Representative | Country/place of birth | Citizenship by | Party | Position(s) held |
John J. Adams | Canada | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Victor Anfuso | Italy | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Henry M. Arens | Germany | Derivation | Farmer-Labor | U.S. Representative from Minnesota; previously Minnesota State Senator and Minnesota State Representative; later Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota |
William Armstrong | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Virginia; previously Virginia Delegate |
Chester G. Atkins | Switzerland | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; previously Massachusetts State Senator and Massachusetts State Representative |
Robert Baker | United Kingdom | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Ron Barber | United Kingdom | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Arizona |
Samuel Fleming Barr | Ireland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
William Bernard Barry | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Richard Bartholdt | Germany | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Missouri |
Charles Barwig | Germany | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Wisconsin |
William Beatty | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Carlos Bee | Mexico | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Texas, previously Texas State Senator |
Andrew Beirne | Ireland | Unknown | Jeffersonian Republican | U.S. Representative from Virginia, previously Virginia Delegate and Virginia State Senator |
Victor L. Berger | Austria | Naturalization | Socialist | U.S. Representative from Wisconsin |
John Bernard | France | Derivation | Farmer-Labor | U.S. Representative from Minnesota |
Charles Gustav Binderup | Denmark | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Nebraska |
Haldor Boen | Norway | Derivation | Populist | U.S. Representative from Minnesota |
Azariah Boody | Canada | Unknown | Whig | U.S. Representative from New York |
Thomas W. Bradley | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New York |
Edward Breitung | Germany | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Michigan |
Robert G. Bremner | Scotland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New Jersey |
George H. Brickner | Germany | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Wisconsin |
James Frankland Briggs | Germany | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New Hampshire |
Henry Bristow | Azores | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New York |
John W. Brown | United Kingdom | Derivation | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from New York; later Associate Justice of the New York Supreme Court |
Hugh Buchanan | Scotland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Georgia |
Charles F. Buck | Germany | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Louisiana |
Samuel Swinfin Burdett | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Missouri |
Henry Burk | Germany | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Aedanus Burke | Ireland | Derivation | Anti-Administration | U.S. Representative from South Carolina; previously South Carolina State Representative; later Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court |
William J. Burke | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
George Burnham | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from California |
Thomas Burnside | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania; previously Pennsylvania State Senator |
Joseph Henry Burrows | United Kingdom | Derivation | Greenback | U.S. Representative from Missouri |
Sala Burton | Poland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from California |
Thompson Campbell | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Timothy J. Campbell | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Joseph Cao | South Vietnam | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Louisiana |
Louis Capozzoli | Italy | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Patrick J. Carley | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Peter Angelo Cavicchia | Italy | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New Jersey |
William B. Charles | Scotland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New York |
John Michael Clancy | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Assemblyman |
William Bourke Cockran | Ireland | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
James Cooney | Ireland | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Missouri |
Patrick Collins | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; later Mayor of Boston |
James Cooney | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Missouri |
John G. Cooper | England | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Ohio |
Hector Craig | Scotland | Unknown | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from New York |
William Crawford | United Kingdom | Naturalization | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Thomas J. Creamer | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Charles Frederick Crisp | England | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Georgia |
Robert Crosser | Scotland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Ohio |
Frank Crowther | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New York |
George Calhoun Crowther | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Missouri |
William Cullen | Ireland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Thomas Cusack | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Geoff Davis | Canada | Birth | Republican | U.S. Representative from Kentucky |
Robert T. Davis | Ireland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; previously Mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts |
Benjamin Dean | United Kingdom | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; previously Massachusetts State Senator |
Steven Derounian | Bulgaria | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New York; later Associate Justice of the New York Supreme Court |
Lincoln Díaz-Balart | Cuba | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Florida; previously Florida State Senator and Florida State Representative |
Samuel Dickstein | Russia | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Assemblyman; later Associate Justice of the New York State Supreme Court |
Michael Donohoe | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Mervyn Dymally | Trinidad and Tobago | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from California; previously Lieutenant Governor of California and California State Senator; later California State Assemblyman |
Charles Aubrey Eaton | Canada | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from New Jersey |
John Ewing | Ireland | Derivation | National Republican, then Whig | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
Jacob Falconer | Canada | Derivation | Progressive | U.S. Representative from Washington; previously Washington State Senator and Washington State Representative |
Michael F. Farley | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
John F. Finerty | Ireland | Derivation | Independent Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Gustavus A. Finkelnburg | Prussia | Derivation | Republican, then Liberal Republican | U.S. Representative from Missouri; later Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri |
Mayra Flores | Mexico | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Texas |
Nicholas Ford | Ireland | Derivation | Greenback | U.S. Representative from Missouri; previously Missouri State Representative |
Elizabeth Furse | Kenya | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Oregon |
Bernard J. Gehrmann | Germany | Derivation | Progressive | U.S. Representative from Wisconsin; previously Wisconsin State Assemblyman; later Wisconsin State Senator |
Sam Gejdenson | Germany | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Connecticut |
George W. Gillie | Scotland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
Martin Gorski | Poland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
James McMahon Graham | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois; previously Illinois State Representative |
Ernest Greenwood | United Kingdom | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
John Greig | United Kingdom | Naturalization | Whig | U.S. Representative from New York |
James Gunn | Ireland | Derivation | Populist | U.S. Representative from Idaho; previously Idaho State Senator |
Michael Hahn | Bavaria | Derivation | Republican, then Unionist | U.S. Representative from Louisiana; previously Louisiana State Representative; later Governor of Louisiana |
Kittel Halvorson | Norway | Derivation | Populist | U.S. Representative from Minnesota; previously Minnesota State Representative |
Alexander M. Hardy | Canada | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
John Hardy | United Kingdom | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York City Alderman and New York State Assemblyman |
Alexander Harper | Ireland | Naturalization | Whig | U.S. Representative from Ohio; previously Ohio State Representative |
Richard A. Harrison | United Kingdom | Derivation | Unionist | U.S. Representative from Ohio; previously Ohio State Senator and Ohio State Representative |
Nils P. Haugen | Norway | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Wisconsin; previously Wisconsin State Assemblyman |
William Heilman | Germany | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
Samuel Henderson | United Kingdom | Naturalization | Federalist | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Pete Hoekstra | Netherlands | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from Michigan; later United States Ambassador to the Netherlands |
William Hogan | United Kingdom | Derivation | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from New York |
Einar Hoidale | Norway | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Minnesota |
Pehr G. Holmes | Sweden | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; previously Massachusetts Executive Councilor and Mayor of Worcester, Massachusetts |
Denis M. Hurley | Ireland | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from New York |
Jacob Johnson | Denmark | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Utah |
John Johnson | Ireland | Derivation | Independent Democratic | U.S. Representative from Ohio |
Niels Juul | Denmark | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Ruben Kihuen | Mexico | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Nevada; previously Nevada State Senator and Nevada State Assemblyman |
Jay Kim | Japanese Korea | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from California; previously Mayor of Diamond Bar, California |
Harold Knutson | Norway | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Minnesota (House Majority Whip) |
Ernie Konnyu | Hungary | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from California; previously California State Assemblyman |
John Hans Krebs | Germany | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from California |
Otto Krueger | Russia | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from North Dakota |
Tom Lantos | Hungary | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from California |
Charles Lieb | Germany | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
John Lind | Sweden | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Minnesota; later Governor of Minnesota |
Charles August Lindbergh | Sweden | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Minnesota |
Meyer London | Russian Poland | Naturalization | Socialist | U.S. Representative from New York |
Robert Lowry | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
John Baptiste Charles Lucas | France | Naturalization | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Thaddeus M. Machrowicz | Prussia | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Michigan |
John C. Mackie | Canada | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Michigan |
Tom Malinowski | Poland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New Jersey |
Sean Patrick Maloney | Canada | Birth | Democratic | White House Staff Secretary under Bill Clinton, and U.S. Representative from New York |
Noah M. Mason | Wales | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Alfred Milnes | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Michigan |
Blair McClenachan | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania; previously Pennsylvania State Representative |
William McCreery | Ireland | Naturalization | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Maryland; later Maryland State Senator |
Donald McEachin | Germany | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Virginia |
Lawrence E. McGann | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
John J. McGrath | Ireland | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from California |
James McLachlan | Scotland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from California |
Joseph McLaughlin | Ireland | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Frank Joseph McNulty | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New Jersey |
M. Alfred Michaelson | Norway | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Illinois; previously Chicago City Councilman |
William Milnes Jr. | United Kingdom | Derivation | Conservative | U.S. Representative from Virginia; previously Virginia Delegate |
Leopold Morse | Bavaria | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts |
William Moxley | Ireland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell | Ecuador | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Florida |
Stephanie Murphy | Vietnam | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Florida |
Michael N. Nolan | Ireland | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative, Mayor of Albany, New York |
James O'Brien | Ireland | Unknown | Independent Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Senator and Sheriff of New York County |
Daniel O'Reilly | Ireland | Naturalization | Independent Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously Mayor of Brooklyn, New York |
George F. O'Shaunessy | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Rhode Island |
Robert Dale Owen | Scotland | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
Romualdo Pacheco | Mexico | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from California; previously Governor of California |
William Prince | Ireland | Unknown | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
Joseph Pulitzer | Hungary | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously Missouri State Representative |
John Quinn | Ireland | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Assemblyman |
Robert L. Ramsay | England | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from West Virginia |
John Richards | United Kingdom | Naturalization | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Assemblyman |
Ciro Rodriguez | Mexico | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Texas; previously Texas State Representative |
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen | Cuba | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from Florida; previously Florida State Senator and Florida State Representative |
William Russell | Ireland | Naturalization | Jacksonian, then Whig | U.S. Representative from Ohio; previously Ohio State Senator and Ohio State Representative |
Robert Rutherford | United Kingdom | Derivation | Anti-Administration, then Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Virginia; previously Virginia State Senator |
Adolph J. Sabath | Kingdom of Bohemia | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
Peter Sailly | France | Naturalization | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Assemblyman |
Dalip Singh Saund | British India | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from California |
James Shields | Ireland | Naturalization | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from Ohio; previously Ohio State Representative |
Jerry Simpson | Prince Edward Island | Derivation | Populist | U.S. Representative from Kansas |
Albio Sires | Cuba | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New Jersey; previously Mayor of West New York, New Jersey |
Charles Slade | United Kingdom | Derivation | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from Illinois; previously Illinois State Representative |
Alexander Smyth | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic-Republican | U.S. Representative from Virginia; previously Virginia Delegate |
Michelle Steel | South Korea | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from California |
Karl Stefan | Austria-Hungary | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from Nebraska |
Isidor Straus | Bavaria | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York |
Arthur H. Taylor | Canada | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
John K. Tener | Ireland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania; later Governor of Pennsylvania |
John Thomson | Ireland | Derivation | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from Ohio; previously Ohio State Senator and Ohio State Representative |
Herman Toll | Russian Empire | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
Charles W. Upham | Canada | Unknown | Whig | U.S. Representative from Massachusetts; previously Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts and Massachusetts State Representative and Massachusetts State Senator |
Weston E. Vivian | Canada | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Michigan |
Benjamin Walker | United Kingdom | N/A | Federalist | U.S. Representative from New York |
Michael Walsh | Ireland | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York State Assemblyman |
Knud Wefald | Norway | Naturalization | Farmer-Labor | U.S. Representative from Minnesota; previously Minnesota State Representative |
Theodore S. Weiss | Hungary | Derivation | Democratic | U.S. Representative from New York; previously New York City Councilman |
Campbell P. White | Ireland | Naturalization | Jacksonian | U.S. Representative from New York |
James Bain White | Scotland | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Indiana |
Susan Wild | West Germany | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania |
James Wilson | United Kingdom | Naturalization | Republican | U.S. Representative from Iowa; later Secretary of Agriculture |
William Bauchop Wilson | United Kingdom | Naturalization | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania; later Secretary of Labor |
John Travers Wood | England | Unknown | Republican | U.S. Representative from Idaho |
Chase G. Woodhouse | Canada | Birth | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Connecticut; previously Secretary of the State of Connecticut |
Charles W. Woodman | Denmark | Derivation | Republican | U.S. Representative from Illinois |
David Wu | Taiwan | Unknown | Democratic | U.S. Representative from Oregon |