North East railway line

Last updated

North East (SG)
StatusOperational passenger services from Southern Cross to Albury and Sydney
Locale Victoria, Australia
Connecting lines
Former connections Upfield—Somerton link
Stations6 current stations
TypeVictorian railway line
Services Albury Southern
Spirit of Progress, Southern Aurora, Sydney–Melbourne Express, Intercapital Daylight
Shared tracks:
South Kensington–West Footscray, Albion–Jacana, Albury
CommencedNovember 1959 (1959-11)
  • Southern Cross to Albury on 3 January 1962 (1962-01-03)
Completed3 January 1962 (1962-01-03)
ReopenedNew Wodonga section on 23 July 2010 (2010-07-23)
ClosedOld Wodonga section on 9 November 2008 (2008-11-09)
Number of tracks Double track:
  • Southern Cross to Tottenham
  • Seymour to border

Single track:

  • Tottenham to Seymour
  • border to Albury
Track gauge 4 ft 8+12 in (1,435 mm)
Route map


BSicon CONTg.svg
Arrow Blue Up 001.svg
Multiple lines
via Flinders Street
BSicon uKINTa-L.svg
BSicon INT-R.svg
Southern Cross
Melbourne train logo.svg Melbourne tram logo.svg Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria train logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg Melbourne skybus logo.svg TfNSW T.svg
BSicon uhSTRa@f.svg
BSicon KRWg+l.svg
BSicon KRWgr.svg
BSicon exKDSTa teal.svg
Melbourne Freight Terminal
BSicon kMSTR2.svg
BSicon hkSTR2 teal.svg
BSicon tkSTRl+4.svg
BSicon ABZgr+r.svg
BSicon hkSTR-c3.svg
BSicon exKRWl.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon exKRW+r.svg
BSicon exSTRc2.svg
BSicon exCONT3.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
City Loop | Arrow Blue UpperRight 001.svg Webb Dock line (dismantled)
BSicon hkSTRc1 teal.svg
BSicon KRW+l.svg
BSicon MSTR+4.svg
BSicon MASKll.svg
BSicon hkkSTR+4.svg
BSicon kkSTR+4 teal.svg
BSicon KRWr.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon exABZg+l.svg
BSicon exkSTR2+r.svg
BSicon exSTRr+1.svg
BSicon exSTRc4.svg
BSicon exkSTRc3.svg
BSicon lhSTRa@fq.svg
BSicon KRWg+l.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon hKRWgr.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon exABZgl+l.svg
BSicon exkSTR2+r.svg
BSicon exkSTR+4.svg
BSicon MASKe.svg
BSicon exlkBST2+r.svg
BSicon exkSTRc3.svg
Victoria Dock (North wharf)
BSicon LSTR.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon exDST teal.svg
BSicon exkSTR+4.svg
BSicon MASKe.svg
BSicon exlkBST2+r.svg
Melbourne Yard & Steel Terminal | Victoria Dock (old)
(all demolished)
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon WBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon WBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon MASKc.svg
BSicon hRBaq.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon MASKc.svg
BSicon hRBeq.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon kSTR3 teal.svg
BSicon MASKa.svg
BSicon lkBST3 teal.svg
AUS Alphanumeric Route M2 toll.svg CityLink | Victoria Dock (Westgate)
BSicon KRWl teal.svg
BSicon KRWg+r teal.svg
BSicon lENDE@G.svg
BSicon ABZg+l teal.svg
BSicon kABZq12 teal.svg
BSicon KBSTeq teal.svg
BSicon kSTRc3 teal.svg
BSicon kSTRc4 teal.svg
Appleton Dock
BSicon LSTR.svg
BSicon DST teal.svg
BSicon kSTR+4 teal.svg
BSicon MASKe.svg
BSicon lkBST2+r teal.svg
South Dynon | Swanson Dock
BSicon ABZgl.svg
BSicon KDSTaq teal.svg
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon ABZg+r teal.svg
North Dynon
BSicon LSTR.svg
BSicon hSTRa teal.svg
BSicon hKRZW teal.svg
BSicon RP2sRP2.svg
BSicon htSTRa@g teal.svg
tunnel under Bunbury Street
BSicon RP2.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon tSTR teal.svg
Australian state route 35.svgWhitehall Street
BSicon LLSTR2.svg
BSicon LLSTRc3e.svg
BSicon RP2xRP4.svg
BSicon tSTR teal.svg
Arrow Blue UpperLeft 001.svg
Multiple lines
to Southern Cross or Flinders Street
BSicon LLSTRc1e.svg
BSicon INT2+4.svg
BSicon STRc3.svg
BSicon RP2l.svg
BSicon tSTR3 teal.svg
BSicon STRc1.svg
BSicon tSTR+1 teal.svg
BSicon STR+4.svg
BSicon tSTRe@g teal.svg
BSicon ABZgl.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon HST.svg
Middle Footscray
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ah teal.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ah.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon HST.svg
West Footscray
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon lBST.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon HST.svg
BSicon MASKrl.svg
BSicon hSTRae(r) teal.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MASKlr.svg
BSicon hSTRae(l).svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 39.svgAshley Street
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon eHST.svg
White City
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon kSTR2 teal.svg
BSicon hkSTR-c3a.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon hkSTRc1a teal.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon uhkSTRc2e.svg
BSicon kMSTR3+l.svg
BSicon kMSTRl+4.svg
BSicon uhkABZl+34.svg
BSicon kSTRl+4 teal.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon lhSTRe@gq.svg
BSicon CONTfq teal.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon ukSTR+1.svg
BSicon hkSTR-c4e.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon eHST.svg
BSicon hKRZWae(Rr) teal.svg
BSicon hKRZWae(Ll).svg
BSicon STR teal.svg
BSicon ABZg+l.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon KRWl.svg
BSicon KRWg+r.svg
BSicon uSHI1l.svg
BSicon SHI1r.svg
BSicon uedINT-L.svg
BSicon dINT-R.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 38.svgHampshire Road
BSicon v-STRl.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Multiple lines
via Deer Park
BSicon lhdSTRae+L.svg
BSicon dRAq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+R.svg
BSicon dRAq.svg
Australian state route 41.svgAnderson Road
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon uvLSTR-.svg
BSicon v-LSTR.svg
Albion–Jacana section
BSicon udSTR.svg
BSicon dPSL.svg
Albion Loop
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon v-STR3.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon STR+1.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon dRAq.svg
BSicon uSTRc2.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ahl.svg
BSicon uvSTR3-.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 41.svgMcIntyre Road
BSicon uSTR+1.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon uSTRc4.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon KBSTe teal.svg
BSicon udPSL.svg
BSicon dSTR.svg
McIntyre Sidings | McIntyre Loop
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 39.svgKeilor Park Drive
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Albistore Siding
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Keilor East
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRl.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon udPSL.svg
BSicon dSTR.svg
Tullamarine Loop
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon dCONTgq.svg
BSicon STR+r.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
BSicon HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+L.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon dSTR.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+R.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon dSTR.svg
BSicon udSTR.svg
BSicon dPSL.svg
Jacana Loop
BSicon STR2.svg
BSicon umdKRZc3o.svg
BSicon v-STR.svg
BSicon dSTRc1.svg
BSicon umvSTRo-ABZg+4.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 48.svgCamp Road
BSicon umvINT.svg
BSicon exKBSTaq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRr.svg
Broadstore Siding
BSicon umvSTR-HST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon exdCONTgq teal.svg
BSicon exSTR+r teal.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon exSTR2.svg
BSicon v-STR3.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon STR+1.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon exv-STR+4.svg
BSicon dRAq.svg
BSicon uSTRc2.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ahl.svg
BSicon uvSTR3-.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 35.svgAustralian state route 58.svgSomerton Road
BSicon uSTR+1.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon uSTRc4.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon KBSTe teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon umvSTR-HST.svg
Somerton Yard | Roxburgh Park
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon uSTR2.svg
BSicon uSTRc3.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon uSTRc1.svg
BSicon uvSTR+4-.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon udSTR.svg
BSicon dINT.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lELC.svg
end of overhead
BSicon lhdSTRae+L.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+R.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon dGRZq.svg
BSicon GRZq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon dGRZq.svg
end of Metro area
BSicon uvLSTR-.svg
BSicon v-LSTR.svg
Seymour section
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Heathcote Junction
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRl.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Mathieson's Siding
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Kilmore East
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Kilmore East Quarry Siding
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
McDougall's Siding
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Lowry's Siding
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRr.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvINT.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Gravelside Siding
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon v-STRl.svg
BSicon uvSHI2l-.svg
BSicon exv-STR.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon uLSTR.svg
Albury section
BSicon uHST.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Violet Town
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Burkes Hill Siding
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Hanson's Siding
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg TfNSW T.svg
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
BSicon uABZgl.svg
BSicon uemABZgr.svg
BSicon uCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Tatong line
to Tatong
(dismantled) | Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Oaklands line
to Oaklands
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Head's Siding
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Alumatta Siding
BSicon fexdCONTgq.svg
BSicon fexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Whitfield line
to Whitfield
BSicon fexKBHFe-L.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
BSicon exlBHF-R.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg TfNSW T.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
BSicon uemABZgl.svg
BSicon uemABZgr.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon uemABZgl.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Wahgunyah line
to Wahgunyah
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Barambogie Ballast Siding
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uBST.svg
SCT Barnawartha
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
West Wodonga
BSicon uBS2c1.svg
BSicon exSHI2+l teal.svg
BSicon uBS2+r.svg
BSicon MASKc.svg
BSicon RBoq.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Wodonga (old)
BSicon exdCONTgq teal.svg
BSicon exABZg+r teal.svg
BSicon exABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Cudgewa line
to Cudgewa
BSicon exBST teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Wodonga Coal Siding
BSicon MASKc.svg
BSicon RBoq.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uBS2c2.svg
BSicon exSHI2l teal.svg
BSicon uBS2r.svg
BSicon GRZq.svg
BSicon uhKRZWae.svg
Bridge over Murray River
BSicon uINT.svg
TfNSW T.svg TfNSW C.svg Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon uCONTf.svg
Arrow Blue Down 001.svg

BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon exSTRq.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uexSTRq.svg
BSicon STRq teal.svg
BSicon exSTRq teal.svg
North East (original BG line)
Other name(s)Albury
  • Operational with broad gauge passenger services from Flinders Street to Seymour
  • Gauge converted beyond Seymour
Locale Victoria, Australia
Connecting lines
Former connections
  • 38 current stations
  • 13 former stations
  • 2 current siding
  • 13 former sidings
TypeVictorian railway line
Services Albury Craigieburn Seymour Shepparton
Commenced21 October 1860 (1860-10-21)
  • Southern Cross to North Melbourne on 17 January 1859 (1859-01-17)
  • North Melbourne to Essendon on 21 October 1860 (1860-10-21)
  • Essendon to Dysart on 18 April 1872 (1872-04-18)
  • Dysart to Seymour on 26 August 1872 (1872-08-26)
  • Seymour to Longwood on 20 November 1872 (1872-11-20)
  • Longwood to Violet Town on 20 March 1873 (1873-03-20)
  • Violet Town to Benalla on 18 August 1873 (1873-08-18)
  • Benalla to Wangaratta on 28 October 1873 (1873-10-28)
  • Wangaratta to Wodonga on 21 November 1873 (1873-11-21)
  • Wodonga to Albury on 14 June 1883 (1883-06-14)
  • Flinders Street to Southern Cross on 29 November 1891 (1891-11-29)
Completed14 June 1883 (1883-06-14)
  • North Melbourne to Newmarket on 31 October 1867 (1867-10-31)
  • Newmarket to Essendon on 9 January 1871 (1871-01-09)
  • Flinders Street to Essendon on 28 May 1919 (1919-05-28)
  • Essendon to Broadmeadows on 4 September 1921 (1921-09-04)
  • Broadmeadows to Craigieburn on 22 July 2007 (2007-07-22)
Gauge convertedSeymour to Albury on 23 July 2010 (2010-07-23)
  • North Melbourne to Essendon on 1 July 1864 (1864-07-01)
  • Seymour to Albury on 9 November 2008 (2008-11-09)
Line length307.812 km (191.27 mi)
Number of tracksBroad gauge
  • Six tracks: Flinders Street to North Melbourne
  • Four tracks: North Melbourne to Kensington
  • Double track: Kensington to Dysart
  • Single track: Dysart to Seymour

Standard gauge
Double track:

  • Seymour to border

Single track:

  • Broadmeadows to Seymour
  • border to Albury
Track gauge
  • 5 ft 3 in (1,600 mm)
  • 4 ft 8+12 in (1,435 mm)
Electrification Flinders Street to Craigieburn: 1500 V DC overhead
Operating speed
  • 130 km/h (81 mph) - Passenger
  • 115 km/h (71 mph) - Freight
Maximum incline 1 in 50 (2%)
Route map

BSicon CONTg.svg
Arrow Blue Up 001.svg
Multiple lines
via Richmond or Jolimont
BSicon tkSTRc2.svg
BSicon tkSTR3+la.svg
BSicon ABZgr+r.svg
BSicon tkSTR+1.svg
BSicon INT.svg
Flinders Street
Melbourne train logo.svg Melbourne tram logo.svg
BSicon tINT.svg
BSicon hSTRa.svg
BSicon tBHF.svg
BSicon hSTR.svg
Melbourne Central
Melbourne tram logo.svg Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon tINT.svg
BSicon hSTRe.svg
Melbourne tram logo.svg
BSicon tSTR.svg
BSicon uKINTa-L.svg
BSicon INT-R.svg
Southern Cross
Melbourne train logo.svg Melbourne tram logo.svg Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria train logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg Melbourne skybus logo.svg TfNSW T.svg
BSicon tkSTR2.svg
BSicon uhSTRa@f.svg
BSicon KRWg+l.svg
BSicon KRWgr.svg
BSicon tkSTRc1.svg
BSicon kMSTR2.svg
BSicon hkSTR2 teal.svg
BSicon tkSTRl+4.svg
BSicon hkSTR-c3.svg
BSicon ABZgr+r.svg
BSicon hkSTRc1 teal.svg
BSicon kMSTRl+4.svg
BSicon hkSTRl+4 teal.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon STRq teal.svg
BSicon lhSTR(l)q.svg
BSicon lhSTR+r(r).svg
BSicon lhKRZh(l)(f).svg
BSicon STR+r.svg
BSicon lhSTRe@gq.svg
BSicon CONTfq teal.svg
BSicon INT.svg
BSicon hSTR.svg
North Melbourne
BSicon dRAq.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ahl.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon hSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 50.svgDynon Road
BSicon KRWgl.svg
BSicon hKRWg+r.svg
BSicon CONTgq.svg
BSicon ABZgr.svg
BSicon hSTR.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Bhl.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Bhr.svg
BSicon hSTR.svg
BSicon hKRZWae.svg
BSicon hKRZW.svg
BSicon kABZg2.svg
BSicon hABZg2.svg
BSicon lhSTRc3e.svg
BSicon STRc3.svg
BSicon kSTRc1.svg
BSicon hSTRc2e.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon MSTR3.svg
BSicon hSTR3.svg
BSicon STRc1.svg
BSicon kSTRl+4.svg
BSicon cdSTRl+4.svg
BSicon CONTf@Fq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Multiple lines
via Footscray
BSicon ABZg+1.svg
BSicon hSTRc4e.svg
BSicon LSTR.svg
Metro section
(Craigieburn Line)
BSicon SKRZ-Ao.svg
Australian state route 83.svgRacecourse Road
BSicon HST.svg
BSicon ABZgl.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ao.svg
Australian state route 35.svgAscot Vale Road
BSicon HST.svg
Ascot Vale
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon HST.svg
Moonee Ponds
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon INT.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon HST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon HST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon hKRZWae.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Bu.svg
BSicon HST.svg
Pascoe Vale
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon HST.svg
Oak Park
BSicon HST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon uvSTR+lg-.svg
BSicon v-STR+lf.svg
BSicon uCONTfq-.svg
BSicon -CONTfq.svg
BSicon HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+L.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon dSTR.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+R.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon uSTRc2.svg
BSicon v-STR.svg
BSicon uSTR3.svg
BSicon dSTRc2.svg
BSicon STR3.svg
BSicon udSHI2+l.svg
BSicon udSTR3+1-.svg
BSicon dSHI2+l.svg
BSicon dKRZ3+1u-.svg
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BSicon dSTR3+1-.svg
BSicon dSTRc4.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 48.svgCamp Road
BSicon umvINT.svg
BSicon exKBSTaq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRr.svg
Broadstore Siding
BSicon umvSTR-HST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon exdCONTgq teal.svg
BSicon exSTR+r teal.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon STRc2.svg
BSicon exSTR2.svg
BSicon v-STR3.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon STR+1.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon STRc4.svg
BSicon exv-STR+4.svg
BSicon dRAq.svg
BSicon uSTRc2.svg
BSicon SKRZ-Ahl.svg
BSicon uvSTR3-.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
Australian state route 35.svgAustralian state route 58.svgSomerton Road
BSicon uSTR+1.svg
BSicon STR.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon uSTRc4.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon KBSTe teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon umvSTR-HST.svg
Somerton Yard | Roxburgh Park
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon uSTR2.svg
BSicon uSTRc3.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon uSTRc1.svg
BSicon uvSTR+4-.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lv-INT.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lELC.svg
end of overhead
BSicon lhdSTRae+L.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhdSTRae+R.svg
BSicon dRBq.svg
BSicon dGRZq.svg
BSicon GRZq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon dGRZq.svg
end of Metro area
BSicon uvLSTR-.svg
BSicon v-LSTR.svg
Seymour section
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Heathcote Junction
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRl.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Mathieson's Siding
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Kilmore East
Victoria bus logo.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Kilmore East Quarry Siding
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
McDougall's Siding
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Lowry's Siding
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon exv-STRr.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon umvINT.svg
BSicon lhSTRaq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon MSTRq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon lhSTRq.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon lhSTReq.svg
BSicon RBq.svg
BSicon exlv-BST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
Gravelside Siding
BSicon exlv-HST.svg
BSicon umvSTR.svg
BSicon v-STRl.svg
BSicon uvSHI2l-.svg
BSicon exv-STR.svg
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Violet Town
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Burkes Hill Siding
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Hanson's Siding
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg TfNSW T.svg
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
BSicon uABZgl.svg
BSicon uemABZgr.svg
BSicon uCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Tatong line
to Tatong
(dismantled) | Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Oaklands line
to Oaklands
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Head's Siding
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Alumatta Siding
BSicon fexdCONTgq.svg
BSicon fexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Whitfield line
to Whitfield
BSicon fexKBHFe-L.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
BSicon exlBHF-R.svg
Victoria bus logo.svg Victoria coach logo.svg TfNSW T.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon uWBRUCKE1.svg
BSicon cWASSERq.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exCONTgq.svg
BSicon uemABZgl.svg
BSicon uemABZgr.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon uemABZgl.svg
BSicon exCONTfq.svg
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Wahgunyah line
to Wahgunyah
BSicon exlBST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Barambogie Ballast Siding
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
West Wodonga
BSicon uBS2c1.svg
BSicon exSHI2+l teal.svg
BSicon uBS2+r.svg
BSicon MASKc.svg
BSicon RBoq.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uHST.svg
Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon exlHST.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Wodonga (old)
BSicon exdCONTgq teal.svg
BSicon exABZg+r teal.svg
BSicon exABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Cudgewa line
to Cudgewa
BSicon exBST teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Wodonga Coal Siding
BSicon MASKc.svg
BSicon RBoq.svg
BSicon exSTR teal.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uBS2c2.svg
BSicon exSHI2l teal.svg
BSicon uBS2r.svg
BSicon GRZq.svg
BSicon uhKRZWae.svg
Bridge over Murray River
BSicon uINT.svg
TfNSW T.svg TfNSW C.svg Victoria coach logo.svg
BSicon uCONTf.svg
Arrow Blue Down 001.svg

BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon exSTRq.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uexSTRq.svg
BSicon fSTRq.svg
BSicon fexSTRq.svg
BSicon STRq teal.svg
BSicon exSTRq teal.svg

The North East railway line is a railway line in Victoria, Australia. [1] The line runs from Southern Cross railway station on the western edge of the Melbourne central business district to Albury railway station in the border settlement of Albury-Wodonga, serving the cities of Wangaratta and Seymour, and smaller towns in northeastern Victoria.

The railway line is both standard gauge and broad gauge. It originally was built as broad gauge the entire length, but another track was built as standard gauge between Seymour and Albury, with construction of the standard gauge track commencing in November 1959 and completed in January 1962, completing the Sydney-Melbourne standard gauge railway. Between 2008 and 2010, the broad gauge track between Seymour and Albury was finally converted to be the line's second standard gauge track. The original section between Southern Cross and Jacana remains broad gauge, with the standard gauge joining and running parallel to the broad gauge between Jacana and Seymour, where the broad gauge branches off on the Tocumwal line, and finally continuing as standard gauge all the way to Albury.

The line is owned by VicTrack, but the standard gauge sections are leased to and maintained by the Australian Rail Track Corporation. [2]


Broad gauge via Essendon

New A 398 leads a B class up Glenroy Bank on the Sydney Express, circa 1900 A and B class VR locomotives.jpg
New A 398 leads a B class up Glenroy Bank on the Sydney Express, circa 1900
S class 4-6-2 leading the Sydney Limited between Seymour and Melbourne, circa 1928 S300SydneyLimited.jpg
S class 4-6-2 leading the Sydney Limited between Seymour and Melbourne, circa 1928
A streamlined S class locomotive hauling the Spirit of Progress near Kilmore East in 1937 Spirit of Progress c1938.jpg
A streamlined S class locomotive hauling the Spirit of Progress near Kilmore East in 1937
Junction of the North East and Shepparton lines at the site of Mangalore station Site of Mangalore station.jpg
Junction of the North East and Shepparton lines at the site of Mangalore station
V/Line Albury line train VLine-north-east-line.jpg
V/Line Albury line train
Steamrail "Farewell Broad Gauge" special, Benalla, 2008 LastSteamtoAlbury.jpg
Steamrail "Farewell Broad Gauge" special, Benalla, 2008
Former end of the broad gauge, the break-of-gauge platform at Albury AlburyRailwayStationPlatform.jpg
Former end of the broad gauge, the break-of-gauge platform at Albury

The Melbourne and Essendon Railway Company opened the first section of the Albury line, from North Melbourne to Essendon, in 1860. [3] Following its takeover by the Victorian Government in 1867, the line was extended by 1872 [4] to School House Lane on the south side of the Goulburn River near Seymour, and later that year to Seymour and then to Longwood. Violet Town, Benalla, Wangaratta, Springhurst and Wodonga were reached in 1873, [3] connecting with the New South Wales Government Railways at Albury at a break of gauge in 1883. The design engineer was Robert Watson.

The section between Flinders Street and Essendon was used by suburban services and in May 1919, that section was part of the first lines to be electrified in Melbourne, apart from a test installation on the Flemington Racecourse line. [5] In 1921, the line was electrified to Broadmeadows, where it remained till the extension of electrification in 2007.

Until 2008, the Albury V/line service continued to run via Essendon along the broad gauge tracks, together with the Seymour and Shepparton V/line services.

First standard gauge track

Standard-gauge Pacific National container freight train near Seymour PN-freight-north-east.jpg
Standard-gauge Pacific National container freight train near Seymour

Preliminary work for construction of the standard gauge track began in November 1957 with the establishment of camps for the building gangs, with the first section being laid in November 1959, and the final section on 5 April 1962. [6] The track ran via what is now Albion–Jacana railway line and does not run parallel with the broad gauge track between Jacana and Spencer Street stations.

The line was used by prestige passenger services between the state capitals of Melbourne and Sydney, including the Sydney Limited, Spirit of Progress , Southern Aurora , and Intercapital Daylight . Due to high costs and declining patronage, they were replaced by the XPT in the 1990s.

Gauge conversion

Maintaining two parallel railways between Seymour and Albury drew criticism, noting inefficiencies in maintaining track, operating trains, and duplicated train control centres. [7] By 2001, the State Government announced the conversion of the broad gauge line to standard, [8] but action was stifled, due largely to complex leasing arrangements. Speed restrictions were eventually applied to the broad gauge line due to track deterioration. [9]

In May 2008, it was announced that the tracks would be upgraded, including a 5 km (3.1 mi) bypass around Wodonga, the conversion of 200 kilometres (120 mi) of the North East railway line to standard gauge between Seymour and Albury as well as other upgrades to the North East line. [10] Costing A$501.3 million, the Victorian Government was to contribute A$171.3 million, the Australian Government A$45 million for the Wodonga Rail Bypass, and the Australian Rail Track Corporation A$285 million and take responsibility for the standard-gauge line under a 45-year lease from Victoria. [11] The project was due for completion by 2010, with passenger services to be disrupted for up to 12 months. [12]

On 8 November 2008, broad gauge passenger trains ceased after the evening V/Line service from Melbourne to Albury and a special train operated by the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre, the final broad-gauge passenger train from Albury to Melbourne. [13] [14] In December 2008, standardisation works commenced, contracted by ARTC to the Southern Improvement Alliance. The first train on the Wodonga Rail Bypass was in March 2010. [15]

In early August 2010, CountryLink decided to terminate all Sydney-Melbourne XPTs at Albury for an indefinite length of time, due to defects in the newly re-sleepered track. "Mud holes" resulted in speed restrictions on more than 200 kilometres (about 66 per cent) of the line, adding an extra 1.5 hours to the travelling time. [16] Train drivers have blamed the ARTC's $285 million concrete sleeper project for the track issues, stating that the incorrect insertion of 300,000 new concrete sleepers is to blame. They have repeatedly reported freight trains breaking couplings due to the rough track. [17] CountryLink trains resumed in mid September 2010, V/Line trains the following year. [18]

Wallan train derailment

On 20 February 2020, a NSW TrainLink XPT passenger train towards Sydney derailed at Wallan, resulting in suspension of freight, V/Line and NSW TrainLink services on the North East Line and the adjacent broad gauge Tocumwal railway line. V/Line services resumed on 1 and 2 March 2020. [19]

Regional Rail Revival

The North East Line Upgrade (part of the Regional Rail Revival Program) was unveiled in mid 2018, with a series of upgrades announced to the line. [20] [21] Upgrades were delivered by different parties, including: [22] [23] [24]

The upgrades were completed December 2020 and allowed the introduction of VLocity DMUs on the Albury V/Line rail service, replacing existing locomotive hauled train sets. [25]

Network and operations


Craigieburn service

Seymour service

Seymour and Shepparton V/Line services continue to use the adjacent broad gauge tracks.

Albury service

Since 2010, the entire line is utilised by V/Line Albury trains, which stops at every station between Albury and Seymour. South of Seymour, all passenger trains heading to, and from, Melbourne (Southern Cross) only make a scheduled stop at Broadmeadows. The services are run using dedicated standard gauge VLocity DMUs.

Spirit of Progress

The Spirit of Progress was the premier express passenger train on the Victorian Railways in Australia.

From its introduction in November 1937 until April 1962 the train service ran on the broad gauge line from Spencer Street station to Albury, on the New South Wales / Victorian border, where passengers changed to a New South Wales Government Railways train (the Melbourne Limited Express), running on the standard gauge track to complete the journey to Sydney. Following the completion of the standard gauge line between Melbourne and Albury in April 1962 the Spirit of Progress was extended to Sydney. With declining passenger numbers it was decided to combine the Spirit of Progress and Southern Aurora into one train, the Sydney/Melbourne Express. The Spirit of Progress ran for the last time on 2 August 1986. [26] [27]

Intercapital Daylight

The Inter-Capital Daylight was a daytime express passenger train that operated between Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne

On 26 March 1956, the New South Wales Government Railways and Victorian Railways introduced connecting daytime services named the Sydney–Melbourne (Melbourne–Sydney) Daylight Express. [28] Following the completion of the standard gauge to Melbourne, the New South Wales train was extended to Melbourne from 16 April 1962 and named Inter-Capital Daylight. [29] With deregulation of the Australian airline industry in the 1990's, patronage dropped to around 30%. A decision was made to cancel the service with the last service operating on 31 August 1991. [30]

Southern Aurora

The Southern Aurora was an overnight express passenger train that operated between Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne. First-class throughout, including the dining facilities, the Southern Aurora featured all-sleeper accommodation.

The train first ran on 13 April 1962 after the opening of the standard gauge line from Melbourne to Albury, [31] eliminating the break-of-gauge between the capital cities. [32] The Southern Aurora ran for the last time on 2 August 1986. [33] [27]

Sydney–Melbourne Express

The Sydney–Melbourne Express was an overnight intercapital passenger train service that operated between Australia's largest two cities, Sydney and Melbourne, the name depended on the direction of travel, with the train nicknamed the 'Sex' or 'Mex'. [26] [27]

The Sydney–Melbourne Express was formed to replace the Spirit of Progress and Southern Aurora to cut operating costs of the intercapital rail service with the first train operating on 2 August 1986. The last Melbourne Express ran on the night of 20 November 1993 ex Sydney, with the last Sydney Express running ex Melbourne on 21 November. [27]


In November 1993, XPTs replaced locomotive hauled stock on the overnight Sydney/Melbourne Express. [34] In December 1994 an XPT daylight service to Melbourne was introduced by extending the Riverina XPT from Albury. [35]

The entire line is used by NSW TrainLink Southern services to, and from, Sydney (Central), which makes limited stops on this section. The services are run using New South Wales XPT diesel-powered passenger trains.



New South Wales operators

OperatorAssumed operationsCeased operationsLength of operations
Department of Railways New South Wales 3 January 1962 || 19 October 1972 || data-sort-value=3,942 | 10 years
Public Transport Commission, NSW 20 October 1972 || 30 June 1980 || data-sort-value=2,810 | 7 years
State Rail Authority, NSW 1 July 1980 || 16 January 1989 || data-sort-value=3,121 | 8 years
State Rail Authority (as CountryLink)16 January 1989 || 31 December 2003 || data-sort-value=5,462 | 14 years
RailCorp (as CountryLink)1 January 2004 || 30 June 2013 || data-sort-value=3,468 | 9 years
NSW TrainLink 30 June 2013 || incumbent || data-sort-value=4,241 | 11 years (ongoing)

Victorian operators

OperatorAssumed operationsCeased operationsLength of operations
Melbourne and Essendon Railway Company 21 October 1860 || 1 July 1864 || data-sort-value=1,349 | 3 years
Victorian Railways 31 October 1867 || 30 June 1983 || data-sort-value=42,245 | 115 years
Metropolitan Transit Authority (The Met) 1 July 1983 || 30 June 1989 || data-sort-value=2,191 | 5 years
State Transport Authority (V/Line) 1 July 1983 || 30 June 1989 || data-sort-value=2,191 | 5 years
Public Transport Corporation (The Met) 1 July 1989 || 30 June 1998 || data-sort-value=3,286 | 8 years
Public Transport Corporation (V/Line) 1 July 1989 || 1995 || data-sort-value=2,048 | 5 years
Public Transport Corporation (V/Line Passenger) 1995 || 30 June 1998 || data-sort-value=1,238 | 3 years
Bayside Trains 1 July 1998 || 29 August 1999 || data-sort-value=424 | 13 months
V/Line Passenger 1 July 1998 || 29 August 1999 || data-sort-value=424 | 13 months
National Express (as Bayside Trains)29 August 1999 || October 2000 || data-sort-value=406 | 13 months
National Express (as V/Line Passenger)29 August 1999 || 22 December 2002 || data-sort-value=1,211 | 3 years
National Express (as M>Train)October 2000 || 22 December 2002 || data-sort-value=805 | 26 months
M>Train 22 December 2002 || 18 April 2004 || data-sort-value=483 | 15 months
V/Line Passenger 22 December 2002 || 1 July 2010 || data-sort-value=2,748 | 7 years
Connex Melbourne 18 April 2004 || 29 November 2009 || data-sort-value=2,051 | 5 years
Metro Trains Melbourne 30 November 2009 || incumbent || data-sort-value=5,549 | 15 years (ongoing)
V/Line 1 July 2010 || incumbent || data-sort-value=5,336 | 14 years (ongoing)



Station Histories (broad gauge only)
StationOpened [36] [37] Closed [36] [37] AgeNotes [36] [37]
Flagstaff 27 May 1985 || || data-sort-value=14,502 | 39 years
Melbourne Central 26 January 1981 || || data-sort-value=16,084 | 44 years
  • Formerly Museum
Parliament 22 January 1983 || || data-sort-value=15,358 | 42 years
Flinders Street 12 September 1854 || || data-sort-value=62,241 | 170 years
  • Formerly Melbourne Terminus
Southern Cross (BG)17 January 1859 || || data-sort-value=60,653 | 166 years
  • Formerly Batman's Hill
  • Formerly Spencer Street
North Melbourne 6 October 1859 || || data-sort-value=60,391 | 165 years
Kensington 1 November 1860 || 1 July 1864 || data-sort-value=1,338 | 3 years
9 October 1871 || || data-sort-value=56,005 | 153 years
Newmarket 1 November 1860 || 1 July 1864 || data-sort-value=1,338 | 3 years
9 October 1871 || || data-sort-value=56,005 | 153 years
Ascot Vale 1 November 1860 || 1 July 1864 || data-sort-value=1,338 | 3 years
9 October 1871 || || data-sort-value=56,005 | 153 years
Moonee Ponds 1 November 1860 || 1 July 1864 || data-sort-value=1,338 | 3 years
9 October 1871 || || data-sort-value=56,005 | 153 years
Essendon 1 November 1860 || 1 July 1864 || data-sort-value=1,338 | 3 years
9 October 1871 || || data-sort-value=56,005 | 153 years
Glenbervie 11 September 1922 || || data-sort-value=37,406 | 102 years
Strathmore 28 October 1890 || || data-sort-value=49,046 | 134 years
  • Formerly North Essendon
Pascoe Vale 10 November 1885 || || data-sort-value=50,859 | 139 years
Oak Park 13 August 1956 || || data-sort-value=25,016 | 68 years
Glenroy 24 January 1887 || || data-sort-value=50,419 | 138 years
Jacana 15 February 1959 || || data-sort-value=24,100 | 65 years
Broadmeadows (BG)1 February 1873 || || data-sort-value=55,524 | 152 years
Broadstore Siding 12 October 1942 || c.1980's || data-sort-value=13,633 | Approx.37 years
Coolaroo 6 June 2010 || || data-sort-value=5,361 | 14 years
Roxburgh Park 18 April 1872 || 24 September 1963 || data-sort-value=33,395 | 91 years
  • Was originally Somerton
1 October 2007 || || data-sort-value=6,340 | 17 years
  • Reopened as Roxburgh Park
Somerton Yard (BG)30 June 1889 || || data-sort-value=49,531 | 135 years
Craigieburn 18 April 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,813 | 152 years
Donnybrook 14 October 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,634 | 152 years
Beveridge 14 October 1872 || 2 April 1990 || data-sort-value=42,903 | 117 years
Wallan 18 April 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,813 | 152 years
Lightwood1890 || 24 April 1941 || data-sort-value=18,702 | 51 years
  • Formerly Merri Merri Siding
  • Formerly Merri
  • Formerly Merri Siding
Heathcote Junction 17 March 1890 || || data-sort-value=49,271 | 134 years
  • Formerly Kilmore Junction
Wandong 11 April 1876 || || data-sort-value=54,359 | 148 years
  • Also known as Morpeth's Siding
Mathieson's Siding12 August 1885 ?
  • Was originally Wandong Ballast Pits Siding
2 July 1888 || 26 February 1924 || data-sort-value=13,021 | 35 years
  • Reopened as Mathieson's Siding
Kilmore East 18 April 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,813 | 152 years
  • Formerly Kilmore
Kilmore East Quarry Siding13 September 1976 || || data-sort-value=17,680 | 48 years
Broadford 18 April 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,813 | 152 years
McDougall's Siding26 March 1890 || 13 January 1987 || data-sort-value=35,356 | 96 years
  • Formerly McDougall
Lowry's Siding19 November 1888 || c.31 May 1909 || data-sort-value=7,497 | Approx.20 years
Tallarook 18 April 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,813 | 152 years
Dysart 18 April 1872 || 20 August 1872 || data-sort-value=124 | 4 months
  • Was originally Schoolhouse Lane
1 June 1889 || 3 May 1987 || data-sort-value=35,764 | 97 years
  • Formerly Schoolhouse Lane
  • Also known as Dysart Military Siding
Seymour (BG)26 August 1872 || || data-sort-value=55,683 | 152 years
Gravelside Siding24 June 1885 || c.6 December 1890 || data-sort-value=1,991 | Approx.5 years
  • Was originally Gravel Pit Sidings
7 August 1894 || 11 January 1938 || data-sort-value=15,862 | 43 years
  • Formerly Gravel Pit Sidings
Mangalore 13 January 1880 || c.5 October 1982 || data-sort-value=37,520 | Approx.102 years
Avenel (BG)20 November 1872 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,662 | 135 years
Monea 27 February 1882 || 13 June 1960 || data-sort-value=28,595 | 78 years
Locksley 18 October 1882 || 1 April 1973 || data-sort-value=33,037 | 90 years
  • Formerly Burnt Creek Wood Siding
  • Formerly Burnt Creek
Longwood 20 November 1872 || c.5 October 1982 || data-sort-value=40,130 | Approx.109 years
Creighton 9 February 1887 || 1 September 1970 || data-sort-value=30,519 | 83 years
  • Formerly Synon's Siding
  • Formerly Creighton's Creek
Euroa (BG)20 March 1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,542 | 135 years
Balmattum 12 March 1889 || 24 July 1965 || data-sort-value=27,892 | 76 years
Violet Town (BG)20 March 1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,542 | 135 years
Burkes Hill Siding25 April 1889 || 5 February 1892 || data-sort-value=1,016 | 33 months
13 October 1899 || 14 July 1902 || data-sort-value=1,004 | 33 months
Baddaginnie 19 June 1882 || 7 May 1978 || data-sort-value=35,020 | 95 years
Hanson's Siding3 May 1904 || c.3 February 1925 || data-sort-value=7,581 | Approx.20 years
  • Formerly Caelli's Siding
Benalla (BG)18 August 1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,391 | 135 years
Winton 9 December 1877 || 1 May 1971 || data-sort-value=34,110 | 93 years
Head's Siding9 September 1907 || c.20 Oct 1942 || data-sort-value=12,825 | Approx.35 years
  • Formerly Head and Green's Siding
Glenrowan 2 November 1874 || c.5 October 1982 || data-sort-value=39,418 | Approx.107 years
Alumatta Siding17 June 1882 || c.1908 || data-sort-value=9,366 | Approx.25 years
  • Was originally Wangaratta Meat Siding
16 April 1943 || 16 August 1989 || data-sort-value=16,924 | 46 years
  • Reopened as Alumatta Siding
Wangaratta (BG)28 October 1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,320 | 135 years
Bowser 2 February 1891 || 1 October 1972 || data-sort-value=29,826 | 81 years
  • Formerly Beechworth Junction
Springhurst (BG)29 November 1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,288 | 134 years
  • Formerly Springs
  • Also known as Bontherambo or Naringa
Barambogie Ballast Siding1874 || 1876 || data-sort-value=730 | 24 months
  • Was originally Doma Mungi Siding
February 1922 || 7 April 1933 || data-sort-value=4,076 | 11 years
  • Reopened as State Rivers & Water Supply Commission's Siding
7 January 1935 || 14 September 1960 || data-sort-value=9,382 | 25 years
  • Reopened as Chiltern Valley Siding
Chiltern (BG)c.1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,582 | Approx.135 years
Barnawartha c.1873 || 26 October 1986 || data-sort-value=41,532 | Approx.113 years
Wodonga West ?1899
Wodonga (BG)21 November 1873 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=49,296 | 134 years
Wodonga Coal Siding (BG)7 August 1916 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=33,697 | 92 years
  • inc. Bogie exchange area
Albury (BG)14 June 1883 || 9 November 2008 || data-sort-value=45,804 | 125 years


Station histories (standard gauge only)
StationOpened [36] [37] Closed [36] [37] AgeNotes [36] [37]
Southern Cross (SG)16 March 1962 || || data-sort-value=22,975 | 62 years
  • Formerly Spencer Street
Victoria Dock (Westgate) ?
Appleton Dock ?
Swanson Dockc.1969 || || data-sort-value=20,454 | Approx.56 years
Melbourne Yard ?
Melbourne Steel Terminal1995 || 2015 || data-sort-value=7,305 | 20 years
South Dynon1964 || || data-sort-value=22,281 | 61 years
North Dynon ?
Sunshine (SG)January 1963 || 2004 || data-sort-value=15,006 | 41 years
McIntyre Sidings12 May 1964 || || data-sort-value=22,187 | 60 years
  • Formerly Lysaght's Siding
Broadmeadows (SG)2009 || || data-sort-value=5,844 | 16 years
Somerton Yard (SG)5 August 1962 || || data-sort-value=22,833 | 62 years
Seymour (SG)1974 || || data-sort-value=18,628 | 51 years
Avenel (SG)August 2010 || || data-sort-value=5,298 | 14 years
Euroa (SG)August 2010 || || data-sort-value=5,298 | 14 years
Violet Town (SG)August 2010 || || data-sort-value=5,298 | 14 years
Benalla (SG)10 March 1964 || || data-sort-value=22,250 | 60 years
Wangaratta (SG)10 March 1964 || || data-sort-value=22,250 | 60 years
Springhurst (SG)August 2010 || || data-sort-value=5,298 | 14 years
Chiltern (SG)August 2010 || || data-sort-value=5,298 | 14 years
SCT BarnawarthaOctober 2016 || || data-sort-value=3,045 | 8 years
Wodonga (SG)25 June 2011 || || data-sort-value=4,977 | 13 years
Wodonga Coal Siding (SG)7 August 1916 || 1 September 2009 || data-sort-value=33,993 | 93 years
  • inc. Bogie exchange area
Albury (SG)3 February 1881 || || data-sort-value=52,600 | 144 years


Branch lines

South of Craigieburn

In October 1889, the Upfield railway line was extended to Somerton, but closed in July 1903. In March 1928, despite strong resistance from the Railways Commissioners, the state government ordered the reopening of the section from Fawkner to near Somerton for passengers, [38] although no actually connection was provided at this time.In May 1956, the line from Fawkner to Somerton was again closed, but only three years later, in July 1959, the Upfield to Somerton section reopened for goods trains. [39] In January 1963, the line from Somerton to the Ford factory was re-laid as dual gauge gauntlet track, a year after the North East standard gauge line through Somerton opened.

A branch line was opened during the Second World War to Broadstore, designed to connect Broadmeadows station with the Maygar Barracks. The line opened on 12 October 1942 and remaining in operation until 1982, when usage of the base began to. [40]

Between Craigieburn and Seymour

A branch line opened from Heathcote Junction (near Kilmore) to Kilmore in 1888 and to Tooborac in 1890, connecting with a line from Bendigo to Heathcote opened a little earlier. The Heathcote Junction – Heathcote line closed in 1968. A branch line from Kilmore to Lancefield opened in 1892, closed in 1904.

The Mansfield line opened from Tallarook to Yea in 1883, Molesworth in 1889, Cathkin and Merton in 1890 and Mansfield in 1891. It is now closed. A branch line was built from Cathkin to Koriella in 1890 and Alexandra in 1909. This line closed in 1978.

North of Seymour

The Tocumwal line opened from Mangalore to Toolamba, Shepparton and Tocumwal in 1880.

A branch line opened from Benalla to St James in 1883, Yarrawonga in 1886 and Oaklands in 1938, with a break of gauge there until the State Rail Authority line closed south of Boree Creek. A second 18+14-mile (29.4 km) branch line from Benalla to Tatong was opened in 1914 and closed in 1947. In 2008 with the gauge conversion the Albury line from broad gauge to standard gauge would have left the Oaklands branch as an isolated and useless spur. [41] The local MP reported that the cost of converting this 125 km (77.7 mi) branch to standard gauge was just over $13m. [42] In October 2008 the Victorian State Government announced that an upgrade would take place. [43] The conversion was completed in December 2009.

The narrow-gauge Whitfield branch line opened from Wangaratta to Whitfield in 1899, closing in 1953.

A branch line opened from Bowser (north of Wangaratta) to Everton in 1875, which was extended to Beechworth in 1876 and Yackandandah in 1891. The line closed in 1954. Another branch line was built from Everton to Myrtleford in 1883 and Bright in 1890, now closed.

A short line to Peechelba East, which opened in 1928 and closed in 1986, also branched from Bowser.

A short branch line opened from Springhurst via Rutherglen to Wahgunyah in 1879. Services were suspended in 1995.

A branch line opened from Wodonga to Tallangatta between 1889 and 1891, Shelley in 1916, Beetoomba in 1919 and Cudgewa in 1921. [44] A connection from Albury was added near Wodonga, creating a turning triangle to enable the Sydney Limited and its successor Spirit of Progress with their observation cars to be turned as complete trains. part of the line was converted to dual gauge in 1944 to serve freight depots around Bandiana. The line closed beyond Bandiana in 1981, [45] and the connection to Wodonga later removed, with only standard gauge traffic continuing to use the line via Albury. [46] The Wodonga-Bandiana section closed on 1 September 2009 as part of the Wodonga Rail Bypass project. [47]



Alongside the passenger trains, North East line tracks and equipment are maintained by a fleet of engineering trains. The two types of engineering trains are: the shunting train, designed for moving trains along non-electrified corridors and for transporting other maintenance locomotives; and the infrastructure evaluation carriage designed for general infrastructure evaluation including track and electrical infrastructure (if travelling along electrified corridors). [48] Most of these trains are repurposed locomotives previously used by V/Line, Metro Trains, and the Southern Shorthaul Railroad. [48]


  1. Turton, Keith W. (1973). The North East Railway. (A Lineside Guide) Melbourne to Wodonga. Australian Railway Historical Society (Victorian Division). ISBN   0-85849-013-7.
  2. "Background - Organisation of Australia's Railways". Department of Transport and Regional Services. Archived from the original on 4 February 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2008.
  3. 1 2 Sid Brown (March 1990). "Tracks Across the State". Newsrail . Vol. 18, no. 3. Vic: ARHS Victoria Division. pp. 71–76. ISSN   0310-7477. OCLC   19676396.
  4. The Centenary of the Opening of the Railway to Seymour, Turton, Keith W. Australian Railway Historical Society Bulletin , April;May 1972 pp73-95;101-109
  5. "SUBURBAN ELECTRIFICATION". Argus. 2 July 1906. Archived from the original on 14 April 2023. Retrieved 14 April 2023.
  6. Chris Banger (November 2012). "The Standard Way to Albury – part 1". Newsrail . Vol. 40, no. 11. Vic: ARHS Victoria Division. pp. 320–335. ISSN   0310-7477. OCLC   19676396.
  7. "Derailment of Freight Train 1SP2N and the Subsequent Collision of Passenger Train 8318". Australian Transport Safety Bureau: Investigation Reports. 1 November 2006. Archived from the original on 9 July 2009. Retrieved 3 March 2008.
  8. Victorian Auditor General (August 2006). "Rail Gauge Standardisation Project". Victorian Auditor General's Office. Archived from the original on 3 September 2007. Retrieved 8 February 2008.
  9. V/Line: V/Line Voice Archived 20 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine Issue 32, February 2008
  10. "$500m rail link upgrade for Victoria". Archived from the original on 5 June 2011. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  11. "Premier of Victoria, Australia – FEDERAL-STATE CO-OPERATION DELIVERS MAJOR RAIL PROJECT". Archived from the original on 17 September 2008. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  12. "Full steam ahead – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)". ABC News. 29 May 2008. Archived from the original on 12 February 2011. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  13. Victoria MacDonald (8 November 2008). "Historic day as a railway era comes to an end". The Border Mail . Albury-Wodonga: Fairfax Media.
  14. "Seymour Railway Heritage Centre - Tours 2008 - The Last Broad Gauge Passenger Train from Albury". Seymour Railway Heritage Centre. Archived from the original on 18 February 2011. Retrieved 9 November 2008.
  15. VICTORIA MACDONALD (16 March 2010). "A bypass milestone as freight train ambles in". The Border Mail. Archived from the original on 23 March 2010. Retrieved 16 March 2010.
  16. BRAD WORRALL (10 August 2010). "XPT passengers forced onto buses". The Border Mail. Archived from the original on 6 March 2012. Retrieved 14 September 2010.
  17. BRAD WORRALL (11 August 2010). "V/line mud 'chaos'". The Border Mail. Archived from the original on 6 March 2012. Retrieved 14 September 2010.
  18. BRAD WORRALL (13 September 2010). "Trains back on track". Prime Wodonga. Archived from the original on 6 July 2011. Retrieved 14 September 2010.
  19. "Resumption of V/Line train services in North East Victoria". V/Line. Archived from the original on 1 March 2020. Retrieved 11 April 2020.
  20. "Station Upgrades For Donnybrook And Wallan | Premier of Victoria". 1 August 2018. Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  21. "Inland Rail and Regional Rail Revival Agreements Reached | Premier of Victoria". 16 March 2018. Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  22. "Donnybrook Station". Victoria’s Big Build. 5 December 2022. Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  23. "Wallan Station". Victoria’s Big Build. 5 December 2022. Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  24. "North East Line Upgrade". Victoria’s Big Build. 6 February 2023. Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  25. "North East Line Upgrade". Victoria’s Big Build. 6 February 2023. Retrieved 20 July 2023.
  26. 1 2 "Farewell to an Ideal" Railway Digest September 1986 page 284
  27. 1 2 3 4 Julian Insall (January 1994). "Exit the Sydney/Melbourne express". Newsrail . Vol. 22, no. 1. Vic: ARHS Victoria Division. pp. 7–9. ISSN   0310-7477. OCLC   19676396.
  28. The Intercapital Daylight 1956–1991 Banger, Chris Australian Railway Historical Society Bulletin, June;July 2001 pp203–219;243–267
  29. Leo J Harrigan (1962). Victorian Railways to '62. Public Relations and Betterment Board. p. 261.
  30. "The Intercapital Daylight" Railway Digest November 1991 page 396
  31. "Southern Aurora Is New Concept In Australian Rail Travel Luxury, inter-capital trip". Sydney Morning Herald. 14 April 1962. Retrieved 2 April 2023.
  32. "Opening of the Through Standard-Gauge Passenger Services between Sydney and Melbourne" Australian Railway Historical Society Bulletin issue 302 December 1962 pp181-188
  33. "Farewell to an Ideal" Railway Digest October 1986 Page 204
  34. "Major Passenger Train Changes Commence this Month" Railway Digest November 1993 page 466
  35. "Sydney-Melbourne Daylight XPT Commences This Month" Railway Digest December 1994 page 7
  36. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Anderson, Rick (2010). Stopping All Stations. Clunes, Victoria: Full Parallel Productions. ISBN   978-0646543635. OCLC   671303814.
  37. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Infrastructure - Line Data North East SG line". Retrieved 12 July 2023.
  38. "Somerton Railway". The Argus. Melbourne. 23 December 1927. Archived from the original on 5 April 2023. Retrieved 21 January 2020.
  39. "Somerton" (PDF). Victorian Signalling Histories. Andrew Waugh. Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 July 2008. Retrieved 22 January 2008.
  40. "Broadstore Line 1991". Mike Forsberg. Retrieved 6 October 2009.
  41. "Premier of Victoria, Australia – FEDERAL-STATE CO-OPERATION DELIVERS MAJOR RAIL PROJECT". Retrieved 3 June 2008.
  42. Ken Jasper Member of the Legislative Assembly, Member for Murray Valley – Jasper supports Oaklands rail line upgrade Archived 18 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  43. "Government announces rail upgrade". The Border Mail. 20 October 2008. Retrieved 20 October 2008.
  44. Australian Railway Historical Society Bulletin, June 1960 pp91-93
  45. "VR timeline". Mark Bau. Archived from the original on 30 May 2008. Retrieved 3 March 2008.
  46. "Cudgewa Line". Archived from the original on 17 May 2008. Retrieved 9 June 2008.
  47. Cudgewa Line Vicsig
  48. 1 2 "Network Service Plan | Addenda". 1 February 2011. Archived from the original on 7 March 2011.

Further reading