List of name changes due to the George Floyd protests

Last updated

After George Floyd, an unarmed Black American man, was murdered by a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020, many people protested against systemic racism, both in the United States and internationally. During the course of these protests, many monuments and memorials were vandalized or toppled by protestors, prompting those people who were in charge of other similar monuments to remove them from public view. Similarly, many names, mascots, and other controversial forms of symbolism were either changed or removed under direct or indirect public pressure. In other countries, race-related and colonial issues were also raised, and some of them were acted upon. In some cases, changes were already being planned or they had already been under consideration before the outbreak of the protests.


Color code:

  Reported but not yet executed
  Decision pending
  Proposed change supported by one or more officials
  Change implemented
  Change partially or fully reversed

Abbreviations used:

ES: Elementary school
HS: High school
MS: Middle school
TBD: To be determined


Sir Francis Drake HS Archie Williams HS San Anselmo CA USJun 1, 2020May 11, 2021Sir Francis Drake High School was renamed Archie Williams High School for former teacher and Olympic athlete Archie Williams, after awareness grew of Francis Drake's involvement with the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism and piracy, along with his symbolic connection to the racist ideology of Anglo-Saxonism. [1]
P. G. T. Beauregard Hall
Leonidas K. Polk Hall
College of Science and Technology
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Thibodaux LA USJun 3, 2020Jun 3, 2020The Nicholls State University president announced the renaming of two buildings on campus named for people associated with the Confederacy who had no relationship to the university. [6]
Roscoe & Gladstone Halls, University of Liverpool (1).JPG Gladstone HallDorothy Kuya Hall of Residence Liverpool Eng UK Jun 9, 2020Jun 14, 2022The University of Liverpool announced that it would rename a hall of residence honoring prime minister William Ewart Gladstone, for "his views on slavery". [7] [8]
Calcutta building.jpg Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design School of Art, Architecture and Design London Eng UKJun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020 London Metropolitan University announced that the school's name would no longer refer to Sir John Cass, because of his links to the slave trade. [9]
Jefferson ES
Washington ES
Ruth Acty ES
Berkeley CAUSJun 10, 2020Dec 9, 2020
The Berkeley Unified School District board unanimously voted to rename two elementary schools because of Thomas Jefferson's and George Washington's ownership of slaves. Jefferson ES was renamed after Ruth Acty, the first teacher of color in the Berkeley Unified School District, who dedicated nearly 50 years of her life to teaching. [10]
052607-013-VKC-USC.jpg Von KleinSmid Center for International and Public AffairsThe Center for International and Public Affairs

Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow Center for International and Public Affairs
Los Angeles CA USJun 11, 2020
Nov 18, 2021
Jun 11, 2020
Apr 11, 2022
The executive committee of the board of trustees of the University of Southern California (USC) voted unanimously to remove Rufus B. von KleinSmid's name. Von KleinSmid was the fifth president of USC, an active supporter of eugenics and forced sterilization, and the only West Coast university president who refused to send the transcripts of Japanese American students who were released from World War II internment camps to colleges in other states.

In November 2021, USC announced the building would be renamed in honor of alumnus Joseph Medicine Crow, an author, historian, and the last war chief of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Nation. The building was dedicated on April 11, 2022.

SVU Durham.jpg Durham HallAcademic Center
Buena Vista VA USJun 11, 2020Jun 11, 2020 Southern Virginia University (SVU) renamed its primary academic building. [a] Robert Lee Durham was a white supremacist who was a co-owner and former president of Southern Seminary, a predecessor of SVU. [b] His advocacy of white supremacy was "explicit, public, [and] proactive". [c] [17]
Schott Building
Schottzie Stadium
n/aCincinnatiOHUSJun 11, 2020The Saint Ursula Academy leadership team decided to rename two of its facilities because of Marge Schott's "record of racism and bigotry." Schottzie was Schott's dog. [20]
Calhoun Honors College Clemson University Honors College Clemson SC USJun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020 Clemson University removed the name of its founder John C. Calhoun from its honors college, for his pro-slavery views and his ownership of slaves. [23]
Intramural Center William Leon Garrett Fieldhouse [d] Bloomington INUSJun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020The Indiana University Board of Trustees approved the renaming. [e] The sports facility was formerly named "Wildermuth Intramural Center" after former trustee Ora Wildermuth, but due to his "extraordinarily strong opposition to racial integration," Wildermuth's name was stripped from the facility in 2018. Bill Garrett was the "first black basketball player to regularly play in the Big Ten conference". [26]
Sir John Cass's Foundation.jpg Sir John Cass's Foundation The Portal Trust London Eng UKJun 16, 2020Apr 27, 2021The foundation issued a statement announcing its commitment to a change of name. [28]
John Cass school.jpg Sir John Cass Redcoat School Stepney All Saints School London Eng UKJun 16, 2020c.Aug 19, 2020The school's governing body voted unanimously for a change of name. [31]
LouisPlummerAuditorium01c.jpg Louis E. Plummer AuditoriumFullerton HS Auditorium Fullerton CAUSJun 16, 2020Jun 19, 2020The Fullerton Joint Union High School District board of trustees unanimously voted to remove Plummer's name from the Fullerton Union High School auditorium. Plummer was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan. An online petition had amassed over 27,000 signatures. The Louis E. Plummer name was removed on June 19. [33]
J. J. Finley ES Carolyn Beatrice Parker ES Gainesville FL USJun 16, 2020Aug 18, 2020The School Board of Alachua County voted unanimously for the name change. Jesse J. Finley was a Confederate brigadier general. The board unanimously voted to rename the school after Gainesville native Carolyn Beatrice Parker, "the first African American woman in the U.S. to receive a graduate degree in physics", and who worked on the Manhattan Project. [36]
Finegan Elementary School award ceremony 121005-G-OD102-048.jpg
Joseph Finegan ES
Stonewall Jackson ES
Jefferson Davis MS
Kirby-Smith MS
J.E.B. Stuart MS
Robert E. Lee HS
Anchor Academy
Hidden Oaks ES
Charger Academy
Springfield MS
Westside MS
Riverside HS
Jacksonville FL USJun 16, 2020Aug 3, 2021The Duval County School Board unanimously approved the recommendation of the board chair to begin the renaming process. Joseph Finegan, Stonewall Jackson, Edmund Kirby Smith, J. E. B. Stuart, and Robert E. Lee were Confederate generals, and Jefferson Davis was the Confederate president. The name changes were aprroved in 2021. In 2013, the Board renamed Nathan B. Forrest High School to Westside High School. [36]
Daniels MSOberlin MS Raleigh NC USJun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020 Josephus Daniels was a newspaper editor and planner of the Wilmington insurrection of 1898 in which the biracial city government of Wilmington was overthrown by white supremacists. The middle school in Raleigh honoring him was renamed for its location on Oberlin Road. [45]
Woodrow Wilson HS Eastside HS Camden NJ USJun 16, 2020Jan 25, 2022The school superintendent cited "the segregationist views and ideas of the former president that ... have drastically reshaped his legacy" as the reason for the change. [46]
Aycock Residence Hall at UNC.jpg
Carr Building UNC 1.JPG
Aycock Residence Hall
Carr Building
Josephus Daniels Student Stores
McClinton Residence Hall
Henry Owl Building
Student Stores Building
Chapel Hill NCUSJun 17, 2020Dec 3, 2021After the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill board of trustees lifted a ban on renaming buildings, the university's Commission on History, Race and A Way Forward recommended the removal of four names of white supremacists to the Chancellor. The board temporarily changed the names of Carr Building and Aycock Residence Hall to the Student Affairs Building and Residence Hall 1 respectively; it later voted to rename Residence Hall 1 after Hortense McClinton, the university's first Black professor, and the Students Affairs Building after Henry Owl, the university's first Native American student. [49]
Walpole HS RebelsWalpole HS Timberwolves Walpole MA USJun 18, 2020Apr 29, 2021The Walpole School Committee voted unanimously to change the school's mascot. More than 150 people participated in a rally for the change. Multiple petitions had called for the change, amassing over 14,000 signatures in total. [55]
Lee Magnet.tif Lee Magnet HS Liberty Magnet HS Baton Rouge LAUSJun 18, 2020Aug 3, 2020The East Baton Rouge school board voted to change the school's name. It was formerly Robert E. Lee HS and then Lee Magnet HS. [57]
Galton Lecture Theatre
Pearson Lecture Theatre
Pearson Building
Lecture Theatre 115
Lecture Theatre G22
North-West Wing
London Eng UKJun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020 University College London renamed two lecture theatres and a building named after eugenicists Francis Galton and Karl Pearson. [62]
Woodrow Wilson Hall, West Long Branch, NJ - Dedication plaque.jpg Woodrow Wilson HallGreat Hall at Shadow Lawn West Long Branch NJUSJun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020 Monmouth University's board of trustees unanimously voted to rename the building, after voting to keep it in 2016. [64]
Philip J. Schuyler Achievement AcademyRoots Academy at West Hill Albany NY USJun 19, 2020Jul 1, 2023The City School District of Albany announced that it would form a School Naming Policy Committee to create "a policy regarding the naming and renaming of district buildings and facilities" including that of this elementary school. [f] Philip Schuyler was "the largest slave owner in late-1700s Albany County". [67]
Stonewall Jackson HS
Stonewall MS
Unity Reed HS
Unity Braxton MS
Manassas VAUSJun 22, 2020Jun 30, 2020The school board voted unanimously to change the names. "Unity" reflected the desire of the community. Carroll Braxton is a Marine veteran of World War II and the Korean War. Celestine Braxton served Prince William County Public Schools for 33 years, and worked to integrate the schools when they were segregated. Arthur Reed was a security assistant at the high school for 20 years who "had a huge impact within the school community" and "loved his school and his students". [70]
Christopher Columbus Family AcademyFamily Academy of Multilingual Exploration New Haven CTUSJun 22, 2020The New Haven school board decided to rename the school, "due to [Columbus's] history of violence toward indigenous people." [74]
Robert E. Lee HS John R. Lewis HS Springfield VAUSJun 23, 2020Jul 23, 2020The Fairfax County School Board voted unanimously to rename the school and requested feedback and suggestions from the community. The board voted unanimously to rename the school after recently deceased civil rights leader John Lewis. [g] [81]
Zebulon B. Vance HS Julius L. Chambers HS Charlotte NCUSJun 23, 2020Oct 13, 2020In June 2020, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board started the process to rename Zebulon B. Vance HS, named after Confederate military officer Zebulon Baird Vance. In October, the board unanimously voted to rename the school in honor of civil rights icon Julius L. Chambers, whose legal work led to the desegregation of Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools in the 1970s. [84]
Marge Schott Stadium
Marge Schott Seminar Room
UC Baseball Stadium Cincinnati OH USJun 23, 2020Jun 23, 2020The University of Cincinnati board of trustees voted unanimously to rename a stadium and a library seminar room named after Marge Schott, who made racist remarks in support of Adolf Hitler. [h] [90]
DeadyHallWest.jpg Deady Hall University Hall
Eugene OR USJun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020The University of Oregon board of trustees unanimously voted to remove Matthew Deady's name from the hall. [i] The hall was temporarily renamed "University Hall". Deady was Oregon's first federal judge, and advocated for racial discrimination against African Americans. Previous attempts to change the name had failed. [j] [93]
Pacific Beach Joint-Use FieldFannie and William Payne Joint-Use Field San Diego CAUSMar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021In 1945, over 1,900 Pacific Beach residents petitioned to remove Pacific Beach Middle School's first black teacher from the staff because they didn't think a black teacher deserved to be there. In 2021, a joint-use field at Pacific Beach Middle School was named after Payne and his wife after a petition was circulated in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement the previous summer. [96]
Serra HS Canyon Hills HS Jun 25, 2020Mar 9, 2021In June 2020, two sisters, both students at Serra High School, started a petition to change the school's namesake Father Junipero Serra and the school mascot away from the Conquistadors. The San Diego Unified School District board would go on to unanimously approve the renaming of the school to Canyon Hills in March 2021. [97]
1922 Oregon Civil War game.jpeg Civil War
(college rivalry)
None OR USJun 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020The University of Oregon and Oregon State University jointly decided to stop using "Civil War" to refer to athletic competitions between the two universities. [100]
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs - Robertson Hall.jpg
Walker Hall, Wilson College, Princeton University, Princeton NJ.jpg
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Wilson College
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
First College
Princeton NJUSJun 26, 2020Jun 27, 2020The Princeton University board of trustees voted to change the names because "Wilson's racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school whose scholars, students, and alumni must be firmly committed to combatting the scourge of racism in all its forms". Wilson opposed admitting African American students to Princeton, and introduced racial segregation into the U.S. federal civil service as U.S. president. He also was an avid supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, as in his book A History of the American People he is generally sympathetic to the group stating how during Reconstruction "the white men of the South were aroused by the mere instinct of self-preservation to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes and conducted in the interest of adventurers". Wilson also approved the White House screening of the film The Birth of a Nation , which glorified the Klan and led to its resurgence in the southern United States. [102]
Hoey Hall
Lovill Hall
Dogwood Hall
Elkstone Hall
Boone NCUSJun 26, 2020The Appalachian State University board of trustees unanimously voted to support Chancellor Sheri Everts' plan to replace the names of the two residence halls. Clyde R. Hoey was a governor of North Carolina who was a segregationist and white supremacist. Edward Francis Lovill was a Confederate captain who "secured a bill that would ultimately lead to the creation of ... the forerunner of Appalachian State" while serving as a Democratic state senator in 1885, and was "the chair of the school's first board of trustees". He was described as a "Democrat of the purest type" at a time when the party "stood for a return to white supremacy and its associated policies". [109]
Hoey Auditorium, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC (45725915345).jpg Hoey AuditoriumUniversity Auditorium Cullowhee NCUSJun 29, 2020Jun 29, 2020 Western Carolina University's board of trustees unanimously voted to rename the auditorium. As governor, Hoey "...actively opposed civil rights legislation and favored racial segregation". He also opposed statehood for Hawaii because it had "only a small percentage of white people". [114]
Kroeber HallNames removed Berkeley CAUSJul 2020Jan 27, 2021 UC Berkeley denamed a building named for Alfred Kroeber, the "founder of the study of anthropology in the American West." Reasons given were the collection of Native American remains for curation and taking custody of a Native American genocide survivor who "performed as a living exhibit for museum visitors." [117]
LeConte HallNov 18, 2020 UC Berkeley faculty members John and Joseph LaConte were Confederate military veterans who used scientific language to promote racist ideas. [119]
Barrows Hall UC Berkeley faculty member David Prescott Barrows was an anthropologist and colonizer of the Philippines education system who professed that the white race was superior to all others.
Watson School of Biological Sciences Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory School of Biological Sciences Cold Spring Harbor NYUSJul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's board of trustees voted to restore the original name of its graduate school because of James Watson's views on race. [120]
Burwell HallQueens Hall Charlotte NCUSJul 2, 2020Jul 2, 2020The Queens University of Charlotte Board of Trustees unanimously voted to rename the main administration building. Rev. Robert Armistead Burwell was the first head of the Charlotte Female Institute, a precursor of the university. He was also a slaveowner who led a Presbyterian church that excluded slaves. [121]
Helms CenterHawks Athletic Center Murfreesboro NCUSJul 2, 2020Jul 2, 2020The Chowan University board of trustees renamed the facility, which had honored U.S. Senator Jesse Helms, because "positions taken by Senator Helms were not in keeping with the current mission of Chowan University". The history department called on the university for the change, stating that "it is now time to acknowledge the institutional racism Senator Helms embodied". The center was renamed for the school's athletic teams, the Hawks. [122]
Guy T. Gillespie HallLakeview Hall Jackson MSUSJul 3, 2020Jul 3, 2020 Belhaven University's board of trustees renamed the residence hall. Gillespie was a segregationist and former president of the university. The renaming was supported by the Gillespie family. [127]
Cass Business School in 2008 (cropped).jpg Cass Business School Bayes Business School London Eng UKJul 6, 2020Sep 6, 2021 City, University of London announced that its business school would be renamed to strip the school's association with slave trader Sir John Cass. It was decided to rename the school after Thomas Bayes, a philosopher. [129]
Ichthyology & Herpetology n/an/aUSJul 6, 2020Mar 19, 2021The board of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists voted to rename the society's flagship journal, starting with its May 2021 issue. Scientist Edward Drinker Cope held racist views. [131]
Linnean Games
(quiz bowl)
Entomology Gamesn/an/aUSJul 6, 2020Jul 6, 2020The Entomological Society of America renamed its student quiz bowl. Carl Linnaeus, known as the father of modern taxonomy, had "named four 'varieties' of human and ascribed to them anthropological and cultural stereotypes that are inappropriate and offensive today". [k] [133]
Stonewall Jackson MSWest Side MS Charleston WVUSJul 6, 2020Jul 7, 2020 [l] The Kanawha County Board of Education unanimously voted to change the name. [m] Confederate general Stonewall Jackson was from West Virginia. [n] [138]
Jenkins HallEducation Building
Huntington WVUSJul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020 Marshall University's governing board unanimously voted to remove the name of Confederate general Albert Gallatin Jenkins from the building, and use "Education Building" as a temporary name until the board voted for a new name. [o] [140]
Ashby Hall.JPG
Maury Hall (JMU).jpg
Ashby Hall
Jackson Hall
Maury Hall
Valley Hall
Justice Studies Hall
Mountain Hall
(all temporarily)
Harrisonburg VA USJul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020The James Madison University board of visitors voted unanimously to change the names of buildings named for Confederate officers Turner Ashby, Stonewall Jackson, and Matthew Fontaine Maury. [141]
Fanning Academy of Science and TechnologyFalcon Academy of Science and Technology Brea CA USJul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020The Brea Olinda Unified School District board unanimously voted to change the name after the Fanning family submitted a letter to the board requesting that the name be removed. [p] William E. Fanning may have been a KKK member. [q] The falcon is the school's mascot. [147]
Parkwood HS RebelsParkwood HS Wolf Pack Monroe NCUSJul 7, 2020Nov 5, 2020The Union County Schools Board of Education voted to change the name and mascot. An image of a Confederate soldier had been removed from the school logo earlier after the NAACP called for its change. [153]
Stonewall Jackson HS Mountain View HS Quicksburg VAUSJul 9, 2020Jul 9, 2020
May 10, 2024 (reversed)
The Shenandoah County School Board voted to remove the names of Confederate leaders and change the mascots at two of its schools. The board had previously issued a resolution condemning racism. After three school board members running on a platform against teaching critical race theory in schools were elected, a motion to restore the Stonewall Jackson name lost on a tie vote. The school board voted to restore the name to Stonewall Jackson in 2024. [156]
[158] [159]
Ashby-Lee ESHoney Run ES Quicksburg VAUSJul 9, 2020Jul 9, 2020
May 10, 2024 (reversed)
The Shenandoah County School Board voted to remove the names Turner and Lee in 2020. The school board voted to restore the names in 2024. [159]
Robert Lee Moore Hall.jpg Joe Jamail Field
Robert Lee Moore Hall
Campbell-Williams Field [r]
Physics, Math, and Astronomy Building
Austin TXUSJul 13, 2020Sep 4, 2021
Jul 13, 2020
University of Texas at Austin interim president Jay Hartzell announced that the building and the football field would be renamed. Robert Lee Moore was a segregationist mathematics professor who refused to teach Black students, [s] was "hostil[e] toward the black community", and was "obsess[ed] with claims of intellectual differences among the races". Joe Jamail was a rich alumnus who made large donations to the university. [t] Jamail's family requested the name change "to be more inclusive and promote diversity". [163]
Robert E. Lee ESDelmas Morton ES Grand Prairie TX USJul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020 Grand Prairie Independent School District voted to rename the school. Delmas Morton served the children of the school district for nearly 45 years, including 17 as principal of Austin Elementary School. [169]
Woodrow Wilson SchoolHarmony Grove Elementary School - A Global Academy Framingham MA USJul 14, 2020May 19, 2021Renamed due to Wilson's segregationist policies and racist foreign policies. The new name honors a local park with a natural amphitheatre that was used by the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society and an 1874 women's suffrage convention. [173]
Oakton Guard at Lee-Davis Invitational 2001.JPG Lee-Davis HS
Stonewall Jackson MS
Mechanicsville HS
Bell Creek MS
Mechanicsville VAUSJul 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020The Hanover County School Board voted to rename the schools and change their mascots. Lee-Davis was home of the Confederates, and Stonewall Jackson was home of the Rebels. Lee-Davis had been founded in 1959 as an all-white school. A petition to rename Lee-Davis had amassed roughly 25,000 signatures. [175]
Sidney Lanier HS July 2009 02.jpg Jefferson Davis HS
Robert E. Lee HS
Sidney Lanier HS
Johnson Abernathy Graetz HS
Dr. Percy L. Julian HS
Montgomery AL USJul 14, 2020Oct 10, 2022(Johnson Abernathy Graetz HS, Dr. Percy L. Julian HS)
N/A (Sidney Lanier HS rename)
The Montgomery County Board of Education voted to rename the schools. [u] Sidney Lanier was a Confederate private who became a prestigious poet. [v] A petition to rename the schools had amassed nearly 30,000 signatures. The planned name change of Lanier High School was canceled when the school board voted to merge Lanier with George Washington Carver High School in 2022; Lanier closed after the 2022–23 academic year. If a waiver to the Alabama Memorial Preservation Act was not granted, the district faced a $25,000 fine. [w] [179]
High school students.jpg Oñate HS Organ Mountain HS Las Cruces NM US Jul 14, 2020Jul 8, 2021The Las Cruces Public Schools board voted to rename the school, despite a community survey reporting overwhelming opposition to the change. One of a number of removals of references toconquistador Juan de Oñate from public spaces in New Mexico. [181]
Wilson High Front.jpg Wilson HS Ida B. Wells-Barnett HS Portland OR USJul 14, 2020Jan 26, 2021The Portland Public Schools Board of Education decided to rename the school. [x] U.S. President Woodrow Wilson "instituted segregation in federal government agencies and was an ally of the Ku Klux Klan". Board members also supported renaming Madison High School before a planned reopening in 2021 after major renovations. In January 2021, the school was renamed in honor of Ida B. Wells. [184]
San Antonio College RangersSan Antonio College Armadillos San Antonio TX USJul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020 San Antonio College's College Council unanimously recommended to "immediately stop using the name, symbol, logo, and image of the 'Ranger'", which college president Robert Vela approved. [y] [188]
Thorndike HallBuilding 528 New York NY USJul 15, 2020The board of trustees of Teachers College, Columbia University, voted unanimously to rename the hall. Psychologist Edward Thorndike was "a proponent of eugenics, and held racist, sexist, and antisemitic ideas". [190]
Agassiz Building Fargo ND.jpg Woodrow Wilson HS Dakota HS Fargo ND USJul 16, 2020Dec 8, 2020
The Fargo Human Relations Commission unanimously voted to recommend that the Fargo School Board rename the school, which it did. [192]
John Tyler High School, Tyler, TX IMG 0553.JPG Robert E. Lee HS
John Tyler HS
Tyler Legacy HS
Tyler HS
Tyler TX USJul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020The Tyler Independent School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously to change the schools' names. John Tyler was President of the United States from 1841 to 1845, but joined the Confederacy after the start of the Civil War. [195]
Peter Burnett ESAviation ES Hawthorne CA USJul 22, 2020Jan 25, 2022 Peter Burnett Elementary School was named after California's first governor. However, due to Burnett's racist history, the school was renamed to 138th Street Elementary School. At the January 25, 2022 school board meeting, 138th Street was given a new name: Aviation Elementary School. The renaming took place effective the 2023-2024 school year. [197]
UMW Trinkle Hall.JPG Trinkle HallJames Farmer Hall Fredericksburg VA USJul 24, 2020Nov 19, 2021Built in 1940, the E. Lee Trinkle Hall at the University of Mary Washington was named after a former Virginia governor that was an outspoken supporter of segregation and eugenics. Following decisions by students, staff, and the UMW Board of Visitors, the building was renamed in memory of James Farmer, a prominent leader of the Civil Rights movement as well as a UMW professor in his later years. [198] [199]
Nott Hall
Morgan Hall
Honors Building
The English Building
Tuscaloosa AL USAug 5, 2020
Sep 17, 2020
Aug 5, 2020
Sep 17, 2020
The University of Alabama trustees unanimously voted to rename both halls. Morgan Hall, which contains the school's English department, was named after John Tyler Morgan, a former U.S. senator. Morgan maintained ties with the Ku Klux Klan, called the abolition of slavery a mistake, and promoted Jim Crow laws. Nott Hall was named after Josiah C. Nott, a scientist, slaveowner, and advocate for slavery. [200]
Virginia Tech Lee Hall Pritchard Hall.jpg Barringer Hall
Lee Hall
Whitehurst Hall
Hoge Hall
Blacksburg VA USAug 13, 2020Aug 14, 2020 Virginia Tech changed the name of two residence halls after a vote by the school's Board of Visitors. Paul Brandon Barringer was a former administrator and President of Virginia Tech who was known for his eugenicist and white supremacist views. Barringer Hall was renamed in honor of the first Black student allowed to live on campus, James Leslie Whitehurst Jr. Claudius Lee was a professor at the school who was listed as being the "Father of Terror" in a campus organization named the "K.K.K." in the 1896 edition of the school's yearbook, Bugle. Lee Hall was renamed after Janie and William Hoge, a notable Black couple in the area who had housed students denied housing by discriminatory practices conducted by the school in the 1950s. [203]
Sir John Cass's Foundation Primary School (cropped).jpg Sir John Cass's Foundation Primary School The Aldgate School London Eng UKc.Sep 2, 2020c.Sep 2, 2020The Cass Child and Family Centre, which runs a reception class alongside a nursery and children's centre at the school, also was renamed, as the City of London Child and Family Centre. [204]
University of Edinburgh (2056644299).jpg David Hume Tower 40 George Square Edinburgh Sct UKSep 10, 2020Beginning of 2020–2021 academic yearHume was involved in the slave trade and wrote in his essay "Of National Characters" (1753) that "negros" are "naturally inferior to the whites". The building is the tallest on the University of Edinburgh campus. [206]
Entrance of Vaughan Secondary School.jpg Vaughan Secondary School Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School Vaughan ON CASep 16, 2020c.Mar 2, 2021Vaughan Secondary School was a high school named for the city it is in, Vaughan, Ontario. It was revealed that Benjamin Vaughan, after whom the city was named, was a slaveowner. After consultations, the school was controversially renamed after Hodan Nalayeh, a Somali-Canadian journalist. [208]
Stonewall Jackson MSRoberto Clemente MS Orlando FL USSep 22, 2020Sep 22, 2020The middle school, which was formerly restricted to white students, was renamed after Roberto Clemente, a Major League baseball player and humanitarian. [210]


Tyler Hall, College of William & Mary, May 2021.jpg Trinkle Hall
Maury Hall
Taliaferro Hall
Morton Hall
Tyler Hall
Unity Hall
York River Hall
Hulon L. Willis Sr. Hall
John E. Boswell Hall
Chancellors' Hall
Williamsburg VA USSep 25, 2020Sep 25, 2020
Apr 23, 2021
The College of William & Mary announced the renaming of multiple campus buildings previously named for various Confederate officers and/or segregationists. The former two were given placeholder names, while the following two were renamed for two William & Mary alumni; Tyler Hall reverted to its former name, after the chancellors of the college. [212]
Adams' - Big School.png Clive HouseOwen House Newport, Shropshire Eng UKOct 13, 2020Sep 2021The house in Adams' Grammar School, named after Robert Clive (instrumental in establishing British rule in India in the 18th century), was renamed for early 20th-century poet Wilfred Owen. [214]
Sir John A. Macdonald HallResidence Hall West Kingston ON CAOct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020 Queen's University announced that it would be changing the name of its law school building, named after the prime minister Sir John A. Macdonald, for his participation in establishing Canada's residential school system and for instituting a head tax on Chinese immigrants. [215]
Colston's Girls' School in 2009 (cropped).jpg Colston's Girls' School Montpelier HS Bristol Eng UKNov 6, 2020Sep 1, 2021A previous attempt to rename the school in 2017 was unsuccessful. The new name was decided in a vote by staff and students. Edward Colston was an English merchant and slave trader. Colston's School, a different school in Bristol, is also reconsidering its name. [217]
EOU Pierce Library.jpg Pierce LibraryEOU Library La Grande OR USNov 12, 2020Nov 12, 2020 Eastern Oregon University removed the name from the library due to the racial views of Walter M. Pierce. The library had been named for Pierce and his wife, but he had ties to the Ku Klux Klan. [219]
The Codrington Library, All Souls College, Oxford 3.jpg Codrington Library All Souls College Library Oxford Eng UKNov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020The library was founded with a bequest from Christopher Codrington, whose wealth derived from slave plantations in the West Indies. [220]
Merchant Taylors' School.jpg Clive HouseRaphael HouseSandy Lodge, Hertfordshire Eng UKJan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021The house at Merchant Taylors' School, named after Robert Clive, was renamed after cricketer, rugby player and politician John Raphael, who died in World War I. Both were former pupils of the school. [221]
Osler Lane
Osler Parking Structure
Biomedical Sciences Way
South Parking Structure
San Diego CAUSc.Aug 15, 2021Following a petition made by a medical student from the Pauma Band, who objected to William Osler's gifting of Native American skulls to a mentor in Germany, among other actions, UCSD changed the name of the Parking Structure to South Parking Structure and Osler Lane to Biomedical Sciences Way.[ citation needed ] [222]
Big Haus
(residence hall)
Central Purchase NY USMar 21, 2022Jul 26, 2022One of Purchase College's three first-year dormitories. Renamed due to "Big House" being slang for prison, which "disproportionately targets Black, Indigenous, and People of Color". [223]
Science, Engineering, and Technology Building.jpg Dixie State University Utah Tech University St. George UTUSMay 16, 2022Jul 1, 2022The name "Dixie", former Rebels mascot, and Confederate symbolism in logos long had been a source of controversy. Protests after Floyd's murder led to students seeking to drop Dixie from the university's name. [225]
Patrick Henry HS Camden HS Minneapolis MNUSAug 17, 2022Dec 13, 2023An advisory committee to Minneapolis Public Schools unanimously approved a name-change process for the school, which was named after the early American Revolutionary figure, Patrick Henry, who also owned slaves. The 2022 name-change decision was a contrast to a pre-George Floyd renaming effort that failed in 2018. The community recommended it be named for the Camden Community it was located in.The city school board approved the change in late 2023 effective for the 2024-25 school year. [226] [227]


Black Lives Matter Plaza Street Sign (cropped) (cropped).jpg (section of)
16th Street Northwest
Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest Washington DC USJun 5, 2020Jun 5, 2020
Mar 11, 2025 (reversed)
On Breonna Taylor's birthday, Mayor Muriel Bowser renamed two blocks of the street in front of the White House, using giant yellow letters on the street. On March 11, 2025, the letters were removed from the street. [228]
[229] [230]
Lynchview ParkVerdell Burdine Rutherford Park Portland OR USJun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020 Portland Parks & Recreation and Mayor Ted Wheeler announced the change. Rutherford was a prominent local historian and civil rights leader. Centennial School District Superintendent Paul Oakley stated that there was no connection between lynching and the Lynch family, but the name caused "a disruption for some students". [231]
Sir John Hawkins Square (geograph 5527083).jpg Sir John Hawkins Square Jack Leslie Square Plymouth Eng UK Jun 9, 2020The Plymouth City Council announced that the square would be renamed because of John Hawkins's links to the slave trade. It now commemorates the Plymouth Argyle footballer Jack Leslie, the only professional black player in England between 1921 and 1934. [233]
Margaret River in Flood.jpg King Leopold Ranges Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges Kimberley WA Au Jun 12, 2020Jul 1, 2020The Western Australian government sought to hasten the name change in response to the removal of Leopold II's statue in Antwerp. The new name is a combination of the names given to the ranges by the traditional owners, the Ngarinyin and Bunuba peoples. [236]
Livingston ParkBlack Lives Matter Park Albany NY USJun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020The Albany Common Council unanimously renamed the park in honor of Juneteenth. The Livingston family was a prominent family in New York but owned Antiguan and Jamaican slaves. [239]
HemmingPark.jpg Hemming Park James Weldon Johnson Park Jacksonville FL USJun 17, 2020Aug 11, 2020The City Council voted to rename the park after writer and civil rights activist James Weldon Johnson. The adjacent monorail station was also renamed to match. [241] [242]
Stapleton International Airport 1.jpg Stapleton Central Park Denver CO USJun 17, 2020Aug 1, 2020The Stapleton Master Community Association voted to rename the Denver neighborhood [z] named after former mayor and Ku Klux Klan member Benjamin F. Stapleton, for whom Denver's former airport, Stapleton International Airport, was also named. The community narrowed down the new name to four options: Central Park, Concourse, Mosley, and Skyview. The community selected the name "Central Park". [244]
Broad StreetBlack Lives Matter Boulevard Salisbury MD USJun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020City Administrator and Acting Mayor Julia Glanz stated that the inspiration came from the renaming of Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C., and executing the idea was inexpensive and took about two weeks. [248]
Mallards (8207464216).jpg Lake Maury The Mariners' Lake Newport News VA USJun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020 The Mariners' Museum board of trustees voted to rename the lake. Matthew Fontaine Maury was an oceanographer and Confederate officer. [251]
Main StreetBlack Lives Matter Way Hempstead NY USJun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020During the renaming ceremony, Mayor Don Ryan stated that "until Black Lives Matter, the dream of the United States Constitution falls short of its mark." [253]
Place de l'EuropePlace de la liberté et de la dignité humaine [aa] Dakar Dk Sn Jun 28, 2020On Jun 27, 2020, the municipal council of Gorée Island unanimously voted to rename the square. The island itself is a symbol of the slave trade, and associations had demanded that the square be renamed as early as 2018. [257]
Statue of Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson in the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery, Lexington, Virginia LCCN2011633295.tif Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Lexington VA USJul 3, 2020Sep 3, 2020The Lexington City Council voted unanimously to change the name and requested suggestions from residents. Stonewall Jackson was buried there in 1863, and the cemetery was named after him in 1949. The council unanimously voted to change the name to "Oak Grove Cemetery", subject to a public hearing, which confirmed the change. [260]
Columbus ParkUnity Square Park Trenton NJ USJul 7, 2020The mayor stated that the park would be renamed, stating that "what we know about Christopher Columbus simply makes his image a poor fit for a city that is diverse as Trenton". A statue of Christopher Columbus was also removed from the park. [265]
Chapman PondEvans Pond Tallahassee FL USJul 8, 2020The City Commission unanimously voted to change the name. Florida Chief Justice Roy H. Chapman "upheld segregationist policies". Dr. Charles Evans was president of the Tallahassee NAACP. [267]
Jeff Davis PeakDa-ek Dow Go-et Mountain Humboldt–Toiyabe National Forest CA USJul 9, 2020Jul 9, 2020The mountain was previously named after Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who had no known connections with the state of California. The new name is derived from the Washo language and roughly translates to "saddle between points." [271]
Christopher Columbus statue, Prospect Park, Buffalo, New York - 20200326.jpg Columbus Park Prospect Park Buffalo NY USJul 10, 2020The mayor and other city officials stated that the park would be renamed "with a name that better honors the contributions and sacrifices of Italian Americans". A statue of Christopher Columbus was also removed from the park. [272]
Confederate Monument, Lee Square, Pensacola, Florida.jpg Lee SquareFlorida Square Pensacola FLUSJul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020The Pensacola City Council voted unanimously to revert the square's name back to Florida Square. The council also voted to remove a Confederate monument in the square. [274]
Robert E. Lee RoadUnison Road Houston TX USJul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020 Harris County Commissioners unanimously voted to rename the road. [277]
Jackson Park Chochenyo Park Alameda CAUSJul 21, 2020Jan 21, 2021Alameda's first park was renamed after previously honoring former U.S. President Andrew Jackson. The City Council directed the Parks and Recreation Commission to propose new names, and a change to Chochenyo Park was made official shortly afterward. Chochenyo is the language spoken by the Lisjan Ohlone people. [279] [280]
Margaret-Sanger-Square NYC.jpg Margaret Sanger SquareName removed New York City NY USJul 21, 2020Dec 15, 2021 Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced it was "working with the Community Board, City Council and community" to rename the intersection of Bleecker and Mott streets outside its Manhattan Health Clinic. Margaret Sanger was a supporter of eugenics. The City Council had voted to name the intersection after Sanger in 1993, as PPGNY had moved a clinic to that location and advocated for the honorary naming. They voted to remove the street sign in December 2021. [281]
Douglas Park Athletics.jpg Douglas Park (Anna and Frederick) Douglass Park Chicago IL USJul 22, 2020Nov 18, 2020The Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners voted unanimously in an emergency meeting to rename the park, located in a 90% Black neighborhood. [ab] A 45-day public comment was required before the name change could be finalized. Stephen A. Douglas was "one of the country's most notorious slavery advocates". [ac] Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist born into slavery who ran a station on the Underground Railroad with his wife Anna Murray Douglass. [287]
Cassland Crescent, London Borough of Hackney, E9 (2611258960).jpg Cassland Road GardensKit Crowley Gardens Hackney, London Eng UKJul 23, 2020Local residents decided on a new name for the park, which had been named after slave trader John Cass. It now honors Kathleen 'Kit' Crowley, who lived in the neighborhood for six decades and was described by those who nominated her as 'a role model for children of the Windrush generation growing up in the area'. She experienced poverty and racism in childhood, and growing up where survival often relied on the goodness of neighbours shaped her resilience and sense of community spirit. [291]
Roy G. Williams ParkElliott Avenue Park Sanford FL USAug 10, 2020Aug 10, 2020The City Commission of Sanford restored the original name to the park. [ad] Roy G. Williams was a former police chief who once removed Jackie Robinson from a baseball game to enforce segregation laws and was also once jailed for forcing city prisoners to work on his farm in Georgia. The park is located on Elliott Avenue. [293]
Confederate Park, Jacksonville, FL, US (18).jpg Confederate Park Springfield Park Jacksonville FL USAug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020The City Council voted unanimously to rename the park, which is within the Springfield neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida. [242]
20200829-mohrenstrasse-2.jpg Mohrenstraße Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße Berlin Be De Aug 20, 2020The District Assembly  [ de ] of Berlin's Mitte district decided to rename the street, which uses a term considered to be a racial slur. [ae] Anton Wilhelm Amo is considered to be "Germany's first well-known philosopher and legal scholar of African origin". (See also Mohrenstraße U-Bahn station, below). [295]
Leopold2tunnelIngang.jpg Leopold II Tunnel Annie Cordy Tunnel Brussels Bru Be Sep 8, 2020May 22, 2022Residents of Brussels submitted suggestions for a new name for the tunnel, after a woman. Following a vote, it was decided to rename the tunnel after Annie Cordy, a local singer. [299]
South Tottenham - road sign, Black Boy Lane (geograph 6510053).jpg Black Boy LaneLa Rose Lane West Green, London Eng UKOct 1, 2020Jan 23, 2022Residents and businesses on the street had been asked to choose a new name from a shortlist of two: Jocelyn Barrow Lane and La Rose Lane, after John La Rose, a poet, writer and political and cultural activist. The new sign was vandalised but restored. [302]
Rideau-Goulbourn Ward Rideau-Jock Ward Ottawa ON CANov 19, 2020Jan 31, 2022Despite the misspelling, the ward had been partly named for 19th-century British politician Henry Goulburn. Due to his attachment to slavery, his part of the name was changed in favor of the local Jock River. [305]
Gurdwara.Sri.Guru.Singh.Sabha.Southall.jpg (Part of) Havelock Road Guru Nanak Road Southall, London Eng UKNov 25, 2020The largest Sikh temple in Europe, the Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall, is on this stretch of road. Virendra Sharma, the MP for Ealing Southall, had been campaigning to rename it since 1992. The road had been named for Henry Havelock, a British general associated with the Indian Rebellion of 1857. [306]
Jeb Stuart TrailNorthern Edge Trail Montgomery County AL USDec 7, 2020Dec 7, 2020The trail was renamed to remove the name of the Confederate general J. E. B. (Jeb) Stuart. [308]
Henry Clay ParkZitkala-Ša Park Arlington VA USDec 8, 2020Dec 12, 2020The Lyon Park Citizens' Association proposed the change to the Parks and Recreation Commission in 2020, and the move received unanimous support from the Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board and majority support from the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee. Secretary of State Henry Clay held abolitionist views but kept slaves. Zitkala-Ša was a Native American writer, musician, educator and activist who lived in Arlington and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. [309]
McCarran International Airport Harry Reid International Airport Las Vegas NV USFeb 16, 2021Dec 14, 2021From 2012 on, there were calls to rename McCarran International Airport. It had been named after U.S. Senator Pat McCarran, who had a reputation for being anti-Semitic and racist. After the murder of George Floyd, the Clark County Commission decided to rename the airport after U.S. Senator Harry Reid. Reid apologized in 2010 for racist remarks he made about Barack Obama. [311]
Forrest Street Barack Obama Boulevard Valdosta GA USJul 23, 2021Nov 1, 2021Local activists called for the street to be renamed due to its association with Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general and founder of the Ku Klux Klan. Other residents opposed the change, citing city records that indicated the street was named for Elbert Forrest, a local African American business owner. The city council approved the renaming in favor of Barack Obama, the first African-American President of the United States. [312]
Dight AvenueCheatham Avenue Minneapolis MN USDec 25, 2021Mar 17, 2022A street in the Longfellow community was renamed for John Cheatham, one of the first Black firefighters in the city. It had been named for Charles Fremont Dight, a former city councilor and food safety proponent, but who had also advocated for human eugenics and praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. [314]
Discovery Park, Chula Vista, CA.jpg Discovery Park Kumeyaay Park Chula Vista CAUSNov. 1, 2022After decades of advocacy and the removal of a Christopher Columbus statue during the height of the George Floyd protests, the park was named after the Kumeyaay people who are native to the region. “It corrects a romanticized, historical fantasy that these lands were ‘discovered,’” according to the director of Kumeyaay Community College. [317]


Flag of Rhode Island.svg State of Rhode Island and Providence PlantationsState of Rhode Island n/a RI USJun 12, 2020Nov 3, 2020An executive order by Gov. Gina Raimondo removed "and Providence Plantations" from official state documents and symbols. Leading legislators of the General Assembly then removed the phrase from internal legislative documents. Rhode Island voters approved the name change in a referendum on November 3, 2020. The same question had previously failed 78% to 22% in 2010. Though Providence Plantations did not utilize slaves, petitioners argued the word has connotations of Southern slave plantations, and that Rhode Island merchants historically played a large role in the transatlantic slave trade. [318]
Andrew Jackson Station.jpg
Andrew Jackson Post Office Susan A. Davis Post Office Rolando, San Diego CA USJun 24, 2020Dec 27, 2022Having received a petition, city councilor Georgette Gomez wrote a letter to Congress to support legislation changing the building's name. Rep. Sara Jacobs has called for "genuine community involvement in the naming process." On November 18, 2022, Jacobs introduced a bill to rename the post office co-sponsored by all 53 members of the California delegation of the US House. It passed by voice vote on November 29, 2022. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on December 27. [322]
NASA HQ Building.jpg Two Independence Square Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters Washington DC USJun 24, 2020Feb 26, 2021 NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced that its headquarters building will be renamed after Mary W. Jackson, the agency's first female African American engineer. [328]
2002 Michigan Lansing Lewis Cass Building.jpg Lewis Cass Building Elliott-Larsen Building Lansing MIUSJun 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020Renamed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer via executive order. Lewis Cass was a Michigan territorial governor who "owned a slave; defended a system to permit the expansion of slavery; and implemented a policy that forcibly removed Native Americans from their tribal lands". State Representatives Daisy Elliott and Melvin L. Larsen were primary sponsors of the bipartisan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act. [331]
U2 Mohrenstrasse entrance.jpg Mohrenstraße
(U-Bahn station)
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße Berlin Be De Jul 3, 2020The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) [af] initially announced that the station would be renamed "Glinkastraße" after a street nearby, as "Mohr" is considered a racial slur (see Mohrenstraße, above). [ae] The proposed name was criticized as its namesake, the composer Mikhail Glinka, was anti-Semitic. [ag] A final decision on the name has yet to be made. [336]
George Floyd memorial at the intersection of Chicago Ave and E 38th St in Minneapolis, Minnesota (50022892592).jpg Chicago Avenue from East 38th StreetGeorge Perry Floyd Jr. PlaceMinneapolisMNUSSep 18, 2020Sep 18, 2020The City of Minneapolis renamed a two-block section of Chicago Avenue near its intersection of East 38th Street in honor of George Floyd. The area of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue is the location of the George Floyd Square occupation protest since 2020. [337]
East Calhoun East Bde Maka Ska Minneapolis MNUSJul 23, 2021Jul 31, 2021The neighborhood was named East Calhoun, after the formerly named Lake Calhoun (for Vice President John C. Calhoun), prior to August 2021. In the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and greater awareness of racial justice issues, community members sought to change the name to honor the history of the Dakota people in the area. [340]
George Perry Floyd Square sign May 25 2022.jpg George Perry Floyd Jr. Place George Perry Floyd Square MinneapolisMNUSMay 12, 2022May 17, 2022The Minneapolis City Council on May 12, 2022, voted to approved a resolution by Andrea Jenkins rename "George Perry Floyd Jr. Place" as "George Perry Floyd Square". The section of Chicago Avenue from East 38th Street had previously been renamed for Floyd in September 2020. Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey approved the change on May 17, 2022. The area of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue was referred to colloquially as George Floyd Square. [339]
Fort Pickett Fort Barfoot Blackstone VAUSMar 22, 2023Mar 24, 2023In commemoration of Colonel Van T. Barfoot. [344] [345]
Fort Rucker Fort Novosel Dale County ALUSMar 22, 2023Apr 10, 2023In commemoration of CW4 Michael J. Novosel. [344] [346]
Fort Lee Fort Gregg-Adams Prince George County VAUSMar 22, 2023Apr 27, 2023In commemoration of Lt. Gen. Arthur J. Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams Earley. [344] [347]
Fort Hood Fort Cavazos Killeen TXUSMar 22, 2023May 9, 2023In commemoration of Gen. Richard E. Cavazos. [344] [348]
Fort Benning Fort Moore Columbus GAUSMar 22, 2023May 11, 2023In commemoration of Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and his wife Julia Compton Moore. [344] [349]
Fort Bragg Fort Liberty Fayetteville NCUSMar 22, 2023Jun 2, 2023As the only recommendation of a non-person name, this choice has attracted both criticism and praise in nearby Fayetteville. [344] [350]
Fort Polk Fort Johnson Vernon Parish LAUSMar 22, 2023Jun 13, 2023In commemoration of Sgt. William Henry Johnson. [344]
Fort A. P. Hill Fort Walker Bowling Green VAUSMar 22, 2023Aug 25, 2023In commemoration of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. [344] [352]
Fort Gordon Fort Eisenhower Augusta GAUSMar 22, 2023Oct 27, 2023In commemoration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. [344] [353]
Camp Beauregard Louisiana National Guard Training Center Pineville Pineville LAUSOct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023Previously named for P. G. T. Beauregard. [354]


Buchanan Wharf development (geograph 6354163).jpg Buchanan WharfBarclays Glasgow Campus Glasgow Sct UK Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020 Barclays Bank removed the name of the slave-owning Tobacco Lord Andrew Buchanan from its new property development after receiving a petition. [356]
Colston Tower, Colston Avenue, Bristol (cropped).jpg Colston Tower Beacon Tower Bristol Eng UK Jun 11, 2020Nov 26, 2020The former name was removed from the building's exterior four days after the statue of Edward Colston nearby was pulled down. The new name was voted for by the 20 businesses based in the tower; it mirrors the renaming of the nearby concert hall, Colston Hall, as the Bristol Beacon. [357]
Apple Store, Glasgow, Scotland, UK 12281881636 o.jpg Apple Buchanan StreetApple Glasgow Glasgow Sct UK Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020 Apple renamed its Glaswegian store because of Andrew Buchanan's connection to the slave trade as a tobacco plantation owner. [359]
Jefferson Area BuildersCharlottesville Area Builders Albemarle County VA USJun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020The company stated that Jefferson's history of slavery and the changed political climate led to the name change. [361]
Calhoun mpls.jpg Calhoun Square
(shopping mall)
Seven Points Minneapolis MN USJun 19, 2020Oct 21, 2020Took its name from the former name of the nearby lake Bde Maka Ska, which was renamed in 2018 because of John C. Calhoun's support for slavery and Indian removal. [363]
Darlie/好來(Haolai)n/an/a Cn Jun 19, 2020Dec 14, 2021 Colgate-Palmolive stated, "We are currently working ... to review and further evolve all aspects of the brand, including the brand name." Darlie's marketing and packaging features the phrase, 黑人牙膏, which translates into "Black people toothpaste" in reference to its former English name, Darkie. On December 14, 2021, Hawley & Hazel announced the Chinese name of the brand will rename as "好來" ("Haolai") from March 2022. [365]
Fair & Lovely
Glow & Lovely
(cosmetics for women)

TBA (cosmetics for men)
n/an/a In Jun 25, 2020Jul 2, 2020(Glow & Lovely)
TBA (untitled cosmetics for men)
Unilever announced that it would rename its skin-lightening cream and remove references to lightening and whitening. The new names "Glow & Lovely" and "Glow & Handsome" were announced, with the latter for the men's version of the brand. Emami threatened legal action, as it had renamed its own brand "Fair and Handsome" to "Glow and Handsome" the previous week. On April 11, 2024, the Calcutta High Court ordered Unilever to removed the "Glow & Handsome" products from shelves after Emami winning the suit. [369]
Splash Mountain at Disneyland.JPG Splash Mountain
(log flume ride)
Tiana's Bayou Adventure Bay Lake
USJun 25, 2020Jun 28, 2024(Bay Lake)
Nov 15, 2024(Anaheim)
The Walt Disney Company announced that the Splash Mountain rides at Disneyland in California and Magic Kingdom in Florida would be renamed, with depictions from the controversial 1946 film Song of the South replaced with those from 2009's The Princess and the Frog , which introduced the first black Disney Princess. While the rebranding was planned for over a year, the public unveiling of the project was moved up earlier than when it was originally going to be announced. The announcement of Tiana's Bayou Adventure came on July 1, 2022, with the Florida attraction opening two years later; the date for the California opening was announced in August 2024 at the D23 convention. [376]
Whites Ferry loading on VA side.jpg Gen. Jubal A. Early
Historic White's Ferry [ah] Dickerson MDUSJul 4, 2020 [ai] Jul 4, 2020 [ai] The owner also removed a Confederate monument on the ferry grounds. Jubal Early was "a Confederate general and white supremacist who spent his life promoting the 'Lost Cause' mythology". Elijah V. White, a Confederate colonel, had purchased the ferry after the Civil War. He named the ferry service "White's Ferry" after his family, and named the ferry itself after General Early. [380]
Squaw Valley Ski Resort Palisades Tahoe Lake Tahoe CA USJul 14, 2020Sep 13, 2021In 2020, management of the resort, known for being location to the 1960 Winter Olympics, announced that removing the slur in its name would be a "lengthy and expensive process" but that it is actively taking an inventory to find out how much it would cost pending a final decision in the future. The resort announced the change was done with guidance of the Washoe Tribe. [382]
Charlestonteasign.jpg Charleston Tea PlantationCharleston Tea Garden Wadmalaw Island SC US Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020While there had never been any major outcries or backlash regarding the garden's original name, the Bigelows said they have always been sensitive to the fact that the word "plantation" carries significant pain for many in the country and throughout the world. [384]


Red Man
America's Best Chew Owensboro KYUSJan 20, 2022Jan 26, 2022 Swedish Match announced that "Red Man" would be changed to "America's Best Chew" as its former name had since been viewed as a derogatory term for a person of color as it showed the head of a Native American wearing a headdress, which also removes the image as well. [386]

Food and drink

Arabian Joe's
Baker Josef's
Pilgrim Joe's
Thai Joe's
Trader Giotto's
Trader Jacques'
Trader Joe San
Trader José's
Trader Ming's

various others
Trader Joe'sn/an/aUSJul 8, 2019 [aj] In 2019, Trader Joe's stated that labels which were using such variations of the "Trader Joe's" name were being eliminated, and "these designations do not appear on any new products we have introduced in the past two years". Many of the labels remained during the George Floyd protests, prompting a petition to rename the items, and another statement from Trader Joe's mentioning again that they were being eliminated, and being noncommittal about when the change would be completed.
On Jul 24, 2020, Trader Joe's reversed its stance, stating that they "disagree that any of these labels are racist", and that they would only decide on renaming a product "based on what customers purchase [and] the feedback we receive from our customers and [employees]", and not based on a petition. [ak]
Sambos.jpg Sambo's
Chad's Santa Barbara CAUSJun 5, 2020Jul 14, 2020Named for its founders Sam Battistone and Newell Bohnett in 1957. Formerly marketed using imagery from The Story of Little Black Sambo , which has negative connotations. Chad Stevens was the owner when the restaurant was renamed. [395]
Bully Hayes RestaurantTBD Akaroa CAN NZ Jun 9, 2020The restaurant's owners announced that they would be renaming it because of William "Bully" Hayes's involvement in blackbirding in the Pacific during the late 19th century. [399]
Aunt Jemima Flour.jpg Aunt Jemima
(breakfast food)
Pearl Milling Company n/an/aUSJun 17, 2020Feb 9, 2021The breakfast foods company announced it was changing its name and imaging, noting that it is "based on a racial stereotype." [401]
Uncle Ben's basmati rice.jpg Uncle Ben's
(parboiled rice)
Ben's Original n/an/aUSJun 17, 2020Sep 22, 2020Parent company Mars, Inc. stated that "now is the right time to evolve the Uncle Ben's brand, including its visual brand identity." Effective September 22, Uncle Ben's has been renamed to Ben's Original. [403]
Choco kiss.png Beso de Negra
Beso de Amor n/an/a Co Jun 19, 2020Jul 23, 2021 Nestlé announced that it would rename the chocolate-coated marshmallow treat and remove the image used on its packaging. Beso de negra means "kiss from a black woman". The packaging used an image of a black woman with bare shoulders and a colorful dress. [406]
Magnum (Ice cream).jpg Eskimo Pie
(ice cream bar)
Edy's Pie n/an/aUSJun 19, 2020Oct 6, 2020Eskimo Pies were the brand name of a vanilla ice cream product dipped in chocolate. "Eskimo" has been criticized as a racist name for Arctic indigenous peoples such as the Inuit and Yupik. [409]
Red Ripperz
n/an/a Au , NZ & SA Jun 23, 2020Nov 16, 2020Being renamed by Nestlé. "Redskins" and "Chicos" have been interpreted as derogatory terms for Native Americans and Latin Americans, respectively. Just over 1% of Australia's population is Latin American Australians or Mexican Australians. [411]
Dixie Beer Dixie Brewery.jpg Dixie Brewing Company [al] Faubourg Brewing Company New Orleans LA USJun 26, 2020Mar 22, 2021Owner Gayle Benson announced the plan to change the name and requested community input. Dixie is a nickname for the Southern United States, especially the states that formed the Confederacy. [413]
Colston  Arms
The Open Arms Bristol Eng UKAug 30, 2020Dec 24, 2021The pub was named after the coat of arms of slave trader Edward Colston. A new name (Ye olde Pubby Mcdrunkface) was deliberately chosen to start a discussion on August 30, 2020. On December 24, 2021, the pub's name was officially changed to "The Open Arms". [416]
(ice lolly)
O'Payon/an/a Dk Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020 Hansens Flødeis  [ dk ] announced the name change, made "in case it offended Inuit and other Arctic people". The term "Eskimo" has "a pejorative meaning for many Greenlanders". O'Payo is the name of the Nicaraguan cocoa beans from which the chocolate covering the ice cream is made. [419]
Crazy Horse Beer and BurgersLucky Horse Beer and Burgers Des Moines IA USJul 15, 2020Jul 16, 2020Music-themed restaurant was named after Crazyhorse Guitars, formerly operating from that location, and Neil Young's backing band Crazy Horse, but was renamed to avoid comparison to Lakota leader Crazy Horse and any appearance of disrespect. [422]
Cheer n/an/a Au Jul 24, 2020Jan 13, 2021While its owners have said in the past that Coon cheese was named after US cheese maker Edward William Coon, this assertion has been challenged, with no link found between the two. "Coon" is a derogatory term for black people, in Australia mainly referring to Indigenous Australians and African Australians. [424]
Knorr - Zigeunersauce.jpg Zigeunersauce
Paprikasauce Ungarische Art n/an/a De Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020 Knorr, a Unilever brand, announced it would rename Zigeunersauce to Paprikasauce Ungarische Art. The term Zigeuner translates to "gypsy" and is generally considered offensive. The replacement name translates to "Hungarian-style paprika sauce". Other manufacturers announced similar plans. [427]
Mahatma RiceName kept, image removedn/an/aUSAug 29, 2020 Ebro Foods featured an Indian man wearing a turban and kurta as the packaging mascot. It was since removed from the packaging for imaging a South Asian stereotype. [430]
Geechie Boy MillMarsh Hen Mill SC USSep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020 [431]
Conguitos  [ es ]TBA Es [432]


Dixie Regional Medical CenterIntermountain St. George Regional Hospital St. George UT USJul 16, 2020Jan 1, 2021Dixie Regional Medical Center Governing Board announced the name change, effective January 1, 2021. [434]
Margaret Sanger Square Planned Parenthood.jpg Margaret Sanger Health CenterManhattan Health Center New York City NY USJul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020 Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced it was removing the name of Margaret Sanger from its Manhattan clinic because of her support for eugenics. Karen Seltzer, PPGNY board chair, cited Sanger's "racist legacy" as a reason for the removal. Defenders, including historian Linda Gordon, claimed that Sanger was "no more racist than many progressives of her time". [437]
Carilion Stonewall Jackson Hospital Carilion Rockbridge Community Hospital Lexington VA USJul 23, 2020Jul 24, 2020 Carilion Clinic announced it had obtained full ownership of the hospital, and would rename the hospital "follow[ing] the naming convention it uses for all other facilities ... to reflect the region it serves" once the "necessary regulations are met". [438]


Captain Cook HotelDive Dunedin Ota NZ Jun 15, 2020Jun 18, 2020The owners announced that they would be changing the name in response both to Captain James Cook's controversial legacy among Māori and to the Black Lives Matter protests sparked by George Floyd's murder. [441]
Stonewall Jackson Hotel sign.jpg Stonewall Jackson Hotel Hotel 24 South Staunton VA USJun 16, 2020Sep 1, 2020Hotel owner renamed the hotel (named after Confederate general Stonewall Jackson). [444]
Stonewall Jackson InnFriendly City Inn Harrisonburg VA USJun 26, 2020Sep 30, 2020Owners had purchased the bed and breakfast in 2019 intending to change the name and carried out the name change in September 2020. [446]
WEST FRONT AND NORTH SIDE - Main Street Area Survey, Sheridan Livery Stable, 29-33 North Main Street, Lexington, Lexington, VA HABS VA,82-LEX,12-1.tif Robert E. Lee Hotel
Sheridan Livery Inn
The Gin
Lexington VA USJul 29, 2020 [am] Both buildings are owned by the same family, who chose the names so that they could be referred to as "The Gin and Tonic". [448]


Colston Hall, Bristol (geograph 3972690).jpg Colston Hall Bristol Beacon Bristol Eng UK Jun 9, 2020Sep 23, 2020Bristol Music Trust announced that the venue, located near the statue that was famously toppled on June 8, would be renamed; it described this as "a fresh start for the organisation and its place in the city". There had been plans to rename the venue since 2017. [451]
LadyAntebellumApr10.jpg Lady Antebellum
Lady A Nashville TN USJun 11, 2020Jun 11, 2020U.S. country music band changed its name because of its association with slavery. [an] African American singer Anita White, who had been using the name professionally for over 20 years, was unhappy with the change, stating, "It's an opportunity for them to pretend they're not racist or pretend this means something to them. If it did, they would've done some research." On July 8, the band filed a lawsuit against the singer. [454]
One Little Indian Records
One Little Independent Records London Eng UK Jun 11, 2020Jun 11, 2020With the name change that the company announced they would donate money towards organizations which promote and assist Native American communities in North America. In a written statement, founder David Birkett explained. "The last few weeks have been a monumental learning curve ... Following the receipt of an eye-opening letter from a Crass fan that detailed precisely why the logo and label name are offensive, as well as the violent history of the terminology, I felt equally appalled and grateful to them for making me understand what must be changed." [457]
DixieChicksMSG062003.jpg Dixie Chicks
The Chicks Dallas TXUSJun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020U.S. country music band changed their name to "The Chicks". The word "Dixie" is a nickname for the Southern United States, especially those states that seceded to form the Confederate States of America; it is part of the culture of the American South. The name change followed criticism that the word had negative connotations of American slavery. [459]
Slaves American band.jpg Slaves
Rain City Drive Sacramento CA USJun 25, 2020Oct 15, 2021Band members announced that their upcoming album To Better Days would be the last they would release under their current name. In a statement, they said "As obstinate supporters of the BLM Movement, we cannot continue to tie our music and our positive message to a word associated with such negative weight and hurt." On October 15, 2021, the band announced that they had changed their name to Rain City and signed to independent record label Thriller Records. However, the band later opted to be known as Rain City Drive. [462] [463]
The Black Madonna at All Points East Festival 2018 (cropped).jpg The Black Madonna
(disc jockey)
The Blessed Madonna Louisville KY USJul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020The American DJ announced the change to her stage name after a petition that said "a white woman calling herself 'black' is highly problematic". The original name was chosen as "a reflection of [her] family's lifelong and profound Catholic devotion to a specific kind of European icon of the Virgin Mary which is dark in hue". [464]
Joey Negro
(disc jockey)
Dave Lee Isle of Wight Eng UK Jul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020The English DJ announced the change a day after fellow disc jockey 'The Black Madonna', Lee admitted he had "not felt comfortable with the name Joey Negro for a while, especially as I've got older". [465]
Spirit Animal at the Metro 5-9-18.jpg Spirit Animal
Record Heat Brooklyn NY USAugust, 2020August, 2020
Latto in 2021.png Mulatto
Latto Atlanta GA US Jan 28, 2021May 18, 2021Rapper announced stage name change because of the controversy of the "Mulatto" term being deemed as colorist. [467]
Eskimo Callboy - Reload Festival 2015 01.jpg Eskimo Callboy
Electric Callboy Castrop-Rauxel NRW De Dec 22, 2021Mar 9, 2022The German metalcore band announced that they were taking time to "think about [their] name" and that they had deleted several old songs due to offensive and discriminatory lyrics via a post on their Instagram profile. On March 9, 2022, they announced that they would be called Electric Callboy from now on. [469] [470]


Washington Redskins wordmark.svg Washington RedskinsWashington Football Team
Washington Commanders
Landover MDUSJul 13, 2020Jul 23, 2020
Feb 2, 2022
On July 1, 2020, a group of investors worth $620 billion had written letters to Nike, FedEx and PepsiCo asking them to stop their support of the NFL until the Washington Redskins changed their name. On July 23, 2020, the Washington Football Team was adopted as the club's temporary name. The team played under that until a full rebrand as the "Commanders" was announced on February 2, 2022.
The team also renamed the lower level of FedExField to honor Bobby Mitchell, one of three African Americans who joined the team in 1962 when the team first integrated and was later inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Founding owner George Preston Marshall was against integration, and his team was the last NFL team to integrate.
Edmonton eskimos wordmark.png Edmonton EskimosEdmonton Football Team
Edmonton Elks
Edmonton AB CA Jul 16, 2020Jul 21, 2020
Jun 1, 2021
On Jul 21, 2020, the Edmonton Football Team announced that their board of directors decided to discontinue the use of the old name, as Eskimo is considered a derogatory name for indigenous Alaskans and Canadians. [ao] Belairdirect, a longtime sponsor, announced earlier that month that it would cut ties with the team if the name was not changed.
On June 1, 2021, it was formally announced that the new team name would be the Edmonton Elks.
Kenesaw Mountain Landis AwardTBDUSOct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
The Baseball Writers' Association of America announced that the most valuable player awards presented annually in Major League Baseball would no longer carry the name of the first commissioner of MLB. Landis, who served from 1920 to 1944, resisted efforts to integrate both Major League and Minor League Baseball. A number of past MVPs, including Barry Larkin, Mike Schmidt, and Terry Pendleton, objected to continued use of Landis' name. The BBWAA announced its decision after 89% of its members voted for the change. [484]
Cleveland Indians insignia.svg Cleveland Indians Cleveland Guardians Cleveland OHUSDec 14, 2020Nov 19, 2021 The team announced that they would be reviewing their name to "embrace [their] responsibility to advance social justice and equality."
On December 14, 2020, they announced they would be retiring the Indians branding. On July 23, 2021, they announced the new name to be the Cleveland Guardians; the name change was officially completed on November 19, 2021.
J. G. Taylor Spink AwardBBWAA Career Excellence AwardUSFeb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021For the second time since Floyd's murder, the BBWAA changed the name of an award due to revelations of racist conduct involving an honoree. This time, it affected the award presented for lifetime achievement in writing about baseball. Spink, who published the Sporting News from 1914 to 1962, used "racist language, ugly stereotypes, and derogatory portrayals" of Negro League players and other African-Americans. The name change received 97% support among the association's members. [489]


dm-deps OpenZFS
(storage platform)
Jun 11, 2020Jun 11, 2020Developer Matt Ahrens, co-creator of ZFS, updated the code to "[r]emove unnecessary references to slavery". The abbreviation "dm" stands for "device-mapper" and "deps" for "dependents". [490]
(code branch)
main GitHub Jun 11, 2020GitHub CEO Nat Friedman announced they were working on the change. Developer Petr Baudiš, self-described "clueless Central European youngster [in 2005] whose command of English was mostly illusory", stated that he chose the term to "express 'this is where you cloned this repo[sitory] from'", as in "master recording". [494]
mastermaster sommelier Court of Master Sommeliers, AmericasJun 22, 2020Jun 22, 2020 Court of Master Sommeliers, Americas (CMS-A) issued a statement "in solidarity with the Black community" that implied collaboration with Hue Society, without the knowledge of Hue Society Founder Tahiirah Habibi. Habibi then posted a video denying any collaboration and explaining her experiences with CMS-A, including seeing her dream to become "the first black woman to attain [Master Sommelier] status" be shattered after her CMS-A testing experience, which included the requirement that master sommeliers be addressed as "master". [ap] [501]
master bedroom
master bathroom
primary bedroom
primary bathroom
Houston Association of RealtorsJun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020Change was made on its property listing database, but "did not constitute a ban on the use of the word 'master'", which can still be used on marketing materials. [504]
master bedroom
master bathroom
main bedroom
main bathroom
GetBurbedJun 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020GetBurbed is a real estate brokerage firm in Chicago. [505]
source or primary
replica or secondary
Jul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020 Product manager Kenny Gryp announced that the change was being implemented and would be reflected in future releases. [506]
various [aq] Linux
(operating system)
Jul 10, 2020Jul 10, 2020Principal engineer Linus Torvalds added to the coding style documentation a recommendation to "avoid introducing new usage" of such terminology. [ar] [509]
A Beautiful End to a Star's Life (9933955245).jpg
NGC 4567 & 4568.png
Eskimo Nebula
Siamese Twins Galaxy
NGC 2392
NGC 4567 and NGC 4568
NASA Aug 5, 2020Aug 5, 2020NASA announced that it was reviewing the unofficial terminology it has used for celestial objects in order to determine if any are "not only insensitive, but can be actively harmful". For terminology it has deemed inappropriate, official designations determined by the International Astronomical Union would be used. Two nicknames had been determined as inappropriate at the time of NASA's announcement. [512]
Thick-billed Longspur, Pakowki Lake, Alberta (cropped).jpg McCown's longspur thick-billed longspur American Ornithological Society Aug 7, 2020Aug 7, 2020The North American Classification Committee of the American Ornithological Society changed the name of the bird to "thick-billed longspur", which is a literal translation of its genus name, Rhynchophanes, following Black Birder's Week and the Bird Names for Birds campaign. [as] John P. McCown was a general for the Confederate army, took part in the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the 1840s, and fought in the Seminole Wars. [at] [517]
chosen freeholder county commissioner State of New Jersey
(US state)
Aug 21, 2020Jan 1, 2021 Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation to change the name of the governing bodies at the county level in the state. Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, an African-American woman who was once a freeholder herself, said that the term "refers to a time when only white male landowners could hold public office". [520]
master pageparent page Adobe InDesign Oct 26, 2021Users can create templates that affect all pages of a document. In support of its value inclusion, Adobe now refers to these as "parent pages". [522]



USCGC Taney (WHEC-37) in Baltimore.jpg USCGC Taney
(museum ship)
(hull number)
Baltimore MDUSJul 1, 2020Jul 1, 2020Living Classrooms Foundation, the ship's steward, has removed the previous name from the United States Coast Guard Cutter, and it is now referred to by its hull identification number, WHEC-37. [au] Roger B. Taney was a Chief Justice of the United States who authored the majority opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford , declaring that all African Americans were not, and could not become, American citizens, regardless of whether they were enslaved or not. [526]
Plimoth Plantation Fence.JPG Plimoth Plantation Plimoth Patuxet Plymouth MAUSJul 6, 2020Jul 6, 2020Plimoth Plantation announced a change of name for its 400th anniversary, and is using "Plimoth Patuxet" on its interim logo. [527]
Ttwentworthmuseum.jpg T. T. Wentworth Jr. Florida State Museum Pensacola Museum of History at the University of West Florida Pensacola FLUSJul 13, 2020Mar 18, 2021 University of West Florida Historic Trust planned to change the name after learning that Wentworth was "the leader of the Ku Klux Klan in Escambia County". Wentworth had become an Exalted Cyclops in 1925, and the collection of memorabilia he donated to the state in 1983 eventually became the museum that was named after him in 1988. On March 18, 2021, the UWF Historic Trust board voted to change the name of the museum in a 5–4 decision with a new name "Pensacola Museum of History at the University of West Florida". [530]
San Diego Museum of Man 01.jpg San Diego Museum of Man Museum of Us San Diego CA USAug 2, 2020Aug 2, 2020On June 24, 2020, the board of trustees approved the name change. The new name was chosen to "better reflect [ the museum's] work towards equity, inclusion, and decolonization". [534]

Decision pending

variousTBD Lagos La Ng The Lagos State House of Assembly unanimously passed a motion to call on Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu "to direct the Commissioner for Tourism, Arts and Culture to liaise with the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice to look at the Listed Sites (Prevention) Law, 2015" with the intention of removing references of colonialism and the slave trade. Floyd's murder and the removal of the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol were explicitly referenced. [537]
Luton Christian Fellowship - - 944803.jpg Hibbert StreetTBD Luton Eng UK Luton Borough Council decided to change the name of a street named after Robert Hibbert, a wealthy slave owner who "set up 12 cottages in Castle Street as a charity for poor widows" that were later replaced by almshouses on the street that bears his name. Consultation with the street's residents, required by local law, has been planned to start in the coming weeks. [540]
Tillman Hall 2008.jpg Tillman Hall Old Main Clemson SCUS Clemson University Board of Trustees decided to rename one of their buildings. "Pitchfork" Ben Tillman was a "governor and white supremacist" who "used virulent racism to dominate South Carolina politics". The Heritage Act requires two-thirds approval from South Carolina General Assembly to rename the building. [541]
J. Marion Sims
(residence hall)
TBD Columbia SCUSPresident of University of South Carolina endorsed a resolution to rename J. Marion Sims residence hall. Sims "performed hundreds of medical experimentations on enslaved African American women". Board of Trustees approved unanimously. The Heritage Act requires two-thirds approval from South Carolina General Assembly to rename the building. [543]
Robert E. Lee RoadBuffalo Soldier Road El Paso TXUSCity Council voted unanimously for the change. Must be reviewed by Development Coordinating Committee and approved by City Plan Commission before returning to City Council for another approval. Buffalo Soldiers were "the first Black professional soldiers to serve during peacetime". [545]
John C. Calhoun DriveTBD Orangeburg SCUSOrangeburg City Council voted unanimously to rename the road. The Heritage Act requires two-thirds approval from South Carolina General Assembly to rename the road. [546]
Jordan Hall
Jordan River
Jordan Avenue
Jordan Parking Garage
David Starr Jordan Prize

possibly others
TBD Bloomington IN USThe president of Indiana University formed a committee to review sites and awards named for David Starr Jordan, a former university president and prominent supporter of eugenics. The committee was also tasked with reviewing "all buildings on the nine [Indiana University] campuses and remov[ing] names of anyone whose statements and writings are judged unworthy of the recognition". [547]
Clarence Cook Little HallTBD Orono ME USThe president of the University of Maine announced on June 29 that he would request that the University of Maine System Board of Trustees remove the name of C. C. Little, the founder of the American Eugenics Society, from a lecture hall. [131]
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA - historical marker.jpg Washington and Lee University TBD Lexington VAUS Rector of the Board of Trustees reported that "a committee of the board would embark on a review of the symbols and name of the university". Faculty had formally requested the trustees to remove Lee's name the previous day, and student government had requested the change the previous week. On June 4, 2021, after 11 months of deliberation, the committee voted 22-6 to keep the name. [552] [553]
Columbus ParkPiazza Italia Park San Antonio TX USSan Antonio's City Council was scheduled to vote on the renaming on August 13, 2020. A statue of Columbus was removed from the park on July 1, 2020 after it was vandalized. [554]

Proposals with official backing

DundasStreetSign.png Dundas Street TBD Toronto ON Ca On Jun 10, 2020, Toronto mayor John Tory stated that a working group would be formed "to examine the issue of renaming streets" in response to a petition about the street named after Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville. The proposal also received support from Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath. Dundas allegedly prolonged Britain's involvement in slavery by 15 years as he had "made himself the champion of 'gradual' abolition of the slave trade".
The city's final report, published in Jun 18, 2021, supported renaming the street. The city's process also sparked reviews of the use of the Dundas name in other areas of the province, including Mississauga, London and Hamilton.
On Jul 6, 2021, the City of Toronto's executive committee unanimously supported the renaming of Dundas Street.
variousTBD London Eng UKLondon mayor Sadiq Khan announced that street names in London with links to slavery are being reviewed. [562]
Victoria lake landsat 7.png Colville StreetTBDn/an/a Ug A petition calling on the government to remove the names of several British colonial figures was presented to parliament by lawyer Apollo Makubuya, former Principal Judge James Ogoola, and Member of Parliament Medard Segona. Makubuya explained "our petition has been given a new momentum" because of the George Floyd protests. Speaker Rebecca Kadaga announced plans to convene a task force for the renaming and Kampala lord mayor Erias Lukwago described the motivation as "removing the names of dictators and people who committed crimes against humanity from our streets". [563]
King's African Rifles Drive
Speke Road
Jefferson Davis ParkwayNorman C. Francis Parkway New Orleans LA USBoth petitions were created by the Vice Chairman of New Orleans' Regional Transit Authority. [567]
Robert E. Lee BoulevardLeah Chase Boulevard
Muskego Post OfficeColonel Hans Christian Heg Post Office Muskego WI USIn response to vandalism of the statue of Hans Christian Heg, which was targeted during the George Floyd protest even though Heg was an abolitionist and the publisher of an anti-slavery newspaper, Rep. US Representative Bryan Steil introduced a bill to rename a post office in Muskego the "Colonel Hans Christian Heg Post Office". [568]
Confederation Bridge Epekwitk Crossing Borden-Carleton / Cape Jourimain PEI / NB Ca In April 2022, the legislature of Prince Edward Island unanimously voted in favor of renaming the Confederation Bridge—opened and named as such in 1997—to Epekwitk Crossing, "as way to uphold rights of Indigenous people". The structure connects the Canadian island province of Prince Edward Island to the mainland of contiguous North America. The "Confederation" in the original name refers to the 1867 Confederation of Canada, while "Epekwitk" is the indigenous Mi'kmaq name for Prince Edward Island. The name change must be approved by the Canadian federal government. [570]

See also


  1. Durham's name was also removed from the building and SVU's web site, and would no longer be used in SVU's publications. [17] SVU administrators had become aware of Durham's views about a week before the renaming, from a social media post in response to a statement condemning racism made by the university roughly a week after the George Floyd protests began. [17] [18]
  2. Durham was president from 1919 to 1942. [17]
  3. Durham authored and published a novel with white supremacist themes, disenfranchised African American voters, and advocated for white supremacist views with US Congressmembers and other politicians. [17]
  4. The resolution approved by the trustees stated, "The Trustees of Indiana University do hereby approve the naming of the Intramural Center on the IU Bloomington Campus as the William Leon Garrett Fieldhouse." [24] However, the sign in front of the facility itself reads "Bill Garrett Fieldhouse". [25]
  5. The trustees had actually approved a recommendation to rename the facility to "William L. Garrett-Ora L. Wildermuth Intramural Center" on February 20, 2009. [26] However, the school announced four days later that it would not implement the change because it lacked support from Garrett's family. [26]
  6. The committee was formed in order to "establish an official process to rename [Philip] J. Schuyler Achievement Academy, and to evaluate the history behind each district building's name in order to consider other changes as necessary". [66]
  7. The superintendent was directed to change the name by Sep 8, 2020 and a news release stated that the change was "effective for the 2020–21 school year". [77] [78] A letter to the community stated that items were being replaced immediately, and the school's web page had begun switching to the new name on the day of the renaming decision. [79] [80]
  8. The Marge Schott Seminar Room is located in Carl Blegen Library, which houses the university's Archive and Rare Books Library. [86]
    [87] [88] [89]
  9. The vote followed University of Oregon President Michael Schill's recommendation to the board to rename the hall because of Deady's racist views. [92]
  10. One such attempt occurred in 2016, when the university's Black Student Task Force demanded that the building be renamed. On January 25, 2017, President Schill refused the demand. [93]
  11. Society members also pointed out that Linnaeus was not an entomologist, and using his name for the games implied that the games were centered around the taxonomy of insects, even though the games actually covered a wide range of entomology. [133]
  12. Date of denaming. The new name was chosen on July 16. [134] [135]
  13. Over 6,500 suggestions were submitted, with the top five names being West Side Middle School, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Charleston Middle School, Jack Perry Middle School, and Booker T. Washington Middle School. [136]
  14. At the time, the area was in the state of Virginia. [137]
  15. The board had also considered the issue the previous year, but had elected to keep the name at the time. [139]
  16. The letter was received by the board on July 6, 2020. [146] The school was previously called "William E. Fanning Elementary School", but the board had changed the name to "Fanning Academy of Science and Technology" when it tried to "partially defuse the issue". [147] [148]
  17. His name is "included in list No. 2 of Orange County KKK members", but there was considerable debate over the validity of the list, as seen in the minutes of the board meetings of January 14, 2019 and January 28, 2019. [149] [148] [147]
  18. Renamed in honor of Earl Campbell and Ricky Williams. [160]
  19. Rice University Professor Raymond L. Johnson had "wr[itten] in [Moore's] teacher profile that Moore once told a black student 'he was welcome to take his course, but that he would start with a C and could only go down from there.'" [161]
  20. The Spun notes that "[t]here's no apparent controversy surrounding Jamail or his family. [162]
  21. The renamings of Davis and Lee passed 6–1 and the renaming of Lanier passed 5–2. [178]
  22. The United Daughters of the Confederacy posthumously made him a symbol of the Lost Cause in the 1920s. [179]
  23. A private group had already raised more than $42,000. [178]
  24. Board hoped to obtain student input in autumn before renaming the school in spring of 2021. [184] [185]
  25. The mascot was first chosen in 1926, shortly after the college was founded as University Junior College during a time when there was "an education statute mandating racially segregated schools". [188]
  26. Two blocks of the southeast area of the neighbourhood are actually located in Aurora. [243]
  27. This can be translated as "Liberty and Human Dignity Square". [256]
  28. Because the board called an emergency meeting, advocates working on the renaming for years were disappointed at being unable to attend, with one organizer stating that she felt snubbed, and a group of student advocates who wanted the park named for both Frederick Douglass and his wife Anna Murray Douglass were unable to present their request at the meeting. [286]
  29. Douglas supported expanded slavery in a debate against Abraham Lincoln, and his wife owned at least 100 slaves. [287]
  30. The commission found no record of the park being formally named by the city after Williams, but acknowledged that it was being referred to with his name, and adopted a resolution rejecting the usage of that name. [292]
  31. 1 2 Mohrenstraße is thought to derive its name from black or former slaves, who may have lived there in the early 18th century. [335]
  32. The abbreviation is taken from its original name, "Berliner Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft". [334]
  33. A spokesperson for BVG stated that they "[we]re not responsible for street names" and added that the Wikipedia article on him had not covered his anti-Semitism until recently. [335]
  34. It is unclear if the ferry was actually renamed or simply denamed, since this phrase also appears to have been often used to refer to the ferry service even before the name change.
  35. 1 2 Change technically executed on unknown date prior to date of first known report.
  36. Trader Joe's statement issued during the George Floyd protests was first reported on July 17, 2020. [388]
  37. In 2019, a spokesperson for Trader Joe's had stated, "[A]s we make our way through label updates on older products, we will change any preexisting variations to Trader Joe's", in response to an inquiry from a Nylon reporter. [389] In 2020, the same spokesperson had stated, "[W]e have been in the process of updating older labels and replacing any variations with the name Trader Joe's, and we will continue [to] do so until we complete this important work", in response to a petition. [388]
  38. Change would also propagate to all Dixie-branded products. [413]
  39. This is the first known report of how the two new names were chosen. [448] The Sheridan Livery Inn announced their name change on social media on Jun 7, 2020, [449] while the Robert E. Lee Hotel's name change was reported by The New York Times on Jul 26, 2020. [450]
  40. "Antebellum" refers to culture in the South before the Civil War, including slavery. [454]
  41. The team also announced that they would use the names "Edmonton Football Team" and "EE Football Team" until a more appropriate new name is found. [479]
  42. Habibi still passed the test, but refrained from interacting with CMS-A since the experience. [500]
  43. Suggestions included "primary", "main", "initiator", "requester", "controller", "host", "leader", "director", "secondary", "replica", "subordinate", "target", "responder", "device", "worker", "proxy", "follower", "performer", "denylist", "blocklist", "allowlist", and "passlist". [509]
  44. Sources do not appear to state any policy change for existing usage.
  45. The organization had previously refused to change the name, despite controversy. [514]
  46. George Newbold Lawrence, the bird's descriptor, had named the species after his friend McCown before McCown fought for the Confederacy. [515] The species can be found in the US, Canada, and Mexico. [516]
  47. The ship is "the last surviving warship which was present (and fought) at the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor". [524] It is a National Historic Landmark located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. [525]


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Further reading