This is a list of individual, wild species of lizards, snakes, and turtles currently extant in the U.S. State of Colorado
§Article exists for this species, but not the subspecies.
*Article exists for this genus, but not the individual species.
§Article exists for this species, but not the subspecies.
*Article exists for this genus, but not the individual species.
Family [1] | Species | Common Name |
Chelydridae | Chelydra serpentina | Common snapping turtle |
Emydidae | Chrysemys picta bellii | Painted turtle |
Emydidae | Terrapene ornata | Ornate Box turtle |
Emydidae | Trachemys scripta elegans | Red-eared slider† |
Kinosternidae | Kinosternon flavescens | Yellow mud turtle |
Trionychidae | Apalone spinifera | Spiny softshell turtle |
†Red-eared sliders are an introduced and invasive species to Colorado.
There are more than 1,500 properties and historic districts in the U.S. State of Colorado listed on the National Register of Historic Places. They are distributed over 63 of Colorado's 64 counties; only the City and County of Broomfield currently has none.