List of reptiles of California

Last updated

This list of reptiles of California includes the snakes, turtles and lizards found in the US state of California.



Family Anguidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Elgaria coerulia Northern alligator lizardNorth of Monterey Bay and in the Sierra Nevada Elgaria coerulea.jpg
Elgaria multicarinata Southern alligator lizardThroughout the state, excluding the deserts and most of the Central Valley Elgaria multicarinata Sacramento County.jpg
Elgaria panamintina [e] Panamint alligator lizard Inyo and Mono Counties

Family Anniellidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Anniella alexanderae [e] Temblor legless lizardBetween California State Highway 33 and southeast base of Temblor Range, Kern County
Anniella campi [e] Southern Sierra legless lizardWestern Mojave Desert in Kern and Inyo Counties Big Spring Legless Lizard, Anniella campi.jpg
Anniella grinnelli [e] Bakersfield legless lizardSouthern San Joaquin Valley and the east side of the Carrizo Plain Anniella grinnelli 1631485.jpg
Anniella pulchra [e] Northern California legless lizard Contra Costa County south to Ventura County Anniella pulchra.jpg
Anniella stebbinsi Southern California legless lizard Southern California south of the Transverse Ranges into northern Baja California Anniella stebbinsi 8672345.jpg

Family Chamaeleonidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Trioceros jacksonii [i] Jackson's chameleon San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, and San Diego Counties Jackson's Chameleon 2 edit1.jpg

Family Crotaphytidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Crotaphytus bicinctores Great Basin collared lizardEast of the Sierra Nevada Great Basin Collared Lizard - Crotaphytus bicinctores.jpg
Crotaphytus vestigium Baja California collared lizardEast of Peninsular Ranges south of Mount San Jacinto Crotophytus vestigium.jpg
Gambelia copeii Cope's leopard lizardBarely extends into CA, around Campo, San Diego County. Gambelia copei.jpg
Gambelia sila [e] Blunt-nosed leopard lizard San Joaquin Valley Blunt-nosed leopard lizard (6554995907).jpg
Gambelia wislizenii Long-nosed leopard lizardMojave and Sonoran Deserts Long-nosed leopard lizard.jpg

Family Dactyloidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Anolis carolinensis [i] Green anoleCoastal Southern California Anole Lizard Hilo Hawaii edit.jpg
Anolis sagrei [i] Brown anoleSmall isolated populations in San Diego County Cuban brown anole (Anolis sagrei sagrei) juvenile.JPG

Family Eublepharidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Coleonyx switaki Switak's banded gecko Borrego Springs south to Baja California Coleonyx switaki.jpg
Coleonyx variegatus Western banded geckoMost of inland Southern California Coleonyx Variegatus.jpg

Family Gekkonidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Cyrtopodionscabrum [i] Rough-tailed geckoInyo County near Death Valley Cyrtopodion scabrum cropped.jpeg
Hemidactylus garnotii [i] Indo-Pacific geckoLos Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties Hemidactylus garnotii 60477163.jpg
Hemidactylus mabouia [i] Tropical house geckoOrange and San Diego Counties Hemidactylus mabouia 181006615.jpg
Hemidactylus turcicus [i] Mediterranean house geckoSouthern California and San Joaquin Valley, scattered throughout the rest of the state Mediterranean house gecko.JPG
Tarentola annularis [i] Ringed wall gecko Redlands, San Bernardino County Tarentola annularis.jpg
Tarentola mauritanica [i] Moorish geckoSan Diego County Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica)(found by Jean NICOLAS) (34844955103).jpg

Family Helodermatidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Heloderma suspectum Gila monsterScattered populations in Inyo, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial Counties AZ Gila Monster 01.jpg

Family Iguanidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Dipsosaurus dorsalis Desert iguanaMojave and Sonoran Deserts DesertIguana031611.jpg
Sauromalus ater Common chuckwallaMojave and Sonoran Deserts excluding Algodones Dunes Sauromalus ater - Common Chuckwalla (10304873725).jpg

Family Lacertidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Acanthodactylusboskianus [i] Bosc's fringe-toed lizardCoastal Ventura County Bosc's fringe-toed lizard (Acanthodactylus boskianus asper) juvenile.jpg
Podarcis siculus [i] Italian wall lizard San Pedro, Los Angeles County Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus siculus).jpg

Family Phrynosomatidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Callisaurus draconoides Zebra-tailed lizardMojave and Sonoran Deserts Pinkish Zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides).jpg
Petrosaurus mearnsi Banded rock lizardEast of Peninsular Ranges south of San Gorgonio Pass Petrosaurus mearnsi.jpg
Phrynosoma blainvilli Coast horned lizardWest of Sierra Nevada and deserts, north to the Bay Area, and inland as far north as Shasta Reservoir Coast Horned Lizard (9096387129).jpg
Phrynosoma douglasii Pygmy short-horned lizardFar northeast near Oregon Phrynosoma douglasii 4179.JPG
Phrynosoma mcallii Flat-tail horned lizardMost of Colorado Desert, excluding Algodones Dunes Phrynosoma mcallii.jpg
Phrynosoma platyrhinos Desert horned lizardSonoran and Mojave Deserts and far northeast in Great Basin Desert Desert Horned Lizard.jpg
Sceloporus becki [e] Island fence lizard Channel Islands Western-Fence-Lizard.jpg
Sceloporus graciosus Common sagebrush lizardMountains surrounding Central Valley north to Oregon and east to Nevada Common Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus graciosus).jpg
Sceloporus magister Desert spiny lizardSonoran Desert Sceloporus magister Phoenix.jpg
Sceloporus occidentalis Western fence lizardThroughout California excluding most of Sonoran and Mojave Deserts Sceloporus occidentalis, Sacramento County, California.jpg
Sceloporus orcutti Granite spiny lizardLower slopes of Peninsular Ranges south of San Gorgonio Pass Sceloporus orcutti.jpg
Sceloporus uniformis Yellow-backed spiny lizardMojave Desert with scattered populations in Coast Ranges. Sceloporus uniformis - Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard (10304838504).jpg
Sceloporus vandenburgianus Southern sagebrush lizardTransverse and Peninsular Ranges Belly of male Southern sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus).jpg
Uma inornata [e] Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard Coachella Valley Coachella valley fringe toed lizard.jpg
Uma notata Colorado Desert fringe-toed lizardColorado Desert Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard imported from iNaturalist photo 1526425 on 2 January 2022.jpg
Uma scoparia Mojave fringe-toed lizardMojave Desert between Death Valley and Colorado River Uma-scoparia.jpg
Urosaurus graciosus Long-tailed brush lizardSonoran and Mojave Deserts Urosaurus graciosus.jpg
Urosaurus microscutatus Small-scaled lizardEast side of Peninsular Ranges south of Borrego Palm Canyon, Marron Valley, Cottonwood, and Deerhorn Flat areas on the west side. Urosaurus nigricaudus.jpg
Urosaurus ornatus Ornate tree lizardNative along Colorado River, introduced in San Bernardino County and El Centro Urosaurus ornatus.jpg
Uta stansburiana Common side-blotched lizardSouthern California north to Bay Area, excluding the Central Valley and including Great Basin Desert near Nevada Common Side-blotched Lizard (b04d81e1-fdf7-4581-8540-2076fee9a6d8).jpg

Family Phyllodactylidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Phyllodactylus nocticolus Peninsular leaf-toed geckoEast of Peninsular Ranges, south of Palm Springs Phyllodactylus nocticolus 28046804.jpg

Family Scincidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Chalcides ocellatus [i] Ocelated skinkSmall populations in San Bernardino and San Diego Counties Scincidae Chalcides ocellatus 2.jpg
Plestiodon gilberti Gilbert's skinkSierra Nevada, Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular Ranges, with populations in Mojave Desert Gilbert's Skink (Plestiodon gilberti) - Flickr - GregTheBusker.jpg
Plestiodon skiltonianus Western skinkCoastal and Northern California, with populations in Sierra Nevada and Great Basin Desert Western Skink.jpg
Trachylepis Quinquetaeniata [i] African five-lined skink Glendora, Los Angeles County Trachylepis quinquetaeniata.jpg

Family Teiidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Aspidoscelis hyperythrus Orange-throated whiptailCoastal Southern California west of Peninsular Ranges Cnemidophorus hyperythrus.jpg
Aspidoscelis tigris Tiger whiptailDesert regions, Central Valley, Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular Ranges Cnemidophorus tigris multiscutatus.jpg
Aspidoscelis sonorae [i] Sonoran spotted whiptail Orange and northern San Diego Counties WHIPTAIL, SONORAN SPOTTED (Aspidoscelis sonorae) (7-15-12) pena blanca lake, scc, az -01 (7578641246).jpg

Family Xantusiidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Xantusia gracilis [e] Sandstone night lizard Anza-Borrego State Park Xantusia gracilis sandstone night lizard.jpg
Xantusia henshawi Granite night lizardPeninsular Ranges south of San Gorgonio Pass Xantusia henshawi.jpg
Xantusia riversiana [e] Island night lizard Santa Barbara Island, Sutil Islet, San Clemente Island, and San Nicolas Island Island night lizard on Rock Side.jpg
Xantusia sierrae [e] Sierra night lizardSouthwestern foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains along the western edge of the Greenhorn mountains in Kern County Xantusia sierrae.jpg
Xantusia vigilis Desert night lizardThroughout the Mojave Desert, Transverse and Coast Ranges, and southern Sierra Nevada, Santa Catalina Island population may be introduced Xantusia vigilis1.jpg
Xantusia wigginsi Baja California night lizardScissor's Crossing, San Diego County and east of Jacumba Xantusia wigginsi.jpg


Family Boidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhotos
Charina bottae Northern rubber boaSierra Nevada and Coast Ranges north of Monterey County, north of Central Valley Charina bottae on towel.jpg
Charina umbratica [e] Southern rubber boaDisjunct areas in the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountains Southern Rubber Boa imported from iNaturalist photo 70818331 on 6 August 2022.jpg
Lichanura orcutti Coastal rosy boaSan Diego County north and east into Mojave and Sonoran Deserts, excluding Imperial Valley Lichanura orcutti 128753307.jpg

Family Colubridae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Arizona elegans Glossy snakeSouthern California, north up the Coast Ranges to Bay Area. Arizona elegans occidentalis.jpg
Bogertophis rosaliae Baja California rat snakeMay exist near Mexico border in Imperial County Bogertophis rosaliae.jpg
Chionactis occipitalis Western shovelnose snakeMojave Desert Chionactis occipitalis05.jpg
Coluber constrictor North American RacerThroughout California excluding San Joaquin Valley and desert regions RACER (coluber constrictor) (7-9-09) canet rd, morro bay, slo co, ca -04 (3705168033).jpg
Contia longicaudae Forest sharp-tailed snakeDel Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, and Trinity Counties, hugging the coast. Contia longicaudae.jpg
Contia tenuis Sharp-tailed snakeSierra Nevada and Coast Ranges north of Tulare County Contia tenuis (San Luis Obispo).jpg
Diadophis punctatus Ringneck snakeMountainous regions and near Nevada Prairie Ringneck Snake (Diadophis punctatus arnyi).jpg
Hypsiglena chlorophaea Desert nightsnakeMojave, Sonoran, and Great Basin Deserts Hypsiglena chlorophaea.jpg
Hypsiglena ochrorhynchus Coast night snakeSierra Nevada and Coast Ranges, coastal Southern California Hypsiglena ochrorhynchus ssp. nuchalata.jpg
Lampropeltis californiae California kingsnakeEntire state excluding extreme NW coast, NE Great Basin Desert, and high elevations Californiakingsnake.jpg
Lampropeltis multifasciata Coast mountain kingsnakeCoast, Transverse, and Peninsular Ranges from Monterey County south Lampropeltis multifasciata.jpg
Lampropeltis zonata California mountain kingsnakeCoast Ranges north of Monterey County, and Sierra Nevada Lampropeltis zonata multicincta.jpg
Masticophis flagellum CoachwhipSouthern California, San Joaquin Valley, inner Coast Ranges north to Bay Area Western Coachwhip Snake (Masticophis flagellum). Low resolution image. (60036677-155d-451f-67e7-5678f33a7361).jpg
Masticophis fuliginosus Baja California coachwhipSan Diego County near Mexico Baja coachwhip in habitat.jpg
Masticophis lateralis California striped whipsnakeMountainous regions in ring around Central Valley south to Mexico Are You Kidding Me%3F (2482497870).jpg
Masticophis taeniatus Striped whipsnakeGreat Basin Desert Coluber taeniatus - Flickr - aspidoscelis.jpg
Nerodia fasciata [i] Banded water snakeColorado River, Lake Natoma, and Lake Machado Broadbanded Watersnake (Nerodia fasciata confluens) - Flickr - 2ndPeter.jpg
Neroida sipedon [i] Common water snake Roseville, Placer County Northern Watersnake (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) - Flickr - 2ndPeter.jpg
Phyllorhynchus decurtatus Western leaf-nosed snakeSonoran and Mojave Deserts Spotted leafnose snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus.jpg
Pituophis catenifer Gopher snakeAll of California excluding high Sierras Pituophis catenifer affinis - Flickr - aspidoscelis (13).jpg
Rhinocheilus lecontei Long-nosed snakeInner Coast Ranges, Mojave, Sonoran and Great Basin Deserts, and the Sierra Nevada foothills Rhinocheilus lecontei - Flickr - aspidoscelis (1).jpg
Salvadora hexalepis Western patch-nosed snakeSouthern California and Great Basin Desert Salvadora hexalepis ssp. mojavensis.jpg
Sonora annulata Colorado Desert shovelnose snakeSonoran (Colorado) Desert Resplendent Desert Shovel-Nosed Snake imported from iNaturalist photo 353462683 on 27 February 2024.jpg
Sonora semiannulata Western ground snakeEastern Mojave, Sonoran, and Great Basin Deserts Sonora semiannulata 36700125.jpg
Tantilla hobartsmithi Southwestern blackhead snakeSouthern Sierra foothills and Mojave Desert Tantilla hobartsmithii.jpg
Tantilla planiceps Western black-headed snakeInner Coast Ranges south from Bay Area, Transverse and Peninsular Ranges Tantilla planiceps.jpg
Thamnophis atratus Aquatic garter snakeCoast Ranges north from Santa Barbara County to Oregon Thamnophis atratus (1).jpg
Thamnophis couchii Sierra garter snakeSierra Nevada Thamnophis couchii - Sierra garter snake at Lower Sardine Lake, Tahoe National Forest - 2023 June.jpg
Thamnophis elegans Terrestrial garter snakeNorthern California, Sierra Nevada, and Coast Ranges south to Santa Barbara County. Isolated population in San Bernardino Mountains Coast Garter Snake.jpg
Thamnophis gigas Giant garter snakeCentral Valley GR800471-Giant Garter.jpg
Thamnophis hammondii Two-striped garter snakeCoastal California south of Monterey Bay Thamnophis hammondii01.jpg
Thamnophis marcianus Checkered garter snakeColorado River and Imperial Valley as north as Mecca Thamnophis marcianus 186822611.jpg
Thamnophis ordinoides Northwestern garter snakeExtreme northwest corner of state Thamnophis ordinoides 2.jpg
Thamnophis sirtalis Common garter snakeMost of state excluding desert regions, San Joaquin Valley and high Sierras Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. infernalis, Sonoma County, 09-2019 (52844871).jpg
Trimorphodon lambda Sonoran lyre snakeNear Colorado River Sonoran lyre snake Trimorphodon lambda.jpg
Trimorphodon lyrophanes California lyresnakeSouthern California, southeast of a line between Inyo and Santa Barbara Counties, but absent from large parts of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. California Lyresnake imported from iNaturalist photo 428005223 on 21 October 2024.jpg

Family Hydrophiinae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Hydrophis platurus Yellow-bellied sea snakeOccasionally beaches in Southern California Pelamis platura, Costa Rica.jpg

Family Leptotyphlopidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Rena humilis Western threadsnakeSouthern California north to southern Great Basin Desert Leptotyphlops humilis.jpg

Family Typhlopidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencePhoto
Indotyphlops braminus [i] Brahminy blind snakeSouthern California Ramphotyphlops braminus 117901268.jpg

Family Viperidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Crotalus atrox Western diamondback rattlesnakeSonoran Desert Crotalus atrox, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Tamaulipas.jpg
Crotalus cerastes SidewinderMojave and Sonoran Deserts Crotalus cerastes 184743765.jpg
Crotalus helleri Southern Pacific rattlesnakeTransverse and Peninsular Ranges north to Santa Barbara County Crotalus oreganus helleri 184505379.jpg
Crotalus lutosus Great Basin rattlesnakeGreat Basin Desert Great Basin Rattlesnake (30850298776).jpg
Crotalus oreganus Northern Pacific rattlesnakeNorth of Santa Barbara County, excluding deserts Crotalus oreganus.jpg
Crotalus ruber Red diamond rattlesnakeSouth of San Bernardino County, west of desert region. Crotalus ruber 02.jpg
Crotalus pyrrhus Southwestern speckled rattlesnakePeninsular Ranges, Sonoran and southern Mojave Deserts, excluding Imperial Valley Crotalus-mitchellii.jpg
Crotalus scutulatus Mojave rattlesnakeMojave Desert Crotalus scutulatus 22637508.jpg
Crotalus stephensi Panamint rattlesnakeNorthern Mojave Desert Crotalus stephensi 127913344.jpg


Family Cheloniidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtleSouthern California waters, does not nest Loggerhead sea turtle.jpg
Chelonia mydas Green sea turtleCalifornia waters, does not nest Hawaii turtle 2.JPG
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill sea turtleSouthern California waters, does not nest Tortuga carey (Eretmochelys imbricata), islas Ad Dimaniyat, Oman, 2024-08-13, DD 71.jpg
Lepidochelys olivacea Olive ridley sea turtleSouthern California waters, does not nest Lepidochelys olivacea.jpg

Family Chelydridae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Chelydra serpentina [i] Common snapping turtlePopulations scattered throughout the state Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina).jpg

Family Dermochelyidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtleCalifornia waters, does not nest Close up of dermochelys coriacea leatherback turtle.jpg

Family Emydidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Chrysemys picta [i] Western painted turtleMostly Bay Area and coastal Southern California Western Painted Turtle (3013493529).jpg
Actinemys marmorata Northwestern pond turtleCentral Valley north to Oregon 2009-Western-pond-turtle.jpg
Actinemys pallida Southwestern pond turtlePeninsular, Transverse, and Coast Ranges north to Bay Area Preserving Nature, Empowering Launch (8427556).jpg
Trachemys scripta [i] Red-eared sliderPopulations scattered throughout the state Trachemys scripta elegans partially submerged.jpg

Family Kinosternidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Kinosternon sonoriense Sonoran mud turtleAlong Colorado River, probably extirpated
Kinosternon sonoriense 16756612 (cropped).jpg

Family Testudinidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Gopherus agassizii Mojave desert tortoiseMojave and eastern Sonoran Desert Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) (6012501624).jpg

Family Trionychidae

SpeciesCommon nameOccurencesPhoto
Apalone ferox [i] Florida softshellBay Area and Los Angeles Basin Apalone ferox 108903870.jpg
Apalone spinifera [i] Spiny softshellColorado River and in scattered populations across the state Spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera).jpg
