White South Africans

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White South Africans
Wit Suid-Afrikaners (Afrikaans)
South Africa 2011 White population proportion map.svg
Proportion of White South Africans in each municipality according to the census
Total population
4,504,252 (2022 census) [1]
7.3% of South African population
Regions with significant populations
Throughout South Africa, but mostly concentrated in urban areas. Population by provinces, as of the 2022 census:
Gauteng 1,509,800
Western Cape 1,217,807
KwaZulu-Natal 513,377
Eastern Cape 403,061
Free State 235,915
Mpumalanga 185,731
North West 171,887
Limpopo 167,524
Northern Cape 99,150
Majority: Afrikaans  · English
Minority: German  · Italian  · Portuguese [ citation needed ]
Majority: Christianity [ citation needed ]
Related ethnic groups
White Zimbabweans, White Namibians, Afrikaners, French Huguenots, Germans, Coloureds, British diaspora in Africa, South African diaspora, other White Africans

White South Africans are South Africans of European descent. In linguistic, cultural, and historical terms, they are generally divided into the Afrikaans-speaking descendants of the Dutch East India Company's original colonists, known as Afrikaners, and the Anglophone descendants of predominantly British colonists of South Africa. In 2016, 57.9% were native Afrikaans speakers, 40.2% were native English speakers, and 1.9% spoke another language as their mother tongue, [2] [3] such as Portuguese, Greek, or German. White South Africans are by far the largest population of White Africans. White was a legally defined racial classification during apartheid. [4]


Most Afrikaners trace their ancestry back to colonists in the mid-17th century and have developed a separate cultural identity, including a distinct language. These colonists included Huguenots who emigrated from France (see Huguenots in South Africa) and Walloons who emigrated from present-day Belgium.

The majority of English-speaking White South Africans trace their ancestry to the 1820 British and Dutch colonists. The remainder of the White South African population consists of later immigrants from Lebanon, and Europe such as Greeks and Norwegians. Portuguese immigrants arrived after the collapse of the Portuguese colonial administrations in Angola and Mozambique, although many also originate from Madeira. [5] [6] [7]


Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to explore Southern Africa (the Cape of Good Hope and the Cape Agulhas) in 1488. [8]

Map of the Cape Colony (now Western Cape) in 1809. Cape Colony00.jpg
Map of the Cape Colony (now Western Cape) in 1809.

The history of white settlement in South Africa started in 1652 with the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) under Jan van Riebeeck. [9] Despite the preponderance of officials and colonists from the Netherlands, there were also a number of French Huguenots fleeing religious persecution at home and German soldiers or sailors returning from service in Asia. [10] The Cape Colony remained under Dutch rule for two more centuries, after which it was annexed by the United Kingdom around 1806. [11] At that time, South Africa was home to about 26,000 people of European ancestry, a relative majority of whom were still of Dutch origin. [11] However, the Dutch settlers grew into conflict with the British government over the abolition of the slave trade and limits on colonial expansion into African lands. In order to prevent a frontier war, the British Parliament decided to send British settlers to start farms on the eastern frontier. [12] Beginning in 1818 thousands of British settlers arrived in the growing Cape Colony, intending to join the local workforce or settle directly on the frontier. [11] Ironically most of the farms failed due to the difficult terrain, forcing the British settlers to encroach on African land in order to practise pastoralism. [12] About a fifth of the Cape's original Dutch-speaking white population migrated eastwards during the Great Trek in the 1830s and established their own autonomous Boer republics further inland. [13] Nevertheless, the population of white ancestry (mostly European origin) continued increasing in the Cape as a result of settlement, and by 1865 had reached 181,592 people. [14] Between 1880 and 1910, there was an influx of Jews (mainly via Lithuania) and immigrants from Lebanon and Syria arriving in South Africa. Recent immigrants from the Levant region of Western Asia were originally classified as Asian, and thus "non-white", but, in order to have the right to purchase land, they successfully argued that they were "white". The main reason being that they were Caucasian and from the lands where Christianity and Judaism originated from, and that the race laws did not target Jews, who were also a Semitic people. Therefore arguing that if the laws targeted other people from the Levant, it should also affect the Jews. [15] [16]

Boer guerrillas during the Second Boer War Afrikaner Commandos2.JPG
Boer guerrillas during the Second Boer War

The first nationwide census in South Africa was held in 1911 and indicated a white population of 1,276,242. By 1936, there were an estimated 2,003,857 white South Africans, and by 1946 the number had reached 2,372,690. [15] The country began receiving tens of thousands of European immigrants, namely from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, and the territories of the Portuguese Empire during the mid- to late twentieth century. [17] South Africa's white population increased to over 3,408,000 by 1965, reached 4,050,000 in 1973, and peaked at 5,244,000 in 1994-95. [18]

Density of White South Africans by district in 1922. Density of European Population in South Africa 1922.jpg
Density of White South Africans by district in 1922.

The number of white South Africans resident in their home country began gradually declining between 1990 and the mid-2000s as a result of increased emigration. [18]

Apartheid era

Under the Population Registration Act of 1950, each inhabitant of South Africa was classified into one of several different race groups, of which White was one. The Office for Race Classification defined a white person as one who "in appearance obviously is, or who is generally accepted as a white person, but does not include a person who, although in appearance obviously a white person, is generally accepted as a coloured person." Many criteria, both physical (e.g. examination of head and body hair) and social (e.g. eating and drinking habits, a native speaker of English, Afrikaans or another European language) were used when the board decided to classify someone as white or coloured. [4] The Act was repealed on 17 June 1991.

Post-apartheid era

Black Economic Empowerment legislation further empowers blacks as the government considers ownership, employment, training and social responsibility initiatives, which empower black South Africans, as important criteria when awarding tenders; private enterprises also must adhere to this legislation. [19] Some reports indicate a growing number of whites in poverty compared to the pre-apartheid years and attribute this to such laws – a 2006 article in The Guardian stated that over 350,000 Afrikaners may be classified as poor, and alluded to research claiming that up to 150,000 were struggling for survival. [20] [21]

As a consequence of Apartheid policies, Whites are still widely regarded as being one of 4 defined race groups in South Africa. These groups (blacks, whites, Coloureds and Indians) still tend to have strong racial identities, and to identify themselves, and others, as members of these race groups [22] [4] and the classification continues to persist in government policy due to attempts at redress like Black Economic Empowerment and Employment Equity. [4]

Diaspora and emigration

Since the 1990s, there has been a significant emigration of whites from South Africa. Between 1995 and 2005, more than one million South Africans emigrated, citing violence as the main reason, as well as the lack of employment opportunities for whites. [23]

Graeme Smith, former test captain of the South Africa national cricket team. Graemesmith.jpg
Graeme Smith, former test captain of the South Africa national cricket team.

In recent decades, there has been a steady proportional decline in South Africa's white community, due to higher birthrates among other South African ethnic groups, as well as a high rate of emigration. In 1977, there were 4.3 million whites, constituting 16.4% of the population at the time. As of 2008, it was estimated that at least 800,000 white South Africans had emigrated since 1995. [24]

Like many other communities strongly affiliated with the West and Europe's colonial legacy in Africa, white South Africans were in the past often economically better off than their black African neighbours and have surrendered political dominance to majority rule. There were also some white Africans in South Africa who lived in poverty—especially during the 1930s and increasingly since the end of minority rule. Current estimates of white poverty in South Africa run as high as 12%, though fact-checking website Africa Check described these figures as "grossly inflated" and suggested that a more accurate estimate was that "only a tiny fraction of the white population – as few as 7,754 households – are affected." [25]

Lara Logan is a television and radio journalist and war correspondent. Lara Logan in Iraq.jpg
Lara Logan is a television and radio journalist and war correspondent.

The new phenomenon of white poverty is mostly blamed on the government's affirmative action employment legislation, which reserves 80% of new jobs for black people [26] and favours companies owned by black people (see Black Economic Empowerment). In 2010, Reuters stated that 450,000 whites live below the poverty line according to Solidarity and civil organisations, [27] with some research saying that up to 150,000 are struggling for survival. [28] However, the proportion of white South Africans living in poverty is still much lower than for other groups in the country, since approximately 50% of the general population fall below the upper-bound poverty line. [29]

A further concern has been crime. Some white South Africans living in affluent white suburbs, such as Sandton, have been affected by the 2008 13.5% rise in house robberies and associated crime. [30] In a study, Johan Burger, senior researcher at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), said that criminals were specifically targeting wealthier suburbs. Burger explained that several affluent suburbs are surrounded by poorer residential areas and that inhabitants in the latter often target inhabitants in the former. The report also found that residents in wealthy suburbs in Gauteng were not only at more risk of being targeted but also faced an inflated chance of being murdered during the robbery. [31]

The global financial crisis slowed the high rates of white people emigrating overseas and has led to increasing numbers of white emigrants returning to live in South Africa. Charles Luyckx, CEO of Elliot International and a board member of the Professional Movers Association, stated in December 2008 that emigration numbers had dropped by 10% in the six months prior. Meanwhile, "people imports" had increased by 50%. [32]

Afrikaners in Pretoria Fokofpolisiekar at Park Acoustics.jpg
Afrikaners in Pretoria

In May 2014, Homecoming Revolution estimated that around 340,000 white South Africans had returned to South Africa in the preceding decade. [33]

Furthermore, immigration from Europe has also supplemented the white population. The 2011 census found that 63,479 white people living in South Africa were born in Europe; of these, 28,653 had moved to South Africa since 2001. [34]

At the end of apartheid in 1994, 85% of South Africa's arable land was owned by whites. [35] The land reform program introduced after the end of apartheid intended that, within 20 years, 30% of white-owned commercial farm land should be transferred to black owners. Thus, in 2011, the farmers' association, Agri South Africa, coordinated efforts to resettle farmers throughout the African continent. The initiative offered millions of hectares from 22 African countries that hoped to spur development of efficient commercial farming. [36] The 30 percent target was not close to being met by the 2014 deadline. [37] According to a 2017 government audit, 72% of the nation's private farmland is owned by white people. [38] In February 2018, the Parliament of South Africa passed a motion to review the property ownership clause of the constitution, to allow for the expropriation of land, in the public interest, without compensation, [39] which was supported within South Africa's ruling African National Congress on the grounds that the land was originally seized by whites without just compensation. [40] In August 2018, the South African government began the process of taking two white-owned farmlands. [41] Western Cape ANC secretary Faiez Jacobs referred to the property clause amendment as a "stick" to force dialogue about the transfer of land ownership, with the hope of accomplishing the transfer "in a way that is orderly and doesn't create a 'them' and 'us' [situation]." [42]


White South Africans 1904-2022
YearPopulation% of
South Africa
19041,116,805 Steady2.svgSteady2.svg 21.58%
19211,519,488 Increase2.svgIncrease2.svg 21.93%
19362,003,857 Increase2.svgDecrease2.svg 20.90%
19603,088,492 Increase2.svgDecrease2.svg 19.30%
19703,792,848 Increase2.svgDecrease2.svg 16.86%
19955,224,000 Increase2.svgDecrease2.svg 12.70%
19964,434,697 Decrease2.svgDecrease2.svg 11.00%
20014,293,640 Decrease2.svgDecrease2.svg 9.60%
20114,586,838 Increase2.svgDecrease2.svg 8.90%
20224,504,252 Decrease2.svgDecrease2.svg 7.30%
Source: South African census [1]
White South Africans as a proportion of the total population
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80-100% South Africa 2011 White population proportion map.svg
White South Africans as a proportion of the total population
  •   0–20%
  •   20–40%
  •   40–60%
  •   60–80%
  •   80–100%
White South Africans by their native tongue [43]
Racial groups South Africa (2022)
  1. Black African (81.4%)
  2. Coloured (8.2%)
  3. White (7.3%)
  4. Indian (2.7%)
  5. Other (0.4%)


Painting of an account of the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck, founder of Cape Town. Charles Bell - Jan van Riebeeck se aankoms aan die Kaap.jpg
Painting of an account of the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck, founder of Cape Town.

Former South African President Jacob Zuma commented in 2009 on Afrikaners being "the only white tribe in a black continent or outside of Europe which is truly African", and said that "of all the white groups that are in South Africa, it is only the Afrikaners that are truly South Africans in the true sense of the word." [52] These remarks have led to the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR) laying a complaint with the Human Rights Commission against Zuma. According to the CCR's spokesman, Zuma's remarks constituted "unfair discrimination against non-Afrikaans-speaking, white South Africans....." [53]

In 2015, a complaint was investigated for hate speech against Jacob Zuma who said "You must remember that a man called Jan van Riebeeck arrived here on 6 April 1652, and that was the start of the trouble in this country." [54]

Former South African President Thabo Mbeki stated in one of his speeches to the nation that: "South Africa belongs to everyone who lives in it. Black and White." [55]

Prior to 1994, a white minority held complete political power under a system of racial segregation called apartheid. During apartheid, immigrants from Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan were considered honorary whites in the country, as the government had maintained diplomatic relations with these countries. These were granted the same privileges as white people, at least for purposes of residence. [56] Some African Americans such as Max Yergan were granted an "honorary white" status as well. [57]


Historical population

Statistics for the white population in South Africa vary greatly. Most sources show that the white population peaked in the period between 1989 and 1995 at around 5.2 to 5.6 million. Up to that point, the white population largely increased due to high birth rates and immigration. Subsequently, between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s, the white population decreased overall. However, from 2006 to 2013, the white population increased.

YearWhite population % of total populationSource
17011,265- Cape Colony (excluding indentured servants) [58]
179514,292-Cape Colony (excluding indentured servants) [58]
19041,116,80521.6%1904 Census
19111,270,000 Increase2.svg22.7% Increase2.svg1911 Census [15]
19603,088,492 Increase2.svg19.3% Decrease2.svg1960 Census
19613,117,000 Increase2.svg19.1% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1961
19623,170,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1962
19633,238,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1963
19643,323,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1964
19653,398,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1965
19663,481,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1966
19673,563,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1967
19683,639,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1968
19693,728,000 Increase2.svg19.0% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1969
19703,792,848 Increase2.svg17.1% Decrease2.svg1970 Census
19713,920,000 Increase2.svg17.0% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1971
19724,005,000 Increase2.svg16.9% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1972
19734,082,000 Increase2.svg16.8% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1973
19744,160,000 Increase2.svg16.7% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1974
19754,256,000 Increase2.svg16.8% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1975
19764,337,000 Increase2.svg18.2% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1976
19774,396,000 Increase2.svg17.9% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1977
19784,442,000 Increase2.svg18.5% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1978
19794,485,000 Increase2.svg18.4% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1979
19804,522,000 Increase2.svg18.1% Decrease2.svg1980 Census [18]
19814,603,000 Increase2.svg18.0% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1981
19824,674,000 Increase2.svg18.3% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1982
19834,748,000 Increase2.svg18.2% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1983
19844,809,000 Increase2.svg17.7% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1984
19854,867,000 Increase2.svg17.5% Decrease2.svg1985 Census [18]
19864,900,000 Increase2.svg17.3% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1986
19915,068,300 Increase2.svg13.4% Decrease2.svg1991 Census
19925,121,000 Increase2.svg13.2% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1992
19935,156,000 Increase2.svg13.0% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1993
19945,191,000 Increase2.svg12.8% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1994
19955,224,000 Increase2.svg12.7% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1995
19964,434,697 Decrease2.svg10.9% Decrease2.svg South African National Census of 1996
19974,462,200 Increase2.svg10.8% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1997
19984,500,400 Increase2.svg10.7% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1998
19994,538,727 Increase2.svg10.5% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 1999
20004,521,664 Decrease2.svg10.4% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2000
20014,293,640 Decrease2.svg9.6% Decrease2.svg South African National Census of 2001
20024,555,289 Increase2.svg10.0% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2002
20034,244,346 Decrease2.svg9.1% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2003
20044,434,294 Increase2.svg9.5% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2004
20054,379,800 Decrease2.svg9.3% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2005
20064,365,300 Decrease2.svg9.2% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2006
20074,352,100 Decrease2.svg9.1% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2007
20084,499,200 Increase2.svg9.2% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2008
20094,472,100 Decrease2.svg9.1% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2009
20104,584,700 Increase2.svg9.2% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2010
20114,586,838 Increase2.svg8.9% Decrease2.svg South African National Census of 2011
20134,602,400 Increase2.svg8.7% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2013
20144,554,800 Decrease2.svg8.4% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2014
20154,534,000 Decrease2.svg8.3% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2015
20164,515,800 Decrease2.svg8.1% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2016
20174,493,500 Decrease2.svg8.0% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2017
20184,520,100 Increase2.svg7.8% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2018
20194,652,006 Increase2.svg7.9% Increase2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2019
20204,679,770 Increase2.svg7.8% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2020
20214,662,459 Decrease2.svg7.8% Steady2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2021
20224,639,268 Decrease2.svg7.7% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2022
20234,504,349 Decrease2.svg7.3% Decrease2.svg South African National Census of 2022
20244,539,212 Increase2.svg7.2% Decrease2.svgStats SA: Mid-year population estimates, 2024

Fertility rates

Contraception among white South Africans is stable or slightly falling: 80% used contraception in 1990, and 79% used it in 1998. [59]

YearTotal fertility rate [60] Source
19603.5 Decrease2.svgSARPN
19703.1 Decrease2.svgSARPN
19802.4 Decrease2.svgSARPN
19891.9 Decrease2.svgUN.org
19902.1 Increase2.svgSARPN
19961.9 Decrease2.svgSARPN
19981.9 Steady2.svgSARPN
2001 [61] 1.8 Decrease2.svghst.org.za
2006 [61] 1.8 Steady2.svghst.org.za
20111.7 Decrease2.svgCensus 2011

Life expectancy

The average life expectancy at birth for males and females

YearAverage life expectancyMale life expectancyFemale life expectancy
1980 [62] 70.366.873.8
1985 [63] 71 ? ?
2009 [64] [65] 71 ? ?


ProvinceWhite unemployment rate (strict)
Eastern Cape [66] 4.5%
Free State
Gauteng [67] 8.7%
KwaZulu-Natal [68] 8.0%
Limpopo [69] 8.0%
Mpumalanga [68] 7.5%
North West
Northern Cape [70] 4.5%
Western Cape 2.0%


Average annual household income by population group of the household head. [71] [72]

Population groupAverage income (2015)Average income (2011)Average income (2001)
White R 444 446 (321.7%)R 365 134 (353.8%)R 193 820 (400.6%)
Indian/AsianR 271 621 (196.6%)R 251 541 (243.7%)R 102 606 (212.1%)
ColouredR 172 765 (125.0%)R 112 172 (108.7%)R 51 440 (106.3%)
AfricanR 92 983 (67.3%)R 60 613 (58.7%)R 22 522 (46.5%)
TotalR 138 168 (100%)R 103 204 (100%)R 48 385 (100%)

Percentage of workforce

ProvinceWhites % of the workforceWhites % of population
Eastern Cape [66] 10%4%
Free State
Gauteng [73] 25%18%
KwaZulu-Natal [68] 11%6%
Limpopo [69] 5%2%
North West
Northern Cape [70] 19%12%
Western Cape [74] 22%18%


Afrikaans 57.9%60.8%59.1%57.7%
Other languages1.9%3.3%1.6%3.7%


Religious affiliation of white South Africans (2001 census) [75]
ReligionNumberPercentage (%)
– Christianity3,726,26686.8%
– Dutch Reformed churches1,450,86133.8%
Pentecostal/Charismatic/Apostolic churches578,09213.5%
Methodist Church 343,1678.0%
Catholic Church 282,0076.6%
Anglican Church 250,2135.8%
– Other Reformed churches 143,4383.3%
Baptist churches 78,3021.8%
Presbyterian churches 74,1581.7%
Lutheran churches 25,9720.6%
– Other Christian churches500,05611.6%
Islam 8,4090.2%
Hinduism 2,5610.1%
No religion 377,0078.8%
Other or undetermined117,7212.7%


Notable White South Africans

Science and technology


Royalty and aristocracy

Arts and media





See also


  1. 1 2 "Census 2022: Statistical Release" (PDF). statssa.gov.za. 10 October 2023. p. 6. Retrieved 12 October 2023.
  2. "South Africa – Community Survey 2016". www.datafirst.uct.ac.za. Retrieved 25 November 2018.
  3. 1 2 3 Census 2011: Census in brief (PDF). Pretoria: Statistics South Africa. 2012. p. 21. ISBN   9780621413885. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 May 2015.
  4. 1 2 3 4 Posel, Deborah (2001). "What's in a name? Racial categorisations under apartheid and their afterlife" (PDF). Transformation: 50–74. ISSN   0258-7696. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 November 2006.
  5. Leonard, Thomas M. (18 October 2013). Encyclopedia of the Developing World. Routledge. p. 1707. ISBN   9781135205157.
  6. Gertz, Genie; Boudreault, Patrick (5 January 2016). The SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. SAGE Publications. p. 242. ISBN   9781483346472.
  7. Shimoni, Gideon (2003). Community and Conscience: The Jews in Apartheid South Africa. ISBN   9781584653295.
  8. "South Africa profile - Timeline - BBC News". 9 July 2011.
  9. Hunt, John (2005). Campbell, Heather-Ann (ed.). Dutch South Africa: Early Settlers at the Cape, 1652–1708. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 13–35. ISBN   978-1904744955.
  10. Keegan, Timothy (1996). Colonial South Africa and the Origins of the Racial Order (1996 ed.). David Philip Publishers (Pty) Ltd. pp.  15–37. ISBN   978-0813917351.
  11. 1 2 3 Lloyd, Trevor Owen (1997). The British Empire, 1558–1995. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 201–203. ISBN   978-0198731337.
  12. 1 2 Clark, Nancy L. (2016). South Africa: The Rise and Fall of Apartheid. William H. Worger (3 ed.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN   978-1-138-12444-8. OCLC   883649263.
  13. Greaves, Adrian (2 September 2014). The Tribe that Washed its Spears: The Zulus at War (2013 ed.). Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military. pp. 36–55. ISBN   978-1629145136.
  14. Census of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 1865. HathiTrust Digital Library. 1866. p. 11. Retrieved 24 September 2017.
  15. 1 2 3 Shimoni, Gideon (2003). Community and Conscience: The Jews in Apartheid South Africa. Lebanon, New Hampshire: University Press of New England. pp. 1–4. ISBN   978-1584653295.
  16. "The Struggle Of The Christian Lebanese For Land Ownership In South Africa". Maronite Institute. Archived from the original on 12 May 2015.
  17. Kriger, Robert; Kriger, Ethel (1997). Afrikaans Literature: Recollection, Redefinition, Restitution. Amsterdam: Rodopi BV. pp. 75–78. ISBN   978-9042000513.
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