List of Brick Gothic buildings

Last updated

Copernicus' House in Torun, Poland Torun kamienice ul Kopernika 15 i 17.jpg
Copernicus' House in Toruń, Poland
"House of the three Lepards" in Arras, northern France Arras, La Grande Place 035d.jpg
"House of the three Lepards" in Arras, northern France

The term Brick Gothic is used for what more specifically is called Baltic Brick Gothic or North German Brick Gothic. That part of Gothic architecture, widespread in Northern Germany, Denmark, Poland and the Baltic states, is commonly identified with the sphere of influence of the Hanseatic League. But there is a continuous mega-region of Gothic brick architecture, or Brick Gothic in a sense based on the facts, from the Strait of Dover to Finland and Lake Peipus and to the Sub-Carpathian region of southeastern Poland and southwestern Ukraine.


Out of northern Germany and the Baltic region, the term Brick Gothic is adequately applied as well. [1] [2] [3]

The region around the Baltic Sea, including Northern Germany, has some typical characteristics, but there are also regional and social differences, such as between the churches of medieval big cities and those of the neighbouring villages. On the other hand, a significant number of Gothic brick buildings erected near the Baltic Sea could also have been built in the Netherlands or in Flanders, and vice versa.

Furthermore, Gothic brick structures have also been erected in other regions, such as northern Italy, southwestern and central France, and in the Danubian area of southern Germany. The particular architectural styles of some regions differ very much from the others, these are Italian Gothic (with Lombard Gothic, Venetian Gothic and Tuscan Gothic), French Gothique Méridional. Quite late began the medieval use of brick in England, with the Tudor Style.

The true extent of northern Brick Gothic and other Gothic brick architecture is shown by this almost complete list.


This list will never be complete. But it aims to be almost complete to give an unbiased survey as well on the variance as on the geography of Gothic brick buildings.

The dates given here refer to the present extant Gothic structures. Predecessors or post-Gothic alterations are not normally mentioned, but can be assessed by following up the literature. The most influential structures are indicated by bold print. Romanesque and Renaissance structures are not listed. Gothic Brick structures from outside the Baltic or North German regions, e.g. the Danubian ones, are also included, while Neogothic edifices are not listed.


– In long tables, vertical arrows link to the navigation boards above (after the preceding table) and below (before the next table). –


PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Hniezna Church of Saint Michael [4] [5] 1524–1527tower old, nave rebuilt in Gothic Revival style
Hniezna. Gnezna (2007).jpg
Kreva Kreva Castle Early 14th centuryboulders with partial skin of bricks
Belarus-Kreva Castle-Wall.jpg
Lida Lida Castle 14th centurystone with brick superstructure
Kamyenyets Tower 1276–1289border stronghold, one of the earliest brick constructions in the region
Mir Mir Castle Late 15th to early 16th UNESCO World Heritage Site. Major Renaissance alterations
Belarus-Mir-Castle-8 cropped.jpg
Synkavichy St. Michael 16th centuryfortified church
Tsarkva S'v. Mikhaila Arkhangela u Synkavichakh, foto 3.jpg



Public database links:

Most of the Gothic brick architecture in Belgium can be found in West Flanders, some in a narrow strip along the border with the Netherlands. Many Gothic brick churches in the province of Limburg have been lost in the 19th century, as they were displaced by Gothic Revival churches.

Provinces of Belgium : West Flanders  East Flanders  Prov. of Antwerp  Limburg (BE)  Flemish & Walloon Brabant, Brussels

West Flanders

Bruges (Brugge)  Damme   Poperinge  Veurne
PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Bruges Belfry and halls [6] brick end 13th – end 15th century
Belfort van Brugge (1).jpg
Old St. John's Hospital [7] Gothic sick-halls 2nd half of 13th century,
Cornelius Chapel 15th century
00 Bruges JPG6.jpg
Church of Our Lady [8] brick tower since 1270
Brugge, Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk01.jpg
St. Salvator's Cathedral [9] Choir since 1275,
transept since 1360,
present nave & aisles 1481–1557:
Sint-Salvatorskathedraal - Bruges - IMG 4687.JPG
Various houses of citizens
Brugge Diephuis Sint-Jakobsstraat 58.JPG
Damme Town hall [10] 1464–1467façade to the market place of stone (Brabantine Gothic)
0 Damme - Stadhuis (2).JPG
Gothic & Baroque
0 Damme - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaartkerk (1).JPG
Huyse de Grote Sterre [12] 15th centuryolder core
Damme, monumentale panden Huyse de Grote Sterre RM78680 foto6 2011-08-21 16.10.jpg
Diksmuide Belfort [13]
20141111 Diksmuide; Town Hall and Sint-Niklaaskerk 1.jpg
Koksijde Ten Duinen Abbey [14] founded 1107, nave of the church 1354Gothic parts of brick with some ashley;
destroyed in end 16th century,
archeological excavations since 1897
Abdij Ter Duinen - Koksijde (2).jpg
Koolkerke St Nicholas church [15] 14th century aisleless first brick church,
after destruction in 16th century, in 16th/17th centuries
rebuilt as a hall church; pale grey brick
Koolkerke - Sint-Niklaaskerk 1.jpg
Poperinge Sint-Bertinuskerk [16] 15th centuryhall church
Poperinge - Sint-Bertinuskerk 1.jpg
Sint-Jankerk [17] [18] 13th–15th centurystabilized and a bit altered in the 19th century
Poperinge - Sint-Janskerk.jpg
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk [19] [20] end 13th to 14th encenturieshall church
Poperinge - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk 1.jpg
Roeselare Sint-Michielkerk [21] 1502Late Gothic hall church
Roeselare, Sint-Michielskerk van zuiden2006-07-21 13.13.jpg
Roeselare-OekeneSint-Martinuskerk [22] tower 15th century, nave 17th century, extended in 1895
Oekene Sint-Martinuskerk.JPG
near Roeselare Rumbeke Castle [23] Gothic, Renaissance & Baroque
Rumbeke chateau cote bis.jpg
Steenkerke Sint-Laurentiuskerk [24]
Steenkerke - Sint-Laurentiuskerk 3.jpg
Veurne Sint-Niklaaskerk  [ nl ] [25] 13th–15th century
Veurne - Sint-Niklaaskerk 1.jpg
Sint-Walburgakerk  [ nl ] [26] choir 14th centurychoir Early Gothic, rest Gothic Revival
Veurne - Sint-Walburgakerk 2.jpg
House "De Valk" ("Falcon") [27] 1st quarter of 17th centuryvery late Gothic
Veurne De Valk R01.jpg
Ypres St Martin's Cathedral [28] choir since 1221,
transept since 1254
14th century nave & aisles,
tower 1377 and 143–1470
most of the walls of brick, but a lot of stone tracery; was a cathedral 1561 to 1801
Ypres Sint-Maartenskathedraal.JPG
Zuienkerke Sint-Michielskerk [29]
Zuienkerke St-Michielskerk.JPG

West Flanders ⬆ : Bruges (Brugge)  Damme   Poperinge  Veurne
Provinces of Belgium : West Flanders  East Flanders  Prov. of Antwerp  Limburg (BE)  Flemish & Walloon Brabant, Brussels

East Flanders

PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Aalst St. Martin's Church  [ nl ] [30] 1480–1566parts of the southern façade
Sint-Martinuskerk (Aalst) - Buitenaanzicht 03.jpg
Assenede Sint-Pieter en Sint-Martinuskerk [31] oldest parts Romanesque, northern aisle new
Assenede - Sint-Petrus en Martinuskerk 2.jpg
Dendermonde St-Odolf-Chapel [32] 1328later alterations
Kapel Sint-Odulf, Dendermonde.jpg
Ghent-Ekkergem St. Martin's Church  [ nl ] [33] brick 1502–1527alterations by restorations of 1584–1618 and 1903–1907
Sint-Martinus ekkergemkerk.jpg
Maldegem St-Barbarakerk  [ nl ] [34] crossing tower & choir
Maldegem Sint-Barbarakerk 27-04-2010 15-43-02.JPG
Moerbeke Church of Abbot St-Anthony
(kerk Sint Antonius Abt) [35]
14th–15th century
Moerbeke, parochiekerk Sint Antonius Abt oeg34245 foto6 2013-05-06 12.31.jpg
Sint-Pieters-Bandenkerk [36] tower 15th centurynave 1777
Kerk Ophasselt.jpg
Schendelbeke (Geraardsbergen)Sint-Amanduskerk [37] first mentioned in 1139, transept and lower parts of the tower Gothic and of brick, alterations in 1669 and 19th century
Schendelbeke - Geraardsbergen - Belgium - kerk.jpg
Stekene Heilig Kruiskerk [38] choir & transept 1548Gothic Revival nave 1897
Stekene, de Heilige Kruiskerk oeg15459 foto4 2013-05-06 15.18.jpg
Wachtebeke Sint-Catharinakerk  [ nl ] [39] about 1200 & 1550–1580originally aisleless, later enlarged to be a hallchurch
Wachtebeke - Sint-Catharinakerk 2.jpg
Watervliet, Belgium Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hemelvaartkerk [40] about 1500most of the simple walls of red brick, all complicated parts of stone

Provinces of Belgium : West Flanders  East Flanders  Prov. of Antwerp  Limburg (BE)  Flemish & Walloon Brabant, Brussels

Province of Antwerp

PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Antwerp former St-Julian's Hospital (Sint-Julianusgasthuis)  [ nl ] [41]
Door with jaguar (25668745396).jpg
Antwerp Vleeshuis [42] 1501-1504
0 Antwerp - Butcher's Hall (1).JPG
Balen Sint-Andrieskerk  [ nl ] [43]
Balen - Sint-Andrieskerk.jpg
Deurne with proviso:
Sint-Fredeganduskerk [44]
1603–1644After-Gothic reconstruction on the foundations of the predecessor, built about 1500 and destroyed in 1579
Herentals Begijnhofkerk Sint-Catharina [45] 1614
Herentals beguinage 03.JPG
Herenthout Begijnhofkerk Sint-Catharina [46] 1550alterations in 1774
Sint-Gummaruskapel 03.JPG
Hoogstraten Sint-Katharinakerk  [ nl ] [47] 1525–1550
Decanale kerk Sint-Catharina, Hoogstraten.jpg
Meerle ,
Sint-Salvatorkerk [48] 1st half of 15th – 1st half of 16th century
St-Salvatorkerk, Meerle.JPG
Minderhout ,
Sint-Clemenskerk [49] choir 1550alterations 1773
Minderhout, kerk foto2 2007-08-24 12.51.JPG
Kasterlee Sint-Willibrorduskerk  [ nl ] [50] tower old, nave Gothic Revival
P1020726 copySt.Willibrorduskerk.jpg
Mechelen Hof van Kamerijk/Paleis Margaretha van York  [ nl ] [51] late 15th centuryonly lateral gables of brick
Mechelen-Keizerstraat 3 (3b).jpg
Hof Van Nassau [52] late 15th century
Hof Van Nassau, Mechelen.jpg
"Het Paradijs" [53] citizen's house
Mechelen-Haverwerf 20-21 (4).jpg
Cellenbroedersklooster [54] ancient monastery, afterwards part of a beginage
Mechelencellenbroedersklooster 10-08-2008 15-05-21.JPG
Jesus Gate [55] entrance of a beginage
Begijnhofmechelenjezuspoort 10-08-2008 15-23-31.JPG


PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Bocholt Sint-Laurenskerk [56] only the nave
Bocholt - Sint-Laurentiuskerk.jpg
Meeuwen Sint-Martinuskerk  [ nl ] [57]
Meeuwen - Sint-Martinuskerk.jpg
Peer Sint-Trudokerk  [ nl ] [58] only the tower of brick
Peer - Sint-Trudokerk.jpg

Provinces of Belgium : West Flanders  East Flanders  Prov. of Antwerp  Limburg (BE)  Hainaut  Flemish & Walloon Brabant, Brussels


PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Battignies (Binche)Saint-Anne's Chapel [59] about 1600very late Gothic
Fontaine-l'Évêque St Christopher church [60] simple areas of the walls of the nave of brick
Fontaine-l'Eveque JPG00d.jpg
Enghien St. Nicholas Church  [ nl ] [61] 14th century
Enghien 050918 (5).JPG
St-Martin Church [62] 15th centuryconsecrated in 1347, present building 15th century
Marcq (Enghien) JPG00b.jpg

Flemish Brabant, Walloon Brabant & Brussels

PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Brussels Coudenberg Palace [63] completed in 1451, burnt in 1731underground relics and archeological findings,
the basement and some vaults were of brick
Site du Coudenberg 09.JPG
Sint-Annakerk  [ nl ] [64] Gothic 16th centuryWalls of the aisles with layers of brick, other parts stone only; Romanesqu eparts mid 13th century
Dilbeek, St. Anna chapel.jpg
Wavre Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church  [ fr ] [65] Gothic 16th centurynave and base of the tower of red stone, tower of red brick with narrow layers of white stone
Wavre - Saint-Jean-Baptiste - Clocher - Vue arriere 01.JPG

Provinces of Belgium ⬆ : West Flanders  East Flanders  Prov. of Antwerp  Limburg (BE)  Hainaut  Flemish & Walloon Brabant, Brussels

Czech Republic

PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Brno Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady 1323–1334intignated by Queen Elizabeth Richeza
Bazilika Nanebevzeti Panny Marie (Brno).JPG
Hradec Kralové Cathedral of the Holy Spirit 1339–1479built in three periods
Kostel sv. Ducha, katedralni (Hradec Kralove) 01.JPG
Nymburk Saint Giles Church, Nymburk 14th century
– about 1500
later alterations by repairing
damages of several wars
Chram sv jilji nymburk 2.jpg
Opava Co-Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 1237 –
14th century
Opava, konkatedrala (5x5).jpg
Holy Cross Chapel  [ cs ]1394only the choir of brick
Svedska kaple (kaple sv.Krize), Opava-Katerinky..JPG
Prague Convent of Saint Agnes 13th centuryconventual building
Old New Synagogue 1270upper gable
Prague,Josefov, Oldnew synagogue.JPG
Karolinum originally a private palace,
now a central building of Charles University
152 Univerzita Karlova, o Karolinum (Universitat Carolina).jpg
U pěti korun
(House of the Five Crowns)
relic of the original Gothic decoration
of a nowadays Renaissance & Baroque building
Goticke cihly U peti korun, Melantrichova 11, Stare Mesto.jpg



Background informations:

Denmark: North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster

North Jutland

– Danish "Region Nordjylland" –

Jutland : Aalborg  Brønderslev Kom.  Frederikshavn Kom.  Hjørring + Kom.  Jammerbugt Kom.  Mariager + Kom.  Mors Island  Thisted + Kom.  Vesthimmerlands Kom.  Ribe/Esbjerg Kom.  Viborg
PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Aalborg Budolfi Church about 1450northern chapel and 14 meters of the choir 1942–1944
Aalborg church.JPG
Aalborg Monastery  [ da ]this wing 1506
Aalborg (DK) Latinergyden - panoramio.jpg
Aalborg Kommune
Bislev church  [ da ]Romanesque nave of granite, white washed Gothic tower of brick
Aalborg Kommune
Ferslev church  [ da ]Romanesque nave of granite, white washed Gothic tower of brick
Ferslev church 0330.jpg
Aalborg Kommune
Frejlev kirke [67] nave 12th centuryRomanesque nave of granite, white washed Gothic tower of brick
Frejlev kirke.JPG
Aalborg Kommune
Hals church  [ da ]choir Late Gothic, tower Late Gothic & later heightened
07-03-27-q2 Hals (Aalborg).JPG
with proviso for lacking
data: Klarup,
Aalborg Kommune
Klarup church
Klarup Kirke.JPG
Aalborg Kommune
Nibe church  [ da ]15th century
Nibe Kirke1.JPG
Nørre Tranders,
Aalborg Kommune
Nørre Tranders church  [ da ]granite & brick
Aalborg Kommune
Sejlflod church  [ da ]brick 16th century
Sejlflod Kirke 2010 ubt-4.JPG
Aalborg Kommune
Storvorde church14th century or later
Storvorde Kirke 2010 ubt-1.JPG
Sønder Tranders,
Aalborg Kommune
Sønder Tranders church  [ da ]tower & alterations of the nave Late Gothic of brick, washed
Sonder Tranders Kirke, Danmark 0004.jpg
Aalborg Kommune
Sønderholm church  [ da ]tower & porch LateGothic of brick, washed
Nordenskirker Soenderholm01.jpg
Vester Hassing,
Aalborg Kommune
Vester Hassing church  [ da ]tower 15th century
Vester Hassing Kirke 2009 ubt.JPG
Brønderslev Kommune
Tise church  [ da ]Late Gothic enlargement and modernization
Nordenskirker Tisevend(01).jpg
Brønderslev Kommune|Tolstrup kirke [68]
porch Late Gothic, tower replaced in 1937
Tolstrup Kirke (Aalborg Stift) 2011 ubt-1.jpg
near Voergaard Castle,
Brønderslev Kommune
Voer Kirke  [ da ]Late Gothic choir and porch; tower 1788
Voer kirke (Bronderslev).JPG
Øster Brønderslev,
Brønderslev Kommune
churchabout 1250nave & base of the tower of granite, tower of red brick, porch of washed biick
Oster Bronderslev Kirke-10 ubt.JPG
Frederikshavn Kommune
Åsted church  [ da; de ]
brick on a base of granite: Romanesque nave, Gothic porch, Baroque eastern enlargements, tower of 1848 Asted kirke i Frederikshavn Kommune, billede 14.jpg Asted kirke i Frederikshavn Kommune, billede 22.jpg
Frederikshavn Kommune
Elling Kirke  [ da; de ]13th centuryRomanesque & Gothic
Elling udv.jpg
Frederikshavn Kommune
Volstrup church  [ da ]th centuryLate Romanesque (also brick) & Late Gothic; gables altered to Baroque style
Volstrup Kirke-1 ubt.JPG
Frederikshavn Kommune
Sand-Covered Church btw. 13t5 & 1387nave demolished in 1895
The sand-covered church, 2015-07-28-2.jpg
Hjørring St Cathreine church  [ da ] [69] Gothic 15th centurychoir, tower & other additions to the Romensque nave (years on the tower from renovations)
Hjorring St. Katharinenkirche 2014.jpg
Hjørring Kommune
Skallerup church  [ da ]nave Romanesque, tower, sacrity & porch Late Gothic
Skallerup Kirke ydre4.jpg
Hjørring Kommune
Vrensted church  [ da ]Late Gothic whitened brick tower; Romanesque nave of granite
Nordenskirker Vrensted(01).jpg
Hjørring Kommune
Vrå church  [ da ]Romensque nave with Late Gothic painted brick tower & porch
Vra kirke (Hjorring).JPG
Jammerbugt Kom.
Alstrup church  [ da ]choir & tower Late Gothic of brick, whitened
11-07-03-s1-Alstrup-6k Alstrup kirke (Jammerbugt).jpg
Jammerbugt Kom.
Brovst Kirke  [ da ]Gothic 14th centurytower & porch of brick
Brovst Kirke-4 ubt.JPG
Jammerbugt Kom.
Gjøl church [70] nave 1150brick tower Gothic age
11-07-03-g2-Gjol (Jammerbugt).JPG
Haverslev ,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Haverslev churchGothic tower of Romanesque granite church, renovation 1757, poor chronicle information
11-07-04-s4-Haverslev (Jammerbugt).JPG
Hune Sogn ,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Hune-/ Vor for Frue Kirke [71] whitene Githic brick tower, Romanesque (?) nave of granite
11-07-04-c5-Hune kirke (Jammerbugt).JPG
Ingstrup Sogn,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Ingstrup church [72] nave with romanesque walls of granit eashley and gothic vaults, whitened Gothic brick tower
11-07-03-u3-Ingstrup kirke (Jammerbugt).JPG
Jammerbugt Kom.
church [73] th century
before 1200 Romanesque nave granite walls, mid 15th century Late Gothic relaunch: brick tower, vauts, doors, frescos Jetsmark Kirke.4.JPG Jetsmark Kirke set fra vest.JPG
Kettrup ,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Kettrup church [74] nave 12th centurytower and porch of brick in late Middle Age, renovation in 1801
Kettrup Kirke 2011a ubt.JPG
Klim  [ da ],
Jammerbugt Kom.
Klim church [75] nave 12th centuryRomanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower and further whitened brick additions
Klim kirke (Jammerbugt)-2.JPG
Fjerritslev ,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Kollerup church [76] Gothic about 1500Romanesque granite nave of 12th century
Kollerup Kirke 2011 ubt-5.JPG
Lerup sogn,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Lerup church  [ da ]tower mid 15th centuryRomanesque nave, Late Gothic whitened brick tower, younger porch
Lerup Kirke-2009 ubt.JPG
near Brovst ,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Torslev church  [ da ] [77] Romanesque nave, Late Gothic tower; upper storey of the tower demolished in 1841
Nordenskirker Torslevhan01.jpg
Tranum Sogn,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Tranum Kirke [78] Romanesque nave about 1200, Late Gothic tower about 1450
Tranum Kirke-2009 ubt.JPG
Vester Hjermitslev Sogn,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Vester Hjermitslev church  [ da ]Gothic about 1500tower & relaunch of the nave by brick, whitened
Nordenskirker Vesthjerm(01).jpg
Jammerbugt Kom.
Vust church [79] tower about 1500Romanesque granite nave, Gothic whitened brick tower
Vust kirke (Jammerbugt).JPG
Øland island,
Jammerbugt Kom.
Øland- or Oxholm church  [ da ]early 15th centuryformer nunnery church, yellow brick, nowadays white washed
Nordenskirker Oeland(01).jpg
Byrum church  [ da ] [80] 1258mainly Romanesque, but two Gothic windows and inside Gothic vaults
Byrumkirke laeso.JPG
Southern Vesterø church  [ da ]about 1250mainly Romanesque, tower Gothic
Vestero Kirke.jpg
Mariager ,
Mariagerfjiord Kom.
Mariager Abbey church15th centuryformer nunnery and pilgrimage
Mariager Kirke2.JPG
Als (by)  [ da ],
Mariagerfjiord Kom.
Als church  [ da ]1309white washed
Als 1 Als kirke (Mariagerfjord).jpg
Mariagerfjiord Kom.
Astrup church [81] 1542octagonal tower of red brick
Astrup 6 edited-1 Astrup kirke (Mariagerfjord).jpg
Falslev-Vindblæs sogn,
Mariagerfjiord Kom.
Falslev kirke [82] Romanesque nave of granite ashley, whitened brick tower & porch Late Gothic additionsonly granite
Vindblæs church [83] Brick about 1550Late Gothic tower and porch
Vindblaes kirke (Mariagerfjord).JPG
Mors island,
Morsø Kommune
Hvidberg church [84] tower about 1500nave 12th century of granite ashley
Oster Hvidbjerg kirke (Mors).JPG
Nykøbing Mors ,
Dueholm Priory founded 1370
Nykobing Mors - Dueholm Kloster.jpg
Sejerslev ,
Mors island,
Morsø Kommune
church [85] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Sejerslev kirke (Mors).JPG
Mors island,
Morsø Kommune
Vejerslev church  [ da ]tower about 1400Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Vejerslev kirke (Mors).JPG
Rebild Kommune
Torup kirke [86] tower about 1500Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower ; porch about 1900
Torup kirke (Rebild).JPG
Thisted ,
Thisted Kommune
church [87] about 1500yellow munk brick with granite ashley and chalk, nowadays white washed
Thisted Kommune
Bedsted church [88] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic red brick tower, interior of the nave about 1500
11-07-05-h6-Bedsted kirke-11c (Thisted).jpg
Thisted Kommune
Hillerslev kirke [89] tower about 1500Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
09-03-Hillerslev kirke (Thisted).jpg
13 km NE of Thisted,
Thisted Kommune
Hjardemål Kirke  [ da ] [90] Gothic 15th centuryRomanesque granite church (about 1200) with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
11-07-06-f2-Hjardemal kirke (Thisted).JPG
Hunstrup ,
Thisted Kommune
Hunstrup kirke [91] Gothic about 1500 th centuryRomanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower and porch
11-07-06-e2-Hunstrup kirke (Thisted).JPG
Lild ,
Thisted Kommune
Lild kirke [92] about 1460munk brick & Bulbjerg stone
Lild Kirke (okt 2011, ubt)-007.JPG
Lodbjerg Sogn,
Thisted Kommune
Lodbjerg church  [ da ]1530s
Ørum ,
Thisted Kommune
Ørum church  [ da ] [93] tower about 1500Late Gothic red brick tower, Romanesque granite nave & choir
Øsløs ,
Thisted Kommune
Øsløs Kirke [94] tower about 1500Romanesque granite nave & choir
Oslos kirke (Thisted).JPG
Østerild ,
Thisted Kommune
Østerild Kirke [95] core about 1160Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Osterild kirke (Thisted).JPG
Thisted Kommune
Hillerslev church [96] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower and porch
Sennels kirke (Thisted).JPG
Thisted Kommune
Sjørring kirke [97] tower about 1500Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Sjorring kirke (Thisted).JPG
Tømmerby ,
Thisted Kommune
Tømmerby kirke [98] nave about 1130, tower & porch late Middle Age of brick, whitened
Tommerby kirke (Thisted).JPG
Vestervig ,
Thisted Kommune
Vestervig abbey church Romanesque basilica of granite ashley, Late Gothic tower of brick
Nordenskirker Vestervig(01).jpg
Villerslev ,
Thisted Kommune
Villerslev kirke [99] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Villerslev kirke (Thisted).JPG
Farsø ,
Farsø kirke  [ da ] [100] nave & choir about 1180, tower & porch Late Gothic of brick, whitened
Farso Kirke2.JPG
Gedsted church  [ da ]Brick 14th centurytransept and tower of brick, partly whitened
Gedsted Kirke - 2.jpg
Simested church  [ da ]brick 16th centuryRomanesque nave of granite ashley 13th century
Simested Kirke - 1.jpg
Skivum kirkeRomanesque granite church with Gothic whitened brick tower
Skivum kirke (Vesthimmerland).JPG
Vesterbølle church  [ da ]brick early 16th centuryRomanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Vesterbolle Kirke.jpg

North Jutland ⬆ : Aalborg  Brønderslev Kom.  Frederikshavn Kom.  Hjørring + Kom.  Jammerbugt Kom.  Mariager + Kom.  Mors Island  Thisted + Kom.  Vesthimmerlands Kom.
Denmark: North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster

Mid Jutland

– Danish "Region Midtjylland" –

Middle + South Jutland : Aarhus  Horsens  Viborg  RandersRibe/Esbjerg Kom.
PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Aarhus ,
Aarhus Kommune
Cathedral end of 14th century to 1500
Church of Our Lady mid-13th century to 1500
Vor Frue Kirke Arhus.jpg
Framlev Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Framlev church  [ da ]Romanesque nave of boulders & trachyte, Late Gothic tower of brick
Framlev (Aarhus).JPG
Kasted Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Kasted church  [ da ]brick about 1500Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower & porch; upper storey of the tower replaced in 1935
Kasted Kirke - 4.jpg
Kolt Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Kolt Church Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch & tower, all white painted
Kolt Kirke - 2.jpg
Lisbjerg Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Lisbjerg church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch & tower, all white painted
Lisbjerg 2-Aarhus.JPG
Aarhus Kommune
Mårslet church  [ da ]brick about 1500Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch & tower, all white painted
Marslet 3 - Aarhus.JPG
Ormslev Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Ormslev church  [ da ]tower 16th centuryRomanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick enlargement, porch & tower, all white painted
Ormslev 2-Aarhus.JPG
Skødstrup Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Skødstrup church  [ da ] [101] [102] Romanesque nave of stone, Late Gothic tower, porch and enlargement of the nave by brick, nowadays all brick painted white
Spørring Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Spørring church  [ da ]brick about 1500Gothic tower & porch of a Romanesque church of natural stone
Sønder Aarslev Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Sønder Aarslev church  [ da ]late Middle Ageenlargements by brick
Aarslev Kirke (detalje).jpg
Tilst Sogn,
Aarhus Kommune
Tilst church  [ da ]tower Late Gothic
Tilst 3-Aarhus.JPG
Skanderborg Kommune
Blegind Kirke  [ da ] [103] Late Gothic tower of brick, white washed nave of granite and other stone
Blegind 4 - Skanderborg.JPG
Foldby Sogn,
Favrskov Kommune
Foldby church  [ da ]
Romanesque granite church with Gothic brick vaulting & tower; the only church in Favrskov Kommune, whose brick additions are in Gothic style; since 12th century ruled by Aarhus cathedral chapter Foldby Kirke.jpg Foldbykirkedsc01139.jpg
Skive Kommune
Grinderslev Kirke [104] Late Middle Age tower with basket arched windows at a Romanesque church of granite ashlar
07-09-11-v21 Grinderslev (Skive).jpg
Daugård ,
Hedensted Kommune
Daugård church  [ da ]white painted Romanesque trachyte church with Late Gothic brick tower, porch and alterations
Daugard Kirke 01.jpg
Løsning-Korning Sogn,
Hedensted Kommune
Korning kirke [105] white painted Romanesque trachyte church with Late Gothic brick tower
Nordenskirker Korning01.jpg
Ølsted Sogn,
Hedensted Kommune
Ølsted church  [ da ]tower 15th centuryoriginally Romanesque nave with a Gothic tower of yellow brick, altered in 17th century
Olsted Hedensted).JPG
Øster Snede sogn,
Hedensted Kommune
Øster Snede kirke, [106] tower 15th centurywhite painted brick tower; Romanesque nave with Gothic alterations
Oster Snede kirke (Hedensted).JPG
Horsens ,
eastern coast
Church of Our Saviour (Vor Frelsers Kirke  [ da ])1225Romanesque & Gothic
Horsens - Vor Frelser Kirke (2).JPG
Horsens Abbey church  [ da; de ]1261–1275
Klosterkirken Horsens.jpg
Lundum Sogn,
Horsens Kommune
Lundum kirke, [107] Late Middle Age tower and alterations of brick
Lundum kirke (Horsens).JPG
Ørridslev ,
Horsens Kommune
Ørridslev church  [ da ], [108] brick about 1500Gothic porch and white painted tower
Orridslev Kirke, Horsens Kommune 2009-06-02.JPG
Tyrsted ,
Horsens Kommune
Tyrsted kirke, [109] Gothic brick tower, white painted Romanesque nave
Tyrsted kirke (Horsens).JPG
Yding Sogn,
Horsens Kommune
Yding church  [ da ], [110] white painted Gothic brick tower, Neo-Romanesque nave
Yding Kirke.JPG
Grenaa ,
Norddjurs Kommune
St Gertrude church  [ da ]14th centuryPresent-day outer appearance dominated by Gothic Revival additions of 1870
Sankt Gertruds kirke Church Grenaa Denmark 2010.JPG
Ålsø Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Ålsø kirke [111] tower 1450nowadays white painted
Also kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Norddjurs Kommune
Fausing church  [ da ]Late Gothic porch of brick
08-10-07-o4-Faussing (Norddjurs).jpg
Norddjurs Kommune
Ginnerup kirke [112] brick 14th centuryGothic tower, porch and choir
08-10-07-o2-Ginnerup (Norddjurs).JPG
Gjerrild Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Gjerrild kirke [113] Gothic tower & porch mainly of brick
Gjerrild Kirke.JPG
Gjesing Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Gjesing kirke [114] vaults of the nave, choir, tower of brick
08-10-07-g3-Gjesing (Norddjurs).JPG
Glesborg ,
Norddjurs Kommune
Glesborg Kirke  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Glesborg Kirke01.jpg
Holbæk Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Holbæk kirke [115] Late Middle Age porch of brikc and tower of granite & brick
08-10-07-m5-Holbaek kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Homå Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Homå kirke [116] brick Late GothicRomanesque granite building partly replaced by Late Gothic
08-10-06-x2-Homa kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Norddjurs Kommune
Karlby kirke [117] Late Gothic stilt tower of brick, white painted
08-10-06-b4-Karlby kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Ørsted Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Ørsted kirke [118] late Middle Agetower of ganite ashley and big brick
Orsted Kirke (Rougso) 1.JPG
Ørum  [ da ],
Norddjurs Kommune
Ørum church  [ da ]sacristy (2nd half of 15th century) and tower (1510s) of brick
Orum Kirke - 1.jpg
Veggerslev ,
Norddjurs Kommune
Veggerslev kirke  [ de ] [119] Late Gothic tower & porch of brick
Veggerslev kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Vejlby ,
Norddjurs Kommune
Vejlby Kirke [120] Late Gothic tower and porch of brick
Vejlby kirke, Grena (Norddjurs).JPG
Villersø Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Villersø kirke [121] tower (upper part) & porch (plastered) of brick
Villerso kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Vivild Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Vivild kirke [122] tower & porch late Middle Age of brick
Vivild kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Voer Sogn,
Norddjurs Kommune
Voer Kirke (Norddjurs Kommune)  [ da ] [123] stilt tower of big red brick – nowadays white painted
Voer Kirke (Rougso) Syd.JPG
Norddjurs Kommune
Voldby kirke [124] brick since 13th century, 14th-century tower, white painted
Voldby kirke (Norddjurs).JPG
Nørre Snede,
Ikast-Brande Kom.
Nørre Snede Kirke  [ da ]upper storeys of the white painted Late Gothic tower of brick
Norre Snede Kirke2.JPG
Odder ,
Odder Kommune
Odder church  [ da ], [125] Romanesque nave & choir of granite ashley, white painted Late Gothic tower of brick
Nordenskirker Odder(01).jpg
Bjerager Sogn,
Odder Kommune
Bjerager church  [ da ], [126] Gothic porch of brick and boulders
09-06-25-q1 Bjerager kirke (Odder).jpg
Falling Sogn,
Odder Kommune
Falling church  [ da ], [127] tower 2nd half of 14th century, mainly brick, white painted
Falling Kirke 03.jpg
Gosmer Sogn,
Odder Kommune
Gosmer church  [ da ]late Middle Age tower of brick, painted white
09-06-25-o4-Gosmer (Odder).JPG
Hundslund Sogn,
Odder Kommune
Hundslund kirke [128] brick early 16th centuryRomanesque choir & nave of granite ashley, upper parts of the white painted Gothic tower of brick
09-06-25-i4-Hundslund kirke (Odder).JPG
Tunø ,
Odder Kommune
Tunø church  [ da ], [129] about 1300Gothic brick gables; tower nowadays serving as a light house
Ringkøbing ,
Ringkøbing church  [ da ]15th century & 1550round bows, but no Renaissance elements
Ringkobing, Denmark, Church 8213.JPG
Brejning Sogn,
Brejning church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic white painted brick tower and porch
Brejning (Ringkobing Skjern).jpg
Dejbjerg Sogn,
Dejbjerg church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic white painted brick tower and porch
Dejbjerg Kirke 3.JPG
Nørre Omme Sogn,
Nørre Omme kirke [130] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic white painted brick tower
Norre Omme 4-Ringkobing-Skjern.JPG
Rindum ,
Rindum church  [ da ]12th centuryRomanesque granite church with Late Gothic white painted brick tower and porch
Rindum kirke (Ringkobing-Skjern).JPG
Randers St Martin's Church [131] 1490–1520former abbey church
Holy Ghost Hospital (Helligåndshuset) [132] 1434
Helligaandshuset Randers.jpg
Ålum sogn,
Randers Kommune
Ålum church  [ da ]late 16th centuryRomanesque nave with gothic alterartions, tower in Gothic-Renaissance transitional style
Alum kirke.JPG
Albæk Sogn,
Randers Kommune
Albæk Kirke [133] tower & porch ≈1450nave & choir late 11th century of chalk ashley
Albaek 5.jpg
Randers Kommune
Borupchurch  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower and some later additions
Borup (Randers).jpg
Randers Kommune
Dalbyneder church  [ da ]boulders about 1150boulders & white washed brick
Dalbyneder 1 (Randers).jpg
Dalbyover ,
Randers Kommune
Dalbyove church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower, much of the outer skin of the tower renewed in 1891
Dalbyover 3 (Randers).jpg
Fårup Sogn,
Randers Kommune
Fårup church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch, white washed
11-07-07-i5-Farup (Randers).JPG
Gassum Sogn,
Randers Kommune
Gassum church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower, white washed
Gassum Kirke (Randers).jpg
Hald Sogn,
Randers Kommune
Hald church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower, porch & sacristy
Hald Kirke ydre4.jpg
Harridslev sogn,
Randers Kommune
Harridslev kirke [134] whitened Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower & porch
Harridslev (Randers).JPG
Hørning sogn,
Randers Kommune
Hørning church [135] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower & transept, Baroque western gate
08-10-08-b2-Horning kirke (Randers).JPG
Lem sogn,
Randers Kommune
Lem kirke [136] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic partly whitened brick tower, tower renovated in 1760 & 1901
Lem kirke (Randers).JPG
Nørbæk Sogn,
Randers Kommune
Nørbæk church  [ da ]Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic whitened brick tower
Norbaek Kirke.jpg
Ørum Sogn,
Randers Kommune
Ørum church  [ da ] [137] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick porch
Orum kirke (Randers).JPG
Råby ,
Randers Kommune
Råby Kirke [138] porch 16th centuryporch of alternant belts of red & yellow brick, tower probably also of brick, but painted
Raby kirke (Randers).JPG
Råsted ,
Randers Kommune
Råsted church  [ da ]whitened Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower
Rasted kirke (Randers).JPG
500 m from the coast
north of Randers
Sødring kirke [139] 15th centurywhite painted red brick
Sodring Kirke.jpg
Tånum sogn,
Randers Kommune
Tånum church [140] Romanesque granite church with Late Gothic brick tower and white painted porch
Tanum kirke (Randers).JPG
Udbyneder ,
Randers Kommune
Udbyneder church  [ da ]all of brick: late Romanesque nave & choir and Gothic tower
Udbyneder kirke (Randers).JPG
Besser Sogn,
Besser Kirke  [ da ], [141] mid 13th centuryall of brick
Besser Kirke (Samso Kommune).JPG
Kolby ,
Kolby Kirke  [ da ], [142] mid 13th centuryall of brick
Kolby kirke (Samso).JPG
Nordby church  [ da ], [143] early 12th to 15th centuryseveral additions
Nordby Kirke (Samso Kommune).JPG
Onsbjerg Sogn,
Onsbjerg Kirke [144] mid 13th centurychoir 15th century, tower 1st half of 16th, all of brick
Onsbjerg Kirke (Samso Kommune) 2.JPG
Tranebjerg Sogn,
Tranebjerg church  [ da ], [145] 3rd Q 13th to mid 16th centuryseveral enlargements
Tranebjerg Kirke (Samso Kommune).JPG
Skanderborg Kommune
Skivholme church  [ da ]late medieval tower and porch of brick, Romanesque choir & nave
Skivholme Kirke 20090810-73.jpg
Fousing Sogn,
Struer Kommune
Fousing church  [ da ], [146] brick: porch about 1500, tower about 1550
FOUSING kirke (Struer).JPG
Hvidbjerg Sogn,
Struer Kommune
Hvidbjerg church  [ da ], [147] brick about 1500Romanesque granits church with Late Gothic tower & transept
Hvidbjerg Kirke - Thyholm Kommune.jpg
Rønde ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Bregnet church  [ da ],
2nd half of 15th century
Bregnet Kirke Tarn.jpg
Dråby ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Dråby church  [ da ] [149] 1200–1400
08-10-06-l3-Draby (Syddjurs).jpg
Feldballe Sogn,
Syddjurs Kommune
Feldballe church  [ da ], [150] brick late Middle AgeLate gothic tower & porch
Nordenskirker Feldballe(02).jpg
Koed Sogn,
Syddjurs Kommune
Koed Kirke, [151] brick late Middle Agetower and vaults of the choir Gothic
Koed kirke (Sydjjurs).JPG
Lime ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Lime church  [ da ], [152] [153] late Middle Age porch of brick
Lime kirke (Syddjurs).JPG
W of Ryomgård ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Mary Magdalene church  [ da; de ]1425–58
Nordenskirker Magdalene01.jpg
Mørke Sogn,
Syddjurs Kommune
Mørke church  [ da ], [154] brick: porch since 13th, tower 14th century, unpainted
Moerke Kirke 01.jpg
Nimtofte ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Nimtofte kirke, [155] [156] th centurybrick, nowadays painted: Late Gothic stilt tower, porch and modernizations of the nave
Nimtofte kirke (Syddjurs).JPG
Thorsager ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Thorsager Church, [157] Late Middle Ageporch of the Romanesque round brick church
Thorsager rundkirke.jpg
Tirstrup, Ebeltoft ,
Syddjurs Kommune
Tirstrup church  [ da ], [158] [159] since 1465replacing a Romanesque predecessor, white painted
Tirstrup Kirke 1.jpg
Silkeborg Kommune
Tvilum Kirke  [ da ]13th century
Viborg DomprovstegårdenCathedral dean's residence
Domprovstegarden Viborg Denmark.jpg
Gråbrødreklosteret (Greyfriars Convent)13th centuryaltered since 1545
Villadsens Gård1530enlarged in 1643

North + Mid Jutland ⬆ : Aalborg  Brønderslev Kom.  Frederikshavn Kom.  Hjørring  Jammerbugt Kom.  Mariager  Mors Island  Thisted  Vesthimmerlands Kom.  Aarhus  Horsens  Randers  Viborg  Ribe/Esbjerg Kom.
Denmark: North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster

South Jutland

– Jutland part of Danish Region "Region Syddanmark";
that is much more than traditional "Sønderjylland" –

Ribe/Esbjerg Kom.
PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Billund Kommune
Grindsted Kirke  [ da ], [160] [161] core & tower Romanesque 12th century, 15th century or about 1500 porch & enlargement of the nave by brick, white washed
Grindsted Kirke - (2).JPG
Haderslev Church of St. Marymid 14th century to 1440
Haderslev Domkirke.jpg
Kolding Koldinghus 13th centurysince 1808 in ruins for more than a century
Kolding - Koldinghus2.JPG
Sønderborg Kommune
Nybøl Kirke  [ da ]brick 1582very late Gothic prolongation and modernization of a Romanesque 12th-century church, white washed
Nybol kirke (Sonderborg).JPG
Ribe ,
Esbjerg Kommune,
western coast
Cathedraluntil 1250 Romanesque stone,
since 1283 Gothic brick
Romanesque, since 1100 of tufa, sandstone and granite;
Citizens' Tower and chapels (later lateral naves) of brick
Old town hall  [ dk ]about 1450
Ribe Raadhus.jpg
St. Catherine's Priory founded 1228
Nordenskirker katarinex12.jpg
Seem near Ribe,
Esbjerg Kommune
Seem Kirke  [ da ]since about 1200Gothic western portal, generally Romanesque
SEEM kirke (Esbjerg).JPG
Esbjerg Kommune Vester Vedsted Kirke  [ da ]about 1300Romanesque nave partly of brick, Gothic choir of brick, all washed
VESTER VEDSTED kirke (Esbjerg) 1.JPG
southwestern Jutland
Kristkirke  [ da; de ]1591/1592one of the few initially Protestant Gothic churches

Jutland ⬆ : Aalborg  Brønderslev Kom.  Frederikshavn Kom.  Hjørring + Kom.  Jammerbugt Kom.  Mariager + Kom.  Mors Island  Thisted + Kom.  Vesthimmerlands Kom.  Aarhus  Horsens  Randers  Viborg  Ribe/Esbjerg Kom.
Denmark: North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster


and adjacent Islands

PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Assens Church of Our Lady
(Vor Frue Kirke)
finished in 1488
Nordenskirker Assens(01).jpg
Assens Kommune,
near Little Belt
Hårby church  [ da ]13th century ?many boulders, few brick, washed or even plastered
Nordenskirker Haarby(03).jpg
Assens Kommune Søllested Kirke  [ da ]founded about 1100
Sollested kirke (Assens).jpg
Ærø Bregninge Kirke in Ærø  [ da ], Romanesque & Gothic, nave mainly of boulders, white washed
Faaborg Holy Ghost church  [ da; de ]1477–1525washed
Helligandskirken, Faborg, februar 2017.jpg
Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune Egeskov Castle completed in 1554outside Late Gothic, inside Renaissance
Egeskov Schloss von Nordosten.JPG
Kerteminde ,
eastern coast
St Lawrence church  [ da ]16th century
06-10-23-h3 Skt. Laurentis kirke, Kerteminde.jpg
Kerteminde Kommune
Rønninge Kirke  [ da ]founded about 1100
Roenninge Kirke fra sydoest.jpg
Odense Saint Canute's Cathedral
Odense - Sankt Knuds kirke 2005-07-16.jpeg
Odense Kommune Fraugde Kirke  [ da ]mentioned 1239brick, stone and alternating layers
Fraugde Kirke fra syd.jpg
Allesø Sogn ,
Odense Kommune
Allesø Kirke  [ da ]
Allesoe Kirke fra nordoest.jpg
Otterup Kommune Bederslev kirke  [ da ]
Bederslev kirke.jpg

Denmark: North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster


and adjacent Islands

Faxe  Helsingør  Møn  Næstved  Odsherred Kom.  Roskilde  Stevns Kom.
PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Capital Region
East Hersted church  [ da ]sinds 1200tower of brick, plastered nave of boulders
Herstedoester Kirke Albertslund Denmark belfry1.jpg
West Hersted church  [ da ]13th centuryporch & upper tower of brick, nave of stone; alterations in 19th century
Herstedvester Kirke Albertslund Denmark.jpg
Blovstrød Sogn ,
Allerød Kommune ,
Capital Region
Blovstrød Kirke  [ da ]
Blovstrod Kirke 02.jpg
Allerød Kommune Lillerød Kirke  [ da ]founded about 1100Romaesque stone building enlarged by brick
Nordenskirker Lilleroed(01).jpg
Ballerup ,
Capital Region
Ballerup Kirke  [ da ]
Ballerup Kirke.jpg
near Copenhagen
West Brøndby Church  [ da ]Gothic 15th centurybegun in 12th century
Broendbyvester Kirke Broendbyvester Denmark.jpg
East Brøndby church  [ da ]nave of stone about 1150only tower Brick Gothic
Broendbyoester Kirke Broendbyoester Denmark.jpg
Faxe Faxe Kirke  [ da ]15th century
05-07-30-f2 copy Faxe kirke.jpg
Haslev ,
Faxe Kommune
Haslev Church 1370first stone church about 1100
Faxe Kommune Karise Kirke  [ da ]1261
05-07-30-g1 copy Karise kirke (Faxe).jpg
Faxe Kommune Roholte Church 1441royal pessession until 1677
Roholte kirke.jpg
Faxe Kommune Teestrup Kirke [162] Late Romanesque nave, Late Gothic additions, washed
Fredensborg Kommune Asminderød Kirke  [ da ]founded about 1100 as a round stone church
Asminderod Kirke 8.JPG
Frederiksborg Oppe Sundby Kirke  [ da ]Gothic about 1400boulders 11th century
Oppe Sundby Kirke Frederiksborg Denmark.jpg
Frederikssund Kommune ,
Capital Region
Frederikssund Kirke  [ da ]about 1200Romanesque & early Gothic, eastern part rather of boulders
Frederikssund Kirke.jpg
Frederikssund Kommune,
NW of Copenhagen
Jørlunde church 11th/12th/ ? centurybrick gothic additions to Romanesque started building; Romanesque frescos
Jorlunde kirke 04-11-07.jpg
Frederikssund Kommune Slangerup Kirke  [ da ]tower begun 1411,
nave built 1587–1588
Gotic & Renaissance
Glostrup (also Kom.),
Capital Region
Glostrup Kirke  [ da ]
05-05-18-a3 copy Glostrup.jpg
Gribskov Kommune ,
Capital Region,
north coast
Græsted Kirke  [ da ]about 1200Romanesque & Gothic, much of the nave plastered
05-04-02-i2-copie Graested (Gribskov).jpg
Gribskov Kommune Helsinge Kirke  [ da ]begun 12th century, tower 16th centurynave except of the window framings plastered
Helsinge Kirke 12-03-06 2.jpg
Gribskov Kommune Søborg Kirke  [ da ]1140–end 13th centurybeggun in Romanesque style already by brick
Soeborg Kirke.JPG
Halsnæs Kommune,
Capital Region,
northern coast
Kregme Kirke  [ da ]Romanesque of boulders 12th century
, Gothic of brick 16th century
Kregme kirke 57.jpg
Halsnæs Kommune,
northern coast,
Capital Region
Melby Kirke  [ da ]Gothic 16th centuryRomanesque coer of boulders since 1080
Melby Kirke Frederiksvaerk Denmark.jpg
Helsingør Saint Olaf's Church Gothic early 15th centurybasilica, begun in Romanesque style already by brick about 1200
Sankt Olai Kirke 01.jpg
Carmelite Priory
with St Mary church
since 1430
Sankt Mariae Helsingoer.jpg
Helsingør City Museum since 1516former Carmelites' sailors' hospital
Helsingor Bymuseum, Denmark.jpg
north of Copenhagen
Gørløse Kirke  [ da ]Romanesque & Gothic, nave of boulders & brick since 1150
04-11-07-d2-copie 2 Gorlose (Hillerod).jpg
Hillerød Kommune Nørre Herlev Kirke  [ da ]1450–1480
Norre Herlev Kirke1.jpg
Høje-Taastrup Kommune,
Capital Region
Upper Taastrup church  [ da ]Gothic 1250–1400core 1050–1150
Hoje Taastrup Kirke (2015).jpg
Holbæk Kommune Frydendal Kirckewhite washed, partly almost plastered
Frydendal Kirke ved Morkov.jpg
Holbæk Jyderup Kirke [163] Gothic 15th century
05-01-22-e4 copie Jyderup kirke (Holbaek).jpg
Former Nicholas church since 13th centuryafter fire of 1795 reconstructed in early 20th century; lower parts of the tower original; nowadays a museum
Kopenhagen - panoramio (51).jpg
Køge St Nicholas church  [ da ]1250_1300
Sankt Nicolai Kirke Koege Denmark 7.jpg
Lejre Kommune Gershøj kirkered washed
Gershoj kirke, vest side 09-03-22-a7.jpg
Lejre Kommune Glim Kirke  [ da ]13th century
04-10-03-c4-copie 2 Glim (Lejre).jpg
Møn Island,
Vordingborg Kommune
Bogø Kirke  [ da ]white washed
Nordenskirker Bogoe(01).jpg
Møn Island
Borre KirkeRomanesque & Gothic
Borre Church.JPG
Møn Elmelunde Kirke  [ da ]stone 1085brick & boulders, white washed
Elmelunde Kirke.jpg
Møn Fanefjord Kirke  [ da ]white washed
Fanefjord Kirke 2006.jpg
Vordingborg Kommune
Magleby Kirke  [ da ]Gothic 15th/16th centurycoer early 13th century
Magleby Church.JPG
Næstved St Martin's church founded about 1220, tower 15th century
Skt. Mortens Kirke - Naestved.jpg
St. Peter's Church 12th to 14th centuryBuilt on the site of an earlier Romanesque church, the Gothic church has scarcely been altered since 1375.
Skt. Peders Kirke - Naestved.jpg
Old town hall15th century
Old Town Hall (Naestved).jpg
Glumsø ,
Næstved Kommune
Glumsø Kirke  [ da ]
05-06-15-e2 copy Glumso (Naestved).jpg
Næstved Kommune Herlufmagle Kirke  [ da ]15th/16th centuryalterations 1886
Sjællands Odde,
' Odsherred Kommune ,
northern coast'
Odden Kirke  [ da; de ]in stages 13th century – about 1400washeded; choir enlarged in 1820
Odden kirke bei Overby.JPG
Odsherred Kommune Grevinge Kirke,
Roskilde Stift
 [ da ]
stone about 1170lower & eastern parts of boulders & other granite
Grevinge kirke 12 2005.jpg
Nykøbing Zealand,
Odsherred Kommune
Nykøbing church  [ da; de ]Romanesque brick 1225, Gothic about 1400
Kirche von Nykobing Sudseite.JPG
Odsherred Kommune Nørre Asmindrup Kirke  [ da ]12th century Romanesquenave mainly of boulders, gables triangles of brick, plastered
Norre Asmindrup Kirke 07.jpg
Roskilde Cathedral 12th to 13th century UNESCO World Heritage Site. Essentially Romanesque but incorporating Gothic features. Among earliest large-scale brick edifices in northern Europe.
Roskilde domkirke west fassade.jpg
Sankt Jørgensbjerg Kirke  [ da ]begun 1080 as a building of boulders
Sankt Joergensbjerg Kirke Roskilde Denmark rear.jpg
St. Catherine's Priory, Roskilde old parts 1565evangelical monastery since 1699
Roskilde Kloster 2015-03-30-4767.jpg
Sankt Laurentii Church Tower early 16th centurynave of 13th century demolished after Reformation
Sankt Laurentii Kirkeruin Roskilde Denmark belfry.jpg
Roskilde Kommune Gundsømagle Kirke  [ da ]founded in 1100
05-03-05-f2 copie gundsomagle (Roskilde).jpg
Roskilde Kommune Snoldelev Kirke  [ da ]founded about 1100, nave begun Romanesque with Gohtiv alterations, choir and tower Gothic, brick & stone, white washed
Snoldelev Kirke Roskilde Denmark exterior.jpg
Rudersdal Kommune Birkerød kirke  [ da ]
09-09-19-d3-Birkerod kirke (Rudesdal).jpg
Ringsted Kommune
Sneslev Kirke [164] 12th/13th centuryRomanesque & Gothic, tower renaissance
Nordenskirker Sneslev(01).jpg
Solrød Kommune Havdrup Kirke  [ da ]yellow washed
Havdrup Kirke Roskilde Denmark.jpg
Solrød Kommune Jersie Kirke  [ da ]13th century
Jersie Kirke Roskilde Denmark.jpg
Kirke Skensved,
Solrød Kommune
Church of Kirke Skensved  [ da ] [165] nave 14th century, tower & porch 15th century,
upper tower perhaps rebuilt after 1660 (Swedish Wars)
Kirke Skensved Kirke Roskilde Denmark.jpg
Sorø Kommune Vedbygård 1429, 1540
Ruds Vedby - Vedbygaard1.JPG
Stevns Kommune,
south of Copenhagen
Strøby Kirke  [ da ]13th centurybrick and stone
Stroby kirke.jpg
Stevns Kommune Tårnby Kirke  [ da ]1200 Romanesque, 1375 Gothic, 1500 porch
St.Tarnby Kirke02.JPG
Stevns Kommune Valløby Kirke  [ da ]Gothic 15th centuryeastern part Romanesque with Renaissance gable, western part Gothic with brich tower
Valloby Kirke01.JPG
Greve Kommune,
south of Copenhagen
Tune Kirke [166] 14th/15th centurypredecessor 11th century
Tune Kirke Roskilde Denmark.jpg

Zealand ⬆ : Faxe  Helsingør  Møn  Næstved  Odsherred Kom.  Roskilde  Stevns Kom.
Denmark: North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster

Lolland and Falster

PlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Store Avnede,
near Nakskov,
Lolland Kommune
Avnede Church 14th century?white washed; before the damming off of Nakskov Fjord near to the beach
06-04-02-d2 copie Avnede kirke (Lolland).jpg
Birket, northern
Lolland Kommune
Birket Church about 1350washed, Gothtic choir, oldest wodden bell tower of Denmark
Nordenskirker Birketx01.jpg
Lolland Kommune
Gloslunde Church 13th centuryRomanesque with Gothic additions of porch, sacristy & vaults
06-04-02-k6 Gloslunde (Lolland).JPG
Lolland Kommune
Maribo Cathedral 15th centuryhall church, former nunnery
Domkirke i Maribo.JPG
Lolland Kommune
St Nicholas church 13th century
& 1420–1654
narrow but high Romanesque core,
lengthened and widened by low Gothic nave & aisles,
forming a basilica in the west and a low hall church in the east;
predecessor of about 1000
Sankt Nikolai Nakskov3.jpg
NW of Maribo,
Lolland Kommune
Østofte Church 14th century
Ostofte Kirke.JPG
SW of Nakskov,
Lolland Kommune
Vestenskov Kirke  [ da ]about 1250
Vestenskov kirke (Lolland).jpg
4 km ESE of Maribo,
Lolland island, but
Guldborgsund Kom.
Engestofte kirke [167] High Gothic, white washed
06-02-11-f3 Engestofte (Lolland).jpg
S of Sakskøbing ,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Fjelde Kirke  [ da ]tower 15th centurynave romanesque
06-02-11-i1 Fjelde (Lolland).jpg
Guldborgsund Kom.
Kettinge Kirke  [ da ]13th century
06-05-21-e6 Kettinge kirke (Lolland).JPG
Guldborgsund Kom.
Majbølle Kirke  [ da ]1250–1300
Majbolle Kirke01.jpg
Guldborgsund Kom.
Nysted Kirke  [ da ]about 1300
Nysted kirke fra ost.JPG
Guldborgsund Kom.
Radsted Kirke  [ da ]Romanesque about 1200, Gothic choir 14th, tower 15th century; Renaissance alterations
Sakskøbing ,
Lolland, Guldborgsund Kom.
Sakskøbing Kirke  [ da ]1250–1300more Romanesque than Gothic details
Sakskobing kirke (Lolland).JPG
S of Sakskøbing,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Slemminge Kirke  [ da ]13th century,
tower later
two Romanesque & several Gothic arches
Nordenskirker Slemming(01).jpg
South of Maribo,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Vester Ulslev Kirke  [ da ]nave before 1300Romanesque choir, gothicized Romanesque nave, Late Gothic tower
Vester Ulslev 2.JPG
Falster Island,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Eskilstrup Church Romanesque apse, Gothic tower, washed
Eskilstrup Kirke2.jpg
Guldborgsund Kom.
Gundslev Kirke  [ da ]tower & choir partly Gothic
Guldborgsund Kom.
Kippinge Church 13th century
05-08-16-m5 copie Kippinge kirke (Falster).jpg
Guldborgsund Kom.
Nørre Alslev Church 1308
Norre Alslev kirke (Falster).jpg
northern Falster,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Nørre Vedby Kirke  [ da ]about 1300
Norre Vedby kirke (Falster).jpg
northern Falster,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Østofte Kirke.JPG  [ da ]about 1250
Nordenskirker Nororslev01.jpg
northeastern Falster,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Stubbekøbing Church [168] 13th & 15th centuryLate Romanesque basiilical nave, Erly Gothic choir, Late Gothic tower, later alterations
Stubbekobing Kirke.jpg
east of Nykøbing,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Sønder Alslev Kirke  [ da ]tower Gothic
Sonder Alslev (Falster).jpg
SE of Nørre Alslev,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Torkilstrup Church tower 15th centuryRomanesque nave of boulders, Gothic tower of brick
Nordenskirker Torkilstrup01.jpg
north of Nykøbing,
Guldborgsund Kom.
Ønslev kirke [169] choir and nave Early Gothic
Onslev kirke (Falster).jpg

Denmark ⬆ : North Jutland  Mid Jutland  South Jutland  Funen  Zealand  Lolland & Falster


In England, the use of bricks for pretentious buildings began later than in continental Europe. And the collective of Gothic brick buildings differs, almost no religious buildings and very few urban ones.

PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Barsham (Norfolk) East Barsham Manor rebuilt in the 1920s and 1930s
East Barsham Manor.jpg
Burnham-on-Crouch (Essex) Creeksea Place Elizabethan architecture
Creeksea Place, Creeksea,
Colchester (Essex) Layer Marney Tower 1520tallest Tudor gatehouse in Britain
Layer marney21.jpg
Warwickshire Compton Wynyates 1481Tudor architecture
Compton Wynyates.jpg
Guildford (Surrey) Sutton Place 1525Tudor architecture
Entrance facade at Sutton Place - - 1556942.jpg
near Henley-on-Thames (Oxfordshire) Greys Court Elizabethan architecture, partly stone with layers of brick, partly brick
Greys Court.jpg
Richmond upon Thames (London) Hampton Court Palace 1497–1600Tudor style buildings for Giles Daubeney (part of Henry VIII's kitchen), Cardinal Wolsey (1516 Great Gatehouse, 1522 Clock Court), Henry VIII (since 1530), Elizabeth I (since 1547); later buildings in Baroque style
Great Gate, Hampton Court Palace.jpg
Great gatehouse
City of Westminster (London) St James's Palace 1531–1536Tudor architecture
St Jamess Palace.jpg
Manchester Hough End Hall Elizabethan architecture
Hough End Hall - - 49591.jpg
Morley Saint Peter (Norfolk) Morley Old Hall about 1600Tudor architecturephoto wanted
north of Newbury (Berkshire) Shaw House Elizabethan architecture
Shaw House, Berkshire 05.jpg
Oxborough (Norfolk) Oxburgh Hall Elizabethan architecture
Oxburgh Hall 2.jpg
Prestbury (Cheshire) Normans Hall partly timber-framed, partly brickphoto wanted
Ramsbury (Wiltshire) Littlecote House Elizabethan architecture, partly of bricks
Littlecote House 05.jpg
Rochester (Kent) Eastgate House Elizabethan architecture, partly brick, partly half-timbered
Eastgate House, Rochester High St.JPG
Sevenoaks District (Kent) Otford Palace 1537ruins
Archbishop's Palace ruins - - 509555.jpg
Shottesbrooke (Berkshire) Shottesbrooke Park House16th centuryTudor architecture
Shottesbrooke Park - - 604889.jpg
near Tasburgh (Norfolk) Rainthorpe Hall Elizabethan architecture
Rainthorpe Hall - - 415023.jpg
Cheshire West and Chester Willaston Old Hall Elizabethan architecture
Willaston Old Hall - - 2282882.jpg
Whitchurch-on-Thames (Oxfordshire) Hardwick House before 1526Tudor architecture
Hardwick House 2013 10 27 East side.JPG
Lincolnshire Tattershall Castle 1430-1450Brick castle with restored large tower
Tattershall Castle (Lincs).jpg
East Sussex Herstmonceux Castle mid 15th centuryOne of the oldest brick buildings in England
Herstmonceux Castle with moat.jpg
Woking (Surrey) Woking Palace 13th century & 1503ruins
Woking Palace, near Old Woking - - 40278.jpg



PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Laiuse Castle 13th – 14th centuriespartly brick surface on the walls of boulders;
destroyed in 1559, afterwards partly rebuilt
Laiuse linnuse varemed1.jpg
Põltsamaa Põltsamaa Castle rests of Gothic façade decoration of btick;
since 1750 converted into a Rococo palace; destroyed in 1941
Tartu Cathedral 13th – 15th centuriesDestroyed in Livonian War,
east part of ruin now houses Tartu University Museum.
Towers were originally 66 metres (217 feet) high (now 22 m or 72 ft).
Tartu Cathedral 02.jpg
St. John early 14th century
Tartu Jaani Church 2007 12.jpg
Numerous terracotta sculptures inside and outside
Tartu Jaani Church 2007 13.jpg
Vastseliina Vastseliina Castle 14th – 15th centuriespartly brick surface on the walls of boulders; rests of Gothic decoration of brick
destroyed in 1702
Castle in Vahtseliina Estonia Vasteliina 04.jpg
Viljandi Viljandi Castle 13th – 14th centuries
Viljandi 2010 001.jpg


PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Espoo Cathedral 1485–1490, trancept 1821–1823Parts of brick Gothic
Espoo Cathedral.jpg
Halikko Holy (Saint) Bridget Church1460–1475, trancepts and portico 1812–1814Portico of brick Gothic
Halikko church 2.JPG
Hämeenlinna Häme Castle 15th and 16th century, on earlier fieldstone foundationsBrick castle
Hattula Holy Cross Church 1472–1490Northernmost Brick Gothic church
Hattula church of the Holy Cross 20050909.jpg
Porvoo Cathedral 1440–1450
Porvoon Tuomiokirkko.jpg
Turku Cathedral Late 14th century to early 16th century, a brick gothic chapel 1655–1657
Turku cathedral 26-Dec-2004.jpg
Saint Mary's Church (Finnish: Maarian kirkko)1440–1460
Maarian kirkko.jpg



Navigation:  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South

Hauts-de-France with French Flanders

DepartmentPlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Nord Arnèke Église Saint-Martin (images) Arneke l'Eglise Saint-Martin.JPG
town hall
Belfry  [ fr ] (images) 15th centurydestroyed in 1918,
rebuilt a bit simpler in 1929
Bailleul Beffroi R01.jpg
Gothic hallsurvived the bombings of 1918
Bambecque St. Omer Churchregional pale brick Kerk-Bambeke.jpg
Bergues Belfry  [ fr ]14th–16th centurydestroyed in 1944,
almost identically rebuilt in 1961 (images)
0 Bergues - Beffroi (3).JPG
Saint-Martin Church  [ fr ] (images) 0 Bergues - Eglise Saint-Martin (1).jpg
Blaringhem Saint-Martin Churchonly the tower and parts of the nave are of bricks,
pseudo-basilica [171]
Bourbourg Saint-John-Baptiste Church  [ fr ]partly of bricks (images) Bourbourg eglise.JPG
Brouckerque Saint-Folquin Church
Jielbeaumadier eglise brouckerque 2010.jpg
Cappelle-Brouck Church of St. James the Eldergray brick: parts of the building of brick, parts of stone and de mixed parts Cappelle-Brouck - Eglise Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur - 2.jpg
Douai Templer's House  [ fr ]founded in 1155changes in the 19th century Douai - Maison Notre Dame.jpg
Our Lady's Church  [ fr ]12th–15th centuriesshells of the vaults and part of the interior sides of the walls of brick; outside all is of sandstone Douai - Eglise Notre-Dame - 17.jpg
Dunkirk Belfry  [ fr ] (images)
Dunkerque Belfort.JPG
Saint-Eloi Church  [ fr ] (images) Sinteligiuskerkduinkerke 11-03-2009 16-38-21.JPG
Esquelbecq Saint-Folquin Church13th–17th centurycurrent decorative façade of 1610 [172] (images) Esquelbecq - Saint-Folquin - Vue generale.JPG
Esquelbecq Castle12th centuryaltered by renovation since 1606 Chateau d'esquelbecq.jpg
Hazebrouck Saint-Éloi Church (images)
Eglise saint eloi hazebrouck.jpg
Hondschoote Saint Vaast Church15 century, tower 1513perhaps the most lovely brick church of French Fladers, famous "White Tower" at a relatively low hall church PA00107551-Eglise Saint-Vaast de Hondschoote (2).jpg
Houtkerque Église Saint-Antoine (images)
Houtkerque Churchyard. Kerk.JPG
Killem Village church16th & 17th centuries Killem-Eglise.JPG
Lederzeele Église de l'Assomption-de-Notre-Dame Lederzeele - Eglise - 1.JPG
Millam Église Saint-Omer [173] 15th centurypale "sand brick"
Eglise St Omer de Millam.JPG
Morbecque Saint-Firmin Church  [ fr ] Morbecque (Nord, Fr) eglise 01.JPG
Noordpeene Gothic steeple of yellow brick, rest Gothic revival of red brick Noordpeene (Nord, Fr) eglise.JPG
Oost-Cappel Église Saint-Nicolas [174] only northern aisle Oost-Cappel, eglise Saint Nicolas foto3 2013-05-11 13.01.jpg
Quaëdypre Saint-Omer Church Quaedypre Eglise St Omer.jpg
Rexpoëde Saint-Omer Churchl'église est en partie gothique, mais le clocher et la flèche sont néogothiques (style néoflamand)
Rexpoede Eglise R01.jpg
Rubrouck D'Oude Hofstee (Flamish: The Old Manor/Farm)very rare example of Gothic Flamish vernacular architecture Rubrouck- La vieille ferme-manoir.JPG
Saint-Georges-sur-l'Aa Saint-Georges Church
Saint-Georges-sur-l'Aa - Eglise.jpg
Saint-Jans-Cappel Tower of St John Baptiste1557Gothic/Renaissance [175]
Eglise de St Jans.jpg
Samer Saint-Martin Church  [ fr ] Samer - Eglise Saint-Martin - 1.jpg
Socx Saint-Léger Church
Staple Saint-Omer Church Staple (Nord, Fr) eglise (02).JPG
Steenvoorde Saint-Peter's Church [176]
Steenvoorde - Eglise Saint-Pierre 3.jpg
Valenciennes St.-Gery Church  [ fr ] [177] 1st third of 13th centuryparts of the buttresses; originally abbey of the Recollet Friars; steeple built in the 19th century
Valenciennes - Eglise Saint-Gery - 2.jpg
Volckerinckhove Église Saint-Folquin Volckerinckove-Eglise1.JPG
Warhem Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption
Watten Abbey Notre-Dame du Mont  [ fr ]ruins (images)
Tour de l'abbaye - Mont de Watten.jpg
Saint-Gilles Church (images)
West-Cappel Église Saint-Sylvestre
West-Cappel Saint-Sylvestre 499.jpg
Wormhout St-Martin Church  [ fr ]restored 1547–1689pale "sand brick" [178]
0 Wormhout - Clocher de l'eglise St-Martin (2).JPG
Pas de Calais Arras House of the three Lepards  [ fr ]1467
Arras, La Grande Place 035d.jpg
Calais Église Notre-Dame partly of brick (images) Eglise notre dame calais clocher pied.jpg
Tour du Guet
Tour du Guet, Calais.jpg
Ham-en-Artois Église Saint-Sauveur  [ fr ] [179] partly of brick (images)
Ham-en-Artois - Eglise Saint-Sauveur - 3.JPG
Hesdin Église Notre-Dame [180] before 1554Renaissance portal of 1585
(Wikimedia has no images of the Gothic phase.)
Zutkerque Saint-Martin Church Zutkerque (Pas-de-Calais) eglise Saint-Martin (03).JPG
Somme Beaucamps-le-Jeune Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption (images) Beaucamps-le-Jeune eglise 1.jpg
Rambures Château de Rambures 15th century Chateau de Rambures.jpg

Navigation:  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South


DepartmentPlaceBuildingtime of constructionNotesImage
Bas-Rhin Strasbourg Towers of the Ponts Couverts 1230–1250

Navigation:  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South

Central France, south and west of Orléans

In the Loir-et-Cher department, there is a small group of Gothic brick buildings. One of them even is among the most famous buildings of France, though not for its bricks.

DepartmentPlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Eure-et-Loir Villebon Villebon Castle  [ fr ] [181] 14th century
Chateau de Villebon.JPG
Indre-et-Loire La Riche Plessis-lèz-Tours Castle  [ fr ]15th–16th century Brick-and-Stone, [181] largely restored in 19th and 20th century
Loir-et-Cher Blois Blois Castle 1440–1501wings of Charles VIII and Louis XII,
Flamboyant style and onset of the Brick-and-Stone style [181]
Blois Chateau1.jpg
Lassay-sur-Croisne Château du Moulin  [ fr ]15th century
Chateau du moulin1.jpg
Chaumont-sur-Tharonne St-Étienne (st Steven's Church)15th century
Chaumont-sur-Tharonne eglise Saint-Etienne 2.jpg
Saint-Viâtre Saint-Viâtre Church  [ fr ]early 16th centurysouthern façade of the transept
Souvigny-en-Sologne Saint-Martin Church  [ fr ]16th centurywestern part of the nave
Souvigny-en-Sologne church cut.jpg
Vouzon St-Peter's Church  [ fr ]15th–16th centurytower: stone and mosaic of bricks

Navigation:  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South

(Ducal) Burgundy and Franche Comté region

In Middle Ages, the same rulers were Dukes of Burgundy as French vassals and Counts of Burgundy as vassals of the Holy Roman Empire.

DepartmentPlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Côte-d'Or Citeaux Abbey Library1260–1509Abbey founded in 1098, mother of all Cistercian abbeys;
outer walls of the library with mosaics of varnished brick
Abbaye de Citeaux La Bibliotheque.JPG
Ain Bâgé-la-Ville Chapelle d'Aigrefeuille  [ fr ]about 1200
Chapelle Aigrefeuille Bage Ville 3.jpg
Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne Saint-Andrew's Church [182] 1273
Chatillon Eglise St Andre.jpg
Castle [183] 11th–15th centuryruins
Chatillon Ancien Chateau.jpg
Saône-et-Loire Louhans Saint-Peter's Church  [ fr ]
Eglise Saint-Pierre Louhans 004.JPG
Mervans Village church14th century
Mervans clocher2.jpg
Navigation:  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South


– Between Burgundy and Languedoc –

DepartmentPlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Loire Sainte-Agathe-la-Bouteresse Bonlieu Abbey  [ fr ]12th–14th centuriesonly partly brick,
nowadays disused as an agricultural building [184] [185]
no photo in WM Commons

Navigation:  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South

Southern France around Toulouse

Toulouse  Albi  Pamiers
DepartmentPlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Haute-Garonne Toulouse Toulouse Cathedral (images)
Facade de la cathedrale Saint-Etienne de Toulouse.jpg
Couvent des Cordeliers  [ fr ] (images) ruins
Eglise des Cordeliers de Toulouse - 201112 (3).jpg
Jacobine Convent  [ fr ] (images)
154 Toulouse.JPG
Couvent des Jacobins de Toulouse 6.jpg
Saint Nicolas Church
Eglise Saint-Nicolas de Toulouse.jpg
Notre-Dame du Taur
31 - Eglise Notre-Dame du Taur - Facade.jpg
Notre-Dame de la Dalbade  [ fr ] (images)
Facade de Notre-Dame de la Dalbade.jpg
Hôtel Vinhas [186]
Rue Croix-Baragnon, house n° 15 (images) Romano-Gothic
Immeuble dit Maison romano-gothique - Toulouse.jpg
Rue Croix-Baragnon, house n° 19much altered
Auterive  [ fr ] Saint-Paul's Church  [ fr ]
Eglise st-paul 2.jpg
Daux Eglise Saint-Barthélémy (images) de Daux
Daux- Eglise Abside et tour.jpg
Grenade, Haute-Garonne Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*  [ fr ]
Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption (Grenade) Clocher.jpg
Villefranche de Lauragais  [ fr ]Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*
France-Villefranche de Lauragais-clocher-mur.jpg
Tarn Albi Cathedral of Saint-Cecile (images)
(Albi) East views of the Ste Cecile Cathedral - Apse.jpg
Palais de la Berbie  [ fr ] (images) in the Cité Épiscopale  [ fr ]
(Albi) - Palais de la Berbie vu de la rive droite du Tarn.jpg
Gaillac Abbaye Saint-Michel  [ fr ] (images)
Abbaye Saint-Michel a Gaillac - PA00132878 Centre.jpg
Église Saint-Pierre  [ fr ] (images)
Gaillac - eglise Saint-Pierre - PA00095558.jpg
Lavaur Cathedral Saint-Alain
(Lavaur) Cathedrale Saint-Alain - Exposition Nord-Ouest.jpg
Saint-Francis Church  [ fr ]
(Lavaur) Eglise Saint-Francois - interieur de la nef.jpg
Rabastens Église Notre-Dame-du-Bourg  [ fr ]
Rabastens 09.jpg
Tarn-et-Garonne Montauban Église Saint-Jacques  [ fr ]
Montauban - L'eglise St. Jacques - SO exposure.jpg
Beaumont-de-Lomagne Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*
Beaumont-de-Lomagne - Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption.jpg
Finhan Église Saint-MartinGothic Revival modifications
Finhan - L'eglise Saint-Martin.jpg
Ariège Pamiers Cathédrale Saint-Antonin (images)
Cathedrale St-Antonin de Pamiers.jpg
Église Notre-Dame-du-Camp [187] (images) 1343, 1466built on a Romanesque predecessor (portal of the 12th century), later reconstructions in 1672, 1769, 1773
Orgue Notre Dame du Camp (Pamiers).jpg
Tour des Cordeliers (images)
Tour des Cordeliers de Pamiers (09).JPG
Tour de l'hôtel des Monnaies
Pamiers - Tour de l'hotel des Monnaies du Languedoc.JPG
Gers The department of Gers has a significant number of buildings in Southern French Gothic style, built of stone, such as the cathedrals of Condom and Lectoure. Its brick buildings are found in the southwest, near to Toulouse region.
Gimont Our-Lady's-Assumption Church*
Gimont - Eglise Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption -4.JPG
Lombez Saint-Mary's Cathedral
Lombez - Cathedrale -1.jpg
Simorre Église Notre-Dame  [ fr ]
Simorre - Eglise Notre-Dame -2.jpg

(*) "Our-Lady's-Assumption Church" = Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption

Navigation ⇑ :  North  Alsace  Center  Burgundy/Bresse  Forez  South


See List of Gothic brick buildings in Germany


– In Hungary, there is much more hidden than visible medieval brick. During the 145 years of Ottoman occupation, many churches fell in ruins. At about 1700 they were restored, inclusively of plastering, which need not necessary have existed before. In ruins of the Turkish wars and of World War II, brick can be visible, though these buildings had been plastered in their time of function. –

PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
west bank of Rába river
Szent Jakab apostol1251
Premonstratensian, generally Romanesque building with few Gothic details Szent Jakab prepostsag regen.jpg R.k. templom (3988. szamu muemlek).jpg
Budapest Tower of St. Mary Magdalene's Church  [ hu; fr; de ]about 1400nave of stone, destroyed in the end of WW: II
A Maria Magdolna-templom 44.JPG
east of lower
Tisza river
with proviso:
Ecser church
ruin of a perhaps originally plastered church
Ecseri templomrom.jpg
east of Esztergom
St. Imre church14th century gothic enlargement of a Roamnesque stone church of 11th/12th century
NE corner of Hungary
with proviso:
Reformed church
13th centuryRomanesque church with a Gothic choir, temporarily widely unplastered, but now plastered again [188]
Nagygeci reformatus templom - panoramio.jpg
south of lake Balaton
with proviso:
Puszta church  [ hu ]
13th centuryruin of an originally plastered church
Somogyvamosi templomrom (4).jpg
Zala County,
NW of lake Balaton
Premonstratensian abbey church  [ hu; de ]begun between 1230 & 1240Romanesque-Gothic transitional style, reconstruction about 1900
TURJE5277 KT090620.jpg



Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  FRI  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Atessa Cathedral St Leucius  [ it ]13th centuryRenaissance alterations
Cattedrale di San Leucio ad Atessa.JPG
Lanciano Santa Maria Maggiore, Lanciano Tower and originally possibly plastered vaults
Lanciano - Civitanova - S. Maria maggiore (campanile).jpg
(on hills between two rivers,
view to Gran Sasso d'Italia)
Duomo di San Massimo  [ it ]11th–13th centuriesinterim Baroque decoration,
nowadays withdrawn
Duomo di Penne.jpg
various private palazzinowadays mainly Renaissance,
but some originally Gothic
Penne 2012 by-RaBoe 080.jpg

Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


Bologna  Imola  Parma  Piacenza  Rimini
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Rocca dei Bentivoglio [189] [190] Rocca dei Bentivoglio  [ it ]
Torre della rocca dei Bentivoglio.JPG
Bobbio Cathedral 1463central section of western façade, stylistically not very Gothic
Bologna Basilica of San Francesco 1236–1263
6048 - Bologna - San Francesco - Facciata - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto, 9-Feb-2008.jpg
Chiostro di San Francesco - panoramio.jpg
Basilica of San Giacomo Maggiore
Bologna, san giacomo maggiore, facciata.JPG
San Giacomo Maggiore (Bologna) Apse and campanile.jpg
Basilica di Santa Maria dei Servi
San Martino
San martino maggiore, bologna 01.JPG
San Petronio Basilica
San petronio, fianco destro 02.JPG
The world's largest Gothic brick church (volume about 260,000 m3)
1107 - Bologna - Facciata di San Petronio - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto, 9-Feb-2008.jpg
Palazzo d'Accursio the city hall
Bologna - Palazzo d'Accursio - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto 5-3-2005 2.jpg
Palazzo della Mercanzia  [ it ]a guild hall
Bologna, Loggia ei Mercanti 01.JPG
Busseto, (PA)Collegiata di San Bartolomeo Apostolo
Busseto - Chiesa Collegiata di San Bartolomeo 08.JPG
Chiesa e convento di Santa Maria degli Angeli
Busseto - Santa Maria degli Angeli 08.JPG
Busseto - Santa Maria degli Angeli 01.JPG
Castell'Arquato Rocca Viscontea Castle  [ it ]Castle mainly bricks
Cento Castle La Rocca di Cento, 13th–15th century [191] Gothic & Renaissance
La Rocca Cento, Fe 01.JPG
Cesena Cesena Cathedral on the border of Romanesque and Gothic styles
Facciata del Duomo di San Giovanni Battista.jpg
Copparo Santa Maria di Savonuzzo  [ it ]Romanesque style in Gothic style age
Pieve di Santa Maria di Savonuzzo detta di San Venanzio (Copparo) 01.JPG
Cotignola, (RV)Church of San Francesco, [192] 15th century
Ferrara Castello Estense various stages since 1385main residence of the House of Este
Castello estense di ferrara, ext. 02.JPG
[[ Sant'Antonio in Polesine ,]] [ it ]
Imola Chiesa dei Santi Nicolò e Domenico  [ it ] [193] Chiesa dei Santi Nicolò e Domenico (Imola)  [ it ]
Imola porta della chiesa di San Domenico xilografia.jpg
Convento dell'Osservanza  [ it ]since 1391
Chiesa San Michele e convento Osservanza5.JPG
Rocca Sforzesca (Sforza Fortress)  [ it ]14th–15th century
Rocca di Imola, 2014, 2.JPG
Lugo Rocca Estense (Este fort) [194] 15th century
Rocca Estense della Piazza F Barraca.jpg
Mirandola (MO) Church of Gesù and San Francesco [195] [196] damaged by the earthquakes of 2012
Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi Mirandola.JPG
Castello dei Pico  [ it ]since 1311
Castello di Mirandola - panoramio.jpg
Modena San Francesco Parish Church [197] 1244–1445
Chiesa di San Francesco (Modena).jpg
Molinella Torre di Santo Stefano  [ it ]1322–1404
Torre di Santo Stefano Molinella.jpg
Parma San Francesco del Prato 13th–16th centuries
San Francesco del Prato di Parma.jpg
Cathedral 11th–15th centuriesmainly Romanesque, but some chapels Gothic
of Parma
Certosa di Paradigna  [ it; de ]1298–1385
Certosa Paradigna.jpg
Piacenza Palazzo Comunale
Basilica of Sant'Antonino
Sant'Antonino Piacenza.JPG
San Francesco Church [198]
San Giovanni in Canale [199]
Basilica Chiesa di Sant Giovanni in Canale 1, Piacenza (14238707978).jpg
San Giovanni
Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista [200]
Castel San Giovanni - chiesa di San Giovanni Battista - 02.jpg
Ravenna Campanile of the Church of San Michele in Africisco, [201] Church of 6th century, tower of 14th/15th century
San Michele in Africisco Ravenna.JPG
Reggio Emilia Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo (Reggio Emilia)  [ it ]
Reggio emilia posta.jpg
Rimini Church of Sant'Agostino  [ it ]
Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Rimini Italy.JPG
Palazzo dell'Arengo  [ de; fr; it ]
Rimini Palazzo dell'Arengo.JPG
Palazzo del Podestà
Palazzo del Podesta, Rimini Italy.JPG
Valconasso La Chiesa dell'Annunciazione di Valconasso [202] 1st half of 14th century
Vignola Rocca di Vignola  [ it ]12th–15th centuries
Rocca di Vignola - Esterno.jpg
Vigolzone Castello di Grazzano Visconti1395
Grazzano Visconti.jpg

 : Bologna  Imola  Parma  Piacenza  Rimini
Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


PlaceBuildingmain period of constructionspecial featuresImage
Genoa San Matteo 12th–16th centuryCloister beside the church
Genova, s. matteo, chiostro del 1308, 05.JPG

Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


Cremona  Lodi  Mantua (Mantova)  Milan(o)  Monza  Pavia
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Abbiategrasso (MI) Visconti Castle  [ it ]
Abbiategrasso-castello visconteo1.jpg
Bergamo Visconti Citadel (Bergamo) arcades of the court – the only unplastered medieval bricks in Bergamo
Brescia Chiesa di Sant'Agostino  [ it ]
Sant'agostino brescia facciata.jpg
Broletto brick 14th–early 15th centuryonly parts, especially those built under Pandolfo III Malatesta
Corpus Christi Church  [ it ]1467–1473on the edge of Renaissance, but the frieze of preformed brick on top of the gable is still Gothic
Santissimo corpo di cristo brescia facciata.jpg
San Francesco Church 1254–1394
Brescia S. Francesco Apside particolare by Stefano Bolognini.JPG Brescia S. Francesco tetto1 by Stefano Bolognini.JPG
Brescia S. Francesco facciata by Stefano Bolognini.JPG
St-John-Evangelist Church  [ it ]400–1440
Tomba famiglia maggi in san giovanni brescia.jpg
Gothic façade of layers of ashlar alternating with layers of brick
Pallata Tower, Brescia 1476–1481Only the top is of brick
Brescia Torre della Pallata 2 By Stefano Bolognini.JPG
Carpiano (CR) Saint Martin's Church  [ it ]
Chiesa Carpiano.jpg
Castiglione Olona (VA) Santi Stefano & Lorenzo  [ it ]1422–1435
2013-12-29 Collegiata Castiglione Olona chiesa s. Lorenzo e Stefano vista laterale.jpg
Crema (CR) Duomo di Crema
Cremona Cathedral 12th–14th centuriestransept & campanile Gothic
Cremona Duomo facciata transetto nord.JPG
Baptistery started in Romanesque style and marble, accomplished in Gothic style and brick
20110725 Cremona Baptistery 5948.jpg
San Michele Vetere
Chiesa S Michele Cremona.jpg
Loggia dei Militi
Cremona- La Loggia dei Militi.jpg
Palazzo Cittanova  [ it ]
Palazzo Cittanova.JPG
Cusago (CR) Abbazia Santa Maria Rossa  [ it ]
Lentate sul Seveso (MB) Oratorio di Santo Stefano  [ it ]
Lentate sul Seveso, Oratorio di Santo Stefano 003.JPG
Lodi Chiesa di Sant Agnese  [ it ]
Lodi - chiesa di Sant'Agnese - facciata.jpg
Duomo, Romanesque/Gothic
Lodi duomo.JPG
Chiesa di San Francesco  [ it ]
Lodi, San Francesco 001.JPG
Mantua (Mantova) San Francesco
Lodi Piazza Ospitale 01.JPG
Ducal palace
Mantua2 BMK.jpg
Milan (Milano) Abbazia di Chiaravalle
Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio late Antiquity/Romanesque/early Gothic
Milan - Saint Ambroise - Interieur.jpg
Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio
Side view of Saint Eustorgius Church in Milan.jpg
Church of San Cristoforo sul Naviglio Late Gothic
San cristoforo facciata.jpg
San Marco, Milan
Chiesa di San Marco - Milano.JPG
Santa Maria Assunta di Crescenzago [203]
Santa Maria del Carmine
Santa Maria del Carmine, Milano VIII 2014.jpg
Palazzo Borromeo
1675 - Milano - Palazzo Borromeo - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto - 18-May-2007.jpg
Sforza Castle Some parts, especially Filarete Tower, are rather 19th century reconstructions than original.
Castello Sforzesco009.JPG
Monza San Maria in Strada
Santa Maria Strada Monza.jpg
Duomo di Monza
Duomo di monza.jpg
only façade of stone
Arengario 13th century
Teolinda Tower  [ it ]13th centuryformer city gate
Pandino (CR) Pandino Castle  [ it ]
Il Castello di Pandino.JPG
Pavia Castello Visconteo 1360
Castello e parco.jpg
Santa Maria del Carmine
Santa maria del carmine.jpg
Convento dei Francescani (former Franciscan convent) [203]
Pavia Chiesa di San Francesco.jpg
Pozzuolo Martesana (MI) Chiesa di San Francesco  [ it ]
Revere Torre del Castello [204] 1125–1350
Revere La Torre.JPG
San Giuliano Milanese Abbazia dei Santi Pietro e Paolo in Viboldone
2039 - Milano - Abbazia di Viboldone - Interno - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto, 31-Oct-2009.jpg
Sant'Angelo Lodigiano Castello Morando Bolognini  [ it ]
Sant'Angelo Lodigiano , il Castello.jpg
Siziano (PV)Abbazia di Campomorto [203]
Solaro (MI)Oratorio dei Santi Ambrogio e Caterina [203]
Suzzara Torre Civica (City Tower)early 14th century
Piazza Castello, Suzzara.jpg
Voghera Visconti Castle  [ it ]
Paolo Monti - Servizio fotografico (Voghera, 1980) - BEIC 6330812.jpg
Vigevano Castello Visconteo-Sforzesco di Vigevano
Vigevano Castello maschio.jpg
San Pietro Martire
Vigevano-chiesa san pietro martire.jpg
Chiesa di San Francesco  [ it ]
Chiesa di San Francesco - Vigevano.JPG

 : Cremona  Lodi  Mantua (Mantova)  Milan(o)  Monza  Pavia
Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Amandola Sant'Agostino Church  [ it ]1464Gothic belltower
Cattedrale di San Leucio ad Atessa.JPG
Ancona Palazzo degli Anziani  [ it ]15th centuryan ancient city hall
Palazzo Benincasa  [ it ]15th century
Ancona, Palazzo Benincasa, XV secolo (1).JPG
Loggia dei Mercanti 1442–1459Venecian Gothic, parts of the upper storeys of brick
Ancona - Loggia dei Mercanti di Giorgio Orsini da Sebenico.JPG
Cupra Marittima Santa Maria in Castello  [ it ]since 1227Romanesque with Gothic alterations
Fabriano Sant'Agostino  [ it ] [205] upper parts of the façade of brick
Fabriano, Chiesa di S.Agostino, XIII-XIV e XVIII secolo.jpg
Fermo Saint-Francis  [ it ]bell tower
San Domenico Church  [ it ] [206] 1233–1491concathedralno photo in WM Commons
Jesi Saint-Mark Church  [ it ]12th century and later
Jesi, san marco 01.jpg
Pesaro Sant'Agostino 1258–1413lateral wall Gothic an of washed bric
Pesaro, sant'agostino 01.JPG
San Ginesio San Ginesio Collegiate Church  [ it ]up to 1421decorations in Floral Gothic style
San Ginesio, facciata della collegiata.jpg
San Severino Marche Saint Severin's Old Sanctuary  [ it ]
Santuario di San Severino - San Severino Marche 2.jpg
Church of San Lorenzo in Doliolo [207] no photo in WM Commons
Urbino St-Domenico (  [ it ]western façade Gothic
Urbino San Domenico facciata01 029.jpg
Oratory of St-John Baptist (  [ it ]
Urbino 01 046.JPG

Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


Asti  Carmagnola  Mondovì  Torino  Vercelli
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Acqui Terme Cathedral St Mary  [ it ]belltower Gothic
Acqui Terme-cattedrale-facciata1.jpg
Alba Chiesa di San Domenico [208] 13th/14th centuries
Alba-chiesa san domenico.jpg
Alessandria St Mary's Church of the Castle  [ it ]
Abside Santa Maria di Castello.JPG
Asti Cathedral of St-Mary's Assumption
IL DUOMO . Asti.jpg
Santa Maria di Viatosto  [ it ]15th centuryRomanesque & Gothic
Santa Maria Ausiliatrice Asti 01.jpg
Palazzo del Podestà  [ it ]13th centuryRomanesque & Gothic
Palazzo del Podesta ad Asti.jpg
private palazzi:
  • Palazzo Catena (15th century)
  • Palazzo Zoya (13th century)
Palazzo Catena 1.jpg
Palazzo Zoya 2.jpg
Palazzo Natta & Torre natta11th century and later
Tore e palazzo Natta.jpg
other patrician towers:
  • Torre Comentina (13th century)
  • Torre Guttuari (1304)
  • Torre De Regibus (12th century and later)
Torre comentina1.jpg
Torre Bertramegna Scarampa2.jpg
Torre de Regibus2Asti.jpg
Bra Palazzo Traversa [209] 15th century
Bra Palazzo traversa.JPG
Carmagnola St-Peter-and-Paul Church  [ it ]
Carmagnola, chiesa collegiata dei Santi Pietro e Paolo (13).jpg
Castle Castello di Carmagnola  [ it ]13th century
Castello di Carmagnola Miele.jpg
Palazzo Lomellini15th centuryalterations in 18th century
Palazzo Lomellini, Carmagnola, Italia.jpg
Casa Borioli  [ it ] [210] 15th centuryno photo in
WM Commons
Castelnuovo Scrivia Castello Podestarile [211]
Castelnuovo Scrivia-palazzo Pretorio3.jpg
Chivasso Santa Maria Assunta  [ it ]1415–1429outside Gothic inside Baroque
Chivasso Duomo 01.jpg
Cuneo St-Francis Church & compound  [ it ]15th centurypredecessors since 13th century, nowadays municipal museum
Cuneo16San Francesco est h-36 c+54 s+98.jpg
Fossano Castle of the Princes of Acaja  [ it ]1314–1332about 1500 transfomed from a fortification int a residential palace
Castello dei Principi d'Acaja, Fossano (4)cut.jpg
Gattinara St-Peter Church  [ it ]1470only western façade still Gothic
4201 - Gattinara - San Pietro - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto, 20 May 2011.jpg
Moncalieri Chiesa collegiata di S. Maria della Scala [212] 1232–1330no photo in
WM Commons
Mondovì Municipal Tower (Torre Civica del Belvedere)13th–14th century
Palazzo del Governatoreground flour arcades
Piazza (Mondovi)-palazzo del governatore3.jpg
Palazzo Fauzoneground flour arcades
Piazza (Mondovi)-palazzo Fauzone di Germagnano1.jpg
Casa Giolitti
Rossana Santa Maria Assunta [213] [214] 14th centuryno photo in
WM Commons
Saluzzo Saluzzo Cathedral  [ it ]
Duomo di Saluzzo Maria Vergine Assunta.jpg
Torino San Domenico Church  [ it ]14th–15th centuries
Chiesa di san Domenico Torino.JPG
Casa dei Romagnano  [ it ]14th–16th centuryGothic brick arches
Casa Romagnano (TO).JPG
Casa del Senato  [ it ] [215] 14th & 16th century
Casa Broglia  [ it ]14th crntury
Casa Broglia via Torquato Tasso 13 TO.jpg
Vercelli Basilica di Sant'Andrea Romanesque windows, Gothic vaults, façade of stone
Basilica di Sant'Andrea (Vercelli) 14.JPG
Visconti Castle  [ it ]
Castello Vercelli del sudest.jpg
San Marco Church  [ it ]Campanile
Campanile di San Marco (Vercelli).jpg
San Paolo Church [216]
Vercelli Campanile San Paolo.jpg
patrician towers
Torre degli Avogadro 2.JPG

 : Asti  Carmagnola  Mondovì  Torino  Vercelli
Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN


Montepulciano  Pisa  Prato  San Gimigniano  Siena
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Grosseto Campanile of the Cathedral 15th centurylater alterations of the windows
Lucca Casa Barletti-Baroni13th century
Casa barletti-baroni, 13th century 02.JPG
Guinigi Tower and Palace14th century
Torre guinigi 04.JPG
Montepulciano San Francesco Church  [ it ]13th–16th centuriesFranciscan abbey church
997Z MontepulcianoSFrancesco.JPG
Palazzo Neri Orselli 14th century
997T MontepulcianoMuseoCivico.JPG
"Pulcinella" clock tower
Piombino Sant'Antimo  [ it ]1284–1289
Sant'Antimo, altare.JPG
Casa delle Bifore  [ it ]1284–1289upper storeys mainly of brick
Casa delle Bifore.jpg
Pisa Palazzo Agostini, Pisa 15th century
Palazzo Agostini, Pisa.jpg
Palazzo Vecchio de' Medici since 11th centuryalterations to Renaissance, then in the 19th century re-(?)gothified
Palazzo Poschi  [ it ]15th century
Palazzo Poschi 01.JPG
Torre Lanfreducci  [ it ]12th & 14th century
Torre Lanfreducci 01.JPG
Pistoia Ancient Bishops' Palace  [ it ]12th–13th centuryprossibly originally plastered
Palazzo dei Vescovi.JPG
Prato Sant'Agostino church 1400–1440top section of the tower of pure brick, other walls of a Byzantine structure – layers of brick among layers of small boulders
Sant'Agostino in Prato Facade 1.jpg
San Domenico, Prato 1282–1323
San Domenico-bell tower 2.jpg
windows and bell tower of brick
San Domenico-lateral.jpg
San Giusto church  [ it ]1360Campanile with windows of brick
San Giusto in Piazzanese-bell tower 2.jpg
San Gimignano Palazzo Comunale 1323
Sant'Agostino Church 13th century
Old Palace of the Podestà  [ it ]rebuilt in 1239, enlarged in 1337
San gimignano piazza duomo 06 torre.JPG
various private palazzi
  1. Palazzo della Cancelleria
  2. Palazzo Razzi  [ it ]
  3. Palazzo Tinacci
  4. Palazzo Tortoli  [ it ]

(1) Palazzo della Cancelleria o dei Marsili - San Gimignano.jpg (2) Casa salvestrini e palazzo razzi, san Gimignano.jpg

San gimignano piazza della cisterna 10 torre.JPG
Siena Basilica of San Domenico
Basilica of San Francesco
Palazzo Pubblico
City Hall Siena Italy.jpg
Palazzo Sansedoni 1330seat of Monte dei Pasci Foundation
Palazzo Sansedoni Siena.jpg
various private palazzi
Porta Tufi 1325–1326
Porta Tufi 01.JPG
Santa Maria dei
Servi, Siena
San Clemente
basiica & monastery
 [ it ]
13th – 16th century
Siena, basilica dei servi, abside 02.JPG
Volterra Fortezza Medicea 14th–15th centuryarcades supporting the balustrades
Fortezza di volterra 01.JPG

 : Montepulciano  Pisa  Prato  San Gimigniano  Siena
Regions of Italy:  ABR  EM-RO  LIG  LOM  MAR  PIE  TUS  VEN

Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Lendinara  Treviso  Venice (Venezia)  Verona
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Badia Polesine Este Palace [217] 1430
Palazzo degli Estensi (Badia Polesine).jpg
Cividale del Friuli Town hall (Palazzo Comunale) [218] 1286 and 1545–1588
CividaledelFriuliStatua diGiulioCesare.jpg
Isola della Scala Torre scaligera13th centuryin some parts mixed with stones
Torre Scaligera Isola della Scala.jpg
Este Castello Carrarese [219] 1339
Castello Carrarese 06.JPG
Rocca di Ponte di/della Torre [220] 12th & 13th centuries
Rocca di Ponte della Torre.jpg
Lendinara Chiesa di Sant'Anna1433
Sant'Anna (Lendinara).jpg
Palazzo Pretorio and Torre Maistraend of 14th century
Palazzo pretorio and torre maistra, Lendinara.jpg
Torre dell'Orologiooriginally a Gothic city gate, in 17th century converted into the presentday clock tower
Torre dell'orologio (clock tower), Lendinara, Province of Rovigo, Veneto, Italy - 20090722.jpg
Castel Trivellin [221] probably 1390only relics
Rovine di castel trivellin.JPG
Montagnana Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta  [ it ]1431–1502with Renaissance additions
Town wall [222] Well preserved circle, some parts of brick, others of stone
Montagnana 18 (8187048601).jpg
Padua Basilica of Saint Anthony
Sant'Antonio (Padua) - Facade.jpg
Cappella degli Scrovegni
La Cappella degli Scrovegni.JPG
Pordenone Cathedral of St. Mark (Duomo)  [ it ]
Pordenone-Duomo di San Marco.jpg
Town hall
Portogruaro Town hall  [ it ]
Portogruaro Piazza della Repubblica 01.JPG
Udine Cathedral 13th–14th centuries
Duomo di udine, esterno 01.JPG
(most famous brick:
Palazzo dei Trecento)
San Francesco church  [ it ]1231–1270main nave Romanesque, choir & southern aisle Gothic
Santa Maria Maggiore  [ it ]Gothic since 1473after destruction by war 1511 mannerist reconstruction
St Catherine church  [ it ]1346 – early 15th centurypartly visible brick, partly plastered; today housing a museum
Venice Ca' Foscari main façade of stone
(Venice) Ca' Foscari.jpg
Church Sant'Elena (Venice) Facade.jpg
Santi Giovanni
Interior of Santi Giovanni e Paolo (Venice).jpg
San Gregorio
Apse exterior - San Gregorio - Venice 2016.jpg
Madonna dell'Orto
Madonna dell'Orto.jpg
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Basilica di Santa Maria dei Frari - Venezia.jpg
(proper republic
since 1136,
proper signoria
since 1259,
since 1405)
Sant'Anastasia Church
Basilica di Santa Anastasia (Verona) - Facciata.jpg
Juliet's House  [ it ]
Balcone di Giulietta a Verona.jpg
Palazzo del Podestà  [ it ]13th centurythough erected in "Gothic age", only few parts in Gothic design
Palazzo del Podesta (Verona) - Il Pozzo.jpg
San Tomaso Becket [223] 1351, 1484
San Tomaso Becket.JPG
Chiesa San Fermo Maggiore [224] 10–11th, Gothic 14th century
Santi Nazaro e Celso [225] 14th century
San Nazaro Verona.JPG
Sant'Eufemia, Church [226] 1275–1450
Santa Eufemia facade.jpg
San Bernardino Church [227] 15th century
Chiesa di San Pietro Martire  [ it ] [228] 1283
San Pietro Martire a Verona.jpg
Castelvecchio 1354–1356
Castelvecchio Verona-03.JPG
Castelvecchio Bridge 1354–1356after destruction in WW II, now farly a replique
Verona Castelvecchio.jpg
Domus Mercatorum [229] 1301
Domus Mercatorum.jpg
Vicenza Palazzo Thiene only western wing
Villafranca di Verona Castello Scaligero  [ it ]13th centurytower and some other parts

 : Lendinara  Treviso  Venice (Venezia)  Verona


PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Alūksne with proviso:
Alūksne Castle
many part of boulders only, some walls mainly of brick,
but probably originally not visible
Aluksne viduslaiku pils pilsdrupas.jpg
Bauska with proviso:
Dobele Castle
some walls mainly of brick,
but probably originally not visible
Bauska Castle Ruins - panoramio.jpg
Dobele with proviso:
Dobele Castle
generally of boulders, one tower of brick, but perhaps not visible
Dobeles pils (02).JPG
Ludza Ludza Castle 1399wally of mixed material with brick surface;
destroyed in 1654
Lutsi ordulinnus 1.jpg
Riga Cathedral 13th century
Rigas doms.jpg
St. Peter 13th to 15th century
Peterskyrkan Riga.JPG
St James 13th century
St. Jacob's Cathedral, Riga.jpg
St. John 15th centuryformerly Dominican
St. John's Church - Riga - 2.jpg
House of the Blackheads late 14th century onwardsDestroyed in World War II and rebuilt in 1995
Riga Schwarhaeupterhaus Totale.jpg
The oldest of the Three Brothers late 15th century
Riga Old Town part2.JPG
Turaida Castle 14th century



PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Vilnius St. Anne's 1495–1500exceptional use of Late Gothic Flamboyant style
Vilnius Sv. Onos St. Anna.jpg
Church of St. Francis and St. Bernard 15th century and later repairsone of the biggest Gothic ensembles (has Renaissance details) in Lithuania
St. Nicholas Late 14th centuryoldest surviving Catholic church building in Lithuania
Mikalojus Church.jpg
Gediminas Tower and Upper Castle Early 15th century, many later alterationsbuilt by Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas
Gediminas Tower in Vilnius (cropped).jpg
Kaunas Cathedral since 1408basilica, the largest Gothic church in Lithuania
Kauno arkikatedra bokstas 2006-06-03.JPG
Castle since mid-14th centuryoldest brick castle in Lithuania
Kauno pilis. Kaunas Castle.2006-06-11.jpg
St. Gertrude 15th century?one of the oldest Gothic churches in Lithuania
Gertrude's in Kaunas.jpg
Church of The Accession of The Holy Virgin about 1400former Franciscan, Latin cross footplan
Vytautas church.jpg
House of Perkūnas late 15th centurythe other example of exceptional brick Flamboyant style
Perkuno namas 2006-06-30.jpg
Kėdainiai St. George Church  [ lt ]1403various reconstractions
Kedainiu Sv. Jurgio baznycia2.jpg
Medininkai Castle 13th centuryThe only surviving enclosure type castle and the largest in Lithuania
Medininku pilis is dangaus 03.jpg
Trakai Island Castle 14th – early 15th centurybuilt by Grand Dukes of Lithuania Kęstutis and Vytautas.
Le chateau de Trakai (Lituanie).jpg
Peninsula Castle Late 14th century and later repairsbuilt by Grand Duke of Lithuania Kęstutis
N trakai 1pilis.JPG
Zapyškis St. John The Baptist church  [ lt ]between 1530 & 1578the only surviving rural Gothic church in Lithuania.
Zapyshkis church, Lithuania 2013-08-30 - from NE.jpg



See List of Gothic brick buildings in the Netherlands


See List of Gothic brick buildings in Poland



Historical Russia

PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Novgorod Kremlin Chamber of Facets 14331441 decorated with frescos (nowadays almost lost)
Glavnyi zal (2).JPG

Kaliningrad exclave

PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Kaliningrad Königsberg Cathedral 14th century
Kaliningrad Kant Island -0.3deg 2512x2016.jpg
Juditten Church
in Mendeleyevo
Late 13th century
Sviato-Nikol'skii sobor v Kaliningrade (Iuditten-kirkha Kionigsberga).JPG
Druzhba Allenburg Church 15th century
Allenburger Kirche in Druzba-1,567deg 3695x2926.jpg
Guryevsk Neuhausen church
Kirkha Noikhauzen 06.JPG
Gvardeyskoye Mühlhausen Church  [ de ]1st half of 14th centuryrestored
Muhlhausen Kirche 1 2011.JPG
Kashtanovo  [ ru; de ]Almenhausen churchruins since 1945
Kashtanovo, Pravdinskii raion, Kaliningradskaia oblast'. Kirkha Al'menkhauzena.jpg
Kumachyovo Kumehnen Church end 14th century
Pos. Kumachevo, kirkha.JPG
Logvino Medenau churchpoor relics
Medenau Kirche 4.jpg
Neman Teutonic Knight's castle of Ragnit1397–1409One of the strongest castles of the Teutonic Order.
Built by Nikolaus von Fellenstein (see Malbork).
Now ruined
Ruine der Ordensburg Ragnit.jpg
Porechye  [ ru; de ]Allenau church
Kirkha Allenau. p. Porech'e.jpg
Pravdinsk Friedland church
Pravdinsk, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, 238400 - panoramio - Anton Yefimov (17).jpg
Rodniki  [ de; ru ] Arnau Church Late 14th century
Arnau pd.jpg
Romanovo Pobethen church
Kirche in Romanowo (ru. Romanovo, dt. Pobethen im Samland in Ostpreussen), Kirchturm.jpg
preserved tower plastered
Romanovo Kirkha.jpg
Turgenevo Groß Legitten church
Gross Legitten Kirche 5.jpg
Ushakovo Baldau church
Kirkha Val'dau.jpg
Vesyoloye Teutonic Knight's castle of Balga c. 1239Ruin since centuries
Ruiny kreposti Bal'ga 02.jpg
Vladimirovo Tharau churchrestored
Zheleznodorozhny Gerdauen church
Izobrazhenie 860.jpg
Zhemchuzhnoje  [ uk; de ]Schaaken church
Schaaken Ostpreussen Kirche 04.jpg



PlaceBuildingTime of constructionNotesImage
Červený Kláštor,
on Dunajec river
(Polish border)
Red Monastery 2nd half of 14th centuryvault ribs and some cornices of visible brick
Cerveny Klastor Monastery 9370.JPG



Until 1658, Malmö, Lund and Helsingborg were Danish.

Lund  Malmö  Stockholm  Uppsala  Ystad
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Balingsta Parish, southwest of Uppsala Vik Castle Circa 1450, 17th and 19th century alterations
Wiks slott 2.jpg
Danmark Parish, southeast of Uppsala Danmark Church 14th and 15th century
Danmark kyrka1.jpg
Helsingborg St. Mary
(Sankta Maria kyrka  [ sv ])
Sankta Maria kyrka (Helsingborg, Sweden).jpg
Kärnan 1320in 1893/94 restored with some alterations
The Core - Karnan - 1317-1318 - panoramio.jpg
Lena Parish, north of UppsalaLena ChurchCirca 1300, possibly consecrated in 130318th century alterations including plastering of the exterior walls and addition of a burial vault
Lund St. Peter's Priory Church
(S:t Peters klosterkyrka)
Circa 1300
Klosterkyrkan, Lund.jpg
Liberiet 15th centurybuilt as cathedral chapter's library
Lund Libreriet.JPG
Krognoshuset  [ sv; de; fr ]14th century
Krognoshuset, Lund.jpg
Malmö St. Peter
(Sankt Petri kyrka)
Malmo Sankt Petri kyrka 1.jpg
Archbishops's court15th-centuryoutside altered and nowadays plastered
Niche fra AErkebispegarden i Malmo.jpg
Jörgen Kock's house  [ sv ]1522-1524Largest private house in Malmö from the sixteenth century
Kockska huset 2, Malmo.jpg
Kompanihuset  [ sv ]1529
Kompanihuset, Malmo.jpg
Ronneby Holy Cross Church (Heliga Kors kyrka)
Ronneby Kyrkan (2008-02-xx).JPG
Sigtuna St. Mary
Mid 13th century
Sigtuna maria.jpg
Skänninge Vårfrukyrkan
("Church of Our Lady")
Varfrukyrkan i Skanninge, den 20 maj 2007, bild 44.jpg
Skepptuna Parish, Stockholm County Skepptuna Church 13th to 15th centuries
Skepptuna kyrka.jpg
Skokloster north of SigtunaSkokloster Church
(Sko klosters kyrka)
13th centuryNear Skokloster Castle, originally a convent church
Söderköping St. Lawrence's Church
(S:t Laurentii kyrka)
St Laurenti2016Soderkoping02.jpg
Sölvesborg St. Nicholas' Church
(S:t Nicolai kyrka)
13th century
Solvesborg, Sankt Nicolai kyrka - KMB - 16000200001922.jpg
Stockholm Riddarholmen Church
Late 13th century, major 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th century alterationsBurial church for many of the Swedish monarchs
Riddarholmskyrka, Stockholm, by N. Semenov (4).jpg
Storkyrkan (St. Nicholas)13th-15th centuriesin 1736–1742 outside altered into Baroque to make it more similar to the Royal Palace; brick gothic interior preserved
Stockholm-Storkyrkan (St.Georg).jpg
Strängnäs Strängnäs Cathedral 1296 onwards
Strangnas cathedral Sweden 008.JPG
Tensta Parish, north of Uppsala Tensta Church 13th centuryHouses the earliest deliberate portrait (a fresco by Johannes Rosenrod) in Swedish art history
Tuna Parish, northeast of Uppsala Tuna Church, Uppland about 1300
Tuna kyrka Uppland ext3.jpg
Uppsala Uppsala Cathedral 1287–1435, major 18th and 19th century alterationsExternal appearance largely 19th century
Uppsala domkyrka view01sml.jpg
Holy Trinity Church  [ sv ]Late 13th to 15th century
Helga Trefaldighets kyrka ext2.jpg
Vadstena Vadstena Abbey mid 13th century, 14th century alterationsformer royal palace, later a hospital, when handed over to the abbey in 1346 the building was "humbled" and the roof was lowered.
Bjalboattens palats, Vadstena, juni 2005.jpg
House of Mårten SkinnareLate Middle Ages, 18th century alterationsThe roof was lowered and the crow-stepped gables removed in the 18th century.
Västerås Västerås Cathedral 13th century, 14th and 15th century extensions and later alterationsBurial place of Eric XIV of Sweden
Vasteras Cathedral2.jpg
Växjö Växjö Cathedral 13th century, later alterations
Vaxjo domkyrka 020.jpg
Vendel Parish, north of Uppsala Vendel Church  [ sv ]Late 13th and early 14th century, possibly consecrated in 1310
Vendels kyrka 10425.JPG
Ystad St. Mary's Church
(Sankta Maria kyrka)
13th to 15th century
Sankta Maria Kyrka.jpg
Franciscan Monastery Church (St. Peter)
(S:t Petri kyrka)
Late 13th to 15th century
Ystad Saint Petri Church.jpg
Latin School (Latinskolan)early 16th century
Latinskolan, Ystad.jpg



Though brick generally is not typical for medieval Swiss architecture, there are also some Gothic brick buildings in Switzerland, and some more have disappeared.

PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Estavayer-le-Lac Chenaux Castle 15th centuryTwo towers and parts of the gate tower Chateau d'Estavayer 1.jpg
Vufflens-le-Château, Vaud Vufflens Castle 15th century Chateau de vufflens.jpg


Except of Lutsk Castle, all buildings are not very far from the current Polish border, though Gothic buildings also can be found in Lviv and Stryi, some of them looking like plastered brick buildings.

PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Nove Misto  [ uk ] (Sambir Raion)Roman Catholic Church 1463–1512
Nove Misto-1.JPG
Drohobych St-Bartholomew Church  [ uk ]15th-16th centuriesformer Roman Catholic palace church
Kostel Voznesinnia Gospodn'ogo, vul.T.Shevchenka,1, m.Drogobich.JPG
Lutsk Lubart's Castle (Ukrainian: Луцький замок, Polish: Zamek w Łucku)14th and 15th centurythe only Brick Gothic building in the Dniester basin, Lithuanian foundation
Ukr Luzk Burg Lubarta.jpg
Skelivka St-Martin Church15th to early 16th centuryRoman Catholic former palace church of Fulsztyn Castle
Skelivka kostel.JPG
Zymne Zymne Monastery (Ukrainian: Зимненський монастир, Polish: Monaster Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Zimnem)after 1495Orthodox foundation
Monastery in Zimnee (Ukraine).jpg

See also



  1. Official Flemish portal on architectural heritage – on churches in Poperinge, "Baksteengotiek van de kuststreek" (Brick Gothic of the coastal region) in Flanders
  2. Official Dutch portal on architectural heritage – on a village church, "markant stuk baksteengotiek" (striking example of Brick Gothic) in the Netherlands
  3. Book on a Bavarian brick church "eines der bedeutendsten Werke der Backsteingotik in Bayern" (one of the most important works of Brick Gothic in Bavaria)
  4. "Aftanazy. Dzieje rezydencji na dawnych kresach Rzeczypospolitej. Tom 2. Страница 209".
  5. Shastouski, K. "Hniezna | travel guide - photos and attractions".
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  12. IBE 78680
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  15. IBE 71984
  16. IBE 31244
  17. IBE 31213
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  19. IBE 30986
  20. "Vlaanderen".
  21. IBE 23609
  22. IBE 23375
  23. IBE 23328
  24. IBE 83685
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  26. IBE 16814
  27. IBE 16698
  28. IBE 30539
  29. IBE 58088
  30. IBE 237
  31. IBE 76102
  32. IBE 48293
  33. IBE 20298
  34. IBE 50564
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  36. IBE 8682
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