Plateau Penutian languages

Last updated
Plateau Penutian
Shahapwailutan, Lepitan
Pacific Northwest
Linguistic classification Penutian?
  • Plateau Penutian
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Glottolog None
Plateau Penutian (US and Canada).svg
Pre-contact distribution of Plateau Penutian languages

Plateau Penutian (also Shahapwailutan, Lepitan) is a proposed family of languages spoken in northern California, reaching through central-western Oregon to northern Washington and central-northern Idaho.


Family division

Plateau Penutian is hypothesized to consist of four languages:

History of proposal

Plateau Penutian, as originally proposed, was one branch of the hypothetical Penutian phylum as proposed by Edward Sapir. The original proposal also included Cayuse (which was grouped with Molala into a Waiilatpuan branch); however, this language has little documentation and that which is documented is inadequately recorded. Thus, the status of Cayuse within Penutian (or any other genealogical relation for that matter) may very well forever remain unclassified.

The Sahaptian grouping of Sahaptin and Nez Percé has long been uncontroversial. There is evidence in support of a connection between Klamath (a.k.a. Klamath-Modoc) and Sahaptian. Howard Berman [1] also provides evidence that would include Molala within Plateau Penutian.

Appraisals of the Penutian hypothesis in the 90s find Plateau Penutian to be "well supported" (DeLancey & Golla (1997: 181); Campbell 1997), with DeLancey & Golla (1997: 180) cautiously stating "while all subgroupings at this stage of Penutian research must be considered provisional, several linkages show considerable promise" (Campbell 1997 likewise mentions similar caveats). Other researchers have pointed out similarities between Plateau Penutian and the Maiduan family, although this proposal is still not completely demonstrated. A connection with Uto-Aztecan has also been suggested (Rude 2000). The Glottolog classification, favored by many linguistic typologists but considered too conservative by some, disregards Plateau Penutian entirely.

Computational analyses and the Comparative Method

A study published in 2013 using an automated computational analysis (ASJP 4) of 40 basic vocabulary items resulted in languages from Plateau Penutian showing similarities that could be interpreted as genealogical cohesion. [2] However, when describing the method, the authors of the study also concede that similarities may be due to borrowings and areal diffusion. [3] Moreover, the use of automated methods for establishing genealogical connections is controversial, with many historical linguistics still favouring analyses using the comparative method, which places high importance on morphological similarities, especially when found in irregularities (e.g. English good-better-best, German gut-besser-best, Icelandic góður-betri-bestur).


Below is a comparison of selected basic vocabulary items in Proto-Sahaptian, Klamath, and Molala .

gloss Proto-Sahaptian [4] Klamath [5] Molala [6]
headS łamtɨ́x̣nʼolaʔwi
mouthS ɨ́msomsimilq
meatS nɨkʷɨ́tčʼoleˑkneːwit
bloodN kikeʔtǰeg̣leałp
nameN weʔniktseˑsshastu(ː)qs
dogN cq̓ám-qalwač̓aˑkʼsaka(ʔ)
louseN hasas 'nit, louse egg'kʼoY
treeN tewliktg̣oˑ
water*kéweš; N kúusʔambouq-n-s
eatN ké-p’aʔst 's/he is eating'
die*ƛaʔyáwi/*ƛʔayáwig̣leg (sg.); čʼoˑqʼ (pl.)


  1. Berman, H. (1996). The Position of Molala in Plateau Penutian. International Journal of American Linguistics, 62(1), 1-30.
  2. Müller, André, Viveka Velupillai, Søren Wichmann, Cecil H. Brown, Eric W. Holman, Sebastian Sauppe, Pamela Brown, Harald Hammarström, Oleg Belyaev, Johann-Mattis List, Dik Bakker, Dmitri Egorov, Matthias Urban, Robert Mailhammer, Matthew S. Dryer, Evgenia Korovina, David Beck, Helen Geyer, Pattie Epps, Anthony Grant, and Pilar Valenzuela. 2013. ASJP World Language Trees of Lexical Similarity: Version 4 (October 2013) .
  3. Müller, A., Velupillai, V., Wichmann, S., Brown, C. H., Brown, P., Holman, E. W., ... & Yakpo, K. (2009). ASJP world language tree of lexical similariy: Version 2 (April 2009). Available on the home page of the ASJP project:∼wichmann/ASJPHomePage.html
  4. Rude, Noel. 2012. Reconstructing Proto-Sahaptian Sounds. In Papers for the 47th International Conference on Salish and neighbouring languages, 292-324. Working Papers in Linguistics (UBCWPL). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
  5. Barker, M. A. R. 1963. Klamath Dictionary. (University of California Publications in Linguistics, 31.) Berkeley: University of California Press.
  6. Pharris, Nicholas J. 2006. Winuunsi Tm Talapaas: a grammar of the Molalla language. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan.
