8th National Assembly of Slovenia

Last updated
8th National Assembly

8. državni zbor
Coat of arms of Slovenia.svg
Founded22 June 2018
Disbanded13 May 2022
Preceded by 7th National Assembly
Succeeded by 9th National Assembly
Igor Zorčič (NP)
since 5 March 2020
Deputy Speakers
Tina Heferle (LMŠ)
Since 23 August 2018
Jože Tanko (SDS)
Since 23 August 2018
Branko Simonovič (DeSUS)
Since 29 August 2018
Seats90 – Members
Sedezni red - 8. DZ 1.png
Political groups
Government (37)
  •   SDS (26)
  •   NSi (7)
  •   Concretely (4)

Confidence and supply (10)

Opposition (43)

Government (43)

Confidence and supply (11)

  •   Left (9)
  •   Italian and Hungarian national minorities (2) [b]

Opposition (36)

  •   SDS (25)
  •   NSi (7)
  •   SNS (4)
Proportional representation
Last election
3 June 2018
Meeting place
Great Hall of the National Assembly
Building of the National Assembly, Ljubljana

The 8th National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia was elected in the 3 June 2018 Slovenian parliamentary elections. At the order of President Borut Pahor, it first convened on 22 June 2018. The assembly was in session during the outgoing 12th Government of Prime Minister Miro Cerar and elected the 13th and 14th governments. It was the fourth consecutive time in which centre-left and left-wing parties had a majority.

Major events

Major legislation

LawOfficial titleSlovene titleAdoptedIn forceEffectiveContentProposer
"Anti-Corona" Act (No. 1)Intervention Measures Act to Curb the COVID-19 Epidemic and Mitigate Its Impact on Citizens and the EconomyZakon o interventnih ukrepih za zajezitev epidemije COVID-19 in omilitev njenih posledic za državljane in gospodarstvo2 April 202010 April 20201 April 2020*€3 billion worth of socio-economic measures to minimize consequences of the 2020 coronavirus epidemic 14th Government

* retroactive law

Political parties


(European Affiliation)

2018 ElectionsCurrently
Slovenian Democratic Party
Slovenska demokratska stranka
(formerly Centre-Right, and before Centre-Left)
Right-wing populism
Slovenian nationalism
National conservatism
Liberal conservatism
Janez Janša
Prime Minister
25 / 90
26 / 90
List of Marjan Šarec
Lista Marjana Šarca
Social liberalism
Marjan Šarec
MP, Former Prime Minister
13 / 90
14 / 90
Social Democrats
Socialni demokrati
Centre -Left
Social Democracy
Left-wing populism
Tanja Fajon
10 / 90
13 / 90
Konkretno (formerly Stranka modernega centra)
Centre to Centre-Left
Social liberalism
Zdravko Počivalšek
Minister of Economic Development and Technology
10 / 90
4 / 90
The Left
Democratic socialism
Left-wing populism
Luka Mesec
9 / 90
7 / 90
New Slovenia – Christian Democrats
Nova Slovenija – Krščanski demokrati
Christian democracy
Liberal conservatism
Social conservatism
Matej Tonin
Minister of Defence
7 / 90
7 / 90
Party of Alenka Bratušek
Stranka Alenke Bratušek
Social liberalism
Alenka Bratušek
Former Prime Minister
5 / 90
6 / 90
Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia
Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije
Social liberalism
Single-issue politics
Ljubo Jasnič
Former party secretary general
5 / 90
4 / 90
Slovenian National Party
Slovenska nacionalna stranka
Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti
4 / 90
3 / 90


National Assembly leadership

Matej Tonin Slovenija (cropped).jpg
Matej Tonin (NSi)
Dejan Zidan 2015-04-10.jpg
Dejan Židan (SD)
Planina v Podbocju 2018 06 (cropped).jpg
Igor Zorčič (NP)
Speaker Matej Tonin (NSi), June 22, 2018 – August 23, 2018
Tina Heferle (LMŠ), Acting August 23, 2018
Dejan Židan (SD), August 23, 2018 – March 3, 2020
Branko Simonovič (DeSUS), Acting March 3 – 5, 2020
Igor Zorčič (NP), from 5 March 2020
Deputy SpeakersJože Tanko (SDS), from August 23, 2018
Branko Simonovič (DeSUS), from August 29, 2018
Tina Heferle (LMŠ), from August 23, 2018

Leaders of the political groups

GroupLeaderDeputy Leader(s) [c] Secretary
PS SDS Group of Slovenian Democratic Party
Poslanska skupina Slovenske demokratske stranke
Danijel KrivecAlenka Jeraj
Tomaž Lisec
Maja Prezelj
PS LMŠ Group of List of Marjan Šarec
Poslanska skupina Liste Marjana Šarca
Brane GolubovićJerca KorčeBojana Bavec
PS SD Group of Social Democrats
Poslanska skupina Socialnih demokratov
Matjaž HanBojana MuršičMiroslav Pretnar
PS Konkretno Group of Concretely
Poslanska skupina Konkretno
(formerly Poslanska skupina Stranke modernega centra)
Gregor Perič [6] Mojca Žnidarič [6] Iztok Artič
PS Levica Group of The Left
Poslanska skupina Levice
Matej Tašner VatovecNataša SukičMatej Kolenc
PS NSi Group of New Slovenia – Christian Democrats
Poslanska skupina Nove Slovenije – Krščanskih demokratov
Jožef HorvatAleksander ReberšekTerezija Trupi
PS SAB Group of Party of Alenka Bratušek
Poslanska skupina Stranke Alenke Bratušek
Maša KociperAndrej RajhJernej Pavlič
PS DeSUS Group of Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia
Poslanska skupina Demokratične stranke upokojencev Slovenije
Franc JuršaIvan HršakKsenija Vencelj
PS SNS Group of Slovenian National Party
Poslanska skupina Slovenske nacionalne stranke
Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti Dušan ŠiškoRok Dolenc
PS IMNSGroup of Italian in Hungarian National Minority
Poslanska skupina italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti
Felice ŽižaFerenc HorváthPetra Jamnik
PS NPGroup of Independent Members
Poslanska skupina nepovezanih poslancev
Janja SlugaJurij LepIvana Grgić
Nep - MUIndependent Member
Nepovezana poslanka
Mateja Udovč
  1. Usually supports the Government
  2. Usually supports the Government
  3. Groups that have more than 20 members can have 2 Deputy Leaders.


ConstituencyElectoral districts


JeseniceRadovljica IRadovljica IIKranj IKranj IIKranj IIITržičŠkofja Loka IŠkofja Loka IIKamnikIdrija
/ Franc Kramar (SAB)// Mateja Udovč (SMC) Branko Grims (SDS) Edvard Paulič (LMŠ) Marko Pogačnik (SDS) Mihael Prevc (NSi) Marjan Šarec (LMŠ) Samo Bevk (SD)
Igor Peček (LMŠ) Jure Ferjan (SDS) Miha Kordiš (Levica)


TolminPiranIzolaKoper IKoper IISežanaIlirska BistricaPostojnaNova Gorica INova Gorica IIAjdovščina
Danijel Krivec (SDS) Meira Hot (SD) Branko Simonovič (DeSUS) Matej Tašner Vatovec (Levica)/ Marko Bandelli (SAB) Andrej Černigoj (NSi) Robert Pavšič (LMŠ) Elena Zavadlav Ušaj (SDS) Matjaž Nemec (SD) Eva Irgl (SDS)
Gregor Perič (SMC)


LogatecVrhnikaLjubljana Vič-Rudnik ILjubljana Vič-Rudnik IILjubljana Vič-Rudnik IIILjubljana Vič-Rudnik IVLjubljana CenterLjubljana Šiška ILjubljana Šiška IILjubljana Šiška IIILjubljana Šiška IV
Iva Dimic (NSi) Jerca Korče (LMŠ) Alenka Jeraj (SDS) Monika Gregorčič (SMC)// Violeta Tomić (Levica)/ Marko Koprivc (SD)/ Andreja Zabret (LMŠ)
Maša Kociper (SAB)
Daniel Cukjati (SDS) Leon Merjasec (SDS)
Jani Möderndorfer (LMŠ)


KočevjeRibnicaGrosupljeLitijaLjubljana Moste-Polje ILjubljana Moste-Polje IILjubljana Moste-Polje IIILjubljana Bežigrad ILjubljana Bežigrad IIDomžale IDomžale II
Predrag Baković (SD) Jože Tanko (SDS)/ Boris Doblekar (SDS) Janez Moškrič (SDS)/ Vojko Starović (SAB) Dušan Verbič (SMC) Luka Mesec (Levica) Tina Heferle (LMŠ) Brane Golubović (LMŠ)
Nataša Sukič (Levica) Tadeja Šuštar (NSi)


Šentjur pri CeljuCelje ICelje IIŽalec IŽalec IIMozirjeVelenje IVelenje IISlovenj GradecRavne na KoroškemRadlje ob Dravi
Lidija Ivanuša (SDS)/ Željko Cigler (Levica) Ljubo Žnidar (SDS) Aleksander Reberšek (NSi) Nada Brinovšek (SDS)/ Franc Rosec (SDS) Jože Lenart (LMŠ) Jani Prednik (SD)/
Robert Polnar (DeSUS) Janja Sluga (TBD) Nik Prebil (LMŠ)

Novo mesto

ČrnomeljNovo Mesto INovo Mesto IITrebnjeBrežiceKrškoSevnicaLaškoHrastnikTrbovljeZagorje ob Savi
/ Anja Bah Žibert (SDS)/ Franci Kepa (SDS) Igor Zorčič (NP) Dušan Šiško (SNS) Tomaž Lisec (SDS) Matjaž Han (SD) Ivan Hršak (DeSUS) Primož Siter (Levica) Rudi Medved (LMŠ)
Blaž Pavlin (NSi) Soniboj Knežak (SD)


Šmarje pri JelšahSlovenska BistricaSlovenske KonjiceRušeMaribor IMaribor IIMaribor IIIMaribor IVMaribor VMaribor VIMaribor VII
/ Karmen Furman (SDS) Bojan Podkrajšek (SDS) Jurij Lep (TBD)// Dejan Kaloh (SDS) Franc Trček (SD)/ Branislav Rajić (TBD) Lidija Divjak Mirnik (LMŠ)
Zmago Jelinčič (SNS) Bojana Muršič (SD) Gregor Židan (SD) Andrej Rajh (SAB)


LendavaOrmožLjutomerMurska Sobota IMurska Sobota IIGornja RadgonaLenartPesnicaPtuj IPtuj IIPtuj III
Jožef Horvat (NSi) Aljaž Kovačič (LMŠ) Franc Jurša (DeSUS)/ Dejan Židan (SD)// Marijan Pojbič (SDS) Jožef Lenart (SDS) Boštjan Koražija (Levica) Suzana Lep Šimenko (SDS)
Jani Ivanuša (SNS)
Nuša Ferenčič (SDS)
Mojca Žnidarič (SMC)


Proportion of women elected
to the National Assembly
2018 elections
2014 elections
2011 elections
2008 elections
2004 elections
2000 elections
1996 elections
1992 elections

8th National Assembly has 22 female MPs which equals 24,4 %, and is a little bit less than in the 7th Assembly. Youngest MP is Jerca Korče (LMŠ) who is 28 years old. Oldest MP is Jožef Česnik (SAB), who is 73 years old and also presided over the first session.

Changes in membership

Changes of MPs

Changes are expected when government will be formed, MP who is named Prime Minister, Minister, State Secretary or Secretary-General of the government, cannot be MP anymore and is replaced with an MP that would be elected, if they were not elected. Peter Jožef Česnik and Miro Cerar, ministers of the 13th Government, resigned as MPs and will not take their seats after new government will be elected.

Vacated byReason for changeSuccessor
ConstituencyDistrictNamePartyConstituencyDistrictNamePartyDate of installation
KranjKamnik Marjan Šarec LMŠElected Prime MinisterKranjRadovljica IIKarla UrhLMŠ23 August 2018
Ljubljana CenterLjubljana Vič-Rudnik III Miro Cerar SMCElected MinisterLjubljana CenterLjubljana Šiška IIJani MöderndorferSMC28 September 2018
PostojnaSežanaMarko BandelliSABElected MinisterPostojnaNova Gorica IIAndrej ŠušmeljSAB28 September 2018
Ljubljana CenterLjubljana Vič-Rudnik IIIPeter Jožef ČesnikSABElected MinisterLjubljana CenterLjubljana Šiška IIMaša KociperSAB28 September 2018
MariborŠmarje pri Jelšah Zdravko Počivalšek SMCElected MinisterMariborMaribor IV Gregor Židan SMC28 September 2018
Novo mestoZagorje ob SaviRudi MedvedLMŠElected MinisterNovo mestoHrastnikNina MaurovičLMŠ28 September 2018
PostojnaNova Gorica IIAndrej ŠušmeljSABBandelli resigned as ministerPostojnaSežanaMarko BandelliSAB19 December 2019
CeljeMozirjeDarij KrajčičLMŠResignationCeljeŽalec IINik PrebilLMŠ5 March 2019
Ljubljana BežigradRibnica Ljudmila Novak NSiElected MEPLjubljana BežigradDomžale IITadeja ŠuštarNSi9 July 2019
Ljubljana BežigradLjubljana Bežigrad II Milan Brglez SDElected MEPLjubljana BežigradLjubljana Bežigrad IDušan VerbičSMC9 July 2019
Ljubljana BežigradGrosuplje Janez Janša SDSElected Prime MinisterLjubljana BežigradLjubljana Moste-Pollje IJanez MoškričSDS6 March 2020
KranjRadovljica IIKarla UrhLMŠNew Government formedKranjKamnik Marjan Šarec LMŠ13 March 2020
Novo mestoHrastnikNina MaurovičLMŠNew Government formedNovo mestoZagorje ob SaviRudi MedvedLMŠ13 March 2020
KranjKamnik Matej Tonin NSiElected MinisterKranjŠkofja Loka IIMihael PrevcNSi19 March 2020
PostojnaPostojna Zvonko Černač SDSElected MinisterPostojnaNova Gorica IElena Zavadlav UšajSDS19 March 2020
PostojnaAjdovščina Jernej Vrtovec NSiElected MinisterPostojnaIlirska BistricaAndrej ČernigojNSi19 March 2020
Ljubljana CenterLogatec Andrej Šircelj SDSElected MinisterLjubljana CenterLjubljana Šiška IVLeon MerjasecSDS19 March 2020
Ljubljana CenterLjubljana Vič-Rudnik IV Anže Logar SDSElected MinisterLjubljana CenterLjubljana Šiška IIIMojca ŠkrinjarSDS19 March 2020
KranjŠkofja Loka II Žan Mahnič SDSNamed State SecretaryKranjTržičJure FerjanSDS19 March 2020
PtujLenartFranc BreznikSDSNamed State SecretaryPtujPtuj IINuša FerenčičSDSTBD
CeljeŠentjur pri CeljuJelka GodecSDSNamed State SecretaryCeljeŽalec ILjubo ŽnidarSDSTBD
PtujPtuj IINuša FerenčičSDSResigned as State SecretaryPtujLenartFranc BreznikSDS28 April 2020
KranjRadovljica IFranc KramarSABDeceasedKranjKranj IAlenka BratušekSAB4 February 2021 [7]

Changes in the political groups membership

NameElected forPrevious groupNew group
Franc TrčekLevicaPS LevicaPS SD
Jani MöderndorferSMC (as substitute MP)PS SMCPS LMŠ
Gregor Židan SMC (as substitute MP)PS SMCPS SD
Janja SlugaSMCPS SMCPS NP [6]
Igor Zorčič SMCPS SMCPS NP [6]
Branislav RajićSMCPS SMCPS SAB [8]
Mateja UdovčSMCPS ConcretelyPS NeP - MU [3]
Željko CiglerLevicaPS LevicaPS SD [9]

Working bodies

PS SDS Group of Slovenian Democratic Party
Poslanska skupina Slovenske demokratske stranke
5 / 21
11 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
2 / 3
0 / 3
PS LMŠ Group of List of Marjan Šarec
Poslanska skupina Liste Marjana Šarca
2 / 21
7 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
1 / 3
PS SD Group of Social Democrats
Poslanska skupina Socialnih demokratov
3 / 21
5 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
1 / 3
PS SMC Group of Modern Centre Party
Poslanska skupina Stranke modernega centra
2 / 21
6 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
1 / 3
1 / 3
PS Levica Group of The Left
Poslanska skupina Levice
2 / 21
2 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
0 / 3
PS NSi Group of New Slovenia – Christian Democrats
Poslanska skupina Nove Slovenije – Krščanskih demokratov
2 / 21
3 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
1 / 3
1 / 3
PS SAB Group of Party of Alenka Bratušek
Poslanska skupina Stranke Alenke Bratušek
1 / 21
2 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
0 / 3
PS DeSUS Group of Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia
Poslanska skupina Demokratične stranke upokojencev Slovenije
2 / 21
0 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
0 / 3
PS SNS Group of Slovenian National Party
Poslanska skupina Slovenske nacionalne stranke
1 / 21
1 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
0 / 3
PS IMNSGroup of Italian in Hungarian National Minority
Poslanska skupina italijanske in madžarske narodne skupnosti
1 / 21
1 / 38
Commissions of Inquiry
0 / 3
0 / 3


CommitteePresidentVice-presidentsSecretary [a] Members
Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and FoodEdvard Paulič (LMŠ)Nada Brinovšek (SDS)Dragana Čuljković17
Jani Ivanuša (SNS)
Committee on Culture Violeta Tomić (Levica)Jožef Lenart (SDS)Marjana Starič17
Aljaž Kovačič (LMŠ)
Committee on DefenceSamo Bevk (SD)Mateja Udovč (SMC)Peter Bahčič17
Andrej Černigoj (NSi)
Committee on Education, Science, Sport and YouthIva Dimic (NSi)Mojca Škrinjar (SDS)Danica Polak Gruden17
Luka Mesec (Levica)
Committee on EU AffairsMarko Pogačnik (SDS)Marko Koprivc (SD)Barbara Medved Špiletič17
Nik Prebil (LMŠ)
Committee on FinanceRobert Polnar (DeSUS)Suzana Lep Šimenk (SDS)Barbara Reflak19
Marko Bandelli (SAB)
Dušan Verbič (SMC)
Committee on Foreign PolicyMonika Gregorčič (SMC)Lidija Divjak Mirnik (LMŠ)Katja Jerman19
Marijan Pojbič (SDS)
Committee on HealthAnja Bah Žibert (SDS)Franc Žndiarič (SD)Hedvika Stanič Igličar19
Mojca Žnidarič (SMC)
Committee on Infrastructure, Environment and Spatial PlanningBojan Podkrajšek (SDS)Robert Pavšič (LMŠ)Anton Pelko19
Mihael Prevc (NSi)
Mateja Udovč (SMC)
Committee on JusticeBlaž Pavlin (NSi)Meira Hot (SD)Marija Pečjak Ferlež13
Committee on Labour, Family, Social Policy and Disability Eva Irgl (SDS)Tadeja Šuštar (NSi)Tina Kšela Premik17
Mojca Žnidarič (SMC)
Primož Siter (Levica)
Committee on the EconomyBranislav Rajić (SMC)Franc Rosec (SDS)Nataša Škrbec Srčnik17
Soniboj Knežak (SD)
Committee on the Interior, Public Administration and Local Self-GovernmentBranko Grims (SDS)Dušan Verbič (SMC)Ana Komac19
Predrag Bakovič (SD)

Former Committees

CommitteePresidentVice-presidentsSecretary [b] Members
Joint Committee [c] Rudi Medved (LMŠ) Violeta Tomić (Levica)Nataša Škrbec Srčnik/
  1. Employee of the NA, not MP.
  2. Employee of the NA, not MP.
  3. Temporary general committee, until all of the permanent committees were formed.

Standing Commissions

Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal OpportunitiesNataša Sukič (Levica)Lidija Ivanuša (SDS)Ana Ivas Brezigar9
Commission for Public Office and Elections Ivan Hršak (DeSUS)Andreja Zabret (LMŠ)Katja Leitinger19
Ljubo Žnidar (SDS)
Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and Other CountriesDušan Šiško (SNS)Franc Kepa (SDS)Polona Klemenčič13
Commission for the National CommunitiesFerenc Horváth (IMNS)Felice Žiža (IMNS)Rodana Rožanc Krulčič11
Commission for the Rules of Procedure Vojko Starovič (SAB)Boris Doblekar (SDS)Maja Briški11
Constitutional CommissionDejan Židan (SD)Franc Breznik (SDS)Boris Vrišer19
Jože Lenart (LMŠ)

Supervisory Commissions

In supervisory commissions opposition has majority.

Commission for Public Finance ControlIgor Peček (LMŠ)Andrej Rajh (SAB)Jože Končan13
Commission for the Supervision of Intelligence and Security ServicesMatjaž Nemec (SD)Rudi Medved (LMŠ)Marinka Bogolin9

Inquiry Commissions

Commission of Inquiry for determining the responsibility of holders of public office in the child cardiology programme and procurement of medical supplies and equipmentVacant (SDS)Jani Prednik (SD)Boris vrišer9
Commission of Inquiry for investigating abuses and uneconomical practices in the BAMCAleksander Reberšek (NSi)Monika Gregorčič (SMC)Ana Ivas Brezigar9
Commission of Inquiry for investigating the alleged money laundering in Nova Kreditna banka Maribor, d. d., the suspected illegal financing of the Slovenian Democratic Party and the suspected illegal financing of the election campaign for the early elections to the National Assembly in 2018(SMC)Aljaž Kovačič (LMŠ)Zoran Skubic9
Commission of Inquiry for investigating abuses in the case of Franc Kangler and othersVacant (SDS)Tadeja Šuštar (NSi)Božena Pem5

Other bodies

Council of the Speaker of the National Assembly Igor Zorčič (TBD)None (de facto Deputy Speakers)Speaker and Deputy Speakers (no voting right)
Leaders of political groups (voting right)
Representatives of National Minorities (voting right)
Club of the Female MPsBojana Muršič (SD)Andreja Zabret (LMŠ)Female MPs
Mateja Udovč (SMC)
Detail from the Parliament Building, Ljubljana - Slovenian National Anthem Drzavni zbor.JPG
Detail from the Parliament Building, Ljubljana – Slovenian National Anthem


Sessions of the Assembly


For full list of appointments and nominations see Appointments by the 8th National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.


DateProposerPositionCandidateVotedIn favourAgainstInvalidComments
22 June 201850 MPs, first signatory Marjan Šarec [10] Speaker Matej Tonin 8980911st Regular Session; secret ballot
17 August 201843 MPs, first signatory Brane Golubović [11] Prime Minister Marjan Šarec 87553115th Extraordinary Session; secret ballot;
23 August 201852 MPs, first signatory Andreja Zabret [12] Deputy-SpeakerTina Heferle8366895th Extraordinary Session; secret ballot
23 August 201825 MPs, first signatory Anja Bah Žibert [13] Deputy-SpeakerJože Tanko8574386th Extraordinary Session; secret ballot
23 August 201852 MPs, first signatory Matjaž Han [14] Speaker Dejan Židan 6049836th Extraordinary Session; secret ballot
29 August 201852 MPs, first signatory Franc Jurša [15] Deputy-SpeakerBranko Simonovič7867747th Extraordinary Session; secret ballot
29 August 2018Council of the Speaker [16] Secretary-GeneralUršula Zore Tavčar76760/7th Extraordinary Session; roll call
13 September 2018Prime Minister-elect Marjan Šarec Ministers of the 13th Government 794534/8th Extraordinary Session; roll call
3 March 2020President of the Republic Borut Pahor [17] Prime Minister Janez Janša 845231116th Regular Session; secret ballot
5 March 202047 MPs, first signatory Janja Sluga [18] Speaker Igor Zorčič 8848291116th Regular Session; secret ballot
13 March 2020Prime Minister-elect Janez Janša [19] Ministers of the 14th Government 845231131st Extraordinary Session; public vote

Motions for removal

Motion for removal can be submitted by the same proposer who proposed designee's election and it is decided about removal by the same procedure that was needed for the election.

DateProposerPositionDesigneeVotedIn favourAgainstInvalidComments
23 August 201849 MPs, first signatory Brane Golubović [20]
Speaker Matej Tonin Tonin announced his resignation.secret ballot; after Matej Tonin is removed from office, Tina Heferle (LMŠ) (if elected Deputy-Speaker) will become Acting-Speaker until new Speaker is elected.

Composition of the executive

Novinarska konferenca predsednika republike Boruta Pahorja.jpg
President of the Republic
Borut Pahor (SD)
Miro Cerar 2018.jpg
Acting Prime Minister
Miro Cerar (then SMC)
(2014–) 2018
Marjan Sarec in Logatec 2017.jpg
Prime Minister
Marjan Šarec (LMŠ)
Izredno zasedanje Evropskega sveta 09 (cropped).jpg
Prime Minister
Janez Janša (SDS)

Interpellations, votes of confidence, and impeachement


According to the Article 118 of the Constitution at least 10 MPs can submit and interpelation[ check spelling ] against a minister or government as a whole.

Date of voteProposerInterpellatedQuorumIn favourAgainstAbstainComments
21 June 2019 [22] SDS Karl Erjavec, Minister of Defence7435390Interpellation due to the alleged misuse of the military intelligence service.
11 June 2020 [23] LMŠ, SD, Levica, SABZdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology8937511Interpellation due to alleged wrongdoings during COVID-19 epidemic related to the purchase of protective equipment

Votes of confidence

Prime Minister can, according to the Article 117 of the Constitution request a vote of confidence. If government does not win the vote of confidence, National Assembly has to elect new Prime Minister within 30 days. If it fails, President of the Republic dissolves the National Assembly and snap election takes place within 60 days.

Also, according to the Article 116 of the Constitution, 10 MPs can propose a vote of no confidence and at the same time propose a candidate for the new Prime Minister.


Based on Articles 109 and 119 of the Constitution National Assembly may impeach President of the Republic, Prime Minister or ministers before the Constitutional Court if they violate the Constitution or laws.

Date of voteProposerInterpellatedQuorumIn favourAgainstAbstainComments
29 January 2019 [24] [25] SDS and SNS Marjan Šarec, Prime Minister8929537Impeachment for not implementing the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the financing of the private primary education.

Legislative services heads

International activity

International activity of the Speaker


Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe VacantAlja Škibin
Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Robert Pavšič (LMŠ)Tamara Gruden Pečan
Delegation to the CEI Parliamentary Dimension Branko Grims (SDS)Staša Kobi Šmid
Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean Branislav Rajić (SMC)Romana Novak
IPU National Group in the National Assembly Matjaž Nemec (SD) (ex officio as President of CFP)Tatjana Pandev
Delegation to the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly Dejan Židan (SD) (ex officio as Speaker)Tatjana Pandev
Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE Gregor Perič (SMC)Tamara Gruden Pečan
Delegation of the National Assembly in the Group for Joint Parliamentary Supervision of EUROPOLTina Heferle (LMŠ)Maja Brišk

Friendship groups

Republic of Austria Vacant Kingdom of Denmark Monika Gregorčič (SMC) Kingdom of the Netherlands Igor Zorčič (TBD)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Marko Koprivc (SD) Republic of Finland Branislav Rajić (SMC) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Branislav Rajić (SMC)
French Republic Matjaž Nemec (SD) Republic of India Suzana Lep Šimenko (SDS) Republic of Estonia Franc Trček (Levica)
Republic of Croatia Jani Prednik (SD) Japan Branislav Rajić (SMC) Canada Franc Trček (Levica)
Ireland Bojana Muršič (SD) Republic of Korea Suzana Lep Šimenko (SDS) Republic of Kazakhstan Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (SNS)
Italian Republic Meira Hot (SD) Kingdom of Norway Vacant Republic of Kosovo Franc Trček (Levica)
State of Israel Vacant Republic of Poland Suzana Lep Šimenko (SDS) Romania Franc Trček (Levica)
People's Republic of China Lidija Divjak Mirnik (LMŠ) Slovak Republic Tomaž Lisec (SDS) Federative Republic of Brazil Alenka Jeraj (SDS)
Hungary Ferenc Horváth (IMNS) Kingdom of Spain Bojana Muršič (SD) Republic of Cyprus Jani Prednik (SD)
Republic of North Macedonia Iva Dimic (NSi) Kingdom of Spain Vacant Arab Republic of Egypt Matjaž Nemec (SD)
Federal Republic of Germany Branko Grims (SDS) Republic of Turkey Monika Gregorčič (SMC) Swiss Confederation Branislav Rajić (SMC)
Palestine Matej Tašner Vatovec (Levica) Ukraine Vojko Starović (SAB) Republic of Albania Franc Trček (Levica)
Portuguese Republic Franc Trček (Levica) Argentine Republic Alenka Jeraj (SDS) Hellenic Republic Jani Prednik (SD)
Russian Federation Matjaž Han (SD) Commonwealth of Australia Andreja Zabret (LMŠ) Georgia Predrag Baković (SD)
Republic of Serbia Predrag Baković (SD) Republic of Azerbaijan Matjaž Nemec (SD) Republic of Latvia Jani Prednik (SD)
United States of America Matjaž Nemec (SD) Kingdom of Belgium Gregor Perič (SMC) Republic of Lithuania Nik Prebil (LMŠ)
Czech Republic Tomaž Lisec (SDS) Republic of Iceland Andreja Zabret (LMŠ) Republic of Malta Jani Prednik (SD)
Montenegro Tomaž Lisec (SDS) Grand-Duchy of Lusembourg Lidija Divjak Mirnik (LMŠ) Republic of Bulgaria Alenka Jeraj (SDS)


Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (SNS) corruption allegations

It was reported on 29 June 2018 that Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe's (PACE) special independent investigative body issued its report on so called Caviar diplomacy by Azerbaijan. Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (SNS), who returned in the National Assembly after 7 years in the last election, was banned from entering Council of Europe due to severe violation of the PACE's rules. Jelinčič was accused of receiving €25,000 for voting against the report of the PACE stating that irregularities occurred during elections in Azerbaijan, which he observed. Jelinčič declined accusations and stated that he received money to translate Tone Svetina's novel Ukana into Russian language, however translation of the book is nowhere to be found, reported Slovenian media. Jelinčič was named vice-president of the Committee on Foreign Policy on 3 July 2018. However The Left, which also supported the resolution, with which leaders of the committees were named, stated that their support was a mistake. Other parties, SDS, LMŠ and SAB stated that current leaders of the committees are only temporary and that new leaders will be named after coalition is formed and all the committees founded. Some, including GRECO and TI, also called on the National Assembly to finally form and pass an Ethical Code for MPs. Slovenian Commission for the prevention of corruption announced that it will investigate the case. [26] [27] [28] [29]

Milan Brglez (SMC) expulsion from the party

Milan Brglez was soon after the election, on 26 June 2018 expelled from the party. Reason for that was his self-candidature for Speaker of the National Assembly, since Miro Cerar did not have support of potential coalition partners (LMŠ, SD, NSi, SAB and DeSUS) to become Speaker himself. Executive committee also blamed Brglez that he did not respect decision of the parties and has been making statements that were opposite to the statements of Cerar and other party officials. As example they added that Cerar supported US missile strikes against Syria earlier in April and Brglez did not and stated that these acts are against international law and Slovenian Constitution. He decided to stay member of the SMC group in the Assembly, but did not rule out the possibility to join another group later, most possibly The Left. [30]

Zdravko Počivalšek (SMC) lobbying affair

On 2 August 2018 Commission for the prevention of corruption issued its report on Zdravko Počivalšek's unlawful meetings with former President of Executive Council of SRS (Prime Minister) and former Director of State Security Service (SDV) Janez Zemljarič who is seen as one of the most important people in Slovenia as a part of so-called "Deep State". Počivalšek tried to prevent the publishing of the report, however Supreme Court decided that contents of their meetings can be publicly announced. Meetings were against the law because Počivašek as public servant did not report them to the Commission and because Zemljarič is not registered as lobbyst or representative of any company, but was however acting in such way. Meetings were made public by Reporter's journalist in 2016. Zemljarič and Počivalšek were talking about construction of Izolski otok (Izola Island) project worth around half billion euros. It is reported that State Secretary Eva Štravs Podlogar (SD) met with Zemljarič as well. [31]

Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti (SNS) appropriation of books

During 2008–2011 term of the 5th National Assembly political group of Slovenian National Party ordered books using National Assembly funds. Books should have been returned to the National Assembly Library after

During the 2008–2011 term of the 5th National Assembly, the political group of the Slovenian National Party commissioned books worth more than €10,000 through the National Assembly. At the end of the mandate, the books should have been returned to the National Assembly's Library, which had not been doneby the political group which referred to the fact that the books belong to the political group. Subsequently, the Public Prosecutor's Office filed a lawsuit against Zmago Jelinčič, which failed because the prosecutor's office should sue the political group and not Jelinčič. The state originally obtained the judgment and recovered €10,000 from Jelinčič, but the money had to be returned after Jelinčič's appeal and the nullification of the verdict. [32]

Constitutional problems

Incompatibility of functions

Prime Minister Miro Cerar (SMC) and ministers Dejan Židan (SD) and Zdravko Počivalšek (SMC) have been elected MPs at the last elections. This causes constitutional problems since according to the Constitution Prime Minister or minister cannot be MP at the same time. Since Constitution also states that all members of the government have to execute their power until new government is elected they still are members of the government. This has however happened before, but it has never taken so long to officially form new coalition and elect new government after elections. Also currently Slovenia has some important questions opened, most importantly – selling NLB bank according to the 2013 agreement with European Commission, because of which government submits many bills to the National Assembly. And because Cerar, Židan and Počivalšek are also MPs they vote on bills that their government submitted to the Assembly.

Nullification of the elections

Former SD MP and Speaker Janko Veber, Vili Kovačič, Gašper Ferjan, Andreja Magajna (former SD MP) and Jožef Jarh filed an appeal against 3 June elections results and requested that Supreme Court annules elections. Following Supreme Court's rejection they filed an apply to the Constitutional Court who rejected them as well. They claimed laws regulating elections are unconstitutional. [33] [34]

Elections of the Speaker with no deputy-speaker elected

On 6 August Marjan Šarec announced that five parties gathered around LMŠ (including SMC, SD, DeSUS and SAB) will propose a candidate for the new Speaker – Dejan Židan (SD). However Legal Service of the National Assembly explained that new Speaker cannot be elected before at least one Deputy-Speaker is elected first, which would become Acting-Speaker when current Speaker Matej Tonin would resign, following forming a new coalition.

Majority in the supervisory commissions

Another problem might occur with memberships of the standing supervisory commissions. It is the first time in the history that Slovenia will have minority government, and majority in the commissions must have parties in the opposition. Since The Left will support the government and still be formally in the opposition it could happen that the government might have ensured majority in the commissions with votes from The Left.

Šarec Government – minority or majority government?

Some of the constitutional lawyers, including former Judge of the Constitutional Court and former MP, now Full Professor Ciril Ribičič, questioned the status of the potential Government of Marjan Šarec. Many of them agree that it will be in fact majority government, since Prime Minister will be elected in the second round, where still 46 votes are needed for the election (absolute majority). Although The Left will not nominate ministers in the Government, they are still seen as a coalition party, meaning that new government in fact has majority in the parliament.

Results of the parliamentary elections

National Assembly SLO, June 2018 elections.svg
Slovenian Democratic Party 222,04224.9225+4
List of Marjan Šarec 112,25012.6013New
Social Democrats 88,5249.9310+4
Modern Centre Party 86,8689.7510−26
The Left 83,1089.339+3
New Slovenia – Christian Democrats 63,7927.167+2
Party of Alenka Bratušek 45,4925.115+1
Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia 43,8894.935−5
Slovenian National Party 37,1824.174+4
Slovenian People's Party 23,3292.6200
Pirate Party 19,1822.1500
Good Country 13,5401.520−1
Andrej Čuš and Greens of Slovenia 9,7081.090−2
List of Journalist Bojan Požar 7,8350.8800
For a Healthy Society 5,5480.6200
United Slovenia 5,2870.5900
United Left and Unity5,0720.570−1
Movement Together Forward 4,3450.4900
Save Slovenia from Elite and Tycoons 3,6720.4100
Economic Active Party 3,1320.3500
Solidarity – For a Fair Society! 2,1840.2500
United Right2,1410.2400
Socialist Party of Slovenia 1,5510.1700
Party of Slovenian People 1,2370.1400
Forward Slovenia 1870.0200
Invalid/blank votes10,357
Registered voters/turnout1,712,67652.64
Source: Volitve

Elections of the representatives of national minorities

Italian national minority

Felice Žiža 2,511Elected
Mauricio Tremul 2,095
Bruno Orlando 1,001
Valid votes1,428
Invalid/blank votes19
Source: Volitve

Hungarian national minority

Ferenc Horvath 4,193Elected
Gabriela Sobočan 2,772
Valid votes3,001
Invalid/blank votes42
Source: Volitve

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