Entry | Name | Field | Notes |
1 | Imhotep | Engineering | (2650–2600 BC) An Egyptian polymath, he is considered to be the first engineer, architect and physician in history known by name. |
2 | Ahmose | Mathematics | Also known as Ahmes, an Egypt scribe of the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt who copied the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. |
3 | Thales | Mathematics | (624 – c. 546 BC), One of the Seven Sages of Greece. He is one of the first well-known philosophers and mathematicians. |
4 | Anaximander | Metaphysics | (c. 610 – c. 546 BC) A pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus, [1] a city of Ionia (in modern-day Turkey). He belonged to the Milesian school |
5 | Anaximenes | Metaphysics | (c. 585 – c. 528 BCE) An Ancient Greek Pre-Socratic philosopher. [2] [3] One of the three Milesian philosophers |
6 | Xenophanes | Metaphysics | (c. 570 – c. 475 BC) [4] was a Greek philosopher, theologian, poet, and social and religious critic. |
7 | Pythagoras | Mathematics | (c. 570-c. 495 BC). Best known for the Pythagorean theorem which bears his name. |
8 | Eupalinos | Engineering | an ancient Greek engineer who built the Tunnel of Eupalinos on Samos Island in the 6th century BC. |
9 | Hecataeus | Historian | (c. 550 BC – c. 476 BC) An early Greek historian and geographer. |
10 | Heraclitus | Metaphysics | (c. 535 – c. 475 BC) pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, and a native of the city of Ephesus, [5] then part of the Persian Empire. |
11 | Alcmaeon | Medicine | (c 510 BC) considered by many an early pioneer of anatomical dissection and was said to be the first to identify Eustachian tubes. |
12 | Hanno | Explorer | a Carthaginian explorer c. 500 BC, best known for his naval exploration of the African coast. |
13 | Parmenides | Metaphysics | late sixth or early fifth century BC pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from Elea in Magna Graecia (Greater Greece, included Southern Italy). Founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy. |
14 | Anaxagoras | Astronomy | He produced a correct explanation for eclipses and proposed that the Milky Way might consist of distant stars. [6] |
15 | Leucippus | Chemistry | (first half of the 5th century BC) The first Greek to develop the theory of atomism – the idea that everything is composed entirely of various imperishable, indivisible elements called atoms. |
16 | Zeno | Metaphysics | (490?–430? BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher best known for his paradoxes. |
17 | Empedocles | Cosmogenesis | (c. 490 – c. 430 BC) Greek pre-Socratic philosopher and a citizen of Acragas (Agrigentum), a Greek city in Sicily. Empedocles' philosophy is best known for originating the cosmogenic theory of the four classical elements. |
18 | Oenopides | Astronomy | An ancient Greek geometer and astronomer, who lived around 450 BCE. |
19 | Philolaus | Astronomy | c. 470 – c. 385 BCE [7] ) was a Greek Pythagorean and Presocratic philosopher. He is also credited with originating the theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe. |
20 | Democritus | Chemistry | (c. 370 BC) An Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher primarily remembered today for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe. [8] |
21 | Socrates | Philosophy | 470/469 – 399 BC) [9] was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. |
22 | Hippocrates | Medicine | (c. 460 – c. 370 BC), A Greek physician of the Age of Pericles (Classical Greece), sometimes referred to as the "Father of Medicine" [10] |
23 | Meton | Astronomy | a Greek mathematician, astronomer, geometer, and engineer who lived in Athens in the 5th century BC. He is best known for calculations involving the eponymous 19-year Metonic cycle which he introduced in 432 BC into the lunisolar Attic calendar. |
24 | Plato | Philosophy | (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition. [11] |
25 | Archytas | Mathematics | (428–347 BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist. He was a scientist of the Pythagorean school and famous for being the reputed founder of mathematical mechanics, as well as a good friend of Plato. |
26 | Theaetetus | Mathematics |
27 | Eudoxus |
28 | Heracleides |
29 | Aristotle |
30 | Menaechmus |
31 | Theophrastus |
32 | Callippus |
33 | Dicaearchus |
34 | Diocles |
35 | Epicurus |
36 | Praxagoras | Medicine | studied Aristotle's (384–322 BC) anatomy and improved it by distinguishing between arteries and veins. |
37 | Kiddinu |
38 | Strato |
39 | Pytheas |
40 | Euclid |
41 | Aristarchus |
42 | Herophilus |
43 | Erasistratus |
44 | Conon |
45 | Philon from Byzantium |
46 | Ctesibius | Physics | (285–222 BC) was a Greek inventor who wrote the first treatises on compressed air. Worked on the elasticity of air. The "father of pneumatics." |
47 | Archimedes |
48 | Eratosthenes |
49 | Apollonius |
50 | Hipparchus |
51 | Seleucus |
52 | Poseidonius |
53 | Lucretius |
54 | Sosigenes |
55 | Vitruvius |
56 | Strabo |
57 | Celsus, Aulus Cornelius |
58 | Mela, Pomponius |
59 | Dioscorides |
60 | Hero |
61 | Pliny |
62 | Frontinus, Sextus Julius |
63 | Tsai Lun |
64 | Ptolemy, Claudius |
65 | Galen |
66 | Diophantus |
67 | Zosimus |
68 | Pappus |
69 | Hypatia |
70 | Proclus |
71 | Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus |
72 | Isidore of Seville |
73 | Brahmagupta |
74 | Callinicus | Chemistry | (about 620 BC) Also known as Kallinikos. A Byzantine chemist from Heliopolis and the inventor of Greek fire |
75 | Bede |
76 | Geber |
77 | Alcuin |
78 | Charlemagne |
79 | Al-Khwarizmi, Muhammed ibn Musa |
80 | Thabit ibn Qurra |
81 | Alfred The Great |
82 | Rhazes |
83 | Albategnius |
84 | Gerbert |
85 | Alhazen |
86 | Avicenna |
87 | Omar Khayyam |
88 | Abelard, Peter |
89 | Adelard of Bath |
90 | Gerard of Cremona |
91 | Averroes |
92 | Maimonides, Moses |
93 | Neckam, Alexander |
94 | Grosseteste, Robert |
95 | Fibonacci, Leonardo |
96 | Albertus Magnus |
97 | Frederick II |
98 | Michael Scot |
99 | Bacon, Roger |
100 | Alfonso X |
101 | Alderotti, Tadeo | Medicine | Italian Physician. |
102 | Aquinas, Saint Thomas |
103 | Arnold of Villanova |
104 | Peregrinus, Petrus |
105 | Polo, Marco |
106 | d'Abano, Pietro |
107 | False Geber |
108 | Buridan, Jean |
109 | Ockham, William of |
110 | Mondino de' Luzzi |
111 | Henry the Navigator |
112 | Ulugh Beg |
113 | Toscanelli, Paolo |
114 | Gutenberg, Johann | Engineering | (c. 1398–1468). Invented mechanical movable type printing. |
115 | Nicholas of Cusa |
116 | Bessarion, John |
117 | Alberti, Leone Battista |
118 | Peurbach, Georg von |
119 | Regiomontanus |
120 | Pacioli, Luca |
121 | Columbus, Christopher |
122 | Leonardo da Vinci |
123 | Vespucius, Americus |
124 | Cano, Juan Sebastian Del |
125 | Waldseemoller, Martin |
126 | Dürer, Albrecht |
127 | Copernicus, Nicolas |
128 | Balboa, Vasco Nunez de |
129 | Schoner, Johannes |
130 | Magellan, Ferdinand |
131 | Paracelsus |
132 | Agricola, Georgius |
133 | Apian, Peter |
134 | Fernel, Jean François |
135 | Tartaglia, Niccolo |
136 | Fuchs, Leonhard |
137 | Cardano, Girolamo |
138 | Gemma Frisius, Reiner |
139 | Pare, Ambroise |
140 | Colombo, Realdo |
141 | Eustachio, Bartolomeo |
142 | Servetus, Michael |
143 | Reinhold, Erasmus |
144 | Mercator, Gerardus |
145 | Rheticus |
146 | Vesalius, Andreas |
147 | Gesner, Konrad Von |
148 | Belon, Pierre |
149 | Fallopius, Gabriel |
150 | Porta, Giambattista Della |
151 | Fabricius Ab Aquapendente, Hieronymus |
152 | Clavius, Christoph |
153 | Vieta, Franciscus |
154 | Scaliger, Joseph Justus |
155 | Gilbert, William |
156 | Brahe, Tycho | Astronomy | (14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601) Known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations. |
157 | Bruno, Giordano | Astronomy | (1548 – February 17, 1600). The first man to have conceptualized the universe as a continuum where the stars we see at night are identical in nature to the Sun. |
158 | Stevinus, Simon |
159 | Napier, John |
160 | Alpini, Prospero |
161 | Norman, Robert |
162 | Libavius |
163 | Bacon, Francis |
164 | Briggs, Henry |
165 | Sanctorius, Sanctorius |
166 | Galileo |
167 | Fabricius, David | Astronomy | (1564–1617)Known for discovering the first known periodic variable star and the first confirmed instance of the observation of sunspots. |
168 | Lippershey, Hans | Astronomy | (1570–1619), generally credited as being the inventor of the telescope. |
169 | Keppler, Johann |
170 | Bayer, Johann | Astronomy | (1572–1625) most famous for his star atlas Uranometria , published in 1603, which was the first atlas to cover the entire celestial sphere. |
171 | Marius, Simon |
172 | Oughtred, William |
173 | Scheiner, Christoph |
174 | Harvey, William |
175 | Helmont, Jan Baptista van |
176 | Wendelin, Godefroy |
177 | Snell, Willebrord Van Roijen |
178 | Baffin, William |
179 | Vernier, Pierre |
180 | Cysat, Johann |
181 | Mersenne, Marin | Mathematics | (September 8, 1588 – September 1, 1648). Mathematician and music theorist, often referred to as the "father of acoustics" |
182 | Gassendi, Pierre |
183 | Descartes, Rene |
184 | Gellibrand, Henry |
185 | Riccioli, Giovanni Battista |
186 | Cavalieri, Bonaventura |
187 | Kircher, Athanasius |
188 | Fermat, Pierre de |
189 | Guericke, Otto Von |
190 | Glauber, Johann Rudolf |
191 | Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso |
192 | Torricelli, Evangelista |
193 | Ferdinand II of Tuscany |
194 | Hevelius, Johannes |
195 | Gascoigne, William |
196 | Sylvius, Franciscus |
197 | Wilkins, John |
198 | Wallis, John |
199 | Grimaldi, Francesco Maria |
200 | Horrocks, Jeremiah |
201 | Graunt, John |
202 | Brouncker, William, 2D Viscount |
203 | Mariotte, Edme |
204 | Picard, Jean |
205 | Willis, Thomas |
206 | Viviani, Vincenzo |
207 | Pascal, Blaise |
208 | Sydenham, Thomas |
209 | Cassini, Giovanni Domenico |
210 | Barthoun, Erasmus |
211 | Redi, Francesco |
212 | Boyle, Robert | Physics | (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor, best known for Boyle's law, [12] |
213 | Ray, John |
214 | Malpighi, Marcello |
215 | Huygens, Christiaan |
216 | Brand, Hennig |
217 | Richer, Jean |
218 | Rudbeck, Olof |
219 | Lower, Richard |
220 | Wren, Sir Christopher |
221 | Leeuwenhoek, Anton Van |
222 | Becher, Johann Joachim |
223 | Hooke, Robert |
224 | Swammerdam, Jan |
225 | Steno, Nicolaus |
226 | Gregory, James |
227 | Denis, Jean Baptiste |
228 | Graaf, Regnier de |
229 | Grew, Nehemiah |
230 | Mayow, John |
231 | Newton, Sir Isaac | Physics | (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27 [13] ) An English mathematician, astronomer, theologian and physicist. |
232 | Roemer, Olaus |
233 | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm |
234 | Flamsteed, John |
235 | Papin, Denis |
236 | Savery, Thomas |
237 | Havers, Clopton |
238 | Halley, Edmund |
239 | Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de |
240 | Gregory, David |
241 | Stahl, Georg Ernst |
242 | Polhem, Christopher |
243 | Newcomen, Thomas |
244 | Amontons, Guillaume |
245 | Hauksbee, Francis |
246 | De Moivre, Abraham |
247 | Saccheri, Girolamo |
248 | Boerhaave, Hermann |
249 | Hales, Stephen |
250 | Bering, Vitus Jonassen |
251 | Morgagni, Giovanni Battista |
252 | Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de |
253 | Desaguliers, John Theophile |
254 | Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel |
255 | Delisle, Joseph Nicolas |
256 | Goldbach, Christian |
257 | Musschenbroek, Pieter Van |
258 | Bradley, James |
259 | Harrison, John |
260 | Brandt, Georg |
261 | Voltaire | - | (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778) François-Marie Arouet, known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. |
262 | Gray, Stephen |
263 | Maclaurin, Colin |
264 | Bouguer, Pierre |
265 | Baker, Henry |
266 | Du Fay, Charles François de Cisternay |
267 | Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de |
268 | Bernoulli, Daniel |
269 | Kleist, Ewald Georg Von |
270 | La Condamine, Charles Marie de |
271 | Celsius, Anders |
272 | Franklin, Benjamin |
273 | Dollond, John |
274 | Châtelet, Gabrieue Émilie Ietonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise de |
275 | Euler, Leonhard |
276 | Linnaeus, Carolus |
277 | Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc. Comtede |
278 | Haller, Albrecht von |
279 | Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund |
280 | Gmelin, Johann Georg |
281 | Wright, Thomas |
282 | Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich |
283 | Clairaut, Alexis Claude |
284 | Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de |
285 | Needham, John Turberville | Biology | (10 September 1713 – 30 December 1781) was an English biologist and Roman Catholic priest. |
286 | Diderot, Denis |
287 | Guettard, Jean Etienne |
288 | Lind, James |
289 | d'Alembert, Jean le Rond |
290 | Canton, John |
291 | Bonnet, Charles |
292 | Cronstedt, Axel Fredrik |
293 | Kant, Immanuel |
294 | Michell, John |
295 | Le Gentil, Guillaume Joseph Hyacinthe Jean Baptiste |
296 | Desmarest, Nicolas |
297 | Hutton, James |
298 | Black, Joseph |
299 | Lambert, Johann Heinrich |
300 | Cook, James |
301 | Titius, Johann Daniel | Astronomy | (2 January 1729 – 16 December 1796) was a German astronomer and a professor at Wittenberg, [14] best known for formulating the Titius–Bode law, and for using this rule to predict the existence of a celestial object at 2.8 AU from the sun. |
302 | Spallanzani, Lazzaro |
303 | Bougainville, Louis Antoine de |
304 | Müller, Otto Friedrich |
305 | Messier, Charles |
306 | Ingenhousz, Jan |
307 | Cavendish, Henry |
308 | Darwin, Erasmus |
309 | Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de |
310 | Maskelyne, Nevil |
311 | Arkwright, Sir Richard |
312 | Priestley, Joseph |
313 | Wolff, Kaspar Friedrich |
314 | Mesmer, Franz Anton |
315 | Bergman, Torbern Olof |
316 | Watt, James |
317 | Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, Comte de |
318 | Coulomb, Charles Augustin |
319 | Guyton de Morveau, Baron Louis Bernard |
320 | Galvani, Luigi |
321 | Herschel, Sir William | Astronomy | (15 November 1738 – 25 August 1822) British astronomer and composer [15] Pioneered the use of astronomical spectrophotometry. Discovered infrared radiation. Discovered Uranus and 2 of its moons (Titania and Oberon) and 2 moons of Saturn (Enceladus and Mimas). |
322 | Saussure, Horace Benedict de |
323 | Müller, Franz Joseph |
324 | Frere, John |
325 | Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne Andjoseph Michel |
326 | Lexell, Anders Johan |
327 | Withering, William |
328 | Leblanc, Nicolas |
329 | Scheele, Karl Wilhelm |
330 | Fitch, John |
331 | Banks, Sir Joseph |
332 | Haüy, René Just |
333 | Jefferson, Thomas |
334 | Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent |
335 | Klaproth, Martin Heinrich |
336 | Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de |
337 | Volta, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio, Count |
338 | Pinel, Philippe |
339 | Gahn, Johann Gottlieb |
340 | Monge, Gaspard |
341 | Piazzi, Giuseppe |
342 | Hjelm, Peter Jacob |
343 | Charles, Jacques Alexandre Cesar |
344 | Bode, Johann Elert |
345 | Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de |
346 | Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte |
347 | Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de |
348 | Jenner, Edward |
349 | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von |
350 | Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph |
351 | Rutherford, Daniel |
352 | Herschel, Caroline Lucretia |
353 | Dolomieu, Dieudonne de Gratet de |
354 | Sprengel, Christian Konrad |
355 | Werner, Abraham Gottlob |
356 | Prevost, Pierre |
357 | Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich |
358 | Legendre, Adrien Marie |
359 | Appert, Nicolas |
360 | Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count |
361 | Nicholson, William |
363 | Murdock, William |
364 | Proust, Joseph Louis |
365 | Parkinson, James |
366 | Fourcroy, Antoine François, Comtede |
367 | D'Elhuyar, Don Fausto |
368 | Chaptal, Jean Antoine Claude, Comtede Chanteloup |
369 | McAdam, John Loudon |
370 | Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich |
371 | Gall, Franz Joseph |
372 | Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus |
373 | Gadolin, Johan |
374 | Hall, Sir James |
375 | Tennant, Smithson |
376 | Pons, Jean Louis |
377 | Gregor, William |
378 | Richter, Jeremias Benjamin |
379 | Vauquelin, Louis Nicolas |
380 | Kirchhoff, Gottlieb Sigismund Constantin |
381 | Goodricke, John |
382 | Del Río, Andrés Manuel |
383 | Hatchett, Charles |
384 | Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore |
385 | Fulton, Robert |
386 | Whitney, Eli |
387 | Malthus, Thomas Robert |
388 | Wollaston, William Hyde |
389 | Dalton, John |
390 | Hisinger, Wilhelm |
391 | Ekeberg, Anders Gustaf |
392 | Bouvard, Alexis |
393 | Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, Baron |
394 | Nicol, William |
395 | Smith, William | - | (23 March 1769 – 28 August 1839) |
396 | Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert, Baron |
397 | Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, Baron Von |
398 | Seebeck, Thomas Johann |
399 | Trevithick, Richard |
400 | Bichat, Marie François Xavier |
401 | Mohs, Friedrich |
402 | Young, Thomas |
403 | Brown, Robert | - | (21 December 1773 – 10 June 1858) |
404 | Biot, Jean Baptiste |
405 | Buch, Christian Leopold von |
406 | Baily, Francis |
407 | Ampère, Andrè Marie |
408 | Malus, Etienne Louis |
409 | Kidd, John |
410 | Germain, Sophie |
411 | Strohmeyer, Friedrich |
412 | Avogadro, Amedeo, Count of Quaregna |
413 | Ritter, Johann Wilhelm |
414 | Courtois, Bernard |
415 | Gauss, Johann Karl Friedrich |
416 | Thenard, Louis Jacques |
417 | Oersted, Hans Christian |
418 | Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de |
419 | Bretonneau, Pierre Fidele |
420 | Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis |
421 | Davy, Sir Humphry | Chemistry | (17 December 1778 – 29 May 1829) A Cornish chemist and inventor, who is best remembered for isolating a series of substances for the first time: potassium, sodium, calcium, strontium, barium, magnesium and boron, as well as discovering the elemental nature of chlorine and iodin |
422 | Schweigger, Johann Salomo Christoph |
423 | Oken, Lorenz |
424 | Silliman, Benjamin |
425 | Berzelius, Jons Jakob |
426 | Bellingshausen, Fabian Gottliebvon |
427 | Dobereiner, Johann Wolfgang |
428 | Hare, Robert |
429 | Laennec, Theophile Rene Hyacinthe |
430 | Braconnot, Henri |
431 | Stephenson, George |
432 | Poisson, Simeon Denis |
433 | Brewster, Sir David |
434 | Biela, Wilhelm Von |
435 | Guthrie, Samuel |
436 | Sturgeon, William |
437 | Sertorner, Friedrich Wilhelm Adamferdinand |
438 | Magendie, François |
439 | Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm |
440 | Prout, William |
441 | Dulong, Pierre Louis |
442 | Sedgwick, Adam |
443 | Audubon, John James |
444 | Beaumont, William | Medicine | (November 21, 1785 – April 25, 1853) "Father of Gastric Physiology" |
445 | Lister, Joseph Jackson |
446 | Arago, Dominique François Jean |
447 | Amici, Giovanni Battista |
448 | Chevreul, Michel Eugene |
449 | Charpentier, Johann Von |
450 | Fraunhofer, Joseph Von |
451 | Sefstrom, Nils Gabriel |
452 | Purkinje, Jan Evangelista |
453 | Venetz, Ignatz |
454 | Pelletier, Pierre Joseph |
455 | Fresnel, Augustin Jean |
456 | Poncelet, Jean Victor |
457 | Gmelin, Leopold |
458 | Boucher de Crèvecœur Deperthes, Jacques |
459 | Sabine, Sir Edward |
460 | Thomsen, Christian Jurgensen |
461 | Ohm, Georg Simon |
462 | Redfield, William C. |
463 | Cauchy, Augustin Louis, Baron |
464 | Bond, William Cranch |
465 | Bright, Richard | - | (September 28, 1789 – December 16, 1858) |
466 | Schwabe, Heinrich Samuel |
467 | Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandet |
468 | Mantell, Gideon Algernon |
469 | Hall, Marshall |
470 | Daniell, John Frederic |
471 | Mobius, August Ferdinand |
472 | Peacock, George |
473 | Morse, Samuel Finley Breese |
474 | Faraday, Michael |
475 | Encke, Johann Franz |
476 | Petit, Alexis Therese |
477 | Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey |
478 | Baer, Karl Ernst Von |
479 | Herschel, Sir John Frederick William |
480 | Coriolis, Gustave Gaspard de |
481 | Babbage, Charles | Engineering | (26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) An English polymath. A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer. |
482 | Addison, Thomas |
483 | Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Von |
484 | Lobachevski, Nikolai Ivanovich |
485 | Mitscherlich, Eilhardt |
486 | Babinet, Jacques |
487 | Whewell, William |
488 | Madler, Johann Heinrich |
489 | Pander, Christian Heinrich |
490 | Payen, Anselme |
491 | Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried |
492 | Weber, Ernst Heinrich |
493 | Caventou, Joseph Bienaime |
494 | Braid, James |
495 | Claus, Carl Ernst |
496 | Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques |
497 | Carnot, Nicolas Leonard Sadi |
498 | Retzius, Anders Adolf |
499 | Beer, Wilhelm |
500 | Poiseuille, Jean Leonard Marie | - | (22 April 1797 – 26 December 1869) |
501 | Mosander, Carl Gustav | Chemistry | discovered the elements lanthanum, erbium and terbium. |
502 | Lyell, Sir Charles |
503 | Henry, Joseph |
504 | Melloni, Macedonio |
505 | Henderson, Thomas | Astronomy | (28 December 1798 – 23 November 1844) the first person to measure the distance to Alpha Centauri, |
506 | Reich, Ferdinand |
507 | Clapeyron, Benoit Pierre Emile |
508 | Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August |
509 | Lassell, William |
510 | Schonbein, Christian Friedrich |
511 | Talbot, William Henry Fox | - | (11 February 1800 – 17 September 1877) |
512 | Ross, Sir James Clark |
513 | Rosse, William Parsons, 3rd Earl of |
514 | Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre |
515 | Wohler, Friedrich |
516 | Goodyear, Charles |
517 | Dujardin, Felix |
518 | Miller, William Hallowes |
519 | Lartet, Edouard Annand Isidore Hippolyte |
520 | Fechner, Gustav Theodor |
521 | Plücker, Julius |
522 | Müller, Johannes Peter |
523 | Airy, Sir George Biddell |
524 | Borden, Gail |
525 | Boussingault, Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonne |
526 | Wheatstone, Sir Charles |
527 | Abel, Niels Henrik |
528 | Hess, Germain Henri |
529 | Balard, Antoine Jerome |
530 | Bolyai, Janos |
531 | Mulder, Gerardus Johannes |
532 | Liebig, Justus Von | Chemistry | (12 May 1803 – 18 April 1873) A German chemist who made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and was considered the founder of organic chemistry. |
533 | Ericsson, John |
534 | Doppler, Christian Johann |
535 | Challis, James |
536 | Lenz, Heinrich Friedrich Emil |
537 | Siebold, Karl Theodor Ernst von |
538 | Schleiden, Matthias Jakob |
539 | Owen, Sir Richard |
540 | Weber, Wilhelm Eduard |
541 | Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob |
542 | Mohl, Hugo von |
543 | Jackson, Charles Thomas |
544 | Fitzroy, Robert |
545 | Hamilton, Sir William Rowan |
546 | Lamont, Johann Von |
547 | Graham, Thomas |
548 | Maury, Matthew Fontaine |
549 | de Morgan, Augustus |
550 | Palmieri, Luigi |
551 | Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe |
552 | Guyot, Arnold Henry |
553 | Laurent, Auguste |
554 | Darwin, Charles Robert |
555 | Liouville, Joseph |
556 | Grassman, Hermann Günther |
557 | Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jakob |
558 | Holmes, Oliver Wendell |
559 | Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke |
560 | Valentin, Gabriel Gustav |
561 | Regnault, Henri Victor |
562 | Gray, Asa |
563 | Schwann, Theodor |
564 | Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph |
565 | Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard |
566 | Draper, John William |
567 | Simpson, Sir James Young |
568 | Grove, Sir William Robert |
569 | Otis, Elisha Graves |
570 | Budd, William(1811–1880) |
571 | Galois, Evariste |
572 | Shanks, William |
573 | Galle, Johann Gottfried |
574 | Sobrero, Ascanio |
575 | Bessemer, Sir Henry |
576 | Snow, John |
577 | Archer, Frederick Scott |
578 | Bernard, Claude |
579 | Stas, Jean Servais |
580 | Andrews, Thomas | - | (9 December 1813 – 26 November 1885) |
581 | Parkes, Alexander | Engineering | Invented the first man-made plastic. |
582 | Fremy, Edmond |
583 | Geissler, Heinrich |
584 | Daubree, Gabriel Auguste |
585 | Angstrom, Anders Jonas |
586 | Kirkwood, Daniel |
587 | Mayer, Julius Robert |
588 | Lawes, Sir John Bennett |
589 | De La Rue, Warren |
590 | Forbes, Edward |
591 | Remak, Robert |
592 | Wunderlich, Carl Reinhold August |
593 | Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm |
594 | Long, Crawford Williamson |
595 | Boole, George |
596 | Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris |
597 | Ludwig, Kari Friedrich Wilhelm |
598 | Nägeli, Carl |
599 | Marignac, Jean Charles Galissard de |
600 | Kolliker, Rudolf Albert Von |
601 | Kopp, Hermann Franz Moritz |
602 | Wurtz, Charles Adolphe |
603 | Sainte-Claire Deville, Henri Etienne |
604 | Hofmann, August Wilhelm Von |
605 | Donders, Franciscus Comelis |
606 | Secchi, Pietro Angelo |
607 | Semmelweiss, Ignaz Philipp |
608 | Mitchell, Maria |
609 | Gatling, Richard Jordan |
610 | Kolbe, Adolph Wilhelm Hermann |
611 | du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich |
612 | Pettenkofer, Max Joseph Von |
613 | Joule, James Prescott |
614 | Drake, Edwin Laurentine |
615 | Adams, John Couch |
616 | Howe, Euas |
617 | Morton, William Thomas Green |
618 | Stokes, Sir George Gabriel |
619 | Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon |
620 | Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis |
621 | Field, Cyrus West | Engineering | The driving force behind the first Transatlantic telegraph cable (Completed on August 5, 1858.) |
622 | Beguyer de Chancourtois, Alexandre-Emfle |
623 | Becquerel, Alexandre Edmond |
624 | Spencer, Herbert | - | (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) |
625 | Rankine, William John Macquorn |
626 | Tyndall, John |
627 | Roche, Edouard Albert |
628 | Loschmidt, Johann Joseph |
629 | Cayley, Arthur |
630 | Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel de |
631 | Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von |
632 | Virchow, Rudolph Carl |
633 | Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel |
634 | Schliemann, Heinrich |
635 | Lenoir, Jean Joseph Etienne | Engineering | developed the first internal combustion engine in 1859. |
636 | Galton, Sir Francis |
637 | Thomson, Robert William |
638 | Mendel, Gregor Johann |
639 | Arrest, Heinrich Ludwig d' |
640 | Leuckart, Karl Georg Friedrich Rudolf |
641 | Hermite, Charles |
642 | Pasteur, Louis |
643 | Wallace, Alfred Russel |
644 | Siemens, Sir William |
645 | Kronecker, Leopold |
646 | Huggins, Sir William |
647 | Janssen, Pierre Jules Cesar |
648 | Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert |
649 | Hittorf, Johann Wilhelm |
650 | Williamson, Alexander William |
651 | Hofmeister, Wilhelm Friedrichbenedikt |
652 | Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron |
653 | Broca, Pierre Paul |
654 | Richter, Hieronymus Theodor |
655 | Frankland, Sir Edward |
656 | Bates, Henry Walter |
657 | Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund |
658 | Balmer, Johann Jakob |
659 | Huxley, Thomas Henry |
660 | Bond, George Phillips |
661 | Erlenmeyer, Richard August Carl Enul |
662 | Charcot, Jean Martin |
663 | Hoppe-Seyler, Ernst Felix Immanuel |
664 | Stoney, George Johnstone | Physics | introducing the term electron as the "fundamental unit quantity of electricity". |
665 | Thomsen, Hans Peter Jørgen Julius |
666 | Gramme, Zenobe Theophile |
667 | Carrington, Richard Christopher |
668 | Cannizzaro, Stanislao |
669 | Gegenbaur, Karl |
670 | Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard |
671 | Donati, Giovanni Battista |
672 | Lister, Joseph, Baron |
673 | Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus |
674 | Berthelot, Pierre Eugene Marcelin |
675 | Cohn, Ferdinand Julius |
676 | Butlerov, Alexander Mikhailovich |
677 | Swan, Sir Joseph Wilson | Engineering | (31 October 1828 – 27 May 1914) invented the incandescent light bulb |
678 | Stewart, Balfour |
679 | Pogson, Norman Robert |
680 | Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich August |
681 | Hall, Asaph |
682 | Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville |
683 | Marey, Etienne Jules |
684 | Raoult, François-Marie |
685 | Meyer, Julius Lothar |
686 | Couper, Archibald Scott |
687 | Suess, Eduard |
688 | Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard |
689 | Hellriegel, Hermann | Biology | (1831–1895) Discovered that certain legumes were capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. |
690 | Marsh, Othniel Charles | - | (October 29, 1831 – March 18, 1899) paleontologists in the American West. |
691 | Voit, Karl Von |
692 | Maxwell, James Clerk |
693 | Friedel, Charles |
694 | Otto, Nikolaus August |
695 | Crookes, Sir Wniiam |
696 | Clark, Alvan Graham |
697 | Wundt, Wilhelm Max |
698 | Cailletet, Louis Paul |
699 | Sachs, Julius von |
700 | Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik |
701 | Waage, Peter |
702 | Bert, Paul |
703 | Nobel, Alfred Bernhard |
704 | Weismann, August Friedrich Leopold |
705 | Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich |
706 | Caro, Heinrich |
707 | Haeckel, Emst Heinrich Philippaugust |
708 | Daimler, Gottlieb Wilhelm |
709 | Plante, Gaston |
710 | Venn, John |
711 | Langley, Samuel Pierpont |
712 | Young, Charles Augustus |
713 | Newcomb, Simon |
714 | Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio |
715 | Stefan, Josef |
716 | Wislicenus, Johannes |
717 | Ringer, Sydney |
718 | Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von |
719 | Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman |
720 | Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford |
721 | Guldberg, Cato Maximilian |
722 | Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried Von |
723 | Draper, Henry |
724 | Proctor, Richard Anthony |
725 | Kühne, Wilhelm (Willy) Friedrich |
726 | Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik |
727 | Newlands, John Alexander Reina |
728 | Hyatt, John Wesley |
729 | Markovnikov, Vladimir Vasilevich |
730 | Morley, Edward Williams |
731 | Hitzig, Julius Eduard | Medicine | (Feb 6, 1838 – Aug 20, 1907) German physiologist. |
732 | Beilstein, Friedrich Konrad |
733 | Mach, Ernst |
734 | Perkin, Sir William Henry |
735 | Solvay, Ernest |
736 | Lecoq de Boisbaudran, Paul Emile |
737 | Zeppelin, Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich, Count von |
738 | Abbe, Cleveland |
739 | Winkler, Clemens Alexander |
740 | Gibbs, Josiah Willard |
741 | Crafts, James Mason |
742 | Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhaylovich |
743 | Chardonnet, Louis Marie Hilaire Bemigaud, Comte de |
744 | Kundt, August Adolph Eduard Eberhard |
745 | Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens |
746 | Cleve, Per Teodor |
747 | Nilson, Lars Fredrik |
748 | Cope, Edward Drinker |
749 | Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard Von |
750 | Kovalevski, Alexander Onufriyevich |
751 | Amagat, Emile Hilaire |
752 | Graebe, Karl James Peter |
753 | Dutton, Clarence Edward |
754 | James, William |
755 | Breuer, Josef |
756 | Flammarion, Nicolas Camille |
757 | Vogel, Hermann Carl |
758 | Linde, Karl Paul Gottfried Von |
759 | Dewar, Sir James |
760 | Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron |
761 | Ferrier, Sir David |
762 | Flemming, Walther |
763 | Gill, Sir David |
764 | Golgi, Camillo |
765 | Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie |
766 | Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder |
767 | Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert |
768 | Strasburger, Eduard Adolf |
769 | Boltzmann, Ludwig Edward |
770 | Miescher, Johann Friedrich |
771 | Manson, Sir Patrick |
772 | Cantor, Georg |
773 | Pfeffer, Wilhelm |
774 | Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad |
775 | Mechnikov, Ilya Ilich |
776 | Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse | Medicine | discovered that the cause of malaria is a protozoan |
777 | Darwin, Sir George Howard |
778 | Lippmann, Gabriel Jonas |
779 | Wroblewski, Zygmunt Plorenty Von |
780 | Hall, Granvflle Stanley |
781 | Remsen, Ira |
782 | Beneden, Edouard Josephlouis-Marie Van |
783 | Pictet, Raoul Pierre |
784 | Pickering, Edward Charles |
785 | Westinghouse, George |
786 | Baumann, Eugen |
787 | Le Bel, Joseph Achille |
788 | Edison, Thomas Alva | - | (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) |
789 | Bell, Alexander Graham | - | (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) |
790 | Wallach, Otto |
791 | Langerhans, Paul |
792 | De Vries, Hugo Marie |
793 | Lilienthal, Otto |
794 | Eotvos, Roland, Baron von |
795 | Dorn, Friedrich Ernst |
796 | Meyer, Viktor |
797 | Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob |
798 | Rowland, Henry Augustus |
799 | Burbank, Luther |
800 | Klein, Christian Felix |
801 | Kjeldahl, Johann Gustav Christoffer |
802 | Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich |
803 | Fleming, Sir John Ambrose |
804 | Kovalevsky, Sonya |
805 | Gaffky, Georg Theodor August |
806 | Heaviside, Oliver |
807 | Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert |
808 | Braun, Karl Ferdinand |
809 | Richet, Charles Robert |
810 | Righi, Augusto |
811 | Goldstein, Eugen |
812 | Le Chatelier, Henri Louis |
813 | Buchner, Hans Ernst Angass |
814 | Milne, John |
815 | Kapteyn, Jacobus Cornelius | Astronomy | (January 19, 1851 – June 18, 1922) the first discoverer of evidence for galactic rotation. |
816 | Chamberland, Charles Edouard |
817 | Beijerinck, Martinus Willem |
818 | Maunder, Edward Walter |
819 | Berliner, Emile |
820 | Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph |
821 | Fitzgerald, George Francis |
822 | Reed, Walter |
823 | Balfour, Francis Maitland |
824 | Frasch, Herman |
825 | Demarcay, Eugene Anatole |
826 | Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinandvon |
827 | Ramon Y Cajal, Santiago |
828 | Loffler, Friedrich August Johannes |
829 | van 't Hoff, Jacobus Henricus |
830 | Halsted, William Stewart |
831 | Moissan, Ferdinand Frederic Henri |
832 | Ramsay, Sir William |
833 | Fischer, Emil Hermann |
834 | Becquerel, Antoine Henri | Physics | discoverer of radioactivity, for which he won the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics |
835 | Michelson, Albert Abraham | Physics | known for his work on the measurement of the speed of light and especially for the Michelson–Morley experiment. |
836 | Schaeberle, John Martin |
837 | Thomson, Elihu |
838 | Petrie, Sir (William Matthew)Flinders | - | Egyptologist |
839 | Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon |
840 | Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm |
841 | Gram, Hans Christian Joachim | Medicine | (1853–1938), inventor of the Gram stain. |
842 | Kossel, (Karl Martin Leonhard)Albrecht |
843 | Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike |
844 | Roux, Pierre Paul Emile |
845 | Ehrlich, Paul |
846 | Behring, Emil Adolf von' |
847 | Poincaré, Jules Henri |
848 | Rubner, Max |
849 | Carroll, James |
850 | Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon |
851 | Hampson, William | Engineering | (1854–1926) English inventor. |
852 | Eastman, George |
853 | Gorgas, William Crawford |
854 | Roozeboom, Hendrik Willem Bakhuis |
855 | Takamine, Jokichi |
856 | Sabatier, Paul |
857 | Rydberg, Johannes Robert |
858 | Elster, Johann Philipp Ludwig Julius | Physics | (1854–1920) – Studied Photoelectric effect. Produced first practical device for measuring intensity of light. |
859 | Neisser, Albert Ludwig Sigismund |
860 | Lowell, Percival |
861 | Teisserenc de Bort, Leon Philippe |
862 | Cross, Charles Frederick |
863 | Acheson, Edward Goodrich |
864 | Taylor, Frederick Winslow |
865 | Freud, Sigmund |
866 | Peary, Robert Edwin |
867 | Tesla, Nikola |
868 | Wilson, Edmund Beecher |
869 | Thomson, Sir Joseph John |
870 | Kitasato, Baron Shibasaburō |
871 | Mohorovicic, Andrija |
872 | Johannsen, Wilhelm Ludwig |
873 | Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf |
874 | Wagner Von Jauregg, Julius |
875 | Pearson, Karl |
876 | Ross, Sir Ronald |
877 | Abel, John Jacob |
878 | Binet, Alfred |
879 | Keeler, James Edward |
880 | Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich |
881 | Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott |
882 | Koller, Carl |
883 | Barnard, Edward Emerson |
884 | Dubois, Marie Eugene Francoisthomas |
885 | Pickering, William Henry |
886 | Diesel, Rudolf |
887 | Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig |
888 | Eijkman, Christiaan |
889 | Peano, Giuseppe |
890 | Auer, Karl, Baron Von Welsbach |
891 | Pupin, Michael Idvorsky |
892 | Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott |
893 | Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra |
894 | Arrhenius, Svante August |
895 | Popov, Alexander Stepanovich |
896 | Loeb, Jacques |
897 | Curie, Pierre |
898 | Reid, Harry Fielding |
899 | Smith, Theobald |
900 | Osborne, Thomas Burr | Medicine | Discovered vitamin A. |
901 | Haffkine, Waldemar Mordecaiwolfs |
902 | Bayliss, Sir William Maddock |
903 | Buchner, Eduard |
904 | Einthoven, Willem | Medicine | (1860–1927) invented the first practical electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) in 1903 |
905 | Barringer, Daniel Moreau |
906 | Villard, Paul Ulrich | Physics | discovered gamma rays in 1900 |
907 | Sperry, Elmer Ambrose |
908 | Finsen, Niels Ryberg |
909 | Goldschmidt, Johann (Hans) Wilhelm |
910 | Guillaume, Charles Edouard |
911 | Whitehead, Alfred North |
912 | Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland |
913 | Bateson, William |
914 | Nansen, Fridtjof |
915 | Innes, Robert Thorburn Ayton |
916 | Kennelly, Arthur Edwin |
917 | Wiechert, Emil |
918 | Hilbert, David |
919 | Gullstrand, Allvar |
920 | Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Von |
921 | Nef, John Ulric |
922 | Bragg, Sir William Henry |
923 | Boveri, Theodor |
924 | Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich |
925 | Héroult, Paul Louis Toussaint |
926 | Love, Augustus Edward Hough |
927 | Wolf, Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius |
928 | Walden, Paul |
929 | Ford, Henry |
930 | Kipping, Frederic Stanley | - | (1863–1949). Pioneering work with silicone. |
931 | Baekeland, Leo Hendrik |
932 | Cannon, Annie Jump |
933 | Hall, Charles Martin |
934 | Wien, Wilhelm |
935 | Minkowski, Hermann |
936 | Nernst, Hermann Walther |
937 | Carver, George Washington |
938 | Correns, Karl Franz Joseph Erich |
939 | Ivanovsky, Dmitri Losifovich |
940 | Hartmann, Johannes Franz |
941 | Paschen, Louis Carl Heinrichfriedrich |
942 | Weiss, Pierre |
943 | Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf |
944 | Steinmetz, Charles Proteus |
945 | Zeeman, Pieter |
946 | Nagaoka, Hantaro |
947 | Harden, Sir Arthur |
948 | Leishman, Sir William Boog |
949 | Plaskett, John Stanley |
950 | Gomberg, Moses |
951 | Wasserman, August Von |
952 | Lebedev, Pyotr Nikolaevich |
953 | Miller, Dayton Clarence |
954 | Starling, Ernest Henry |
955 | Lazear, Jesse William |
956 | Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri |
957 | Morgan, Thomas Hunt |
958 | Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey |
959 | Broom, Robert |
960 | Werner, Alfred |
961 | Wright, Wilbur |
962 | Fabry, Charles |
963 | Douglass, Andrew Ellicott |
964 | Perrine, Charles Dillon |
965 | Curie, Marie Sklodowska |
966 | Ipatieff, Vladimir Nikolaevich |
967 | Sorensen, Soren Peter Lauritz | Chemistry | (1868–1939) introduced of the concept of pH |
968 | Richards, Theodore William | Chemistry | Won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, "in recognition of his exact determinations of the atomic weights of a large number of the chemical elements." |
969 | Millikan, Robert Andrews | Physics | Nobel laureate in physics for his measurement of the charge on the electron and for his work on the photoelectric effect. |
970 | Hayford, John Fillmore |
971 | Scott, Robert Falcon |
972 | Sabine, Wallace Clement Ware | Engineering | acoustical architect of Boston's Symphony Hall |
973 | Landsteiner, Kari | Medicine | noted for his development in 1901 of the modern system of classification of blood groups |
974 | Hale, George Ellery |
975 | Leavitt, Henrietta Swan |
976 | Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm |
977 | Haber, Fritz |
978 | Abegg, Richard Wilhelm Heinrich |
979 | Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees |
980 | Levene, Phoebus Aaron Theodor |
981 | Spemann, Hans |
982 | Pregl, Fritz |
983 | Poulsen, Valdemar | Engineering | developed a magnetic wire recorder (precursor to magnetic tape recording) in 1899. |
984 | Adler, Alfred |
985 | Honda, Kotaro |
986 | Bordet, Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent |
987 | Boltwood, Bertram Borden |
988 | Ivanov, IIya Ivanovich |
989 | Claude, Georges |
990 | Perrin, Jean Baptiste |
991 | Pope, Sir William Jackson |
992 | Ricketts, Howard Taylor |
993 | Grignard, François Auguste Victor |
994 | Bodenstein, Max |
995 | Wright, Orville |
996 | Rutherford, Ernest |
997 | Schaudinn, Fritz Richard |
998 | Cannon, Walter Bradford |
999 | Tschermak Von Seysenegg, Erich |
1000 | Langevin, Paul |
1001 | Travers, Morris William |
1002 | Urbain, Georges |
1003 | Moulton, Forest Ray |
1004 | Sitter, Willem de |
1005 | Russell, Bertrand Arthur William,3rd Earl |
1006 | Tsvett, Mikhail Semenovich |
1007 | Curtis, Heber Doust |
1008 | Amundsen, Roald Engelbregt |
1009 | Willstatter, Richard |
1010 | Duggar, Benjamin Minge |
1011 | Euler-Chelpin, Hans Karl Augustsimon Von |
1012 | d'Herelle, Felix Hubert | Medicine | (1873–1949) the co-discoverer of bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) |
1013 | Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent |
1014 | Berger, Hans |
1015 | Loewi Otto |
1016 | Carrel, Alexis |
1017 | de Forest, Lee |
1018 | Hertzsprung, Ejnar |
1019 | Schwarzschild, Karl |
1020 | Coolidge, William David | - | (1873–1975) |
1021 | Coblentz, William Weber |
1022 | Harkins, William Draper |
1023 | Erlanger, Joseph |
1024 | Stark, Johannes |
1025 | Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo | Engineering | (1874–1937). 1909 Nobel Prize for improvements in radio communications. (Increased range from 1.5 km to first transatlantic radio message on December 17, 1902.) |
1026 | Debierne, Andre Louis | |
1027 | Goldberger, Joseph |
1028 | Bosch, Karl |
1029 | Blakeslee, Albert Francis |
1030 | Krogh, Schack August Steenberg |
1031 | Weizmann, Chaim |
1032 | Moniz, Antonio Caetano de Abreufreire Egas |
1033 | Michaelis, Leonor |
1034 | Dale, Sir Henry Hallett |
1035 | Jung, Carl Gustav |
1036 | Sherman, Henry Clapp | Medicine | (1875–1955) Developed methods for measuring vitamin content of food. |
1037 | Lewis, Gilbert Newton | Chemistry | known for the discovery of the covalent bond |
1038 | Slipher, Vesto Melvin |
1039 | Diels, Otto Paul Hermann |
1040 | Barany, Robert |
1041 | Yerkes, Robert Meams |
1042 | Keesom, Willem Hendrik |
1043 | Stock, Alfred |
1044 | Kettering, Charles Franklin |
1045 | Adams, Walter Sydney |
1046 | Windaus, Adolf |
1047 | Sutton, Walter Stanborough |
1048 | Wieland, Heinrich Otto |
1049 | Barkla, Charles Glover |
1050 | Beebe, Charles William |
1051 | Aston, Francis William |
1052 | Soddy, Frederick |
1053 | Jeans, Sir James Hopwood |
1054 | Avery, Oswald Theodore |
1055 | Twort, Frederick William |
1056 | Russell, Henry Norris |
1057 | Watson, John Broadus |
1058 | Nieuwland, Julius Arthur |
1059 | Whipple, George Hoyt |
1060 | Meitner, Lise |
1061 | Bronsted, Johannes Nicolaus |
1062 | Mccollum, Elmer Verner |
1063 | Hahn, Otto |
1064 | Einstein, Albert |
1065 | Schmidt, Bernhard Voldemar |
1066 | Richardson, Sir Owen Willans |
1067 | Rous, Francis Peyton |
1068 | Laue, Max Theodor Felix von |
1069 | Woolley, Sir Charles Leonard |
1070 | Gesell, Arnold Lucius | Medicine | (21 June 1880 – 29 May 1961) was a psychologist and pediatrician who was a pioneer in the field of child development. |
1071 | Wegener, Alfred Lothar |
1072 | Langmuir, Irving |
1073 | Hess, Walter Rudolf |
1074 | Staudinger, Hermann |
1075 | Karman, Theodore Von |
1076 | Fischer, Hans |
1077 | Fleming, Sir Alexander |
1078 | Davisson, Clinton Joseph |
1079 | Barkhausen, Heinrich |
1080 | Bridgman, Percy Williams |
1081 | Franck, James |
1082 | Geiger, Hans Wilhelm | Physics | (1882–1945) Perhaps best known as the co-inventor of the Geiger counter and for the Geiger–Marsden experiment which discovered the atomic nucleus. |
1083 | Goddard, Robert Hutchings | Engineering | On March 16, 1926, he became the first person to build and launch a liquid-fueled rocket. |
1084 | Born, Max |
1085 | Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley |
1086 | Burt, Sir Cyril Lodowic |
1087 | Haworth, Sir Walter Norman |
1088 | Hess, Victor Francis | Physics | discovered cosmic rays. |
1089 | Warburg, Otto Heinrich |
1090 | Smith, Philip Edward |
1091 | Andrews, Roy Chapman |
1092 | Piccard, August |
1093 | Funk, Casimir |
1094 | Debye, Peter Joseph Wilhelm |
1095 | Meyerhof, Otto Fritz |
1096 | Black, Davidson |
1097 | Svedberg, Theodor H. E. |
1098 | Bergius, Friedrich Karl Rudolf |
1099 | Rorschach, Hermann |
1100 | Hevesy, Győrgy |
1101 | Bohr, Niels Henrik David |
1102 | Shapley, Harlow |
1103 | Minot, George Richards |
1104 | Williams, Robert Runnels | |
1105 | Kendall, Edward Calvin |
1106 | Dempster, Arthur Jeffrey |
1107 | Robinson, Sir Robert |
1108 | Hill, Archibald Vivian |
1109 | Trumpler, Robert Julius |
1110 | Frisch, Karl Von |
1111 | Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg |
1112 | Kohler, Wolfgang |
1113 | Keilin, David |
1114 | Rose, William Cumming |
1115 | Houssay, Bernardo Alberto |
1116 | Hertz, Gustav Ludwig |
1117 | Schrödinger, Erwin |
1118 | Paneth, Priedrich Adolf |
1119 | Ružicka, Leopold Stephen |
1120 | Sumner, James Batcheller |
1121 | Moseley, Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys |
1122 | Vavilov, Nikolay Ivanovich |
1123 | Goldschmidt, Victor Moritz |
1124 | Stern, Otto |
1125 | Friedmann, Alexander Alexandrovich |
1126 | Gasser, Herbert Spencer |
1127 | Zernicke, Fritz |
1128 | Waksman, Selman Abraham | Engineering | 1953 Nobel Prize laureate for his invention of the phase contrast microscope, |
1129 | Byrd, Richard Evelyn |
1130 | Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata |
1131 | Karrer, Paul |
1132 | Midgley, Thomas, Jr. |
1133 | Gutenberg, Beno |
1134 | Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma | - | (July 30, 1889 – July 29, 1982) |
1135 | Coster, Dirk |
1136 | Hubble, Edwin Powell |
1137 | Adrian, Edgar Douglas, Baron |
1138 | Holmes, Arthur |
1139 | Bush, Vannevar |
1140 | Jones, Sir Harold Spencer |
1141 | Henry, Sir William Lawrence |
1142 | Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer |
1143 | Armstrong, Edwin Howard |
1144 | Heyrovsky, Jaroslav |
1145 | Muller, Hermann Joseph |
1146 | Bothe, Walther Wilhelm Georg Franz |
1147 | Jeffreys, Sir Harold |
1148 | Northrop, John Howard |
1149 | Humason, Milton La Salle |
1150 | Chadwick, Sir James | Physics | (1891–1974). Nobel laureate in physics awarded for his discovery of the neutron. |
1151 | Nicholson, Seth Barnes |
1152 | Banting, Sir Frederick Grant | Medicine | one of the co-discoverers of insulin. |
1153 | Sturtevant, Alfred Henry |
1154 | Murphy, William Parry |
1155 | Watson-Watt, Sir Robert Alexander |
1156 | Thomson, Sir George Paget |
1157 | de Broglie, Louis Victor Pierre Raymond, Prince |
1158 | Appleton, Sir Edward Victor |
1159 | Compton, Arthur Holly |
1160 | Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson |
1161 | Larson, John Augustus | Engineering | inventor of the polygraph |
1162 | Dart, Raymond Arthur |
1163 | Baade, Walter |
1164 | Urey, Harold Clayton |
1165 | Simon, Sir Franz Eugen Francis |
1166 | Noddack, Walter Karl Friedrich |
1167 | Szent-Győrgyi, Albert |
1168 | Opik, Ernst Julius |
1169 | Doisy, Edward Adelbert |
1170 | Bose, Satyendra Nath |
1171 | Oparin, Alexander Ivanovich |
1172 | Oberth, Hermann Julius |
1173 | Kapitza, Peter Leonidovich |
1174 | Lemaitre, Abbe Georges Edouard |
1175 | Wiener, Norbert |
1176 | Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari |
1177 | Dam, Carl Peter Henrik |
1178 | Giauque, William Francis |
1179 | Minkowski, Rudolph Leo B. |
1180 | Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich |
1181 | Cournand, Andre Frederic |
1182 | Rhine, Joseph Banks |
1183 | Domagk, Gerhard |
1184 | Richards, Dickinson W. |
1185 | Lindblad, Bertil |
1186 | Milne, Edward Arthur |
1187 | Noddack, Ida Eva Tacke |
1188 | Hench, Philip Showalter |
1189 | Semenov, Nikolay Nikolaevich |
1190 | Carothers, Wallace Hume |
1191 | Mulliken, Robert Sanderson |
1192 | Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz |
1193 | King, Charles Glen |
1194 | Cori, Carl Ferdinand |
1195 | Enders, John Franklin |
1196 | Lyot, Bernard Ferdinand |
1197 | Hassel, Odd |
1198 | Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas |
1199 | Wittig, Georg Friedrich Karl |
1200 | Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman |
1201 | Reichstein, Tadeusz |
1202 | Wyckoff, Ralph Walter Graystone |
1203 | Struve, Otto |
1204 | Joliot-Curie, Irene |
1205 | Bjerknes, Jacob Aall Bonnevie, |
1206 | Norrish, Ronald George Wreyford |
1207 | Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart |
1208 | Szilard, Leo |
1209 | Zwicky, Fritz |
1210 | Astbury, William Thomas |
1211 | Schoenheimer, Rudolf |
1212 | Rabi, Isidor Isaac | Physics | Nobel laureate in 1944 for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance. |
1213 | Florey, Howard |
1214 | Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich |
1215 | Ziegler, Karl |
1216 | Müller, Paul Hermann |
1217 | Theiler, Max |
1218 | Best, Charles Herbert | Medicine | He was one of the co-discoverers of insulin. |
1219 | Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck |
1220 | Bekesy, Georg Von |
1221 | Lipmann, Fritz Albert |
1222 | Claude, Albert |
1223 | Burnet, Sir Frank Macfariane |
1224 | Dobzhansky, Theodosius |
1225 | Rickover, Hyman George |
1226 | London, Fritz Wolfgang |
1227 | Joliot-Curie, Frederic |
1228 | Pauli, Wolfgang |
1229 | Oort, Jan Hendrik |
1230 | Gabor, Dennis | Physics | inventor, most notable for inventing holography, for which he later received the Nobel Prize in Physics. |
1231 | Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf |
1232 | Granit, Ragnar Arthur |
1233 | Kuhn, Richard |
1234 | Uhlenbeck, George Eugene |
1235 | Dubos, Rene Jules |
1236 | Pauling, Linus Carl |
1237 | Menzel, Donald Howard |
1238 | Hinton, Christopher, Baron | Engineering | nuclear engineer, and supervisor of the construction of Calder Hall, the world's first large-scale commercial nuclear power station. |
1239 | Du Vigneaud, Vincent |
1240 | Elvehjem, Conrad Arnold |
1241 | Lawrence, Ernest Orlando |
1242 | Huggins, Charles Branton |
1243 | Fermi, Enrico |
1244 | Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin |
1245 | Heisenberg, Werner Karl |
1246 | Van de Graaf, Robert Jemison |
1247 | van de Kamp, Peter |
1248 | Morgenstern, Oskar |
1249 | Lindbergh, Charles Augustus |
1250 | Brattain, Walter Houser | Engineering | along with John Bardeen and William Shockley, invented the transistor. |
1251 | Strassman, Fritz |
1252 | Kastler, Alfred |
1253 | Lwoff, Andre Michael |
1254 | Alder, Kurt |
1255 | Goudsmtt, Samuel Abraham |
1256 | Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice |
1257 | Tiselius, Arne Wilhelm Kaurin |
1258 | Brouwer, Dirk |
1259 | Spedding, Frank Harold | Chemistry | chemist who developed an ion exchange procedure for separating rare earth elements, purifying uranium, and separating isotopes of elements. |
1260 | Wigner, Eugene Paul |
1261 | Kurchatov, Igor Vasilevich |
1262 | Eccles, Sir John Carew |
1263 | Natta, Giulio |
1264 | Boyd, William Clouser |
1265 | Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann |
1266 | Pincus, Gregory |
1267 | Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor |
1268 | Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett |
1269 | Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton |
1270 | Beadle, George Wells |
1271 | Lorenz, Konrad |
1272 | Onsager, Lars |
1273 | Neumann, John Von |
1274 | Powell, Cecil Frank |
1275 | Snell, George Davis |
1276 | Hartline, Haldan Keffer |
1277 | Bittner, John Joseph |
1278 | Gamow, George |
1279 | Elsasser, Walter Maurice |
1280 | Oppenheimer, J. Robert |
1281 | Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich |
1282 | Stanley, Wendeu Meredith |
1283 | Forssman, Werner |
1284 | Frisch, Otto Robert |
1285 | Neel, Louis Eugene Felix |
1286 | Herzberg, Gerhard |
1287 | Segre, Emilio |
1288 | Von Euler, Ulf Svante |
1289 | Rossi, Bruno Benedetto |
1290 | Wildt, Rupert |
1291 | Chargapf, Erwin | - | (1905–2002) |
1292 | Anderson, Carl David | Physics | best known for discovering the positron in 1932, an achievement for which he received the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physics, and of the muon in 1936. |
1293 | Ochoa, Severo |
1294 | Mott, Sir Nevill Francis |
1295 | Jansky, Karl Guthe |
1296 | Bloch, Felix |
1297 | Kuiper, Gerard Peter |
1298 | Morgan, William Wilson |
1299 | Tombaugh, Clyde William | Astronomy | (1906–1997) best known for discovering the dwarf planet Pluto in 1930 |
1300 | Tomonaga, Shin'ichiro |
1301 | Godel, Kurt |
1302 | Bok, Bart Jan |
1303 | Ewing, William Maurice |
1304 | Hess, Harry Hammond |
1305 | Craig, Lyman Creighton | Medicine | (1908–1974), biochemist known for isolating parathyroid hormone. |
1306 | Chain, Ernst Boris |
1307 | Goeppert-Mayer, Maria |
1308 | Bethe, Hans Albrecht |
1309 | Schaefer, Vincent Joseph |
1310 | Prelog, Vladimir |
1311 | Sabin, Albert Bruce |
1312 | Folkers, Kari August |
1313 | Delbrück, Max |
1314 | Leloir, Luis Frederico |
1315 | Ley, Willy |
1316 | Edlen, Bengt | |
1317 | Whipple, Fred Lawrence |
1318 | Wald, George |
1319 | Goldmark, Peter Carl |
1320 | Wilkins, Robert Wallace |
1321 | Zinn, Walter Henry |
1322 | Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich |
1323 | Yukawa, Hideki |
1324 | Veksler, Vladimir Losifovich |
1325 | Bovet, Daniele |
1326 | Tinbergen, Nikolaas |
1327 | Jensen, Johannes Hans Daniel |
1328 | Mauchly, John William |
1329 | Mcmillan, Edwin Mattison |
1330 | Dunning, John Ray |
1331 | Todd, Alexander Robertus, Baron |
1332 | Teller, Edward |
1333 | Landau, Lev Davidovich |
1334 | Bardeen, John |
1335 | Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gosta |
1336 | Kozyrev, Nikolai Alexandrovich |
1337 | Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles |
1338 | Ambartzumian, Victoramazaspovich |
1339 | Williams, Robley Cook |
1340 | Frank, Ilya Mikhaylovich |
1341 | Hershey, Alfred Day |
1342 | Libby, Willard Frank |
1343 | Artsimovich, Lev Andreevich |
1344 | Land, Edwin Herbert |
1345 | Greenstein, Jesse Leonard |
1346 | Tatum, Edward Lawrie |
1347 | Monod, Jacques Lucien |
1348 | Shockley, William Bradford |
1349 | Walter, William Grey |
1350 | Martin, Archer John Porter |
1351 | Pierce, John Robinson |
1352 | Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot |
1353 | Cousteau, Jacques-Yves |
1354 | Flory, Paul John |
1355 | Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz |
1356 | Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan |
1357 | Roberts, Richard Brooke | Physics | physicist and biophysicist, participated in the experiment in which the splitting of the uranium atom was first observed in 1939. |
1358 | Shemin, David |
1359 | Katz, Sir Bernard |
1360 | Lynen, Feodor |
1361 | Calvin, Melvin |
1362 | Goldhaber, Maurice |
1362 | Blanchard, Jean Pierre François |
1363 | Alvarez, Luis Walter |
1364 | Mueller, Erwin Wilhelm |
1365 | Stein, William Howard |
1366 | Wheeler, John Archibald |
1367 | Kerst, Donald William |
1368 | Reber, Grote |
1369 | Bloch, Konrad Emil |
1370 | Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian von |
1371 | Fox, Sidney Walter |
1372 | Seaborg, Glenn Theodore |
1373 | Brown, Herbert Charles |
1374 | Axelrod, Julius |
1375 | Turing, Alan Mathison |
1376 | Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich, Baron von |
1377 | Luria, Salvador Edward |
1378 | Purcell, Edward Mills |
1379 | Moore, Stanford |
1380 | Palade, George Emil |
1381 | Flerov, Georgii Nikolaevich |
1382 | Li, Choh Hao |
1383 | Abelson, Philip Hauge |
1384 | Chance, Britton |
1385 | Kamen, Martin David |
1386 | Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard |
1387 | Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd |
1388 | Dulbecco, Renato |
1389 | Perutz, Max Ferdinand |
1390 | Spitzer, Lyman, Jr. |
1391 | Vonnegut, Bernard |
1392 | Van Allen, James Alfred |
1393 | Salk, Jonas Edward |
1394 | Synge, Richard Laurence Millington |
1395 | Hofstadter, Robert |
1396 | Medawar, Sir Peter Brian |
1397 | Weller, Thomas Huckle |
1398 | Hoyle, Sir Fred |
1399 | Barghoorn, Elso Sterrenberg |
1400 | Townes, Charles Hard |
1401 | Hillier, James |
1402 | Sutherland, Earl Wilbur, Jr. |
1403 | Anfinsen, Christian Boehmer |
1404 | Shannon, Claude Elwood |
1405 | Dicke, Robert Henry |
1406 | Crick, Francis Harry Compton | Medicine | (1916–2004) most noted for being one of two co-discoverers of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953, |
1407 | Friedman, Herbert |
1408 | Shklovskii, Losif Samuilovich |
1409 | Prokhorov, Alexander Mikhailovich |
1410 | Robbins, Frederick Chapman |
1411 | Dausset, Jean |
1412 | O'keefe, John Aloysius |
1413 | Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick |
1414 | Prigogine, Ilya |
1415 | Kendrew, John Cowdery |
1416 | Woodward, Robert Burns |
1417 | Cornforth, Sir John Warcup |
1418 | De Duve, Christian Rene |
1419 | Huxley, Andrew Fielding |
1420 | Rainwater, Leo James |
1421 | Schwinger, Julian Seymour |
1422 | Kornberg, Arthur |
1423 | Reines, Frederick |
1424 | Feynman, Richard Philips |
1425 | Matthias, Bern Teo |
1426 | Sanger, Frederick |
1427 | Barton, Sir Derek Harold Richard |
1428 | Ryle, Sir Martin |
1429 | Fischer, Ernst Otto |
1430 | Van de Hulst, Hendrik Christoffell |
1431 | Eckert, John Presper, Jr. |
1432 | Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival |
1433 | Bondi, Sir Hermann |
1434 | Cowan, Clyde Lorrain |
1435 | Lipscomb, William Nunn, Jr. |
1436 | Bloembergen, Nicolaas |
1437 | Gold, Thomas |
1438 | Jacob, François |
1439 | Chamberlain, Owen |
1440 | Franklin, Rosalind Elsie |
1441 | Mitchell, Peter Dennis |
1442 | Benacerraf, Baruj |
1443 | Porter, George |
1444 | Sakharov, Andrey Dmitriyevich |
1445 | Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey |
1446 | Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman |
1447 | Hoagland, Mahlon Bush |
1448 | Khorana, Har Gobind |
1449 | Holley, Robert William |
1450 | Bohr, Aage Niels |
1451 | Yang, Chen Ning |
1452 | Barnard, Christiaan Neethling | Medicine | (1922–2001) cardiac surgeon, famous for performing the world's first successful human-to-human heart transplant. |
1453 | Basov, Nikolai Gennadievich |
1454 | Fitch, Val Logsden |
1455 | Franklin, Kenneth Linn |
1456 | Gajdusek, Daniel Carieton |
1457 | Ponnamperuma, Cyril |
1458 | Anderson, Philip Warren |
1459 | Dyson, Freeman John |
1460 | Gubllemin, Roger |
1461 | Cormack, Allan MacLeod |
1462 | Heezen, Bruce Charles |
1463 | Hewish, Anthony |
1464 | Esaki, Leo |
1465 | Ne'eman, Yuval |
1466 | Lederberg, Joshua |
1467 | Blumberg, Baruch Samuel |
1468 | Salam, Abdus |
1469 | Sandage, Allan Rex |
1470 | Berg, Paul |
1471 | Mottelson, Ben Roy |
1472 | Glaser, Donald Arthur |
1473 | Lee, Tsung-Dao |
1474 | Schally, Andrew Victor |
1475 | O'Neill, Gerard Kitchen |
1476 | Nirenberg, Marshau Warren |
1477 | Eigen, Manfred |
1478 | Parker, Eugene Newman |
1479 | Maiman, Theodore Harold |
1480 | Watson, James Dewey |
1481 | Hawkins, Gerald Stanley |
1482 | Nathans, Daniel |
1483 | Mossbauer, Rudolf Ludwig |
1484 | Giaever, Ivar |
1485 | Arber, Werner |
1486 | Edelman, Gerald Maurice |
1487 | Gell-Mann, Murray |
1488 | Schmidt, Maarten |
1489 | Cooper, Leon N. |
1490 | Miller, Stanley Lloyd |
1491 | Drake, Frank Donald |
1492 | Armstrong, Neil Alden |
1493 | Richter, Burton |
1494 | I Miller, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre |
1495 | Schrieffer, John Robert |
1496 | Smith, Hamilton Othanel |
1497 | Cronin, James Watson |
1498 | Gilbert, Walter |
1499 | Bartlett, Neil |
1500 | Glashow, Sheldon Lee |
1501 | Penzias, Amo Allan |
1502 | Weinberg, Steven |
1502 | Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich |
1504 | Sagan, Carl |
1505 | Temin, Howard Martin |
1506 | Wilson, Robert Woodrow |
1507 | Ting, Samuel C. C. |
1508 | Baltimore, David |
1509 | Josephson, Brian David |
1510 | Hawking, Stephen William |