Bacterial phyla

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Phylogenetic tree showing the diversity of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. Major lineages are assigned arbitrary colours and named, with well-characterized lineage names, in italics. Lineages lacking an isolated representative are highlighted with non-italicized names and red dots. A Novel Representation Of The Tree Of Life.png
Phylogenetic tree showing the diversity of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. Major lineages are assigned arbitrary colours and named, with well-characterized lineage names, in italics. Lineages lacking an isolated representative are highlighted with non-italicized names and red dots.

Bacterial phyla constitute the major lineages of the domain Bacteria . While the exact definition of a bacterial phylum is debated, a popular definition is that a bacterial phylum is a monophyletic lineage of bacteria whose 16S rRNA genes share a pairwise sequence identity of ~75% or less with those of the members of other bacterial phyla. [2]


It has been estimated that ~1,300 bacterial phyla exist. [2] As of May 2020, 41 bacterial phyla are formally accepted by the LPSN, [3] 89 bacterial phyla are recognized on the Silva database, [4] dozens more have been proposed, [5] [6] and hundreds likely remain to be discovered. [2] As of 2017, approximately 72% of widely recognized bacterial phyla were candidate phyla [7] (i.e. have no cultured representatives).

The rank of phylum has been included in the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes, using the ending –ota for phylum names that must be based on the name of a genus as its nomenclatural type. [8] [9]

List of bacterial phyla

The following is a list of bacterial phyla that have been validly published (not current).

PhylumAlternative namesGroupCultured representativeNotes
10bav-F6 [10] No
"Abawacabacteria" [5] [11] RIF46CPR; Gracilibacteria-related CPRNo
"Abditibacteriota" [12] FBPYes [12]
"Absconditabacteria" [13] [11] SR1CPR; Gracilibacteria-related CPRNo
ABY1 [14] OD1-ABY1 [15] CPR; ParcubacteriaNo
"Bipolaricaulota" [16] OP1, "Acetothermia"
Acidobacteriota "Acidobacteria"Yes [17]
Actinomycetota "Actinobacteria"TerrabacteriaYes [18]
"Adlerbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
"Aerophobota" / "Aerophobetes"CD12, BHI80-139
"Amesbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Andersenbacteria" [5] RIF9CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4-relatedNo
Armatimonadota [16] "Armatimonadetes", OP10TerrabacteriaYes [20]
"Aminicenantes" [16] OP8
AncK6 [10]
Apal-E12 [10]
Atribacterota [16] OP9, JS1No
Aquificota "Aquificae"
"Azambacteria" i [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; unclassified ParcubacteriaNosplit by Anantharaman et al.
"Azambacteria" ii [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; unclassified ParcubacteriaNo… (Oct 2016) as being polyphyletic
Bacteroidota "Bacteroidetes"FCB groupYes
Balneolota [21] Yes
"Beckwithbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Berkelbacteria" [22] [11] ACD58CPR; Saccharibacteria-related CPRNo
BHI80-139 [10]
"Blackburnbacteria" [5] RIF35CPR; MicrogenomatesNo
"Brennerbacteria" [5] [11] RIF18CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 3No
"Brownbacteria" [23] CPR; Parcubacteria; unclassified ParcubacteriaNo
"Buchananbacteria" [5] [11] RIF37CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
Caldisericota [16] OP5, [24] "Caldiserica"FCB groupYes [25]
Calditrichota [26] FCB group [27]
"Campbellbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4Noseem to be polyphyletic: two clades
Chlamydiota "Chlamydiae" [28] PVC group
Chlorobiota "Chlorobi"FCB group
Chloroflexota "Chloroflexi""Terrabacteria"
Chisholmbacteria [5] RIF36CPR; "Microgenomates"No
Chrysiogenota "Chrysiogenetes"
"Cloacimonetes" [29] WWE1FCB group [27]
"Coatesbacteria" [5] RIF8No
"Collierbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Colwellbacteria" [5] [11] RIF41CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 3No
"Curtissbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
CPR-1 [1] CPRNo
CPR-3 [1] CPRNo
"Dadabacteria" [30] No
"Daviesbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Delphibacteria" [7] FCB groupNo
"Delongbacteria" [5] RIF26, H-178No
Deferribacterota Deferribacteres
Deinococcota Deinococcus–ThermusTerrabacteria
"Dependentiae" [31] TM6
Dictyoglomota Dictyoglomi [32]
"Dojkabacteria" [11] WS6CPR; Microgenomates-related CPR
"Dormibacteraeota" [33] AD3No
"Doudnabacteria" [19] [11] SM2F11CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1-relatedNo
"Edwardsbacteria" [6] [5] RIF29, UBP-2 [34] No
"Eisenbacteria" [5] RIF28FCB groupNo
Elusimicrobiota Elusimicrobia, OP7, Termite Group 1 (TG1) [24] Yes [35]
"Eremiobacteraeota" [36] [33] WPS-2, Palusbacterota [37] No
"Falkowbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
"Fermentibacteria" [38] Hyd24-12No
"Fertabacteria" [7] CPR; Gracilibacteria-related CPRNo
Fibrobacterota "Fibrobacteres"FCB group
"Firestonebacteria" [5] RIF1No
"Fischerbacteria" [5] RIF25No
Bacillota "Firmicutes"Terrabacteria
"Fraserbacteria" [5] RIF31No
Fusobacteriota "Fusobacteria"
Gemmatimonadota Gemmatimonadetes [39] FCB group [27] Yes [39]
"Glassbacteria" [5] RIF5No
"Giovannonibacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4-relatedNo
"Gottesmanbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Gracilibacteria" [40] [11] GN02, BD1-5, SN-2CPR; Patescibacteria; Gracilibacteria-related CPRNo
"Gribaldobacteria" [5] [11] CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 2No
"Handelsmanbacteria" [5] RIF27No
"Harrisonbacteria" [5] [11] RIF43CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 3No
"Howlettbacteria" [11] CPR; Saccharibacteria-related CPRNo
"Hugbacteria" [23] CPR; Parcubacteria; unclassified ParcubacteriaNo
Ignavibacteriota "Ignavibacteria", ZB1FCB group
"Jacksonbacteria" [5] [11] RIF38CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
"Jorgensenbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 3No
"Kaiserbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
"Katanobacteria" [41] [11] WWE3CPR; Microgenomates-relatedNo
"Kazanbacteria" [11] [5] KazanCPR; Saccharibacteria-related CPRNo
"Kerfeldbacteria" [5] [11] RIF4CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
"Komeilibacteria" [5] [11] RIF6CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1Nosometimes misspelled as "Komelilbacteria" [5]
"Kryptonia" [42] No
"Krumholzibacteriota" [34]
"Kuenenbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
"Lambdaproteobacteria" [5] RIF24ProteobacteriaNo
"Latescibacteria"WS3FCB group [27] No
LCP-89 [43]
Lentisphaerota "Lentisphaerae", vadinBE97PVC group
"Levybacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Lindowbacteria" [5] RIF2CPR; Saccharibacteria-related CPRNo
"Liptonbacteria" [5] [11] RIF42CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 3No
"Lloydbacteria" [5] [11] RIF45CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
"Magasanikbacteria" [19] [44] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
"Margulisbacteria" [5] RIF30No
"Marinimicrobia"SAR406, Marine Group AFCB group [27] Yes
"Melainabacteria" [45] No
"Microgenomates" [46] OP11CPR; PatescibacteriaNoSuperphylum
"Modulibacteria" [40] [47] KSB3, GN06No
"Moranbacteria" [19] [11] OD1-i [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; unclassified ParcubacteriaNo
"Muproteobacteria" [5] RIF23ProteobacteriaNo
NC10 [48] [14] No
"Nealsonbacteria" [5] [11] RIF40CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 2No
"Niyogibacteria" [5] RIF11CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4-relatedNo
Nitrospinota "Nitrospinae" [49] Yes [50] [51]
Nitrospirota "Nitrospirae"Yes
"Nomurabacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1No
"Omnitrophica" [16] OP3PVC groupNo
"Pacebacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Parcubacteria" [13] OD1CPRNoSuperphylum
"Parcubacteria" 1 [11] CPR; ParcubacteriaNo
"Parcubacteria" 2 [11] CPR; ParcubacteriaNo
"Parcubacteria" 3 [11] CPR; ParcubacteriaNo
"Parcubacteria" 4 [11] CPR; ParcubacteriaNo
"Parcunitrobacteria" [52] CPR; Parcubacteria; unclassified Parcubacteria [53] NoSuperphylum
PAUC34f [54] sponge‐associated unclassified lineage (SAUL)FCB group
"Peregrinibacteria" [55] [56] [57] [58] [11] PERCPR; Gracilibacteria-related CPRNo
"Peribacteria" [11] CPR; Gracilibacteria-related CPRNo
Planctomycetota "Planctomycetes"PVC group
"Poribacteria" [59] PVC group
"Portnoybacteria" [5] RIF22CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4-relatedNo
Pseudomonadota "Proteobacteria"
"Raymondbacteria" [5] RIF7No
Riflebacteria [5] RIF32No
"Roizmanbacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Rokubacteria" [30] No
"Ryanbacteria" [5] [11] RIF10CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteri 4-relatedNo
"Saccharibacteria" [31] [11] TM7CPR; Saccharibacteria-related CPRYes
"Saltatorellota" [60]
"Schekmanbacteria" [5] RIF3ProteobacteriaNo
"Shapirobacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Spechtbacteria" [5] [11] RIF19CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 2No
Spirochaetota "Spirochaetes"
"Staskawiczbacteria" [5] [11] RIF20CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 2No
"Sumerlaeota" [61] [62] BRC1
"Sungbacteria" [5] [11] RIF17CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4-relatedNo
Synergistota "Synergistetes"
TA06 [63] No
"Tagabacteria" [5] [11] RIF12CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4-relatedNo
"Taylorbacteria" [5] [11] RIF16CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
"Tectomicrobia" [64]
Mycoplasmatota "Tenericutes"
"Terrybacteria" [5] [11] RIF13CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 2No
Thermodesulfobacteriota "Thermodesulfobacteria"
Thermomicrobiota "Thermomicrobia"
Thermotogota "Thermotogae", OP2, EM3 [24] Yes [65]
"Torokbacteria" [11] CPR; Parcubacteria; unclssified ParcubacteriaNo
UBP-1 [6] No
UBP-3 [6] No
UBP-4 [6] No
UBP-5 [6] No
UBP-6 [6] No
UBP-7 [6] No
UBP-8 [6] No
UBP-9 [6] No
UBP-10 [6] No
UBP-11 [6] No
UBP-12 [6] No
UBP-13 [6] No
UBP-14 [6] No
UBP-15 [6] No
UBP-16 [6] No
UBP-17 [6] No
"Uhrbacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1Noseem to be polyphyletic: two clades
"Veblenbacteria" [5] RIF39CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 1-relatedNo
Verrucomicrobiota "Verrucomicrobia"PVC group
"Vogelbacteria" [5] [11] RIF14CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
"Wallbacteria" [5] RIF33No
"Wildermuthbacteria" [5] [11] RIF21CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 2No
"Wirthbacteria" [66] CPR-related bacteriaNo
"Woesebacteria" [19] CPR; Patescibacteria; MicrogenomatesNo
"Wolfebacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 3No
"Woykebacteria" [5] [23] RIF34CPR; MicrogenomatesNo
WOR-1 [63] No
WOR-2 [63] No
WOR-3 [63] No
"Yanofskybacteria" [19] [11] CPR; Patescibacteria; Parcubacteria; unclassified ParcubacteriaNo
"Yonathbacteria" [5] [11] RIF44CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
"Zambryskibacteria" [5] [11] RIF15CPR; Parcubacteria; Parcubacteria 4No
ZB2OD1-ZB2 [15] CPR; ParcubacteriaNo
"Zixibacteria" [67] FCB groupNo


Despite the unclear branching order for most bacterial phyla, several groups of phyla consistently cluster together and are referred to as supergroups or superphyla. In some instances, bacterial clades clearly consistently cluster together but it is unclear what to call the group. For example, the Candidate Phyla Radiation includes the Patescibacteria group which includes Microgenomates group which includes over 11 bacterial phyla.

Candidate phyla radiation (CPR)

The CPR is a descriptive term referring to a massive monophyletic radiation of candidate phyla that exists within the Bacterial domain. [68] It includes two main clades, the Microgenomates and Parcubacteria groups, each containing the eponymous superphyla and a few other phyla.


The superphylum Patescibacteria was originally proposed to encompass the phyla Microgenomates (OP11), Parcubacteria (OD1), and Gracilibacteria (GNO2 / BD1-5). [27] More recent phylogenetic analyses show that the last common ancestor of these taxa is the same node as that of CPR. [69]


The Sphingobacteria (FCB group) includes Bacteroidota, Calditrichota, Chlorobiota, candidate phylum "Cloacimonetes", Fibrobacterota, Gemmatimonadota, Ignavibacteriota, candidate phylum "Latescibacteria", candidate phylum "Marinimicrobia", and candidate phylum "Zixibacteria". [27] [70]


Microgenomates was originally thought to be a single phylum although evidence suggests it actually encompasses over 11 bacterial phyla, [19] [5] including Curtisbacteria, Daviesbacteria, Levybacteria, Gottesmanbacteria, Woesebacteria, Amesbacteria, Shapirobacteria, Roizmanbacteria, Beckwithbacteria, Collierbacteria, Pacebacteria.


Parcubacteria was originally described as a single phylum using fewer than 100 16S rRNA sequences. With a greater diversity of 16S rRNA sequences from uncultured organisms now available, it is estimated it may consist of up to 28 bacterial phyla. [2] In line with this, over 14 phyla have now been described within the Parcubacteria group, [19] [5] including Kaiserbacteria, Adlerbacteria, Campbellbacteria, Nomurabacteria, Giovannonibacteria, Wolfebacteria, Jorgensenbacteria, Yanofskybacteria, Azambacteria, Moranbacteria, Uhrbacteria, and Magasanikbacteria.


It has been proposed that some classes of the phylum Proteobacteria may be phyla in their own right, which would make Proteobacteria a superphylum. [71] For example, the Deltaproteobacteria group does not consistently form a monophyletic lineage with the other Proteobacteria classes. [72]


The Planctobacteria (PVC group) includes Chlamydiota, Lentisphaerota, candidate phylum "Omnitrophica", Planctomycetota, candidate phylum "Poribacteria", and Verrucomicrobiota. [27] [70]


The proposed superphylum, Terrabacteria, [73] includes Actinomycetota, "Cyanobacteria"/"Melainabacteria"-group, Deinococcota, Chloroflexota, Bacillota, and candidate phylum OP10. [73] [74] [27] [70]

Cryptic superphyla

Several candidate phyla (Microgenomates, Omnitrophica, Parcubacteria, and Saccharibacteria) and several accepted phyla (Elusimicrobiota, Caldisericota, and Armatimonadota) have been suggested to actually be superphyla that were incorrectly described as phyla because rules for defining a bacterial phylum are lacking or due to a lack of sequence diversity in databases when the phylum was first established. [2] For example, it is suggested that candidate phylum Parcubacteria is actually a superphylum that encompasses 28 subordinate phyla and that phylum Elusimicrobia is actually a superphylum that encompasses 7 subordinate phyla. [71]

Historical perspective

Atomic structure of the 30S ribosomal Subunit from Thermus thermophilus of which 16S makes up a part. Proteins are shown in blue and the single RNA strand in tan. 010 small subunit-1FKA.gif
Atomic structure of the 30S ribosomal Subunit from Thermus thermophilus of which 16S makes up a part. Proteins are shown in blue and the single RNA strand in tan.

Given the rich history of the field of bacterial taxonomy and the rapidity of changes therein in modern times, it is often useful to have a historical perspective on how the field has progressed in order to understand references to antiquated definitions or concepts.

When bacterial nomenclature was controlled under the Botanical Code, the term division was used, but now that bacterial nomenclature (with the exception of cyanobacteria) is controlled under the Bacteriological Code, the term phylum is preferred.

In 1987, Carl Woese, regarded as the forerunner of the molecular phylogeny revolution, divided Eubacteria into 11 divisions based on 16S ribosomal RNA (SSU) sequences, listed below. [76] [77]

Traditionally, phylogeny was inferred and taxonomy established based on studies of morphology. The advent of molecular phylogenetics has allowed for improved elucidation of the evolutionary relationship of species by analyzing their DNA and protein sequences, for example their ribosomal DNA. [88] The lack of easily accessible morphological features, such as those present in animals and plants, hampered early efforts of classification and resulted in erroneous, distorted and confused classification, an example of which, noted Carl Woese, is Pseudomonas whose etymology ironically matched its taxonomy, namely "false unit". [76] Many bacterial taxa were re-classified or re-defined using molecular phylogenetics.

The advent of molecular sequencing technologies has allowed for the recovery of genomes directly from environmental samples (i.e. bypassing culturing), leading to rapid expansion of our knowledge of the diversity of bacterial phyla. These techniques are genome-resolved metagenomics and single-cell genomics.

See also


  1. Until recently, it was believed than only Bacillota and Actinomycetota were Gram-positive. However, the candidate phylum TM7 may also be Gram positive. [79] Chloroflexi however possess a single bilayer, but stain negative (with some exceptions [80] ). [81]
  2. Pasteuria is now assigned to phylum Bacillota, not to phylum Planctomycetota.
  3. It has been proposed to call the clade Xenobacteria [84] or Hadobacteria [85] (the latter is considered an illegitimate name [86] ).

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