List of early sound feature films (1926–1929)

Last updated

This is a list of early pre-recorded sound and part or full talking feature films made in the United States and Europe during the transition from silent film to sound, between 1926 and 1929. [1] During this time a variety of recording systems were used, including sound on film formats such as Movietone and RCA Photophone, as well as sound on disc formats like Vitaphone. This list includes film titles, release dates, production companies, audio type and archive status; denoting whether they exist, are lost or incomplete, the film or audio elements exist only, as well as the number of discs extant for films recorded with Vitaphone soundtracks. [2]



TitleRelease dateCompanyAudioStatus
Don Juan [F 1] August 6, 1926 Warner Bros. Synchronized scoreExtant
The Better 'Ole October 23, 1926Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreExtant


TitleRelease dateCompanyAudioStatus
What Price Glory [F 2] January 21, 1927 Fox Film Corporation Synchronized scoreExtant
When a Man Loves February 3, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreExtant
The Missing Link May 6, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreFilm-only
Old San Francisco June 21, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreExtant
The First Auto June 27, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreExtant
Wings [F 3] August 12, 1927 Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation Synchronized scoreFilm-only
The Bush Leaguer August 20, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
Slightly Used September 3, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
[Disc 5 extant]
7th Heaven [F 4] September 10, 1927Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
Jaws of Steel September 10, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreFilm-only
One Round Hogan September 17, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
Sunrise September 23, 1927Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
A Sailor's Sweetheart September 24, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreIncomplete
The Jazz Singer [F 5] October 6, 1927Warner Bros. Part-talkie Extant
Sailor Izzy Murphy October 8, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
A Reno Divorce October 22, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
A Dog of the Regiment October 29, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
[Discs 1–2, 4-5]
Good Time Charley November 5, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreExtant
[Discs 5, 7]
The Fortune Hunter November 7, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
The Silver Slave November 12, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
The Girl from Chicago November 19, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
Ginsberg the Great November 26, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
[Disc 7 extant]
Brass Knuckles December 3, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreFilm-only
If I Were Single December 17, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreFilm-only
Ham and Eggs at the Front December 24, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreFilm-only
Husbands for Rent December 31, 1927Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
[Disc 3 extant]


TitleRelease dateCompanyAudioStatus
Beware of Married Men January 14, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreIncomplete
Mother Machree [F 6] January 22, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreIncomplete
A Race for Life January 28, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreExtant

[Disc 6 only]

The Little Snob February 11, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
[Disc 6 extant]
Four Sons [3] February 13, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
Across the Atlantic February 25, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
Powder My Back March 10, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
Tenderloin [F 7] March 14, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieAudio-only
[Disc 1 Extant]
Domestic Troubles March 28, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath April 1, 1928 First National Synchronized scoreFilm-only
The Crimson City April 7, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreFilm-only
Street Angel April 9, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
Glorious Betsy April 16, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieExtant
[Discs 1–4, 6-8]
Rinty of the Desert April 21, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreLost
Pay as You Enter May 12, 1928Warner Bros.Synchronized scoreAudio-only
Ramona [F 8] May 20, 1928 United Artists Synchronized scoreFilm-only
Five and Ten Cent Annie May 28, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieIncomplete
Fazil June 4, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
The Lion and the Mouse June 15, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieExtant
[Discs 1, 3–6, 9]
The Perfect Crime [F 9] June 17, 1928 FBO Part-talkieLost
Lights of New York [F 10] July 8, 1928Warner Bros. All-talkie Extant
Warming Up July 15, 1928ParamountSynchronized scoreLost
Tempest [F 11] July 21, 1928United ArtistsSynchronized scoreExtant
Loves of an Actress July 29, 1928ParamountSynchronized scoreLost
White Shadows in the South Seas [F 12] July 31, 1928 MGM Synchronized scoreExtant
The Scarlet Lady August 1, 1928 Columbia Synchronized scoreFilm-only
Women They Talk About August 11, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieAudio-only
[Disc 6 extant]
The Patriot August 19, 1928ParamountPart-talkieIncomplete
Caught in the Fog August 25, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieIncomplete
The River Pirate August 26, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
Two Lovers [F 13] August 27, 1928United ArtistsSynchronized scoreExtant
[Discs 1–4, 6, 10]
Submarine August 28, 1928ColumbiaSynchronized scoreExtant
[Discs 2-3, 9]
Our Dancing Daughters September 1, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreExtant
The Sawdust Paradise September 1, 1928ParamountSynchronized scoreLost
Gang War September 2, 1928FBOPart-talkieIncomplete [F 14]
State Street Sadie September 2, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieAudio-only
[Discs 1-3, 8]
Uncle Tom's Cabin [F 15] September 2, 1928 Universal Synchronized scoreExtant
The Terror [F 16] September 6, 1928Warner Bros.All-talkieAudio-only
Excess Baggage September 8, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreAudio-only
The Night Watch September 9, 1928 First National Synchronized scoreFilm-only
While the City Sleeps September 15, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreIncomplete
Win That Girl September 16, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
The Whip September 16, 1928 First National Synchronized scoreExtant
Waterfront September 16, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreExtant
Mother Knows Best [F 17] September 16, 1928Fox Film CorporationPart-talkieLost
The Singing Fool September 19, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieExtant
Beggars of Life September 22, 1928ParamountPart-talkieExtant
[Disc 1 only]
Hit of the Show September 23, 1928FBOPart-talkieLost
Plastered In Paris September 23, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
Show Girl September 28, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreExtant
The King of Kings [F 18] September 30, 1928 Pathe Synchronized scoreExtant
The Air Circus September 30, 1928Fox Film CorporationPart-talkieLost
Lonesome [F 19] September 30, 1928UniversalPart-talkieExtant
The Toilers October 1, 1928 Tiffany Pictures Synchronized scoreExtant
4 Devils [F 20] October 3, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized score (1928)
Part-talkie (1929)
[Disc 4 extant]
The Wedding March October 6, 1928ParamountSynchronized scoreExtant
Dry Martini October 7, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
The Crash October 7, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreLost
The Circus Kid October 7, 1928FBOPart-talkieFilm-only
Melody of Love October 10, 1928UniversalAll-talkieIncomplete
The Battle of the Sexes October 10, 1928United ArtistsSynchronized scoreExtant
[Discs 2–4, 8]
Captain Swagger October 14, 1928PatheSynchronized scoreExtant
Lilac Time [F 21] October 18, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreExtant
[Discs 1, 5–7]
Land of the Silver Fox October 18, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieExtant
[Discs 1–2, 4–7]
Me, Gangster October 20, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
Show Folks October 21, 1928PathePart-talkieExtant
The Woman Disputed October 21, 1928United ArtistsSynchronized scoreExtant
[Disc 7 only]
The Home Towners October 23, 1928Warner Bros.All-talkieAudio-only
[Discs 3–4, 7, 10]
Varsity October 26, 1928ParamountPart-talkieLost
Beware of Bachelors October 27, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieExtant
[Discs 1, 4–8]
The Midnight Taxi October 28, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieFilm-only
Noah's Ark [F 22] November 1, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieExtant
The Cavalier November 1, 1928Tiffany PicturesSynchronized scoreExtant
The Viking [F 23] November 2, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreExtant
Revenge November 3, 1928United ArtistsSynchronized scoreExtant
[Discs 5]
The Baby Cyclone November 3, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreLost
Abie's Irish Rose [F 24] November 3, 1928ParamountPart-talkieIncomplete
The Woman from Moscow November 3, 1928ParamountSynchronized scoreIncomplete
Marked Money November 4, 1928PatheSynchronized scoreExtant
The Haunted House November 4, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreAudio-only
The Man Who Laughs [F 25] November 4, 1928UniversalSynchronized scoreExtant
Interference [F 26] November 5, 1928ParamountAll-talkieExtant
Marriage by Contact November 9, 1928Tiffany PicturesPart-talkieExtant
Taxi 13 November 11, 1928FBOPart-talkieExtant
Romance of the Underworld November 11, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
Outcast November 11, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreFilm-only
On Trial November 14, 1928Warner Bros.All-talkieAudio-only
[Discs 1–2, 4–5, 7, 9–10]
Alias Jimmy Valentine [F 27] November 15, 1928MGMPart-talkieIncomplete
The Awakening November 17, 1928United ArtistsSynchronized scoreLost
The Masks of the Devil November 17, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreLost
His Private Life November 17, 1928ParamountSynchronized scoreLost
The Good-Bye Kiss November 18, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreLost
Annapolis November 18, 1928PatheSynchronized scoreExtant
Prep and Pep November 18, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
Show People November 20, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreExtant
The Wind November 23, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreExtant
Manhattan Cocktail November 24, 1928ParamountPart-talkieIncomplete
West of Zanzibar November 24, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreExtant
Riley the Cop November 25, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreExtant
A Lady of Chance December 1, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreFilm-only
Dream of Love December 1, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreLost
The River Woman December 1, 1928Gotham ProductionsPart-talkieIncomplete
Ned McCobb's Daughter December 2, 1928PatheSynchronized scoreLost
Adoration December 2, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreExtant
The Red Dance December 2, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreFilm-only
The Little Wildcat December 8, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieLost
Give and Take December 9, 1928UniversalPart-talkieLost
Blindfold December 9, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
The Barker December 9, 1928First NationalPart-talkieExtant
Speedy [F 28] December 15, 1928ParamountPart-talkieExtant
A Woman of Affairs December 15, 1928MGMSynchronized scoreExtant
The Shady Lady December 16, 1928PathePart-talkieLost
Homesick December 16, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
Blockade December 16, 1928FBOPart-talkieLost
Naughty Baby December 16, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreExtant
The Spieler December 20, 1928PathePart-talkieFilm-only
My Man December 21, 1928Warner Bros.Part-talkieIncomplete
Conquest December 22, 1928Warner Bros.All-talkieAudio-only
Red Wine December 23, 1928Fox Film CorporationSynchronized scoreLost
Brotherly Love December 23, 1928MGMPart-talkieExtant
In Old Arizona [F 29] December 25, 1928Fox Film CorporationAll-talkieExtant
Sins of the Fathers December 29, 1928ParamountPart-talkieIncomplete
The Shopworn Angel December 29, 1928ParamountPart-talkieIncomplete
The Great White North
aka Lost In The Arctic
December 30, 1928Fox Film CorporationPart-talkie
(Talking Prologue)
Scarlet Seas December 30, 1928First NationalSynchronized scoreExtant


TitleRelease dateCompanyAudioStatus
Sal of Singapore [F 30] January 4, 1929PathePart-TalkieExtant
Captain Lash January 6, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Jazz Age January 6, 1929FBOPart-TalkieExtant
The Last Warning January 6, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieSilent version only
Synthetic Sin January 9, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreExtant
[Disc 6 only]
The Rescue January 12, 1929United ArtistsSynchronized ScoreIncomplete
Man, Woman and Wife January 13, 1929UniversalSynchronized ScoreLost
I Kiss Your Hand, Madame [F 31] January 16, 1929 Tobis Synchronized ScoreExtant
The Flying Fleet January 19, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Geraldine January 20, 1929PathéPart-TalkieExtant
True Heaven January 20, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Lady of the Pavements January 22, 1929United ArtistsPart-TalkieExtant
The Bellamy Trial January 23, 1929MGMPart-TalkieIncomplete
The Doctor's Secret January 26, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieLost
Fancy Baggage January 26, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 1-2, 4-8]
Red Hot Speed January 27, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
Seven Footprints to Satan January 27, 1929First NationalSynchronized Score International Sound Version
[Discs 2, 5–6]
Fugitives January 27, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Noisy Neighbours January 27, 1929PathéPart-TalkieLost
Moulin Rouge [F 32] January 30, 1929 British International Pictures Synchronized ScoreExtant
The Rainbow February 1, 1929Tiffany PicturesSynchronized ScoreIncomplete
The Broadway Melody [F 33] February 1, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Lucky Boy February 2, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
The Wolf of Wall Street February 2, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieIncomplete
Cheyenne February 2, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreLost
The Girl on the Barge February 3, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
The Million Dollar Collar February 9, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieLost
The Greyhound Limited February 9, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieExtant
[Discs 1-4, 6]
The Sin Sister February 10, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Weary River February 10, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieExtant
Homecoming [F 34] February 16, 1929UFA / ParamountSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Redeeming Sin February 16, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 1-2, 4-5, 7]

Making the Grade February 17, 1929Fox Film CorporationPart-TalkieLost
The Royal Rider February 17, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreLost
The Lawless Legion February 17, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreLost
The Lone Wolf's Daughter [F 35] February 18, 1929ColumbiaPart-TalkieAudio-only
[Disc 3]
The Iron Mask February 21, 1929United ArtistsPart-TalkieExtant
Redskin February 23, 1929ParamountSynchronized ScoreExtant
Stolen Kisses February 23, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only
Wild Orchids February 23, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
New Year's Eve February 23, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
The Leatherneck February 24, 1929PathéPart-TalkieSilent version only

[Discs 1-8]

The Ghost Talks February 24, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Sonny Boy February 27, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieExtant
[Discs 1, 3, 5]
The Canary Murder Case [F 36] February 28, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Brothers March 1, 1929 Rayart Pictures Synchronized ScoreExtant

[Discs 6&8]

Molly and Me March 1, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieIncomplete

[Missing reel 7]

The Clue of the New Pin [F 37] March 1, 1929British Lion Film CorporationAll-TalkieIncomplete
Stark Mad March 2, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
The Carnation Kid March 2, 1929ParamountPart-TalkieExtant
Clear the Decks March 3, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
Children of the Ritz March 3, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreAudio-only

[Discs 5-6]

The Office Scandal March 3, 1929PathéPart-TalkieExtant
Strong Boy March 3, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
[Trailer extant]
The Younger Generation March 4, 1929ColumbiaPart-TalkieExtant
Speakeasy March 8, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieAudio-only
Desert Nights March 9, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Dummy March 9, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Square Shoulders March 10, 1929PathéSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Shakedown March 10, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieInternational-sound version only
Trial Marriage March 10, 1929ColumbiaSynchronized ScoreExtant
Hearts in Dixie March 10, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
Melody of the World March 12, 1929TobisSynchronized ScoreExtant
Why Be Good? March 12, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreExtant
Looping the Loop [F 38] March 16, 1929Paramount / UFASynchronized ScoreLost
Show Boat March 16, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
One Stolen Night March 16, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 1, 4-5]

The Duke Steps Out March 16, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreAudio-only
Hawk of the Hills [F 39] March 17, 1929PathéSynchronized ScoreExtant [F 40]
The Cohens and the Kellys in Atlantic City March 17, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
Love in the Desert [F 41] March 17, 1929FBOPart-TalkieExtant
Blue Skies March 17, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Two Sisters March 23, 1929Rayart PicturesSynchronized ScoreLost
The Great PowerMarch 23, 1929MGMAll-TalkieLost
Queen of the Night Clubs March 24, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieIncomplete
Girls Gone Wild March 24, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
It Can Be Done March 24, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
Syncopation [F 42] March 24, 1929 RKO All-TalkieExtant
Love and the Devil March 24, 1929First NationalSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Crimson Circle [F 43] March 25, 1929British International Pictures / Efzet FilmPart-TalkieLost
The Bridge of San Luis Ray March 30, 1929MGMPart-TalkieSilent version only
[Discs 2–3, 7, 9–10]
Wolf Song March 30, 1929ParamountPart-TalkieExtant
Chinatown Nights [F 44] March 30, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Hardboiled Rose March 30, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieExtant
[Disc 4 only]
Strange Cargo March 31, 1929 Pathé All-TalkieExtant
The Godless Girl [F 45] March 31, 1929 Pathé Part-TalkieSilent version only
Trent's Last Case March 31, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreIncomplete
Linda March 31, 1929Mrs Wallace Reid ProductionsSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Divine Lady March 31, 1929Warner Bros.Synchronized ScoreExtant
My Lady's Past April 1, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
His Captive Woman April 2, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieExtant
No Defense April 6, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieLost
Spite Marriage April 6, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Wild Party April 6, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Coquette April 6, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
Black Waters [F 46] April 6, 1929 British & Dominions Film Corporation All-TalkieLost
Not Quite Decent April 7, 1929Fox Film CorporationPart-TalkieLost
Hot Stuff April 7, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 2-8]
The Desert Song April 8, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieIncomplete [B/W only]
The Donovan Affair April 11, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieFilm-only
The Voice of the City April 13, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Close Harmony April 13, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Thru Different Eyes April 14, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieSilent version only
The Charlatan April 14, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
The Veiled Woman April 14, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Saturday's Children April 14, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieAudio-only
The Voice Within April 15, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieLost
Frozen River April 20, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 1, 3-6]

Nothing But the Truth April 20, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Alibi April 20, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
The Woman from Hell April 21, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Tide of Empire April 23, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Scandal April 27, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
The Pagan April 27, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Kid Gloves April 27, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieExtant
The Hole in the Wall April 27, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
From Headquarters April 27, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieLost
The Far Call April 28, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Betrayal April 28, 1929ParamountSynchronized ScoreLost
House of Horror April 28, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieAudio-only
The Return of the Rat May 1, 1929 Gainsborough Pictures Synchronized ScoreExtant
Bulldog Drummond May 2, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
Glad Rag Doll May 4, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 7-8]

Where East Is East May 4, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Gentlemen of the Press May 4, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Protection May 5, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Mother's Boy May 5, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Venus May 6, 1929United ArtistsSynchronized ScoreAudio-only
The Black Watch May 8, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
The Squall May 9, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant
Eternal Love May 11, 1929United ArtistsSynchronized ScoreExtant
No Defence May 11, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 2-7]

Joy Street May 12, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Two Weeks Off May 12, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieExtant
Father and Son May 13, 1929ColumbiaPart-TalkieLost
A Dangerous Woman May 18, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Rainbow Man May 18, 1929 Sono Art-World Wide Pictures All-TalkieExtant
Prisoners May 19, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 1-4, 6-7]

The Valiant May 19, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
The Bachelor Girl May 20, 1929ColumbiaPart-TalkieLost
A Man's Man May 25, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreAudio-only
Border Romance May 25, 1929Tiffany PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Innocents of Paris May 25, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Man I Love May 25, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Love at First Sight May 26, 1929 Chesterfield Pictures All-TalkieLost
The House of Secrets May 26, 1929Chesterfield PicturesAll-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 1, 3, 5–7]
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 May 26, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 6–7]
Broadway [F 47] May 27, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
On With The Show [F 48] May 28, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieB/W only [color incomplete]
The Three Passions [F 49] June 1, 1929United ArtistsSynchronized ScoreExtant
[Discs 2–3 & 8]
The Studio Murder Mystery June 1, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Piccadilly [F 50] June 1, 1929British International PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
New Orleans June 2, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieAudio-only
His Lucky Day June 2, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
Careers June 2, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant
The One Woman Idea June 2, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
The Flying Marine June 5, 1929ColumbiaPart-TalkieExtant
She Goes to War June 8, 1929United ArtistsPart-TalkieIncomplete
The Trial of Mary Dugan June 8, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Exalted Flapper June 9, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Two Men and a Maid June 10, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 1&3]
Kitty [F 51] June 10, 1929British International PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
The Four Feathers June 12, 1929ParamountSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Idle Rich June 15, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Wheel of Life June 15, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Thunderbolt June 20, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Hollywood Revue of 1929 June 20, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Flying Fool June 21, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
This Is Heaven June 22, 1929United ArtistsPart-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 2–9]
Masked Emotions June 23, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
The Girl in the Glass Cage June 23, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieAudio-only
The Fall of Eve June 25, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
The Gamblers June 29, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
High Voltage June 29, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Fashions in Love June 29, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
River of Romance June 29, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Come Across June 30, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
Broadway Babies June 30, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant
Behind That Curtain June 30, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
Taxi for Two July 1, 1929Gainsborough PicturesPart-TalkieLost
Divorce Made Easy July 6, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Pals of the Prairie July 7, 1929FBOSynchronized ScoreLost
The Man and the Moment July 7, 1929First NationalPart-TalkieExtant
College Love July 7, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieLost
Black Magic July 7, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
Pleasure Crazed July 7, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Thunder July 8, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreIncomplete
The Time, the Place and the Girl July 8, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
Wonder of Women July 13, 1929MGMPart-TalkieAudio-only
Dangerous Curves July 13, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Masquerade July 14, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Twin Beds July 14, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
City of Play July 15, 1929Gainsborough PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
The Wrecker July 17, 1929Gainsborough PicturesSynchronized ScoreExtant
Modern Love July 21, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
Melody Lane July 21, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieIncomplete
[Discs 1, 3, 5–8]
Drag July 21, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant
Madonna of Avenue A July 22, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 1-6]

The Last of Ms Cheyney July 26, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Evangeline July 27, 1929United ArtistsSynchronized ScoreExtant
[Discs 1–2, 4–9]
Blackmail [F 52] July 28, 1929British International PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Port of Dreams July 28, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieLost
Smiling Irish Eyes July 28, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
The Trail of '98 [F 53] July 29, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Midstream July 29, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieIncomplete
Light Fingers July 29, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieLost
The Single Standard July 29, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Street Girl July 30, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
Midnight Daddies August 3, 1929 Sono Art-World Wide Pictures All-TalkieLost
Hungarian Rhapsody [F 54] August 3, 1929Paramount / UFASynchronized ScoreIncomplete
Paris Bound August 3, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
The Cocoanuts August 3, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Chasing Through Europe August 4, 1929Fox Film CorporationSynchronized ScoreLost
The Love Trap August 4, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
Hard To Get August 4, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
The College Coquette August 5, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieLost
Say It With Songs August 6, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieExtant
The Awful Truth August 10, 1929PathéAll-TalkieLost
Half Marriage August 10, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu August 10, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Dark Streets August 11, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
The Dance of Life August 16, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Charming Sinners August 17, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Lucky in Love August 17, 1929PathéAll-TalkieLost
Madame X August 17, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Lucky Star August 18, 1929Fox Film CorporationPart-TalkieSilent version only
Words and Music August 18, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
The Careless Age August 18, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 3-7]

Hallelujah August 20, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Marianne [F 55] August 24, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Very Idea August 24, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
The Soul of France [F 56] August 24, 1929Paramount / Les Établissements Jacques HaïkSynchronized ScoreLost
Our Modern Maidens August 24, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
The Sophomore August 24, 1929PathéAll-TalkieSilent version only
[Discs extant]
Why Leave Home? August 25, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Her Private Life August 25, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant
Gold Diggers of Broadway [F 57] August 30, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieIncomplete
The Greene Murder Case August 31, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Girl in the Show August 31, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Auld Lang Syne September 1, 1929 Welsh-Pearson Synchronized ScoreLost
The Drake Case September 1, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieLost
Fast Life September 1, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 1-3]

Times Square September 1, 1929Lumas Film CorporationPart-TalkieAudio-only

[Disc 2 extant]

Salute September 1, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
The End of the Simpletons [F 58] September 2, 1929SyncrocinexAll-TalkieExtant
Under the Greenwood Tree September 5, 1929British International PicturesAll-TalkieLost
Whispering Winds September 5, 1929Tiffany PicturesPart-TalkieLost
Big News September 7, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Speedway September 7, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Big Time September 7, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
Fast Company September 7, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieIncomplete
The Letter September 7, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Wagon Master September 8, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieExtant
Side Street September 8, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
High Treason September 9, 1929 Gaumont-British All-TalkieExtant
The Great Gabbo September 12, 1929Sono Art World Wide PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Flight September 13, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
The Unholy Night September 14, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Hearts in Exile September 14, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only

[Discs 6-9]

Sailor's Holiday September 14, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Rio Rita September 15, 1929RKOAll-TalkieIncomplete
[1932 Re-release only; and 2 song numbers from original, uncut]
Hold Your Man September 15, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
The Great Divide September 15, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant
Three Live Ghosts September 15, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
The American Prisoner September 16, 1929British International PicturesAll-TalkieLost
Happy Days [F 59] September 17, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieFull-screen only

[70mm version lost]

They Had to See Paris September 18, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
Honky Tonk September 21, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
Illusion September 21, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Wise Girls September 21, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Lady Lies September 21, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Barnum Was Right September 22, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieSilent version only
The Delightful Rogue September 22, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
The Girl from Havana September 22, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
A Most Immoral Lady September 22, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
Jealousy September 28, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieLost
The Hottentot September 28, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
His Glorious Night September 28, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Woman Trap September 28, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Her Private Affair September 28, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Tonight at Twelve September 29, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieLost
Big Time September 29, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
The Isle of Lost Ships September 29, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieExtant (Mute Film Print); Soundtrack Lost
Hurricane September 30, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
The Plaything September 30, 1929British International PicturesPart-TalkieLost
Land Without Women [4] September 30, 1929TobisAll-TalkieLost
The Broken Melody October 1, 1929Welsh-PearsonSynchronized ScoreLost
White Cargo [F 60] October 1, 1929Neo-Art ProductionsPart-TalkieExtant
The Devil's Maze October 1, 1929Gainsborough PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Dark Red Roses October 1, 1929British Talking PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Sunny Side Up October 3, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
Why Bring That Up? October 4, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Argyle Case October 5, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 3, 5, 7, 9]
The Love Doctor October 5, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
[Discs 1, 3, 5–6]
Evidence October 5, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
The Trespasser October 5, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
The Mysterious Island October 5, 1929MGMPart-TalkieExtant
One Hysterical Night October 6, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
The River [F 61] October 6, 1929Fox Film CorporationPart-TalkieIncomplete
Applause October 7, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Frozen Justice October 13, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieIncomplete
The Return of Sherlock Holmes October 13, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieFilm-only
The Last Performance October 13, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieSilent version only
Artificial Svensson [5] October 14, 1929AB Swedish Film IndustryPart-TalkieExtant
Mister Antonio October 15, 1929Tiffany PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
In Old California October 15, 1929Argosy Film Co.All-TalkieExtant
[Discs 1, 3, 5]
Howdy BroadwayOctober 16, 1929Rayart PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
So Long Letty October 16, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieExtant
Sea Fury October 16, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieLost
The Informer October 17, 1929British International PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
Welcome Danger October 19, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Thirteenth Chair October 19, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Oh Yeah October 19, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Is Everybody Happy? October 19, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieIncomplete
Young Nowheres October 20, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
The Phantom in the House October 20, 1929Continental PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
The Cock-Eyed World October 20, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieExtant
The Queen's Necklace [6] October 22, 1929Aubert Franco FilmSynchronized ScoreLost
In the Headlines October 26, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 1-7]
The Saturday Night Kid October 26, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Night Parade October 27, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
The Long Long Trail October 27, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
Married in Hollywood October 27, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieIncomplete
The Girl from Woolworth's October 27, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
Atlantic [F 62] October 28, 1929Sud Film / British International PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Jazz Heaven October 30, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
Alf's Carpet November 1, 1929British International PicturesPart-TalkieExtant
The Three Masks [F 63] November 1, 1929Pathé-Natan All-TalkieExtant
Woman to Woman November 1, 1929Gainsborough Pictures/ TiffanyAll-TalkieExtant
To What Red Hell November 1, 1929Julius Hagen ProductionsAll-TalkieExtant
Disraeli November 1, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieExtant
Sweetie November 2, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Skin Deep November 2, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
The Mississippi Gambler November 3, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
Love, Live and Laugh November 3, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Condemned November 3, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
Two O'Clock in the MorningNovember 6, 1929Bell Pictures CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Paris [F 64] November 7, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
Footlights and Fools November 8, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
So This Is College November 8, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Racketeer November 9, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
The Sap November 9, 1929Warner Bros.Part-TalkieAudio-only
The Virginian November 9, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
A Song of Kentucky November 10, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Senor Americano November 10, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieSilent version only
Broadway Scandals November 10, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
Tanned Legs November 10, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
The Forward Pass November 10, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
Romance of the Rio Grande November 11, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Song of Love November 13, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
Those Who Love November 15, 1929British International PicturesAll-TalkieLost
Acquitted November 15, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
The Feather [F 65] November 15, 1929Julius Hagen ProductionsSynchronized ScoreLost
Atlantic [F 66] November 15, 1929British International PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
The Mighty November 16, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Locked Door November 16, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
The Kiss [F 67] November 16, 1929MGMSynchronized ScoreExtant
Skinner Steps Out November 17, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
Little Johnny Jones November 17, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
Shanghai Lady November 17, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieLost
The Love Parade November 19, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Painted Faces November 20, 1929Tiffany PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
The Show of Shows November 21, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieB/W only [color incomplete]
Untamed November 23, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Darkened Rooms November 23, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Red Hot Rhythm November 23, 1929PathéAll-TalkieLost
Overland Bound November 23, 1929Rayart PicturesAll-TalkieLost
Under the Southern Cross November 24, 1929UniversalPart-TalkieSilent Version Extant
The Sacred Flame November 24, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
Nix on Dames November 24, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
The Vagabond Lover November 26, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
The Battle of Paris November 30, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
It's You I Have Loved November 30, 1929Aafa FilmAll-TalkieLost
The Taming of the Shrew November 30, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
Auld Lang Syne December 1, 1929Paramount British PicturesAll-TalkieLost
The Hate Ship December 1, 1929British International PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
The Talk of Hollywood December 1, 1929Sono Art World Wide PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
Wall Street December 1, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieAudio-only
[Disc 6 extant]
Seven Faces December 1, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
The Painted Angel December 1, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieAudio-only
[Discs 1–6, 8]
General Crack December 3, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieSilent version only
[Discs 1–11]
It's a Great Life December 6, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Rich People December 7, 1929PathéAll-TalkieExtant
Glorifying the American Girl December 7, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Shannons of Broadway December 8, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieLost
South Sea Rose December 8, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
The Love Racket December 8, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieLost
Dark Skies December 10, 1929Biltmore ProductionsAll-TalkieLost
Hell's Heroes December 12, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
This Thing Called Love December 13, 1929PathéAll-TalkieLost
Dynamite December 13, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Half Way to Heaven December 14, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Aviator December 14, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieAudio-only
Christina December 15, 1929Fox Film CorporationPart-TalkieAudio-only
[Disc 2]
After the Fog December 15, 1929Beacon ProductionsAll-TalkieLost
The Broadway HooferDecember 15, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
[Discs 5, 7]
Dance Hall December 15, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
Melody of the Heart December 16, 1929 UFA All-TalkieExtant
Navy Blues December 20, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
The Lost Zeppelin December 20, 1929Tiffany PicturesAll-TalkieExtant
The Marriage Playground December 21, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Pointed Heels December 21, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
Tiger Rose December 21, 1929Warner Bros.All-TalkieExtant
Courtin' Wildcats December 22, 1929UniversalAll-TalkieExtant
Hot For Paris December 22, 1929Fox Film CorporationAll-TalkieLost
Splinters [7] December 23, 1929British and Dominions FilmsAll-TalkieExtant
Sally December 23, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieB/W only [color incomplete]
The Night Belongs to Us December 23, 1929Froelich-Film GmbHAll-TalkieExtant
Hit the Deck December 25, 1929RKOAll-TalkieAudio-only
Seven Keys to Baldplate December 25, 1929RKOAll-TalkieExtant
Mexicali Rose December 26, 1929ColumbiaAll-TalkieExtant
Say It with Music [8] December 26, 1929Minevra FilmPart-TalkieFilm-only
The Co-Optimists December 27, 1929Gordon Craig ProductionsAll-TalkieLost
Their Own Desire December 27, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
Devil-May-Care December 27, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant
His First Command December 28, 1929PatheAll-TalkieExtant
The Laughing Lady December 28, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
New York Nights December 28, 1929United ArtistsAll-TalkieExtant
Seven Days Leave December 28, 1929ParamountAll-TalkieExtant
The Royal Box [F 68] December 29, 1929Warner Bros. / National-Filmverleih GmbHAll-TalkieLost
Wedding Rings December 29, 1929First NationalAll-TalkieLost
Blaze o' Glory December 30, 1929Sono Art World Wide PicturesAll-TalkieAudio-only
The Bishop Murder Case December 31, 1929MGMAll-TalkieExtant

See also


  1. The first feature film to be released with a Vitaphone score and sound effects track.
  2. Silent version released on November 23, 1926.
  3. The music and sound effects track were recorded with General Electric Kinegraphone (later known as RCA Photophone) for limited release at a dozen theaters.
  4. Silent version released on May 6, 1927.
  5. The first feature film to feature dialogue and singing sequences.
  6. The first feature film to include a scene filmed in Movietone.
  7. The first sound film with scripted dialogue scenes.
  8. Silent version released on March 6, 1928.
  9. FBO became the second studio to release a part talkie.
  10. The first 'all talking' feature film.
  11. Silent version released on May 17, 1928.
  12. The MGM lion roars for the first time in sound, in MGM's first sound film.
  13. Silent version released on March 23, 1928.
  14. Released with Walt Disney's Steamboat Willie.
  15. Silent version released on November 4, 1927.
  16. Instead of opening titles, the credits are spoken by a caped and masked Conrad Nagel.
  17. The first part talkie to include multiple scenes filmed in Movietone.
  18. Silent version released on April 19, 1927.
  19. Silent version released on June 20, 1928.
  20. Soon after release, the film was pulled from distribution and the final two reels were refilmed with sound without Murnau's input. It was re-released on June 15, 1929.
  21. Silent version released on August 3, 1928.
  22. Soon after release, Warner Bros pulled it from release and re-edited some of the talking sequences.
  23. The first feature film shot in Technicolor to include a soundtrack.
  24. The film was originally released as a silent on April 19, 1928. It was then pulled from release and dialogue scenes were added.
  25. Silent version released on April 27, 1928.
  26. Originally filmed a silent; it was completely remade in sound with the direction by Roy Pomeroy.
  27. A four reel condensed version was located in Italy.
  28. The film was originally released as a silent on April 7, 1928. It was then pulled from release and dialogue scenes were added.
  29. First all talking feature with outdoor location filming.
  30. Silent version released on November 4, 1928.
  31. The first sound film produced in Europe to be released.
  32. Silent version released on March 22, 1928.
  33. The first feature film to include a Technicolor insert filmed in sound.
  34. Silent version released on the August 29, 1928.
  35. Columbia was the last of the Hollywood majors to release a part talkie.
  36. Louise Brooks was dubbed and doubled by Margaret Livingston when the film was reworked for sound.
  37. The first sound feature film shot in the United Kingdom.
  38. Silent version released on September 15, 1928.
  39. Edited re-release, originally released as a serial in 1927.
  40. Originally released as a ten chapter serial in 1927, the film was re-edited to feature length for its re-release in 1929.
  41. Silent version released on January 27, 1929.
  42. First all talking feature film filmed in RCA Photophone.
  43. Some sequences were dubbed, using the DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process
  44. Florence Vidor was dubbed by actress Nella Walker.
  45. Silent version released in August 1928.
  46. The first 'all talking' British feature, although it was filmed in the United States.
  47. A specially designed camera crane was used for some scenes.
  48. First all talking feature shot entirely in Technicolor.
  49. Silent version released on December 12, 1928.
  50. Silent version released in February 1929; reissued in the United States with a sound prologue.
  51. The second half of the film was shot in sound at RKO Studios in Hollywood, due to the lack of suitable facilities in the United Kingdom at the time.
  52. The first all talking feature film shot in the United Kingdom to be released.
  53. Silent version released on March 20, 1928.
  54. Silent version released on November 5, 1928.
  55. A silent version was produced first, before the film was remade in sound.
  56. Silent version released on April 26, 1928.
  57. Several Technicolor fragments exist in various archives.
  58. The first 'all talking' film produced and released in Brazil.
  59. The first feature film to be shot in Widescreen, in the Fox Grandeur 70mm film process.
  60. Silent version released in May 1929.
  61. Silent version released on December 22, 1928.
  62. The first 'all talking' German language film.
  63. The first 'all talking' French language film.
  64. Fragments of footage were found in the BFI national archive.
  65. This film was produced in the United Kingdom by Julius Hagen Productions and distributed by United Artists.
  66. Also made in German, French, and silent versions. This was also the first all talking German language film to be released.
  67. The last silent feature to be released by a 'major' Hollywood studio.
  68. The first foreign-language talkie to be made in the United States.


  1. Eyman, Scott (1999). The Speed of Sound: Hollywood and the Talkie Revolution, 1926-1930. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN   0-8018-6192-6.
  2. "". Vitaphone Project.
  3. "". Silent Era: Progressive Film List. 2018.
  4. "The Emergence of German Sound Film".
  5. Alanen, Anitti (October 10, 2013). "Konstgjorda Svensson / [Artificial Svensson] (2011 SFI restoration)". Anitti Alanan: Film Diary.
  6. O'Brien, Charles (2005). Cinema's Conversion to Sound: Technology and Film Style in France and the U.S. Indiana: Indiana, University Press.
  7. Hutchinson, Pamela (September 21, 2015). "C'mon Feel the Noise: What Happened When the Talkies Came to Britain?". The Guardian.
  8. Gustafsson, Frederik (2017). The Man from the Third Row. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 31–32. ISBN   978-1-78533-250-0.