Language or dialect name | Language family | Extinction date | Notes | References |
Achumawi | Palaihnihan | 2013 | Revival attempts underway | |
Adai | unclassified | 19th century | | |
Ais | unclassified | 18th century | | |
Carolina Algonquian/Pamlico/Croatoan | Algic | 1790s | | |
Alsea/Yaquina | Language isolate | 1942 | Alsea and Yaquina are thought to be either two related languages or two dialects of the same language | |
Apalachee | Muskogean | 18th century | Revival attempts underway | |
Aranama | unclassified | 19th century | | |
Atakapa | Language isolate | 20th century | | |
Atsina/Gros Ventre | Algic | 2007 | Revival attempts underway | |
Atsugewi | Palaihnihan | 1988 | | |
Awaswas | Utian | 19th century | formerly known as "Santa Cruz" | |
Barbareño/Ineseño | Chumashan | 1965 | Revival attempts underway. Barbareño and Ineseño may be related dialects of the same language or closely related languages | |
Bidai | unclassified | 19th century | | |
Biloxi | Siouan | 1930s | | |
Cahto/Kato | Na-Dene | 1960s | | |
Cahuilla | Uto-Aztecan | by 2024 | Revival attempts underway | |
Calusa | unclassified | 19th century | | |
Catawba | Siouan | 1959 | Revival attempts underway | |
Cayuse | unclassified | 1930s | | |
Chalon | Utian | 19th century | | |
Upper Chehalis | Salishan | 2001 | Revival attempts underway | |
Lower Chehalis | Salishan | 1990s | | |
Chemakum/Chimakum/Chimacum | Chimakuan | 19th century | |
Chico/Valley Maidu | Maiduan | 21st century | | |
Chimariko | Language isolate | 1950s | | |
Chitimacha/Sitimaxa | Language isolate | 1940 | Revival attempts underway | |
Chiwere/Iowa-Otoe-Missouria/Báxoje-Jíwere-Ñút'achi | Siouan | 1996 | Revival attempts underway | |
Chochenyo | Utian | 1934 | Revival attempts underway | |
Coahuilteco | Pakawan | 18th century | | |
Columbia-Moses | Salishan | 2 May 2023 | Revival attempts underway | [4] |
Cowlitz | Salishan | 20th century | Revival attempts underway | |
Cruzeño/Isleño/Island Chumash | Chumashan | 1915 | | |
Cupeño | Uto-Aztecan | 1987 | | |
Esselen | Language isolate | 19th century | | |
Erie | Iroquoian | 17th century | | |
Etchemin | Algic | 17th century | | |
Eyak | Na-Dene | 2008 | Revival attempts underway | |
Galice/Galice-Applegate/Upper Rogue River | Na-Dene | 1963 | | |
Hanis/Coos | Coosan | 1972 | | |
Holikachuk | Na-Dene | 2012 | | |
Houma | Muskogean | after 1907 | Revival attempts underway | |
Central Kalapuya | Kalapuyan | 1954 | | |
Kansa | Siouan | 1982 | | |
Karankawa | unclassified | 1858 | | |
Karkin | Utian | 1950s | | |
Kathlamet | Chinookan | 1930s | | |
Kiksht/Upper Chinook/Columbia Chinook/Wasco-Wishram | Chinookan | 2012 | | |
Kitanemuk | Uto-Aztecan | 1940s | | |
Kitsai | Caddoan | 1940 | | |
Klallam/Clallam/Ns'Klallam/S'klallam | Salishan | 2014 | Revival attempts underway | |
Klamath/Klamath–Modoc/Lutuamian | Plateau Penutian | 2003 | Revival attempts underway | |
Konomihu | Shastan | 1940s | | |
Kwalhioqua-Clatskanie | Na-Dene | 20th century | | |
Loup | Algic | 18th century | | |
Lower Chinook | Chinookan | 1930s | | |
Luiseño | Uto-Aztecan | 2010s | | |
Lushootseed | Salishan | 2008 | Revival attempts underway | |
Maidu | Maiduan | 2007 | Revival attempts underway | |
Makah | Wakashan | 2002 | Revival attempts underway | |
Mandan | Siouan | 2016 | Revival attempts underway | |
Massachusett/Natick/Wôpanâak/Pokanoket/Nonantum/Indian | Algic | 19th century | Revival attempts underway. As of 2014, 5 children are native speakers, 15 are proficient second-language speakers and 500 are adult second-language learners. [5] [6] | |
Mattole/Mattole-Bear River | Na-Dene | 1930s | | |
Meherrin | Iroquoian | 18th century | | |
Miami-Illinois | Algic | 20th century | Revival attempts underway | |
Miluk/ Lower Coquille | Coosan | 1939 | | |
Mitchigamea | Siouan | 18th century | | |
Bay Miwok | Utian | (date missing) | | |
Coast Miwok | Utian | 1970 | | |
Lake Miwok | Utian | 1990s | | |
Northern Sierra Miwok | Utian | 1990s | | |
Plains Miwok | Utian | 1990s | | |
Mohican/Mahican | Algic | 1940s | Revival attempts underway | |
Mohegan-Pequot/Mohegan-Pequot-Montauk/Secatogue/Shinnecock-Poosepatuck | Algic | 1908 | Revival attempts underway | |
Molala | Plateau Penutian | 1958 | | |
Moneton | Siouan | late 17th century | | |
Mutsun | Utian | 1930 | Revival attempts underway | |
Nanticoke/Piscataway | Algic | 1840s | Revival attempts underway. Nanticoke and Piscataway may be related dialects of the same language or closely related languages | |
Nansemond | unclassified | before 20th century | May have been Algic | |
Narragansett | Algic | 18th-19th century | | |
Natchez | Language isolate | 1957 | Revival attempts underway | |
Nawathinehena | Algic | 19th century | | |
Nicoleño | Uto-Aztecan | 1853 | | |
Nisenan | Maiduan | 2000s | Revival attempts underway | |
Nooksack | Salishan | 1988 | Revival attempts underway | |
Nomlaki | Wintuan | 20th century | | |
Northern Kalapuyan | Kalapuyan | 1937 | | |
Nottoway/Cheroenhaka | Iroquoian | 1838 | Revival attempts underway | |
Obispeño | Chumashan | 1917 | | |
Ofo | Siouan | 20th century | | |
Okwanuchu | Shastan | 20th century | | |
Osage | Siouan | 2005 | As of 2009, 15-20 2L speakers and ongoing revival | |
Pamunkey | unclassified | before 20th century | May have been Algic | |
Piro Pueblo | Tanoan | 1900 | | |
Plains Apache | Na-Dene | 2008 | | |
Lipan Apache | Na-Dene | early 21st century | Presumely | |
Central Pomo | Pomoan | 20th century | | |
Eastern Pomo/Clear Lake Pomo | Pomoan | 2007 | Revival attempts underway | |
Northern Pomo | Pomoan | 2005 | | |
Northeastern Pomo | Pomoan | 1961 | | |
Southern Pomo | Pomoan | 2020 | | |
Powhatan/Virginia Algonquian | Algic | 18th century | | |
Purisimeño | Chumashan | early 20th century | | |
Quileute | Chimakuan | 1999 | | |
Quinault | Salishan | 1996 | Revival attempts underway | |
Quiripi/Mattabesic/Quiripi-Unquachog/Quiripi-Naugatuck/Wampano | Algic | 20th century | | |
Ramaytush | Utian | 1915 | | |
Rumsen/Rumsien/San Carlos Costanoan/Carmeleno | Utian | 1939 | | |
Salinan | Language isolate | 1958 | | |
Scahentoarrhonon | Iroquoian | approx. 1652 | | |
Serrano | Uto-Aztecan | 2002 | Revival attempts underway | |
Shasta | Shastan | 20th century | | |
New River Shasta | Shastan | 1926 | | |
Siuslaw | Language isolate | 1960 | | |
Southern Patwin | Wintuan | (date missing) | | |
Susquehannock/Conestoga | Iroquoian | 18th century | | |
Taensa | Language isolate | late 19th century | Probably Natchez dialect. | |
Takelma | Language isolate | 1934 | | |
Tamien | Utian | (date missing) | | |
Tataviam | Uto-Aztecan | 1916 | | |
Tawasa | Language isolate | 18th century | Possibly Timucuan dialect. | |
Tillamook | Salishan | 1972 | | |
Timucua | Language isolate | 18th century | | |
Tongva/Gabrielino/Gabrieleño | Uto-Aztecan | 20th century | Revival attempts underway | |
Tonkawa | Language isolate | 1940s | | |
Tübatulabal | Uto-Aztecan | 2008 | Revival attempts underway [7] | |
Tunica/Luhchi Yoroni/Tonica/Yuron | Language isolate | 1948 | Revival attempts underway | |
Tuscarora | Iroquoian | 2020 | | |
Tutelo/Tutelo–Saponi | Siouan | 1982 | | |
Tututni/(Lower) Rogue River/Upper Coquille/Nuu-wee-ya | Na-Dene | 1983 | Revival attempts underway | |
Twana/Skokomish | Salishan | 1980 | | |
Upper Umpqua | Na-Dene | 1950s | | |
Unami | Algic | 2002 | | |
Ventureño | Chumashan | 20th century | | |
Wailaki/Eel River Athabaskan | Na-Dene | 1960s | | |
Wappo | Yuki–Wappo | 1990 | | |
Wenro | Iroquoian | 17th century | | |
Wichita | Caddoan | 2016 | | |
Wintu | Wintuan | 2003 | Revival attempts underway | |
Wiyot/Wishosk/Soulatluk | Algic | 1962 | Revival attempts underway | |
Woccon | Siouan | early 18th century | Revival attempts underway | |
Yana/Yanan | Language isolate | 1916 | | |
Yoncalla/Southern Kalapuya/Yonkalla | Kalapuyan | 1930s | | |
Yuchi | Language isolate | August 27 2021 | Revival attempts underway | |
Yuki/Ukomno'm | Yuki–Wappo | 1983 | | |
Yurok/Chillula/Mita/Pekwan/Rikwa/Sugon/Weitspek/Weitspekan | Algic | 2013 | Revival attempts underway | |