This is part of a list of students of music, organized by teacher.
University of Michigan
University of Oregon
Klein (1793–1832), mostly self-taught
Piano assistants:
As well as being a prominent composer, the Frenchman Olivier Messiaen was a noted teacher of musical analysis, harmony and composition at the Paris Conservatoire from the 1940s until he retired in 1978. He also taught classes at the Darmstadt new music summer school in 1949 and 1950. This list of students of Olivier Messiaen contains some of the musicians who (like Pierre Boulez, Yvonne Loriod and George Benjamin) attended his classes, or who (like Peter Hill and Jennifer Bate) studied privately with the composer or collaborated with him in preparation for their performances of his music.
[ Barraine ]
The first Tajik opera Vose's Uprising (1939) was written by Kabalevsky's pupil Sergey Balasanian (1902–1982)...
Miroslav Skoryk was born on July 13, 1938, in Lviv; he studied composition with Stanyslav Lyudkevych and A. Soltys at the Lviv Conservatoire and completed a postgraduate course with Dmitry Kabalevsky at the Moscow Conservatoire.
Holland, Theodore, British Composer; born Apr. 25, 1878;... ...educated at Royal Academy of Music, 1896-1902; Hochschule für Musik, Berlin, 1902-03; studied composition under Frederick Corder, Robert Kahn...
Adam Sołtys wies eine etwas andere Herkunft auf, er hatte das Konservatorium in Berlin besucht und bei Robert Kahn Komposition sowie unter anderem bei Johannes Wolf Musikwissenschaft studiert. [Adam Sołtys had a slightly different background; he had attended the conservatory in Berlin and studied composition with Robert Kahn and musicology with Johannes Wolf, among others.]
(Gerke), Anton Avgustovich (1812–1870). Pianist, teacher, and composer. Born in Pulin (now Chervono-Armeysk), Zhitomir district, on 28 July 1812, son of the Polish violinist Avgust Herke, he studied under John Field, Friedrich Kalkbrenner, Ignaz Moscheles, and Ferdinand Ries and was acquainted with Franz Liszt, Sigismond Thalberg, and Clara Schumann.
They met at the Royal College of Music where Kevin was studying piano/composition with Peter Wallfisch and Joseph Horowitz and Steven studied piano performance with Phyllis Sellick and Peter Katin.
Roger Marsh (b. 1949) studied composition in London with Ian Kellam, and later at the University of York with Bernard Rands.
Lill, John Richard, ... concert pianist. Education: Royal Coll. of Music, London ... studied with Wilhelm Kempff.
Sie studierte bei Willem Kes (1856–1934) an der Orchesterschule in Amsterdam, bei Thomas C. de Maaré (1863–1948)...[She studied with Willem Kes (1856–1934) at the orchestra school in Amsterdam, with Thomas C. de Maaré (1863–1948)...]
In het Zwolse bevolkingsregister werd Togni op 11 september 1891 uitgeschreven naar Amsterdam, waar hij zijn studie bij Richter, Kramer, Timmner en Kes vervolgde.
...he graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (composition class of Tikhon Khrennikov and piano classes of Heinrich Neuhaus and Lev Naumov...)
...he took lessons at the Hochschule für Musik with Ernst Rudorff and studied theory and composition with Friedrich Kiel.
Her other teachers included Goffredo Petrassi, Peter Maxwell Davies, and Earl Kim.
Christopher, Dr. Cyril Stanley (1897-1979) Born in Oldbury, Worcestershire on 23 June 1897; died on 31 March 1979. Studied with C.H. Kitson, Edward Bairstow, Alfred Hollins, G.D. Cunningham and Ambrose Coviello.
Having grown up in a family with little musical background, Tippett received no encouragement to become a musician, although he was given piano lessons as a child … In 1923 he enrolled in the Royal College of Music, where he studied composition with Charles Wood and Charles Herbert Kitson, piano with Aubin Raymar, and conducting with Malcolm Sargent and Adrian Boult.
Sybil Eaton, b. Ketton, Rutland, 1897... In May, 1914, she attended von Auer's summer school at Loschwitz. The War prevented her from continuing her studies ... but on her return to England she continued for six years to study under his assistant, Miss Editha Knocker.
Hans Pfitzner ... attended the Hoch-Konservatorium, studied counterpoint and composition under Iwan Knorr, and pianoforte under Prof. Kwast,...
Mark-Anthony Turnage studied with Oliver Knussen and John Lambert and then worked at Tanglewood with Hans Werner Henze...
László Halász studied to be a concert pianist at the Budapest Music Academy where his teachers included Béla Bartók, Zoltan Kodály, Ernö Dohnányi and Leo Weiner.
Mátyás Seiber (1905–1960), who had developed an interest in Hungarian folk music during his studies with Zoltán Kodály in the 1920s and became an influential teacher of composition in Britain...
Albert Siklós, who until his death in 1942 shared the composition teaching duties with Kodály at the academy, was another Koessler pupil.
The pieces by Kolessa's pupil, Myroslav Skoryk, are more interesting.
He studied in Vienna with his countryman Kozeluh (Kozeluch)...
He also studied under Clemens Krauss, whose feeling for precisely the "right" phrase or tempo was an obvious influence.
Since leaving the University Mr. Frazer has studied under European masters. He regards Martin Krause, pupil of Liszt, as the greatest of his teachers.
He was a pupil of Krenek, among others, at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, graduating in 1967.
Petri studied composition with Hermann Kretzschmar and Felix Draeseke.
Bert Van Herck is Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa. He holds a PhD from Harvard University where he studied with Magnus Lindberg, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, and Helmut Lachenmann.
Kahn, Robert (kän). Born at Mannheim, July 21, 1865. Studied with V. Lachner, Kiel, Rheinberger...
She graduated in 1942, winning the Albanesi prize for her interpretation of Chopin, and later continued her studies in Budapest under László Lajtha.
On 7 July 1939 Constant took his last Conductors' Class of the term at the Royal College, Bernard Stevens being one of his students on that day.
John Lambert... known better as a teacher than as a composer, and despite a formidable list of past pupils, which includes the likes of Javier Alvarez, Simon Bainbridge, Gary Carpenter, Oliver Knussen, Jonathan Lloyd, Ian McQueen, and Mark-Anthony Tumage,...
...educ.: studies in piano and composition under Frank Marshall, Alicia de Larrocha, Xavier Montsalvatge and Igor Markevitch.
She then went on to continue her studies at some of the most prestigious European academies: the National Superior Conservatory of Music in Paris under Dominique Merlet, the Reina Sofía College of Music in Madrid with Dmitri Bashkirov, and the Marshall Academy in Barcelona with Alicia de Larrocha.
The Spanish pianist Marta Zabaleta studied with Dominique Merlet, Dimitri Bashkirov and Alicia de Larrocha.
Je travaillais le piano trois fois par semaine avec Berthe Laventurier, élève d'Arthur de Greef...
Javier Alvarez studied clarinet and composition in Mexico with Mario Lavista.
Le Boucher's most famous student in Montpellier was the composer André David.
Caldara, Antonio (1670-1736) Italian composer. He was a pupil of Giovanni Legrenzi at Venice...
Gaubert studied with Paul Taffanel, Xavier Leroux, and Charles Lenepveu at the Paris Conservatory.
Fioroni, Giovanni [Gian] Andrea, (1716, Pavia, to 19 December 1778, Milan). Italian composer and organist. Fioroni studied under Leonardo Leo … His pupils included Alessandro Rolla and Vincenzo Manfredini.
Abraham Troostwijk werd den 15n Dec. 1863 te Zwolle geboren. Daar ook kreeg hij zijn opleiding als violist van André van Riemsdijk, een leerling van Léonard te Parijs. [Abraham Troostwijk was born on December 15th. Born in Zwolle in 1863. There he also received his training as a violinist from André van Riemsdijk, a student of Léonard in Paris.]
César Thomson (1857-1931) was also born in Liège, and studied with Léonard at the Conservatoire.
In 1910 Weinberg studied for a year in Vienna with the legendary piano pedagogue and author of piano methodology Theodor Leschetizky…
Varda Nishry... ...she went on to Tel Aviv to study with Emma Gorochov, then to the Paris Conservatoire and Professor Lazare Levy...
RAMETTE, Yves, Fr. componist en organist. Hij ontving onderricht in piano van Lazare - Lévy, voor orgel van G. Jacob en in compositie van Arthur Honegger.
Influential music teachers included Hugh Allen (New College), Dr Henry Ley (Christ Church), and Ernest Walker (Balliol).(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
...thereafter attending classes given by Pousseur at Durham and by Ligeti at Tanglewood.
...when a tightly knit group had built around Ligeti. Some of the 'regulars' were the young Hubertus Dreyer, Hans Peter Reutter, Mike Rutledge and Sidney Corbett who came later.
Wilson-Dixon, [sic] Dr. Andrew (b.1946) ... Read music at the University of Cambridge (1963-1968), studying piano with Lamar Crowson and John Lill.
Karola Obermüller wurde 1977 in Darmstadtr geboren ... Seit September 2003 studiert sie dort bei Komponisten wie Bernard Rands, Harrison Birtwistle, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin und Magnus Lindberg.[Karola Obermüller was born in Darmstadt in 1977 ... Since September 2003, she has been studying with composers such as Bernard Rands, Harrison Birtwistle, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin and Magnus Lindberg.]
Valérie Boissier (1813-1894). Swiss pupil of Liszt.
Arthur De Greef (b. Louvain, 1862; d. Brussels, 1940) studied with Liszt at Weimar and in 1885 was appointed professor of piano at the Brussels Conservatoire.
Jean Paul Ertel (1865-1933)... ...He was a pupil of Liszt...
Théodore Ritter 1841-1886 - France. A student of Liszt.
As a young teenager she studied piano with Liszt, 10 years her senior,...
(Joseph) Gordon Saunders, pupil of Elizabeth Stirling, W. Rea, E.J. Hopkins and H. Litolff, was a co-founder of Trinity College London and a teacher of Granville Bantock. He published many piano teaching pieces and a number of organ pieces.
1921 (a) William enters the RAM with principal study of flute with Daniel Wood and secondary study of piano with Edward Morton and Leo Livins and elements of harmony study with Russell Chester, John McEwen, and Arthur Hinton;...
Sir Percy Carter Buck (1871-1947, B.Mus. 1891, D.Mus. 1893), Worcester: studied at the Royal College of Music with Parratt, C. H. Lloyd, and Parry...
He studied composition with Joseph Horovitz and W. S. Lloyd Webber at the Royal College of Music in London and later privately with Wilfred Josephs.
He was born in Lancashire in 1932 and read history at Oxford. He then studied with William Lloyd Webber, Anthony Milner, Iain Hamilton and Mátyás Seiber.
Descaves studied with Marguerite Long, and with Yves Nat at the Paris Conservatory.
From 1946 until 1949 Wallfisch studied in Paris with Marguerite Long.
Achron, Joseph … He studied in Warsaw and at the St. Petersburg Conservatory (1898-1904) where he was a pupil of Leopold Auer; he was also a member of Anatoly Liadov's composition class.
After two years at the Royal Academy of Music under Sterndale Bennett as principal and George MacFarren as teacher...
Tobias Augustus Matthay was born on 19th February 1858, in Clapham, Surry, England... ...He studied composition at the 'Royal Academy of Music' (London) under Sir William Sterndale Bennett and Arthur Sullivan, and piano with William Dorrell and Walter Macfarren.
Helen Hopekirk (1856–1945)... ...she studied with George Lichtenstein and with Scottish composer Alexander Mackenzie...
His father discontinued payment for William's composition lessons with Mackenzie and Corder in London.
A month after his announcement, he hired Englishman Walter Henry Rothwell, a former apprentice of Gustav Mahler, to be the conductor...
Not only did little Max study piano with Brahms, he studied conducting with Gustav Mahler...
In 1945-1951, he continued his studies at the State Higher School of Music in Kraków, under Stefania Łobaczewska – who taught him theory, and Artur Malawski – who taught composition.
Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman (b. Kraków, 27 Feb. 1919; d. Vienna, 3 Mar. 1994). Composer. From 1934 to 1938, while still in secondary school, he studied theory and counterpoint with Artur Malawski at the Kraków Conservatory ...
Malawski lectured on composition, conducting and theory at the State Higher School of Music in Kraków from 1945 until his death, where his pupils included Penderecki and Schaeffer.
Dianda, Hilda, Argentine composer; b.13 Apr 1925, Córdoba, Prov. of Córdoba, Argentina. She studied in Buenos Aires with Honorio Siccardi and, in Europe, with Cian Francesco Malipiero and Hermann Scherchen. ...Siccardi, Honorio, Argentine composer and teacher; b.13 Sep 1897, Buenos Aires, Argentina; d.10 Sep 1963, Dolores, ...studied at the Cons. of Parma with Gian Francesco Malipiero.
As a teacher, he was of great influence on the future of the Italian avant-garde, numbering among his students, Bruno Maderna and Luigi Nono.
Lavista, Mario, Mexican composer; b.3 Apr 1943... ...studied piano with Francisco Gyves, and harmony, counterpoint, and composition with Rodolfo Halffter and Héctor Quintanar. With a scholarship from the French government, he also studied with Jean-Etienne Marie in the Schola Cantorum of Paris, France.
Richard Causton studied with Param Vir, Roger Marsh, Jeremy Dale Roberts and Edwin Roxburgh,...
Andrew Hugill (1957) Between 1976 and 1980, he studied composition with Roger Marsh at the University of Keele.
...em va portar a l'Acadèmia Marshall, on em va donar classes directament Frank Marshall...
Høffding, Finn (b. Copenhagen, March 10, 1899), Danish composer, studied with Knud Jeppesen and Joseph Marx.
...and the renowned pedagogue Lambert Massart (1811-92), whose numerous pupils included Wieniawski, César Thomson, Fritz Kreisler and four other distinguished teachers who succeeded him at the Paris Conservatoire — the two Frenchmen Lefort and Berthelier, and the two Belgians Martin Marsick and Guillaume Rémy.
Thomson, César (b. Liège), March 17, 1857–d. Lugano, Switzerland, Aug. 21, 1931), Belgian violinist; studied with his father and at Liège Conservatory in the class of J. Dupuis, winning a gold medal at eleven. He was also pupil also of Léonard, Vieuxtemps, Wieniawski and Massart.
A couple of years later he returned to study there with Rodolphe Massart.
Born in Nashville in 1960, Miss Kennedy was first taught by her parents, who were on the piano faculty of Fisk University for nearly 30 years. Eventually she wound up at the Juilliard School, where she studied with William Masselos.
The pianist-composer Arthur De Greef studied at the municipal music school of his native city with Emile Mathieu, who himself was a student of Auguste Dupont at the Brussels Conservatory.
Alexander, Arthur, Australian pianist, born Dunedin, New Zealand, Mar. 25, 1891. He studied under Tobias Matthay and Frederick Corder...
At Bechstein Hall, on June 16th, Mr. Tobias Matthay gave an invitation pianoforte recital, the programme being carried out by his pupils, ... The young artists were Miss Evangeline Livens, Miss Hilda Dederich, Miss Harriet Cohen, Miss Mary Lediard, Master Egerton Tidmarsh, Mr. Leo Livens, and Mr. Vivian Langrish...
Fryer, Herbert. B., London, 1877; pianist and composer: studied with Tobias Matthay, and later with Busoni and Stanford;...
His teachers there from 1938 included Herbert Fryer and Angus Morrison, and he studied privately with Irene Scharrer and Tobias Matthay.
Frank Hutchens was born near Christchurch, New Zealand in 1892, and at the age of thirteen, on the advice of Paderewski went to England to study. His teachers there were Tobias Matthay for piano, and Frederick Corder for composition.
Matthay, Tobias (b. London, Feb. 19, 1858-d. High Marley, Haslemere, Dec. 14, 1945), piano pedagogue; ... Among his pupils are Harriet Cohen, Myra Hess, Ray Lev, Irene Scharrer, York Bowen, Percy Waller and others.
...Cuthbert Whitemore, one of the vast number of teachers whom he taught, inspired and sent out all over the world.
Maurin (Jean-Pierre) (1822-1894), maître à son tour de Henri Berthelier (né 1856) et Lucien Capet (1873-1928). [Maurin (Jean-Pierre) (1822-1894), master in turn of Henri Berthelier (born 1856) and Lucien Capet (1873-1928).]
At 15 he entered the Paris Conservatoire to study with Jean-Pierre Maurin, a disciple of Paul Guérin, Pierre Baillot and François-Antoine Habeneck...
He studied for a further nine years under Carlo Fiamingo and Thomas Mayne, grounding himself thoroughly in harmony, counterpoint, composition, and orchestration.
Amilcare Ponchielli was born, August 31st, 1834, … His first teachers were Signori Angelini, Rossi and Frisi, and he subsequently studied under the celebrated teacher of harmony, Mazzucato.
In 1913 at the age of just 15, Dorothy entered the Royal Academy of Music. She studied composition with Sir J.B. McEwen...
Two years later, Fromental was already studying composition with Étienne Méhul and then with Cherubini, which in the opinion of Léon, inspired in him the love of the grand style.
A Terni Falchi compie gli studi classici e i primi studi musicali presso le scuole comunali con Celestino Magi. In seguito, lascia la provincia per rag- giungere la vicina capitale, dove approfondirà i suoi studi con Salvatore Meluzzi ed Ettore Pinelli. [In Terni Falchi completed his classical studies and his first musical studies at the municipal schools with Celestino Magi. Subsequently, he leaves the province to reach the nearby capital, where he will deepen his studies with Salvatore Meluzzi and Ettore Pinelli.]
After a period of study in Kassel, Horsley moved to Leipzig in 1841; there he undertook composition lessons with Mendelssohn until 1843.
Carl Heinrich Carsten Reinecke was a German composer, conductor, and pianist in the Middle Romantic Era. He studied under Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann and Franz Liszt.
He studied harmony with Richard Wüerst, who later became known for studying composition with Felix Mendelssohn.
At 18, Suzanne Rozsa was awarded a scholarship to the Royal College of Music, where she became a pupil of Isolde Menges, a pupil of the legendary Leopold Auer.
He spent the 1968-69 academic year in Paris, attending Olivier Messiaen's classes at the Conservatory...
John Carewe ... studied with Walter Goehr, ... Max Deutsch and Messiaen in Paris, as well as with the then unknown Pierre Boulez.
As early as 1952, Messiaen's former student Jean-Étienne Marie noted a similarity between these linked parameters and John Cage's prepared piano, where the pitch and the timbre of a given preparation are always associated.
Studied theory with F. Meyer 1875...
He studied piano in Kraków (Kazimierz Hofman), Vienna and Warsaw (Aleksander Michałowski).
Pianist Roderick Chadwick was born in Manchester, England, and studied at Chetham's School of Music and St Catharine's College, Cambridge... As a student, he was taught by Heather Slade-Lipkin, Hamish Milne, and the late Peter Pettinger.
...Wilson entered Harvard University (B.A., 1963), where he was a pupil of Randall Thompson and Robert Moevs.
Of these, Charles Lynch (1906–84) had enjoyed a considerable career in Britain, where he had studied with York Bowen, Egon Petri and, for short but significant periods, with Benno Moiseiwitsch and Rachmaninov.
Malcolm Sargent was the only musician who could lay claim to some systematic study with Moiseiwitsch.
Pf. pupil of Moiseiwitsch 1919-21.
His studies in composition under G.M. Monn (if accurately reported by Albrechtsberger's pupil Johann Fuss) must have taken place during this period.
Jean-Pantaléon Leclerc (1697–1760); he also studied keyboard with Nicolas Rennekin and harmony with Henri Moreau.
...where his teachers were Bailly (viola) and R. O. Morris (composition).
Cowen, Frederic Hymen (1852-1935) ... In 1865 he studied at the Leipzig Conservatory, under Louis Plaidy, Ignaz Moscheles, Carl Reinecke, Ernst Richter and Moritz Hauptmann.
Farmer, John, (b. Nottingham, 16 August 1835; d. Oxford, 17 July 1901). Composer and teacher....he studied for three years at the Leipzig conservatory with Ignaz Moscheles, Louis Plaidy, Moritz Hauptmann, and Ernst Friedrich Richter,...
After the family settled in Leipzig in 1868, he enrolled at the conservatory, where he studied piano with Ignaz Moscheles, theory with Ernst Friedrich Richter, and composition with Carl Reinecke.
Henry Litolff (1818–1891) was one of Moscheles' favorites...Moscheles therefore gave Litolff free lessons from 1830–1835...
O'Leary, Arthur (1834-1919) … Able to study due to the patronage of Wyndham Gould, firstly in Dublin (1844-1846) and at Leipzig Conservatory (from 1847) under Louis Plaidy, Ernst Richter, Ignaz Moscheles, Moritz Hauptmann and Julius Rietz.
At sixteen he went to Germany to study piano at the Leipzig Conservatorie with the Bohemian virtuoso Ignaz Moscheles, a pupil of Beethoven.
His last piano teacher in the city was Michael Quarry, yet another pupil of Moscheles who had come back from Leipzig.
...he studied at the Leipzig Conservatory with Plaidy and Moscheles as well as Hauptmann, E.F.E. Richter and Papperitz (harmony and composition).
Julian Anderson studied composition with John Lambert, Tristan Murail and Alexander Goehr.