List of canonically crowned images

Last updated

The following list enumerates a selection of Marian, Josephian, and Christological images venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, authorised by a Pope who has officially granted a papal bull of Pontifical coronation to be carried out either by the Pontiff, his papal legate or a papal nuncio. The prescription of the solemn rite to crown venerated images is embedded in the Ordo Coronandi Imaginem Beatæ Mariæ Virginis published by the Holy Office on 25 May 1981.


Prior to 1989, pontifical decrees concerning the authorization of canonical coronations were handwritten on parchment. After 1989, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments began issuing the specific recognition to crown a religious image, spelling out its approved devotional title and authorizing papal legate. Several venerated images of Jesus Christ and Saint Joseph have also been granted a pontifical coronation. [a]

Pontifically crowned Marian images


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Notre Dame d'Afrique 30 April 1876 Algiers Pope Pius IX [b]
Alger-Notre-Dame-D'Afrique Basilique.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Mare de Déu de Meritxell 8 September 1921 Meritxell Pope Benedict XV
Meritigel - J-A Brutails - Universite Bordeaux Montaigne - 1705.jpg
Santuari nou de Meritxell - 3.jpg
Our Lady of Canòlich [1] 29 May 1999 [2] Sanctuary of Canolic Pope John Paul II
Mare de Deu de Canolic.jpg
Santuari Canolic.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Lujan 8 May 1887 Lujan Pope Leo XIII
Basilica de Lujan 11.JPG
Frente Basilica de Lujan.jpg
Virgen del Valle 12 April 1891San Fernando del Valle de CatamarcaPope Leo XIII
Catedral Basilica Nuestra Senora del Valle, Catamarca.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario del Milagro1 October 1892 Córdoba, Argentina Pope Leo XIII
Virgen del Rosario del Milagro de Cordoba 002.JPG
Our Lady of Itatí 16 July 1900 Itatí, Corrientes Pope Leo XIII
Virgen de itati 3.jpg
Basilica Itati edit.jpg
Virgen del Milagro [3] 13 September 1902 Cathedral of Salta Pope Leo XIII
Procesion del Milagro 2012 (2).JPG
Catedral de Salta 1.jpg
Virgen del Carmen8 September 1911 Maipú, Mendoza Pope Pius X
Escapulario 06.jpg
Basilica de San Francisco-Mendoza-Arg.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Merced [4] 24 September 1912 San Miguel de Tucumán Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Basilica de la merced - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Río Blanca y Paypaya [5] 31 October 1920 Palpala Pope Benedict XV [c]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Archivo General de la Nacion Argentina 1890 aprox Jujuy, Capilla de la Virgen del Rosario en el valle de Palpala, Rio Blanco.jpg
Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei20 August 1922Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei, Nueva Pompeya Pope Pius XI
Santuario Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Pompeya, Buenos Aires 02.jpg
Santuario Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Pompeya, Buenos Aires 01.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario de la Reconquista y Defensa de Buenos Aires [6] 8 October 1922Convento de Santo Domingo, Buenos Aires Pope Pius XI
Buenos Aires altars 2, Argentina 2011 - Flickr - PhillipC.jpg
Iglesia Nuestra Senora del Rosario- Buenos Aires.JPG
Our Lady of Guadalupe 22 April 1928 Santa Fe Pope Pius XI [d]
Retablo Basilica de Guadalupe.jpg
Fachada Basilica de Guadalupe.jpg
Virgen de los Milagros9 May 1936 Santa Fe Pope Pius XI
Templo de la Inmaculada.JPG
Virgen del Rosario [7] 5 October 1941 Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, Rosario, Santa Fe Pope Pius XII
Catedral Rosario 8.jpg
Virgen de las Lagrimas13 September 1952 Salta Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Mary Help of Christians 24 May 1956Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and Saint Charles, Buenos Aires Pope Pius XII
Altar de la iglesia San Carlos de Borromeo y Maria Auxiliadora, en Buenos Aires, Argentina.jpg
Basilica Maria Auxiliadora y San Carlos-Imagen del Frente.JPG
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes [8] 24 September 1957 Corrientes Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Plaza 25 de Mayo de Corrientes- Argentina la Iglesia de San Francisco.JPG
Inmaculada Concepcion del Buen Viaje19 November 1961 Cathedral of Morón, Argentina Pope John XXIII [e]
Interior de la Catedral Basilica Inmaculada Concepcion del Buen Viaje.jpg
Catedral Basilica Inmaculada Concepcion del Buen Viaje.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Merced [9] 17 December 1961 Maipú, Mendoza Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Merced 2.JPG
Our Lady of Mount Carmel16 July 1966 Our Lady of Carmel Cathedral, Formosa Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Mount Carmel16 July 1967 Nogoyá Pope Paul VI
Procesion 16 de julio Nogoya.JPG
Nuestra Senora del Carmen - Nogoya.jpg
Virgen del Rosario [10] 8 December 1973 Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Paraná Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Catedral de Parana.JPG
Virgen de Consolacion21 November 2009 Sumampa Pope Benedict XVI
Virgen de la Consolacion de Sumampa.jpg
Iglesia de Sumampa Viejo, Santiago del Estero,Argentina - panoramio.jpg
La Virgen Niña [11] 8 September 2013 Esperanza, Santa Fe Pope Benedict XVI [f]
Interior de la basilica de la Natividad (Esperanza - Santa Fe) 3.jpg
Basilica de la Natividad.JPG
Virgen de la Scala [12] 7 January 2017 Mar del Plata Pope Francis [g]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Merced de los Maitines [13] 7 November 2021 Córdoba, Argentina Pope Francis [h]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de Huachana [14] 31 July 2022Huachana, Santiago del Estero Pope Francis [i]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Maria Plain14 July 1751Basilica of Assumption of Bergheim Pope Benedict XIV [j]
Maria Plain Gnadenbild.jpg
Bergheim - Wallfahrtskirche Maria Plain (b).JPG
Unserer Lieben Frau unter den vier Säulen [15] 10 September 1893Wilten Basilica, Innsbruck Pope Leo XIII
Innsbruck Wiltener Basilika 6257.jpg
Our Lady of Mariazell 8 September 1908 Mariazell Basilica Pope Pius X
Mariazell Foto Reinhard Sock 16.jpg
Mariazell basilika.jpg
Our Lady of Grace (Gnadenbild)8 September 1908Maria Waldrast, Matrei am Brenner Pope Pius X
Wallfahrtskirche Maria Waldrast Interior 01.JPG
Our Lady of Grace (Gnadenbild) [16] 28 September 1913Maria Luggau, Lesachtal Pope Pius X [k]
Maria Luggau - Kirche - Hochaltar1.JPG
Maria Luggau - Santuario2.jpg
Maria mit dem Geneigten Haupt27 September 1931 Döbling Carmelite Monastery Pope Pius XI
Dobling Karmeliterkloster Kirche Seitenaltar 3.jpg
Dobling - Karmeliterkirche.JPG


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Mother of God of Zhyrovichy19 September 1730 Zhyrovichy Monastery Pope Benedict XIII [l]
Rel'efny abrazok Zhyrovitskai Matsi boskai (cropped).png
Zhirovichskii monastyr', Belorussiia.jpg
Our Lady of Byalynichy20 September 1761 Byalynichy Pope Benedict XIV
Matsi Bozhaia Bialynitskaia. Snou.jpg
Tsarkva. Bialynichy.jpg
Our Lady of Brest [17] 30 June 1996The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Brest Pope John Paul II
Matsi Bozhaia Brestskaia.jpg
Our Lady of Logishyn [18] 10 May 1997LogishynPope John Paul II
Matsi Bozhaia Lagishynskaia.jpg
Logishin catholic church.jpg
Our Lady of Budslau [19] 2 July 1998 Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Budslau Pope John Paul II
Budslau, church.jpg
Our Lady of Congregation [20] 28 August 2005 St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Grodno Pope John Paul II [m]
Matsi Bozhaia Studentskaia (Kangregatskaia). Pachatak XVII st. Grodna. Katedra.jpg
Grodno Kostel Farnyi 01.jpg
Our Lady of Gudogai15 July 2007GudogaiPope Benedict XVI [n]
Maci Bozaja Hudahajskaja. Matsi Bozhaia Gudagaiskaia (XVI).jpg
Catholic Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hudahai.jpg
Our Lady, Queen of Families [21] 5 July 2009TrokeliPope Benedict XVI
08 Trokeli (0).JPG


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Vlaanderen 9 May 1860College of Saint Barbara, Gent Pope Pius IX
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Virga Jesse 15 August 1867 Virga Jesse Basilica Pope Pius IX
Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel 25 August 1872Basilica of Scherpenheuvel, Zichem Pope Pius IX
Interieurbasiliekscherpenheuvel 27-03-2007 15-14-41.jpg
Belgie scherpenheuvel basiliek02.jpg
Our Lady of Halle4 October 1874Saint Martin's Basilica, Halle Pope Pius IX
Our Lady of Walcourt11 July 1875 Basilica of Saint Maternus, Walcourt Pope Pius IX
Walcourt Statue Notre-Dame R01.jpg
Walcourtbasiliek 3-08-2009 17-00-33.JPG
Our Lady of Hanswijk30 July 1876 Basilica of Our Lady of Hanswijk, Mechelen Pope Pius IX
OLV van Hanswijk.jpg
Voorgevel Hanswijk.jpg
Our Lady of Tongre8 September 1881 Basilica of Our Lady of Tongre Pope Leo XIII
PM 116822 B Tongre Notre Dame.jpg
Tongre-Notre-Dame Bas1JPG.jpg
Our Lady of Tongeren
(Virgin of Cause of Joy)
31 August 1890 Basilica of Our Lady, Tongeren Pope Leo XIII
OLV Oorzaak onzerblijdschap 29-06-2008 12-13-03.JPG
2006.08.17.122359 Basilika Tongeren Belgien-2.jpg
Notre Dame de la Sarte [22] 29 June 1896 Huy Pope Leo XIII
La Vierge Miraculeuse de La Sarte a Huy.jpg
20120627 huy50.JPG
Our Lady of Basse Wavre [23] 26 June 1897Basilique Notre Dame de Basse Wavre, Wavre Pope Leo XIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Basilique Notre Dame de Basse Wavre.JPG
Our Lady of Kortenbos [24] 1 May 1898 Sint-Truiden Pope Leo XIII
OLVbehoudenisderkranken 9-09-2009 12-15-00.JPG
Sint-Truiden - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwbasiliek.jpg
Our Lady of Antwerp22 August 1899 Cathedral of Our Lady (Antwerp) Pope Leo XIII
Antwerp, Cathedrale Notre-Dame 15.JPG
Notre Dame d'Arlon14 September 1904 Arlon Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Arlon E1cJPG.jpg
Our Lady of Good Help24 April 1905Basilica of Our Lady of Good Help, Péruwelz Pope Pius X
Bons-Secours 051122 (15).JPG
Bons-Secours 051122 (1).JPG
Our Lady of Fevers [25] 19 June 1907Franciscan Church of Our Lady of Fever, Leuven Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Leuven Kapel Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Koorts 01.jpg
Our Lady of Lebbeke26 April 1908Church of Our Lady of Nativity, Lebbeke Pope Pius X
Beeld Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Geboortekerk (Lebbeke) 12-05-2019.jpg
Lebbeke Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Geboortekerk 31-7-2016 13-04-50.JPG
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 21 August 1910 Averbode Abbey Pope Pius X
OLVrouw van het Heilig Hart abdijkerk Averbode.JPG
Averbode abbey - Church Entrance.jpg
Our Lady of Gaverland4 August 1912Chapel of Our Lady of Gaverland, Melsele Pope Pius IX [o]
Kapel Gaverland binnen.jpg
Kapel gaverland 2.jpg
Our Lady of Lede14 April 1914Church of Saint Martin de Tours, Lede, Belgium Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Sint Martinus Kerk Lede.jpg
Our Lady of the Rampart [26] 20 July 1919 Namur Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Namur, Chapelle N.D.du Rempart.JPG
Our Lady of Jezus-Eik15 August 1924Church of Our Lady in Jezus-Eik, Overijse Pope Pius XI
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Jezus-Eik (tg-uact-474).jpg
Jezus-Eik (Belgique). Notre-Dame-au-Bois. Facade ouest. 2011 (MINNE Cecile)..jpg
Our Lady of Laeken [27] 17 May 1936 Church of Our Lady of Laeken Pope Pius XI
Bxl, Eglise Notre-Dame de Laeken-2.jpg
Our Lady of Groeninge6 July 1952Saint Michael's Church, Kortrijk Pope Pius XII
Olv groeninge.jpg
Kortrijk - Sint-Michielskerk 2.jpg
Our Lady of Seven Sorrows30 August 1964The Forest Chapel of Buggenhout Pope Paul VI
Buggenhout Kasteelstraat 212 - 209178 - onroerenderfgoed.jpg
Buggenhout boskapel.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgen de Candelaria de Copacabana 1 August 1925 Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana Pope Pius XI [p]
Flickr - archer10 (Dennis) - Bolivia-113.jpg
Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Copacabana.jpg
Virgen de Guadalupe25 May 1938 Metropolitan Cathedral of Sucre Pope Pius XI
PMa 000074 BOL Sucre.jpg
Catedral (plaza principal) 02.JPG
Virgen de Cotoca 8 December 1954 Cotoca Pope Pius XII
Purisima Virgen Maria de Cotoca.JPG
Santuario de la Virgen de Cotoca.JPG
Virgen del Socavón [28] 5 November 2000 Oruro Pope John Paul II [q]
Nuestra Sra de Pompeya 20180129 fRF59 -Virgen del Socavon.jpg
Santuario del socavon oruro.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Aparecida 8 September 1904 Cathedral Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida Pope Pius X
Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida 2019 21.jpg
Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, 2007.jpg
Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Recife21 September 1919 Basilica and Convent of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Recife Pope Benedict XV
Altar de Nossa Senhora do Carmo - Recife.jpg
Igreja da Ordem Terceira de Nossa Senhora do Carmo em Recife.JPG
Our Lady of the Rock8 September 1951 Convento da Penha, Vila Velha Pope Pius XII
Convento da Penha Vila Velha Capela 2019-3593.jpg
Convento da Penha - Vila Velha - panoramio.jpg
Our Lady of Nazareth15 August 1953 Basilica of Our Lady of Nazareth of Exile, Belém Pope Pius XII [r]
Basilica de Nossa Senhora de Nazare 01.jpg
Basilica Santuario Nossa Senhora de Nazare - Belem-PA.jpg
Our Lady of the Presentation21 November 1953 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Presentation Natal, Rio Grande do Norte Pope Pius XII [s]
Nossa Senhora da Apresentacao de Natal (RN).jpg
Catedral de Natal (RN).jpg
Our Lady of the Pillar [29] 12 October 1954 Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, São João del Rei Pope Pius XII [t]
Imagem de Nossa Senhora do Pilar.jpg
Catedral Basilica de Nossa Senhora do Pilar - Sao Joao del-Rei.jpg
Our Lady of Montserrat [30] 8 September 1955Shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat, Santos, São Paulo Pope Pius XII
At Santos, Brazil 2017 347.jpg
At Santos, Brazil 2017 336.jpg
Our Lady of Mount Carmel16 July 1961Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mariana, Minas Gerais Pope John XXIII [31]
Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo 10.jpg
Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Mariana, Minas Gerais.jpg
Our Lady of the Rosary [32] 7 December 1961Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Ubá Pope John XXIII [u]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of the Pillar [33] 8 July 1963Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, Ouro Preto Pope John XXIII
Matriz do Pilar - acervo.JPG
Igreja Nossa Senhora do Pilar - 5.jpg
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception [34] 15 August 1963Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Conselheiro Lafaiete Pope John XXIII [v]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception [35] 8 December 1964Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Sabará Pope Paul VI
Nossa Senhora da Conceicao - Matriz de Sabara.jpg
Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Sabara.jpg
Our Lady of Piety [36] 11 December 1979Parish of Our Lady of Piety, Lagarto, Sergipe Pope John Paul II [w]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Good Voyage15 August 1980Parish of Our Lady of Good Voyage, Itabirito Pope John Paul II [x]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem Itabirito (20616440220).jpg
Our Lady, Immaculate Queen of Sertão 28 April 2005 [y] Sanctuary of Our Lady Immaculate Queen of Sertão, Quixadá Pope Benedict XVI [z]
Vista interna frontal.jpg
Santuario Nossa Senhora Imaculada Rainha do Sertao quixada ce.JPG
Our Lady of the Rock1 September 2014Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rock, Crato, Ceará Pope Francis [aa]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Patronage of the Most Blessed Sacrament31 May 2015Basilica of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Sacramento, Minas Gerais Pope Francis [ab]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Divine Love [37] 14 November 2021Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Love, Corrêas, Petrópolis Pope Francis [ac]
Our Lady of the Abbey [38] 1 August 2024 [39] Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of the Abbey, Uberaba Pope Francis [ad]
Basilica Santuario de Nossa Senhora da Abadia, Uberaba (2024).jpg
Nossa senhora da abadia.jpg
Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces, Queen of the Gauchos [40] 15 August 2024 Basilica Shrine of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul Pope Francis [ae]
Nossa Senhora Medianeira de Todas as Gracas -- Rainha do Povo Gaucho.jpg
Basilica de Nossa Senhora Medianeira.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Saint Anne of Varennes [41] 26 July 1842 Sainte-Anne de Varennes Basilica Pope Gregory XVI
QC Varennes2 tango7174.jpg
QC Varennes1 tango7174.jpg
Saint Anne of Beaupré [42] 14 September 1887 Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Pope Leo XIII
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre statue miraculeuse , dans le transept nord de sainte Anne.jpg
QC - Ste-Anne-de-Beaupre (cropped).jpg
Our Lady of the Cape [43] 12 October 1904

15 August 1954
Basilica of Our Lady of the Cape, Trois-Rivières Pope Pius X

Pope Pius XII [af]
Statue of Our Lady du-Cap.jpg
TroisRivieres NDduCap1 tango7174.jpg
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception [44] 1 October 2022 Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph Pope Francis [ag]
Interior of the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate in Guelph.jpg
Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph - Frontal view.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario de Andacollo 26 December 1901Basilica of Our Lady of Andacollo, CoquimboPope Leo XIII [ah]
Virgen de andacollo1.jpg
Basilica de Andacollo.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Merced de Santiago [45] 22 September 1918 Basilica de la Merced, Santiago Pope Benedict XV [ai]
Chile-03859 - Virgin of the Mercy (49038678783).jpg
Basilica de la Merced - Santiago de Chile - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Santiago19 December 1926 Santiago Pope Pius XI
Virgen del Carmen en la Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago..JPG
Catedral Santiago Chile.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Socorro de Santiago [46] 25 November 1953 Santiago Pope Pius XII
Altar mayor de la Iglesia de San Francisco en Santiago de Chile.jpg
Iglesia de San Francisco, Santiago 20230815 02.jpg
Our Lady of Lourdes [47] 12 February 1966 Viña del Mar Pope John XXIII [aj]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Gruta de Lourdes, Vina del Mar 20200120 40.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Maipú [48] 3 April 1987 Maipú, Chile Pope John Paul II
Virgen del Carmen.JPG
Basilica de Maipu con forma arquitectonica que imita virgen Maria con capa.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de San Bernardo [49] 21 December 2000 San Bernardo, Chile Pope John Paul II [ak]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Mother of Sheshan 8 May 1946 Sheshan Basilica Pope Pius XII
Our Lady of Sheshan Help of Christians.webp
She Shan Basilica 1.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá 9 July 1919 Chiquinquirá Pope Pius X [al]
Alonso de Narvaez - Our Lady of Chiquinquira,1562.jpg
Chiquinquira Basilica.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Monguí [50] 8 September 1929Basilica of Monguí, Boyacá Pope Pius XI [am]
Basilica in the lady of our la of mon.jpg
Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco 3.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Apicala16 July 1942 Carmen de Apicalá Pope Pius XI [an]
Catedral Carmen de Apicala Tolima Colombia - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Merced8 December 1942 San Juan de Pasto Pope Pius XII [ao]
Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes San Juan de Pasto -Narino.jpg
Iglesia de La Merced Pasto Narino 1.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria15 August 1950 Basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria, Medellín Pope Pius XII
Iglesia de la Candelaria-Altar Mayor y Retablo.JPG
Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria-Mede.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Rosario de las Lajas 16 September 1952 Ipiales Pope Pius XII [51]
Virgen de Las Lajas.jpg
Santuario Nacional de Las Lajas 02.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Arma8 February 1959 Rionegro Pope Pius XII [ap]
Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Arma 03.JPG
Catedral de San Nicolas El Magno y Santuario Mariano..JPG
Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá de La Estrella13 September 1959 La Estrella, Antioquia Pope John XXIII [aq]
Basilica Menor Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Chiquinquira-La Estrella(3).JPG
Basilica Menor Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Chiquinquira.JPG
La Virgen Inmaculada Concepción, "La Conchita" de Carolina [52] 8 December 1964 Carolina del Príncipe Pope Pius XII [ar]
Conchita de Carolina.png
Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepcion de Carolina del Principe--- fachada.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen25 July 1971 La Ceja Pope Paul VI [as]
Inmaculada Concepción29 July 1975Cathedral Basilica of Santa Marta Pope Paul VI [at]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
2018 Santa Marta (Colombia) - Centro Historico, Catedral Basilica.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Visitación [53] 2 July 1982 Ancuya Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Señora de las Misericordias [54] 8 September 1984 Santa Rosa de Osos Pope John Paul II
Virgen de las misericordias (3).JPG
Basilica de Nra Sra de las Misericordias-Fachada Principal-Santa Rosa de Osos.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Rosario [55] 31 May 1985 Iles, Nariño Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
269 Basilica de Iles.jpg
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes [56] 4 July 1986 Santiago de Cali Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia la Merced Cali.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de La Popa [57] 6 July 1986 Cartagena de Indias Pope John Paul II
Cartagena de Indias - Convento La Popa - cappella.jpg
Convento de La Popa.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Amparo [58] 21 March 1987 Chinavita Pope John Paul II
Interior of the church of Chinavita.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción [59] 15 August 1988 Marinilla Pope John Paul II
Altar del Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion (Marinilla).JPG
Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. de la Asuncion, Marinilla.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Playa [60] 6 June 2001 San Pablo, Nariño Pope John Paul II [au]
Virgen de la Playa, San Pablo Narino.jpg
Santuario Virgen de la Playa...jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario14 September 2008 Río de Oro, Cesar Pope Benedict XVI [av]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Rio de Oro - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora de las Gracias de Torcoroma [61] 16 August 2011 Ocaña, Norte de Santander Pope Benedict XVI
Santuario Iglesia Torcoroma Imagen en Madera.JPG
Iglesia Santuario.JPG

Costa Rica

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgen de los Ángeles 25 April 1926 Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels, Cartago Pope Pius XI [aw]
Virgen de los Angeles CRI 07 2018 0371.jpg
Basilica de los Angeles.jpg
La Virgen de la Pura y Limpia Concepción del Rescate de Ujarrás27 April 1955Sanctuario Nacional Nuestra Señora de Ujarrás, Paraíso, Costa Rica Pope Pius XII [ax]
Virgen de Ujarras.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Trsat 8 September 1715Basilica of the Mother of God, Rijeka Pope Clement XI
Gospa Trsatska.jpg
Crkva Gospe Trsatske - procelje.jpg
Our Lady of Sinj [62] 22 September 1716 Sinj Pope Clement XI
Sinjska gospa.jpg
Sinj 20231228 40.jpg
Our Lady of Zagreb [63] 31 May 1931 Zagreb Pope Pius XI
Slika Majka Bozja od Kamenitih vrata.jpg
Kamenita vrata W.jpg
Our Lady of Bistrica, Queen of Croatia7 July 1935 Marija Bistrica Pope Pius XI
Marija Bistrica.jpg
Marija Bistrica Basilica front.JPG
Our Lady of Fatima [64] 31 May 1959Chapel of the Sisters of Our Lady, Zagreb [65] Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Charity 20 December 1936

24 January 1998 [66]
El Cobre Pope Pius XI

Pope John Paul II
Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.jpg
Iglesia El Cobre Santiago de Cuba 2.jpg
Our Lady of Regla [67] 24 February 1956 Havana Pope Pius XII
Virgin de Regla Cuba 001.jpg
Parroquia Nuestra Sra. de Regla.jpg

Czech Republic

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Panna Maria Svatohorská22 June 1732Svatá Hora, Příbram Pope Clement XII
Hlavni oltar, Svata Hora.jpg
Svata Hora brana 5.jpg
Panna Maria Svatokopecká21 September 1732

21 May 1995 [68]
Svatý Kopeček, Olomouc Pope Clement XII

Pope John Paul II
Olomouc - Svaty Kopecek - Bazilika Navstiveni Panny Marie - Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary 1669-79 by G.P.Tencalla - View ENE into the Choir II.jpg
Panna Maria Svatotomská10 May 1736 Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady, Brno Pope Clement XII
Brno View 48.jpg
Panna Maria Svatohostýnská15 August 1912 Svatý Hostýn, Chvalčov Pope Pius X
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Hostyn (1).jpg
Hostyn, Bazilika 02.jpg
Staré Matky Boží, Divotvůrkyně Moravy [69] 21 May 1995 [70] Žarošice Pope John Paul II
Zarosice - kostel.jpg
Panny Marie Růžencové [71] 7 October 2004 Starý Bohumín Pope John Paul II [ay]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Stary Bohumin - kostel Narozeni Panny Marie (prosinec 2021) (1).jpg

Dominican Republic

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia 15 August 1922 Basílica Catedral Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, Salvaleón de Higüey Pope Pius XI
Imagen de Nuestra Senora de la Altagracia.jpg
BasilicaAtHiguey 1000W.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgen de la Merced15 December 1918 Quito Pope Benedict XV
Iglesia de La Merced, Quito, Ecuador, 2015-07-22, DD 186.JPG
Iglesia de Convento La Merced, Quito, Ecuador.JPG
Virgen del Cisne8 September 1930 El Cisne Pope Pius XI
Virgen de el Cisne.jpg
Torre de la Basilica del Cisne.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Presentación del Quinche20 June 1943 El Quinche Pope Pius XII
Santuario de El Quinche (2015) - Altar Mayor 06.jpg
Santuario Virgen del Quinche.jpg
Mary Help of Christians 8 December 1950 Cuenca Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia Maria Auxiliadora y plaza.jpg
La Dolorosa del Colegio [72] 22 April 1956 Quito Pope Pius XII
(Capilla del Milagro de la Dolorosa, Quito) pic. a09.JPG
La Compania, Quito - 6.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Agua Santa de Baños [73] 13 December 1959 Baños de Agua Santa Pope Pius XII
Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Agua Santa.jpg
Virgen de la Merced13 February 1966 Latacunga Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia de La Merced - Latacunga.jpg
Virgin of the Clouds1 January 1967 Azogues Pope Paul VI
Azogues Ecuador Igl San Francisco.jpg
Ecuador Azogues Igl S Francisco 03.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Reina de Azuay16 July 2002 Cuenca Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Cuenca Ecuador173.JPG
Immaculate Heart of Mary [74] 26 June 2018Cathedral of Azogues Pope Francis [az]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
En la Salida de la Catedral de Azogues.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rocío [75] 1 May 2022Biblián, Cañar Pope Francis [ba]
Ecuador Biblian Sant Virgen Rocio 05 (cropped).jpg
Ecuador Biblian Sant Virgen Rocio 06.jpg

El Salvador

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora de la Paz21 November 1921 San Miguel Pope Benedict XV
Reina de La Paz - Patrona de San Miguel (El Salvador).JPG
Catedral Nuestra Senora de La Paz, Ciudad de San Miguel, El Salvador..JPG
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario25 November 1942 San Salvador Pope Pius XII
Iglesia El Rosario, San Salvador.JPG


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Victories9 July 1853 Basilica of Our Lady of Victories, Paris Pope Pius IX
Basilique Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Paris Chapelle de la Vierge 102018 3.jpg
P1000564 Paris II Basique Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Facade reductwk.JPG
Notre-Dame de Rocamadour8 September 1853Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Rocamadour Pope Pius IX
La Vierge de Rocamadour - 02.jpg
Rocamadour - sanctuaire 08.jpg
Notre-Dame des Miracles13 May 1855Basilica of Our Lady of Miracles, Mauriac Pope Pius IX
Mauriac basilique vierge noire.jpg
Our Lady of Laus 23 May 1855Basilica of Our Lady of Laus, Saint-Étienne-le-Laus Pope Pius IX
Notre-Dame du Laus (staue en marbre).jpg
Notre-dame-du-Laus (basilique - 2).JPG
Notre-Dame du Pilier 31 May 1855 Chartres Cathedral Pope Pius IX
Chartres (28) Cathedrale Notre-Dame - Statue de N.D. du Pilier - 03.jpg
Notre Dame de Chartres.jpg
Notre-Dame de Torcé-en-Vallée2 July 1855Church of Notre-Dame de Torcé-en-Vallée Pope Pius IX
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Torce-en-Vallee - Eglise Notre-Dame 05.JPG
Notre-Dame de Bon Secours de Fresneau8 September 1855Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fresneau, Marsanne Pope Pius IX
Notre-Dame de Fresneau (sanctuaire)7.jpg
Fontaine miraculeuse et vielle chapelle de N.D. de Fresneau a Marsanne (Drome), avant leur restauration en 1925-27 (33729174944).jpg
Vierge Noire du Puy-en-Velay24 April 1856 Le Puy Cathedral Pope Pius IX
Cathedrale Notre Dame du Puy en Velay-La Vierge noire RC-20130324.jpg
Cathedrale Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay 02.jpg
Notre-Dame, Consolatrice des Affliges 2 July 1856Basilica of Notre-Dame de Verdelais Pope Pius IX
Verdelais - Statue de Notre-Dame 2.jpg
Verdelais Basilique01.jpg
Notre-Dame de Liesse18 August 1857Basilica of Notre-Dame, Liesse-Notre-Dame Pope Pius IX
Basilique Notre-Dame de Liesse 14082008 10.jpg
Basilique de Liesse notre dame 08163.JPG
Notre-Dame de Bon Secours8 September 1857Basilica of Our Lady of Good Help, Guingamp Pope Pius IX
Black Madonna Guingamp 02.jpg
Guingamp Basilique Notre Dame de Bon Secours.jpg
Notre-Dame de Sainte Espérance5 April 1858 Church of Saint-Séverin, Paris Pope Pius IX
France-000027N - Church of Saint-Severint Statue (14710487285).jpg
Eglise Saint-Severin Ouest.JPG
Notre-Dame de Rumengol30 May 1858Church of Norte-Dame de Rumengol, Le Faou Pope Pius IX
Rumengol (29) Itron-Varia Remed-oll 02.JPG
Le Faou (29) N.D. de Rumengol Facade sud 02.JPG
Notre-Dame de Marienthal ("Pieta")19 September 1859 Basilica of Notre-Dame de Marienthal, Haguenau Pope Pius IX
Marienthal NotreDame98.jpg
Marienthal NotreDame08.JPG
Notre-Dame des Aydes20 May 1860Church of Saint-Saturnin, Blois Pope Pius IX
Statue de N.D des Aydes.JPG
Eglise Saint-Saturnin. Blois (Loir-et-Cher). (10652807333).jpg
Notre-Dame de Valfleury31 May 1860Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Valfleury Pope Pius IX
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Notre-Dame d'Avesnières5 September 1860Basilica of Notre-Dame d'Avesnières, Laval Pope Pius IX
Basilique Notre-Dame d'Avesnieres 13.JPG
Basilique Notre-Dame d'Avesnieres 17.JPG
Notre-Dame de Cléry [76] 8 September 1863 Basilica of Our Lady of Cléry Pope Pius IX [bb]
Clery-Saint-Andre (Loiret) - Basilique Notre-Dame - Choeur - Maitre-autel (19e) et statue de N.D. de Clery - 49602879648.jpg
Clery-Saint-Andre (Loiret) - Basilique Notre-Dame.jpg
Notre-Dame la Grande [77] 29 November 1863 Church of Notre-Dame la Grande, Poitiers Pope Pius IX
Poitiers - Notre-Dame la Grande 12.jpg
PoitiersEglise Notre Dame.JPG
Notre-Dame d'Espérance30 July 1865 [78] Basilica of Our Lady of Hope, Saint-Brieuc Pope Pius IX

Pope Leo XIII
Saint-Brieuc - Notre-Dame d'Esperance - AD22 - 16FI4921.jpg
Saint-Brieuc (22) Basilique N.D. d'Esperance.jpg
Notre-Dame de Bonsecours3 September 1865Church of Notre-Dame de Bonsecours, Nancy Pope Pius IX
Nancy, eglise baroque Notre Dame de Bonsecours 1.jpg
Gezicht op de Bon-secours te Nancy Eglise Bon-secours (titel op object) Nancy (serietitel op object), RP-F-F19851.jpg
Notre-Dame du Roncier8 September 1868Basilica of Our Lady of the Bramble, Josselin Pope Pius IX [bc]
Josselin - basilique Notre-Dame-du-Roncier, interieur (23).jpg
Sainte-Anne d'Auray30 September 1868Basilica of Sainte-Anne-d'Auray Pope Pius IX [bd]
Sainte-Anne-d'Auray-FR-56-vers 1930-la basilique-la statue-2.jpg
Basilique Sainte Anne d'Auray.jpg
Notre-Dame de la Délivrande8 December 1868Church of Notre-Dame de la Délivrande, Le Morne-Rouge Pope Pius IX
ND Delivrande Morne-Rouge 8.jpg
ND Delivrande Morne-Rouge 2.jpg
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 25 February 1869

15 August 1919
Basilica of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Issoudun Pope Pius IX

Pope Benedict XV [be]
Issoudun - Basilique Notre-Dame du Sacre-Coeur - Chapel.jpg
Abbaye d'Issoudun.jpg
Notre-Dame de Grâce [79] 11 May 1869Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace, Rochefort-du-Gard Pope Pius IX [bf]
Autel de l'Eglise.jpg
Notre Dame de Grace pres de Rochefort-du-Gard 2.JPG
Notre-Dame de Pradelles18 July 1869Chapel of Notre-Dame de Pradelles Pope Pius IX
Chapelle Notre-Dame de Pradelles (interieur)3.jpg
Conques,Pradelles... ( nov. 2012) 163.JPG
Notre-Dame du Bon Remède15 October 1869 Frigolet Abbey, Tarascon Pope Pius IX [bg]
Abbaye Saint-Michel de Frigolet (Bouches-du-Rhone) - Basilique de l'Immaculee Conception.jpg
Abbaye Saint-Michel-de-Frigolet (2008).jpg
Notre-Dame de la Délivrande22 August 1872Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Délivrande, Douvres-la-Délivrande Pope Pius IX
Basilique Notre-Dame Delivrande 8.JPG
Notre-Dame d'Arcachon 16 July 1873Basilica of Notre-Dame d'Arcachon Pope Pius IX [bh]
Arcachon (33) Basilique Notre-Dame Interieur 08.JPG
Arcachon (33) Basilique Notre-Dame Exterieur 03.JPG
Notre-Dame de Sion10 September 1873Basilica of Notre-Dame de Sion, Saxon-Sion Pope Pius IX [bi]
Vierge a l'Enfant, dans la basilique.jpg
Exterieur - Basilique Notre-Dame de Sion.jpg
Notre-Dame de Pitié [80] 21 September 1873Basilica of Our Lady of Piety, La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent Pope Pius IX
Eglise Notre-Dame-de-Pitie de La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent Pieta couronnee.jpg
Eglise Notre-Dame-de-Pitie de La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent 04.JPG
Notre-Dame de la Treille21 June 1874 Lille Cathedral Pope Pius IX [bj]
Lille ND Treille.JPG
Lille ND treille ouest.JPG
Notre-Dame du Port20 June 1875 Basilica of Notre-Dame du Port, Clermont-Ferrand Pope Pius IX
Vierge a l'Enfant de Notre Dame du Port.jpg
F08.N.-D. du Port.0050.jpg
Notre-Dame des Miracles18 July 1875 Saint-Omer Cathedral Pope Pius IX
Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Saint-Omer - Chapelle de Notre-Dame des Miracles - Autel (24).jpg
0 Saint-Omer -Tour occidentale de la cathedrale Notre-Dame (1).JPG
Notre-Dame de la Carce [81] 15 August 1875Church of Norte-Dame de la Carce, Marvejols Pope Pius IX [bk]
Our Lady church in Marvejols 33 (cropped).jpg
Marvejols Eglise.jpg
Notre Dame des Gardes [82] 8 September 1875Abbey of Our Lady of the Guards, Saint-Georges-des-Gardes Pope Pius IX
49 Saint-Georges-des-Gardes abbatiale nef 01.jpg
49 Saint-Georges-des-Gardes abbatiale 01.jpg
Notre-Dame de Benoite-Vaux [83] 8 September 1875Church of Norte-Dame de Benoite-Vaux, Rambluzin-et-Benoite-Vaux Pope Pius IX [bl]
Rambluzin-et-Benoite-Vaux L'eglise Notre-Dame de Benoite-Vaux.JPG
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary [bm] 3 July 1876 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes Pope Pius IX [bn]
Statue de Notre Dame de Lourdes.jpg
Lourdes Basilique et gave.jpg
Notre-Dame de Ceignac9 July 1876Basilica of Notre-Dame de Ceignac, Calmont Pope Pius IX
Our Lady basilica in Ceignac (5).jpg
Basilique Notre-Dame de Ceignac.jpg
Sainte-Anne d'Apt9 September 1877 Apt Cathedral Pope Pius IX [bo]
Apt - Cathedrale Sainte Anne autel.JPG
Cathedrale Ste Anne Apt 13.jpg
Notre-Dame des Oliviers [84] 18 June 1878Church of Our Lady of Olives, Murat Pope Leo XIII [bp]
Murat 15 - Collegiale Notre-Dame 20130803-08.JPG
Murat Collegiale Notre-Dame.JPG
Our Lady of La Salette 21 August 1879Sanctuary of Our Lady of La Salette, La Salette-Fallavaux Pope Leo XIII
Panorama LaSalette.jpg
Notre-Dame de Bonsecours24 May 1880 Basilica of Notre-Dame de Bonsecours Pope Pius IX [bq]
Interieur basilique Notre-Dame de Bonsecours 04.jpg
Notre-Dame de Bon Secours15 August 1880Basilica of Our Lady of Good Help, Lablachère Pope Leo XIII
Notre-Dame de Bon Secours - Lablachere (Ardeche) (33762189483).jpg
Notre-Dame de Vassivière3 July 1881Chapel of Notre-Dame de Vassivière, Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise Pope Leo XIII
Statue de Notre-Dame de Vassiviere dans la chapelle.jpg
Chapelle Notre-Dame de Vassiviere1.jpg
Notre-Dame de Toutes Aides24 June 1883Church of Our Lady of All Helps, Nantes Pope Leo XIII
Nantes (44) Eglise Notre-Dame de Toutes-Aides - Interieur - 08.jpg
Eglise Notre-Dame de Toutes-Aides Nantes facade tower3.jpg
Notre-Dame du Grand Retour25 August 1885 Basilica of Notre-Dame, Boulogne Pope Leo XIII
Boulogne cathedrale vierge dome.jpg
Notre-Dame de Boulogne (Beffroi).jpg
Notre-Dame du Folgoët8 September 1888Basilica of Notre-Dame du Folgoët, Le Folgoët Pope Leo XIII
Notre-Dame de Folgoet 01.jpg
Le Folgoet (29) Basilique 01.jpg
Notre-Dame d'Arliquet [85] 25 September 1892Chapel of Our Lady of Arliquet, Aixe-sur-Vienne Pope Leo XIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Notre-Dame de Sarrance [86] 26 July 1893Church of Notre-Dame-de-la-Pierre, Sarrance Pope Leo XIII [br]
Sarrance (Pyr-Atl, Fr) eglise Notre-Dame.JPG
Notre-Dame de Grâce 14 May 1894 Cambrai Cathedral Pope Leo XIII
Cambrai, Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Grace, icone F 581.jpg
Cambrai, Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Grace PM 63406.jpg
Vierge Noire de Mende [87] 15 August 1894 Mende Cathedral Pope Leo XIII [bs]
Mende cathedrale vierge noire.JPG
Cathedrale Mende.jpg
Notre-Dame des Portes26 August 1894Chapel of Our Lady of the Doors, Châteauneuf-du-Faou Pope Leo XIII
Chateauneuf-du-Faou (29) Chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Portes 13.JPG
Chateauneuf-du-Faou (29) Chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Portes 05.JPG
Notre-Dame du Saint Cordon7 June 1897Basilica of Our Lady of the Holy Cord, Valenciennes Pope Leo XIII
Valenciennes interieur de l' eglise Notre Dame du St cordon (2).jpg
Eglise Notre-Dame du Saint-Cordon Valenciennes (face tour).jpg
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal [88] 26 July 1897 Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Rue du Bac, Paris Pope Leo XIII
Paris - Chapelle Notre-Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse - 9.jpg
Paris - Maison des Filles de la Charite - 136-140 rue du Bac - 005bis.jpg
Notre-Dame de Romay5 August 1897Chapel of Notre-Dame de Romay, Paray-le-Monial Pope Leo XIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Notre-Dame de Bethléem [89] 6 September 1898 Ferrières Abbey Pope Leo XIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Ferrieres - Abbaye - Eglise Saint-Pierre et batiments.jpg
Notre-Dame de Laghet19 April 1900 Nice Pope Leo XIII [bt]
Notre-Dame de Laghet.jpg
Notre dame de Laghet.jpg
Notre-Dame de Fourvière [90] 8 September 1900 Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, Lyon Pope Leo XIII
ND de Fourviere Interieur 250709 08.jpg
Pano hd correct whitebalance Front.jpg
Notre-Dame de Brebières19 June 1901 Basilica of Our Lady of Brebières, Albert Pope Leo XIII
Basilique Notre-Dame de Brebieres, Albert, Somme-3504.jpg
Basilique Notre-Dame de Brebieres, Albert, Somme-3492.jpg
Notre-Dame des Dunes10 June 1903Chapel of Our Lady of the Dunes, Dunkirk Pope Leo XIII
Dunkirchen Madonna 1905.png
Notre-Dame de Quézac [91] 11 September 1904Church of Notre-Dame de Quézac Pope Pius IX
Quezac - Eglise Notre-Dame - Nef.JPG
Notre-Dame des Malades [92] [93] 11 December 1904Church of Saint-Joseph-Artisan, Paris Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Eglise Saint-Joseph-Artisan (Paris) 3.jpg
Notre-Dame de Myans17 August 1905Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Myans Pope Pius X
Myans Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption Interieur Eglise Basse Coeur Madonna.jpg
Myans Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption Exterieur Facade 1.jpg
Notre-Dame des Miracles et Vertus25 March 1908 Basilica of Saint Sauveur, Rennes Pope Pius X
Chapelle Notre-Dame des Miracles et des Vertus de la basilique saint Sauveur (Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France).jpg
Facade de l'Eglise Saint-Sauveur de Rennes.jpg
Notre-Dame de Bonne Nouvelle25 March 1908Basilica of Our Lady of Good News, Rennes Pope Pius X
Rennes (35) Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Nouvelle Tableau de la Vierge a l'Enfant.jpg
Face ouest de la basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Nouvelle, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France.jpg
Notre-Dame de Gray [94] 16 May 1909Basilica of Notre-Dame de Gray Pope Pius X
Gray - Basilique Notre-Dame 14.jpg
Gray - Basilique Notre-Dame 02.JPG
Notre-Dame de Consolation21 June 1909Chapel of Our Lady of Consolation, Hyères Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Consolation Costebelle Hyeres Var.jpg
Notre Dame de Laurie [95] 27 May 1912Church of Notre-Dame de Laurie Pope Pius X
La vierge en "Majestee".jpg
Notre-Dame d'Étang4 July 1912Chapel of Our Lady of the Pond, Velars-sur-Ouche Pope Pius X
Statue de Notre-Dame-d'Etang a Velars-sur-Ouche (Cote-d'Or) 02.jpg
2020 NotreDameDetang-1.jpg
Notre-Dame du Beau Rameau12 July 1912Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Betharram Pope Pius X [bu]
Betharram - Statua della Vergine di Betharram.jpg
Capera de Beth Arram.jpg
Notre-Dame de Grâce19 June 1913Chapel of Our Lady of Grace, Honfleur Pope Pius X [bv]
EquemauvilleChapelleND 2.jpg
Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Grace pres Honfleur.jpg
Notre-Dame du Peyrou24 July 1913Chapel of Notre-Dame de Peyrou, Clermont-l'Hérault Pope Pius X
Clermont N-D-Peyrou choeur.JPG
Clermont N-D-Peyrou entree.JPG
Sainte-Anne la Palud31 August 1913Chapel of Sainte-Anne la Palud, Plonévez-Porzay Pope Pius X [bw]
Chapelle sainte-anne.jpg
Notre-Dame d'Auteyrac [96] 28 August 1921Chapel of Notre-Dame, Vissac-Auteyrac Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Notre-Dame des Ardents27 May 1923Church of Our Lady of the Ardent, Arras Pope Pius XI
L3152 - Lagny-sur-Marne - Notre Dame des Ardents.jpg
Eglise Notre-Dame des Ardents d'Arras.JPG
Notre-Dame des Enfants26 August 1923 Basilica of Notre-Dame des Enfants, Châteauneuf-sur-Cher Pope Pius XI
Facade Basilique Notre-Dame-des-Enfants Chateauneuf-sur-Cher.jpg
Notre-Dame des Marais [97] 8 September 1923Church of Saint-Sulpice, Fougères Pope Pius XI
Fougeres (35) Eglise Saint-Sulpice - Statue de Notre-Dame-des-Marais - 03.jpg
Eglise Saint-Sulpice a Fougeres DSC 0376.JPG
Notre-Dame de Béhuard [98] 24 September 1923Church of Notre-Dame de Béhuard Pope Pius XI
W0405-Behuard Vierge 60660 ShiftN.jpg
Behuard, Eglise Notre-Dame 02.JPG
Notre-Dame de Font-Romeu4 August 1926Hermitage of Notre-Dame, Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via Pope Pius XI
Encensement de la statue de la Vierge de Font-Romeu.jpg
Font-Romeu ErmitageND Chapelle FacadeNord.jpg
Notre-Dame de la Garde21 June 1931 Basilica of Our Lady of the Guard, Marseille Pope Pius XI
Vierge en argent.JPG
Marseille - Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde.jpg
Notre-Dame de Lescure17 March 1934Church of Our Lady of the Visitation, Valuéjols Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Eglise Notre-Dame de Lescure.jpg
Notre-Dame d'Avioth [99] 15 July 1934Basilica of Notre-Dame d'Avioth Pope Pius XI
Notre-Dame d'Avioth.jpg
Avioth, Notre-Dame, exterieur, ouest (1).jpg
Our Lady of Hope 24 July 1934Basilica of Notre-Dame de Pontmain Pope Pius XI
Pontmain (53) Basilique Notre-Dame-d'Esperance Interieur 13.jpg
Pontmain (53) Basilique 01.jpg
Notre-Dame de Délivrance29 July 1934Basilica of Notre-Dame de Délivrance, Quintin Pope Pius XI [bx]
Quintin (22) Notre-Dame-de-Delivrance 01.JPG
Quintin (22) Basilique 07.JPG
Notre-Dame du Suc10 June 1935Basilica of Notre-Dame du Suc, Brissac Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Notre-Dame de Montligeon [100] 19 September 1935Basilica of Notre-Dame de Montligeon, La Chapelle-Montligeon Pope Pius XI [by]
La Chapelle-Montligeon (61) Basilique 5.jpg
La Chapelle Montligeon Basilique 20.jpg
Notre-Dame de La Guerche [101] 17 June 1937Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, La Guerche-de-Bretagne Pope Pius XI
La Guerche-de-Bretagne (35) Basilique Statue de Notre-Dame de La Guerche 02.JPG
La Gueche de Bretagne (35) Basilique N.D..jpg
Notre-Dame de Verdun2 July 1946 Verdun Cathedral Pope Pius XII [bz]
Verdun - cathedrale Notre-Dame (29).JPG
Verdun Cathedrale Notre-Dame Fassade.jpg
Our Lady of Guadalupe 26 April 1949 Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris Pope Pius XII [ca]
France-000251 - Our Lady of Guadalupe (14525032657).jpg
Notre-Dame de Paris 2013-07-24.jpg
Notre-Dame de Toute Aide de Querrien [102] 14 August 1950Chapel of Our Lady of All Help, La Prénessaye Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Notre-Dame de Joie23 September 1951Basilica of Our Lady of Joy, Pontivy Pope Pius XII
Pontivy - Basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Joie 20200906-25 statue Notre-Dame de Joie.jpg
Pontivy Notre-Dame-de-Joie.jpg
Notre-Dame des Grâces de Lavasina [103] 18 May 1952Sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces, Brando Pope Pius XII
Lavasina, santuario di notre-dame des graces, interno, madonna di lavasina del xvii secolo 02.jpg
Lavasina, santuario di notre-dame des graces, 01.jpg
Notre-Dame des Pénitents [104] 21 June 1953Chapelle des Pénitents, Yssingeaux Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Chapelle des penitents - Yssingeaux.jpg
Notre-Dame de L'Étoile [105] 1 May 1960Abbey of Our Lady of the Star, Montebourg Pope John XXIII
Abbaye de Montebourg - Statue de la Vierge (2).JPG
Abbaye de Montebourg.JPG
Notre-Dame du Puy [106] 4 May 1964 [107] Chapelle de Notre-Dame du Puy, Bourganeuf Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Puy de Bourganeuf.jpg
Notre-Dame de Fatima des motards [108] 15 August 2012Oratory of the Madonna of the Bikers, Porcaro Pope Benedict XVI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted 1 June 1892Basilica of Kevelaer Pope Leo XIII [cb]
Genadekapel met Genadebeeld Kevelaer 24-04-2019 11-44-21.jpg
Basilika, Gnadenkapelle in Kevelaer.JPG
Our Lady of Sorrows3 July 1904 Telgte Pope Pius X
Pieta in Telgte.JPG
Telgte Kirche.jpg
Immaculate Conception11 September 1904 Maria, Königin des Friedens, Neviges, Velbert Pope Pius X
Gnadenbild der Marienwallfahrt Neviges.jpg
Mariendom von Neviges im Fruhling.jpg
Our Lady of Sorrows13 September 1908 Marienthal Pope Pius X
Kloster Marienthal (Geisenheim) Gnadenbild.JPG
Mother of God (Generic Title)13 August 1911 [109] [ circular reference ] Basilica of the Visitation of Our Lady, Werl Pope Pius X [cc]
Das Gnadenbild in Werl ShiftN.jpg
Bas.Werl fd (3).JPG
Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted [110] 17 August 1913Verne, Salzkotten Pope Pius X
Gnadenbild Verne.jpg
Kirche Verne aussen.JPG
Our Lady of Sorrows [111] 10 May 1925 Kamp-Bornhofen Pope Pius XI
St. Marien (Klosterkirche Bornhofen) 12.jpg
Bornhofen Abbey Church, West view 20150513 1.jpg
Saint Mary of the Copper Valley [112] 7 June 1925 St. Maria in der Kupfergasse, Cologne Pope Pius XI
Schwarze Muttergottes in Koln 2022.jpg
St. Maria in der Kupfergasse Koln - Nordfassade (2965-67-2).jpg
Mary Help of Christians [113] 8 August 1979 [114] Kreuzberg Church, Schwandorf Pope John Paul II [cd]
Die Wallfahrtskirche Zu Unserer Lieben Frau vom Kreuzberg - panoramio.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario26 January 1934 Guatemala City Pope Pius XI
Inmaculada Concepción, Virgen de los Reyes5 December 1954 Guatemala City Pope Pius XII
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario [115] 7 March 1983 Quetzaltenango Pope John Paul II
Virgen del Rosario de Quetzaltenango.jpg
Catedral of Quetzaltenango.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción [116] 6 February 1996 Guatemala City Pope John Paul II
Virgen Metropolitana de la Inmaculada Concepción5 December 2004 Cathedral of Guatemala City Pope John Paul II [ce]
Inmaculada Concepcion (Catedral de Guatemala).jpg
Catedral Metroplitana (modified).jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción8 December 2004 Escuintla Pope John Paul II [cf]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Escuintla parque.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Lourdes of Villianur 8 May 1886 Villianur, Pondicherry Pope Leo XIII [cg]
Villianur shrine altar.jpg
Villianur shrine.jpg
Our Lady of the Mount5 December 1954 Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, Bandra, Mumbai Pope Pius XII [ch]
Mount Mary Church, Bandra 10.jpg
Mount Mary Church (Bombay).jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Knock [117] 18 December 1954 Knock, County Mayo Pope Pius XII
Statue of Our Lady Knock Shrine.jpg
Knock Basilica 16 July 2017.jpg



Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Guadalupe [118] 10 December 1980 [ci] The Motherhouse cloister within the Chapel of the Order of the Claretian Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Suginami, Tokyo Pope John Paul II [cj]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Arabia 25 March 1960 Ahmadi Pope John XXIII [ck]
Our Lady of Arabia - Pontifically crowned in Kuwait.jpg
Our Lady of Arabia Parish, Ahmadi.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Mother of God of Trakai 4 September 1718 Trakai Pope Clement XI
The Mother of God of Trakai.jpeg
Trakai church full.jpg
Our Lady of Sapieha8 September 1750 Vilnius Cathedral Pope Benedict XIV
Vil'nia. Madonna Sapegau. 01.jpg
Cathedral, Vilnius.jpg
Our Lady of Šiluva 8 September 1786 Šiluva Pope Pius VI
Siluva Basilika Maria Geburt Innen Hochaltar 3.JPG
Siluva kirche.jpg
Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn 5 July 1927 Vilnius Pope Pius XI
NMP Ostrobramska.JPG
Vilnius Dawn Gate.jpg
Mother of God of Pivašiūnai [119] 14 August 1988 Pivašiūnai Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Pivasiunu Svc. Mergeles Marijos Emimo i dangu baznycia.jpg
Our Lady, Queen of Christian Families8 October 2006 Žemaičių Kalvarija Pope Benedict XVI
BZN Zemaiciu Kalvarija church inside centre altar paveikslas.jpg
Zemaiciu Kalvarija Church 2, Lithuania - Diliff.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Luxembourg [120] 2 July 1866 Notre-Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg Pope Pius IX
Consolatrix afflictorum Luxembourg.jpg
Luxembourg-5146 - Notre-Dame Cathedral (12726995074).jpg
Notre Dame des Mineurs [121] 26 July 1953 Kayl Pope Pius XII


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Mount Carmel15 July 1881 Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Valletta Pope Leo XIII [cl]
Church of the Carmelites, Valletta (4).jpg
St Paul's Pro-Cathedral and Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Valletta, Malta.jpg
Madonna tal-Mellieħa24 September 1899 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mellieħa Pope Leo XIII
Malta - Mellieha - Triq l-Inkurunazzjoni - Sanctuary of our Lady of Mellieha 02 ies.jpg
Immaculate Conception of Cospicua
25 June 1905

27 April 1913
Cospicua Pope Pius X [cm]
Painting of the Immaculate Conception.jpg
Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception.jpg
Madonna tal-Ħerba [122] 7 August 1910 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tal-Ħerba Pope Pius X [cn]
Madonna Tal-Herba.jpg
Church of the Madonna tal-Herba Bkara.jpg
La Marija Bambina [123] 4 September 1921 Senglea, Malta Pope Benedict XV [co]
Blessed Virgin of Ta' Pinu of Assumption20 June 1935 Basilica of Ta' Pinu Pope Pius XI [cp]
Madonna Ta' Pinu.jpg
Ta' Pinu National Shrine.jpg
Our Lady of Health [124] 4 April 1948 Rabat Pope Pius XII [cq]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
St Francis church Rabat.jpg
Virgin of Graces2 September 1951 Parish Church of Our Lady of Graces, Żabbar Pope Pius XII [cr]
Zabbar Sanctuary Museum 23c.jpg
Zabbar Church.jpg
Virgin of Divine Graces27 January 1952 Victoria, Gozo Pope Pius XII
Mater Divina Gracia Capuchina di Malta.jpg
Church of Our Lady of Divine Grace, Victoria, Gozo.jpg
Our Lady of the Assumption (painting) [125] 10 August 1975 Rotunda of Mosta Pope Paul VI [cs]
Rotonda de Mosta, isla de Malta, Malta, 2021-08-25, DD 109-111 HDR.jpg
Mosta Dome 2009-3.JPG
Our Lady of the Assumption15 August 1975 Cathedral of the Assumption, Gozo Pope Paul VI [ct]
Statue der Maria in der Kathedrale Maria Himmelfahrt.JPG
Catedral de la Asuncion, Ciudadela, Victoria, isla de Gozo, Malta, 2021-08-22, DD 19.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
La Virgen de Esperanza [126] 14 February 1886 Jacona, Michoacan Pope Leo XIII [cu]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Templo de San Agustin en Jacona (2).jpg
Our Lady of Guadalupe 12 October 1895 Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe Pope Leo XIII [cv]
Virgen de Guadalupe 1531.jpg
Basilica de Guadalupe.JPG
Nuestra Señora de Salud5 April 1898 Pátzcuaro Pope Leo XIII
Basilica de la Virgen de la Salud.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Luz 8 October 1902 Cathedral of León, Guanajuato Pope Leo XIII [cw]
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad 18 January 1904 Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Soledad, Oaxaca Pope Pius X
Imagen de la Virgen de la Soledad, Oaxaca - 2.tif
Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos 15 August 1904 Jalisco Pope Pius X [cx]
Altar de la Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos 05.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato31 May 1908Basilica Collegiata of Guanajuato City Pope Pius X
Basilica Colegiata de Nuestra Senora de Guanajuato 01.jpg
Basilica Colegiata de Nuestra Senora de Guanajuato.jpg
Virgen de Ocotlán 31 July 1909 Ocotlán, Tlaxcala Pope Pius X
NS Ocotlan3.JPG
Purísima Concepción [127] 12 October 1909 Celaya Cathedral Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Catedral. san francisco.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Zapopan 18 January 1921 Zapopan Pope Benedict XV
Basilica de Zapopan 2022 - 6 - Nicho de la Virgen de Zapopan.jpg
Basilica de Zapopan atrio.jpg
Virgen de la Soledad30 April 1922 Irapuato Pope Benedict XV
Iglesia Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, Irapuato, Estado de Guanajuato, Mexico .jpg
Templo de Nuestra Senora de la Soledad Irapuato.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Rosario12 May 1923 Talpa de Allende Pope Benedict XV
Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Talpa Jal 02.JPG
Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Rosario de Talpa Jal 08.JPG
Nuestra Señora de los Angeles23 October 1923 Mexico City Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles. Ciudad de Mexico. Delegacion Cuauhtemoc. 01.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores15 September 1924 Acatzingo Pope Pius XI
Nuestra Señora de la Luz24 May 1939 Salvatierra Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Salvatierra jardin y Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de la Luz.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rayo [128] 18 August 1941 Guadalajara Pope Pius XI
Nuestra senora del Rayo.jpg
Parroquia de Nuestra Senora del Rayo.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen [129] 16 October 1942 Tlalpujahua Pope Pius XII
Tlalpujahua de Rayon - Santuario de Nuestra Senora del Carmen 0331.JPG
Tlalpujahua de Rayon - Santuario de Nuestra Senora del Carmen 0357.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Parral22 October 1943 Parral, Chihuahua Pope Pius XII [cy]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios [130] 21 November 1945 Zitácuaro Pope Pius XII [131]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Pueblito17 October 1946 El Pueblito, Querétaro Pope Pius XII [cz]
Santuario Nuestra Senora del Pueblito,El Pueblito,Corregidora,Queretaro,Mexico (8038092354).jpg
Santuario Nuestra Senora del Pueblito (Queretaro).jpg
Virgen del Sagrario2 February 1947 Tamazula de Gordiano Pope Pius XII [da]
Virgen sagrario.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad15 November 1947 Ayotlán Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen24 November 1947 Teziutlán Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Capilla de Nuestra senora del Carmen.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción3 December 1947Conciliar Seminary of Mexico City Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción15 August 1948 Jalostotitlan Pope Pius XII
Virgen de la Asuncion de Jalostotitlan.jpg
Fiestas de la Vigen de la Asuncion en agosto.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Izamal22 August 1949 Izamal Pope Pius XII
Convento De San Antonio De Padua - Altar.jpg
Virgen del Rosario19 November 1950 Poncitlán Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del Rosario20 August 1951 Charcas Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen24 November 1951 Celaya Pope Pius XII [db]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Pueblito18 January 1953 San Juanito de Escobedo Pope Pius XII [dc]
Templo de la Virgen del Pueblito.jpg
Our Lady of Fatima 18 January 1953 Campeche Cathedral Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Sagrario15 August 1953 Santa Clara del Cobre Pope Pius XII [dd]
Virgen de la Misericordia6 October 1954 Apizaco Pope Pius XII
Basilica Apizaco.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción de San Diego8 November 1954 Aguascalientes Pope Pius XII
Templo de san diego en el estado de aguascalientes.JPG
Virgen de los Dolores del Rayo28 November 1954 Zinacantepec Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Purísima Concepción5 December 1954Hércules, Coahuila Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Immaculate Heart of Mary 8 December 1954 Cathedral Basilica of Zacatecas Pope Pius XII
Catedral zacatecas.jpg
Virgen de los Milagros8 December 1954TlaltenangoPope Pius XII
Iglesia de Tlaltenango.jpg
Inmaculada Concepción15 December 1954 Apaseo el Grande Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen16 July 1956 Ciudad del Carmen Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Guadalupe 10 January 1957Conciliar Seminary of Querétaro Pope Pius XII [132]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
La Purisima Concepcion8 August 1958 Purísima del Rincón Pope Pius XII
Legion de Maria peregrinacion.jpg
Parroquia de Purisima del Rincon.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción, Virgencita del Seminario8 December 1959Diocesan Seminary of Leon, Guanajuato Pope John XXIII [de]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Escalera7 October 1960 Tarímbaro Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Soledad [133] 12 January 1961 Jerez de García Salinas Pope John XXIII
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, altar - panoramio.jpg
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de la Soledad - panoramio (2).jpg
Virgen de los Dolores15 May 1961 Mascota Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Dolores - panoramio.jpg
Virgen de los Ángeles [134] 26 January 1962 Tulancingo Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del Carmen [135] 16 May 1963 Orizaba Pope John XXIII
Holy thursday in Our Lady of the Carmen Church in Orizaba.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Soriano7 February 1964 Colón, Querétaro Pope Paul VI
Virgen de los Dolores de Soriano.jpg
Basilica de la Virgen de Soriano.JPG
Virgen del Roble31 May 1964 Monterrey, Mexico Pope Paul VI
Virgen del Roble.jpg
Basilica Nuestra Senora del Roble (Monterrey).jpg
Virgen de la Asunción15 January 1965 Tonaya Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Vista del Templo.jpg
Immaculate Conception12 May 1965 Sayula, Jalisco Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Catedral de Sayula Jalisco Mexico 05.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Acapulco8 December 1965 Acapulco Pope John XXIII [136]
Cathedral of Acapulco Inside.jpg
Cathedral of Nuestra Senora de la Soledad in Acapulco 10.jpg
Virgen de Natividad de Atengo30 August 1966 Atengo, Jalisco Pope John XXIII [df]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores11 November 1966 Teocaltiche, Jalisco Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de los Dolores, Teocaltiche, Jalisco 05.JPG
Virgen del Patrocinio15 September 1967 Bufa Hill, Zacatecas Pope Paul VI
Santuario de La Virgen del Patrocinio 03.JPG
Immaculate Conception25 April 1968 Tequila, Jalisco Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia de Santiago Apostol en Tequila, Jalisco.jpg
Our Lady of Candelaria2 February 1969 Tlacotalpan Pope Paul VI
Virgen de candelaria.jpg
Facade of Candelaria Church - Tlacotalpan - Veracruz - Mexico (15881813927).jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Caridad15 August 1974Basilica of Huamantla Pope Paul VI [dg]
Basilica de Nuestra Senora de la Caridad en Huamantla, Tlaxcala 01.jpg
Basilica de la Caridad en Huamantla, Tlaxcala.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios19 October 1974 Naucalpan Pope Paul VI
Virgen de los remedios.jpg
Los Remedios - panoramio (8).jpg
Virgen de Guadalupe, Salud de los Enfermos [137] 16 December 1979Parroquia de Santa María Tulpetlac, Ecatepec de Morelos Pope John Paul II
Santa Maria de Guadalupe se le aparece a Juan Bernardino.jpg
Moto 4721.jpg
Our Lady of Guadalupe [138] 17 October 1981Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Durango Pope John Paul II [dh]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del Rosario [139] 29 May 1983 Alvarado, Veracruz Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Asunción [140] 14 August 1983 Aguascalientes Pope John Paul II
Portada Catedral Aguascalientes.jpg
Virgen de Candelaria [141] 2 February 1989 Tecoman Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
La Virgen Chiquita [142] 10 May 1990 Monterrey Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Catemaco [143] 18 May 1992 Catemaco, Veracruz Pope John Paul II
Our Lady of Guadalupe [144] 15 September 1994 [di] Manzanillo, Colima Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de Monterrey [145] 19 September 1996 Monterrey Cathedral Pope John Paul II
Catedral Metropolitana de Monterrey - panoramio (2).jpg
Monterrey - Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepcion - 3.jpg
Inmaculada Concepción12 May 1999 [146] Chignahuapan Pope John Paul II [dj]
Virgen de la Santa Anita [147] 29 May 2004 Tlaquepaque, Jalisco Pope John Paul II
Virgen de santa anita 2013.jpg
Parroquia SantaAnita Jalisco.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Loreto10 December 2004 Loreto, Zacatecas Pope John Paul II [dk]
Nuestra senora de loreto, zacatecas.jpg
Parroquia de Ntra Sra. de Loreto - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción [148] 15 August 2011 Santa María del Río, San Luis Potosí Pope Benedict XVI
Inmaculada Concepción11 May 2013 Chilpancingo Pope Benedict XVI [dl]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción de Juquila [149] 8 October 2014 Santa Catarina Juquila Pope Francis
Coronada Juquila.jpg
Iglesia de Juquila, Oaxaca. - panoramio.jpg
Virgen de Guadalupe del Agostadero [150] 14 June 2015 Villa García, Zacatecas Pope Francis [dm]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of Guadalupe [151] 6 December 2023 Basilica of Guadalupe, Monterrey Pope Francis [dn]
Monterrey - Basilica de Guadalupe - 7.jpg
Monterrey - Basilica de Guadalupe - 1.jpg

The Netherlands

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Onze Lieve Vrouw in 't Zand19 August 1877 Roermond Pope Pius IX
Onze Lieve Vrouwe in 't Zand, Linkeraanzicht.jpg
Exterieur overzicht noordgevel - 20000640 - RCE.jpg
Zoete Lieve Vrouw van Den Bosch27 March 1878 St. John's Cathedral ('s-Hertogenbosch) Pope Leo XIII
Zoete lieve vrouw van den
De grootste kathedraal van Nederland, de Sint Janskathedraal in 's-Hertogenbosch.jpg
Onze Lieve Vrouw, Behoudenis der Kranken [152] 14 September 1884 Oostrum Pope Leo XIII
Venray Oostrum, Rijksmonument 37228 O.L.V.kerk Mariabeeld (15e eeuw) van Maria-altaar.JPG
O.L.V. kerk twee beuken van de kruisvorm.JPG
Our Lady, Star of the Sea 15 August 1912 Basilica of Our Lady, Maastricht Pope Pius X [do]
Maastricht, basilica di nostra signora, statua di nostra signora stella marina (detail).jpg
OLV-01 (cropped).jpg
Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Linde [153] 15 August 1938 Uden Pope Pius XI
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Linde (tg-uact-787).jpg
Maria ter Weghe18 October 1955 Haastrecht Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Haastrecht 03.JPG
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal [154] 27 May 1956The Church of Saint Matthias, Maastricht Pope Pius XII [dp]
2016 Maastricht, Sint-Matthiaskerk, noorderzijbeuk, grafstenen en Maria-altaar.JPG
Maastricht-Sint-Matthiaskerk (2).jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of the Assumption [155] 17 August 1980Monimbo, Masaya Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion Masaya Nicaragua.jpg
Masaya church in the Central Park.jpg
Immaculate Conception of El Viejo [156] 6 May 1989Basilica of Purisima Concepción, El Viejo Pope John Paul II
Virgen del Trono.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgen de la Merced [157] 16 September 2018 Panama City Pope Francis [dq]
Iglesia de la Merced Panama.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgin of Miracles of Caacupé8 December 1954 Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Miracles, Caacupé Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Caacupe, Basilica.jpg
Virgin of the Pillar12 October 1979Cathedral Basilica of Pilar, Paraguay Pope John Paul II [dr]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Basilica Nuestra Senora del Pilar Paraguay.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora de la Merced24 September 1921 Lima Pope Benedict XV [ds]
Basilica de Nuestra Senora de la Merced. Lima, Peru.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario [158] 2 October 1927 Lima Pope Pius XI [dt]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Convento Santo Domingo - Lima.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, La Napolitana20 October 1940 Arequipa Pope Pius XII
Recoleta - Arequipa - Church.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores14 June 1942 Cajamarca Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Cajamarca iglesia san francisco.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Puerta27 October 1943 Otuzco Pope Pius XII
Virgen de la Puerta.jpg
Cathedral in Otuzco.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Cocharcas8 September 1946Cocharcas, Apurímac Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia de la Virgen de Cocharcas, Apurimac.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria11 May 1947 Cayma, Arequipa Pope Pius XII [du]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia Parroquial de Cayma.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen7 October 1951 Carmen de la Legua Reynoso Pope Pius XII [dv]
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción15 August 1952 Chachapoyas Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Milagro19 July 1953 Lima Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
SanFranciscoDeAsis view1.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Pacasmayo24 October 1954 Pacasmayo Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Pacasmayo.jpg
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes27 August 1960 Paita Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de Cocharcas27 August 1965 Sapallanga Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe [159] 20 September 1965 College of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lima Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Emblematico Colegio Guadalupe de Lima 2.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Socorro8 December 1971 Huanchaco Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de Chapi [160] 2 February 1985 Arequipa Pope John Paul II
Virgen de Chapi - Patrona de Arequipa.jpg
Santuario de Chapi.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Carmen [161] 3 February 1985 Paucartambo, Cusco Pope John Paul II
Virgen del Carmen - Paucartambo Peru.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Chota6 August 2003 Chota, Cajamarca Pope John Paul II [dw]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Vista de la Catedral de Chota.jpg


Official Title of the Marian imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario—La Naval de Manila 5 October 1907 Santo Domingo Church, Intramuros, Manila (former)

Santo Domingo Church, Quezon City (current)
Pope Pius X [dx]
Our Lady of the Rosary La Naval de Manila.jpg
Santo Domingo Church QC 2023-10-30.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia 20 September 1924 Our Lady of Peñafrancia Shrine, Naga, Camarines Sur (former)

Minor Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, Naga, Camarines Sur (current)
Pope Benedict XV [dy]
Original Image-N.S.Penafrancia-2013.jpg
Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Penafrancia, Naga City, Philippines.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Santisimo Rosario de Manaoag 21 April 1926 Minor Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, Manaoag, Pangasinan Pope Pius XI [dz]
Apo Baket.jpg
Manaoag Basilica 2023-11-01.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje 28 November 1926 International Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Antipolo, Rizal Pope Pius XI [ea]
Images of Intramuros Grand Marian Procession 18.jpg
Antipolo Cathedral 2025-01-26.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Visitación de Piat 20 June 1954 Minor Basilica and Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Piat, Piat, Cagayan Pope Pius XII [eb]
Our Lady of Piat.jpg
Our Lady of Piat Basilica, Facade.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Regla 27 November 1954National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Rule, Lapu-Lapu City Pope Pius XII [ec]
De La Regla de Cebu.jpg
Virgen de la Regla church.JPG
Nuestra Señora de Caysasay [162] [163] 8 December 1954 Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Caysasay, Taal, Batangas Pope Pius XII [ed]
NS de IC de Caysasay.jpg
Our Lady of Caysasay Shrine 2025.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Guia 30 December 1955 Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Guidance, Ermita, Manila Pope Pius XII [ee]
Nuestra Senora De Guia.jpg
Ermita de Guia 2024-05-19.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Caridad de Bantay [164] 12 January 1956 Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Chairty, Bantay, Ilocos Sur Pope Pius XII
Apo Caridad.jpg
The Bantay Church.jpg
Virgen de los Remedios de Pampanga 8 September 1956Repository Chapel of Virgen de los Remedios, San Fernando, Pampanga Pope Pius XII [ef]
Virgen De Los Remedios Pampanga.png
Nuestra Señora del Pronto Socorro de Boac10 May 1958 Cathedral Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Boac, Marinduque Pope Pius XII [eg]
Biglang-Awa ng Boac.jpg
Boac cathedral, Marinduque.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Orani 18 April 1959 Minor Basilica and Shrine Parish of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Orani, Bataan Pope Pius XII [eh]
Our Lady of Orani.jpg
OraniChurchjf3212 05.JPG
Nuestra Señora de Namacpacan 24 November 1959 Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Namacpacan, Luna, La Union Pope John XXIII [ei]
Nuestra Senora de Namacpacan - July 2023.jpg
FvfLunaChurchMuseum8758 18.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zamboanga12 October 1960 Fort Pilar, Zamboanga City Pope John XXIII
Fort Pilar Shrine el Altar.JPG
Fort Pilar Altar of the Shrine.jpg
La Virgen Divina Pastora de Gapan [165] [166] 26 April 1964 Minor Basilica and National Shrine of La Virgen Divina Pastora, Gapan, Nueva Ecija Pope Paul VI [ej]
FvfGapanCoronation7538 03.JPG
FvfGapanChurch9085 09.JPG
Nuestra Señora de Salvación 25 August 1976Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Salvation, Joroan, Tiwi, Albay Pope Paul VI [ek]
Our Lady of Salvation of Joroan, Albay.jpg
Joroan, Tiwi, Albay church - Flickr.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria de Jaro 20 February 1981 Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Jaro, Iloilo City Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria de Jaro 2022-07-05.jpg
Facade of Jaro Cathedral at Dawn.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia de Manila [167] 10 November 1985Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, Paco, Manila Pope John Paul II
NS Penafrancia de Manila.jpg
Facade of Penafrancia Church in Paco.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción de Malabon [168] 7 December 1986Diocesan Shrine and Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Concepcion, Malabon Pope John Paul II
JfImmaculateConceptionParishofMalabonfvf 35.JPG
ConcepcIon Church (Malabon) facade.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Manila [169] 12 May 1991 National Shrine of Our Lady of the Abandoned, Santa Ana, Manila Pope John Paul II
Sta. Ana Church, Manila, June 2023 (2).jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de San Sebastián [170] 18 August 1991 Minor Basilica of San Sebastian, Quiapo, Manila Pope John Paul II
San Sebastian Basilica - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.JPG
Basilica de San Sebastian, Manila, Filipinas, 2023-08-27, DD 07.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario de Ubanon [171] 15 October 1995Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Ubanon-Boao, Catbalogan, Samar Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Senora del Santisimo Rosario de Ubanon of Catbalogan.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Consolación 4 September 2000 San Agustin Church, Intramuros, Manila Pope John Paul II [el]
SanAgustinChurchjf4962 03.JPG
San Agustin Church 2024-05-19.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso de Parañaque [172] 8 September 2000 Cathedral Parish of Saint Andrew, Parañaque Pope John Paul II [em]
Buen Suceso De Paranaque.jpg
Paranaque Cathedral, Nov 2023.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Marikina 23 October 2005 Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Abandoned, Marikina Pope Benedict XVI [en]
OurLadyoftheAbandonedParishjf9919 13.JPG
Marikina Church, Dec 2023.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Cebu [173] 16 July 2006 [174] Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Cebu City Pope Benedict XVI [eo]
Original image of Guadalupe de Cebu.jpg
Guadalupe Church Cebu City.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción de Pasig 7 December 2008 Cathedral Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Pasig Pope Benedict XVI [ep]
PasigCathedraljf0030 04.JPG
Pasig Cathedral, Feb 2024.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción de Malolos [175] [176] 10 March 2012 Cathedral Basilica and Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Malolos, Bulacan Pope Benedict XVI [eq]
MalolosCathedraljf0718 07.JPG
Malolos Cathedral (Pariancillo, Malolos, Bulacan; 02-08-2024).jpg
Nuestra Señora de Candelaria de Paracale1 September 2012Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Candelaria, Paracale, Camarines Norte Pope Benedict XVI [er]
Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Imus 3 December 2012 Cathedral Shrine Parish of Our Lady of the Pillar, Imus, Cavite Pope Benedict XVI [es]
Del Pilar de Imus.jpg
Imus Cathedral, Cavite (July 2022).jpg
Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Libmanan11 October 2015Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Pillar, San Isidro, Libmanan, Camarines Sur Pope Francis [et]
Nuestra Senora del Pilar de Libmanan.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu [177] [178] 31 May 2017National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu, San Mateo, Rizal Pope Francis [eu]
Aranzazu El San Mateo LL.jpg
Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Aranzazu, San Mateo, Rizal, Mar 2024.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Manila [179] 7 December 2017 Archdiocesan Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament, Santa Cruz, Manila Pope Francis [ev]
Santa Cruz Church (Manila) 09.jpg
Blessed Sacrament Archdiocesan Shrine 2024-05-31.jpg
La Virgen Milagrosa de Badoc [180] 31 May 2018 Minor Basilica of Saint John the Baptist, Badoc, Ilocos Norte Pope Francis [ew]
Milagrosa de Badoc.jpg
Badoc Church 001.JPG
Mary Help of Christians [181] [182] 22 August 2018 [183] Mary Help of Christians Seminary, San Fabian, Pangasinan Pope Francis [ex]
Mary Help of Christians of Pangasinan.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Morong [184] 10 October 2018Parish of Our Lady of the Pillar, Morong, Bataan Pope Francis [ey]
Our lady of pilar patrona of our town.jpg
Morongchurchjf7249 03.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Porta Vaga [185] 18 November 2018 Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Solitude of Porta Vaga, Cavite City Pope Francis [ez]
2016 Official Portrait of Our Lady of Solitude of Porta Vaga.jpg
San Roque Church, Cavite City, Apr 2024.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Luz [186] 1 December 2018 [187] Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Light, Cainta, Rizal Pope Francis [fa]
Our Lady of Light of Cainta.jpg
OurLadyofLightParishjf9849 03.JPG
Virgen de la Rosa de Makati [188] 16 March 2019 Parish of Saints Peter and Paul, Poblacion, Makati Pope Francis [fb]
La Virgen de la Rosa.png
San Pedro Macati Church, Makati City.jpg
La Purisima Concepción de Santa Maria [189] 1 February 2020 Minor Basilica and Parish of La Purísima Concepción, Santa Maria, Bulacan Pope Francis [fc]
9884Immaculate Conception Parish Church Santa Maria Bulacan 23.jpg
Santa Maria Bulacan CHURCH.png
Our Lady of Mount Carmel of New Manila [190] 15 August 2020 [191] Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Manila, Quezon City Pope Francis [fd]
NS del Carmen de Nueva Manila.jpg
Mount Carmel Shrine facade 2023-07-16.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Lourdes de Manila [192] 22 August 2020 [193] National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, Quezon City Pope Francis [fe]
Lourdes National Shrine Quezon City 2024-02-11.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Quezon [194] 25 March 2021National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows, Dolores, Quezon Pope Francis [ff]
Dolores de Quezon.jpg
Doloeres,Quezonjf9918 39.JPG
Mater Dolorosa de Tarlac [195] 5 June 2021Parish of Mater Dolorosa, Dolores, Capas, Tarlac Pope Francis [fg]
Mater Dolorosa de Tarlac.jpg
0142jfDolores Church Parish Roads Welcome Capas Tarlacfvf 08.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Merced de Novaliches [196] 24 September 2021 National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Mercy, Novaliches, Quezon City Pope Francis [fh]
The Intramuros Manila Grand Marian Procession 19.jpg
Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy, Novaliches, Quezon City.jpg
Nuestra Señora, Patrocinio de Maria Santísima [197] 23 April 2022 Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of Patrocinio de Maria Santisima, Boljoon, Cebu Pope Francis [fi]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Patrocinio de Maria Church facade (Cebu South Road, Bonjoon, Cebu; 01-18-2023).jpg
Mary Help of Christians [198] 24 May 2022National Shrine and Parish of Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco, Parañaque Pope Francis [fj]
9201Mary Help of Christians Parish 29.jpg
9146Mary Help of Christians Paranaque.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion de Maasin [199] 13 August 2022 Cathedral and National Shrine of Our Lady of the Assumption, Maasin City, Southern Leyte Pope Francis [fk]
La imagen de la Senora Nuestra, Virgen de la Asuncion de Maasin, Filipinas. 2023.jpg
Maasin Cathedral front (Iglesia Street, Maasin, Southern Leyte; 01-17-2024).jpg
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario—La Virgen de Sapao [200] 7 October 2022Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Cardona, Rizal Pope Francis [fl]
9945Diocesan Shrine Parish Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cardona 39.jpg
Sto Rosario Parish Church, Cardona, Rizal.jpg
La Inmaculada Concepción de Batangan [201] 8 December 2022 Minor Basilica and Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Batangas City Pope Francis [fm]
La Inmaculada Concepcion de Ciudad de Batangas 2024-06-29.jpg
Batangas City Basilica 2024-03-27.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Merced de Tarlac24 February 2023Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Matatalaib, Tarlac City Pope Francis [fn]
Images of Intramuros Grand Marian Procession 13.jpg
9933Diocesan Shrine Parish Nuestra Senora de la Merced Matatalaib 03.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Muntinlupa [202] 12 May 2023Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Abandoned, Muntinlupa City Pope Francis [fo]
Nuestra Senora de los Desamparados de Muntinlupa - Manila Cathedral visit (2023-05-28).jpg
Our Lady of the Abandoned Church, Muntinlupa.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion de Dauis [203] 15 August 2023 Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Dauis, Bohol Pope Francis [fp]
Nuestra senra de asuncion de dauis.jpg
Dauis church Bohol.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Turumba 15 September 2023 Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows of Turumba, Pakil, Laguna Pope Francis [fq]
Nuestra Senora de los Dolores de Turumba Coronada Canonica.jpg
National Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Fatima [204] 25 February 2024 National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Valenzuela City Pope Francis [fr]
NationalShrineofOurLadyofFatimajf4518 13.JPG
National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Valenzuela, Jul 2024.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Fátima de Marikina [205] 12 May 2024Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Saint Paul of the Cross, Marikina Pope Francis [fs]
Fatima de Marikina Coronation (001) 2024-05-12.jpg
8581Marikina City Barangays Landmarks 01.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Caridad de Agoo [206] 6 December 2024 Minor Basilica and Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Charity, Agoo, La Union Pope Francis [ft]
FvfAgooBalica9285 14.JPG
1619Agoo, La Union 36.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Loreto de Manila [207] 10 December 2024 National Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Loreto, Sampaloc, Manila Pope Francis [fu]
Sampaloc Church 02.jpg
Loreto Church, Sampaloc, Manila, April 2023.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Fátima de Binakayan [208] 1 May 2025Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite Pope Francis [fv]
3919Kawit Cavite Church Roads Barangays Landmarks 05.jpg
Our Lady of Fatima Church, Binakayan.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Annunciata de Boso-Boso25 May 2025 [209] Parish of Nuestra Señora de la Annunciata, Sitio Old Boso-Boso, Antipolo, Rizal Pope Francis [fw]
Bosoboso Church.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario—Reina del Caracol TBADiocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Rosario, Cavite Pope Francis [fx]
Rosario,CaviteChurchjf3422 11.JPG
Rosario, Cavite Parish Church 2023.jpg



Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Sameiro [210] 12 June 1904 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sameiro Pope Pius IX [fy]
Senhora Sameiro.JPG
Santuario do Sameiro.JPG
Our Lady of Fatima 13 May 1946 Sanctuary of Fátima Pope Pius XII [fz]
First Sculpture of Our Lady of Fatima.jpg
Fatima September 2021-2.jpg
Our Lady of Solitude [211] 17 September 2023 [ga] [gb] [212] [213] Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra Pope Francis [gc]
Imagem de Nossa Senhora da Soledade de Mafra.jpg
Mafra May 2013-2.jpg

Puerto Rico

Official Title of the ImageDate of CoronationPlace of DevotionAuthorization byMarian ImageShrine of devotion
Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia [214] 5 November 1976 Basílica Catedral Metropolitana de San Juan Bautista, San Juan Pope Paul VI [gd]
Mother of Divine Providence in altar.jpg
Catedral de San Juan Bautista a.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Monserrate [215] 12 February 1995 Basílica Santuario de la Monserrate, Hormigueros Pope John Paul II


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Seven Sorrows [216] [217] 8 September 1864Basilica of the Virgin of Seven Sorrows, Šaštín-Stráže Pope Pius IX
Bazilika Sastin-Straze 17 Slovakia7.jpg
Sastin bazilika 1-2.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Montesanto of Gorizia6 June 1717Basilica of Assumption of Mary, Sveta Gora Pope Clement XI
Postcard of Sveta Gora 1968.jpg
Sveta Gora - Nova Gorica.jpg
Mary Help of Christians 1 September 1907Basilica of Brezje, Radovljica Pope Pius X
Brezjanska Marija.jpeg
Radovljica Brezje Bazilika Sv Vida 28082012 011.jpg
Our Lady of the Apparition14 August 1912 Strunjan Pope Pius X
Francesco Valerio - Prikazanje.jpg
Cerkev Marijinega prikazanja - panoramio.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgen de Veruela31 July 1881 Vera de Moncayo Pope Leo XIII
Monasterio de Santa Maria de Veruela (Vera de Moncayo). Cabecera.jpg
Monasterio de Veruela, Vera de Moncayo, Espana, 2012-09-03, DD 02.JPG
Our Lady of Montserrat 11 September 1881 Catalonia Pope Leo XIII
A Virgem de Mont Serrat.jpg
Abbey of Montserrat 02.jpg
Virgen de Lluc 10 August 1884 Mallorca Pope Leo XIII
Mare de Deu de Lluc - Camarin de la Virgen - Santuari de Lluc.jpg
Virgen de Aranzazu 6 June 1886 Oñate Pope Leo XIII
Virgen de Arantzazu.jpg
Exterior of Sanctuary of Arantzazu 03.jpg
Mare de Deu de la Merce [218] 21 October 1888 Barcelona Pope Leo XIII
Basilica de la Merce - Cambril - 10.JPG
103 Esglesia de la Merce.JPG
Our Lady of Candelaria 13 October 1889 Tenerife Pope Leo XIII
Our Lady of Begoña 8 September 1900 Bilbao Pope Leo XIII
Virgen de los Ojos Grandes15 August 1904 Lugo Pope Pius X
Imagen de la Virgen de los Ojos Grandes. Catedral de Lugo.JPG
Fachada catedral de Lugo.jpg
Virgen de la Misericordia24 October 1904 Reus Pope Pius X
Santuari de Nostra Senyora de la Misericordia (Reus)P1060627.JPG
Reus - Santuari de la Misericordia.jpg
Virgen de los Reyes [219] 4 December 1904 Seville Cathedral Pope Pius X
Sevilla Cathedral - Southeast.jpg
Our Lady of the Pillar 20 May 1905 Zaragoza Pope Pius X
Escultura de la Virgen del Pilar, en la Basilica del Pilar de Zaragoza, Espana, Spain.jpg
Basilica del Pilar ZaragozaAragon(Spain).jpg
Virgen del Pino [220] 7 September 1905 Gran Canaria Pope Pius X
VirgenPinoTeror 123.jpg
Basilica de la Virgen del Pino - Teror - Las Palmas.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios27 April 1906 Fregenal de la Sierra Pope Pius X
Virgen de la Sierra9 September 1906 Montblanc, Tarragona Pope Pius X
Montblanc - Santuario de la Mare de Deu de la Serra 05.JPG
Mare de Déu de la Misericòrdia10 November 1907 Canet de Mar Pope Pius X
Misericordia de Canet de Mar (5).jpg
Canet de Mar. Sanctuary of Mare de Deu de la Misericordia (Virgin of Mercy). Francesc Daniel Molina architect (1853-57) (14732715260).jpg
Virgen de la Encina8 September 1908 Ponferrada Pope Pius X
Ponferrada - Basilica de Nuestra Senora de la Encina 11.jpg
Ponferrada - Basilica de Nuestra Senora de la Encina 04.jpg
Our Lady of Cabeza
(Original statue destroyed during the Civil War.)
20 April 1909 Andújar Pope Pius X
V cabeza.jpg
Basilica de la Cabeza 1.JPG
Virgen del Claustro9 June 1911 Tarragona Cathedral Pope Pius X
Our Lady of the Cloister - Cathedral of Tarragona - Catalonia 2014 (2).JPG
Tarragona Cathedral 01.jpg
Nuestra Señora de las Angustias [221] 20 September 1913 Granada Pope Benedict XV
Virgen Angustias Granada.jpg
0 Basilica de Nuestra Senora de las Angustias - Granada - Esp.JPG
Virgen de la Misericordia25 April 1915Campanar, Valencia Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia de Campanar.jpg
Our Lady of Queralt3 September 1916 Berga Pope Benedict XV
265 Santuari de Queralt, la Mare de Deu.jpg
Santuari de Queralt.JPG
Virgen de los Milagros8 September 1916 El Puerto de Santa Maria Pope Benedict XV
Nuestra Senora de los Milagros, Iglesia Mayor Prioral (El Puerto de Santa Maria).jpg
Iglesia Mayor Prioral, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Espana, 2015-12-08, DD 13.JPG
Virgen de la Fuencisla24 September 1916 Segovia Pope Benedict XV
Segovia Nuestra Senora de la Fuencisla 234.jpg
Virgen de San Lorenzo [222] 21 October 1917 Valladolid Pope Benedict XV
Ofrendal floral Virgen San Lorenzo 2018 (42633586740).jpg
Iglesia de San Lorenzo, Valladolid.jpg
Virgen de Covadonga 8 September 1918 Asturias Pope Benedict XV
Mare de Déu del Castell [223] 15 May 1919 Cullera Pope Benedict XV
Cullera Custle Santuario Altar.jpg
3. Castell de Cullera (Ribera Baixa, Pais Valencia).jpg
Virgin of El Rocio [224] 8 June 1919 Almonte Pope Benedict XV
269 elRocioTE.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Monserrate31 May 1920 Orihuela Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santuario de Monserrate, Orihuela.jpg
Mare de Déu de Montiel8 September 1921 Benaguasil Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
MDeuMontiel Benaguasil.jpg
Virgen de los Remedios10 September 1922 Antequera Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Antequera klasztor Senora de los Remedios 1.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Caridad de Cartagena17 April 1923 Cartagena Pope Pius XI
Virgen Caridad Cartagena.JPG
Basilica de la Caridad (20240907 130713).jpg
Virgen de Estíbaliz [225] 6 May 1923 Villafranca de Estíbaliz Pope Pius XI
Estibaliz - Monasterio de Nuestra Senora 16.jpg
Santuario de Estibaliz.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados 12 May 1923 Valencia Pope Benedict XV [ge]
Nuestra Senora de los Desamparados, Patrona de la Region Valenciana.jpg
Basilica de la Virgen de los Desamparados. Valencia.jpg
Our Lady of Virtues
(Original statue destroyed during the Civil War.)
6 September 1923 Villena Pope Pius XI [226]
1899. Virgen de las Virtudes (Antonio Hdez. Hdez.).jpg
Santuario de las Virtudes 06.JPG
Virgen de las Angustias21 September 1923 Guadix Pope Pius XI [gf]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Mare de Déu del Lledó [227] 4 May 1924 Castellón de la Plana Pope Pius XI
Virgen de Lidon.jpg
Basilica de la Mare de Deu del Lledo (Castello de la Plana).JPG
Virgen de la Soterraña10 October 1924 Olmedo, Valladolid Pope Pius XI [gg]
Fundacion Joaquin Diaz - Virgen de la Soterrana - Olmedo (Valladolid).jpg
Iglesia de San Miguel - Olmedo.jpg
Virgen de la Montaña [228] 12 October 1924 Cáceres Pope Pius XI
Virgen de la Montana con manto rosa.jpg
Santuario de la Virgen de la Montana, Caceres.JPG
Virgen del Carmen23 April 1925 Jerez de la Frontera Pope Pius XI
Andalucia Jerez de la Frontera NSdelCarmen3 tango7174.jpg
Mare de Déu de la Salut 25 April 1925 Algemesí Pope Pius XI
Talla original Mare de Deu de la Salut.jpg
Basilica de San Jaime Apostol d'Algemesi.jpg
Virgen de Belen5 May 1925 Almansa Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santuario de Belen, Almansa 22.JPG
Virgen de las Maravillas10 September 1925 Cehegín Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Convento de San Esteban. Iglesia de Nuestra Senora Virgen de las Maravillas.jpg
Virgen del Sagrario30 May 1926 Toledo Cathedral Pope Pius XI
Catedral de Toledo, capilla de la Virgen del Sagrario, de Alguacil.jpg
Toledo Cathedral, from Plaza del Ayuntamiento.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta24 April 1927 Murcia Pope Pius XI
Murcia Fuensanta2 tango7174.jpg
Santuariodelafuensanta edited.JPG
Virgen de la Peña13 August 1928 Brihuega Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Brihuega - 011 (30712705165).jpg
Our Lady of Guadalupe of Extremadura 12 October 1928 Caceres Pope Pius XI
Mb-guadalupe extremadura.jpg
Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe.jpg
Virgin of the Incarnation [229] 5 May 1929 Carrión de Calatrava Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santuario virgen de la encarnacion.jpg
Virgen de los Dolores18 August 1929 A Coruña Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Barquera8 September 1929 San Vicente de la Barquera Pope Pius XI
San Vicente de la Barquera - Santuario de la Barquera 06.jpg
San Vicente de la Barquera - Santuario de la Barquera 02.jpg
Our Lady of Snows [230] 20 October 1929 Almagro, Ciudad Real Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de Arrate [231] 3 November 1929 Eibar Pope Pius XI
Arrate virgen 1.JPG
Virgen de la Antigua24 November 1929 Seville Pope Pius XI
Chapel of la Virgen Antigua - Cathedral of Seville.JPG
Sevilla Cathedral - Southeast.jpg
Virgen de la Capilla11 June 1930 Jaén Pope Pius XI
Jaen - Iglesia de San Ildefonso.jpg
Nuestra Señora de las Nieves [232] 22 June 1930 Santa Cruz de La Palma Pope Pius XI
Santa Cruz - Virgen de las Nieves 01 ies.jpg
Virgen del Valle8 September 1930 Saldaña Pope Pius XI
Saldana Virgen del valle.JPG
Ermita de Nuestra Senora del Valle Saldana 001.JPG
Virgen de la Piedad14 September 1930 Baza, Granada Pope Pius XI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Antigua28 September 1930 Guadalajara, Castilla-La Mancha Pope Pius XI
VirgenAntigua Guada 1.JPG
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de la Antigua.jpg
Virgen del Camino19 October 1930 León Pope Benedict XV [gh]
La Virgen del Camino 09 Santuario by-dpc.jpg
La Virgen del Camino 01 Santuario by-dpc.jpg
Mare de Déu de Sant Salvador8 September 1934 Felanitx Pope Pius XI
Majorque Santuario Sant Salvador Eglise Vierge Enfant 19062015 - panoramio.jpg
Majorque Santuario Sant Salvador Entree - panoramio.jpg
Virgen de la Victoria8 February 1943 [233] Málaga Pope Pius XII
Santa Maria de la Victoria de cerca.JPG
Santuario de la Victoria.jpg
Virgen del Toro12 September 1943 Menorca Pope Pius XII
Minorque Monte Toro Place Eglise Choeur - panoramio.jpg
Monastere du Monte Toro.jpg
Santa María la Real de Pamplona21 September 1946 Pamplona Pope Pius XII
Santa maria la real catedral pamplona.jpg
Fachada catedral de pamplona.jpg
Virgen de África10 November 1946 Ceuta Pope Pius XII
Iglesia de Santa Maria de Africa, Ceuta.jpg
Vista nocturna de la iglesia de Nuestra Senora de Africa, Ceuta.jpg
Virgen del Rosario [234] 4 May 1947 Cádiz Pope Pius XII
Iglesia de Santo Domingo 4, 2010-04-01.jpg
Convento de Nuestra Senora del Rosario y Santo Domingo, Cadiz.JPG
Our Lady of Peace [235] 15 May 1947 Ronda Pope Pius XII
Virgen de la Paz de Ronda.jpg
Esglesia a Ronda, facana.jpg
Virgen de los Milagros7 June 1947 Ágreda Pope Pius XII
Basilica de Nuestra Senora de los Milagros, Agreda, Espana, 2012-09-01, DD 57.JPG
fraameless Basilica de Nuestra Senora de los Milagros, Agreda, Espana, 2012-09-01, DD 10.JPG
Virgen de la Barca15 August 1947 Muxía Pope Pius XII
Muxia, Santuario 02-06b.jpg
Iglesia de Virxen da Barca Muxia.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Fuente de la Salud [236] 19 October 1947 Sabadell Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Exterior del Santuari de la Salut de Sabadell 2020.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Araceli [237] 2 May 1948 Lucena, Córdoba Pope Pius XII
Phoca thumb l IMG 4493.jpg
Virgen de la Victoria13 June 1948 Melilla Pope Pius XII
Patrona de Melilla (3).jpg
Iglesia de la Purisima Concepcion, Melilla.jpg
Virgin of Almudena 11 November 1948 Madrid Pope Pius XII
Virgin de la Almudena - Catedral de la Almudena.JPG
Madrid cathedral Spain exterior.jpg
Virgin of Light1 June 1950 Cuenca Pope Pius XII
Cuenca, Iglesia de la Virgen de la Luz 1.jpg
Cuenca, Iglesia de la Virgen de la Luz 4.jpg
Virgin of Grace1 October 1950 L'Énova Pope Pius XII
Virgen de gracia de l'enova sin corona.jpg
Diversas fotos de l'Enova 15.jpg
Virgen del Mar [238] 8 April 1951 Almería Pope Pius XII
Virgen del Mar Coronada, patrona de Almeria.jpg
Santuario Virgen del Mar.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de San Fernando [239] 12 October 1951 San Fernando, Cádiz Pope Pius XII
Virgen Carmen SF (25).jpg
San Fernando - Iglesia del Carmen.JPG
Virgen de la Peña de Francia4 June 1952 Peña de Francia Pope Pius XII
Nuestra Senora de la Pena de Francia.JPG
Santuario Pena de Francia.JPG
Virgen del Puerto8 June 1952 Plasencia Pope Pius XII
Virgen del Puerto (Plasencia)-01.jpg
Santuario Virgen del Puerto.jpg
Virgen de Ujué [240] 8 September 1952 Ujué Pope Pius XII
Nuestra Señora de los Reyes17 May 1953 El Hierro Pope Pius XII
Virgen de la Victoria [241] 18 October 1953 Trujillo, Cáceres Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Puríssima Xiqueta29 April 1954 Benissa Pope Pius XII
Esglesia de la Purissima Xiqueta, Benissa.JPG
Maria Auxiliadora de Sevilla13 May 1954 Seville Pope Pius XII
Capilla mayor de la Basilica de Maria Auxiliadora, Sevilla.jpg
Basilica de Santa Maria Auxiliadora, Sevilla.jpg
Virgen del Juncal30 May 1954 Irun Pope Pius XII
Irun - Iglesia de Nuestra senora del Juncal, retablo mayor 3.jpg
Irun - Iglesia de Nuestra senora del Juncal 08.jpg
Virgen de Regla5 September 1954 Chipiona Pope Pius XII
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Regla - Sanctuary of Our Lady of Regla - Chipiona.jpg
Santuarioregla 201510002.jpg
Our Lady of Angels9 September 1954 Monastery of Santa Maria, El Puig Pope Pius XII
Real Monasterio de El Puig de Santa Maria. Retablo Mayor.jpg
Elpuig monestir.jpg
Mare de Déu del Tallat21 September 1954 Rocallaura Pope Pius XII
Santuari del Tallat (Vallbona de les Monges) - 7.jpg
Santuari del Tallat.jpg
Virgen de Tíscar29 September 1954 Quesada Pope Pius XII
Santuario de Tiscar.jpg
Virgen de Valvanera15 October 1954 Monastery of Nuestra Señora de Valvanera, Anguiano Pope Pius XII
Virgen de Valvanera.jpg
La Virgen Blanca [242] 17 October 1954 Vitoria-Gasteiz Pope Pius XII
Church of San Miguel Arcangel, Vitoria-Gasteiz 09.jpg
Vitoria - San Miguel 16.jpg
Virgen de la Amargura [243] 21 November 1954 Seville Pope Pius XII
Maria Santisima de la Amargura con san Juan Evangelista (Sevilla).jpg
San Juan de la Palma 001.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Concepción [244] 5 December 1954 San Cristóbal de La Laguna Pope Pius XII
Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepcion, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife, Espana, 2012-12-15, DD 12.jpg
La Laguna BW 10.JPG
Virgen del Castillo7 December 1954 Yecla Pope Pius XII
Virgen del Castillo.jpg
Yecla. Santuario del Castillo 2.JPG
Nuestra Señora de Bien Aparecida29 May 1955 Santander Pope Pius XII
Virgen de la Bien Aparecida.JPG
Atrio del Santuario de la Bien Aparecida.JPG
Mare de Déu del Miracle30 May 1955 Balaguer Pope Pius XII
Imatge del Miracle (cropped).jpeg
Esglesia de la Mare del Miracle, Balaguer-1.JPG
Mare de Déu del Vilar30 May 1955 Blanes Pope Pius XII
El Vilar de Blanes 3.jpg
El Vilar de Blanes 4.jpg
Virgen de Piedraescrita24 August 1955 Campanario, Badajoz Pope Pius XII
Virgen de Piedraescrita engalanada para la procesion..jpg
Our Lady of Snows9 October 1955 Ibiza Cathedral Pope Pius XII
Mary and child inside Cathedral of Santa Maria 28 May 2012.JPG
Ibiza Cathedral.jpg
Virgen de Argeme20 May 1956 Coria, Cáceres Pope Pius XII
Virgen de Argeme.jpg
20230221 182250 Virgen de Argeme.jpg
Virgen de los Llanos27 May 1956 Albacete Pope Pius XII
Virgen de Los Llanos.jpg
Catedral AB.jpg
Virgen del Villar [245] 10 June 1956 Corella, Navarre Pope Pius XII
Corella - Santuario de Nuestra Senora del Villar 05.jpg
Ermita de Nuestra Senora del Villar Corella.JPG
Santísima Virgen Maria de las Nieves5 August 1956 Aspe Pope Pius XII
Virgen de las Nieves Aspe.jpg
Basilica de Aspe.JPG
Virgen del Milagro de Fresnedo9 September 1956 Solórzano Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Luz16 September 1956 Guía de Isora Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Fuensanta29 September 1956 Villanueva del Arzobispo Pope Pius XII
Camarin de Nuestra Senora de la Fuensanta, Villanueva del Arzobispo.jpg
La Fuensanta en Villanueva del Arzobispo.JPG
Virgen del Prado30 May 1957 Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Prado, Talavera de la Reina Pope Pius XII
Virgen del Prado.jpg
Basilica del Prado.JPG
Nuestra Señora del Puy25 May 1958 Estella-Lizarra Pope Pius XII
Estella - Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Puy 05.jpg
Estella - Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Puy 01.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Soto [246] 6 September 1959 Santiurde de Toranzo Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Ermita virgen del soto.jpg
Mare de Déu de la Pietat11 October 1959 Igualada Pope John XXIII
Verge de la Pietat d'Igualada.JPG
Santuari de la Mare de Deu de la Pietat (Igualada).JPG
Virgen de la Antigua12 June 1960 Lekeitio Pope John XXIII
Antiguako Ama(Basilica de Lekeitio).jpg
Hegoalde30 (cropped).jpg
Virgen de Belén [247] 28 August 1960 Carrión de los Condes Pope John XXIII
Carrion de los Condes - Nuestra Senora de Belen 04.jpg
Carrion de los Condes - Nuestra Senora de Belen 08.jpg
Virgen del Remedio [248] 8 September 1960 Utiel Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Ermita de Nuestra Senora del Remedio de Utiel.jpg
Virgin of the Rosary11 September 1960 A Coruña Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
San Domingos A Coruna.jpg
Virgin of Grace30 October 1960 Guadix Pope John XXIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgin of the Rosary13 May 1961 Granada Pope John XXIII
Nuestra Senora del Rosario Coronada (Granada).jpg
Granada - Iglesia de Santo Domingo.jpg
Virgin of Mercy [249] 28 May 1961 Jerez de la Frontera Pope Pius XII
LaMerced-Jerez DSC06463.JPG
Fachada de la Basilica de la Merced (Jerez de la Frontera, Espana).jpg
Virgen de Riánsares7 September 1962 Tarancón Pope John XXIII
Virgen de Riansares.JPG
Tarancon - Iglesia de Nra. Sra. de la Asuncion 5.jpg
Virgen de Tejeda26 May 1963 Garaballa Pope John XXIII
1-Garaballa-virgenTejeda (2015)0004.jpg
1-Garaballa-monasterioTejeda (2014)0011.jpg
Virgen de la Franqueira21 July 1963 A Cañiza Pope Pius XII [gi]
Santa Mar1a da Franqueira 3.jpg
Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Franqueira - A Caniza - Pontevedra.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Portería [250] 19 March 1964 Las Palmas Pope John XXIII
Virgin of Consolation [251] 1 May 1964 Utrera Pope Paul VI
!Nuestra Sra. de Consolacion de Utrera.jpg
Santuario consolacion UTRERA.jpg
Virgen de la Esperanza Macarena [252] 31 May 1964 Seville Pope John XXIII
Macarena que rie su pena... (4497901309).jpg
Exterior of Basilica de la Macarena, Sevilla 20180719.jpg
Virgen de los Milagros [253] 6 September 1964 Baños de Molgas Pope Paul VI
Nuestra Senora de los Milagros del Medo.jpg
Santuario Virgen de los Milagros (Ourense).jpg
Virgen del Río7 April 1965 (Original statue [gj] )

20 September 2015 (Reconstruction)
Huércal-Overa Pope Paul VI

Pope Francis
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de los Dolores [254] 9 May 1965 Córdoba Pope Paul VI
Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Cordoba) 01.jpg
Cordoba cristo de los faroles 02gm.jpg
Virgen de la Salud [255] 31 May 1965 Iglesia de Santa Leocadia, Toledo Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Toledo - Santa Leocadia 1.JPG
Virgen de la Caridad [256] 15 August 1965 Sanlúcar de Barrameda Pope Paul VI
Nuestra Senora de la Caridad (Sanlucar de Barrameda).jpg
Iglesia caridad sanlucar2016003.jpg
Virgen de los Remedios [257] 15 August 1965 Serón Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de la Purificación, La Tizná de Jerez [258] 9 September 1965 Jerez del Marquesado Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del Monte22 May 1966 Bolaños de Calatrava Pope Paul VI
Ermita del Monte.jpg
Virgen del Lluch22 May 1966 Alzira, Valencia Pope Paul VI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Mare de Déu del Lledo26 June 1966 Valls Pope Paul VI
Mare de Deu del Lledo de Valls - interior 02.jpg
045 Santuari de la Mare de Deu del Lledo i Casa de la Caritat (Valls), des del pg. dels Caputxins.jpg
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios [259] 15 August 1966 Olvera Pope Paul VI
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de los Remedios (Olvera) - 004 (30708394645).jpg
Virgen del Prado [260] 28 May 1967 Ciudad Real Pope Paul VI
Ciudad Real - Catedral, interior 04.jpg
Ciudad Real (RPS 20-07-2012) Catedral de Santa Maria del Prado, puerta de los Reyes.png
Virgen de Núria 13 July 1967 Queralbs Pope Paul VI [gk]
Mare Deu Nuria Front.jpg
Virgen de Rus [261] 27 May 1969 San Clemente, Cuenca Pope Paul VI [gl]
Romeria de la Virgen de Rus (26449454027).jpg
Virgen de la Asunción29 December 1970 Elche Pope Paul VI
Virgen de la Asuncion.JPG
Basilica de Santa Maria (Elx) - 1.jpg
Virgen del Henar25 June 1972 Cuéllar Pope Paul VI
Virgen de El Henar.jpg
Exterior del santuario de El Henar.jpg
Virgen de Valme [262] 23 June 1973 Dos Hermanas Pope Paul VI
Dibujo de la Virgen de Valme.jpg
Parroquia Dos Hermanas dia.JPG
Virgen de la Hiniesta
(Madonna and Child statue)
23 May 1974 Seville Pope John XXIII [gm]
Virgen de la Hiniesta Gloriosa.JPG
San Julian 001.jpg
Virgen de Aguas Santas [263] 8 September 1979 Villaverde del Río Pope Paul VI
Virgen de Aguas Santas.jpg
Parroquia Purisima Concepcion Villaverde del Rio.jpg
Virgen de la Esperanza de Triana [264] [265] 2 June 1984 Seville Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Senora de la Esperanza (Hermandad de la Esperanza de Triana).jpg
Virgen de los Desamparados del Saliente [266] [267] 7 August 1988 Albox Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santuario del Saliente-Albox-Almeria.jpg
Virgen de la Cinta [268] 26 September 1992 Huelva Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Senora de La Cinta.JPG
Santuario de la Cinta.JPG
Virgin of Miracles [269] 14 June 1993 La Rábida Friary, Palos de la Frontera Pope John Paul II
Virgen de los Milagros.jpg
Virgen de la Fuensanta [270] 2 October 1994 Córdoba Pope John Paul II
Paso Virgen de la Fuensanta Cordoba.jpg
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de la Fuensanta.jpg
Mare de Déu de Paretdelgada [271] 15 August 1996 [272] La Selva del Camp Pope John Paul II
Interior de Santa Maria de Paretdelgada 08.jpg
Virgen de Inodejo [273] 14 September 1997 Las Fraguas Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Remedio [274] 22 November 1998 Alicante Pope John Paul II
Virgen del Remedio.jpg
Alicante Cocathedral 2021 - west facade.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia [275] 30 May 1999 [276] Burriana, Castellón Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles [277] 19 May 2002 Getafe Pope John Paul II
Nuestra Senora de los Angeles (Getafe).jpg
Ermita del Cerro de los Angeles.pav.jpg
Virgen de Linarejos11 January 2004 Linares, Jaén Pope John Paul II
Virgen de Linarejos (Linares).jpg
Linares - Santuario V Linarejos02.JPG
Virgen de la Sierra [278] 4 June 2005 Cabra Pope John Paul II [gn]
Virgen de la Sierra (Patrona de Cabra - Cordoba).jpg
Kirche Virgen de la Sierra.jpg
Virgen del Collado16 July 2006 Santisteban del Puerto Pope Benedict XVI
Image2 La sagrada imagen de la Santisima Virgen del Collado Coronada..jpg
Virgen del Espino [279] 9 September 2006 Chauchina Pope Benedict XVI
Virgen del espino chau.jpg
María Santísima de la Misericordia [280] 20 May 2007 Granada Pope Benedict XVI
Granada-Iglesia de San Cecilio-5-Madre de la Misericordia (Francisco de Morales).JPG
Portada de la Iglesia de San Cecilio (Granada).jpg
Virgen del Martirio15 August 2007 Ugíjar Pope Benedict XVI [go]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Mare de Déu de Gràcia2 September 2007 Villareal Pope Benedict XVI [gp]
Ermita de la Virgen de Gracia (Villareal de los Infantes) - 005 (31029471450).jpg
Ermitorio de Nuestra Senora de Gracia de Villarreal (Castellon).jpg
Virgen de Carejas24 August 2008 Paredes de Nava Pope Benedict XVI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del Capítulo [281] 20 September 2008 Trasobares Pope Benedict XVI [gq]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Mary Help of Christians 10 May 2009 Córdoba Pope Benedict XVI [gr]
Quinario del Senor del Prendimiento en el altar de Maria Auxiliadora.jpg
Virgen de Belen8 May 2010 Palma del Río Pope Benedict XVI [gs]
Virgen del Yugo [282] 30 May 2010 [283] Arguedas, Navarre Pope Benedict XVI
Virgen del Campo4 September 2010 Cañete de las Torres Pope Benedict XVI
Virgen del Campo de Cnete de las Torres Cordoba, 11 ,Sept. 09.jpg
Maria Santissima de Aurora [284] 8 May 2011 Granada Pope Benedict XVI
Maria Santisima de la Aurora del Albayzin Coronada.jpg
Iglesia de Santa Maria de la Aurora y San Miguel.jpg
Virgen de la Purísima Concepción de Linares [285] 14 May 2011 Córdoba Pope Benedict XVI
Virgen de Linares Coronada.jpg
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Linares (Cordoba, Spain).jpg
Mare de Déu de La Aldea12 June 2011 L'Aldea Pope Benedict XVI [gt]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Mare de Déu del Roser7 October 2011 Almassora Pope Benedict XVI [gu]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del Valle23 October 2011 La Palma del Condado Pope Benedict XVI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Nuestra Señora del Castillo [286] 12 October 2012 Lebrija Pope Benedict XVI
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de las Nieves [287] 31 May 2014 Las Gabias Pope Benedict XVI
La Virgen de las Nieves (Las Gabias).jpg
Iglesia de la Encarnacion - Las Gabias.jpg
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes14 August 2014 Alcalá la Real Pope Francis [gv]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia de la Consolacion, Alcala la Real - P1530006.jpg
Virgen de Alharilla23 August 2014 Porcuna Pope Francis
Virgen de Alharilla.jpg
María Santísima de la Amargura [288] 30 May 2015 Granada Pope Francis
Amargura granada.jpg
Virgen de la Antigua [289] 6 August 2016 Almuñécar Pope Francis
Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua Coronada.jpg
Almuneca church.jpg
Virgen de Gador [290] 3 September 2016 Berja Pope Francis
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Ermita Virgen de Gador en Berja.JPG
Virgen de Butarque20 May 2017 Leganés Pope Francis
Nuestra Senora de Butarque Coronada.jpg
Virgin of Grace16 July 2017 Altura Pope Francis [gw]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Esglesia d'Altura, Alt Palancia.JPG
Virgen de la Cabeza del Carpio [291] 17 October 2017 El Carpio Pope Francis
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen del O Corpiño24 June 2018 Lalín Pope Francis [gx]
Virgen de O Corpino 2017.jpg
O Corpino - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Rute [292] 28 July 2018 Rute Pope Francis [gy]
Santuario de Nuestra Senora del Carmen (fines del s. XVII).jpg
Virgen del Carmen [293] 29 July 2018 Burgo de Osma-Ciudad de Osma Pope Francis [gz]
El Burgo de Osma - Convento del Carmen Extramuros 15.jpg
BurgoDeOsma20120620165715SAM 0655.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza [294] 13 October 2018 Granada Pope Francis [ha]
Esperanza coronada.jpg
Iglesia de San Gil y Santa Ana, Granada - panoramio.jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza [295] 22 December 2018 Figuerola del Camp Pope Francis [hb]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Esglesia de Sant Jaume de Figuerola (Figuerola del Camp).jpg
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad [296] 4 May 2019 Ciempozuelos Pope Francis [hc]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Ciempozuelos - Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdalena 2.JPG
Nuestra Señora de los Angeles [297] 18 May 2019 Seville Pope Francis [hd]
Virgen de los Angeles (Negritos).jpg
Capilla de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles.jpg
Virgen de Consolación [298] 1 June 2019 Valdepeñas Pope Francis
Valdepenas - Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion 31.JPG
Valdepenas - Iglesia de la Asuncion.jpg
Virgen del Socorro30 April 2022 Villamanta Pope Francis [he]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Inmaculada Concepción [299] 7 May 2022 [300] Herencia Pope Francis [hf]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Iglesia de Herencia.jpg
Virgen de la Antigua [301] 3 September 2022 El Casar Pope Francis [hg]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Church in El Casar (Guadalajara).jpg
Virgen de la Fuensanta [302] 1 October 2022 Alcaudete Pope Francis
Virgen de la Fuensanta - Alcaudete.jpg
Virgen de la Paz y Esperanza [303] 15 October 2022 Córdoba Pope Francis
Maria Santisima de la Paz y la Esperanza.jpg
Plaza de Capuchinos - 2013.07 - panoramio.jpg
Virgen de la Soledad [304] 1 November 2022 Monasterio de San Jerónimo, Granada Pope Francis [hh]
Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, Granada.jpg
Granada-Monasterio de San Jeronimo-1-Portada lateral.JPG
Virgen del Carmen [305] 19 July 2025 [306] Palenciana Pope Francis
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de Luna [307] 7 December 2025 Pozoblanco Pope Francis
Virgen de Luna reina taruga.jpg

Sri Lanka

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of the Rosary2 July 1924 Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu Pope Benedict XV [hi]
Virgen del Madhu.jpg
Madhu Church (Madu Church)9.jpg
Our Lady of Lanka [308] 6 February 1974 Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka, TewattePope Paul VI [hj] [309]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Tewatte Basilica - Sri Lanka.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Notre Dame du Vorbourg [310] 12 September 1869 Delémont Pope Pius IX [hk]
Delemont Notre-dame du Vorbourg.jpg
Madonna del Sasso14 August 1880 Sanctuary of Madonna del Sasso, Orselina Pope Leo XIII
Orselina Basilika Madonna del Sasso Innen Altar 1.JPG
Our Lady of Fribourg, Glorious Queen of the Universe [311] 21 August 1902Basilica of Our Lady of Fribourg Pope Leo XIII [hl]
Basilique Notre-Dame Marienstatue Fribourg-1.jpg
Basilique Notre-Dame Fribourg-1.jpg
Our Lady of Grace (Gnadenbild)15 August 1926 Mariastein Abbey Pope Pius XI
Gnadenbild Maria Stein.JPG
Kloster Mariastein.jpg
Our Lady of the Hermits14 September 1934 Einsiedeln Abbey Pope Pius XI [hm]
Schwarze Madonna von Einsiedeln 08.jpg
Kloster Einsiedeln IMG 2852.JPG
Notre Dame de Genève [312] 23 May 1937 Basilica of Our Lady of Geneva Pope Pius XI [hn]
Geneve Basilica Notre-Dame Innen Chor 2.JPG
Basilique Notre-Dame, Geneve.jpg

Taiwan (Republic of China)

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of China [313] 14 August 2022The National Shrine of Our Lady of China, Meishan, Chiayi Pope Francis [ho]
Our Lady of China MS.JPG
National Shrine of Our Lady of China.JPG


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Santa Maria Draperis25 March 1911 Church of St. Mary Draperis, Istanbul Pope Pius X
Santa Maria Draperis.jpg
Santa Maria Draperis 02.JPG


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Lutsk8 September 1749Dominican Monastery of Lutsk Pope Benedict XIV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Luck kliastor dominikanow kosciol IMG 6230.JPG
Our Lady of Berdyczow 16 July 1756
(destroyed original icon)

19 July 1998
(reconstruction) [314]
The Discalced Carmelite monastery of Berdychiv Pope Benedict XIV

Pope John Paul II
Bogoroditsia Berdichivs'ka.jpg
Carmelite Monastery in Berdychiv. Aerofoto.jpg
Theotokos of Pochayiv 8 September 1773 Pochayiv Lavra Pope Clement XIV
Pochayivs'ka Lavra.jpg
Our Lady, Queen of Peace of Janow29 May 1774 Ivano-Frankove Pope Clement XIV
Mati Bozha Ianivs'ka.jpg
Holy Trinity church, Ivanofrankove (01).jpg
Our Lady of Bilshivtsi18 August 1777 Bilshivtsi Pope Clement XIII [315]
Our Lady of Bilshivtsi.jpg
Monastir Karmelitiv, s.Bil'shivtsi, Galits'kii r-n., Ivano-Frankivs'ka obl.jpg
Our Lady of Mezhyrich15 August 1779 Mezhyrich Pope Benedict XIV [316]
Ikona <<Bogoroditsia Odigitriia>> z Mezhiricha.JPG
Our Lady of Zarvanytsia28 August 1867 Zarvanytsia Pope Pius IX
Matka Boza Zarwanicka.jpg
Parafiial'nii khram s. Zarvanitsia.jpg
Our Lady of Graces, Gracious Star of Lviv ( Replica )26 June 2001 Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Lviv Pope Francis [hp]
M. Laskawa.JPG
46-101-0548 Lviv Latin Cathedral RB 18.jpg
Our Mother of Perpetual Help 8 September 2001 Mostyska Pope John Paul II [hq]
Kostel sv. Katerini Oleksandriis'koyi. Sanktuarii Materi Bozhoyi Neustannoyi Pomochi, Mostis'ka 02.jpg
IVigliad z dorogi na Kost'ol Sv. Ivana Khrestitelia1.jpg
Our Lady of the Rosary29 August 2009 Chortkiv Pope Benedict XVI [hr]
Vivtar kostelu Sv. Stanislava. Chortkiv.jpg
Chortkivs'kii kostel, 1291.jpg
Our Lady of Fatima [317] 13 May 2017Krysowice, Lviv Oblast Pope Francis [hs]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Our Lady of the Assumption [318] 15 August 2022 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral, Odesa Pope Francis [ht]
Painting at Odesa Catholic Cathedral altar.jpg
Assumption Cathedral in Odessa.jpg

United Kingdom

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Consolation 12 July 1893 Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead Pope Leo XIII
Our Lady of Consolation Grinstead Great Britain.jpg
West Grinstead RC church.JPG
Our Lady of Walsingham [hu] 15 August 1954 Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham Pope Pius XII
Our Lady of Walsingham III.JPG
Slipper Chapel, Houghton St Giles, Norfolk - - 319689.jpg

United States of America

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Our Lady of Prompt Succor [319] 10 November 1895 New Orleans, Louisiana Pope Leo XIII [hv]
Our Lady of Prompt Succor Patroness of Louisiana.JPG
National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor.jpg
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 July 1904 Manhattan, New York Pope Leo XIII [hw] [320]
The Madonna of Carmel of New York - Pontifically Crowned.jpg
Lady Mt Carmel RCC sunny jeh.jpg
Our Lady of the Conquest 26 June 1960 Santa Fe, New Mexico Pope John XXIII
La Conquistadora (Santa Fe).jpg
Cathedral (3597674829).jpg
Mary of Nazareth [321] 15 April 1998 Doylestown, Pennsylvania [hx] Pope John Paul II [hy] [322]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, March 2023.jpg
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception 22 August 2013 Lake Charles, Louisiana Pope Benedict XVI [hz]
Immaculate Conception of Lake Charles Diocese.jpg
Immaculate Conception - Lake Charles 05.jpg
Our Lady of La Leche 10 October 2021 St. Augustine, Florida Pope Francis [ia] [323]


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgin of the Thirty-Three 12 November 1962 Florida, Uruguay Pope John XXIII [ib]
Catedral de Florida.jpg


Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorization byMarian imageShrine of devotion
Virgen del Socorro13 November 1910 Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Help (Valencia, Venezuela) Pope Pius X [ic]
Virgen del Valle8 September 1911 El Valle del Espíritu Santo Pope Pius X
Virgen del Valle.JPG
Basilica of Our Lady of the Valley.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá [324] 18 November 1942 Basilica of Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, Maracaibo Pope Benedict XV [id]
Virgen de la Chiquinquira en la Basilica de la Chinita, Maracaibo, Venezuela.jpg
Basilica de la Chinita.jpg
Our Lady of Coromoto 11 September 1952 (Original cloth relic [325] ) [326]

27 January 1985 (Marian statue [327] ) [328]
Pope Pius XII

Pope John Paul II
Santa Reliquia Virgen Coromoto.jpg
Coromoto 1.jpg
Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Coromoto.JPG
La Divina Pastora14 January 1956 Barquisimeto Pope Pius XII
Iglesia de la Divina Pastora.JPG
Virgen de la Caridad22 January 1960 San Sebastián, Aragua Pope Pius XII [ie]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgen de Belen31 January 1965 San Mateo, Aragua Pope John XXIII [329]
Virgen de belen san mateo.gif
Virgen de Chiquinquirá2 October 1966Aregue, Lara Pope Paul VI [if]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Virgin of Consolation12 March 1967 Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation, Táriba Pope John XXIII [330]
Virgen de Consolacion de Tariba.jpg
Basilica de Nuestra Senora de la Consolacion.JPG
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad [331] 24 April 1988 Iglesia de San Francisco (Caracas) Pope John Paul II
Iglesia de San Francisco 2013 001.JPG
San Francisco Church and the legendary San Francisco Kapok.jpg
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de El Carrizal [332] 12 December 1992Minor Basilica of Virgin of Guadalupe, La Vela de Coro Pope John Paul II
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Templo de El Carrizal.jpg
Virgen de las Mercedes12 February 2004 Río Chico Pope John Paul II [ig]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santuario Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes - Rio Chico.jpg
Virgen de Altagracia [333] 26 December 2014 Los Puertos de Altagracia Pope Benedict XVI [ih]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Church of the Ports of Altagracia.jpg
Virgen del Pilar [334] 25 March 2021 [335] Carúpano Pope Francis
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santuario Mariano El Pilar.jpg
Virgen de la Peña Admirable23 September 2023 Parapara, Guarico Pope Francis [ii]
Our Lady of Rock Admirable Statue, September 2023..jpg

Pontifically crowned Christological images

The list below enumerates approved Christological images with a written and expressed pontifical recognition and were granted a canonical coronation.

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorizationChristological ImageShrine of devotion
Infant Jesus of Prague 24 September 1824[ citation needed ]

27 September 2009
Church of Our Lady of Victories, Prague,
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Pope Leo XII [ij] [ better source needed ]

Pope Benedict XVI
Kostel PM Vitezne a sv. Ant Jezulatko 1.jpg
Kostel Panny Marie vitezne (Praha, Mala Strana) 1.jpg
Santo Bambino of Aracoeli 2 May 1897Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli,
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Pope Leo XIII
Santa Maria in Aracoeli Rome Santo Bambino.jpg
El Señor del Milagro [336] 13 September 1902 Cathedral of Salta,
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina
Pope Leo XIII [ik]
Procesion del Milagro 2012.JPG
Catedral de Salta 1.jpg
Sacred Heart of Jesus 25 June 1903Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Berchem
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Pope Leo XIII [il]
Sacred Heart of Belgium.jpg
Basiliek van het Heilig Hart te Berchem (Antwerpen) - Gebouwd door Jules Bilmeyer en Joseph van Riel (10902).jpg
Sacred Heart of Jesus [337] 20 September 1908 Nevers Cathedral (former)

Church of the Sacred Heart, Besancon
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope Pius X
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Sacre-Coeur - Besancon.JPG
Bambino Gesu of Arenzano 6 September 1924Basilica of Arenzano,
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Pope Pius XI [im]
Statua Bambino Gesu.jpg
Arenzano-IMG 0651.JPG
Amo Jesús (Generic Title) [338] 10 July 1954Convent of Saint Dominic, Santiago del Estero,
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina
Pope Pius XII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Convento de Santo Domingo SDE 1.jpg
Santo Niño de Cebú [339] 28 April 1965 Basilica del Santo Niño, Cebu,
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines
Pope Paul VI [in]
Original Image of the Santo Nino de Cebu.jpg
Basilica del Santo Nino de Cebu.jpg
Infant Jesus of Prague23 June 1999Sanctuary of the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague within the Church of Santa Maria della Purità, Pagani,
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Pope John Paul II [io] [340]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
Santa Maria Purita 2 Pagani.jpg

Pontifically crowned Josephian images

The list below enumerates approved Patriarchal images of Saint Joseph with a written and expressed pontifical recognition and were granted a decree of canonical coronation. [341]

Official title of the imageDate of coronationPlace of devotionAuthorizationJosephian imageShrine
Saint Joseph of Kalisz [ip] 15 May 1796Basilica of Our Lady of Assumption, Kalisz,
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Pope Pius VI
Kolegiata pw. Wniebowziecia NMP (2).jpg
Kalisz-Kosciol Sw Jozefa.jpg
Saint Joseph du Bruxelles
(Extinct since the Second World War )
20 October 1869 Saint Joseph's Church, Brussels,
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Pope Pius IX [iq]
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
De Sint-Jozefkerk, vooraanzicht met park - 356056 - onroerenderfgoed.jpg
Saint Joseph du Beauvais [342] 14 July 1872Chapel of Saint Joseph, Beauvais, Oise,
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope Pius IX
Saint Joseph of Beauvais.png
Beauvais - Chapelle Saint-Joseph - 3.jpg
Saint Joseph of Mill Hill13 April 1874 St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough,
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Pope Pius IX
St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, England-LCCN2002696742.jpg
Saint Joseph du Tarascon30 September 1874Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Frigolet Abbey, Tarascon,
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope Pius IX
Saint-Michel-de-Frigolet Chapelle de Saint-Joseph 01.jpg
Abbaye Saint-Michel de Frigolet - panoramio.jpg
Saint Joseph du Liege [343]
(Located at the Side private Chapel of Saint Joseph [344] )
23 March 1879Collegiate Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Liège,
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Pope Leo XIII
Liege - Eglise Saint-Jean l'Evangeliste.JPG
Saint Joseph of Wisconsin [345] 8 May 1892 National Shrine of Saint Joseph, De Pere, Wisconsin,
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Pope Leo XIII
Canonically crowned image of Saint Joseph of Wisconsin.jpg
National Shrine of Saint Joseph of Wisconsin.JPG
Saint Joseph du Allex2 September 1900Sanctuary of Saint Joseph, Allex,
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope Leo XIII
Clocher Saint Apollinaire-Valence (cloitre).png
Saint Joseph de Soignies10 September 1902 Hainaut Province Pope Leo XIII
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
San Giuseppe di Arcevia26 July 1904Church of Saint Blaise, Arcevia,
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Pope Leo XIII
Arcevia - Castello di Caudino - 202209211047 6.jpg
Saint Joseph du Chene29 August 1906Chapel of Saint Joseph (within its Oak tree grotto), Villedieu-la-Blouère,
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope Pius X [ir]
Chapelle Saint-Joseph Villedieu-la-Blouere 01.JPG
Saint Joseph du Mont—Royal19 March 1910 (Statue enshrined within the oil-burning Chapel)

9 August 1955
Chapel of Saint Andre Besette, Côte-des-Neiges (former)

Basilica of Saint Joseph's Oratory, Montreal (Present)
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Pope Pius X

Pope Pius XII [is]
Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal - Montreal.jpg
San José de la Montaña17 April 1921Royal Sanctuary of Saint Joseph of Montana, Barcelona,
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Pope Benedict XV [it]
San Jose de la Muntanya.jpg
San Jose de la Montana1.jpg
Saint Joseph du Kermaria14 August 1921Motherhouse Cloister of the Daughters of Jesus of Kermaria, Locmine, Morbihan,
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope Benedict XV
Emblem of the Holy See usual.svg
San Jose de las Flores28 October 1956Basilica of Saint Joseph de Flores, Buenos Aires,
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina
Pope Pius XII
Saint Joseph of Flores Argentina.png
Basilica San Jose de Flores.jpg
Señor San José de Zapotlán22 October 1957 Ciudad Guzmán Cathedral, Zapotlán el Grande,
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico
Pope Pius XII [iu]
Canonically crowned image of Zapotlan, Mexico.jpg
Catedral de Cd. Guzman.JPG
Saint Joseph du Bon—Espoìr
(Crypt statue)
13 August 1961Basilica of Saint Joseph of Good Hope, Espaly-Saint-Marcel,
Flag of France.svg  France
Pope John XXIII
Saint Joseph of Good Hopes.jpg
00 1152 Espaly-Saint-Marcel, Frankreich - Sanctuaire de St. Joseph.jpg
San Guzepp du Rabat1 May 1963Franciscan Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Rabat,
Flag of Malta.svg  Malta
Pope Pius XII [iv]
Saint Joseph of Rabat Malta.jpg
Rabat 1.jpg
El Santissimo Jose de Ávila Coronado24 August 1963 Convent of Saint Joseph, Ávila,
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Pope John XXIII
Avila - Convento de San Jose o de las Madres 34.jpg
Convento de San Jose Avila.jpg


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  302. "El Papa Francisco concede la Coronación Canonica-Pontificia a la patrona de Alcaudete". (in Spanish). 20 February 2020. Retrieved 2021-08-24.
  303. "La Santa Sede remite el decreto de la coronacion pontificia de la Paz y Esperanza". Gente de Paz (in European Spanish). 18 October 2020. Retrieved 2021-08-24.
  304. "Facebook".
  305. "La Virgen del Carmen de Palenciana ya tiene su Decreto de Coronación". DIÓCESIS DE CÓRDOBA (in Spanish). 22 January 2025.
  306. Gómez, Carlos (20 March 2024). "La Virgen del Carmen de Palenciana será coronada canónicamente el 19 de julio de 2025". Gente de Paz (in Spanish).
  307. "Cultura protege como Bien de Interés Cultural las romerías de la Virgen de la Luna en Los Pedroches". Diócesis de Córdoba (in Spanish). 18 February 2025.
  308. "Tewatta Church – Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka, Ragama, Sri Lanka". 8 February 2022.
  309. "1975-1975" . Retrieved 14 September 2023.
  310. "Bref de Pie IX" . Retrieved 4 November 2022.
  311. "Notre-Dame, Issue 1911". 1911.
  312. "Pèlerinages Suisses". Retrieved 4 November 2022.
  313. "Kiayiensis". Archived from the original on 2021-09-22. Retrieved 2021-09-22.
  314. "Deipara Virgo - Littera apostolica | Ioannes Paulus II". 10 March 1997.
  315. "Матері Божої Більшівецької".
  316. "Образ Волинської Богоматері, перед яким підносять молитви уже 6 століть: чудотворна Межирицька "Життєподательниця"" (in Ukrainian). 3 June 2021. Retrieved 6 February 2023.
  317. "Koronacja figury Matki Bożej Fatimskiej w Krysowicach". (in Polish). 13 May 2017.
  318. "W Odesie koronowano obraz Matki Bożej". (in Polish). 17 August 2022.
  319. "Battle of New Orleans: Old Ursuline Convent - Stop 9 of 10 in the Battle of New Orleans tour | New Orleans Historical". New Orleans Historical. Retrieved 2018-08-29.
  320. "Our Lady of Mount Carmel". Retrieved 2022-06-13.
  321. "Our Lady Mary of Nazareth".
  322. "426-427" (PDF).
  323. "2019".
  324. "La Virgen Chinita" (PDF).
  325. "CORONACIÓN". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2 December 2022.
  326. "Breve Historia Nuestra Señora de Coromoto ... - Mi visión de la historia". 9 September 2020.
  327. "PRIMER VIAJE DEL PAPA JUAN PABLO II A VENEZUELA". 14 August 2015. Retrieved 3 December 2022.
  328. "Sedi Nostrae - Littera apostolica | Ioannes Paulus II". Retrieved 2022-02-16.
  329. "Coronación Canónica de la Virgen de Belén" . Retrieved 2022-08-18.
  330. "La coronación, un acto inolvidable hace 54 años - Diario La Nación". 15 August 2021.
  331. "Quandoquidem - Littera Apostolica | Ioannes Paulus II". 5 November 1987.
  332. "Novimus clerum - Littera apostolica | Ioannes Paulus II". 8 October 1992.
  334. "Diócesis de Carúpano celebra aprobación de la coronación canónica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar". Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana (in Spanish). 12 October 2020.
  335. "Realizada Coronación Canónica de la Virgen del Pilar como Patrona de la Diócesis de Carúpano". Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana (in Spanish). 26 March 2021.
  336. "Las coronas del Señor y la Virgen del Milagro - LA GACETA Salta". 3 September 2014. Retrieved 2022-05-09.
  337. "Me taedet (9 Iulii 1908) | PIUS X -". Retrieved 2022-03-29.
  338. "Amo Jesús". 12 April 2022.
  339. "The Canonical Coronation of the Señor Sto. Niño de Cebu". The Philippine STAR .
  340. "402-403".
  341. Episcopal Coronations only for Bogota, Colombia in 1779 by the Bishop of Popayan and Zacatecas in May 1790, Guanajuato, Mexico in July 1790. Similar episcopal coronations only for Cadiz, Spain and Parañaque, Philippines. The Josephian statues of Ognina and Le Mosse have no records, (ordinary or notarized) Pontifical coronation exist in Rome, rather were crowned in public as an offering of the Papal audience to the Pope in the Vatican —
  342. Messager de Saint Joseph (in French). bureau de l'archiconfrérie. 1887.
  343. Foto door; Photo par; Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
  344. "Dédié à Saint Joseph".
  345. "National St. Joseph Shrine | The Norbertines | De Pere, WI". 22 March 2021. Retrieved 2022-06-16.


  1. In the cases of diadems attached to images of "Saint Anne, parent of the neophyte Blessed Virgin", the Rosary Pope clarified through the Sacred Congregation of Rites that it is a Marian image which merits a decree of Pontifical coronation, and the diadem attached to the image of Saint Anne is pure novelty or ornamental.
  2. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Primate of Africa, Archbishop Charles Lavigerie on 15 April 1876, as well as the Pontifical decree granting the shrine the status of Minor Basilica, signed by Pope Pius IX. — Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  3. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Bishop of Jujuy, Monsignor Enrique Jose Muhn signed and notarized on 25 March 1920. Pope John XXIII redeclared this coronation once again and finally assigned the Marian title as official patroness of the Diocese of Jujuy via his own decree signed on 1 July 1960. Vatican Secret Archives.
  4. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and granted to Archbishop Filippo Cortesi on 10 August 1924. — Vatican Secret Archives
  5. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Cardinal Antonio Caggiano, signed and notarized on 19 December 1960. - Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  6. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Santa Fe de Vera Cruz, Jose Maria Arancedo on 22 February 2013. Coronation took place during the Pontificate of Francis.
  7. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 221/16, 13 May 2016. Vatican Secret Archives.
  8. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 549/18, 4 March 2019. Vatican Secret Archives.
  9. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 138/20, 16 June 2020. Vatican Secret Archives.
  10. Pontifical decree of coronation redeclared by Pope Pius XII via Gementium Solatrix on 22 September 1951 for the second centenary of its coronation with the raising of its status to a Minor Basilica. Notarized by the Grand Chancellor of Apostolic Briefs, Monsignor Gildo Brugnola.
  11. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Salzburg and Bishop of Gurk, Baltazar Kaltner on 9 March 1913. Vatican Secret Archives.
  12. The coronation is authorized by Pope Benedict XIII in 1726. Due to political events it did not take place until 1730. It was originally scheduled for 8 September 1728.
  13. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 309/03/L, 4 March 2003. Vatican Secret Archives.
  14. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 552/06/L, 18 May 2006. Vatican Secret Archives.
  15. Pontifical decree granted to Bishop of Ghent, Henricus Franciscus Bracq by Pope Pius IX on 22 September 1871. Vatican Secret Archives.
  16. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 29 July 1925 to the Order of Saint Francis for the "Marian Eucharistic Congress". Notarized by Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Domenico Jorio, Vatican Secret Archives.
  17. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1898/00/L, 17 November 2000. Vatican Secret Archives.
  18. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Comperimus Sane Perlibenter granted to Archbishop of Salvador da Bahia, Cardinal Augusto da Silva on 9 July 1953. Vatican Secret Archives.
  19. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Quae Mortalibus granted on 17 November 1953 by Pope Pius XII as a "special mandate" (De Speciali Mandatum Sanctissimi) or Motu Proprio, both signed and notarized by Grand Chancellor of Apostolic Briefs, Monsigneur Gildo Brugnola. Vatican Secret Archives.
  20. Pontifical decree of coronation redeclared by Pope Paul VI via Religione Almæ Deiparæ Virginis which also raised the shrine of the status of Minor Basilica on 24 September 1964. Signed and notarized by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Amleto Giovanni Cicognani. Vatican Secret Archives.
  21. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Quae Rosarii granted to Bishop of Leopoldina, Geraldo Ferreira Reis on 8 November 1961. Vatican Secret Archives.
  22. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Quidquid ad Pietatam granted to the Archbishop of Mariana, Oscar de Oliveira on 17 August 1961. The coronation took place on 15 August 1963 at the time of Pope Paul VI's pontificate. Vatican Secret Archives.
  23. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 1264/79, Stantianae, 11 December 1979. Vatican Secret Archives.
  24. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramntis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 596/79, Marianensis, 5 September 1979. Vatican Secret Archives.
  25. Date of decree issuance, not the exact date of the coronation rites.
  26. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 601/05/L, 28 April 2005. Vatican Secret Archives.
  27. Pope Francis, COngregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 237/14/L, 27 May 2014. Vatican Secret Archives.
  28. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 174/14/L, 8 April 2014. Vatican Secret Archives.
  29. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 360/20, 2 February 2021. Vatican Secret Archives.
  30. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 511/21, 3 October 2023. Vatican Secret Archives.
  31. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 286/24, 31 May 2024. Vatican Secret Archives.
  32. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Per Magnus Profecto granted on 2 July 1954 to Cardinal Valerio Valeri as Papal legate. Vatican Secret Archives.
  33. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 552/19, 8 December 2019. Vatican Secret Archives.
  34. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro on 15 June 1899, with a special Papal benediction given to the Order of Claretian sisters, who promised to distribute the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary under this Marian title. Vatican Secret Archives.
  35. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, signed and notarized by Canon priest of the Church of Saint Candida the Elder, Giulio Malvezzi and Guardian Chancellor of the Apostolic Briefs, Monsignor Giuseppe Cascioli on 20 February 1918. Vatican Secret Archives.
  36. Pontifical decree of coronation titled "Egregium Simulacrum" granted on 6 August 1962, to Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile. Signed by Cardinal Cicognani. Vatican Secret Archives.
  37. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 2648/00/L, 21 December 2000. Vatican Secret Archives.
  38. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 9 January 1910. Signed by Cardinal Angelo di Pietro and notarized by the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Vatican Secret Archives.
  39. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Tunja, Eduardo Calvo y Maldonado on the Feast of Nativity of Mary. Redeclared via decree, Sedes Religionis dated 4 June 1966; the official patronage was accorded by Pope Pius XII in 1955, signed and notarized by titular Bishop of Tuscany, Cardinal Amleto Giovanni Cicognani. Vatican Secret Archives.
  40. Coronation authorized by the Vatican through a papal bull dated 1 March 1934. Vatican Secret Archives.
  41. Coronation decree granted by Pope Pius XII on 25 March 1942. Vatican Secret Archives.
  42. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Santiago de Cali, Alberto Uribe y Urdaneta signed on 6 July 1958. The rite of coronation was executed by the Papal nuncio to the country, Cardinal Paolo Bertoli. Vatican Secret Archives.
  43. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Nemo Ignorat granted to the Archbishop of Medellín, Tulio Botero y Salazar on 28 November 1958, as signed by Cardinal Domenico Tardini and notarized by the Secretary of the Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Marco Martini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  44. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Santa Rosa de Osos, Miguel Ángel Builes on 8 December 1954. Signed by the initial promoter of the decree, the Archbishop of Bogota, Aníbal Muñoz Duque and notarized by the Secretary of the Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Marco Martini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  45. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 24 May 1970 to the Bishop of Sonson—Rionegro, Alfonso Uribe y Jaramillo. The rite of coronation was executed by the Papal nuncio to the country, Archbishop Angelo Palmas. Vatican Secret Archives.
  46. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. n. 1083/72, S. Martha in Columbia, 17 October 1972. Vatican Secret Archives.
  47. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 818/00/L, 24 July 2000. Vatican Secret Archives.
  48. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 472/08/L, 6 May 2008. Vatican Secret Archives.
  49. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 20 October 1924 to the Bishop of San Jose de Costa Rica, Rafael Oton Castro y Jimenez. Notarized by the Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Domenico Jorio. Vatican Secret Archives.
  50. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 23 October 1953 to Archbishop of Costa Rica, Ruben Odio y Herrera. The decree was notarized by the Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Marco Martini. The rite of coronation was executed by the Archbishop of Quito, Ecuador, Cardinal Carlos María de la Torre y Nieto as the Papal legate. Vatican Secret Archives.
  51. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 711/04/L, 19 June 2004. Vatican Secret Archives.
  52. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 386/17, 25 May 2018. Vatican Secret Archives.
  53. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 229/19, 5 September 2019. Vatican Secret Archives.
  54. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Universis Christi, granted to the Bishop of Orléans, Monsignor Félix Dupanloup, on 11 April 1862. The decree was signed by Cardinal Benedetto Barberini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  55. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Vannes, Jean Marie Becel on 31 March 1868. Vatican Secret Archives.
  56. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Vannes, Jean Marie Becel on 22 May 1868. Redeclared by Cardinal Costantino Patrizi Naro and notarized by the Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, Monsigneur Placidus Ralli on 23 March 1876. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  57. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Intermariales Aedes granted for the fiftieth anniversary of the coronation, signed and notarized for the Archbishop of Bourges, Martin Jerome Izart. Vatican Secret Archives.
  58. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Nimes, François-Nicolas-Xavier-Louis Besson on 27 April 1869. Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  59. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Puy, Pierre le Breton signed and notarized in the Vatican on 31 August 1869. Vatican Secret Archives.
  60. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 15 July 1870. Vatican Secret Archives.
  61. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Besancon, Cardinal Jacques-Marie-Adrien-Césaire Mathieu. Vatican Secret Archives.
  62. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Cambrai, Cardinal René-François Régnier on 15 June 1874. Vatican Secret Archives.
  63. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the parish priest of Marvejols, Father Eugene Roussel on 4 December 1874. The rite of coronation was executed by the Bishop of Mende, Joseph Frederick Saivet. Vatican Secret Archives.
  64. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Monsignor Augustin Hacquard on 16 August 1875. Signed and notarized by Cardinal Fabio Maria Asquini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  65. The title of the Virgin Mary in her apparition to Soubirous Bernadette as Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Public devotion of the cult used officially used the Marian title Our Lady of the Rosary due to the description that she was holding a Brigittine rosary. Years of cult devotion translated her image into its local place of devotion, now known as Our Lady of Lourdes.
  66. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and granted on 1 February 1876 by Pope Pius IX, notarized at the Vatican on the next day. The image was then crowned by Archbishop of Damascus, Pier Francesco Meglia on 3 July the same year. Vatican Secret Archives.
  67. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Avignon, Monsigneur Louis Dubreil. White marble statue purchased from the workshop of Giovanni Maria Benzoni after his death. Vatican Secret Archives.
  68. Pontifical decree signed on 10 May 1878. Notarized by Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, Cardinal Fabio Maria Asquini.
  69. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 15 July 1870 by Pope Pius IX. The image was crowned through a grand public ceremony by Cardinal Henri de Bonnechose on 24 May 1880 at the time of Pope Leo XIII's pontificate.
  70. Pontifical decree of coronation signed on 21 June 1892. Notarized by the Dean of the College of Cardinals, Serafino Vannutelli.
  71. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Mende, Francois Narcisse du Baptifolier on 18 December 1893. Signed and notarized by Cardinal Luigi Macchi. Vatican Secret Archives.
  72. Pontifical decree of coronation granted by Pope Leo XIII to the former Archbishop of Bordeaux, Cardinal Victor-Lucien-Sulpice Lécot on 29 September 1898. The rite of coronation was executed the former Archbishop of Nice, Henri Louis Chapon. Vatican Secret Archives.
  73. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Dies non longe abest, signed on 14 June 1912. Vatican Secret Archives.
  74. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 15 February 1912 to Bishop of Bayeux, Thomas Lemmonier. Vatican Secret Archives.
  75. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Quimper, Adolph Duparc on 7 February 1913. The ceremony of coronation was executed on 31 August 1913. Vatican Secret Archives.
  76. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Uti ad nos Attulisti granted to the Bishop of Brieuc, Francois Marie Serrand, notarized by the Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of Rites and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli. Vatican Secret Archives.
  77. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 8 August 1935 to the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Jean Verdier. Signed and notarized by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli. Vatican Secret Archives.
  78. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Mirabile itedemque granted to Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Papal Nuncio to the country via a special mandate, "De Speciali Mandatum Sanctissimi" both signed and redeclared by the Grand Chancellor of Apostolic Briefs, Monsigneur Domenico Spada on 8 September 1947 in honor of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Vatican Secret Archives.
  79. Pontifical decree of 4 March 1949 granted to the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Emmanuel Célestin Suhard who executed the coronation rite. Vatican Secret Archives.
  80. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 20 July 1890. Redeclared by Pope Pius XI via In Civitate Appellata which raised her sanctuary to the status of Basilica on 23 April 1923. The decree was signed by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Gasparri. Vatican Secret Archives.
  81. Pontifical decree of coronation redeclared by Pope Pius XII via Quam Omnes Gentes on 16 October 1953. Notarized by the Grand Chancellor of Apostolic Briefs, Monsignor Gildo Brugnola. The rite of coronation was executed by Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Anton Hubert Fischer and Cardinal Karl Joseph Schulte von Paderborn. The reading of the coronation decree was assigned to the Franciscan bishop of Nepi—Sutri, Giuseppe Bernardo Doebbing. Vatican Secret Archives.
  82. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 814/79, Ratisbonensis, 19 July 1979. Vatican Secret Archives.
  83. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 139/03/L, 28 October 2003. Vatican Apostolic Archive.
  84. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1830/04/L, 28 October 2004. Vatican Apostolic Archive.
  85. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Pondicherry, François-Jean-Marie Laouënan on 21 February 1886.
  86. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 21 October 1954 by Pope Pius XII, as a "special mandate" (De Speciali Mandatum Sanctissimi) or Motu Proprio, both signed and notarized by Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  87. Date of decree issuance, not the exact date of coronation rites.
  88. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 1658/80, Tokyensis, 10 December 1980. Vatican Secret Archives.
  89. Decree of coronation granted to the Apostolic Vicar of Kuwait, Ubaldo Teofano y Stella, signed by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Domenico Tardini. Notarized by Grand Chancellor of Apostolic Briefs, Monsignor Gildo Brugnola — Prænotanda Numerorum # 29031. Vatican Secret Archives.
  90. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the nobility of Malta on 19 June 1880, for the 'graces offered to the Virgin of Mount Carmel bestowed by the Majesty of the Bishop of Rome through the Vatican Chapter'. Vatican Secret Archives.
  91. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Cardinal Domenico Ferrata on 25 January 1905. The decree titled Interpublicas Illustrioresque dated on 8 April 1913, also granted to Cardinal Domenico Ferrata as papal legate to the Eucharistic Congress of Malta in 1913. The coronation was for the honor of Maltese people at the end of the event. Cardinal Federico Tedeschini added a set of twelve silver stars to the image on 25 June 1955, commemorating its fiftieth anniversary. — Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  92. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 13 February 1910 signed via Cardinal Mariano Rampolla y Tindaro, and notarized by Cardinal Angelo di Pietro. The rite of coronation was executed by Archbishop of Rhodes, Pietro Pace. Vatican Secret Archives.
  93. Pontifical decree of coronation Capitulo Nostro granted to Archbishop Maurus Caruana on 25 April 1920 due to the veneration of the image since the year 1618. Signed by the Secretary deacon of the Vatican Chapter, Monsignor Giulio Malvezzi and notarized by Grand Chancellor of the Vatican Chapter, Monsignor Giuseppe Cascioli. — Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  94. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Marianum Exstat Sanctuarium granted on 24 May 1935 to the Archbishop of Tarsus, Cardinal Alexis Lépicier. — Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  95. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 3 February 1948 to the Archbishop of Malta, Mikiel Gonzi. Notarized by the Regent of the Apostolic Dataria, Marco Martini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  96. Pontifical decree granted on 20 July 1949 to Archbishop Mikiel Gonzi. Notarized by the Regent of the Apostolic Dataria, Marco Martini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  97. Pontifical decree granted on 12 December 1973, signed by Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot. — Prænotanda Numerorum # 246977. Vatican Secret Archives.
  98. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. n. 2477/74, Gaudisiensis, 8 February 1975. Vatican Secret Archives.
  99. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Monsignor Jose Antonio Plancarte y Labastida, a cousin of the former Archbishop of Mexico, Pelagio Antonio de Labastida y Dávalos on 7 December 1885, who executed the rite of coronation. The original Marian title Virgen de Raiz was suppressed due to questionable Pagan origins, having been replaced by Virgen de Esperanza, in addition to the original Child Jesus was also permanently removed as condition for imprimatur.
  100. The Vatican Chapter began its initial investigations on alleged miracles in 1740 and was delayed due to ongoing political conflict. The Pontifical decree of coronation Mexicus Heic Populus was granted on 8 February 1887 for the Archbishop of Mexico, Próspero Alarcón y Sánchez de la Barquera but the decree was initially withheld. The Sacred Congregation of Rites re—opened the case again in 1894 and finally approved a set of Divine Office under this Marian title. The rite of coronation executed in 1895 was assisted by the Archbishop of Michoacán, Jose Ignacio Arciga Ruiz de Chavez. Vatican Secret Archives.
  101. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop Leopoldo Ruiz y Flóres, signed on 20 March 1901. Vatican Secret Archives.
  102. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Guadalajara, Jose de Jesus Ortiz y Rodriguez on 29 January 1904. Vatican Secret Archives.
  103. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and executed by Cardinal Luigi Maglione on 17 July 1943. Vatican Secret Archives.
  104. Decree of coronation granted on 7 October 1943. Vatican Secret Archives.
  105. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and granted to Archbishop of Guadalajara, Juan de Jesus Posadas y Ocampo on 14 November 1945. — Vatican Secret Archives
  106. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and granted on 23 July 1950. — Vatican Secret Archives
  107. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Guadalajara, José Garibi y Rivera on 11 January 1952. Vatican Secret Archives.
  108. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Ex Optime Escriptiis granted to the Archbishop of Morelia, Luis María Altamirano y Bulnes on 26 April 1953. The decree originated from the Apostolic Dataria, Cardinal Federico Tedeschini and was notarized by the Guardian Chancellor of the Vatican Chapter, Monsignor Ferdinand Prosperini Joseph Calderari. Vatican Secret Archives.
  109. Ioannes XXIII, Papam. — Annum Primo Pontificatus— Apostolica Nostra auctoritate, venerabilem Fratrem Martinum del Campo y Padillae Leonensem Episcopum delegamus, ut in nomine et auctoritate nostra diademate auream redimiri impossit de Imago Beatae Immaculatae Virginis in Seminario Dioecesis conservatae ac venerandae. post missam solemnem, iuxta ritum et formulam praescriptam. Neque ullo modo dubitamus quin ex hoc prospero eventu religio crescat ac christifideles Dioecesis cogantur magis ac magis in dies amare ac Matrem Dei venerari. Contrariis quibuslibet rebus haud obstantibus. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, sub anulo Piscatoris, die XIII mensis Februarii anno MDCCCCLIX, Pontificatus Nostri primo.
  110. Pope John XXIII authorized the coronation of the statue on 17 August 1961. Due to necessary preparations, the ceremony would only be carried out 5 years later in 1966.
  111. Pontifical decree of coronation Quandoquidem Beatissima Virgo signed and executed by Cardinal Jean-Marie Villot at the Vatican on 25 July 1974. Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. — Praenotanda Numerorum 263901.
  112. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 796/81, Durangensis, 23 July 1981. Vatican Secret Archives.
  113. The date the decree of coronation was issued, not the coronation rites itself.
  114. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 2736/98/L, 11 March 1999. Vatican Secret Archives.
  115. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1775/04/L, 21 October 2004. Vatican Secret Archives.
  116. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1123/11/L, 17 December 2011. Vatican Secret Archives.
  117. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 307/15, 21 May 2015. Vatican Secret Archives.
  118. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 493/22, 14 March 2023. Vatican Secret Archives.
  119. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Bishop of Roermond, Joseph Hubert Drehmanns. Vatican Secret Archives.
  120. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Roermond, Joseph Hubert William Lemmens on 15 March 1956. The wooden statue was supplied in 1840 by the Congregatio Fratrum Immaculatæ Conceptionis based in Maastricht, later transferred to the Church of Saint Matthias after the Second World War.
  121. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 301/18, 30 July 2018. Vatican Secret Archives.
  122. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 982/79, S. Ioannes Baptista a Missionibus, 24 September 1979. Vatican Secret Archives.
  123. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Lima, Emilio Lissón signed and notarized on 20 June 1921. Vatican Secret Archives.
  124. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Lima, Emilio Lissón signed and notarized on 31 May 1927. Vatican Secret Archives.
  125. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the first Cardinal of Peru, the Archbishop of Lima, Juan Guevara signed and notarized on 2 February 1947. Vatican Secret Archives.
  126. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Archbishop of Lima, Juan Guevara on 12 April 1951. — Sacred Congregation of Rites.
  127. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 694/03/L, 20 May 2003. Vatican Secret Archives.
  128. Pontifical decree of coronation signed for Archbishop of Palmyra, Ambrose Agius from the letter of Papal Audience granted to the Chaplain of Santa Catalina Normal School, Dominican priest Santiago Paya on 4 April 1906. Vatican Secret Archives.
  129. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Nueva Caceres, John Bernard MacGinley on 13 May 1920. Vatican Secret Archives.
  130. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and notarized by Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, Cardinal Antonio Vico on 25 August 1925. Vatican Secret Archives.
  131. Pontifical decree of coronation granted via Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val to the Archbishop of Manila, Michael James O'Doherty on 18 June 1925. Signed and notarized by Regent of the Apostolic Chancery, Vincenzo Bianchi Cagliesi and Chancellor Guardian of the Vatican Chapter, Giuseppe Cascioli. Vatican Secret Archives.
  132. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 12 May 1954 to the Archbishop of Nueva Segovia, Juan Callanta y Sison. Signed by the Secretary Deacon of the Vatican Chapter, Giulio Carlo Rossi and notarized by the Guardian Chancellor of the Vatican Chapter, Monsignor Ferdinand Prosperini Joseph Calderari. The rite of coronation was executed by Cardinal Egidio Vagnozzi. Vatican Secret Archives.
  133. Pope Pius XII authorized the coronation, decreeing it on 26 July 1954. Vatican Secret Archives.
  134. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 21 November 1954 to the Archbishop of Lipa, Alejandro Olalia y Ayson. Signed by the Secretary Deacon of the Vatican Chapter, Giulio Carlo Rossi and notarized by the Guardian Chancellor of the Vatican Chapter, Monsignor Ferdinand Prosperini Joseph Calderari. The rite of coronation was executed by the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Cardinal Fernando Quiroga Palacios. Vatican Secret Archives.
  135. Pope Pius XII authorized the coronation, decreeing it on 3 December 1955. Vatican Secret Archives.
  136. Pontifical decree of coronation from 15 July 1956 and granted to Bishop of San Fernando, Caesar Maria Guerrero y Rodriguez. Signed by the Secretary Deacon of the Vatican Chapter, Giulio Carlo Rossi and notarized by the Secretary of the Apostolic Dataria, Marco Martini.
  137. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Lucena, Alfredo Obviar de Maria y Aranda on 19 May 1957. Signed by the Deacon Secretary of the Vatican Chapter, Benjamin Nardone and notarized by the Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Marco Martini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  138. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of San Fernando, Emilio Cinense y Abera on 7 October 1958, signed by Canon Secretary, Giulio Barbella and notarized by Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Marco Martini. Vatican Secret Archives.
  139. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Bishop Juan Callanta y Sison on 7 September 1959, signed by Canon Secretary, Giulio Barbella and notarized by Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Marco Martini. The rite of coronation was executed by the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Salvatore Siino. Vatican Secret Archives.
  140. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Novissima in Insulis signed on 19 December 1963. Notarized by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Amleto Giovanni Cicognani.
  141. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Cardinal Sin.[ when? ] Vatican Secret Archives.
  142. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1127/99/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  143. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 2596/99/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  144. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1630/04/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  145. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 552/06/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  146. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 841/08/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  147. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1001/10/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  148. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 77/11/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  149. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1000/10/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  150. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 599/14. Vatican Secret Archives.
  151. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 240/16. Vatican Secret Archives.
  152. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 302/17. Vatican Secret Archives.
  153. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 495/17. Vatican Secret Archives.
  154. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 20/18. Vatican Secret Archives.
  155. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 63/18. Vatican Secret Archives.
  156. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 583/17. Vatican Secret Archives.
  157. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 481/17. Vatican Secret Archives.
  158. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 469/18. Vatican Secret Archives.
  159. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 103/19. Vatican Secret Archives.
  160. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 109/20. Vatican Secret Archives.
  161. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 339/19. Vatican Secret Archives.
  162. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 55/19. Vatican Secret Archives.
  163. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 431/20. Vatican Secret Archives.
  164. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 172/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  165. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 336/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  166. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 225/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  167. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 428/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  168. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 632/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  169. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 499/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  170. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 219/22. Vatican Secret Archives.
  171. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 326/22. Vatican Secret Archives.
  172. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 408/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  173. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 173/21. Vatican Secret Archives.
  174. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 371/23. Vatican Secret Archives.
  175. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 18/24. Vatican Secret Archives.
  176. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 219/24. Vatican Secret Archives.
  177. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 258/24. Vatican Secret Archives.
  178. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 525/24. Vatican Secret Archives.
  179. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 700/24. Vatican Secret Archives.
  180. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 144/25. Vatican Secret Archives.
  181. The image was blessed by the Pope in October 1875, but the pontifical decree was granted on 22 December 1876. It left Rome to Portugal in 1878, upon completion of payment for the manufactured image.
  182. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Celeberrima Solemnia granted to Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella, signed and dated on 25 April 1946 by Pope Pius XII via the same Papal legate, Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella. — Pope John Paul II made an addendum by placing his assassination bullet within the same crown in 1982. Out of the six official statues created by José Ferreira Thedim, only the image at the Chapel of the Apparitions (a part of the Sanctuary of Fátima) is canonically crowned.
  183. Simultaneously with the Fourth Pan-European Forum of Brotherhoods and Confraternities .
  184. By the Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça.
  185. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 165/20. Vatican Secret Archives.
  186. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. CD 566/76, Porturicus, 13 September 1976. Vatican Secret Archives.
  187. The decree of coronation is granted by Pope Benedict XV on 15 October 1921.
  188. Papal decree of coronation granted on 24 February 1923. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  189. Papal decree of coronation granted on 23 September 1924. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  190. The coronation is authorized by Pope Benedict XV in 1917.
  191. Coronation authorized and granted by Pope Pius XII through decree dated 18 May 1958. The coronation is carried out in 1963, during the pontificate of Pope John XXIII.
  192. The original image was destroyed by severe flooding on 19 October 1973.
  193. Papal decree of coronation granted on 5 January 1965. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  194. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. n. 67/69, Conchensis in Hispania, 10 June 1969. Vatican Secret Archives.
  195. The coronation is authorized by Pope John XXIII in 1959.
  196. Pope John Paul II authorized the coronation through a decree dated 16 March 2004 — Prot. n. 387/04/L
  197. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 883/06/L, 17 July 2006. Vatican Secret Archives.
  198. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 748/07/L, 26 June 2007. Vatican Secret Archives.
  199. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 658/08/L, 19 June 2008. Vatican Secret Archives.
  200. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Seville, Juan Asenjo Pelegrina and the rector of the Salesian Order of Cordoba, signed and notarized on 2 April 2008. Vatican Secret Archives.
  201. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 61/10/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  202. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 96/11/L, 9 March 2011. Vatican Secret Archives.
  203. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 366/11/L, 15 June 2011. Vatican Secret Archives.
  204. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 55/14/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  205. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 10/17, 8 June 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  206. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 207/17, 15 May 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  207. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 269/17, 23 July 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  208. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 342/17, 31 July 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  209. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 588/16, 26 January 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  210. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 350/17, 25 July 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  211. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 144/18, 20 April 2018. Vatican Secret Archives.
  212. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 67/19. Vatican Secret Archives.
  213. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 233/19, 12 June 2019. Vatican Secret Archives.
  214. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 12/19, 24 January 2019. Vatican Secret Archives.
  215. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 19/22. Vatican Secret Archives.
  216. Pope Francis, Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 491/22, 18 October 2022. Vatican Secret Archives.
  217. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, Cardinal Willem Marinus van Rossum; signed by the Canon of the Vatican Chapter and notarized by the Secretary of Apostolic Dataria, Monsignor Domenico Jorio on 7 April 1921. Vatican Secret Archives.
  218. Sacra Congregatio pro Sacramentis et Cultu Divino: Prot. n. 1818/71, Columbensis in Ceylon, 23 October 1971. Vatican Secret Archives.
  219. Pontifical decree titled Admotæ Nobis signed and granted to the Bishop of Basel, Eugène Amable Jean Claude Lachat on 3 September 1869. Vatican Secret Archives.
  220. Pontifical decree titled Didicimus Nobis granted to the Bishop of Lausanne and Geneva, Joseph Deruaz on 12 August 1902. Signed and notarized by Cardinal Luigi Macchi. Redeclared by Pope Pius XI via Venerabile Fratre Lausannensium which raised the shrine to the status of Minor Basilica on 16 May 1932 on the thirtieth occasion of canonical coronation. Signed by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli. Vatican Secret Archives.
  221. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Non Levi Animi Delectatione granted to Archbishop of Milan, Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster on 21 March 1934. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  222. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg, Marius Besson on 26 April 1936. Vatican Secret Archives.
  223. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 464/20, 19 February 2021. Vatican Secret Archives.
  224. Pope John Paul II personally crowned the icon in 2001 during his apostolic visit to the country. On 20 November 2013, Pope Francis officially decreed the coronation with special privileges through the Congregation for Divine Worship — Protocol Number: 790/12/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  225. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 2601/00/L, 13 July 2001. Vatican Secret Archives.
  226. Pope Benedict XVI, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 592/07/L, 24 May 2007. Vatican Secret Archives.
  227. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 251/17, 8 May 2017. Vatican Secret Archives.
  228. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 7/22, 14 March 2022. Vatican Secret Archives.
  229. Crowned by the Papal legate to Great Britain, Gerald O'Hara on the Feast of the Assumption 1954 with gold donations from devotees accompanied with Papal bull from Rome. No canonical approval yet granted for "Our Lady of Willesden" or "Our Lady of Caversham".
  230. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 21 June 1894 to Bishop of New Orleans, Francis Janssens y August. The statue was funded by Reverend Mother Saint Michel, and was later granted the title of Archconfraternity. Decree was notarized by the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide.
  231. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to Father Scipio Tofini of the Order of Pallotines on 12 May 1903.
  232. Venerated within her own chapel in the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
  233. Pope John Paul II personally blessed and crowned the image in 1998, whilst its coronation being decreed only in 2001: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 1445/01/L, 19 July 2001. Vatican Secret Archives.
  234. Pope Benedict XVI authorized the coronation in 2012, due to the process of waiting for the finished crown occurred on 22 August 2013, at Pope Francis' new pontificate via the Papal nuncio to the country, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. The crown was manufactured in Rome by the gold artisans, Fratelli Savi Gioielli.
  235. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 251/18, 24 January 2019. Vatican Secret Archives.
  236. Pope John XXIII issued the coronation bull Magna Dei, hominuimque Mater on 8 May 1961, granting the privilege of crowning the image. The ceremony was carried out on November 12, along with the National Pilgrimage to her shrine. Vatican Secret Archives.
  237. Pontifical decree of coronation Urbi Valentinæ redeclared by Pope John XXIII on 10 February 1960 for the fiftieth anniversary of the coronation of the venerated image along with raising its status to Minor Basilica.
  238. Coronation authorized by decree of Pope Benedict XV, being granted to the Bishop of Zulia, Arturo Celestino Álvarez on 16 July 1917. The coronation took place after 25 years in 1942 under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.
  239. Coronation petitioned and approve by Pope Pius XII in 1956.
  240. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Magna fidelium veneratione granted to the Bishop of Barquisimeto, Críspulo Benítez Fontúrvel on 23 November 1965. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  241. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 132/04/L. Vatican Secret Archives.
  242. Pontifical decree of coronation signed and granted on 24 January 2013. The image is crowned on 26 December 2014 under the pontificate of Pope Francis.
  243. Pope Francis, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 517/19. Vatican Secret Archives.
  244. Pontifical letter of decree by Pope Leo XII to the Council Patriarch of the Vatican Chapter, Cardinal Pietro Francesco Galleffi authorizing the formal imposition of a manufactured golden diadem. Sacred Congregation of Rites. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  245. Pontifical decree of coronation granted by the Rosary Pope on 23 July 1899 to the Bishop Ordinary of Salta, Matías Linares Sanzetenea. He was the first Catholic Bishop born in Salta, Argentina.
  246. Pontifical letter of decree Aedes Deo Sacras granted to the Archbishop of Malines, Monsigneur Pierre-Lambert Goosens on 28 April 1903, authorizing the formal imposition of a golden diadem on the head of the Sacred Heart of Christ. Signed by Cardinal Aloysius Luigi Macchi and notarized by the Sacred Congregation of Rites. — Vatican Secret Archives. — Leonis XIII, Papam — Dilecte Fili Noster, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Aedes Deo Sacras, arte non minus quam cultu ac fidelium concursu celebratas, praecipuis honoribus ex more institutoque Romanorum Pontificum ditare libenti quidem animo solemus. Novimus itaque in tua ista dioecesi Mechliniensi, idest in sub- urbio Antverpiae civitatis vulgo Berchem nuncupato, insigne extare templum Sanctissimi Iesu Cordi dicatum, et ab hac Apostolica Sede titulo Basilicae minoris auctum, cui pia filiarum ab eodem Sanctissimi Corde Congregatio inservit, et quod christianus populus summa religione veneratur. Cum vero quintus et vigesimus annus ab hoc extructo templo propediem expleatur, Tuque, dilecte Fili Noster, hac data occasione instanter a Nobis petieris, ut ibidem positam Sanctissimi Iesu Cordis imaginem habeas coronandi facultatem; Nos, quo tam frugifer cultus magis magisque augeatur in dies, piis huiusmodi votis censuimus obsecun- dandum. Quare omnes et singulos, quibus hae Nostrae Litterae favent a quibusvis excom m unicationis et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris ac poenis, si quas forte incurrerit, huius tantum rei gratia absolventes et absolutos fore censentes, tibi, dilecte Fili Noster, praesentium tenore committimus, ut dictam Sanctissimi Iesu Cordis imaginem in memorato templo Suburbii Antverpiensis existentem die per te eligendo sollemni ritu, servatisque servandis, Nostro nomine et auctoritate coronare licite queas. Quo autem sollemne huiusmodi Sacrum in spirituale quoque Christifidelium bonum cedat, omnibus ac singulis utriusque sexus fidelibus, qui vere poenitentes et confessi ac S. Communione refecti, ipso Coronationis die, vel in posterum diebus eiusdem Coronationis anniversariis praefatum templum visitaverint, ibique ante supradictam Sanctissimi Iesu Cordis imaginem pro Christianorum Principum concordia, haeresum extirpatione, peccatorum conversione atque Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione, pias ad Deum preces effuderint, Plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum indulgentiam et remissionem, quam etiam animabus Christifidelium, quae Deo in charitate coniunctae ab hac luce migraverint, per modum suffragii applicari posse con- cedimus ac largimur. Non obstantibus contrariis quibuscumque. — Datum Romae apud Sancti Petrum sub annulo Piscatoris die 28 Aprilis 1903, Pontificatus Nostri anno vigesimo sexto. — Sigillium Vaticanus — Sacra Congregatione Rituum — Aloysius Cardinalem Macchi.
  247. Pontifical letter of decree dated 24 February 1924 that was granted to the Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  248. Pontifical decree titled Cunabula Religionis granted on 27 February 1964. — Vatican Secret Archives.
  249. Pope John Paul II, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — Protocol Number: 2597/99/L, 7 December 1999. Vatican Secret Archives.
  250. Saint Joseph within the icon of the Holy Family. The image of Saint Joseph wears a golden ring donated by Pope John XXIII in 1963, accompanied with a personal letter of "consecration".
  251. Coronation requested by the Carmelite fathers. Pontifical letter granted to the Archbishop of Malines, Primate of Belgium Victor-Auguste-Isidor Deschamps on 20 October 1869. The rite of coronation was executed by Cardinal Giacomo Cattani. Notarized and copied. Vatican Secret Archives.
  252. Pontifical decree granted by Pope Pius X to the Bishop of Angers, Joseph Rumeau on 27 July 1906. Vatican Secret Archives.
  253. Pontifical decree of coronation titled Praerito Quidem Anno granted to Cardinal Archbishop Paul-Émile Léger on 21 July 1955. Vatican Secret Archives.
  254. Pontifical decree of coronation granted to the Archbishop of Toledo, Cardinal Enrique Reig y Casanova on 1 January 1920. The rite of coronation was executed by the Bishop of Barcelona, Ramon Guillamet y Coma. Vatican Secret Archives.
  255. Pontifical decree of coronation granted on 27 March 1957 to the former Archbishop of Guadalajara, Francisco Orozco y Jiménez on behalf of the nobility in Zapotlan. Rite of coronation was executed by three prelates, Archbishop of Guadalajara, José Garibi y Rivera (Saint Joseph), the Papal nuncio to the country, Cardinal Luigi Raimondi (the Child Jesus) and Archbishop of Mexico, Miguel Darío Miranda y Gómez (the "Virgin of the Holy Rosary"). Vatican Secret Archives.
  256. The Papal Bull stored within the Vatican Secret Archives was signed by Pope Pius XII on 27 July 1956.