List of airports in Colorado

Last updated
The location of the state of Colorado in the United States. Colorado in United States.svg
The location of the state of Colorado in the United States.

This is a list of airports in the U.S. state of Colorado , grouped by type and sorted by location. It contains all public-use and military airports in the state. Some private-use and former airports may be included where notable, such as airports that were previously public-use, those with commercial enplanements recorded by the FAA, or airports assigned an IATA airport code.



This list contains the following information:

City servedFAAIATAICAOAirport nameRoleEnplanements (2021)
Commercial service – primary airports
Alamosa ALS ALSKALS San Luis Valley Regional Airport (Bergman Field)P-N11,987
Aspen ASE ASEKASE Aspen/Pitkin County Airport (Sardy Field)P-N248,781
Colorado Springs COS COSKCOS City of Colorado Springs Municipal Airport P-S941,917
Denver DEN DENKDEN Denver International Airport P-L28,645,527
Durango DRO DROKDRO Durango–La Plata County Airport P-N200,245
Eagle/Vail EGE EGEKEGE Eagle County Regional Airport P-N201,752
Grand Junction GJT GJTKGJT Grand Junction Regional Airport (Walker Field)P-N252,290
Gunnison GUC GUCKGUC Gunnison–Crested Butte Regional Airport P-N38,783
Hayden HDN HDNKHDN Yampa Valley Airport (Yampa Valley Regional)P-N150,142
Montrose MTJ MTJKMTJ Montrose Regional Airport P-N188,355
Commercial service – nonprimary airports
Cortez CEZ CEZKCEZ Cortez Municipal Airport CS6,195
Fort Collins/Loveland FNL FNLKFNL Northern Colorado Regional Airport CS5,248
Pueblo PUB PUBKPUB Pueblo Memorial Airport CS9,624
Telluride TEX TEXKTEX Telluride Regional Airport CS6,691
Reliever airports
Aurora (Denver) CFO KCFO Colorado Air and Space Port (was Front Range)R0
Broomfield (Denver) BJC BJCKBJC Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (was Jefferson Co.)R670
Centennial (Denver) APA APAKAPA Centennial Airport R496
Colorado Springs FLY KFLY Meadow Lake Airport (was FAA: 00V)R0
General aviation airports
Akron AKO AKOKAKO Colorado Plains Regional Airport GA0
Boulder BDU WBUKBDU Boulder Municipal Airport GA0
Buena Vista AEJ KAEJ Central Colorado Regional Airport GA0
Burlington ITR KITR Kit Carson County Airport GA0
Cañon City 1V6 CNE Fremont County Airport GA0
Craig CAG CIGKCAG Craig-Moffat Airport (Craig-Moffat County Airport)GA0
Delta AJZ KAJZ Blake Field GA0
Erie EIK KEIK Erie Municipal Airport GA0
Fort Morgan FMM KFMM Fort Morgan Municipal Airport GA0
Granby GNB KGNB Granby-Grand County Airport GA0
Greeley GXY GXYKGXY Greeley-Weld County Airport GA0
Holyoke HEQ KHEQ Holyoke Airport (Holyoke Municipal Airport)GA0
Kremmling 20V McElroy Airfield (McElroy Field)GA8
La Junta LHX KLHX La Junta Municipal Airport GA0
Lamar LAA LAAKLAA Southeast Colorado Regional Airport GA0
Leadville LXV LXVKLXV Lake County Airport (Leadville Airport)GA0
Limon LIC LICKLIC Limon Municipal Airport GA0
Longmont LMO KLMO Vance Brand Airport (was AMR/KAMR)GA0
Meeker EEO KEEO Meeker Coulter Field GA15
Monte Vista MVI KMVI Monte Vista Municipal Airport GA0
Nucla AIB KAIB Hopkins Field GA0
Pagosa Springs PSO PGOKPSO Stevens Field GA2
Rangely 4V0 RNG Rangely Airport GA0
Rifle RIL RILKRIL Rifle Garfield County Regional Airport GA169
Salida ANK SLTKANK Harriet Alexander Field GA0
Steamboat Springs SBS SBSKSBS Steamboat Springs Airport (Bob Adams Field)GA0
Sterling STK STKKSTK Sterling Municipal Airport GA0
Trinidad TAD TADKTAD Perry Stokes Airport GA13
Walsenburg 4V1 Spanish Peaks Airfield GA0
Wray 2V5 Wray Municipal Airport GA0
Yuma 2V6 Yuma Municipal Airport GA0
Other public-use airports (not listed in NPIAS)
Akron 5V6 Gebauer Airport
Blanca 05V Blanca Airport
Brush 7V5 Brush Municipal Airport
Calhan 5V4 Calhan Airport
Center 1V8 Leach Airport
Crawford 99V Crawford Airport
Creede C24 Mineral County Memorial Airport
Del Norte RCV KRCV Astronaut Kent Rominger Airport (Del Norte Muni. & Co.)
Delta D17 Westwinds Airport (Hawkins Field)
Dove Creek 8V6 Dove Creek Airport
Durango 00C AMK Animas Air Park
Eads 9V7 Eads Municipal Airport
Ellicott CO4 Colorado Springs East Airport
Glenwood Springs GWS GWSKGWS Glenwood Springs Municipal Airport
Greeley 11V Easton/Valley View Airport
Haxtun 17V Haxtun Municipal Airport
Holly K08 Holly Airport
Hudson 18V Platte Valley Airpark
Julesburg 7V8 Julesburg Municipal Airport
La Veta 07V Cuchara Valley Airport at La Veta
Las Animas 7V9 City of Las Animas - Bent County Airport
Ordway C01 Lake Meredith Seaplane Base
Paonia 7V2 WPO North Fork Valley Airport
Rangely 13R Kenney Reservoir Seaplane Base
Saguache 04V Saguache Municipal Airport
Springfield 8V7 Springfield Municipal Airport
Walden 33V Walden-Jackson County Airport
Westcliffe C08 Silver West Airport
Other military airports
Aurora BKFBKFKBKF Buckley Space Force Base
Colorado Springs AFFAFFKAFF United States Air Force Academy
Fort Carson FCSFCSKFCS Butts Army Airfield (Fort Carson)
Notable private-use airports
Beaver Creek 4CO9 Beaver Creek Heliport 5
Crested Butte 0CO2 CSE Buckhorn Ranch Airport
Mack 10CO Mack Mesa Airport
Notable former airports
Avon WHR Avon STOLPort (closed between 1986 and 1994) [1]
Breckenridge Breckenridge STOLport (closed between 1998 and 2002) [2]
Denver DENKDEN Stapleton International Airport (replaced by Denver Intl)
Fort Collins 3V5 Fort Collins Downtown Airport (closed Nov. 1, 2006) [3]

By traffic

Annual passenger traffic at ALS ASE COS DEN DRO EGE GJT GUC HDN MTJ airports. See Wikidata query.

See also


  1. "Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields: Southwestern Colorado". Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields . Retrieved 2024-09-03.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):

Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT):

Other sites used as a reference when compiling and updating this list:

38°59′50″N105°32′52″W / 38.9972°N 105.5478°W / 38.9972; -105.5478 (State of Colorado)