National reactions to the Gaza flotilla raid

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National reactions to the Gaza flotilla raid on 31 May 2010 ranged from support to strong condemnation of Israel. Those supporting Israel generally also expressed concern for the loss of life and injuries to civilians. Criticism included the death and injuries of civilians, the disproportionate response, and the execution of the raid.



Flag of Israel.svg Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in Canada during the incident, expressed regret for the loss of life, and said that the event represents a clear case of self-defense of the IDF soldiers, [1] [2] he expressed his "full backing" for the military raid and cancelled a scheduled trip to the United States to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama. A spokesman for the Prime Minister was quoted as saying that Netanyahu, "feels he has to be home to deal with this". [3] [4] he told a press conference that had Israel not stopped the flotilla from breaking the blockade and entering the Gaza Strip illegally, hundreds of more flotillas would arrive carrying weapons. [5] He stood his ground defending the raid and said Israel will never apologize for the incident.[ citation needed ] In an address to the country, on 2 June he said "Israel faces hypocrisy and a biased rush to judgment." [6] He further noted that in five of the six vessels in the flotilla, the boarding procedure ended without casualties. "The only difference was with one ship, where extremist Islamic activists, supporters of terrorism, waited for our troops on the deck with axes and knives." [7]

After the boarding took place, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said that the flotilla of ships "was an armada of hate and violence". He added that the flotilla attempt to reach Gaza was "a premeditated and outrageous provocation" and claimed that its organizers had ties not only to Hamas, but also to global Jihad, and al Qaida. [8]

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called the international community "two faced" and said Israel was being condemned for its military acts of defense. [9] Lieberman was said to have been "reminding" the UN Secretary General that in the past month alone over 500 people were killed in various incidents in Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and India, which had allegedly been "ignored" while Israel was being condemned for its "unmistakably defensive actions". Israel later rescinded its criticism of India. [10]

Opposition leader Tzipi Livni said that the coalition and the opposition are united in support of the defense forces, and that she is ready to assist the government in the political and explanatory aspects of the flotilla incident. [11] She, however, disagreed with what she considered Netanyahu's lack of policy: "The world is certainly hypocritical, but that doesn't absolve us from forming a policy. This is more than an isolated incident. Anything that happened when Israel had a different standing in world opinion would have had a different result. Now, any isolated incident becomes a global drama, and it's becoming worse. We are reaching the stage when Israel's ability to defend itself will no longer exist." She said the lack of policy in the aftermath of the incident would jeopardize Israel's legitimacy and backing from the international community, which she says for years had insisted on not recognizing Hamas until it recognizes Israel and accepts past agreements, and had accepted the closure of Gaza while "it was clear that Israel wanted an agreement with pragmatic forces, with the legitimate Palestinian government." She also said that IDF soldiers acted appropriately, and supports setting up an internal investigation committee with the United States. [12]

Ambassador to the U.K., Ron Prosor, said: "It's obvious – and I won't beat around the bush on this – that this wasn't successful and I think it clearly took up an issue that should have been solved differently." [However, the] other side [behaved] appallingly. [Israel was in a] war situation with terrorists. The loss of life was tragic and I'm not just saying that. When you look at the footage ... it's obvious that the reaction is self—defence to try and save your life." [13]

The Israeli high court rejected a petition seeking to overrule Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein's decision to halt the police investigation into the attack. [14] On 3 June, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the soldiers responded in self-defense, and that the Gaza blockade and the raid of the ships were legal. [15]

Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya'alon, a former IDF chief of staff, announced that the operation was a failure and instead of distributing citations Israel was busy trying to understand why basic operating protocol was not implemented. [16]


Welcoming activists from Gaza in Istanbul's Taksim Square, on 2 June 2010 following the Gaza flotilla raid. CumhuriyetStatue-Palestine.jpg
Welcoming activists from Gaza in Istanbul's Taksim Square, on 2 June 2010 following the Gaza flotilla raid.

Flag of Turkey.svg Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Bülent Arınç said "In the name of the Turkish people and of our government, we strongly condemn these attacks," [17] and he announced that Turkey canceled an U-19 football game against Israel. [18] He added that no one should think that Turkey would declare war on Israel. [19]

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that the raid was "state terror" and decided to return from a state visit to Chile. [20] Erdoğan spoke to the AKP Group at the Turkish Parliament, he said "Turkey's friendship is as strong as its animosity." [21] He also strongly rebuked Israel's action saying even pirates had a code of conduct. Erdoğan upped the ante, in a speech to legislators saying Israel should be "punished" for its "bloody massacre" amid a warning that no one should test Turkey's patience. He said "It is no longer possible to cover up or ignore Israel's lawlessness. The international community must from now on say 'enough is enough'. Dry statements of condemnation are not enough ... There should be results." He said the Israeli action was an attack "on international law, [and] the conscience of humanity and world peace". He even said that Israel acts as it does because it has powerful friends. [22] He called for Israel to lift the "inhuman siege" of the Gaza Strip, which he referred to as an "open-air prison", and announced that he was considering sending the Turkish Navy to escort any future flotillas or to visit Gaza himself, in order to break the blockade. He also urged the international community to impose sanctions on Israel.

President Abdullah Gül said, "From now on, Turkish-Israeli ties will never be the same. This incident has left an irreparable and deep scar." He also said, "Turkey will never forgive this attack." [23] Gül compared Israel's actions to those of al-Qaeda, and demanded that Israel apologize and pay compensation, and also urged Israel to thoroughly investigate the incident and lift the blockade of Gaza. [24]

A Turkish Foreign Ministry statement condemned Israel, [25] and the foreign ministry was reported to have summoned the Israeli ambassador to lodge a protest. [26] Turkey recalled its ambassador from Israel. [27] Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu told the UN Security Council that Israel has "lost all legitimacy" as a result of the raid. [28] He called those who died "martyrs". [29] He said, "It is no longer possible to cover up or ignore Israel's lawlessness. It is time for the international community to say 'enough is enough'." He also said that Turkey was ready to normalise ties if the blockade on Gaza was lifted because "it was time calm replaces anger." That, in turn, was accompanied with statement saying the injured would stay in Tel Aviv hospital under the care of a Turkish doctor, "We will not leave them (the wounded) to the mercy of anyone." [30] The Parliament of Turkey unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions on Israel, and called the attack a "blatant violation of the UN Charter and international law". [31]

İlker Başbuğ, Chief of the Turkish Armed Forces held a phone conversation with Gabi Ashkenazi, the Israeli Chief of Staff and called the raid unacceptable and indicated such actions could hold very serious consequences. [32] Turkey said that all future aid vessels would be escorted by the Turkish Navy. [33]

Leaders of opposition parties in Turkey also condemned the raid on Turkish ships. The leader of MHP, Devlet Bahçeli, said the attack was an aggression that should be never accepted by the Turkish nation. [34]

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, chairman of the Republican People's Party (CHP), supported Turkish government's efforts for a UN Security Council resolution to condemn Israeli government [35] and he said "We said we have given our support to the prime minister, as he said the attacks would not be left without a response. We said the CHP would support solutions which are concordant with our national interests." [36] However, he also criticized the Turkish government and told Turkish television, "The European Union and the United States consider Hamas a terror organization. We must be careful." He demanded that the government release communications with Israel prior to the incident, suggesting it allowed the flotilla to proceed despite knowing that violence was likely. [37] Erdogan dismissed Kılıçdaroğlu as an Israeli "advocate" after Kılıçdaroğlu recited Torah's the eighth commandment, which says 'Do not steal' and the ninth commandment says 'Do not lie'. [38]

Arab League

Flag of the Arab League.svg  Arab League called an emergency meeting on 1 June to discuss what it called Israel's "terrorist act" against the flotilla. [39] Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, stated, "we condemn this crime, taken against a humanitarian mission and people. They were trying to help people. They were not on a military mission. Everyone should condemn this." [40]

A cartoon by Carlos Latuff depicting the Gaza flotilla raid. It was published in Arab News. Ship to Gaza by Latuff.gif
A cartoon by Carlos Latuff depicting the Gaza flotilla raid. It was published in Arab News .

In a joint-statement, Syrian President Bashar al—Assad and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri "condemn[ed] the heinous crime committed by Israel through the brutal attacks on unarmed civilians on board the Freedom Flotilla". While warning that Israel's "violations of basic humanitarian norms and international laws threatens to plunge the Middle East into a war which will not only affect the region". [67] After reconfirming bonds with Turkey and harshly criticizing the Israeli siege, al-Assad joint Ergodan in proposing a new initiative aimed at having the blockade on Gaza lifted "once and for all". His plan involved "a number of political ideas for regional and international activity aimed at lifting the siege". Qatar is slated to take part in the initiative's implementation. [68] At the conference, Erdogan urged Arab nations to unite and step-up efforts to end Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip. He said "Are we going to remain silent over the murder of nine people? We can't turn a blind eye to this banditry in international waters. This can't continue as it is. Peace and stability will not come to the region as long as the blockade of Gaza persists. Painful experience has made it clear that no [regional] country will fully achieve prosperity and security as long as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains unresolved." [69]



Flag of the Organization of American States.svg  Organization of American States

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States said "Nothing can justify excessive use of military force to attack, with serious loss of human lives, to a disarmed civil convoy." Also he warned of a violence increase risk in the Middle East, Mr. José Miguel Insulza asked "to avoid actions which can means to increase the situation that, once again, threatens seriously the peace process in the Middle East". [77]

Non-OAS members


A summit at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia a statement agreed to by 21 of the 22 participants at the conference (Israel being the 22nd) read "All member states, except one, expressed their grave concern and condemnation for the actions undertaken by the Israeli Defence Forces." In response Turkish President Abdullah Gul said the near-unanimous condemnation showed Israel was isolated and that it "will suffer the consequences for its mistake against Turkey". [127]


Flag of Europe.svg  European Union

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek called it "an unjustified attack" and said, "it is a clear and unacceptable breach of international law, especially the fourth Geneva Convention. We demand that Israel explain its actions immediately, with the utmost transparency, and guarantee full accountability by co-operating with any full inquiry that is to be set up."

Demonstration in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 31 May 2010 following the Gaza flotilla clash. Gaza flotilla clash demonstration in Belfast 1.jpg
Demonstration in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 31 May 2010 following the Gaza flotilla clash.
Students from the University of East Anglia outside the Forum in Norwich. UEA students emergency flotilla gaza.jpg
Students from the University of East Anglia outside the Forum in Norwich.
Non-EU members
Bard Vegar Solhjell speaking to approximately 2000 demonstrators at the Israeli embassy in Oslo, Norway, following the Gaza flotilla clash. Bard Vegar Solhjell speaking at demonstration at Israel embassy in Oslo following the Gaza flotilla clash.jpg
Bård Vegar Solhjell speaking to approximately 2000 demonstrators at the Israeli embassy in Oslo, Norway, following the Gaza flotilla clash.
4000 people gathered on Gustav Adolfs Torg in Gothenburg, Sweden, in support of Ship to Gaza Demonstration against the Israeli attack on ship to Gaza May 31st 2010 (4).jpg
4000 people gathered on Gustav Adolfs Torg in Gothenburg, Sweden, in support of Ship to Gaza


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