Economy of Hong Kong

Last updated

Economy of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Harbour Night 2019-06-11.jpg
Central and Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong
Currency Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
1 April – 31 March
Trade organisations
APEC, WTO, Group of Twenty (Chinese delegation), One Belt One Road, AIIB and ICC etc.
Country group
PopulationIncrease2.svg 7,498,100 (2023) [3]
  • Increase2.svg $407 billion (nominal, 2024) [4]
  • Increase2.svg $570 billion (PPP, 2024) [4]
GDP rank
GDP growth
  • +6.4% (2021) −3.5% (2022) [5]
GDP per capita
  • Increase2.svg $53,606 (nominal, 2024) [4]
  • Increase2.svg $75,128 (PPP, 2024) [4]
GDP per capita rank
GDP by sector
1.9% (2022) [5]
Population below poverty line
19.9% (2016 est.) [6]
53.9 high (2016) [6]
Labour force
  • Decrease2.svg 3,946,772 (2019) [8]
  • Decrease2.svg 59.0% employment rate (2016) [9]
Labour force by occupation
  • manufacturing: 6.5%
  • construction: 2.1%
  • wholesale and retail trade, restaurants, and hotels: 43.3%
  • financing, insurance, and real estate, professional and business service: 20.7%
  • transport and communications: 7.8%
  • community, social, and personal services: 19.5%
Unemployment4.3% (2022) [5]
Average gross salary
HK$ 19,100
US$ 2,439
per month (2022 May) [10]
HK$ 17,883
US$ 2,284
per month (2022 May) [11]
Main industries
financing and insurance, import and export trade, professional and business services
Exports$533.6 billion (2023) [5]
Main export partners
Imports$593.3 billion (2023) [5]
Main import partners
FDI stock
  • Increase2.svg$2.2 trillion (31 December 2017 est.) [6]
  • Increase2.svg Abroad: $2.036 trillion (31 December 2017 est.) [6]
Increase2.svg $14.75 billion (2017 est.) [6]
Decrease Positive.svg $633.6 billion (31 December 2017 est.) [6]
Public finances
0.1% of GDP (2017 est.) [6]
+5.2% (of GDP) (2017 est.) [6]
Revenues79.34 billion (2017 est.) [6]
Expenses61.64 billion (2017 est.) [6]
Standard & Poor's: [12]
AAA (Domestic)
AAA (Foreign)
AAA (T&C Assessment)
Outlook: Stable [13]
Moody's: [13]
Outlook: Negative
Fitch: [13]
Outlook: Stable
$430.7 billion (April 2023) [14]
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars.

The economy of Hong Kong is a highly developed free-market economy. It is characterised by low taxation, almost free port trade and a well-established international financial market. [15] [16] Its currency, called the Hong Kong dollar, is legally issued by three major international commercial banks, [17] and is pegged to the US dollar. [18] [19] Interest rates are determined by the individual banks in Hong Kong to ensure that they are market driven. [20] There is no officially recognised central banking system, although the Hong Kong Monetary Authority functions as a financial regulatory authority. [21] [22]


Its economy is governed under positive non-interventionism, and is highly dependent on international trade and finance. For this reason it is regarded as among the most favorable places to start a company. In fact, a recent study shows that Hong Kong has come from 998 registered start-ups in 2014 to over 2800 in 2018, with eCommerce (22%), Fintech (12%), Software (12%) and Advertising (11%) companies comprising the majority. [23] The Economic Freedom of the World Index lists Hong Kong as the second freest territory, with a score of 8.55 based on data from 2021. [24]

Hong Kong's economic strengths include a sound banking system, virtually no public debt, a strong legal system, ample foreign exchange reserves with assets of US$481.6 billion represent over six times the currency in circulation or about 46 per cent of Hong Kong dollar M3 as at the end of March 2022, [25] rigorous anti-corruption measures and close ties with mainland China. [26] The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is a favourable destination for international firms and firms from mainland China to be listed, due to Hong Kong's highly internationalised and modernised financial industry. Additional advantages include the city's capital market in Asia, its size, regulations and available financial tools, which are comparable to London and New York City. [27] [28]

Hong Kong's gross domestic product had grown 180 times between 1961 and 1997. Also, the GDP per capita rose by 87 times within the same time frame. [29] Its economy is slightly larger than Chile's or Romania's [30] [31] [32] and its GDP per capita at purchasing power parity was the twelfth highest globally in 2023. By the latter measure, its GDP per capita was higher than those of the Netherlands, and slightly lower than Brunei. In 2009, Hong Kong's real economic growth fell by 2.8% as a result of the Great Recession. [33]

By the late 20th century, Hong Kong was the seventh largest port in the world and second only to New York City and Rotterdam in terms of container throughput. Hong Kong is a full Member of the World Trade Organization. [34] The Kwai Chung container complex was[ when? ] the largest in Asia, while Hong Kong shipping owners were[ when? ] second only to those of Greece in terms of total tonnage holdings in the world. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the sixth largest in the world, with a market capitalisation of about US$3.732 trillion. [35]

Hong Kong has also had an abundant supply of labour from the regions nearby. A skilled labour force coupled with the adoption of modern British/Western business methods and technology ensured that opportunities for external trade, investment, and recruitment were maximised. Prices and wages in Hong Kong are relatively flexible, depending on the performance and stability of the economy of Hong Kong. [36]

Hong Kong raises revenues from the sale and taxation of land and through attracting international businesses to provide capital for its public finance, due to its low tax policy. According to Healy Consultants, Hong Kong has the most attractive business environment within East Asia, in terms of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). [37] In 2013, Hong Kong was the third largest recipient of FDI in the world. [38]

Hong Kong ranked fourth on the Tax Justice Network's 2011 Financial Secrecy Index. [39] The Hong Kong Government was the fourth highest ranked Asian government [40] in the World Economic Forum's Network Readiness Index (NRI), a measure of a government's information and communication technologies in 2016, and ranked 13th globally. [41]

Since the 1997 handover

Since the 1997 handover, Hong Kong's economic future became far more exposed to the challenges of economic globalisation and the direct competition from cities in mainland China. In particular, Shanghai claimed to have a geographical advantage. The Shanghai municipal government dreamt of turning the city into China's main economic centre by as early as 2010. [42]

Since the 1997 handover, Hong Kong's share of China's GDP has dropped from 18.4% to 2.1% in 2021. In 2021, the Housing Price Index was double of what it was in 1997, while the Real Wage Index was almost unchanged. [43]

Positive non-interventionism

Hong Kong's economic policy has often been cited by economists such as Milton Friedman and the Cato Institute as an example of laissez-faire capitalism, attributing the city's success to the government having a relatively low level of involvement in the economy. However, others have argued that the economic strategy is not at all adequately characterised by the term laissez-faire. [44] They point out that there are still many ways in which the government is involved in the economy, some of which exceed the degree of involvement in other capitalist countries. For example, the government is involved in public works projects, healthcare, education, and social welfare spending. Further, although rates of taxation on personal and corporate income are low by international standards, unlike most other countries Hong Kong's government raises a significant portion of its revenues from land leases and land taxation. All land in Hong Kong is owned by the government and is leased to private developers and users on fixed terms, for fees which are paid to the state treasury. By restricting the sale of land leases, the Hong Kong government keeps the price of land at what some consider as artificially high prices and this allows the government to support public spending with a low tax rate on income and profit. [45] Moreover, as demonstrated in the regulation of finance companies in the 1970s and 1980s, the principle of positive non-interventionism in practice involved the government intervening in markets, albeit often hesitantly and belatedly, when the public interest was perceived to be threatened. The concept evolved towards a policy of "when in doubt, do nothing" during this period of financial instability. [46]

Economic freedom

In 2020, Hong Kong was ranked as the world's second-freest economy after Singapore in the Index of Economic Freedom , published by The Heritage Foundation. [47] [48] The index measures restrictions on business, trade, investment, finance, property rights and labour, and considers the impact of corruption, government size and monetary controls in 183 economies. Hong Kong is the only economy to have scored 90 points or above on the 100-point scale, achieved in 2014 and 2018. [49]

In 2021, The Heritage Foundation removed Hong Kong as a separate entity from China from its list of freest economics of the world, citing increasing interference from the Chinese government in Hong Kong's governmental system and democratic process. With this, Hong Kong, along with Macao, lost a position they had held in the index since the index's inception in 1995. At the time of the removal from the index, the founder of the Heritage Foundation indicated that while the SARs "offer their citizens more economic freedom than is available to the average citizen of China", these economic policies are still "ultimately controlled from Beijing". [50]

On March 19, 2024, the Basic Law Article 23 (Article 23 law) was officially promulgated and took effect on March 23, 2024. The central and local government believe that this law, which safeguards national security as Article 23 states, will enable Hong Kong to transition from stability to prosperity. Zheng Yanxiong, Director of the Central Government's Liaison Office, stated that the city can now fully commit to developing the economy and improving the livelihoods of residents, thanks to the "iron wall" of its domestic national security law. [51]

Economic data

Development of real GDP per capita in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China GDP per capita in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mailand China.svg
Development of real GDP per capita in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China

The following table shows the main economic indicators in 1980–2021 (with IMF staff estimates in 2022–2027). Inflation below 5% is in green. [52]


(in Bil. US$PPP)

GDP per capita

(in US$ PPP)


(in Bil. US$nominal)

GDP per capita

(in US$ nominal)

GDP growth


Inflation rate

(in Percent)


(in Percent)

Government debt

(in % of GDP)

1981Increase2.svg43.1Increase2.svg8,325.5Increase2.svg31.1Increase2.svg5,995.2Increase2.svg9.2%Increase Negative.svg9.5%Increase Negative.svg3.9%n/a
1982Increase2.svg47.1Increase2.svg8,956.7Increase2.svg32.3Increase2.svg6,139.0Increase2.svg2.9%Increase Negative.svg11.0%Decrease Positive.svg3.5%n/a
1983Increase2.svg51.9Increase2.svg9,701.3Decrease2.svg29.9Decrease2.svg5,590.2Increase2.svg6.0%Increase Negative.svg9.9%Increase Negative.svg4.4%n/a
1984Increase2.svg59.2Increase2.svg10,892.1Increase2.svg33.5Increase2.svg6,170.5Increase2.svg10.0%Increase Negative.svg8.5%Decrease Positive.svg3.9%n/a
1985Increase2.svg61.5Increase2.svg11,173.8Increase2.svg35.7Increase2.svg6,490.4Increase2.svg0.7%Increase2.svg3.6%Decrease Positive.svg3.2%n/a
1986Increase2.svg69.7Increase2.svg12,515.9Increase2.svg41.1Increase2.svg7,380.1Increase2.svg11.1%Increase2.svg3.6%Decrease Positive.svg2.8%n/a
1987Increase2.svg80.9Increase2.svg14,415.0Increase2.svg50.6Increase2.svg9,015.2Increase2.svg13.4%Increase Negative.svg5.7%Decrease Positive.svg1.7%n/a
1988Increase2.svg90.9Increase2.svg16,032.8Increase2.svg59.7Increase2.svg10,527.5Increase2.svg8.5%Increase Negative.svg7.8%Decrease Positive.svg1.4%n/a
1989Increase2.svg96.6Increase2.svg16,877.5Increase2.svg68.8Increase2.svg12,012.6Increase2.svg2.3%Increase Negative.svg10.2%Decrease Positive.svg1.1%n/a
1990Increase2.svg104.1Increase2.svg18,099.3Increase2.svg76.9Increase2.svg13,374.3Increase2.svg3.8%Increase Negative.svg10.3%Increase Negative.svg1.3%n/a
1991Increase2.svg113.8Increase2.svg19,563.0Increase2.svg89.0Increase2.svg15,297.6Increase2.svg5.7%Increase Negative.svg11.2%Increase Negative.svg1.8%n/a
1992Increase2.svg123.6Increase2.svg20,995.4Increase2.svg104.3Increase2.svg17,710.5Increase2.svg6.2%Increase Negative.svg9.6%Increase Negative.svg2.0%n/a
1993Increase2.svg134.4Increase2.svg22,405.6Increase2.svg120.4Increase2.svg20,065.7Increase2.svg6.2%Increase Negative.svg8.8%Steady2.svg2.0%n/a
1994Increase2.svg145.5Increase2.svg23,784.5Increase2.svg135.8Increase2.svg22,194.0Increase2.svg6.0%Increase Negative.svg8.8%Decrease Positive.svg1.9%n/a
1995Increase2.svg152.1Increase2.svg24,262.2Increase2.svg144.7Increase2.svg23,070.5Increase2.svg2.4%Increase Negative.svg9.0%Increase Negative.svg3.2%n/a
1996Increase2.svg161.5Increase2.svg24,975.4Increase2.svg159.7Increase2.svg24,699.0Increase2.svg4.3%Increase Negative.svg6.3%Decrease Positive.svg2.8%n/a
1997Increase2.svg172.7Increase2.svg26,496.4Increase2.svg177.3Increase2.svg27,214.6Increase2.svg5.1%Increase Negative.svg5.8%Decrease Positive.svg2.2%n/a
1998Decrease2.svg164.3Decrease2.svg24,962.9Decrease2.svg168.9Decrease2.svg25,649.1Decrease2.svg-5.9%Increase2.svg2.8%Increase Negative.svg4.7%n/a
1999Increase2.svg170.8Increase2.svg25,737.3Decrease2.svg165.7Decrease2.svg24,969.0Increase2.svg2.5%Increase2.svg-4.0%Increase Negative.svg6.3%n/a
2000Increase2.svg188.1Increase2.svg28,025.5Increase2.svg171.6Increase2.svg25,574.5Increase2.svg7.7%Increase2.svg-3.7%Decrease Positive.svg4.9%n/a
2001Increase2.svg193.4Increase2.svg28,737.1Decrease2.svg169.4Decrease2.svg25,166.9Increase2.svg0.6%Increase2.svg-1.6%Increase Negative.svg5.1%n/a
2002Increase2.svg199.7Increase2.svg29,688.3Decrease2.svg166.3Decrease2.svg24,731.1Increase2.svg1.7%Increase2.svg-3.0%Increase Negative.svg7.3%n/a
2003Increase2.svg209.8Increase2.svg31,022.4Decrease2.svg161.4Decrease2.svg23,856.5Increase2.svg3.1%Increase2.svg-2.6%Increase Negative.svg7.9%n/a
2004Increase2.svg234.2Increase2.svg34,456.0Increase2.svg169.1Increase2.svg24,873.9Increase2.svg8.7%Increase2.svg-0.4%Decrease Positive.svg6.8%1.9%
2005Increase2.svg259.4Increase2.svg37,938.2Increase2.svg181.6Increase2.svg26,551.8Increase2.svg7.4%Increase2.svg0.9%Decrease Positive.svg5.6%Decrease Positive.svg1.7%
2006Increase2.svg286.2Increase2.svg41,456.1Increase2.svg193.5Increase2.svg28,028.2Increase2.svg7.0%Increase2.svg2.0%Decrease Positive.svg4.8%Decrease Positive.svg1.4%
2007Increase2.svg313.0Increase2.svg45,106.1Increase2.svg211.6Increase2.svg30,494.6Increase2.svg6.5%Increase2.svg2.0%Decrease Positive.svg4.0%Decrease Positive.svg1.2%
2008Increase2.svg325.8Increase2.svg46,777.4Increase2.svg219.3Increase2.svg31,487.9Increase2.svg2.1%Increase2.svg4.3%Decrease Positive.svg3.5%Decrease Positive.svg1.0%
2009Decrease2.svg319.8Decrease2.svg45,706.2Decrease2.svg214.0Decrease2.svg30,594.0Decrease2.svg-2.5%Increase2.svg0.6%Increase Negative.svg5.3%Decrease Positive.svg0.7%
2010Increase2.svg345.5Increase2.svg48,996.0Increase2.svg228.6Increase2.svg32,421.4Increase2.svg6.8%Increase2.svg2.3%Decrease Positive.svg4.3%Decrease Positive.svg0.6%
2011Increase2.svg369.7Increase2.svg51,998.8Increase2.svg248.5Increase2.svg34,955.1Increase2.svg4.8%Increase Negative.svg5.3%Decrease Positive.svg3.4%Steady2.svg0.6%
2012Increase2.svg373.5Increase2.svg52,082.4Increase2.svg262.6Increase2.svg36,623.7Increase2.svg1.7%Increase2.svg4.1%Decrease Positive.svg3.3%Decrease Positive.svg0.5%
2013Increase2.svg385.4Increase2.svg53,453.6Increase2.svg275.7Increase2.svg38,233.4Increase2.svg3.1%Increase2.svg4.3%Increase Negative.svg3.4%Decrease Positive.svg0.5%
2014Increase2.svg396.0Increase2.svg54,604.9Increase2.svg291.5Increase2.svg40,185.3Increase2.svg2.8%Increase2.svg4.4%Decrease Positive.svg3.3%Decrease Positive.svg0.1%
2015Increase2.svg411.3Increase2.svg56,266.9Increase2.svg309.4Increase2.svg42,325.4Increase2.svg2.4%Increase2.svg3.0%Increase Negative.svg3.3%Steady2.svg0.1%
2016Increase2.svg419.8Increase2.svg56,903.2Increase2.svg320.9Increase2.svg43,488.2Increase2.svg2.2%Increase2.svg2.4%Increase Negative.svg3.4%Steady2.svg0.1%
2017Increase2.svg442.4Increase2.svg59,667.9Increase2.svg341.3Increase2.svg46,025.7Increase2.svg3.8%Increase2.svg1.5%Decrease Positive.svg3.1%Steady2.svg0.1%
2018Increase2.svg465.9Increase2.svg62,220.8Increase2.svg361.7Increase2.svg48,310.0Increase2.svg2.8%Increase2.svg2.4%Decrease Positive.svg2.8%Steady2.svg0.1%
2019Increase2.svg466.3Decrease2.svg61,999.4Increase2.svg363.1Decrease2.svg48,274.9Decrease2.svg-1.7%Increase2.svg2.9%Increase Negative.svg2.9%Increase Negative.svg0.3%
2020Decrease2.svg441.0Decrease2.svg59,380.4Decrease2.svg344.9Decrease2.svg46,443.6Decrease2.svg-6.5%Increase2.svg0.3%Increase Negative.svg5.8%Increase Negative.svg1.0%
2021Increase2.svg488.5Increase2.svg65,980.6Increase2.svg369.2Increase2.svg49,865.4Increase2.svg6.3%Increase2.svg1.6%Decrease Positive.svg5.2%Increase Negative.svg2.1%
2022Increase2.svg518.7Increase2.svg69,987.0Decrease2.svg368.4Decrease2.svg49,699.6Decrease2.svg-0.9%Increase2.svg1.9%Decrease Positive.svg4.5%Increase Negative.svg3.3%
2023Increase2.svg558.4Increase2.svg75,134.8Increase2.svg387.5Increase2.svg52,132.1Increase2.svg3.9%Increase2.svg2.4%Decrease Positive.svg4.0%Increase Negative.svg4.3%
2024Increase2.svg587.1Increase2.svg78,651.5Increase2.svg406.7Increase2.svg54,494.0Increase2.svg3.0%Increase2.svg2.5%Decrease Positive.svg3.7%Increase Negative.svg4.7%
2025Increase2.svg615.2Increase2.svg81,952.1Increase2.svg427.3Increase2.svg56,912.0Increase2.svg2.9%Increase2.svg2.5%Decrease Positive.svg3.4%Increase Negative.svg4.8%
2026Increase2.svg644.9Increase2.svg85,404.0Increase2.svg449.4Increase2.svg59,514.7Increase2.svg2.9%Increase2.svg2.5%Decrease Positive.svg3.1%Decrease Positive.svg4.7%
2027Increase2.svg675.8Increase2.svg88,978.9Increase2.svg471.0Increase2.svg62,015.3Increase2.svg2.8%Increase2.svg2.5%Decrease Positive.svg2.9%Increase Negative.svg5.4%


Source: [5]


Source: [5]

2022–2023 fiscal year budget

Sources: [53] [54]


Selective data in HK$ for Main Countries/Territories (2022)

Source: [5]

Trade with Macau

Location of Hong Kong and Macau China-Special Administrative Regions.png
Location of Hong Kong and Macau

As at 2015, Macau is Hong Kong's second largest export destination, occupying 6.1% of Hong Kong's total exports. [55] The amount of export totaled US$8.4B, with broadcasting equipment, jewelry, and precious metal watches as the major products. [56] On the other hand, Hong Kong is Macau's largest export destination. [57] Totaled USD 774M, with precious metal watches, jewelry, trunks and cases as the major trading products, the exports to the Hong Kong forms 53% of Macau's total exports. [58] Since 2018, Hong Kong and Macau have been connected via road by the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge.


The international poverty line is a monetary threshold under which an individual is considered to be living in poverty. This threshold is calculated using Purchasing Power Parity. [59] According to the World Bank, the international poverty line was most recently updated in October 2015, in which it was increased from $1.25 per day to $1.90 per day using the value of 2011 dollars. [60] Raising this threshold helps account for changes in costs of living, which directly effects individuals ability to obtain basic necessities across countries.

Recent figures show that 1.37 million people are living below the poverty line and struggling to survive on HK$4,000 (US$510) per month for a one-person household, HK$9,800 for a two-person household earning, and HK$15,000 or a three-person household. [61] The poverty rate in Hong Kong hit a high of 20.1%, but recent efforts by government programs have lowered this number to 14.7%. [62]

In December 2012, the Commission on Poverty (CoP) was reinstated to prevent and alleviate poverty with three primary functions; analyze the poverty situation, assist policy formulation and to assess policy effectiveness. Cash handouts have been credited with alleviating much of the poverty, but the extent in which poverty has been alleviated is still questionable. Although cash handouts raise households above the poverty line, they are still struggling to meet certain standards as the cost of living in Hong Kong steadily increases.

Coupled with these cash payments, statutory minimum wage is set to increase for a second time in the past 10 years. Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) came into existence on 1 May 2011 and the SMW rate has been HK$34.5 per hour since May 2017. The Legislative Council in Hong Kong most recently approved the revision on the SMW rate to increase to HK$37.5 per hour, effective 1 May 2019. [63] Although the total statistics for Hong Kong show declining poverty, child poverty increased .3 percentage points from 2017 to 2018, up to a total of 23.1%, as a result of larger households due to children staying with their elderly parents. [64] With economic growth projected to slow in the coming years, poverty becomes an increasingly pressing issue. [64]

Beyond benefiting the younger generation through cash handouts and minimum wage increases, expanded elderly allowances have been implemented to increase disposable incomes of the elderly population that can no longer work. As of 1 February 2019 the amount payable per month for eligible elderly population became HK$1,385 in an effort to raise households incomes living with elderly tenants. Although Hong Kong has become one of the largest growing cities in the world, much of the population is struggling to keep up with the rising costs of living.

One of the largest issues affecting low income families is the availability of affordable housing. Over the past decade, residential Hong Kong property prices have increased close to 242%, with growth finally starting to decelerate in 2019. [65] Considering housing is a basic necessity, prices have continuously increased while disposable incomes remain virtually unchanged. As the amount of affordable housing diminishes, it has become much harder for families to find homes in their home country. Public housing programs have been implemented by the government, but delayed construction and growing waitlists have not helped to the extent they planned for. Recent results from a Hong Kong think tank show that by 2022, the average citizen could wait up to 6 years for public housing. [66] Evidence shows that the availability of affordable housing has declined, forcing households to spend more on shelter and less on other necessities. These issues can lead to worse living conditions and imbalanced diets, both of which pose problems beyond just financial well-being.

Financial markets

Stock exchange

Hang Seng Index 2001 - 2022 Hang Seng Index.webp
Hang Seng Index 2001 - 2022

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the sixth largest in the world, with a market capitalisation of about US$3.732 trillion as of mid-2017. In 2006, the value of initial public offerings (IPO) conducted in Hong Kong was second highest in the world after London. [67] In 2009, Hong Kong raised 22 percent of IPO capital, becoming the largest centre of IPOs in the world. [68] The exchange is the world's 10th largest by turnover and third largest in China. [lower-alpha 1] [ citation needed ]

Bond market

Hong Kong bonds
.mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{}
15 year
10 year
2 year
1 year
6 month
3 month Hong Kong bonds.webp
Hong Kong bonds
  15 year
  10 year
  2 year
  1 year
  6 month
  3 month

Exchange rates

Current HKD exchange rates
USD / Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate USD to Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate.webp
Chinese Yuan / Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar exchange rate.webp

See also


  1. After Shenzhen and Shanghai

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Ecuador</span>

The economy of Ecuador is the eighth largest in Latin America and the 69th largest in the world by total GDP. Ecuador's economy is based on the export of oil, bananas, shrimp, gold, other primary agricultural products and money transfers from Ecuadorian emigrants employed abroad. In 2017, remittances constituted 2.7% of Ecuador's GDP. The total trade amounted to 42% of the Ecuador's GDP in 2017.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Kyrgyzstan</span>

The economy of Kyrgyzstan is heavily dependent on the agricultural sector. Cotton, tobacco, wool, and meat are the main agricultural products, although only tobacco and cotton are exported in any quantity. According to Healy Consultants, Kyrgyzstan's economy relies heavily on the strength of industrial exports, with plentiful reserves of gold, mercury and uranium. The economy also relies heavily on remittances from foreign workers. Following independence, Kyrgyzstan was progressive in carrying out market reforms, such as an improved regulatory system and land reform. In 1998, Kyrgyzstan was the first Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) country to be accepted into the World Trade Organization. Much of the government's stock in enterprises has been sold. Kyrgyzstan's economic performance has been hindered by widespread corruption, low foreign investment and general regional instability. Despite those issues, Kyrgyzstan is ranked 70th on the ease of doing business index.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Macau</span>

The economy of Macau is a highly developed market economy. Macau's economy has remained one of the most open in the world since its handover to China in 1999. Apparel exports and gambling-related tourism are mainstays of the economy. Since Macau has little arable land and few natural resources, it depends on mainland China for most of its food, fresh water, and energy imports. Japan and Hong Kong are the main suppliers of raw materials and capital goods. Although Macau was hit hard by the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis and the early 2000s recession, its economy grew approximately 13.1% annually on average between 2001 and 2006. Macau is a full Member of the World Trade Organization. Public security has greatly improved after handover to the People's Republic of China. With the tax revenue from the profitable gambling industry, the Macau government is able to introduce the social welfare program of 15 years of free education to all Macau citizens. In 2015, Macau's economy saw a sharp decrease due to the reduced spending by visitors from Mainland China since the Anti-corruption campaign under Xi Jinping.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Mauritius</span>

The economy of Mauritius is a mixed developing economy based on agriculture, exports, financial services, and tourism. Since the 1980s, the government of Mauritius has sought to diversify the country's economy beyond its dependence on just agriculture, particularly sugar production.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Niger</span>

The gross domestic product (GDP) of Niger was $16.617 billion US dollars in 2023, according to official data from the World Bank. This data is based largely on internal markets, subsistence agriculture, and the export of raw commodities: foodstuffs to neighbors and raw minerals to world markets. Niger, a landlocked West African nation that straddles the Sahel, has consistently been ranked on the bottom of the Human Development Index, at 0.394 as of 2019. It has a very low per capita income, and ranks among the least developed and most heavily indebted countries in the world, despite having large raw commodities and a relatively stable government and society not currently affected by civil war or terrorism. Economic activity centers on subsistence agriculture, animal husbandry, re-export trade, and export of uranium.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Pakistan</span>

The economy of Pakistan is categorized as a developing economy. It ranks as the 24th-largest based on GDP using purchasing power parity (PPP) and the 46th largest in terms of nominal GDP. With a population of 241.5 million people as of 2023, Pakistan's position at per capita income ranks 161st by GDP (nominal) and 138th by GDP (PPP) according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Senegal</span>

The economy of Senegal is driven by mining, construction, tourism, fishing and agriculture, which are the main sources of employment in rural areas, despite abundant natural resources in iron, zircon, gas, gold, phosphates, and numerous oil discoveries recently. Senegal's economy gains most of its foreign exchange from fish, phosphates, groundnuts, tourism, and services. As one of the dominant parts of the economy, the agricultural sector of Senegal is highly vulnerable to environmental conditions, such as variations in rainfall and climate change, and changes in world commodity prices.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Thailand</span>

The economy of Thailand is dependent on exports, which accounted in 2021 for about 58 per cent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Thailand itself is a newly industrialized country, with a GDP of 17.367 trillion baht (US$495 billion) in 2022, the 9th largest economy in Asia. As of 2018, Thailand has an average inflation of 1.06% and an account surplus of 7.5% of the country's GDP. Its currency, the Thai Baht, ranked as the tenth most frequently used world payment currency in 2017.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of the Gambia</span>

The economy of the Gambia is heavily reliant on agriculture. The Gambia has no significant mineral or other natural resources, and has a limited agricultural base. About 75% of the population depends on crops and livestock for its livelihood. Small-scale manufacturing activity features the processing of peanuts, fish, and animal hides.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Four Asian Tigers</span> Economies of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong

The Four Asian Tigers are the developed Asian economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Between the early 1950s and 1990s, they underwent rapid industrialization and maintained exceptionally high growth rates of more than 7 percent a year.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1997 Asian financial crisis</span> Financial crisis of many Asian countries during the second half of 1997

The 1997 Asian financial crisis was a period of financial crisis that gripped much of East and Southeast Asia during the late 1990s. The crisis began in Thailand in July 1997 before spreading to several other countries with a ripple effect, raising fears of a worldwide economic meltdown due to financial contagion. However, the recovery in 1998–1999 was rapid, and worries of a meltdown quickly subsided.

The Hong Kong dollar is the official currency of Hong Kong. It is subdivided into 100 cents. Historically, it was also subdivided into 1000 mils. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is the monetary authority of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong dollar.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Asia</span>

The economy of Asia comprises about 4.7 billion people living in 50 different nations. Asia is the fastest growing economic region, as well as the largest continental economy by both GDP Nominal and PPP in the world. Moreover, Asia is the site of some of the world's longest modern economic booms.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of East Asia</span>

The economy of East Asia comprises 1.6 billion people living in six different countries and regions. The region includes several of the world's largest and most prosperous economies: Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Macau. It is home to some of the most economically dynamic places in the world, being the site of some of the world's most extended modern economic booms, including the Taiwan miracle (1950–present) in Taiwan, Miracle on the Han River (1974–present) in South Korea, Japanese economic miracle (1950–1990) and the Chinese economic miracle (1983–2010) in China.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of China</span>

China's economy is a developing mixed socialist market economy, incorporating industrial policies and strategic five-year plans. China is the world's second largest economy by nominal GDP, behind the United States, and since 2017 has been the world's largest economy when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP). China accounted for 19% of the global economy in 2022 in PPP terms, and around 18% in nominal terms in 2022. The economy consists of public sector enterprises, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and mixed-ownership enterprises, as well as a large domestic private sector and openness to foreign businesses in their system. According to the annual data of major economic indicators released by the National Bureau of Statistics since 1952, China's GDP grew by an average of 6.17% per year in the 26 years from 1953 to 1978. China implemented economic reform in 1978, and from 1979 to 2023, the country's GDP growth rate grew by an average of 8.93% per year in the 45 years since its implementing economic reform. According to preliminary data released by the authorities, China's GDP in 2023 was CN¥126.06 trillion with a real increase of 5.2% than the last year.


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