Wisdom (sapience, sagacity, sophont) is the use of one's knowledge and experience to make good judgements. [1] [2] [3] [4] Wisdom is the interpreting and understanding of knowledge that leads to greater insight (e.g., common sense). [5] [6] [7] Wisdom is a pragmatic kind of "praxis (process)" where one is constantly using metacognition. [8] [9]
Wisdom has been defined in many different ways, [10] [11] and there are several distinct approaches to assessing the characteristics attributed to wisdom. [12] [13]
Wise ones understand human nature. [14] Wisdom is a phronesis of the human condition. [15] Wisdom is a worldview. [16] Wisdom is having excellent judgement of human affairs. [17] Wisdom is insight, use of ideals, positive social influence, integration and mental flexibility with experiences. [18] Wisdom is an active participation in one’s moral responsibility to oneself and others. [19] Wisdom contains virtues such as ethics and benevolence. [11] [20]
Wisdom is a kind of flexible mentality. [21] The wise ones have equanimity (psychological stability) through tough times and an acceptance of reality. [22] Wisdom is associated with compromise, intellectual humility, acceptance of uncertainty, and perspective-taking. [23]
Wisdom transcends narrative. [24] Wisdom is the experience of intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, and the transpersonal within the dimension of social psychology [25] Wise ones use active and reflective listening, temperance (virtue), and a wise rhetoric. [26]
Wisdom is a verb. [27] Wisdom is the practice of virtue and wit. [28] Wisdom is personified as femininity (i.e., Sophia). [2] [29]
Wisdom is self-knowledge, detachment, integration, and self-transcendence. [30] Wisdom the part of personality that uses cognition, self-reflection, and compassion. [31] Wisdom is critical thinking, emotional regulation, self-reflection, openness to experience, and humor. [32] Wisdom is self-knowledge, understanding, judgment, life knowledge and skills, and open-mindedness. [33] Wisdom is objectivity, perspective-taking and empathy, social engagement, and self-awareness. [34] Wisdom is mastery, openness, self-reflection, emotional regulation, and empathy. [35] Wisdom is self-knowledge, growth, self-regulation, and collectivism. [36] The components of wisdom are prosocial behavior, pragmatism, emotional regulation, self-reflection, relativism or multiculturalism, acceptance of ambiguity. [37] Wisdom is emotional regulation, discernment, virtue ethics, compassion, humility, altruism, patience, and resilience. [38] Wisdom includes intellectual humility, acceptance of change, compromise, and perspective-taking. [39] Wisdom is the use of existential insight, self-understanding, and benevolence. [40] Wisdom is a pragmatism of life experiences. [41] Wisdom contains sociality, emotional regulation, prosocial-ness, self-reflection, resilience, decisiveness, and spirituality. [42] Wisdom is morally sound meta-cognition. [43]
Charles Haddon Spurgeon defined wisdom as "the right use of knowledge". [44] Robert I. Sutton and Andrew Hargadon defined the "attitude of wisdom" as "acting with knowledge while doubting what one knows". [45]
In social and psychological sciences, several distinct approaches to wisdom exist, [11] along with techniques of operationalization [46] and measurement [13] of wisdom as a psychological construct. Wisdom is the capacity to have foreknowledge of something, to know the consequences (positive and negative) of the available courses of action, and take the best of the available options. [47]
Sapience ("sophia" in Greek) is "transcendent wisdom", "ultimate reality", or the ultimate truth of things. [10] [20] [48] This more cosmic, "big picture" definition is often how wisdom ("true wisdom" or "Wisdom" with a capital W) is considered in a religious context. [10] [20] It transcends mere practical wisdom and may include deep understanding of self, interconnectedness, conditioned origination, and phenomenological insight. [49] [10] [20] A person with this type of wisdom can act with appropriate judgment, a broad understanding of situations, and greater appreciation/compassion towards other living beings. [49]
The word sapience is derived from the Latin sapientia, meaning "wisdom". [50] The corresponding verb sapere has the original meaning of "to taste", hence "to perceive, to discern" and "to know"; its present participle sapiens was chosen by Carl Linnaeus for the Latin binomial for the human species, Homo sapiens .
Perennial wisdom seeks unity through nondualism. [51] [52]
The wisdom of the crowd is a common strategy (i.e., heuristic). [53] The Socratic method is a heuristic of epistemology. [54]
Public schools in the U.S. sometimes nod at "character education" which would include training in wisdom. [57]
Nicholas Maxwell, a philosopher in the United Kingdom, believes academia ought to alter its focus from the acquisition of knowledge to seeking and promoting wisdom. [58] This he defines as the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others. [59] He teaches that new knowledge and technological know-how increase our power to act. Without wisdom though, Maxwell claims this new knowledge may cause human harm as well as human good. He argues that the pursuit of knowledge is indeed valuable and good, but that it should be considered a part of the broader task of improving wisdom. [60]
The three major psychological categories for wisdom are personality, development, and expertise. [61]
Psychologists have begun to gather data on commonly held beliefs or folk theories about wisdom. [62] Initial analyses indicate that although "there is an overlap of the implicit theory of wisdom with intelligence, perceptiveness, spirituality, and shrewdness, it is evident that wisdom is an expertise in dealing with difficult questions of life and adaptation to the complex requirements." [63]
The field of psychology has also developed explicit theories and empirical research on the psychological processes underlying wisdom. [64] [11] Opinions on the psychological definition of wisdom vary, [11] but there is some consensus that critical to wisdom are certain meta-cognitive processes that afford life reflection and judgment about critical life matters. [65] [46] These processes include recognizing the limits of one's own knowledge, acknowledging uncertainty and change, attention to context and the bigger picture, and integrating different perspectives of a situation. [66] Cognitive scientists suggest that wisdom requires coordinating such reasoning processes for insight into managing one's life. [67] Reasoning of this sort is both theoretically and empirically distinct from general (fluid or crystallized) intelligence. [68] Researchers have shown empirically that wise reasoning is distinct from IQ. [69]
Baltes and colleagues defined wisdom as "the ability to deal with the contradictions of a specific situation and to assess the consequences of an action for themselves and for others. It is achieved when in a concrete situation, a balance between intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional interests can be prepared". [70] Balance appears to be a critical criterion of wisdom. Empirical research provides some support for this idea, showing that wisdom-related reasoning is associated with achieving balance between intrapersonal and interpersonal interests when facing personal life challenges, and when setting goals for managing interpersonal conflicts. [13] [71]
Researchers also explore the role of emotions in wisdom. [72] Most agree that emotions and emotion regulation are key to effectively managing the kinds of complex and arousing situations that most call for wisdom. Much empirical research has focused on the cognitive or meta-cognitive aspects of wisdom, assuming that an ability to reason through difficult situations is paramount. So although emotions likely play a role in how wisdom plays out in real events (and in reflecting on past events), empirical studies were late to develop on how emotions affect a person's ability to deal wisely with complex events. One study found a positive relationship between diversity of emotional experience and wise reasoning, irrespective of emotional intensity. [73]
Peterson & Seligman state that perspective is a strength of wisdom (e.g., sage advice). [74]
A wise-person fantasy is an awareness intervention, where one poses a question, thinks on it for a few minutes, and then role-plays a fantasized wise person to answer that same question. [77]
Grossmann and colleagues summarized prior psychological literature to conclude that wisdom involves certain cognitive processes that afford unbiased, sound judgment in the face of ill-defined life situations:
Grossmann found that habitually speaking and thinking of oneself in the third person increases these characteristics, which means that such a habit makes a person wiser. [80] Grossmann says contextual factors –such as culture, experiences, and social situations –influence the understanding, development, and propensity of wisdom, with implications for training and educational practice. [46] [78] These contextual factors are the focus of continuing research. For instance, Grossmann and Kross identified a phenomenon they called "the Solomon's paradox": that people reflect more wisely on other people's problems than on their own. (It is named after King Solomon, who had legendary sagacity when making judgments about other people's dilemmas but lacked insight when it came to important decisions in his own life.) [81]
A researcher will measure wisdom differently depending on their theoretical position about the nature of wisdom. For example, some view wisdom as a stable personality trait, others as a context-bound process. [82] Those wedded to the former approach often use single-shot questionnaires, which are prone to biased[ clarification needed ] responses, [13] [83] something that is antithetical to the wisdom construct [84] and fails to study wisdom in the contexts where it is most relevant: complex life challenges. In contrast, researchers who prefer the latter approach measure wisdom-related features of cognition, motivation, and emotion in the context of a specific situation. [85] [82] Such state-level measures provide less-biased responses as well as greater power in explaining meaningful psychological processes. [13] Also, a focus on the situation allows wisdom researchers to develop a fuller understanding of the role of context in producing wisdom. [82] For example, studies have shown evidence of cross-cultural [86] and within-cultural variability, [87] and systematic variability in reasoning wisely across contexts [13] [81] and in daily life. [88]
Many, but not all, studies find that adults' self-ratings of perspective and wisdom do not depend on age. [89] [90] [91] This conflicts with the popular notion that wisdom increases with age. [90] The answer to whether age and wisdom correlate depends on how one defines wisdom and one's experimental technique. The answer to this question also depends on the domain studied, and the role of experience in that domain, with some contexts favoring older adults, others favoring younger adults, and some not differentiating age groups. [82] Rigorous longitudinal work is needed to answer this question, while most studies rely on cross-sectional observations. [47]
The Jeste-Thomas Wisdom Index [92] is based on a 28-question survey (SD-WISE-28) created by researchers at the University of California San Diego to determine how wise a person is. In 2021 Dr. Dilip V. Jeste and his colleagues created a 7-question survey (SD-WISE-7) testing seven components: acceptance of diverse perspectives, decisiveness, emotional regulation, prosocial behaviors, self-reflection, social advising, and (to a lesser degree) spirituality. [93]
The wise old person is an unconscious attitude concerning nature and the collective unconscious. [94]
Star Wars is a monomyth that uses archetypal psychology, specifically Joseph Campbell's The Hero of a Thousand Faces. [95] The character Master Yoda from the films evokes the trope of the wise old man, [96] and he is frequently quoted, analogously to Chinese thinkers or Eastern sages in general. [97] [98]
Buddhist traditions provide comprehensive guidance on how to develop wisdom. [49] [99]
In many cultures, the name for third molars, which are the last teeth to grow, is etymologically linked with wisdom, as in the English wisdom tooth . This nickname originated from the classical tradition –the Hippocratic writings used the term sóphronistér (in Greek, related to the meaning of moderation or teaching a lesson), and in Latin dens sapientiae (wisdom tooth). [100]
Athena (as Mentor) supported him by recognizing and fostering courage, hope, sense, bravery, and adeptness (Homer, trans. 1996, p. 102). [101]
— Sommer
The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be an important virtue, personified as the goddesses Metis and Athena. Metis was the first wife of Zeus, who, according to Hesiod's Theogony, had devoured her pregnant; Zeus earned the title of Mêtieta ("The Wise Counselor") after that, as Metis was the embodiment of wisdom, and he gave birth to Athena, who is said to have sprung from his head. [102] [103] Athena was portrayed as strong, fair, merciful, and chaste. [104]
Apollo was also considered a god of wisdom, designated as the conductor of the Muses (Musagetes), [105] who were personifications of the sciences and of the inspired and poetic arts. According to Plato in his Cratylus , the name of Apollo could also mean "ballon" (archer) and "omopoulon" (unifier of poles [divine and earthly]), since this god was responsible for divine and true inspirations, thus considered an archer who was always right in healing and oracles: "he is an ever-darting archer". [106] Apollo prophesied through the priestesses (Pythia) in the Temple of Apollo (Delphi), where the aphorism "know thyself" (gnōthi seauton) [a] was inscribed (one of the Delphic maxims). [107] He was contrasted with Hermes, who was related to the sciences and technical wisdom, and, in the first centuries after Christ, was associated with Thoth in an Egyptian syncretism, under the name Hermes Trimegistus. [108] Greek tradition recorded the earliest introducers of wisdom in the Seven Sages of Greece. [109]
To Socrates and Plato, philosophy was literally the love of wisdom ( philo-sophia ). This permeates Plato's dialogues; in The Republic the leaders of his proposed utopia are philosopher kings who understand the Form of the Good and possess the courage to act accordingly. Aristotle, in Metaphysics , defined wisdom as understanding why things are a certain way (causality), which is deeper than merely knowing things are a certain way. [b] He was the first to make the distinction between phronesis and sophia. [10]
According to Plato and Xenophon, the Pythia of the Delphic Oracle answered the question "who is the wisest man in Greece?" by stating Socrates was the wisest. [110] According to Plato's Apology, Socrates decided to investigate the people who might be considered wiser than him, concluding they lacked true knowledge:
τούτου μὲν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐγὼ σοφώτερός εἰμι: κινδυνεύει μὲν γὰρ ἡμῶν οὐδέτερος οὐδὲν καλὸν κἀγαθὸν εἰδέναι, ἀλλ᾽ οὗτος μὲν οἴεταί τι εἰδέναι οὐκ εἰδώς, ἐγὼ δέ, ὥσπερ οὖν οὐκ οἶδα, οὐδὲ οἴομαι: ἔοικα γοῦν τούτου γε σμικρῷ τινι αὐτῷ τούτῳ σοφώτερος εἶναι, ὅτι ἃ μὴ οἶδα οὐδὲ οἴομαι εἰδέναι. | I am wiser than this man; for neither of us really knows anything fine and good, but this man thinks he knows something when he does not, whereas I, as I do not know anything, do not think I do either. |
This became immortalized in the phrase "I know that I know nothing" an aphorism suggesting that it is wise to recognize one's own ignorance [111] and to value epistemic humility. [112]
The ancient Romans also valued wisdom, which was personified as Minerva or Pallas. She also represents skillful knowledge and the virtues, especially chastity. Her symbol was the owl, which is still a popular representation of wisdom, because it can see in darkness. She was said to have been born from Jupiter's forehead. [113]
Odin is known for his wisdom, often as acquired through various hardships and ordeals involving pain and self-sacrifice. In one instance he plucked out an eye and offered it to Mímir, guardian of the well of knowledge and wisdom, in return for a drink from the well. [114] In another famous account, Odin hanged himself for nine nights from Yggdrasil, the World Tree that unites all the realms of existence, suffering from hunger and thirst and finally wounding himself with a spear until he gained the knowledge of runes for use in casting powerful magic. [115] He was also able to acquire the mead of poetry from the giants, a drink of which could grant the power of a scholar or poet, for the benefit of gods and mortals alike. [114]
Sia was the personification of perception and thoughtfulness in the mythology of Ancient Egypt. Thoth, married to Maat (in ancient Egyptian: order, righteousness, truth), was regarded as the being who introduced wisdom to the nation. [116] [117]
In the Avesta Gathas, hymns traditionally attributed to Zoroaster, Ahura Mazda means "Lord" (Ahura) and "Wisdom" (Mazda), and is the central deity who embodies goodness, being also called "Good Thought" (Vohu Manah). [118] In Zoroastrianism, the order of the universe and morals is called asha (in Avestan, truth, righteousness), which is determined by this omniscient Thought and also considered a deity emanating from Ahura (Amesha Spenta). It is related to another ahura deity, Spenta Mainyu (active Mentality). [119] It says in Yazna 31: [120]
To him shall the best befall, who, as one that knows, speaks to me Right's truthful word of Welfare and of Immortality; even the Dominion of Mazda which Good Thought shall increase for him. About which he in the beginning thus thought, "let the blessed realms be filled with Light", he it is that by his wisdom created Right.
The word "wisdom" (חכם) is mentioned 222 times in the Hebrew Bible. It was regarded as one of the highest virtues among the Israelites along with kindness (חסד) and justice (צדק). The books of Proverbs and Psalms each urge readers to obtain and to increase in wisdom.[ citation needed ]
In the Hebrew Bible, wisdom is exemplified by Solomon, who asks God for wisdom in 2 Chronicles 1:10. Much of the Book of Proverbs, which is filled with wise sayings, is attributed to Solomon. In Proverbs 9:10, the fear of the Lord is called the beginning of wisdom. Another proverb says that wisdom is gained from God, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding". [121] In Proverbs 1:20, there is also reference to wisdom personified in female form, "Wisdom calls aloud in the streets, she raises her voice in the marketplaces." In Proverbs 8:22–31, this personified wisdom is described as being present with God before creation began and even as taking part in creation itself.
King Solomon continues his teachings of wisdom in the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon discusses his exploration of the meaning of life and fulfillment, as he speaks of life's pleasures, work, and materialism, yet concludes that it is all meaningless. "'Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher [Solomon]. 'Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless'...For with much wisdom comes much sorrow, the more knowledge, the more grief" [122] Solomon concludes that all life's pleasures and riches, and even [human]wisdom, mean nothing if there is no relationship with God. [123]
The Talmud teaches that a wise person can foresee the future. Nolad is a Hebrew word for "future," but also the Hebrew word for "birth", so one rabbinic interpretation of the teaching is that a wise person is one who can foresee the consequences of his/her choices (i.e. can "see the future" that he/she "gives birth" to). [124]
In Christian theology, "wisdom" (From Hebrew: חכמה transliteration: chokmâh pronounced: khok-maw', Greek: Sophia, Latin: Sapientia) describes an aspect of God, or the theological concept regarding the wisdom of God.[ citation needed ]
Christian thought opposes secular wisdom and embraces Godly wisdom. Paul the Apostle states that worldly wisdom thinks the claims of Christ to be foolishness. However, to those who are "on the path to salvation" Christ represents the wisdom of God. [125] Wisdom is considered one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. [126] 1 Corinthians 12:8–10 gives an alternate list of nine virtues, among which is wisdom.
The Epistle of James is a New Testament analogue of the book of Proverbs, in that it also discusses wisdom. It reiterates the message from Proverbs that wisdom comes from God by stating, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you". [127] James also explains how wisdom helps one acquire other forms of virtue: "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." [128] James focuses on using this God-given wisdom to perform acts of service to the less fortunate.
Apart from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and James, other main books of wisdom in the Bible are Job, Psalms, and 1 and 2 Corinthians, which give lessons on gaining and using wisdom through difficult situations.
The Islamic term for wisdom is hikmah. Prophets of Islam are believed by Muslims to possess great wisdom. The term occurs a number of times in the Quran, notably in Sura 2:269, Sura 22:46, and Sura 6:151.
The Sufi philosopher Ibn Arabi considers al-Hakim ("The Wise") as one of the names of the Creator. [129] Wisdom and truth, considered divine attributes, were valued in Islamic sciences and philosophy. The first Arab philosopher, Al-Kindi says at the beginning of his book: [130]
We must not be ashamed to admire the truth or to acquire it, from wherever it comes. Even if it should come from far-flung nations and foreign peoples, there is for the student of truth nothing more important than the truth, nor is the truth demeaned or diminished by the one who states or conveys it; no one is demeaned by the truth, rather all are ennobled by it.
— Al-Kindi, On First Philosophy
In Baháʼí Faith scripture, "The essence of wisdom is the fear of God, the dread of His scourge and punishment, and the apprehension of His justice and decree." [131] Wisdom is seen as a light that casts away darkness, and "its dictates must be observed under all circumstances". [132] One may obtain knowledge and wisdom through God, his Word, and his Divine Manifestation; the source of all learning is the knowledge of God. [133]
In the Inuit tradition, developing[ ambiguous ] wisdom was one of the aims of teaching. An Inuit Elder said that a person became wise when they could see what needed to be done and do it successfully without being told what to do.
In Mesopotamian religion and mythology, Enki, also known as Ea, was the god of wisdom and intelligence. Divine wisdom allowed the provident designation of functions[ clarification needed ] and the ordering of the cosmos, and it[ ambiguous ] was achieved by humans by following me s (in Sumerian: order, rite, righteousness) which maintain balance. [134] In addition to hymns to Enki or Ea dating from the third millennium BCE, there is among the clay tablets of Abu Salabikh from 2600 BCE (the oldest dated texts), a "Hymn to Shamash" which includes the following: [135]
Wide is the courtyard of Shamash night chamber, (just as wide is the womb of) a wise pregnant woman! Sin, his warrior, wise one, heard of the offerings and came down to his fiesta. He is the father of the nation and the father of intelligence
The concept of Logos –manifest word of the divine thought –was also present in the philosophy and hymns of Egypt and Ancient Greece. [117] It was important in the thinking of Heraclitus, and in the Abrahamic traditions. It seems to have been derived from Mesopotamian culture. [136]
This section needs additional citations for verification .(March 2016) |
Medha is a goddess of wisdom found in the Garuda Purana . [137]
In the Indian traditions, wisdom can be called prajña or vijñana .
The Buddhist term Prajñā was translated into Chinese as 智慧 (pinyin zhìhuì, characters 智 "knowledge" and 慧 "bright, intelligent").
In Chinese Buddhism, the idea of wisdom is closely linked to its Indian equivalent as it appears for instance in certain conceptual continuities that exist between Asanga, Vasubandhu and Xuanzang.[ further explanation needed ] [138]
Developing wisdom is of central importance in Buddhist traditions, where the ultimate aim is often presented as "seeing things as they are" or as gaining a "penetrative understanding of all phenomena", which in turn is described as ultimately leading to the "complete freedom from suffering". [49] [99] In Buddhism, developing wisdom is accomplished through an understanding of what are known as the Four Noble Truths and by following the Noble Eightfold Path. [49] [99] This path lists mindfulness as one of eight required components for cultivating wisdom. [49]
Buddhist scriptures teach that wise people conduct themselves well. [139] A wise person does actions that are unpleasant to do but give good results, and does not do actions that are pleasant to do but give bad results. [140] Wisdom is the antidote to the self-chosen poison of ignorance. The Buddha has much to say on the subject of wisdom including:
To recover the original supreme wisdom of self-nature (Buddha-nature or Tathagata) concealed by the self-imposed three dusty poisons (the kleshas: greed, anger, ignorance), Buddha taught to his students the threefold training by turning greed into generosity and discipline, anger into kindness and meditation, ignorance into wisdom. As the Sixth Patriarch of Chán Buddhism, Huineng, said in his Platform Sutra, "Mind without dispute is self-nature discipline, mind without disturbance is self-nature meditation, mind without ignorance is self-nature wisdom."
In Mahayana and esoteric Buddhist lineages, Mañjuśrī is considered an embodiment of Buddha wisdom.
In Hinduism, wisdom is considered a state of mind and soul with which a person achieves liberation. The god of wisdom is Ganesha and the goddess of knowledge is Saraswati.[ citation needed ]
The Sanskrit verse to attain knowledge is: [145]
असतो मा सद्गमय | Asatō mā sadgamaya | Lead me from the unreal to the real. |
Wisdom in Hinduism is knowing oneself as the truth, as the basis for the entire Creation: ultimate self-awareness as the one who witnesses the entire creation in all its facets and forms. Further it means realization that an individual may, through right conduct and right living, come to realize their true relationship with the creation and the Paramatma .[ citation needed ]
According to the Doctrine of the Mean , Confucius said:
Love of learning is akin to wisdom. To practice with vigor is akin to humanity. To know to be shameful is akin to courage (zhi, ren, yong... three of Mengzi's sprouts of virtue).[ citation needed ][ dubious – discuss ]
Compare this with the Confucian classic Great Learning , which begins with: "The Way of learning to be great consists in manifesting the clear character, loving the people, and abiding in the highest good." This is comparable to the Roman virtue prudence, especially if one interprets "clear character" as "clear conscience". (From Chan's Sources of Chinese Philosophy).[ citation needed ]
In Taoism, wisdom is adherence to the three treasures: charity, simplicity, and humility.[ citation needed ] "He who knows other men is discerning [智]; he who knows himself is intelligent [明]." (知人者智,自知者明。 Tao Te Ching 33). [146]
Positive psychology is the scientific study of conditions and processes that contribute to positive psychological states, well-being, positive relationships, and positive institutions.
Compassion is a social feeling that motivates people to go out of their way to relieve the physical, mental, or emotional pains of others and themselves. Compassion is sensitivity to the emotional aspects of the suffering of others. When based on notions such as fairness, justice, and interdependence, it may be considered partially rational in nature.
In ancient Greek philosophy, phronesis is a type of wisdom or intelligence concerned with practical action. It implies both good judgment and excellence of character and habits. Classical works about this topic are still influential today. In Aristotelian ethics, the concept was distinguished from other words for wisdom and intellectual virtues—such as episteme and sophia—because of its practical character. The traditional Latin translation is prudentia, which is the source of the English word "prudence".
Moral psychology is the study of human thought and behavior in ethical contexts. Historically, the term "moral psychology" was used relatively narrowly to refer to the study of moral development. This field of study is interdisciplinary between the application of philosophy and psychology. Moral psychology eventually came to refer more broadly to various topics at the intersection of ethics, psychology, and philosophy of mind. Some of the main topics of the field are moral judgment, moral reasoning, moral satisficing, moral sensitivity, moral responsibility, moral motivation, moral identity, moral action, moral development, moral diversity, moral character, altruism, psychological egoism, moral luck, moral forecasting, moral emotion, affective forecasting, and moral disagreement.
Mindfulness is the cognitive skill, usually developed through meditation, of sustaining meta-attentive awareness towards the contents of one's own mind in the present moment. Mindfulness derives from sati, a significant element of Hindu and Buddhist traditions, and is based on Chan, Guān, and Tibetan meditation techniques. Though definitions and techniques of mindfulness are wide-ranging, Buddhist traditions describe what constitutes mindfulness, such as how perceptions of the past, present and future arise and cease as momentary sense-impressions and mental phenomena. Individuals who have contributed to the popularity of mindfulness in the modern Western context include Thích Nhất Hạnh, Joseph Goldstein, Herbert Benson, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Richard J. Davidson.
Metacognition is an awareness of one's thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond", or "on top of". Metacognition can take many forms, such as reflecting on one's ways of thinking, and knowing when and how oneself and others use particular strategies for problem-solving. There are generally two components of metacognition: (1) cognitive conceptions and (2) cognitive regulation system. Research has shown that both components of metacognition play key roles in metaconceptual knowledge and learning. Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an important aspect of metacognition.
Cultural psychology is the study of how cultures reflect and shape their members' psychological processes.
Psycho-oncology is an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of physical, psychological, social, and behavioral aspects of the cancer experience for both patients and caregivers. Also known as psychiatric oncology or psychosocial oncology, researchers and practitioners in the field are concerned with aspects of individuals' experience with cancer beyond medical treatment, and across the cancer trajectory, including at diagnosis, during treatment, transitioning to and throughout survivorship, and approaching the end-of-life. Founded by Jimmie Holland in 1977 via the incorporation of a psychiatric service within the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, the field has expanded drastically since and is now universally recognized as an integral component of quality cancer care. Cancer centers in major academic medical centers across the country now uniformly incorporate a psycho-oncology service into their clinical care, and provide infrastructure to support research efforts to advance knowledge in the field.
Alertness is a state of active attention characterized by high sensory awareness. Someone who is alert is vigilant and promptly meets danger or emergency, or is quick to perceive and act. Alertness is a psychological and physiological state.
Cross-cultural psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes, including both their variability and invariance, under diverse cultural conditions. Through expanding research methodologies to recognize cultural variance in behavior, language, and meaning it seeks to extend and develop psychology. Since psychology as an academic discipline was developed largely in North America and Europe, some psychologists became concerned that constructs and phenomena accepted as universal were not as invariant as previously assumed, especially since many attempts to replicate notable experiments in other cultures had varying success. Since there are questions as to whether theories dealing with central themes, such as affect, cognition, conceptions of the self, and issues such as psychopathology, anxiety, and depression, may lack external validity when "exported" to other cultural contexts, cross-cultural psychology re-examines them. It does so using methodologies designed to factor in cultural differences so as to account for cultural variance. Some critics have pointed to methodological flaws in cross-cultural psychological research, and claim that serious shortcomings in the theoretical and methodological bases used impede, rather than help, the scientific search for universal principles in psychology. Cross-cultural psychologists are turning more to the study of how differences (variance) occur, rather than searching for universals in the style of physics or chemistry.
Distancing is a concept arising from the work of developmental psychologists Heinz Werner and Bernard Kaplan. Distancing describes the process by which psychologists help a person establish their own individuality through understanding their separateness from everything around them. This understanding of one's identity is considered an essential phase in coming to terms with symbols, which in turn forms the foundation for full cognition and language. Recently, work has been done in psychological distancing in terms of development, personality and behavior.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) therapy is a mindfulness-based program (MBP) designed for stress management and used to treat other conditions. It is structured as an eight to ten week group program.
Darcia Narvaez is a Professor of Psychology Emerita at the University of Notre Dame who has written extensively on issues of character, moral development, and human flourishing.
Social determinism is the theory that social interactions alone determine individual behavior.
Cultural differences can interact with positive psychology to create great variation, potentially impacting positive psychology interventions. Culture differences have an impact on the interventions of positive psychology. Culture influences how people seek psychological help, their definitions of social structure, and coping strategies. Cross cultural positive psychology is the application of the main themes of positive psychology from cross-cultural or multicultural perspectives.
Intellectual humility is a metacognitive process characterized by recognizing the limits of one's knowledge and acknowledging one's fallibility. It involves several components, including not thinking too highly of oneself, refraining from believing one's own views are superior to others', lacking intellectual vanity, being open to new ideas, and acknowledging mistakes and shortcomings. It is positively associated with openness to new ideas, empathy, prosocial values, tolerance for diverse perspectives, and scrutiny of misinformation. Individuals with higher levels of intellectual humility experience benefits such as improved decision-making, positive social interactions, and the moderation of conflicts. There is a long history of philosophers considering the importance of intellectual humility as a 'virtue'. The modern study of this phenomenon began in the mid-2000s.
Artificial Wisdom, or AW, is an Artificial Intelligence system which is able to display the human traits of wisdom and morals while being able to contemplate its own “endpoint.” Artificial wisdom can be described as artificial intelligence reaching the top-level of decision-making when confronted with the most complex challenging situations. The term artificial wisdom is used when the "intelligence" is based on more than by chance collecting and interpreting data, but by design enriched with smart and conscience strategies that wise people would use.
Qi Wang is a Chinese-born American psychologist, professor, and author who is best known for her study of memory and culture. She holds a lifetime endowed chair in human development at Cornell University. Wang is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society. She is also a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Research in Child Development, the Cognitive Development Society, the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, and the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. She serves on many editorial boards and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. She directs the Culture & Cognition Lab at Cornell.
Bat coronavirus RaTG13 is a SARS-like betacoronavirus identified in the droppings of the horseshoe bat Rhinolophus affinis. It was discovered in 2013 in bat droppings from a mining cave near the town of Tongguan in Mojiang county in Yunnan, China. In February 2020, it was identified as the closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, sharing 96.1% nucleotide identity. However, in 2022, scientists found three closer matches in bats found 530 km south, in Feuang, Laos, designated as BANAL-52, BANAL-103 and BANAL-236.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is essential for individuals' well-being and functioning, encompassing cognitive abilities, emotional understanding, and interpersonal interactions. Students worldwide consider psychological well-being, happiness, and contentment as essential life values. Research indicates that students' well-being is greatly influenced by specific needs, including the ability to make choices, express oneself freely, pursue passions and interests, achieve success, and feel psychologically and socially secure. Moreover, global studies suggest that an increased sense of well-being is associated with enhanced academic achievement, interpersonal relationships, and overall health.
the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments[.]
judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgement in the choice of means and ends; sometimes, less strictly, sound sense [...] Personified (almost always as feminine) [...] Knowledge (esp. of a high or abstruse kind); enlightenment, learning, erudition
power of discerning and judging [...] what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion [...] judicious or prudent [...] learned; erudite [...] informed[.]
deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment [...] Prudent [...] Knowing [...] Crafty, Shrewd [...] Insolent[.]
In descriptive knowledge one knows facts; in interpretive knowledge one knows the significance of the descriptively known facts.
Wisdom is saying, then, that although in one sense all the facts may be known, in another sense questions involving a greater apprehension of the facts may remain.
Intellectual or theoretical knowledge is knowledge that is understood only at the intellectual level, whereas wisdom is understood at the experiential level.
Wisdom's functional consequences involve praxis-related behaviors: judgment, advice, and commentary in difficult and uncertain matters of life and life conduct.
Wisdom may be defined as the continually evolving understanding of and fascination with the big picture of life, of what is important, ethical and meaningful and the desire and ability to apply this understanding to enhance the wellbeing of life, both for oneself and others.
Clayton & Birren (1980); Clayton (1982) [state that] Wisdom is the ability to grasp human nature, which is understood to be paradoxical, contradictory, and subject to continual change.
Baltes & Smith (1990, 2008); Baltes & Staudinger (1993, 2000) [state that] Wisdom is an expert knowledge system in the fundamental pragmatics of life permitting exceptional insight, judgment, and advice involving complex and uncertain matters of the human condition. […] Yang (2001, 2008) [states that] Wisdom is a special kind of real-life process that is accomplished after a person: cognitively makes an unusual integration; embodies his or her ideas through action, and thereby generates positive effects for both self and others.
Kahn (2005) [states that] Wisdom actually refers to a widespread set of beliefs and rules for behavior that help individuals adapt to normal situations and situations of great change and enhance human welfare.
Kramer (2000) [states that] Wisdom is excellent judgment about human affairs.
Chen et al. (2011, 2014) [state that wisdom is] Insightful knowledge, implementation of ideals, achieving positive results affecting other people, feedback-adjusted actions as facilitated by work experiences, life experiences, social interactions, observations, family teachings, professional development, religion, and reading.
Nayak (2016) [states that] Wisdom is a balance between active agency and passivity and the acceptance of finding oneself in difficult situations and recognising one's moral responsibilities.
Meacham (1983) [states that] Wisdom is achieved by those who can maintain a balance between the extremes of rigidity and cautiousness, who can continue to acquire knowledge while simultaneously recognizing and constructing new uncertainties, doubts, and questions.
Wise people, [...] accept the positive as well as the negative side of reality [Assmann, 1994; Gadamer, 1960; Strijbos, 1995; Weinsheimer, 1985]. They are satisfied with their lives not because they concentrate only on its positive aspects but because they are aware of and can accept the reality of the present moment [Blanchard-Fields & Norris, 1995; Hart, 1987]. As a consequence, wise individuals can face even the most difficult situations with equanimity, such as the physical and social challenges that accompany old age [Ardelt, 1997, 2000a; Clayton, 1982; Kramer, 2000].
Compromise [...] Intellectual humility [...] Recognition of uncertainty and change [...] Others' perspectives / broader contexts
Ricoeur (1992) [states that] Wisdom transcends narrative, betrays values the least.
Achenbaum & Orwoll (1991) [state that] Wisdom is intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal experiences in the dimensions of cognition (thought), affect (feeling), and conation (behavior).
Finally, wisdom is manifested in nonverbal and social behavior. Actions considered to be appropriate to confidential advice giving such as attentive listening, empathy, and tempered concern contribute to the attribution that a person is wise, especially if combined with older age and a wise verbal commentary (Stange, 2005).
Blatner (2005) [states that] Wisdom should be thought of as a verb or a gerund, as an activity, something one does, rather than a fixed state, as if it were apossession or social status.
Wang & Zheng (2012, 2014); Chen & Wang (2013) [state that] Wisdom is a comprehensive psychological quality that combines virtue and wit, both acquired through experience and practice based on and personal intelligence and knowledge.
Curnow (1995) [states that] Wisdom consists of the four progressively developed features: self-knowledge, detachment, integration, and self-transcendence. […] Aldwin (2009) [states that] Wisdom is a practice that reflects the developmental process by which individuals increase in self-knowledge, self-integration, nonattachment, self-transcendence, and compassion, as well as a deeper understanding of life. This practice involves better self-regulation and ethical choices, resulting in greater good for oneself and others.
Ardelt (2003) [states that] Wisdom is a three-dimensional personality characteristic that integrates cognition, reflection and compassion.
Webster (2003) [states that] Wisdom is a multidimensional cohesion of five mutually interdependent factors: critical experience, emotional regulation, reminiscence (reflectiveness), openness, and humor.
Brown (2004); Brown & Greene (2006) [state that] Six factors contribute to wisdom development: Self-knowledge, understanding of others, judgment, life knowledge, life skills, and willingness to learn.
Bassett (2005, 2012) [states that] Emergent wisdom includes four dimensions: Discerning, a cognitive function and characterized primarily by objectivity; Respecting, characterized by openness and including multiple-perspective taking and empathy; Engaging, characterized by involvement; and Transformative reflecting, characterized by self-awareness.
Bluck & Glück (2004); Glück & Bluck (2013) [state that] These [wisdom] resources are a sense of mastery, openness, reflectivity, and emotion regulation/empathy.
Mickler & Staudinger (2008) [state that] Personal wisdom integrates rich self-knowledge, heuristics of growth and self-regulation, interrelating the self, self-relativism, and tolerance of ambiguity to realize one's personal potential and the well-being of others and society at large.
Meeks & Jeste (2009) [state that] Wisdom mainly consists of six subcomponents: prosocial attitudes/behaviors, social decision-making/pragmatic knowledge of life, emotional homeostasis, reflection/self-understanding, value relativism/tolerance, acknowledgement of and dealing effectively with uncertainty/ambiguity.
Hall (2010) [states that] Wisdom includes emotional regulation, knowing what's important, moral reasoning, compassion, humility, altruism, patience, and dealing with uncertainty.
Grossmann et al. (2010, 2013); Grossmann (2017b) [state that] Wisdom includes intellectual humility, recognition of uncertainty and change, other's perspectives/broader contexts and compromise.
Walsh (2015) [states that] Wisdom is deep accurate insight and understanding of oneself and the central existential issues of life, plus skillful benevolent responsiveness.
Weststrate & Glück (2017) [state that] Wisdom as a body of experience-based knowledge about the fundamental issues of human life that is both broad and deep, and implicit and explicit.
Jeste & Lee (2019) [state that] Wisdom may be defined as a complex human trait with several specific components: Social decision making, emotion regulation, prosocial behaviors, self-reflection, acceptance of uncertainty, decisiveness, and spirituality.
Grossmann et al. (2020) [state that] Wisdom is morally-grounded excellence in certain aspects of meta-cognition.
Wisdom is, I suppose, the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.
Compromise [...] Intellectual humility [...] Recognition of uncertainty and change [...] Others' perspectives / broader contexts
The core principle of perennial wisdom and of creative vision, life as a unity, is far different from our ordinary way of perceiving life through a dualistic lens. Yet the creativity spoken of here is not merely arbitrary. Rather, it emerges from a sense of being in touch with the needs of people and of a situation. As an expression of wisdom, creativity is balanced and informed by a strong sense of responsibility and an interest in contributing to, harmonizing with and bringing healing to one's surroundings.
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: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2024 (link)Perennialists are persons who are exceptionally sensitive to the commonalities that similarities disclose; they are drawn toward unity as moth to flame. [...] There is an Absolute, which is likewise Infinite. This Infinite both includes and transcends everything else, which everything is (in categorical contrast) finite and relative. The way the Absolute transcends the relative is to integrate the relative into itself so completely that even the Absolute/relative distinction gets annulled: form is emptiness, emptiness form. (This separates perennialism from the monism it is sometimes (mis)taken for; it is, rather, a-dvaita or non-dual).
[Social heuristics] include imitation heuristics, tit-for-tat, the social-circle heuristic, and averaging the judgments of others to exploit the 'wisdom of crowds' (Hertwig & Herzog 2009). Imitate the-successful, for instance, speeds up learning of cue orders and can find orders that excel take-the-best's validity order (Garcia-Retamero et al. 2009).
The word heuristic [...] heuriskein, 'to discover' [...] 'a technique of discovery' [...] 'serving to guide, discover, or reveal' [...] 'the discovery method'. Mauritz Johnson (1966) observes that the idea is hardly new, and that, ignoring the classical accreditation of its use to Socrates in the Meno, one finds an early discussion of discovery learning by David P. Page in his Theory and Practice of Teaching in 1847 as well as by later writers, Herbert Spencer in 1860, Frank and Charles McMurry in 1897, and William Chandler Babley in 1905.
The Berlin Wisdom Paradigm [...] combines a broad definition of wisdom as excellence in mind and virtue with a specific characterization of wisdom as an expert knowledge system dealing with the conduct and understanding of life. We called this domain of knowledge the fundamental pragmatics of life [...] life planning [...] life management [...] and life review[.]
Since wisdom research in psychology began in the late 1970s (Clayton, 1975), many scientific theories about wisdom have emerged, including: (a) the Berlin wisdom paradigm (Baltes & Kunzmann, 2004; Baltes & Smith, 2008; Baltes & Staudinger, 1993, 2000; Scheibe et al., 2007), (b) the balance theory of wisdom (Sternberg, 1998, 2018), (c) the self-transcendence wisdom theory (Levenson et al., 2005), (d) the three-dimensional wisdom theory (Ardelt, 2003; Thomas et al., 2015), (e) the H.E.R.O.(E.) model of wisdom (Webster, 2003; Webster et al., 2014, 2017), (f) the process view of wisdom (Yang, 2008, 2013, 2016, 2017), and (g) the integrating virtue and wit theory of wisdom (Chen & Wang, 2013; Wang et al., 2019, pp. 376–378; Wang & Zheng, 2012, 2014, 2015).
an association of people sympathetic to the idea that academic inquiry should help humanity acquire more wisdom by rational means
Theoretical and empirical work on explicit psychological theories of wisdom can be roughly divided into three groups: (a) the conceptualization of wisdom as a personal characteristic or constellation of personality dispositions (e.g., Erikson, 1959; McAdams & de St. Aubin, 1998), (b) the conceptualization of wisdom in the neo-Piagetian tradition of postformal and dialectical thought (e.g., Alex ander & Langer, 1990; Labouvie-Vief, 1990), and (c) the conceptualization of wisdom as an expert system dealing with the meaning and conduct of life (P. Baltes & Smith, 1990; Dittmann-Kohli & Baltes, 1990; Staudinger & Baltes, 1994).
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(help)Perspective (wisdom) refers to the ability to take stock of life in large terms, in ways that make sense to oneself and others. Perspective is the product of knowledge and experience[.] [...] In a social context, perspective allows the individual to listen to others, to evaluate what they say, and then to offer good (sage) advice.
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(help)The figures representing the archetype of the 'Wise Old Man' or of the 'Magna Mater' are equivalent to the mana personality; they are both personifications of what could be called the 'wisdom in nature' or the Jungian self with its 'unconscious knowledge'. [...] From a Jungian point of view, we could say that a conscious relationship to the 'Wise Old Man or Woman' in ourselves and to his or her knowledge concerning the infinite is an essential part of an attitude that deserves being called 'wise'.
[R]eference to Athena within the context of mentoring is not new (Roberts, 2000; Sambunjak & Marusic, 2009) [...] Athena appears in the guise of an old friend of Odysseus, whose name happens to be Mentor. She offers aid and advice to the young Telemachus. [...] In relationship to Telemachus, Athena (as Mentor) supported him by recognizing and fostering courage, hope, sense, bravery, and adeptness (Homer, trans. 1996, p. 102).
In the Garuda Purana 1.7.9, one of the manifestations of the energy of Sarasvati was medha (wisdom), an identification repeated with respect to the Goddess in the Devi Mahatmya 1.11. Thus it is no surprise to find with Anahita, in verse 86 of her Aban Yast, that 'the priests (athravans) who read and the pupils of the priest will beg of thee knowledge'.