An alluvial river is one in which the bed and banks are made up of mobile sediment and/or soil. Alluvial rivers are self-formed, meaning that their channels are shaped by the magnitude and frequency of the floods that they experience, and the ability of these floods to erode, deposit, and transport sediment. For this reason, alluvial rivers can assume a number of forms based on the properties of their banks; the flows they experience; the local riparian ecology; and the amount, size, and type of sediment that they carry. [1]
At a smaller spatial scale and shorter time scale, the patterns of water movement, from events such as seasonal flooding, create different patches of soils that range from aerobic to anaerobic and have differing nutrients and decomposition rates and dynamics. When looking at larger spatial scales, the topographic features have been created by glacial events, such as glaciation and deglaciation, changes in sea-levels, tectonic movements, and other events that occur over longer time scales. These short and long-term scales together determine the patterns and characteristics of alluvial rivers. These rivers also consist of certain topographic features that include hillslopes at the formation of the valley's sides, terraces, remains of old floodplains at higher elevations than the floodplain that is currently active, levees that are natural, meander scrolls, natural drainage channels, and floodplains that are temporary, as well as permanent. [2]
Natural alluvial channels have a variety of morphological patterns, but can be generally described as straight, meandering, braided, or anastomosing. [3] Different channel patterns result from differences in bankfull discharge, gradient, sediment supply, and bank material. [3] Channel patterns can be described based on their level of sinuosity, which is the ratio of the channel length measured along its center to the straight line distance measured down the valley axis. [3]
Straight channels (sinuosity <1.3) are relatively rare in natural systems due to the fact that sediment and flow are rarely distributed evenly across a landscape. [3] Irregularities in the deposition and erosion of sediments leads to the formation of alternate bars that are on opposite sides of the channel in succession. [3] Alternating bar sequences result in flow to be directed in a sinuous pattern, leading to the formation of sinuous channels (sinuosity of 1.3-1.5). [3]
Meandering channels are more sinuous (>1.5 sinuosity) than straight or sinuous channels, and are defined by the meander wavelength morphological unit. [3] The meander wavelength is the distance from the apex of one bend to the next on the same side of the channel. [3] Meandering channels wavelength are described in section 1.2 Geomorphic Units. [3] Meandering channels are widespread in current times, but no geomorphic evidence of their existence before the evolution of land plants has been found. [3] This is largely attributed to the effect of vegetation in increasing bank stability and maintaining meander formation. [3]
Braided channels are characterized by multiple, active streams within a broad, low sinuosity channel. [3] The smaller strands of streams diverge around sediment bars and then converge in a braiding pattern. [3] Braided channels are dynamic, with strands moving within the channel. [3] Braided channels are caused by sediment loads that exceed the capacity of stream transport. [3] They are found downstream of glaciers and mountain slopes in conditions of high slope, variable discharge, and high loads of coarse sediment. [3]
Anastomosing channels are similar to braided channels in that they are composed of complex strands that diverge and then converge downstream. [3] However, anastomosing channels are distinct from braided channels in that they flow around relatively stable, typically vegetated islands. [3] They also have generally lower gradients, are narrower and deeper, and have more permanent strands. [3]
The meander wavelength or alternate bar sequence is considered the primary ecological and morphological unit of meandering alluvial rivers. [4] The meander wavelength is composed of two alternating bar units, each with a pool scoured out from a cutbank, an aggradational lobe or point bar, and a riffle that connects the pool and point bar. [4] In an idealized channel, the meander wavelength is around 10 to 11 channel widths. [3] This equates to pools (and riffles and point bars) being separated by an average of 5 to 6 channel widths. [3] The radius of curvature of a meander bend describes the tightness of a meander arc, and is measured by the radius of a circle that fits the meander arc. [3] The radius of curvature is between 2 and 3 times the channel width. [3]
Floodplains are the land areas adjacent to alluvial river channels that are frequently flooded. [3] Floodplains are built up by deposition of suspended load from overbank flow, bedload deposition from lateral river migration, and landscape processes such as landslides. [3]
Natural levees occur when the floodplain of an alluvial river is primarily shaped by overbank deposition and when relatively coarse materials are deposited near the main channel. [3] The natural levees become higher than the adjacent floodplain, leading to the formation of backswamps and yazoo channels, in which tributary streams are forced to flow parallel to the main channel rather than converge with the main channel. [3]
Terraces are sediment storage features that record an alluvial river's past sediment delivery. [3] Many changes in boundary conditions can form terraces in alluvial river systems. [3] The most basic reason for their formation is that the river does not have the transport capacity to move the sediment supplied to it by its watershed. [3] Past climate during the Quaternary has been linked to the aggradation and incision of floodplains, leaving step-like terrace features behind. [3] Uplift as well as sea level retreat can also cause terraces to form as the river cuts into its underlying bed and preserves sediment in its floodplain. [3]
Natural hydrograph components such as storm events (floods), baseflows, snowmelt peaks, and recession limbs, are the river-specific catalysts that shape alluvial river ecosystems and provide for important geomorphic and ecological processes. [4] Preserving annual variations in a river's hydrologic regime – patterns of magnitude, duration, frequency, and timing of flows- are essential for sustaining ecological integrity within alluvial river ecosystems. [4]
Bank erosion at cutbanks on the outside of meanders combined with deposition of point bars on the inside of meanders cause channel migration. [3] The greatest bank erosion often occurs just downstream of the meander apex, causing downstream migration as the high velocity flow eats away at the bank as it is forced around the meander curve. [3] Avulsion is another process of channel migration that occurs much more rapidly than the gradual migration process of cutbank erosion and point bar deposition. [3] Avulsion occurs when lateral migration causes two meanders to become so close that the river bank between them is breached, causing the joining of the meanders and the creation of two channels. [3] When the original channel is cut off from the new channel by the deposition of sediments, oxbow lakes are formed. [3] Channel migration is important to sustaining diverse aquatic and riparian habitats [4] The migration causes sediments and woody debris to enter the river, and creates areas of new floodplain on the inside of the meander. [4]
Dynamic steady states of sediment erosion and deposition work to sustain alluvial channel morphology, as river reaches import and export fine and coarse sediments at approximately equal rates. [4] At the apex of meander curves, high velocity flows scour out sediment and form pools. [4] The mobilized sediment is then deposited at the point bar directly across the channel or downstream. [4] Flows of high magnitude and duration can be seen as important thresholds that drive channelbed mobility. [4] Channel aggradation or degradation indicate sediment budget imbalances. [4]
Flooding is an important component that shapes channel morphology in alluvial river systems. [4] Seasonal flooding also enhances productivity and connectivity of the floodplain. [2] Large floods that exceed the 10 to 20 year recurrence interval form and maintain main channels as well as avulse and form side channels, wetlands, and oxbow lakes. [4] Floodplain inundation occurs on average every 1–2 years at flows above bankfull stage and moderates flood severity and channel scour and helps to cycle nutrients between the river and surrounding landscape. [4] Flooding is important to aquatic and riparian habitat complexity because it forms a diversity of habitat features that vary in their ecosystem function. [4]
Riparian habitats are especially dynamic in alluvial river ecosystems due to the constantly changing fluvial environment. [4] Alternate bar scour, channel migration, floodplain inundation, and channel avulsion create variable habitat conditions that riparian vegetation must adapt to. [4] Seedling establishment and forest stand development depend on favorable substrate, which in turn is dependent on how sediment is sorted along the channel banks. [4] In general, young riparian vegetation and pioneer species will establish in areas that are subjected to active channel processes such as at point bars, where coarser sediments such as gravels and cobbles are present but are seasonally mobilized. [4] Mature riparian vegetation can establish farther upslope where finer sediments such as sands and silts dominate and disturbance from active river processes are less frequent. [4]
Aquatic habitats in alluvial rivers are sculpted by the complex interplay between sediment, flow, vegetation, and woody debris. [4] Pools provide deeper areas of relatively cool water and provide shelter for fish and other aquatic organisms. [4] Pool habitats are improved by complex structures such as large woody debris or boulders. [4] Riffles provide shallower, highly turbulent aquatic habitat of primarily cobbles. [4] Here, water mixes with the air at the water surface, increasing dissolved oxygen levels within the stream. Benthic macroinvertebrates thrive in riffles, living on the surfaces and interstitial spaces between rocks. Many species also depend on low energy backwater areas for feeding and important life cycle stages. [4]
Logging of timberland in alluvial watersheds has been shown to increase sediment yields to rivers, causing aggradation of the streambed, increasing turbidity, and altering sediment size and sediment distribution along the channel. The increase in sediment yield is attributed to increased runoff and erosion and slope failure, a result of removing vegetation from the landscape as well as building roads.
Agricultural land uses divert water from alluvial rivers for crop production, as well constrain the river's ability to meander or migrate due levee construction or other forms of armoring. The result is simplified channel morphology with lower baseflows.
Dams and diversions alter the natural hydrologic regime of rivers, both upstream and downstream, with widespread effects that alter the watershed ecosystem. [5] [6] Since alluvial river morphology and fluvial ecosystem processes are largely shaped by the complex interplay of hydrograph components such as the magnitude, frequency, duration, timing, and rate of change of flow, any change in one of these components can be associated with a tangible alteration of the ecosystem. [4] Dams are often associated with reduced wet season flood magnitudes and altered (oftentimes reduced) dry season baseflow. [6] This can negatively affect aquatic organisms that are specifically evolved to natural flow conditions. [6] By altering the natural hydrograph components, particularly reducing flow magnitudes, dams and other diversions reduce the river's ability to mobilize sediment, resulting in sediment-choked channels. [7] Conversely, dams are a physical barrier to the naturally continuous movement of sediment from headwaters to the river mouth, and can create sediment deficient conditions and incision directly downstream. [7]
Understanding the natural attributes of alluvial rivers is necessary when restoring their function on small-scale levels below dams. Though the function of the rivers may never be fully restored, it is possible to recreate and preserve their integrity with proper planning and consideration of their necessary attributes. [8] Restoration efforts should focus on restoring the connectivity between the main channel and other floodplain bodies that were lost due to dam creation and flow regulation. [2] The preservation and reconstruction of these alluvial river habitats is necessary in maintaining and sustaining the ecological integrity of river-floodplain ecosystems. [9]
A floodplain or flood plain or bottomlands is an area of land adjacent to a river. Floodplains stretch from the banks of a river channel to the base of the enclosing valley, and experience flooding during periods of high discharge. The soils usually consist of clays, silts, sands, and gravels deposited during floods.
An entrenched river, or entrenched stream is a river or stream that flows in a narrow trench or valley cut into a plain or relatively level upland. Because of lateral erosion streams flowing over gentle slopes over a time develops meandering course. Meanders form where gradient is very gentle, for example in floodplain and delta. Meandering is the feature of the middle and final course of the river. But very deep and wide meanders can also be found cutting hard rocks. Such meanders are called incised or entrenched meanders. The exception is that entrenched meanders are formed during the upliftment of land where river is young. They widen and deepen over time and can be found as deep gorges or canyons in hard rock. In the case of an entrenched stream or river, it is often presumed that the watercourse has inherited its course by cutting down into bedrock from a pre-existing plain with little modification of the original course. The down-cutting of the river system could be the result not only of tectonic uplift but also of other factors such as river piracy, decrease of load, increase of runoff, extension of the drainage basin, or change in base level such as a fall in sea level. General, nongeneric terminology for either a river or stream that flows in a narrow trench or valley, for which evidence of a preexisting plain or relatively level upland can be either absent or present is either valley meander or meander valley with the latter term being preferred in literature.
A braided river consists of a network of river channels separated by small, often temporary, islands called braid bars or, in British English usage, aits or eyots.
In geography and geology, fluvial sediment processes or fluvial sediment transport are associated with rivers and streams and the deposits and landforms created by sediments. It can result in the formation of ripples and dunes, in fractal-shaped patterns of erosion, in complex patterns of natural river systems, and in the development of floodplains and the occurrence of flash floods. Sediment moved by water can be larger than sediment moved by air because water has both a higher density and viscosity. In typical rivers the largest carried sediment is of sand and gravel size, but larger floods can carry cobbles and even boulders. When the stream or rivers are associated with glaciers, ice sheets, or ice caps, the term glaciofluvial or fluvioglacial is used, as in periglacial flows and glacial lake outburst floods. Fluvial sediment processes include the motion of sediment and erosion or deposition on the river bed.
A streambed or stream bed is the bottom of a stream or river (bathymetry) and is confined within a channel, or the banks of the waterway. Usually, the bed does not contain terrestrial (land) vegetation and instead supports different types of aquatic vegetation, depending on the type of streambed material and water velocity. Streambeds are what would be left once a stream is no longer in existence. The beds are usually well preserved even if they get buried because the banks and canyons made by the stream are typically hard, although soft sand and debris often fill the bed. Dry, buried streambeds can actually be underground water pockets. During times of rain, sandy streambeds can soak up and retain water, even during dry seasons, keeping the water table close enough to the surface to be obtainable by local people.
A meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves in the channel of a river or other watercourse. It is produced as a watercourse erodes the sediments of an outer, concave bank and deposits sediments on an inner, convex bank which is typically a point bar. The result of this coupled erosion and sedimentation is the formation of a sinuous course as the channel migrates back and forth across the axis of a floodplain.
The terms river morphology and its synonym stream morphology are used to describe the shapes of river channels and how they change in shape and direction over time. The morphology of a river channel is a function of a number of processes and environmental conditions, including the composition and erodibility of the bed and banks ; erosion comes from the power and consistency of the current, and can effect the formation of the river's path. Also, vegetation and the rate of plant growth; the availability of sediment; the size and composition of the sediment moving through the channel; the rate of sediment transport through the channel and the rate of deposition on the floodplain, banks, bars, and bed; and regional aggradation or degradation due to subsidence or uplift. River morphology can also be affected by human interaction, which is a way the river responds to a new factor in how the river can change its course. An example of human induced change in river morphology is dam construction, which alters the ebb flow of fluvial water and sediment, therefore creating or shrinking estuarine channels. A river regime is a dynamic equilibrium system, which is a way of classifying rivers into different categories. The four categories of river regimes are Sinuous canali- form rivers, Sinuous point bar rivers, Sinuous braided rivers, and Non-sinuous braided rivers.
The environmental impact of reservoirs comes under ever-increasing scrutiny as the global demand for water and energy increases and the number and size of reservoirs increases.
Exposed riverine sediments, or ERS, are composed of silt, sand and gravel deposited by streams but exposed as water level falls.
Stream restoration or river restoration, also sometimes referred to as river reclamation, is work conducted to improve the environmental health of a river or stream, in support of biodiversity, recreation, flood management and/or landscape development.
A log jam is a naturally occurring phenomenon characterized by a dense accumulation of tree trunks and pieces of large wood across a vast section of a river, stream, or lake. Log jams in rivers and streams often span the entirety of the water's surface from bank to bank. Log jams form when trees floating in the water become entangled with other trees floating in the water or become snagged on rocks, large woody debris, or other objects anchored underwater. They can build up slowly over months or years, or they can happen instantaneously when large numbers of trees are swept into the water after natural disasters. A notable example caused by a natural disaster is the log jam that occurred in Spirit Lake following a landslide triggered by the eruption of Mount St. Helens. Unless they are dismantled by natural causes or humans, log jams can grow quickly, as more wood arriving from upstream becomes entangled in the mass. Log jams can persist for many decades, as is the case with the log jam in Spirit Lake.
In sedimentary geology and fluvial geomorphology, avulsion is the rapid abandonment of a river channel and the formation of a new river channel. Avulsions occur as a result of channel slopes that are much less steep than the slope that the river could travel if it took a new course.
A bar in a river is an elevated region of sediment that has been deposited by the flow. Types of bars include mid-channel bars, point bars, and mouth bars. The locations of bars are determined by the geometry of the river and the flow through it. Bars reflect sediment supply conditions, and can show where sediment supply rate is greater than the transport capacity.
River channel migration is the geomorphological process that involves the lateral migration of an alluvial river channel across its floodplain. This process is mainly driven by the combination of bank erosion of and point bar deposition over time. When referring to river channel migration, it is typically in reference to meandering streams. In braided streams, channel change is driven by sediment transport.
Channel patterns are found in rivers, streams, and other bodies of water that transport water from one place to another. Systems of branching river channels dissect most of the sub-aerial landscape, each in a valley proportioned to its size. Whether formed by chance or necessity, by headward erosion or downslope convergence, whether inherited or newly formed. Depending on different geological factors such as weathering, erosion, depositional environment, and sediment type, different types of channel patterns can form.
Braid bars, or mid-channel bars, are river landforms typically present in braided river channels. These formations have many names, including medial, longitudinal, crescentic, and transverse bars, as well as the more colloquial sandflat. Braid bars are distinguished from point bars due to their presence in the middle of a flow channel, rather than along a bank of the river channel.
Riparian-zone restoration is the ecological restoration of riparian-zonehabitats of streams, rivers, springs, lakes, floodplains, and other hydrologic ecologies. A riparian zone or riparian area is the interface between land and a river or stream. Riparian is also the proper nomenclature for one of the fifteen terrestrial biomes of the earth; the habitats of plant and animal communities along the margins and river banks are called riparian vegetation, characterized by aquatic plants and animals that favor them. Riparian zones are significant in ecology, environmental management, and civil engineering because of their role in soil conservation, their habitat biodiversity, and the influence they have on fauna and aquatic ecosystems, including grassland, woodland, wetland or sub-surface features such as water tables. In some regions the terms riparian woodland, riparian forest, riparian buffer zone, or riparian strip are used to characterize a riparian zone.
A meander cutoff is a natural form of a cutting or cut in a river occurs when a pronounced meander (hook) in a river is breached by a flow that connects the two closest parts of the hook to form a new channel, a full loop. The steeper drop in gradient (slope) causes the river flow gradually to abandon the meander which will silt up with sediment from deposition. Cutoffs are a natural part of the evolution of a meandering river. Rivers form meanders as they flow laterally downstream.
River incision is the narrow erosion caused by a river or stream that is far from its base level. River incision is common after tectonic uplift of the landscape. Incision by multiple rivers result in a dissected landscape, for example a dissected plateau. River incision is the natural process by which a river cuts downward into its bed, deepening the active channel. Though it is a natural process, it can be accelerated rapidly by human factors including land use changes such as timber harvest, mining, agriculture, and road and dam construction. The rate of incision is a function of basal shear-stress. Shear stress is increased by factors such as sediment in the water, which increase its density. Shear stress is proportional to water mass, gravity, and WSS:
Legacy sediment (LS) is depositional bodies of sediment inherited from the increase of human activities since the Neolithic. These include a broad range of land use and land cover changes, such as agricultural clearance, lumbering and clearance of native vegetation, mining, road building, urbanization, as well as alterations brought to river systems in the form of dams and other engineering structures meant to control and regulate natural fluvial processes (erosion, deposition, lateral migration, meandering). The concept of LS is used in geomorphology, ecology, as well as in water quality and toxicological studies.