War of Attrition

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War of Attrition
Part of the Arab–Israeli conflict and the Cold War
Suez canal map.jpg
The Israeli–Egyptian war of Attrition was centered largely on the Suez Canal.
DateJuly 1, 1967 – August 7, 1970 (ceasefire)
(3 years, 1 month and 6 days)
Sinai Peninsula (Israeli controlled)
Result Inconclusive (see aftermath)
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

Commanders and leaders

275,000 (including reserves)
Casualties and losses
  • 694 [7] –1,424 [8] soldiers killed
  • 227 civilians killed [7]
  • 2,659 wounded, from this 999 at the Egyptian front [7]
  • 24 [9] –30 [10] aircraft
  • Egypt:
    • 2,882 [11] –10,000 [9] soldiers and civilians killed
    • 6,285 wounded [12]
    • 60 [10] –114 [13] aircraft lost
  • PLO:
    • 1,828 killed
    • 2,500 captured [14]
  • Jordan:
    • 300 killed [15]
    • 4 captured
    • 30 tanks
  • Soviet Union:
  • Cuba:
    • 180 dead
    • 250 wounded [17]
  • Syria:

The War of Attrition (Arabic : حرب الاستنزاف, romanized: Ḥarb al-Istinzāf; Hebrew : מלחמת ההתשה, romanized: Milḥemet haHatashah) involved fighting between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and their allies from 1967 to 1970.


Following the 1967 Six-Day War, no serious diplomatic efforts were made to resolve the issues at the heart of the Arab–Israeli conflict. The 1967 Arab League summit formulated in September the "three no's" policy, barring peace, recognition, or negotiations with Israel. [18] Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser believed that only military initiative would compel Israel or the international community to facilitate a full Israeli withdrawal from Sinai, [19] [20] and hostilities soon resumed along the Suez Canal.

These initially took the form of limited artillery duels and small-scale incursions into Sinai, but by 1969, the Egyptian Army judged itself prepared for larger-scale operations. On March 8, 1969, Nasser proclaimed the official launch of the War of Attrition, characterized by large-scale shelling along the Suez Canal, extensive aerial warfare and commando raids. [19] [21] Hostilities continued until August 1970 and ended with a ceasefire. [22] The frontiers remained the same as when the war began, with no real commitment to serious peace negotiations.

Egyptian front

Israel's victory in the Six-Day War left the entirety of the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula up to the eastern bank of the Suez Canal under Israeli control. Egypt was determined to regain Sinai, and also sought to mitigate the severity of its defeat. Sporadic clashes were taking place along the cease-fire line, and Egyptian missile boats sank the Israeli destroyer INS Eilat on October 21 of the same year.

Egypt began shelling Israeli positions along the Bar Lev Line, using heavy artillery, MiG aircraft and various other forms of Soviet assistance with the hope of forcing the Israeli government into concessions. [23] Israel responded with aerial bombardments, airborne raids on Egyptian military positions, and aerial strikes against strategic facilities in Egypt. The strategic bombing of Egypt had mixed military and political results. [24]

The international community and both countries attempted to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict. The Jarring Mission of the United Nations was supposed to ensure that the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 242 would be observed, but by late 1970, it was clear that this mission had been a failure. Fearing the escalation of the conflict into an "East vs. West" confrontation during the tensions of the mid-Cold War, the American president, Richard Nixon, sent his Secretary of State, William Rogers, to formulate the Rogers Plan in view of obtaining a ceasefire.

In August 1970, Israel, Jordan, and Egypt agreed to an "in place" ceasefire under the terms proposed by the Rogers Plan. The plan contained restrictions on missile deployment by both sides, and required the cessation of raids as a precondition for peace. The Egyptians and their Soviet allies rekindled the conflict by violating the agreement shortly thereafter, moving their missiles near to the Suez Canal, and constructing the largest anti-aircraft system yet implemented at that point in history. [23] [25] The Israelis responded with a policy which their Prime Minister, Golda Meir, dubbed "asymmetrical response", wherein Israeli retaliation was disproportionately large in comparison to any Egyptian attacks. [23]

Following Nasser's death in September 1970, his successor, Anwar Al-Sadat, continued the ceasefire with Israel, focusing on rebuilding the Egyptian army and planning a full-scale attack on the Israeli forces controlling the eastern bank of the Suez Canal. These plans would materialize three years later in the Yom Kippur War. Ultimately, Israel would return Sinai to Egypt after the two nations signed a peace treaty in 1979.

The Egyptian Air Force and Air Defense Forces performed poorly. [26] Egyptian pilots were rigid, slow to react and unwilling to improvise. [27] According to U.S. intelligence estimates, Egypt lost 109 aircraft, most in air-to-air combat, while only 16 Israeli aircraft were lost, most to anti-aircraft artillery or SAMs. [27] It took a salvo of 6 to 10 SA-2 Egyptian anti-aircraft missiles to obtain a better than fifty percent chance of a hit. [27] Kenneth Pollack notes that Egypt's commandos performed "adequately" though they rarely ventured into risky operations on a par with the daring of Israel's commandos, [26] Egypt's artillery corps encountered difficulty in penetrating the Bar-Lev forts and eventually adopted a policy of trying to catch Israeli troops in the exterior parts of the forts. [28]



Israeli naval personnel celebrate their victory after an engagement with Egyptian naval forces near Rumani, 1967 Mastvic.jpg
Israeli naval personnel celebrate their victory after an engagement with Egyptian naval forces near Rumani, 1967


Israeli paratroopers in action during the Battle of Karameh in 1968 Operation Inferno. XXI.jpg
Israeli paratroopers in action during the Battle of Karameh in 1968
President Nasser of Egypt (with binoculars) surveys positions at the Suez Canal in November 1968 President Nasser's visit to the Suez front with Egypt's top military commanders during the War of Attrition.jpg
President Nasser of Egypt (with binoculars) surveys positions at the Suez Canal in November 1968


A F-4E Phantom of the Israeli Air Force. The aircraft was used to good effect as "flying artillery" during the war. Roundel markings on nose credit this aircraft with three aerial kills. F-4E Israel HAPIM0321.jpg
A F-4E Phantom of the Israeli Air Force. The aircraft was used to good effect as "flying artillery" during the war. Roundel markings on nose credit this aircraft with three aerial kills.
Israeli troops at the Firdan Bridge by the Suez Canal, 1969 PikiWiki Israel 381 Firdan Bridge 1969 gSHr pyrdAn 1969.jpg
Israeli troops at the Firdan Bridge by the Suez Canal, 1969
Israeli artillery in action in 1969 Dan Hadani collection (990044426700205171).jpg
Israeli artillery in action in 1969


Israeli paratroopers in action during Operation Rhodes, 1970 Operation Rhodes. XII.jpg
Israeli paratroopers in action during Operation Rhodes, 1970
Soviet/Egyptian S-125 anti-aircraft type missiles in the Suez Canal vicinity SA-3 system.jpg
Soviet/Egyptian S-125 anti-aircraft type missiles in the Suez Canal vicinity


Soviet medal issued to Soviet military personnel who served in Egypt during the War of Attrition.
The medal says Moskva-Kair (Moscow-Cairo). HaatashaUSSR.jpg
Soviet medal issued to Soviet military personnel who served in Egypt during the War of Attrition. The medal says Москва-Каир (Moscow-Cairo).

Various historians have commented on the war with differing opinions. Chaim Herzog notes that Israel withstood the battle and adapted itself to a "hitherto alien type of warfare." [85] Ze'ev Schiff notes that though Israel suffered losses, she was still able to preserve her military accomplishments of 1967 and that despite increased Soviet involvement, Israel had stood firm. [86]

Simon Dunstan wrote that Israel was successful in continuing to hold the Bar Lev Line and forcing the Egyptians to come to the negotiating table, although the war had sapped Israeli morale. However, he claimed that the war's conclusion "led to a dangerous complacency within the Israeli High Command about the resolve of the Egyptian armed forces and the strength of the Bar-Lev Line" while the Egyptians saw the war as a great victory in spite of their heavy casualties and the mauling their air defenses had sustained, becoming confident in their ability to counter Israel's air power. [19]

Gideon Remez and Isabella Ginor consider the war to have been a defeat for Israel, arguing that Israel was compelled to accept the ceasefire because Soviet air defenses were downing Israel's F-4 Phantoms at an unsustainable rate. They argued that Egypt's blatant violation of the ceasefire by moving SAM batteries into the canal zone after the war's end without response was a sign of Israel's failure. They consider the lopsided Israeli victory over the Soviets in Operation Rimon 20 as having enabled Israel to accept the ceasefire without losing face, with that battle and illustrious tactical exploits by Israeli ground troops being used to claim victory. [87] [88]

Soviet-born Israeli researcher Boris Dolin also considers the war to have been an Israeli defeat due to the effectiveness of Soviet SAM batteries against Israel's Phantom fleet: "Contrary to the official version, the ceasefire was not an Israeli victory over Egypt. Quite the opposite, it was an expression of Israeli defeat at the hands of an effective and determined Soviet force. Facing the crushing power of the Soviet Union, Israel could only display relatively limited capabilities. We found ourselves up against a giant, and without a real military solution." [89]

US diplomat David A. Korn, who served as political officer and chief of the political section at the US embassy in Tel Aviv during the war, considers the war to have ended in a stalemate, with no clear victor or vanquished on either side, but claimed that "this fact was poorly understood in Israel, where the war was retrospectively deemed a success for Israeli arms." He wrote that Israel's failure to acknowledge that the war was not an Israeli victory led it into a false sense of security, which resulted in opportunities for an interim peace with Egypt being neglected. However, he also claimed that it is a matter of speculation as to whether the Yom Kippur War could have been avoided had the outcome been analyzed more realistically by Israel and the United States. [90]

Howard Sachar notes that Israel accepted the ceasefire because it was clear that the war was developing into a Soviet-Israeli confrontation, the Israeli military had taken significant casualties, and because the United States offered additional sales of F-4 Phantoms to induce Israel into accepting it, while Egypt accepted it because it was desperate for a break in the wake of its heavy casualties and the near-depopulation of the cities in the canal zone. After Egypt violated the ceasefire by moving forward its SAM batteries, the United States offered additional F-4 Phantoms after Israel considered retaliation. Although the ceasefire was set to last three months, in practice it continued after that. [91]

Israeli military historian Yaniv Friedman claimed that Israel's aggressive policy in directly striking Soviet troops was a success, in that it helped persuade the Soviets to push for a ceasefire: "The Russians understood well that the conflict is not worth it. Humiliations, loss of prestige, and the understanding that just because Israel isn't currently revealing to the world that it shoots down Russians doesn't mean that it will always keep quiet. Further escalation could also bring the US into the theater, something that scared the Russians." He credited Israel with successfully asserting itself against a global power. According to Friedman, even though Israeli decision-makers recognized the disparity in strength, the war involved a core Israeli national security interest while to the Soviet Union it was one theater among many. [64]


Israeli war ribbon signifying participation in the War of Attrition Hatasharibon.jpg
Israeli war ribbon signifying participation in the War of Attrition

According to the military historian Ze'ev Schiff, some 921 Israelis, of whom 694 were soldiers and the remainder civilians, were killed on all three fronts. [92] Chaim Herzog notes a slightly lower figure of just over 600 killed and some 2,000 wounded [93] while Netanel Lorch states that 1,424 soldiers were killed in action between the period of June 15, 1967 and August 8, 1970. Avi Kober estimated Israel's total military and civilian dead at 726, of whom 367 were soldiers killed on the Egyptian front between June 1967 and August 1970 and 359 were soldiers and civilians killed along the Syrian and Jordanian fronts. [15] Between 24 [94] and 26 [95] Israeli aircraft were shot down. A Soviet estimate notes aircraft losses of 40. One destroyer, the INS Eilat, was sunk.

As with the previous Arab–Israeli wars of 1956 and 1967, Arab losses far exceeded those of Israel, but precise figures are difficult to ascertain because official figures were never disclosed. The lowest estimate comes from the former Egyptian Army Chief of Staff, Saad el Shazly, who notes Egyptian casualties of 2,882 killed and 6,285 wounded. Historian Benny Morris states that a more realistic figure is somewhere on the scale of 10,000 soldiers and civilians killed. Ze'ev Schiff notes that at the height of the war, the Egyptians were losing some 300 soldiers daily and aerial reconnaissance photos revealed at least 1,801 freshly dug graves near the Canal zone during this period. Among Egypt's war dead was the Egyptian Army Chief of Staff, Abdul Munim Riad. [92]

Between 98 [94] and 114 [95] Egyptian aircraft were shot down, though a Soviet estimate notes air losses of 60. Several Egyptian naval vessels were also sunk.

Soviet forces are known to have sustained significant losses. One Russian veterans' website compiled an admittedly incomplete list of 58 dead, including victims of accidents and disease. [96] In August 1970, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported that 100 Soviet military personnel had been killed in Egypt over the past year. [97] Five Soviet MiG-21 aircraft were shot down in aerial combat during Operation Rimon 20. [98] [81]

The PLO suffered 1,828 killed and 2,500 captured. [92] An estimated 300 Jordanian soldiers and 500 Syrian soldiers were killed. [15] Cuban forces, which were deployed on the Syrian front, were estimated to have lost 180 dead and 250 wounded. [17]

See also





  1. Tucker, Spencer; Roberts, Priscilla (2008). The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social, and Military History. ABC-CLIO. p. 596. ISBN   9781851098422.
  2. 1 2 "The War: Lebanon and Syria". Dover.idf.il. Archived from the original on March 24, 2012. Retrieved March 12, 2013.
  3. Russian Aviation and Air Power in the Twentieth Century, Robin D. S. Higham, John T. Greenwood, Von Hardesty, Routledge, 1998, p.227
  4. Fruchter-Ronen I, (2008), pp. 244–260
  5. Morris (1999), p. 368
  6. Wallach, Jedua; Ayalon, Avraham; Yitzhaki, Aryeh (1980). "Operation Inferno". In Evyatar Nur. Carta's Atlas of Israel. Vol. 2.
  7. 1 2 3 Schiff, Zeev, A History of the Israeli Army (1870–1974), Straight Arrow Books (San Francisco, 1974) p. 246, ISBN   0-87932-077-X
  8. Lorch, Netanel (September 2, 2003). "The Arab-Israeli Wars". Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved March 3, 2007.
  9. 1 2 Benny Morris, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001, Random House (1999), page 362. ISBN   978-0-679-74475-7.
  10. 1 2 Nicolle and Cooper, 32–33
  11. Saad el-Shazly, The Crossing of Suez. p. 195. ISBN   978-0-9604562-2-2.
  12. Uri Bar, The Watchman Fell Asleep: The Surprise Of Yom Kippur And Its Sources. p.15. ISBN   978-0-7914-6482-3.
  13. Insight Team of the London Sunday Times, Yom Kippur War, Doubleday (publisher) (1974) Page 42
  14. Zeev Schiff, History of the Israeli Army 1870–1974, Straight Arrow Books (1974) ISBN   0-87932-077-X, page 246
  15. 1 2 3 4 Kober, Avi: Israel's Wars of Attrition: Attrition Challenges to Democratic States, pp. 80–81
  16. "Книга памяти / Совет ветеранов войны в Египте". www.hubara-rus.ru.
  17. 1 2 Karsh, Efraim: The Cautious Bear: Soviet Military Engagement in Middle East Wars in the Post-1967 Era
  18. Meital, Yoram (2000). "The Khartoum Conference and Egyptian Policy after the 1967 War: A Reexamination". The Middle East Journal . 54 (1): 64–82. JSTOR   4329432 . Retrieved October 15, 2023.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 Dunstan 2003, pp. 7–14
  20. "Egypt Will Fight, Nasser Shouts". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette : 2. November 24, 1967.
  21. Aloni, Shlomo (2004). Israeli Mirage and Nesher Aces. Osprey. pp. 46–53.
  22. "Israel-Egypt Ceasefire Agreement - Text - English (1970)". Economic Cooperation Foundation . Retrieved October 21, 2021.
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 "Israel: The War of Attrition". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 3, 2007.
  24. Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov (July 1984). "The Myth of Strategic Bombing: Israeli Deep-Penetration Air Raids in the War of Attrition, 1969-70". Journal of Contemporary History . 19 (3): 549–570. doi:10.1177/002200948401900308. ISSN   0022-0094. S2CID   159578814 . Retrieved October 15, 2023.
  25. 1 2 Bard, Mitchell. "Myths & Facts Online: The War of Attrition, 1967–1970". Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved March 3, 2007.
  26. 1 2 3 4 Pollack 2002, p. 95.
  27. 1 2 3 Pollack 2002, p. 96.
  28. Pollack 2002, p. 94.
  29. Herzog, Chaim, The Arab-Israeli Wars, Random House, (New York, 1982), 196
  30. Maoz, Zeev (2006). Defending the Holy Land. University of Michigan Press. p.  115. ISBN   0472115405.
  31. El Gamasy, The October War, 1973 p. 99
  32. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "War of Attrition, 1969–1970". Acig.org. Archived from the original on June 6, 2004. Retrieved March 12, 2013.
  33. "The Israel Navy Throughout Israel's Wars". Jewishvirtuallibrary.org. Retrieved March 12, 2013.
  34. Rothrock, James, Live by the Sword: Israel's Struggle for existence in the Holy Land, WestBow Press (2011) 48–49
  35. Egyptian Air-to-Air Victories since 1948
  36. El Gamasy, The October War, 1973 p.101
  37. "Exchange of Fire on Suez Canal when Egyptians Attempt to Enter Northern Passage – Jewish Telegraphic Agency". January 31, 1968.
  38. Cath Senker (2004). The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Black Rabbit Books. ISBN   9781583404416 . Retrieved October 25, 2015.[ permanent dead link ]
  39. "Debacle in the desert". Haaretz. March 29, 1968. Retrieved May 13, 2011.
  40. Patrick Tyler (September 18, 2012). Fortress Israel: The Inside Story of the Military Elite Who Run the Country—and Why They Can't Make Peace. Macmillan. ISBN   9781429944472 . Retrieved October 25, 2015.
  41. الذكرى الثالثة والأربعون لمعركة الكرامة الخالدة. Petra News Agency (in Arabic). Ammon News. March 20, 2011. Retrieved October 25, 2015.
  42. "1968: Karameh and the Palestinian revolt". The Daily Telegraph . May 16, 2002. Retrieved September 3, 2008.
  43. Saada, Tass & Merrill, Dean Once an Arafat Man: The True Story of How a PLO Sniper Found a New Life Illinois 2008 pp. 4–6 ISBN   1-4143-2361-1
  44. "GUERRILLAS BACK AT JORDAN CAMP; Attack by Israelis Failed to Destroy Base at Karameh or Wipe Out Commandos". The New York Times. March 28, 1968. Retrieved October 26, 2015.(subscription required)
  45. Zeev Maoz, Defending the Holy Land, A Critical Analysis of Israel's Security and Foreign Policy, University of Michigan Press, 2006, pages 244–246
  46. Herzog, The Arab-Israeli Wars page 205
  47. 1 2 Spencer C. Tucker, Priscilla Roberts (May 12, 2005). Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, The: A Political, Social, and Military History: A Political, Social, and Military History. ABC-CLIO. ISBN   9781851098422 . Retrieved October 25, 2015.
  48. Kathleen Sweet (December 23, 2008). Aviation and Airport Security: Terrorism and Safety Concerns, Second Edition. CRC Press. ISBN   9781439894736 . Retrieved October 27, 2015.
  49. "The Israeli Assessment". Time. December 13, 1968. ISSN   0040-781X. Archived from the original on November 23, 2008. Retrieved September 3, 2008.(subscription required)
  50. "Israelis, Jordanians Exchange Fire; Egyptian Migs Chased over Sinai Peninsula". August 20, 1968.
  51. "Book Review: At Noon The Myth Was Shattered". Egyptian State Information Service. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved March 4, 2007.
  52. Remez and Ginor, pp. 117-130
  53. Gawrych, George Walter (2000). The Albatross of Decisive Victory: War and Policy Between Egypt and Israel in the 1967 and 1973 Arab–Israeli Wars. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-313-31302-8.
  54. "Israel and Egypt Trade Air Blows; Israelis Suffer Number of Killed, Wounded". March 20, 2015.
  55. Nicolle and Cooper, 31
  56. Itamar Rabinovich; Haim Shaked (1978). From June to October: The Middle East Between 1967 And 1973. Transaction Publishers. p. 192. ISBN   978-1-4128-2418-7. In dozens of speeches and statements, Nasser posited the equation that any direct peace talks with Israel were tantamount to surrender. His efforts to forestall any movement toward direct negotiations...
  57. "9 Statement by Secretary of State Rogers- 9 December 1969". Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved March 4, 2007.
  58. Remez, Gideon and Ginor, Isabella: The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973: The USSR's Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict
  59. "Israel Reports Two Soviet Built Fighter Bombers Blasted out of the Air". March 20, 2015.
  60. Ashton, Nigel J.: The Cold War in the Middle East: Regional Conflict and the Superpowers 1967-73
  61. Chaim Herzog, The Arab-Israeli Wars, Random House New York (1982) p.214 ISBN   0-394-50379-1
  62. "Israel Air Force Jets Hit a 120-ton Egyptian Navy Auxiliary Vessel Near Shadwan". January 26, 1970.
  63. Remez and Ginor, p. 144
  64. 1 2 Berman, Lazar. "Why Israel's fear of Russia in Syria doesn't have to drive its Ukraine policy". www.timesofisrael.com.
  65. Times, James Feron Special to The New York (February 7, 1970). "Sabotage of 2 Israeli Vessels Is Followed by Sinking of U.A.R. Ship". The New York Times.
  66. 1 2 Mordechai Naor, The Twentieth Century In Eretz Israel, Konemann (1996), 409
  67. "World: Middle East: In Cold Blood". Time. June 1, 1970. ISSN   0040-781X . Retrieved August 30, 2018.
  68. 1 2 3 4 Cooper, Tom (September 24, 2003). "War of Attrition". Air Combat Information Group. Archived from the original on June 6, 2004. Retrieved March 7, 2007.
  69. "The Innocent Dead". Time. April 20, 1970. Archived from the original on October 30, 2010. Retrieved April 18, 2009.
  70. ^ "The War of Attrition as Reflected in Egyptian Sources" (1995), p. 107, by Mustafa Kabha (Hebrew)
  71. 1 2 , Kuwait commemorates the return of 16 soldiers from the Yarmouk Brigade
  72. "Israelis in Heaviest Assault on Egyptian Targets; 2 Israeli Soldiers Killed, 13 Wounded". May 18, 1970.
  73. Nicolle and Cooper, 32
  74. "Israeli Forces Repulse Egyptian Commando Raid; Two Israeli Soldiers Killed, One Wounded". May 20, 1970.
  75. Israeli Losses Confirmed, The Spokesman-Review
  76. Remez and Ginor, pp. 167-168
  77. Nicolle and Cooper, 33
  78. Remez and Ginor, pg. 183
  79. "Newspaper: Soviets in Egypt Downed 21 Israeli Planes in 1970". AP NEWS.
  80. "The Israeli Air Force : 50 Years since Operation "Etgar" (Challenge)". www.iaf.org.il.
  81. 1 2 Shalom, Danny (2007). Phantoms over Cairo – Israeli Air Force in the War of Attrition (1967–1970) (in Hebrew), pp. 1064-1065
  82. Sachar, Howard: Israel and Europe: An Appraisal in History, pp. 171–172
  83. Remez and Ginor, p. 212-213
  84. Asaf, Kremer Michal: Golda Meir's Foreign Decision-Making Process: An Analysis, p.112
  85. Herzog (1982), 220
  86. Schiff, Ze'ev, History of the Israeli Army, Straight Arrow Books (1974), p. 253
  87. "50 years ago: Israel won an air battle, and lost the War of Attrition". blogs.timesofisrael.com.
  88. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967-1973: The USSR's Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict - Review in OpenEdition Journals
  89. "The Secret Israel-Soviet Union War Nobody Knew About". Haaretz.
  90. Korn, pp. 6-7
  91. Sachar, p. 172-173
  92. 1 2 3 Schiff (1974) p246
  93. Chaim Herzog, The Arab-Israeli Wars, Random House New York, (1982) p.220 ISBN   0-394-50379-1
  94. 1 2 Morris (1999) p362
  95. 1 2 Insight Team of the London Sunday Times (1974) p. 42
  96. Remez and Ginor, Foreword (citation 3)
  97. "Report 100 Soviet Military Advisors Killed in Egypt; Israel to Receive Jets from U.S." March 20, 2015.
  98. United Press International (August 12, 1972). "Al Ahram Editor Relates Soviet Air Losses To Israelis". St. Petersburg Times. p. 7.
