List of treaties of China (1689-1949)

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List of treaties of China (1689-1949) is a list of treaties that have been negotiated, signed and/or ratified by China, including the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China between 1689 and 1949. The treaty as a legal document in international law can describe either a specific international instrument or a general category of such instruments of agreement. [1] This list includes the most important examples of both formal treaties and other agreements between China and other nations in this period.


Qing dynasty

#YearDateNameLocationChinese nameOther partyNote
11689Sep 7 Treaty of Nerchinsk Nerchinsk 尼布楚條約 Russia First treaty signed by Qing China, concluding the Sino-Russian border conflicts
21727Oct 21 Treaty of Kiakhta Kyakhta 恰克圖界約 Russia Also included 布連斯奇界約, 阿巴哈依圖界約 and 色楞額界約, all signed in 1727
31739Treaty with the Dzungar Khanate Dzungar Khanate Ceasefire during the Dzungar–Qing Wars
41768Oct 30Convention of KyakhtaKyakhta修改恰克圖界約第十條RussiaAddendum to the Treaty of Kiakhta, modifying Article X of the original treaty
51769Dec 13Agreement with Burma Kaungton 中緬臨時和約 Burma Tentative agreement in the Sino-Burmese War, then repudiated by both sides
61792Feb 20Kyakhta International ProtocolKyakhta恰克圖市約Russia
71835Agreement with the Kokand Khanate中國—浩罕協定 Kokand Khanate
81841Jan 20 Convention of Chuenpi Humen 穿鼻條約 United Kingdom Tentative agreement in the First Opium War, then repudiated by both sides
91842Aug 29 Treaty of Nanking Nanjing 南京條約/江寧條約United KingdomConcluded the First Opium War
101842Sep 17 Treaty of Chushul Leh 楚舒勒條約 Sikh Empire Concluded the Dogra–Tibetan war (Sino-Sikh war)
111843Oct 8 Treaty of the Bogue Humen虎門條約United KingdomSupplemented the Treaty of Nanking
121844Jul 3 Treaty of Wanghia Macau 望廈條約 United States First treaty between China and the United States
131844Oct 24 Treaty of Whampoa Huangpu 黃埔條約 France First treaty between China and France
141846Apr 4Guangzhou ConventionHuman英軍退還舟山條約United Kingdom
151847Mar 20 Treaty of Canton Guangzhou 中瑞挪廣州條約 Sweden/Norway First treaty between China and Sweden/Norway
161851Aug 6 Treaty of Kulja Yining 伊犁塔爾巴哈臺通商章程RussiaFirst treaty between China and Russia in the 19th century
171856Mar 24 Treaty of Thapathali Kathmandu 藏尼條約 Nepal Concluded the Nepal–Tibet War
181858May 28 Treaty of Aigun Aigun 璦琿條約RussiaDuring the Second Opium War, but China refused to ratify it
191858Jun 13 Treaty of Tientsin Tianjin中俄天津條約RussiaDuring the Second Opium War
201858Jun 18Treaty of TientsinTianjin中美天津條約United StatesDuring the Second Opium War
211858Jun 26Treaty of TientsinTianjin中英天津條約United KingdomDuring the Second Opium War
221858Jun 27Treaty of TientsinTianjin中法天津條約 France During the Second Opium War
231860Oct 24 Convention of Peking Beijing中英北京條約United KingdomConcluded the Second Opium War
241860Oct 25Convention of PekingBeijing中法北京條約FranceConcluded the Second Opium War
251860Nov 14Convention of PekingBeijing中俄北京條約RussiaConfirmed the terms in the Treaty of Aigun
261861Sep 2 Treaty with Germany Tianjin中德通商條約 Prussia Following the Eulenburg expedition
271863Jul 13Treaty with DenmarkTianjin中丹天津條約 Denmark
281864Oct 7 Treaty of Tarbagatai Tacheng 中俄勘分西北界約記/塔城界約Russia
291868Jul 28 Burlingame Treaty Washington, D.C. 中美天津條約續增條款United States
301869Oct 23Alcock ConventionBeijing中英新修條約United KingdomNot ratified by the United Kingdom
311871Sep 13 Sino-Japanese Friendship and Trade Treaty Tianjin中日修好條規 Japan First treaty between China and the Empire of Japan
321874Oct 31Instrument settling Ryukyu-Taiwan affairBeijing中日北京專條Japan
331876Sep 13 Chefoo Convention Zhifu 煙臺條約United KingdomRatified in 1885
341879Oct 2 Treaty of Livadia Livadia 里瓦幾亞條約RussiaRepudiated by China and replaced by the Treaty of Saint Petersburg
351880Mar 31Supplementary Convention with GermanyBeijing中德續修條約 Germany
361880Nov 17 Angell Treaty of 1880 Beijing中美續修條約United States
371881Feb 24 Treaty of Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg 中俄伊犁條約/改訂條約Russia
381882Oct 1 China–Korea Treaty of 1882 Tianjin中朝商民水陸貿易章程 Joseon First treaty between China and Joseon in the 19th century
391882Oct 29Sino-Russian boundary treatyYining中俄伊犁界約Russia
401885Apr 18 Convention of Tientsin Tianjin中日天津會議專條JapanFollowing the Gapsin Coup in Joseon
411885Jun 9 Treaty of Tianjin Tianjin中法新約/中法會訂越南條款 France Following the Sino-French War and recognized the French rule in Vietnam
421886Jul 24Convention concerning Burma and TibetBeijing中英緬甸條款United KingdomRecognized the British annexation of Burma
431886Apr 25Convention of TianjinTianjin中法越南邊界通商章程France
441887Dec 1 Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Peking Beijing中葡和好通商條約 Portugal Recognized the Portugal colonial rights in Macao
451887Jun 26Convention of BeijingBeijing中法續議界務專條France
461887Jun 26Additional Commercial ConventionBeijing中法續議商務專條France
471890Mar 17 Convention of Calcutta Kolkata 中英藏印條約United KingdomRecognized the British control over Sikkim
481893Dec 5Relating to Sikkim and Tibet of 1890 Darjeeling 中英藏印續約United Kingdom
491894Mar 17 Gresham-Yang Treaty Washington, D.C.限禁來美華工保護寓美華人條約United StatesWithdrawal of China in 1904
501895Apr 17 Treaty of Shimonoseki Shimonoseki 馬關條約JapanFollowing the First Sino-Japanese War
511895Jun 20Additional Commercial Articles 1895Beijing中法續議商務專條附章France
521896Jun 3 Li–Lobanov Treaty Saint Petersburg中俄密約/禦敵互相援助條約RussiaSecret treaty
531898Mar 6Treaty with Germany concerning Kiaochow BayBeijing中德膠澳租界條約GermanyFor the Kiautschou Bay Leased Territory
541898Mar 27 Convention for the Lease of the Liaotung Peninsula Beijing旅大租地條約RussiaFor the Kwantung Leased Territory
551898Jul 6Treaty on South Manchurian RailwaySaint Petersburg東省鐵路公司續約合同Russia
561898Jun 9 Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory Beijing展拓香港界址專條United KingdomFor the lease of the New Territories
571899Nov 16Treaty of Kwangchow WanGuangzhou Bay廣州灣租界條約FranceFor the Leased Territory of Guangzhouwan
581899Jul 29 Hague Convention of 1899 The Hague 海牙公約Various countriesNegotiated at international peace conferences
591901Sep 7 Boxer Protocol Beijing辛丑條約/各國和約11 countriesConcluded the Eight-Nation Alliance's defeat of the Boxer Rebellion
601902Apr 8Convention with regard to ManchuriaBeijing交收東三省條約Russia
611902Sep 5 Mackay Treaty Shanghai 中英續議通商行船條約United Kingdom
621903Oct 8Treaty of ShanghaiShanghai中美通商行船續約United States
631904Sep 7 Convention of Lhasa Lhasa 拉薩條約United KingdomFollowing the British expedition to Tibet, but China refused to sign it
641904Dec 21 Hague Convention on Hospital Ships The Hague關於戰時醫院船免稅的公約Various countriesSupplemented the Hague Convention of 1899
651905Dec 22Treaty with regard to ManchuriaBeijing中日會議東三省事宜條約JapanFollowing the Russo-Japanese War
661906Apr 27 Anglo-Chinese Convention Regarding Tibet Beijing中英續訂藏印條約United KingdomConcluded the British expedition to Tibet
671907Oct 18 Hague Convention of 1907 The Hague海牙公約Various countriesNegotiated at international peace conferences
681908Apr 20Treaty on Tibet TradeKolkata中英修訂藏印通商章程United Kingdom
691909Sep 4 Gando Convention Beijing圖們江中韓界務條款Japan
701911May 8Treaty Concerning OpiumBeijing中英禁煙條件United Kingdom
711911Dec 20Treaty of Manzhouli Qiqihar 滿洲里界約RussiaNot ratified by China

Republic of China

#YearDateNameLocationChinese nameOther partyNote
11914Jul 3 Simla Convention Simla西姆拉條約Tibet, United KingdomNot signed by China
21915Jan 18 Twenty-One Demands 二十一條JapanChina reluctantly accepted most terms
31915May 29 Treaty of Kyakhta Kyakhta中俄蒙協約 Mongolia, Russia
41918May 16/19 Sino-Japanese Joint Defence Agreement Beijing中日共同防敵軍事協定JapanFollowing China's entry into the World War I
51919Jun 28 Treaty of Versailles Versailles 凡爾賽條約Various countriesConcluded the World War I, but China refused to sign it
61922Feb 6 Nine-Power Treaty Washington, D.C.九國公約8 countriesFollowing the Washington Naval Conference
71924May 31Sino-Soviet agreement of 1924Beijing中蘇解決懸案大綱協定 Soviet Union
81925Jun 17 Geneva Protocol Geneva 日內瓦議定書Various countries
91928Treaty Concerning Tariff Regulation關稅條約Various countriesSigned separately for each country
101933May 31 Tanggu Truce Tanggu 塘沽協定JapanFollowing the Japanese invasion of Manchuria
111935Jun 10 He–Umezu Agreement Beijing何梅協定Japan
121935Jun 27 Qin–Doihara Agreement Beijing秦土協定JapanFollowing the North Chahar incident
131937Aug 21 Sino-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Nanjing中蘇互不侵犯條約Soviet UnionDuring the Second Sino-Japanese War
141943Jan 11 Sino-American Treaty abolition of extraterritoriality Washington, D.C.關於取消美國在華治外法權及處理有關問題之條約United StatesDuring the World War II
151943Jan 11 Sino-British Treaty abolition of extraterritoriality Chongqing 關於取消英國在華治外法權及其有關特權條約United KingdomDuring the World War II
161945Jun 26 Charter of the United Nations San Francisco 聯合國憲章Various countriesFoundational treaty of the United Nations
171945Aug 14 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance Moscow 中蘇友好同盟條約Soviet UnionAt the end of the World War II
181945Oct 10 Double Tenth Agreement Chongqing雙十協定 Chinese Communist Party At the end of the World War II
191946Nov 4 Sino-American Treaty of Commerce & Navigation Nanjing中美友好通​​商航海條約United States
201947Apr 18 Sino-Philippine Treaty of Amity Manila 中菲友好條約 Philippines

See also

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  1. "Definition of key terms" United Nations Treaty Collection.
