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Feminism |
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This is an index of articles related to the issue of feminism, women's liberation, the women's movement, and women's rights.
Act, Pornography Victims Compensation - Activists, women's rights, list of - Advertising, sex in - Aid societies, ladies' or soldiers' - All-female band - Amazon feminism - Amendment, Equal Rights - Anarcha-feminism - Anthropology, feminist - Antifeminism - Anti-pornography feminism (compare Sex-positive feminism) - Archaeology, feminist - Archaeology, gender - Architecture, modern, feminism and - Art movement, feminist - Atheist feminism - Australia, women's suffrage in - Authors, ecofeminist, list of
Bahrain, women's political rights in - BDSM, feminist views on - Bicycling and feminism - Binary, gender - Black feminism - Bonding, female - Bride burning - Bride kidnapping - Burning, bride
Canada, women's rights in - Car, passenger, women-only - Chauvinism, female (compare Male chauvinism) - Chicana feminism - Christmas Letter, Open - Choice, pro- - Christian feminism - Cinema, women's - Colonial, post-, feminism - Comics, women in, portrayal of - Compensation Act, Pornography Victims - Composition studies, feminist theory in - Computing, women in - Consciousness raising - Conservative feminisms, list of - Constitution, United States, Nineteenth Amendment to the - Countries, timeline of first women's suffrage in majority-Muslim - Crime, gender and - Criminology, school of, feminist - Cult of Domesticity - Culture, feminism in - Cultural feminism - Cyberfeminism
Day, International Women's - Dekh Le - Difference feminism - Differences, gender - Discrimination - Distinction, sex and gender - Domestic violence - Domesticity, Cult of
Ecofeminism - Ecofeminist authors, list of - Economics, feminist - Education, female - Education, mixed-sex - Effects on society, feminist - Egalitarianism - Egypt, feminism in - Engineering, women in - English, gender neutrality in - English, women's writing in - English custom, wife selling - Equal pay for women - Equal Rights Amendment - ERA - Equality, feminism and - Equality feminism - Equality, gender - Equity feminism - Erotophilia - Erotophobia - Existentialism, feminist
Family, matrifocal - Female bonding (compare Male bonding) - Female chauvinism (compare Male chauvinism) - Female education - Female privilege: see Male privilege) - Female superiority - Feminazi - Feminine psychology (compare Masculine psychology) - Femininity (compare Masculinity) - Feminisation of the workplace - Feminism (compare Masculism) - Feminism and equality - Feminism and modern architecture - Feminism and the Oedipus complex - Feminism in Australia - Feminism in culture - Feminism in Egypt - Feminism in France - Feminism in India - Feminism in international relations - Feminism in Japan - Feminism in Nepal - Feminism in Poland - Feminist anthropology - Feminist archaeology - Feminist art movement - Feminist art movement in the United States - Feminist economics - Feminist effects on society - Feminist existentialism - Feminist film theory - Feminist geography - Feminist history - Feminist history in the United Kingdom - Feminist history in the United States (see also Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) - Feminist legal theory - Feminist literary criticism - Feminist movement - Feminist movement in the United States - Feminist movements and ideologies - Feminist philosophy - Feminist political ecology - Feminist revisionist mythology - Feminist rhetoricians, list of - Feminist school of criminology - Feminist science fiction - Feminist Sex Wars - Feminist sexology - Feminist sociology - Feminist Studies - Feminist theology - Feminist theory - Feminist theory in composition studies - Feminist therapy - Feminist views on BDSM - Feminist views on pornography - Feminist views on prostitution - Feminist views on sexuality - Feminist views on transgender topics - Feminists, list of - Feminists and the Spanish Civil War - Feminization of poverty - Fiction, women's - Film theory, feminist - Fiction, science, feminist - Fiction, science, women in - First-wave feminism - First women's suffrage in majority-Muslim countries, timeline of - Fourth-wave feminism in Spain - First World War, women in the - France, feminism in - Francoist Spain and the democratic transition period, feminism in - French structuralist feminism
Gender and crime - Gender archaeology - Gender binary - Gender differences - Gender equality - Gender history - Gender identity - Gender inequality - Gender mainstreaming - Gender-neutral language - Gender neutrality in English - Gender performativity - Gender role - Gender roles in Islam - Gender, sex and, distinction - Gender, sociology of - Gender-specific job title - Gender studies - Gendercide - Gendered division of labour - Geography, feminist - Geology, women in - Girl Power - Girls, women, and information technology - Girly girl - Glass ceiling - Global feminism - Grrrl, riot - Gynarchy - Gynocentrism (compare Androcentrism) - Gynocracy (compare Androcracy) - Gynocriticism - Gynophobia
Harassment, sexual - Health, women's (compare Men's health) - Herstory (compare History) - Hikes, Suffrage - History, feminist - History, gender - History in the United Kingdom, feminist - History in the United States, feminist (see also Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) - History, in, legal rights of women - History of feminism - History of women in the military - History of women in the United States - History, women's - History Month, Women's - Husband-selling
Identity, gender - Ideologies, feminist movements and - Income disparity - Income disparity in the United States, male-female - Income inequality in the United States - India, feminism in - Individualist feminism (also Libertarian feminism) - Inequality, gender - Information technology, women, and girls - International relations, feminism in - International Women's Day - International Women's Year - Islam, gender roles in - Islam, women and - Islamic feminism
Japan, feminism in - Japan, women's suffrage in - Jewish feminism - Job title, gender-specific - Journalism and media professions, women in
Labour, gendered division of - Ladies' aid societies - Language, gender-neutral - Led, women-, uprisings - Left, the, and feminism - Legal rights of women in history - Legal theory, feminist - Lesbian - Lesbian Sex Wars - Letter, Open Christmas - Liberal feminism - Liberation, women's (compare Men's liberation) - Life, pro-, feminism - Lipstick feminism - List of conservative feminisms - List of ecofeminist authors - List of feminist rhetoricians - List of feminists - List of suffragists and suffragettes - List of women's rights activists - List of women's studies journals - Literary criticism, feminist
Mainstreaming, gender - Majority-Muslim countries, timeline of first women's suffrage in - Male-female income disparity in the United States - Marianismo (compare Machismo) - Marxist feminism - Material feminism - Maternalism (compare Paternalism) - Matriarchy (compare Patriarchy) - Matrifocal family - Matrilineal succession (compare Patrilineal succession) - Matrilineality (compare Patrilineality) - Matrilocal residence (compare Patrilocal residence) - Media professions, journalism and, women in - Medicine, women in (compare Men in nursing) - Men and feminism - Military, history of women in the - Millie Tant - Misogyny (compare Misandry, Philandry, Philogyny) - Mixed-sex education - Modern architecture, feminism and - Modern, post-, feminism - Month, History, Women's - Motherhood, sociology of (compare Sociology of fatherhood) - Mother's rights (compare Father's rights) - Movement, feminist - Movement in the United States, feminist - Movement, women's (compare Men's movement) - Movements and ideologies, feminist - Muliebrity (compare Virility) - Music, women's - Muslim, majority-, countries, timeline of first women's suffrage in - Mythology, feminist revisionist
Nepal, feminism in - New feminism (also Catholic feminism) - New Woman - New Zealand, timeline of feminist art in - Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution)
Objectification - Objectification, sexual - Occupational sexism - Oedipus complex, feminism and - Open Christmas Letter
Passenger car, women-only - Patriarchy - Pay, equal, for women - Performativity, gender - Philosophy, feminist - Philosophy, women in - Philandry (compare Philogyny, Misandry, Misogyny) - Philogyny - Pink-collar worker - Playgirl - Poland, feminism and - Political ecology, feminist - Political rights in Bahrain, women's - Politics, women in - Porn wars - Pornography, anti-, feminism (compare Sex-positive feminism) - Pornography, feminist views on - Pornography Victims Compensation Act - Portrayal of women in comics - Postcolonial feminism - Postmodern feminism - Poverty, feminization - Privilege: see Male privilege - Pro-choice - Pro-feminism - Pro-life feminism - Prostitution, feminist views on - Protective laws - Protofeminism - Psychology, feminine (compare Masculine psychology)
Radical feminism - Red Tent Meetings - Reproductive justice - Reproductive rights - Republican motherhood - Residence, matrilocal (compare Patrilocal residence) - Revisionist mythology, feminist - Revolution, sexual - Rhetoricians, feminist, list of - Rights activists, women's, list of - Rights Amendment, Equal - Rights, legal, of women in history - Rights (other than voting), women's, timeline of - Rights, political, in Bahrain, women's - Rights, women's (compare Men's rights) - Rights in Canada, women's - Riot grrrl - Role, gender - Roles in the World Wars, women's
Science fiction, feminist - Science, women in - Science fiction, women in - Second-wave feminism - Segregation, sex - Selling, husband- - Selling, wife - Selling, wife, English custom - Separatist feminism - Sex and gender distinction - Sex in advertising - Sex-positive feminism (compare Anti-pornography feminism) - Sex segregation - Sex wars, feminist - Sexism - Sexology, feminist - Sexual harassment - Sexual objectification - Sexual revolution - Sexuality, feminist views on - Sexualization (as a political term) - Shelter, women's (compare Men's shelter) - Socialist feminism - Societies, ladies' aid or soldiers' aid - Society, effects on, feminist - Sociology, feminist - Sociology of gender - Sociology of motherhood (compare Sociology of fatherhood) - Soldiers' aid societies - Standpoint feminism - Standpoint theory - State feminism - Structuralist feminism, French - Studies, Feminist - Succession, matrilineal (compare Patrilineal succession) - Suffrage - Suffrage, women's - Suffrage Hikes - Suffrage, women's, in Switzerland - Suffrage, women's, timeline of - Suffrage, women's, timeline in majority-Muslim countries - Suffrage in Australia, women's - Suffrage in Japan, women's - Suffrage in Kuwait, women's - Suffrage in Switzerland, women's - Suffrage in the United Kingdom, women's - Suffrage in the United States, women's - Suffragette - Suffragists and suffragettes, list of
Tant, Millie - Thealogy - Theology, feminist - Theology, womanist - Theory, feminist - Therapy, feminist - Third-wave feminism - Timeline of first women's suffrage in majority-Muslim countries - Timeline of women's suffrage - Timeline of women's rights (other than voting) - Tomboy - Transfeminism - Transgender topics, feminist views on - Transnational feminism - Trophy wife
United Kingdom, women's suffrage in the - United States Constitution, Nineteenth Amendment to the - United States, feminist movement in the - United States, income disparity in the, male-female - United States, women in the, history of - United States, women's suffrage in the - Uprisings, women-led
V-Day - Vésuviennes - Victims Compensation Act, Pornography - Victorian era, women in the - Views, feminist, on BDSM - Views, feminist, on prostitution - Views, feminist, on sexuality - Views, feminist, on transgender topics - Views on pornography, feminist - Violence against women - Violence, domestic
Waves of feminism - Wave, first-, feminism - Wave, second-, feminism - Wave, third-, feminism - Wife selling - Wife selling (English custom) - Wife, trophy - Woman question, the - Womanism - Womanist theology - Women and Islam - Women in comics, portrayal of - Women in computing - Women in engineering - Women in World War I - Women in geology - Women in journalism and media professions - Women in medicine (compare Men in nursing) - Women in military, history of - Women in philosophy - Women in politics - Women in science - Women in science fiction - Women in the First World War - Women in the military, history of - Women in the United States, history of - Women in the Victorian era - Women in the workforce - Women in United States, history of - Women in World War I - Women-only passenger car - Women's cinema - Women's Day, International - Women's Equal Rights Law of Israel (1951) - Women's fiction - Women's health (compare Men's health) - Women's history - Women's History Month - Women's liberation (compare Men's liberation) - Women's movement (compare Men's movement) - Women's music - Women's political rights in Bahrain - Women's rights (compare Men's rights) - Women's rights (other than voting), timeline of - Women's rights activists, list of - Women's rights in Canada - Women's roles in the World Wars - Women's shelter (compare Men's shelter) - Women's studies (compare Men's studies) - Women's suffrage - Women's suffrage in Australia - Women's suffrage in Japan - Women's suffrage in Kuwait - Women's suffrage in Switzerland - Women's suffrage in the United Kingdom - Women's suffrage in the United States - Women's suffrage, first, in majority-Muslim countries, timeline of - Women's suffrage, timeline of - Women's writing in English - Women's Year, International - Women, girls, and information technology - Wimmin - Womyn - Worker, pink-collar - Workforce, women in the - Workplace, feminisation of the - World War I, women in the - World Wars, women's roles in the - Writing in English, women's - Women-led uprisings
Feminism is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that society prioritizes the male point of view and that women are treated unjustly in these societies. Efforts to change this include fighting against gender stereotypes and improving educational, professional, and interpersonal opportunities and outcomes for women.
Individualist feminism is a libertarian feminist tradition that emphasizes individualism, personal autonomy, choice, consent, freedom from state-sanctioned discrimination against women, and equality under the law. It also opposes what is considered political or gender feminism.
Liberal feminism, also called mainstream feminism, is a main branch of feminism defined by its focus on achieving gender equality through political and legal reform within the framework of liberal democracy. As the oldest of the "Big Three" schools of feminist thought, liberal feminism has its roots in 19th century first-wave feminism that focused particularly on women's suffrage and access to education, and that was associated with 19th century liberalism and progressivism. Liberal feminism "works within the structure of mainstream society to integrate women into that structure." Liberal feminism places great emphasis on the public world, especially laws, political institutions, education and working life, and considers the denial of equal legal and political rights as the main obstacle to equality. As such liberal feminists have worked to bring women into the political mainstream. Liberal feminism is inclusive and socially progressive, while broadly supporting existing institutions of power in liberal democratic societies, and is associated with centrism and reformism. Liberal feminism tends to be adopted by white middle-class women who do not disagree with the current social structure; Zhang and Rios found that liberal feminism with its focus on equality is viewed as the dominant and "default" form of feminism. Liberal feminism actively supports men's involvement in feminism and both women and men have always been active participants in the movement; progressive men had an important role alongside women in the struggle for equal political rights since the movement was launched in the 19th century.
Equality feminism is a subset of the overall feminism movement and more specifically of the liberal feminist tradition that focuses on the basic similarities between men and women, and whose ultimate goal is the equality of the sexes in all domains. This includes economic and political equality, equal access within the workplace, freedom from oppressive gender stereotyping, and an androgynous worldview.
The history of feminism comprises the narratives of the movements and ideologies which have aimed at equal rights for women. While feminists around the world have differed in causes, goals, and intentions depending on time, culture, and country, most Western feminist historians assert that all movements that work to obtain women's rights should be considered feminist movements, even when they did not apply the term to themselves. Some other historians limit the term "feminist" to the modern feminist movement and its progeny, and use the label "protofeminist" to describe earlier movements.
Second-wave feminism was a period of feminist activity that began in the early 1960s and lasted roughly two decades. It took place throughout the Western world, and aimed to increase equality for women by building on previous feminist gains.
Sex-positive feminism, also known as pro-sex feminism, sex-radical feminism, or sexually liberal feminism, is a feminist movement centering on the idea that sexual freedom is an essential component of women's freedom.
First-wave feminism was a period of feminist activity and thought that occurred during the 19th and early 20th century throughout the Western world. It focused on legal issues, primarily on securing women's right to vote. The term is often used synonymously with the kind of feminism espoused by the liberal women's rights movement with roots in the first wave, with organizations such as the International Alliance of Women and its affiliates. This feminist movement still focuses on equality from a mainly legal perspective.
Pro-feminism refers to support of the cause of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who actively support feminism and its efforts to bring about the political, economic, cultural, personal, and social equality of women with men. A number of pro-feminist men are involved in political activism, most often in the areas of gender equality, women's rights, and ending violence against women.
Antifeminism, also spelled anti-feminism, is opposition to some or all forms of feminism. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, antifeminists opposed particular policy proposals for women's rights, such as the right to vote, educational opportunities, property rights, and access to birth control. In the mid and late 20th century, antifeminists often opposed the abortion-rights movement and, in the United States, the Equal Rights Amendment.
The feminist sex wars, also known as the lesbian sex wars, or simply the sex wars or porn wars, are terms used to refer to collective debates amongst feminists regarding a number of issues broadly relating to sexuality and sexual activity. Differences of opinion on matters of sexuality deeply polarized the feminist movement, particularly leading feminist thinkers, in the late 1970s and early 1980s and continue to influence debate amongst feminists to this day.
Since the 19th century, men have taken part in significant cultural and political responses to feminism within each "wave" of the movement. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in a range of social relations, generally done through a "strategic leveraging" of male privilege. Feminist men have also argued alongside writers like bell hooks, however, that men's liberation from the socio-cultural constraints of sexism and gender roles is a necessary part of feminist activism and scholarship.
This is a list of topics related to the issue of masculism, men's liberation, the men's movement, and men's rights:
Feminism in the United States refers to the collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending a state of equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women in the United States. Feminism has had a massive influence on American politics. Feminism in the United States is often divided chronologically into first-wave, second-wave, third-wave, and fourth-wave feminism.
The feminist movement has effected change in Western society, including women's suffrage; greater access to education; more equitable pay with men; the right to initiate divorce proceedings; the right of women to make individual decisions regarding pregnancy ; and the right to own property.
Feminism is one theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes, even though many feminist movements and ideologies differ on exactly which claims and strategies are vital and justifiable to achieve equality.
Feminist views on sexuality widely vary. Many feminists, particularly radical feminists, are highly critical of what they see as sexual objectification and sexual exploitation in the media and society. Radical feminists are often opposed to the sex industry, including opposition to prostitution and pornography. Other feminists define themselves as sex-positive feminists and believe that a wide variety of expressions of female sexuality can be empowering to women when they are freely chosen. Some feminists support efforts to reform the sex industry to become less sexist, such as the feminist pornography movement.
The feminist movement refers to a series of social movements and political campaigns for radical and liberal reforms on women's issues created by the inequality between men and women. Such issues are women's liberation, reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The movement's priorities have expanded since its beginning in the 1800s, and vary among nations and communities. Priorities range from opposition to female genital mutilation in one country, to opposition to the glass ceiling in another.
The socio-political movements and ideologies of feminism have found expression in various media. These media include newspaper, literature, radio, television, social media, film, and video games. They have been essential to the success of many feminist movements.
White feminism is a term used to describe expressions of feminism which are perceived as focusing on white women while failing to address distinct forms of oppression faced by ethnic minority women and women lacking other privileges. The term has been used to label and criticize theories that are perceived as focusing solely on gender-based inequality. Primarily used as a derogatory label, "white feminism" is typically used to reproach a perceived failure to acknowledge and integrate the intersection of other identity attributes into a broader movement which struggles for equality on more than one front. The term has also been used to refer to feminist theories perceived to focus more specifically on the experience of white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied women, and in which the experiences of women without these characteristics are excluded or marginalized. This criticism has predominantly been leveled against the first waves of feminism which were seen as centered around the empowerment of white middle-class women in Western societies.