for Monacanthidae - Filefishes".
  38. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Kuhliidae - Aholeholes".
  39. "FAMILY Details for Exocoetidae - Flyingfishes".
  40. "FAMILY Details for Dactylopteridae - Flying gurnards".
  41. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "FAMILY Details for Antennariidae - Frogfishes".
  42. "FAMILY Details for Gempylidae - Snake mackerels".
  43. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "FAMILY Details for Mullidae - Goatfishes".
  44. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "FAMILY Details for Gobiidae - Gobies".
  45. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.). "Species in genus Opua". FishBase .
  46. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "FAMILY Details for Serranidae - Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets".
  47. 1 2 3 "FAMILY Details for Hemiramphidae - Halfbeaks".
  48. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "FAMILY Details for Cirrhitidae - Hawkfishes".
  49. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Clupeidae - Herrings, shads, sardines, menhadens".
  50. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Schindleriidae - Infantfishes".
  51. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 "FAMILY Details for Carangidae - Jacks and pompanos".
  52. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Oplegnathidae - Knifejaws".
  53. "FAMILY Details for Elopidae - Tenpounders".
  54. 1 2 3 "FAMILY Details for Bothidae - Lefteye flounders".
  55. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "FAMILY Details for Synodontidae - Lizardfishes".
  56. 1 2 3 4 5 "FAMILY Details for Istiophoridae - Billfishes".
  57. "FAMILY Details for Chanidae - Milkfish".
  58. "FAMILY Details for Molidae - Molas or Ocean Sunfishes".
  59. "FAMILY Details for Lampridae - Opahs".
  60. "FAMILY Details for Zanclidae - Moorish idol".
  61. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "FAMILY Details for Muraenidae - Moray eels".
  62. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Mugilidae - Mullets".
  63. 1 2 3 4 "FAMILY Details for Belonidae - Needlefishes".
  64. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "FAMILY Details for Scaridae - Parrotfishes".
  65. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Carapidae - Pearlfishes".
  66. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "FAMILY Details for Syngnathidae - Pipefishes and seahorses".
  67. "FAMILY Details for Bramidae - Pomfrets".
  68. 1 2 3 "FAMILY Details for Diodontidae - Porcupinefishes (burrfishes)".
  69. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "FAMILY Details for Tetraodontidae - Puffers".
  70. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Mobulidae - Devilrays".
  71. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Echeneidae - Remoras".
  72. "FAMILY Details for Samaridae - Crested flounders".
  73. "FAMILY Details for Creediidae - Sandburrowers".
  74. "FAMILY Details for Chimaeridae - Shortnose chimaeras or ratfishes".
  75. "FAMILY Details for Rhinochimaeridae - Longnose chimaeras".
  76. "FAMILY Details for Ammodytidae - Sand lances".
  77. "FAMILY Details for Pinguipedidae - Sandperches".
  78. "FAMILY Details for Dorosomatidae - Gizzard shads and sardinellas)".
  79. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 "FAMILY Details for Scorpaenidae - Scorpionfishes or rockfishes".
  80. 1 2 3 4 "FAMILY Details for Kyphosidae - Sea chubs".
  81. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "FAMILY Details for Carcharhinidae - Requiem sharks".
  82. "FAMILY Details for Dalatiidae - Sleeper sharks".
  83. "FAMILY Details for Megachasmidae - Megamouth sharks".
  84. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Sphyrnidae - Hammerhead, bonnethead, or scoophead sharks".
  85. "FAMILY Details for Galeocerdonidae - Tiger sharks".
  86. 1 2 "FAMILY Details for Lamnidae - Mackerel sharks or white shark".
  87. "FAMILY Details for Rhincodontidae - Whale shark".
  88. "FAMILY Details for Alopiidae - Thresher sharks".
  89. "FAMILY Details for Atherinidae - Silversides".
  90. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "FAMILY Details for Ophichthidae - Snake eels".
  91. "FAMILY Details for Lethrinidae - Emperors or scavengers".
  92. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "FAMILY Details for Lutjanidae - Snappers".
  93. 1 2 3 "FAMILY Details for Soleidae - Soles".
  94. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "FAMILY Details for Holocentridae - Squirrelfishes, soldierfishes".
  95. "FAMILY Details for Microcanthidae - Stripeys".
  96. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "FAMILY Details for Acanthuridae - Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes".
  97. "FAMILY Details for Xiphiidae - Swordfish".
  98. "FAMILY Details for Polynemidae - Threadfins".
  99. "FAMILY Details for Malacanthidae - Tilefishes".
  100. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "FAMILY Details for Balistidae - Triggerfishes".
  101. "FAMILY Details for Aulostomidae - Trumpetfishes".
  102. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "FAMILY Details for Scombridae - Mackerels, tunas, bonitos".
  103. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 "FAMILY Details for Labridae - Wrasses".

Further reading