Environmental technology

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Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombriere SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy. Ombriere SUDI - Sustainable Urban Design & Innovation.jpg
Sustainable urban design and innovation: Photovoltaic ombrière SUDI is an autonomous and mobile station that replenishes energy for electric vehicles using solar energy.

Environmental technology (envirotech) or green technology (greentech), also known as clean technology (cleantech), is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environmental monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement.


The term is also used to describe sustainable energy generation technologies such as photovoltaics, wind turbines, etc. Sustainable development is the core of environmental technologies. The term environmental technologies is also used to describe a class of electronic devices that can promote sustainable management of resources.

Purification and waste management


The concept of environmental technology refers to the use of engineering principles to understand and address issues that affect the environment with the aim of fostering environmental improvement. It involves the application of science and technology in the process of addressing environmental challenges through environmental conservation and the mitigation of human impact to the environment.

Environmental technology covers a wide domain of interventions aimed at conservation of the environment including;

Water purification

A view across a reverse osmosis desalination plant in Spain. Reverse osmosis desalination plant.JPG
A view across a reverse osmosis desalination plant in Spain.

Water purification: The whole idea/concept of having dirt/germ/pollution free water flowing throughout the environment. Many other phenomena lead from this concept of purification of water. Water pollution is the main enemy of this concept, and various campaigns and activists have been organized around the world to help purify water. [1] and involves the process of removing contaminants whether chemical, biological, gases or suspended solids from water, to make it suitable for human consumption . The purification process may be physical, biological or chemical. Physical water purification involves methods such as distillation, sedimentation or filtration. Biological processes use active carbon or sand filters. In the biological processes water can be purified through ultraviolet light, chlorine or flocculation.

Air purification

Air purification: Basic and common green plants can be grown indoors to keep the air fresh because all plants remove CO2 and convert it into oxygen. The best examples are: Dypsis lutescens , Sansevieria trifasciata , and Epipremnum aureum . [2] Besides using the plants themselves, some species of bacteria can also be added to the leaves of these plants to help remove toxic gases, such as toluene. [3] [4] . It represents the process through contaminants and pollutants are removed from the air making clean and healthy for breathing. The process of air purification may be performed using these common methods including; mechanic filtration, ionization, activated carbon adsorption, photocatalytic oxidation, and ultraviolet light germicidal irradiation.

Sewage treatment

Sewage treatment is conceptually similar to water purification. Sewage treatments are very important as they purify water per levels of pollution. The most polluted water is not used for anything, and the least polluted water is supplied to places where water is used affluently. It may lead to various other concepts of environmental protection, sustainability, etc. [5] It involves the process of removing impurities from the polluted water before reintroducing it to natural water bodies or aquifers. Industrial (manufacturing plants) and residential (laundry, bathing, toilets, dishwashing) activities generates sewage and wastewater in the form of grey and black water. The treatment process may involve storage of sewage in containers for solids to sediment, the use of microorganisms to remove dissolved and suspended biological matter, and subsequently, the discharge of the treated water into sensitive ecosystem. Some of the common methods of wastewater and sewage treatment include; filtration, activated carbon treatment, lagooning, reverse osmosis, and sand filtration.

Environmental remediation

Environmental remediation is the removal of pollutants or contaminants for the general protection of the environment. This is accomplished by various chemical, biological, and bulk methods. [6] It refers to the process through which contaminant or pollutants in soil, water and other media are removed to improve environment quality. The main focus is the reduction of hazardous substances within the environment. Some of the areas involved in environment remediation include; soil contamination, hazardous waste, groundwater contamination, oil, gas and chemical spills.There are three most common types of environmental remediation. These include soil, water, and sediment remediation. [7]

Soil remediation consists of removing contaminants in soil, as these pose great risk to humans and the ecosystem. Some examples of this are heavy metals, pesticides, and radioactive materials. Depending on the contaminant the remedial processes can be physical, chemical, thermal, or biological.

Water remediation is one of the most important considering water is an essential natural resource. Depending on the source of water there will be different contaminants. Groundwater usually has arsenic, iron, chromium, selenium, or fluoride. Meanwhile, surface water is more susceptible to contamination, and mainly consists of agricultural, animal and industrial waste, as well as acid mine drainage. [8] There has been a rise in the need for water remediation due to the increased discharge of industrial waste, leading to a demand for sustainable water solutions. The market for water remediation is only expected to consistently increase to $19.6 billion by 2030. [9]

Sediment remediation consists of removing contaminated sediments. Is it almost similar to soil remediation except it is often more sophisticated as it involves additional contaminants. To reduce the contaminants it is likely to use physical, chemical, and biological processes that help with source control, but if these processes are not executed correctly, there's a risk of contamination resurfacing. [7] [10]

Solid waste management

Solid waste management is the purification, consumption, reuse, disposal and treatment of solid waste that is undertaken by the government or the ruling bodies of a city/town. [11] It refers to the collection, treatment, and disposal of non-soluble, solid waste material. Solid waste is associated with both industrial, institutional, commercial and residential activities. Hazardous solid waste, when improperly disposed can encourage the infestation of insects and rodents, contributing to the spread of diseases. Some of the most common types of solid waste management include; landfills, vermicomposting, composting, recycling, and incineration. However, a major barrier for solid waste management practices is the high costs associated with recycling and the risks of creating more pollution.

E-Waste Recycling

The recycling of electronic waste (e-waste) has seen significant technological advancements due to increasing environmental concerns and the growing volume of electronic product disposals. Traditional e-waste recycling methods, which often involve manual disassembly, expose workers to hazardous materials and are labor-intensive. Recent innovations have introduced automated processes that improve safety and efficiency, allowing for more precise separation and recovery of valuable materials [12] .

Modern e-waste recycling techniques now leverage automated shredding and advanced sorting technologies, which help in effectively segregating different types of materials for recycling. This not only enhances the recovery rate of precious metals but also minimizes the environmental impact by reducing the amount of waste destined for landfills. Furthermore, research into biodegradable electronics aims to reduce future e-waste through the development of electronics that can decompose more naturally in the environment [13] .

These advancements support a shift towards a circular economy, where the lifecycle of materials is extended, and environmental impacts are significantly minimized.

Sustainable energy

Net Zero Court zero emissions office building prototype in St. Louis, Missouri Net Zero Court.jpg
Net Zero Court zero emissions office building prototype in St. Louis, Missouri

Concerns over pollution and greenhouse gases have spurred the search for sustainable alternatives to our current fuel use. The global reduction of greenhouse gases requires the adoption of energy conservation as well as sustainable generation. That environmental harm reduction involves global changes such as:

Since fuel used by industry and transportation account for the majority of world demand, by investing in conservation and efficiency (using less fuel), pollution and greenhouse gases from these two sectors can be reduced around the globe. Advanced energy efficient electric motor (and electric generator) technology that are cost effective to encourage their application, such as variable speed generators and efficient energy use, can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) that would otherwise be introduced to the atmosphere, if electricity were generated using fossil fuels. Greasestock is an event held yearly in Yorktown Heights, New York which is one of the largest showcases of environmental technology in the United States. [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Some scholars have expressed concern that the implementation of new environmental technologies in highly-developed national economies may cause economic and social disruption in less-developed economies. [19]


The Tesla Roadster (2008) was the first all-electric sports car for sale and in serial production. It can completely recharge from the electrical grid in 4 to 48 hours depending on the outlet used. Roadster 2.5 charging.jpg
The Tesla Roadster (2008) was the first all-electric sports car for sale and in serial production. It can completely recharge from the electrical grid in 4 to 48 hours depending on the outlet used.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy is the energy that can be replenished easily. For years we have been using sources such as wood, sun, water, etc. for means for producing energy. Energy that can be produced by natural objects like the sun, wind, etc. is considered to be renewable. Technologies that have been in usage include wind power, hydropower, solar energy, geothermal energy, and biomass/bioenergy. It refers to any form of energy that naturally regenerates over time, and does not run out. This form of energy naturally replenishes, and are characterized by low carbon foot print. Some of the most common types of renewable energy sources include; solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, and bioenergy which is generated by burning organic matter.

Renewable Energy Innovations

The intersection of technology and sustainability has led to innovative solutions aimed at enhancing the efficiency of renewable energy systems. One such innovation is the integration of wind and solar power to maximize energy production. Companies like Unéole are pioneering technologies that combine solar panels with wind turbines on the same platform, which is particularly advantageous for urban environments with limited space. This hybrid system not only conserves space but also increases the energy yield by leveraging the complementary nature of solar and wind energy availability. [20]

Furthermore, advancements in offshore wind technology have significantly increased the viability and efficiency of wind energy. Modern offshore wind turbines feature improvements in structural design and aerodynamics, which enhance their energy capture and reduce costs. These turbines are now more adaptable to various marine environments, allowing for greater flexibility in location and potentially reducing visual pollution. The floating wind turbines, for example, use tension leg platforms and spar buoys that can be deployed in deeper waters, significantly expanding the potential areas for wind energy generation [21]

Such innovations not only advance the capabilities of individual renewable technologies but also contribute to a more resilient and sustainable energy grid. By optimizing the integration and efficiency of renewable resources, these technologies play a crucial role in the transition towards a sustainable energy future.


Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in renewable energy is becoming increasingly important as the world's demand for sustainable energy solutions grows.AI can optimize the operation of energy systems by managing and forecasting renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, more efficiently.

Potential Benefits

Resource optimization: AI optimizes the layout and operation of renewable energy facilities by analyzing large amounts of data about environmental conditions.

Energy efficiency: AI predicts energy supply and demand patterns to reduce waste and improve the efficiency of energy production and distribution.

Grid Management: AI algorithms assist in balancing grid loads, taking into account the volatility of renewable energy sources.

Maintenance and durability: AI's predictive maintenance extends the life of renewable energy equipment by anticipating potential failures.


Despite the potential of AI to revolutionize renewable energy technologies, challenges remain in its implementation, such as the need for data processing power, data privacy, and security issues.

Industrial applications

Solar energy: applying machine learning techniques to predict the availability of sunlight and improve the efficiency of photovoltaic systems.

Energy storage: AI determines the optimal timing of energy storage and release, with a key focus on managing the intermittency of renewable energy.

Future Outlook

The role of AI in renewable energy is an active area of research and development, potentially influential enough to significantly improve the scalability and sustainability of renewable energy solutions. However, continued advances in AI technology and data analytics are needed to fully realize these benefits.

Energy conservation

Energy conservation is the utilization of devices that require smaller amounts of energy in order to reduce the consumption of electricity. Reducing the use of electricity causes less fossil fuels to be burned to provide that electricity. And it refers to the practice of using less energy through changes in individual behaviours and habits. The main emphasis for energy conservation is the prevention of wasteful use of energy in the environment, to enhance its availability. Some of the main approaches to energy conservation involves refraining from using devices which consume more energy, where possible.

eGain forecasting

Egain forecasting is a method using forecasting technology to predict the future weather's impact on a building. [22] By adjusting the heat based on the weather forecast, the system eliminates redundant use of heat, thus reducing the energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases. [23] It is a technology introduced by the eGain International, a Swedish company that intelligently balances building power consumption. The technology involves forecasting the amount of heating energy required by a building within a specific period, which results in energy efficiency and sustainability. eGain lowers building energy consumption and emissions while determining time for maintenance where inefficiencies are observed.

Solar Power

This image shows how solar panels can be used Mobile solar power system.jpg
This image shows how solar panels can be used

Solar power, or solar energy, is a renewable and sustainable form of energy produced from the sun's light. [24] It is captured using photovoltaic (PV) cells, which use the photovoltaic effect to turn sunlight into power directly. “The efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) cells that make up a solar panel is calculated on the basis of energy from sunlight that is converted into electricity by semiconductors. An efficient solar panel is one that generates more electricity by occupying less space.” [25]

Moreover, solar power has numerous benefits, making it an increasingly popular option for renewable energy generation worldwide. There are countless reasons why people are using solar power instead of electricity. "The main reason is pretty simple: solar PV is different from every other source of electricity, in ways that make it uniquely well-suited to 21st-century needs." [26] For starters, solar energy is unlimited and limitless, with the sun providing more energy to the Earth in an hour than the whole world population uses in a year.

In addition, solar panels may be installed on various surfaces, including roofs, unoccupied ground, and aquatic bodies, increasing their adaptability and accessibility. [27] Since 2008, hundreds of thousands of solar panels have popped up across the country as an increasing number of Americans choose to power their daily lives with the sun’s energy. Thanks in part to Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) investments, the cost of going solar goes down every year.” [28] As evidenced above, it appears that an increasing number of Americans are switching to solar energy to power their everyday life, signaling a trend toward more sustainable and ecologically friendly energy sources. This trend is most likely motivated by several causes, including growing knowledge of climate change, worries about energy reliability, and a desire to minimize reliance on fossil fuels. As a result, these solar power systems can be used to help lessen environmental impact and combat climate change. 

Computational sustainability

Computational sustainability is an emerging field that attempts to balance societal, economic, and environmental resources for the future well-being of humanity using methods from mathematics, computer science, and information science fields. [29] [30] Sustainability in this context refers to the world's ability to sustain biological, social, and environmental systems in the long term.

Using the power of computers to process large quantities of information, decision making algorithms allocate resources based on real-time information. [31] Applications advanced by this field are widespread across various areas. For example, artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are created to promote long-term biodiversity conservation and species protection. [32] [33] Smart grids implement renewable resources and storage capabilities to control the production and expenditure of energy. [34] Intelligent transportation system technologies can analyze road conditions and relay information to drivers so they can make smarter, more environmentally-beneficial decisions based on real-time traffic information. [35] [36]


Courses aimed at developing graduates with some specific skills in environmental systems or environmental technology are becoming more common and fall into three broads classes:

See also

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Sustainable living describes a lifestyle that attempts to reduce the use of Earth's natural resources by an individual or society. Its practitioners often attempt to reduce their ecological footprint by altering their home designs and methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet. Its proponents aim to conduct their lives in ways that are consistent with sustainability, naturally balanced, and respectful of humanity's symbiotic relationship with the Earth's natural ecology. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living closely follows the overall principles of sustainable development.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Water treatment</span> Process that improves the quality of water

Water treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to make it appropriate for a specific end-use. The end use may be drinking, industrial water supply, irrigation, river flow maintenance, water recreation or many other uses, including being safely returned to the environment. Water treatment removes contaminants and undesirable components, or reduces their concentration so that the water becomes fit for its desired end-use. This treatment is crucial to human health and allows humans to benefit from both drinking and irrigation use.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Energy development</span> Methods bringing energy into production

Energy development is the field of activities focused on obtaining sources of energy from natural resources. These activities include the production of renewable, nuclear, and fossil fuel derived sources of energy, and for the recovery and reuse of energy that would otherwise be wasted. Energy conservation and efficiency measures reduce the demand for energy development, and can have benefits to society with improvements to environmental issues.

Alternative technology is a term used to refer to technologies that are more environmentally friendly than the functionally equivalent technologies dominant in current practice. The term was coined by Peter Harper, one of the founders of the Centre for Alternative Technology, North Wales, in Undercurrents (magazine) in the 1970s. Alternative Technologies are created to be safer, cleaner, and overall more efficient. The goals of alternative technology are to decrease demand for critical elements by ensuring a secure supply of technology that is environmentally friendly, increased efficiency with lower costs, and with more common materials to avoid potential future materials crises. Alternative technologies use renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind energy. Some alternative technologies have in the past or may in the future become widely adopted, after which they might no longer be considered "alternative." For example, the use of wind turbines to produce electricity.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sustainable energy</span> Energy that responsibly meets social, economic, and environmental needs

Energy is sustainable if it "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Definitions of sustainable energy usually look at its effects on the environment, the economy, and society. These impacts range from greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution to energy poverty and toxic waste. Renewable energy sources such as wind, hydro, solar, and geothermal energy can cause environmental damage, but are generally far more sustainable than fossil fuel sources.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Green building</span> Structures and processes of building structures that are more environmentally responsible

Green building refers to both a structure and the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. This requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project stages. The Green Building practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Green building also refers to saving resources to the maximum extent, including energy saving, land saving, water saving, material saving, etc., during the whole life cycle of the building, protecting the environment and reducing pollution, providing people with healthy, comfortable and efficient use of space, and being in harmony with nature. Buildings that live in harmony; green building technology focuses on low consumption, high efficiency, economy, environmental protection, integration and optimization.’

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Off-the-grid</span> Not being connected to public utilities

Off-the-grid or off-grid is a characteristic of buildings and a lifestyle designed in an independent manner without reliance on one or more public utilities. The term "off-the-grid" traditionally refers to not being connected to the electrical grid, but can also include other utilities like water, gas, and sewer systems, and can scale from residential homes to small communities. Off-the-grid living allows for buildings and people to be self-sufficient, which is advantageous in isolated locations where normal utilities cannot reach and is attractive to those who want to reduce environmental impact and cost of living. Generally, an off-grid building must be able to supply energy and potable water for itself, as well as manage food, waste and wastewater.

Renewable heat is an application of renewable energy referring to the generation of heat from renewable sources; for example, feeding radiators with water warmed by focused solar radiation rather than by a fossil fuel boiler. Renewable heat technologies include renewable biofuels, solar heating, geothermal heating, heat pumps and heat exchangers. Insulation is almost always an important factor in how renewable heating is implemented.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Clean technology</span> Any process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts

Clean technology, in short cleantech or climatetech, is any process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts through significant energy efficiency improvements, the sustainable use of resources, or environmental protection activities. Clean technology includes a broad range of technology related to recycling, renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, grey water, and more. Environmental finance is a method by which new clean technology projects can obtain financing through the generation of carbon credits. A project that is developed with concern for climate change mitigation is also known as a carbon project.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Energy recovery</span>

Energy recovery includes any technique or method of minimizing the input of energy to an overall system by the exchange of energy from one sub-system of the overall system with another. The energy can be in any form in either subsystem, but most energy recovery systems exchange thermal energy in either sensible or latent form.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Green-collar worker</span> Environmental-sector worker

A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in an environmental sector of the economy. Environmental green-collar workers satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability. Formal environmental regulations as well as informal social expectations are pushing many firms to seek professionals with expertise with environmental, energy efficiency, and clean renewable energy issues. They often seek to make their output more sustainable, and thus more favorable to public opinion, governmental regulation, and the Earth's ecology.

Energy recycling is the energy recovery process of using energy that would normally be wasted, usually by converting it into electricity or thermal energy. Undertaken at manufacturing facilities, power plants, and large institutions such as hospitals and universities, it significantly increases efficiency, thereby reducing energy costs and greenhouse gas pollution simultaneously. The process is noted for its potential to mitigate global warming profitably. This work is usually done in the form of combined heat and power or waste heat recovery.

Green nanotechnology refers to the use of nanotechnology to enhance the environmental sustainability of processes producing negative externalities. It also refers to the use of the products of nanotechnology to enhance sustainability. It includes making green nano-products and using nano-products in support of sustainability.

This is a glossary of environmental science.

This page is an index of sustainability articles.

The natural environment, commonly referred to simply as the environment, includes all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth.

Environmentally sustainable design is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built environment, and services to comply with the principles of ecological sustainability and also aimed at improving the health and comfort of occupants in a building. Sustainable design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, the health and well-being of building occupants, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.

The Energy and Environmental Engineering field seeks to conserve and maintain the natural environment by using efficient sources of energy. Energy and environmental engineers are continually searching for solutions to emerging, environment-related issues such as erosion, water disposal, air and water pollution, land resources, human health, and environmental restoration.

Waste management in Kazakhstan is an important concern within the country, considering the billions of tons of industrial waste produced yearly, the currently less-than-optimal state of solid waste management, and existing toxins remaining from both pollutants and Kazakhstan's historical position as the USSR's testing grounds for rockets and nuclear weapons. Kazakhstan has very few services for recycling solid waste, and waste management is currently dealt with using regional programs.


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Gomes, C., Dietterich, T., Barrett, C., Conrad, J., Dilkina, B., Ermon, S., ... & Zeeman, M. L. (2019). Computational sustainability: Computing for a better world and a sustainable future. Communications of the ACM, 62(9), 56-65.

Lässig, J., Kersting, K., & Morik, K. (Eds.). (2016). Computational Sustainability (Vol. 645). Springer.

· “AI in Renewable Energy: Powering up for a Greener Tomorrow.” Www.linkedin.com, www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-renewable-energy-powering-up-greener-tomorrow-neil-sahota. Accessed 16 Apr. 2024.

· This is content published by linkedin press, so it should be a reliable source. And it provides an in-depth plumbing of the environmental content

· Wikipedia Contributors. “Sewage Treatment.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Apr. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewage_treatment.

· This Wikipedia article delves into the section on wastewater treatment in environmental technology and explains this section in detail and is a reliable source.

Further reading