Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

Last updated

Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
Formation1 July 1964;60 years ago (1964-07-01)
TypeUnion of broadcasting organisations
Headquarters2nd Floor, IPPTAR Building, Angkasapuri, 50614 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 288 members
  • (from 57 countries and regions)
Official language
Mehmet Zahid Sobacı [1]

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU or APBU), formed in 1964, is a non-profit, professional association of broadcasting organisations. [2] It currently has over 288 members in 57 countries and regions, reaching a potential audience of about 3 billion people. The ABU's role is to help the development of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and to promote the collective interests of its members. The ABU covers an area stretching from Turkey in the west to Samoa in the east, and from Mongolia in the north to New Zealand in the south. Its secretariat is located in Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, its secretary-general, currently Dr Javad Mottaghi.


One of the ABU's activities is Asiavision, a daily exchange of news feeds by satellite among television stations in 20 countries in Asia. The ABU also negotiates coverage rights to major sports events for its members collectively, and carries out a wide range of activities in the programme and technical areas. The ABU provides a forum for promoting the collective interests of television and radio broadcasters, and encourages regional and international co-operation between broadcasters.

Full members must be national free-to-air broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific region, but there is an associate membership category that is open to provincial broadcasters, subscription broadcasters and national broadcasters in other parts of the world, and an affiliate category that is open to organisations connected to broadcasting.


ABU former President Cho Dae-hyun Cho Dae-hyun.jpg
ABU former President Cho Dae-hyun

The ABU's activities include:

Journalists from ABU member organisations ABU journalists Penang.jpg
Journalists from ABU member organisations

The ABU works closely with the regional broadcasting. in other parts of the world on matters of common concern, and with many other international organisations, to exchange information on the latest developments in broadcasting, undertake activities to improve the skills and technologies of its members, and encourage harmonisation of operating and technical broadcasting standards and systems in the region. The ABU is funded primarily by annual subscriptions from members. The Union has an elected President and three Vice-Presidents, who serve three-year terms. The current President is Yoshinori Imai of NHK-Japan.

The ABU Secretariat is located in Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It has over 30 staff, of whom 12 are broadcast professionals recruited from among the ABU members within the region. The head of the Secretariat is the Secretary-General, who is appointed by the General Assembly. The current Secretary-General is Dr. Javad Mottaghi. The Asia-Pacific region is defined in the ABU statutes as countries within areas of Asia and the Pacific that lie substantially between the longitudes of 30 degrees east and 170 degrees west. On the map, this region stretches from Turkey in the west, to Samoa in the east, and from Russia in the north, to New Zealand in the south. All of the ABU's full members operate in this region.

Most of the ABU's associate members are European and North American broadcasters, many of whom have operations in Asia, and pay-TV and cable operators in the Asia-Pacific. Its affiliate members include satellite providers, telcos, production companies, equipment vendors and regulators. The ABU is the third largest of the world's eight broadcasting unions, but covers the largest geographic area of the world.


A number of different membership types are available to national broadcasters and national broadcasting organisations. These include full, additional full, associate, affiliate and institutional memberships. [5]

Full members

CountryBroadcasting organisationNational script Abbr.
Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan Radio Television Afghanistan
  • رادیو تلویزیون ملی افغانستان(Dari)
  • د افغانستان ملي راډيو تلويزون(Pashto)
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting CorporationABC
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan İctimai Television İctimai Televiziya və Radio Yayımları ŞirkətiİTV
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Bangladesh Betar বাংলাদেশ বেতারBB
Bangladesh Television বাংলাদেশ টেলিভিশনBTV
Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan Bhutan Broadcasting Service འབྲུག་རྒྱང་བསྒྲགས་ལས་འཛིནBBS
Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei Darussalam Radio Television Brunei Radio Television Brunei
Radio Televisyen Brunei (Malay)
Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia National Television of Cambodia ទូរទស្សន៍ជាតិកម្ពុជាTVK
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China China Media Group 中央广播电视总台CMG
National Radio and Television Administration 国家广播电视总局NRTA
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt Egyptian Radio and Television Union إتحاد الإذاعة و التليفزيون المصريERTU
Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji Fiji Television Fiji TelevisionFTV
Flag of India.svg  India All India Radio आकाशवाणीAIR
Doordarshan दूरदर्शनDD
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Radio of the Republic of Indonesia Radio Republik IndonesiaRRI
Television of the Republic of Indonesia Televisi Republik IndonesiaTVRI
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting صدا و سيمای جمهوری اسلامی ايرانIRIB
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan NHK/Japan Broadcasting Corporation 日本放送協会NHK
Tokyo Broadcasting System TBSホールディングスTBS
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan Jordan Radio and Television Corporation مؤسسة الإذاعة والتلفزيون الأردنيJRTV
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Khabar Agency
  • Хабар Агенттігі (Kazakh)
  • Агентство Хабар (Russian)
Flag of Kiribati.svg  Kiribati Broadcasting and Publications AuthorityBroadcasting and Publications AuthorityBPA
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Public Radio and Television Corporation Кыргыз Республикасынын Коомдук телерадиоберүү корпорациясы (Kyrgyz)
Общественная телерадиовещательная корпорация Кыргызской Республики (Russian)
Flag of Laos.svg  Laos Lao National Radio ວິທະຍຸກະຈາຍສຽງແຫ່ງຊາດລາວLNR
Lao National Television ສະຖານີໂທລະພາບແຫ່ງຊາດລາວLNTV
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Radio & Television of Malaysia Radio Televisyen MalaysiaRTM
Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives Public Service Media ޕަބްލިކް ސަރވިސް މީޑިއާPSM
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Mongolian National Broadcaster Монголын Үндэсний Олон Нийтийн ТелевизMNB
TV5 TV5 ТелевизTV5
Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar Myanmar Radio and Television မြန်မာ့အသံနှင့်ရုပ်မြင်သံကြားMRTV
Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal Nepal Television नेपाल टेलिभिजनNTV
Radio Nepal रेडियो नेपालRNE
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea The Radio and Television Broadcasting Committee of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 조선중앙방송위원회KRT
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand Television New Zealand Television New Zealand
Te Reo Tātaki o Aotearoa (Māori)
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation ہیئت پاکستان برائے قومی نشریاتPBC
Pakistan Television پاكِستان ٹیلی وژن نیٹ ورکPTV
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea Media Niugini Limited MNL
National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New Guinea National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New GuineaNBC/PNG
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines People's Television Network People's Television Network
Telebisyon ng Bayan (Filipino)
Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation IBC
Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar Qatar Media Corporation المؤسسة القطرية للإعلامQMC
Flag of Samoa.svg  Samoa Samoa Broadcasting Corporation Samoa Broadcasting Corporation
Faalapotopotoga Faasalalauga a Samoa (Samoan)
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia Saudi Broadcasting Authority هيئة الإذاعة والتلفزيون السعوديةSBA
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore Media Corporation of Singapore Media Corporation of Singapore Private Limited
新加坡传媒私人有限公司 (Chinese)
Perbadanan Media Singapura Sendirian Berhad (Malay)
சிங்கப்பூர் ஊடகம் கூட்டுத்தாபனம் (Tamil)
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Korean Broadcasting System 한국방송공사KBS
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation 문화방송주식회사MBC
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගුවන් විදුලි සංස්ථාච (Sinhala)
இலங்கை ஒலிபரப்புக் கூட்டுத்தாபனம் (Tamil)
Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation ශ්‍රී ලංකා රූපවාහිනී සංස්ථාව (Sinhala)
இலங்கை ரூபவாகினி கூட்டுத்தாபனம் (Tamil)
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand National Broadcasting Services of Thailand สถานีวิทยุกระจายเสียงแห่งประเทศไทย กรมประชาสัมพันธ์
สถานีวิทยุโทรทัศน์แห่งประเทศไทย กรมประชาสัมพันธ์
Television Pool of Thailand โทรทัศน์รวมการเฉพาะกิจแห่งประเทศไทยTPT
Flag of East Timor.svg  East Timor Radio-Television of East Timor Radio-Televisão Timor Leste (Portuguese)
Radio-Televizaun Timor Lorosae (Tetum)
Flag of Tonga.svg  Tonga Tonga Broadcasting Commission Tonga Broadcasting Commission
Komisoni Fakamafolalea Tonga (Tongan)
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon KurumuTRT
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Programs and Cinematography Türkmenistanyň Telewideniýe, radiogepleşikler we kinematografiýa baradaky döwlet komitetiTTV
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan O'zbekiston milliy teleradiokompaniyasiMTRK
Flag of Vanuatu.svg  Vanuatu Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation
Société de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Vanuatu (French)
Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Voice of Vietnam Đài Tiếng nói Việt NamVOV
Vietnam Television Đài Truyền hình Việt NamVTV

Additional full members

Countries with Additional Full ABU Membership. ABU Additional Full Members.svg
Countries with Additional Full ABU Membership.
CountryBroadcasting organisationNational script Abbr.
Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan Ariana Radio and Television Network آريانا تلويزيونATN
Educational Radio and Televisionرادیو و تلویزیون آموزشیERTV
Saba Media Organisation تلویزیون سباSMO
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Special Broadcasting Service Special Broadcasting ServiceSBS
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Asian TVএশিয়ান টিভি
Radio Broadcasting FM (Bangladesh) Company Limited Radio Broadcasting FM (Bangladesh) Co. Ltd.Radio Today
Radio Naf
Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan Centennial Radio 101FMCR101
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Shandong Radio and Television StationSDRT
Shanghai Media Group 上海文化广播影视集团有限公司SMG
Sichuan Radio and Television 四川广播电视台SRT
Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji Fijian Broadcasting Corporation FBC
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong Radio Television Hong Kong 香港電台RTHK
Television Broadcasts Limited 電視廣播有限公司TVB
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia PT. Media Televisi Indonesia Metro TV
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Republican Television and Radio CorporationRTRC
Flag of Kiribati.svg  Kiribati Kiribati Hope RadioIsland Hope
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan New Broadcasting SystemNTS
Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Radio Liban اذاعة لبنانRL [6]
Flag of Macau.svg  Macau Macau Television Broadcasting 澳門廣播電視股份有限公司
Teledifusão de Macau (Portuguese)
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Media Prima Berhad MPB
Sarawak Media Group Sdn Bhd SMG
Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives VMedia Island Broadcasting Company Pvt LtdVMedia
Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg  Marshall Islands Radio Marshalls V7AB
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Ekh Oron National TV
MN25 Television 25-р Суваг ТелевизMN25
Mongolian National Educational Channel Боловсрол СувагEduTV
Mongolian Radio and Television Broadcasting Network Монголын Үндэсний Олон Нийтийн ТелевизMRTBN
TV9 Television TV9 ТелевизTV9
SULD Television, Noyon Suld Co LtdSULD TV
United Broadcasting Corporation LLCЮнайтед Бродкастинг Корпорэйшн ХХКSTAR TV
Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar DVB Multimedia Group ဒီမိုကရေတစ်မြန်မာ့အသံDVB
Flag of Nauru.svg  Nauru Nauru MediaNM
Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal Kantipur Television Network KTV
Radio Sagarmatha
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea The Radio and Television Broadcasting Committee of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 조선민주주의인민공화국 라디오텔레비전방송위원회KRT
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Hum Network Limited HUM TV
Shalimar Television Network A-TV/SRBC
Virtual University TVVTV
Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine Palestine Public Broadcasting Commission هيئة الإذاعة العامة الفلسطينيةPBC
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Alto Broadcasting System-Chronicle Broadcasting Network ABS-CBN
Bureau of Broadcast Services – Presidential Broadcasting Service Presidential Broadcasting Service
Pampanguluhang Serbisyong Pambrodkast (Filipino)
Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg  Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation SIBC
Telekom Television LimitedTTV
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Korean Educational Broadcasting System 한국교육방송공사EBS
Seoul Broadcasting System 주식회사에스비에스SBS
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka EAP Holdingsඊ.ඒ.පී බ්‍රොඩ්කාස්ටිං සමාගමEAP
Independent Television Network Limited සී/ස ස්වාධීන රූපවාහිනී සේවයITN
MBC Networks (Pvt) Limited සී/ස එම්.බී.සී. නෙට්වර්ක්ස් (පෞද්ගලික) සමාගමMBC
MTV Channel (Pvt) Limited සී/ස එම්.ටී.වී. චැනල් (පෞද්ගලික) සමාගමMTV
Power House Ltdසී/ස පවර් හවුස් සමාගමTV Derana
VIS Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltdසී/ස වී.අයි.එස්. බ්‍රොඩ්කාස්ටිං (පෞද්ගලික) සමාගම.VIS
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand Thai Public Broadcasting Service องค์การกระจายเสียงและแพร่ภาพสาธารณะแห่งประเทศไทยThai PBS
The National Assembly Radio and Television Broadcasting Station สถานีวิทยุกระจายเสียงและวิทยุโทรทัศน์รัฐสภา สำนักงานเลขาธิการสภาผู้แทนราษฎรParliament Thai
Flag of Tuvalu.svg  Tuvalu Tuvalu Broadcasting Corporation TVBC
Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Audio Visual Global Joint Stock CompanyCông Ty Cổ Phần Nghe Nhìn Toàn CầuAVG
Vietnam Parliament TelevisionĐài Truyền hình Quốc hội Việt NamTHQHVN

Associate members

Countries with Associate ABU Membership. ABU Associate Members.svg
Countries with Associate ABU Membership.
CountryBroadcasting organisationNational script Abbr.
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania Albanian Radio-Television Radio Televizioni ShqiptarRTSH
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Commercial Radio Australia Limited Commercial Radio Australia LimitedCRA
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus National State TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus Нацыянальная дзяржаўная тэлерадыёкампанія Рэспублікі БеларусьBTRC
Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji Walesi Limited Walesi LimitedWalesi Ltd
Flag of France.svg  France France Media World France Médias MondeFMM
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Working group of public broadcasters of the Federal Republic of Germany Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen
Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
German Wave Deutsche WelleDW
Second German Television Zweites Deutsches FernsehenZDF
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong CNN International CNN
Phoenix Television 鳳凰衛視控股有限公司Phoenix TV
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Media Support and Asset Management Fund Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelő AlapMTVA
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana Radiotelevisione Italiana SpaRai
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan 日本民間放送連盟JBA
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia ASTRO All Asia Networks plc ASTRO Malaysia Holdings BerhadAMHB
Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives Island Communication & Entertainment Private LimitedICE Network
Sun Siyam MediaSS Media
Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation Mauritius Broadcasting CorporationMBC
Radio Plus LimitedRadio Plus Ltd
Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg  Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Broadcasting Association FSMBA
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Eagle Broadcasting Company Ийгл ТелевизETV HD
Supervision Broadcasting Network Television SBN ТелевизSBN
Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Nepalसामुदायिक रेडियो प्रसारक संघ नेपालACORAB
Broadcast Association of Nepalनेपाल प्रसारण संघBAN
Radio Tulsipurरेडियो तुलसीपुर
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Association of Broadcasters of the Philippines Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng PilipinasKBP
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company Societatea Română de RadiodifuziuneROR
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Alternative Irkutsk Studio of TV AIST
Channel One Russia Первый канал Россия1tv
Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компанияRTR
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Busan English Broadcasting Foundation부산영어방송재단
Korea Business News CO. LTD(주)한국비즈니스뉴스KBN
K-Force Radio Station케이포스 라디오 방송국KFRS
K-Force Television Station케이포스 텔레비전 방송국KFTS
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia General Commission for Audiovisual Media الهيئة العامة لتنظيم الإعلامGCAM
Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan Sudan National Public Radio Corporation الهيئة الوطنية للإذاعة العامة السودانيةSudan Radio
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand Global One Belt One Road Televisionโทรทัศน์ Global One Belt One RoadGOBA
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom British Broadcasting Corporation BBC
Flag of the United States.svg  United States Trans World Radio TWR
Voice of America VOA

Institutional members

Countries with ABU Institutional Membership. ABU Institutional Members.svg
Countries with ABU Institutional Membership.
CountryBroadcasting organisationNational script Abbr.
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany PRIX JEUNESSE InternationalPrix Jeunesse
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong Asia Video Industry Association ASIA
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Digital Radio Mondiale DRM
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Association for International Broadcasting AIB
International News Safety Institute INSI
WorldDAB Forum WorldDAB
Flag of the United States.svg  USA International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences IATAS
United Nations Department of Public Information UN-DPI

Affiliated members

Countries with Affiliated ABU Membership. ABU Affiliated Members.svg
Countries with Affiliated ABU Membership.
CountryBroadcasting organisationNational script Abbr.
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Australian Film, Television and Radio School AFTRS
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication BNNRC
Bangladesh Community Radio AssociationBCRA
National Institute of Mass Communication NIMC
Pathshala South Asian Media Institute PSAMI
Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia Agence Kampuchea PressAKP
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Videoship Enterprises Limited
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China ADINNO, IncADINNO
Communication University of China 中国传媒大学CUC
Research and Training Institute of NRTA ChinaRTI
Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji Pacific Islands News AssociationPINA
Flag of France.svg  France Enensys TechnologiesENENSYS
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated CircuitsFraunhofer IIS
LS telcom AGLS telcom
Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong APT Satellite Holdings Limited APT
Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited AsiaSat
Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Ltd.Sony Corporation of Hong Kong (Previously called Professional Solutions Asia Pacific Company)Sony
Flag of India.svg  India Apalya TechnologiesApalya
Broadcast Engineering Consultants IndiaBECIL
Canara Lighting Industries PVT. LTD.Canara
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Infotech SolutionsInfotech
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran IRIB University دانشگاه صدا و سیماIRIB
Soroush Multimedia CorporationSMC
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation 放送衛星システム株式会社B-SAT
Ikegami Tsushinki 池上通信機株式会社Ikegami
Japan International Broadcasting Inc. 日本国際放送株式会社JIB
Japan Media Communication Center日本メディアコミュニケーションセンターJAMCO
NHK Enterprises, Inc.
NHK Foundation
NHK Global Media Services, Inc.
NHK Technologies, Inc.
TI ComNet International Visual WorksTI ComNet Japan
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan SpaceTech TV Engineering
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Aljazeera International (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Celcom (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Celcom Axiata BerhadCELCOM
Happy Campers Productions SDN BHD
MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn Bhd MEASAT
MYTV Broadcasting Sdn Bhd MYTV
Shekhinah PR Sdn. BhdSPR
Spacelabs Technology Sdn BhdSpacelabs
Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives Maldives Broadcasting CommissionMBC
Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius Multi Carrier (Mauritius) Limited MCML
Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal Karnali Integrated Rural Development And Research Centreकर्णाली एकीकृत ग्रामीण विकास तथा अनुसन्धान केन्द्रKIRDARC
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Nevion ASNevion
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority مقتدرہِ ضابطہِ برقی ذرائع ابلاغ پاکستانPEMRA
Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine Media Development Center / Birzeit University مركز تطوير الإعلام / جامعة بيرزيتMDC / BU
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea National Information & Communications Technology AuthorityNICTA
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore Bangladesh Broadcast SystemsBBS
Benchmark Broadcast Systems (S) Pte Ltd
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
Elevate Broadcast SystemsEB
Encompass Digital Media (Asia) Pte Ltd
Eutelsat S.A.
EEVA Productions
Globecast Asia Globecast Asia Pte LtdGCA
Infocomm Media Development Authority 资讯通信媒体发展局IMDA
ST Engineering iDirect
Sport Singapore SPORTSG
Telstra Singapore Pte LtdTelstra Global
Thinking Tub Media Pte LtdTTM
Whiteways Systems Pte LtdWW
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Digital Video Broadcasting DVB
Swiss Italian UniversityUniversità Svizzera ItalianaUSI
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commissionสำนักงานคณะกรรมการกิจการกระจายเสียง กิจการโทรทัศน์ และกิจการโทรคมนาคมแห่งชาติNBTC
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Radio and Television Broadcasting Professional AssociationRadyo Televizyon Yayınları Meslek BirliğiRATEM
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Encompass Digital Media Services LimitedEncompass
International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers International Association of Broadcasting ManufacturersIABM
New Media NetworksNMN
Pebble Beach Systems Limited
The Insigths PeopleTIP
Flag of the United States.svg  United States iBiquity Digital CorporationXPERI
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan National Association of Electronical Mass MediaElektron ommaviy axborot vositalari milliy assotsiatsiyasiNAEMM

Other activities

Emergency Warning Broadcasting System (EWBS) for the Asia-Pacific region

EWBS development work has focused on identifying a suitable country code methodology. This system of codes has now been standardised by ITU-R. The General Assembly in Beijing endorsed the work carried out by the TC and issued an ABU Declaration calling all members to encourage their respective governments to implement an EWBS system.[ citation needed ]

ABU Engineering Excellence Awards

Veronica Pedrosa of Al Jazeera addressing an ABU conference Veronica Pedrosa of Al Jazeera.jpg
Veronica Pedrosa of Al Jazeera addressing an ABU conference

ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award and ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award are presented annually to broadcast personalities who have made significant contributions respectively to their organisations and to the industry as a whole. They are selected from nominations made by ABU members and followed by an evaluation process by a panel of judges. The Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award is being sponsored by Broadcast and Professional Pacific Asia Company (BPPA). The award includes a study tour of Sony research facilities.[ citation needed ]


The ABU publishes the ABU News magazine while the Technical Department publishes the Technical Review. Both publications are published quarterly. They are sent free to members and non-affiliates and published in print version, downloadable in PDF format through the ABU's Publications area of the ABU's website and on ABU's app on Android. The ABU also publishes books related to broadcasting which is available in print.

Inter-union activities

The World Broadcasting Unions (WBU) brings together eight unions including the ABU. The WBU has a number of specialised forums, including the International Satellite Operations Group (WBU-ISOG) and the Technical Committee (WBU-TC). The ABU is an active member of both.

See also


  1. "TRT Genel Müdürü Sobacı, dünyanın en büyük yayın birliğine başkan seçildi". (in Turkish). 2 November 2023. Retrieved 20 November 2023.
  2. Staff writer (2024). "Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)". UIA Global Civil Society Database. Brussels, Belgium: Union of International Associations. Yearbook of International Organizations Online. Retrieved 8 February 2025.
  3. "ABU TV and Radio Song Festival 2012". Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  4. "ABU General Assembly 2012 Seoul". Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  5. 1 2 3 4 "ABU Members". Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. Retrieved 20 April 2020.
  6. Granger, Anthony. "Lebanon: Radio Liban Joins The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union". Eurovoix. Retrieved 23 June 2017.