Icelandic exonyms

Last updated

The following is a list of Icelandic exonyms , that is to say names for places in Icelandic that have been adapted to Icelandic spelling rules, translated into Icelandic, or Old Norse exonyms surviving in Icelandic. Commonly pronunciation is close to in English (or native), even though not stated below, but also commonly completely different, more common if names look very different or for European/Nordic places.


LanguageNative nameIcelandic exonym
Flag of Albania.svg AlbaniaAlbanía
Albanian Tiranë Tirana
Flag of the Taliban.svg AfghanistanAfganistan
PersianPashto KābulKabəl Kabúl
Flag of Algeria.svg AlgeriaAlsír
Arabic Al-Ŷazā'ir Algeirsborg
Flag of Armenia.svg ArmeniaArmenía
Armenian Yerevan Jerevan
Flag of Angola.svg AngolaAngóla
Portuguese Luanda Lúanda
Flag of Argentina.svg ArgentinaArgentína
Spanish Tierra del Fuego Eldland
Flag of Austria.svg AustriaAusturríki
German Wien Vín or Vínarborg
Flag of Australia (converted).svg AustraliaÁstralía
English New South Wales Nýja Suður-Wales
South Australia Suður-Ástralía
Western Australia Vestur-Ástralía
Australian Capital Territory Höfuðborgarsvæði Ástralíu
Northern Territory Norður-svæðið
Christmas Island Jólaeyja
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Kókoseyjar
Norfolk Island Norfolkeyjar
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard og McDonaldseyjar
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg AzerbaijanAserbaídsjan
Azerbaijani Bakı Bakú
Flag of the Bahamas.svg The BahamasBahamaeyjar
English Nassau Nassá
Flag of Belarus.svg BelarusHvíta-Rússland
Belarusian Polotsk Palteskja (historical), Hvíta-Rússland (historical), Belarús (current) [1]
Flag of Belize.svg BelizeBelís
English Belmopan Belmópan
Flag of Bhutan.svg BhutanBútan
Dzongkha Thimphu Timfú
Bandera de Bolivia (Estado).svg BoliviaBólivía
SpanishQuechua SucreChuqichaka Súkre
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg BosniaBosnía
Bosnian Sarajevo Sarajevó
Flag of Botswana.svg BotswanaBotsvana
EnglishTswana Gaborone Gaboróne
Flag of Brazil.svg BrazilBrasilía
Portuguese Brasília Brasilía
Flag of Myanmar.svg BurmaMjanmar
Burmese Yangon Jangún
Flag of Burundi.svg BurundiBúrúndí
French Bujumbura Bújúmbúra
Flag of Cameroon.svg CameroonKamerún
FrenchEnglish Douala Dóúala
Yaoundé Jánde
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CanadaKanada
EnglishFrench Toronto Torontó
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg Central African RepublicMið-Afríkulýðveldið
French Bangui Bangví
Flag of Chile.svg ChileSíle
Spanish Rapa Nui Páskaeyja
Santiago Santíagó
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChinaKína
Mandarin (pinyin Romanization) Beijing Peking (sometimes written and read Beijing; Peking reads a bit differently) [2]
Shanghai Sjanghæ (reads like in English)
Tianjin Tientsin
Qingdao Tsingtao
Nanjing Nanking
Xiamen Amoy
Guilin Kweilin
Guangzhou Kanton
Flag of Macau.svg MacauMakaó
PortugueseCantonese Macau Makaó
Flag of the Republic of China.svg TaiwanFormósa
Mandarin (pinyin Romanization) Táiběi Taípei, Tæpei
Flag of Colombia.svg ColombiaKólumbía
Spanish Bogotá Bógóta
Flag of the Cook Islands.svg Cook IslandsCookseyjar
MāoriEnglish Avarua Avarúa
Flag of Cyprus.svg CyprusKýpur
GreekTurkish LefkosíaLefkoşa Nikósía
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech RepublicTékkland
Czech Plzeň Pilsen
Praha Prag
Flag of Denmark.svg DenmarkDanmörk
Danish Aalborg Álaborg
Aarhus Árósar [3]
Helsingør Helsingjaeyri
Falster Falstur
Fredrikshavn Friðrikshöfn
Fyn Fjón
Humlebæk Humlabekk (little used)
Jelling Jalangur
Jylland Jótland
København (Copenhagen)Kaupmannahöfn [3]
Lolland Láland
Læsø Hlésey
Odense Óðinsvé [3]
Ribe Rípar
Ringsted Hringstað
Roskilde Hróarskelda
Silkeborg Silkiborg
Sjælland Sjáland
Skagen Skaginn
Slagelse Slagleysa
Sorø Sórey
Viborg Vébjörg
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg Dominican RepublicDóminíska Lýðveldið
Spanish Santo Domingo Santó Dómingó
Flag of Egypt.svg EgyptEgyptaland
Arabic Al-Iskandariyya Alexandría
Qāhirah Kaíró
Suways Súes
Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg Equatorial GuineaMiðbaugs-Gínea
FrenchSpanish Malabo Malabó
Flag of Ethiopia.svg EthiopiaEþíópía
Amharic Adis Abäba Addis Ababa
Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg Faroe IslandsFæreyjar
Faroese Borðoy Borðey
Eysturoy Austurey
Fuglafjørður Fuglafjörður
Fugloy Fugley
Gásadalur Gæsadalur
Kalsoy Karlsey
Kirkjubøur Kirkjubær
Klaksvík Klakksvík
Kollafjørður Kollafjörður
Kunoy Konuey
Miðvágur Miðvogur
Nólsoy Nólsey
Sandavágur Sandavogur
Sandoy Sandey
Streymoy Straumey
Suðuroy Suðurey
Svínoy Svíney
Toftir Tóftir
Tórshavn Þórshöfn
Tvøroyri Þvereyri
Vágar Vogar, Vogey
Vágur Vogur
Viðoy Viðey
Flag of Finland.svg FinlandFinnland
FinnishSwedish TurkuÅbo Árbæ
Flag of France.svg FranceFrakkland
French Bretagne Bretanía (current), Bretonskagi, Litla-Bretland, Bertangaland (obsolete), Bretland (obsolete)
Bourgogne Búrgund
Corse Korsíka
Nantes Namsborg (obsolete)
Normandy Norðmandí (obsolete), Normandí (current)
Paris París
Poitiers Peituborg
Reims Reimsborg
Rouen Rúðuborg
Strasbourg Strassborg
Versailles Versalir
Flag of French Polynesia.svg French PolynesiaFranska Pólýnesía
TahitianFrench 'Enana mā Markesaseyjar
Tōtaiete mā Félagseyjar
Tahiti Tahítí
Tūāmotu mā Lágeyjar (obsolete)
Flag of Ghana.svg GhanaGana
English Accra Akkra
Flag of Georgia.svg GeorgiaGeorgía
Georgian Tbi'lisi Tíblisi (Tíflis in common parlance)
Flag of Germany.svg GermanyÞýskaland
German Berlin Berlín
Bavaria Bæjaraland
Braunschweig Brúnsvík (obsolete)
Bremen Brimar
Flensburg Flensborg
Frankfurt Frakkafurða (little used)
Hamburg Hamborg
Haddeby Heiðabær
Holstein Holtsetaland
Kiel Kíl
Köln (Cologne)Kolni (little used), Köln (current)
Lübeck Lýbika
Oldenburg Aldinborg
Rostock Rauðstokkur (obsolete)
Schleswig Slésvík
Stralsund Stræla
Stuttgart Stóðgarður (little used)
Verden Ferðuborg (obsolete)
Flag of Greece.svg GreeceGrikkland
Greek Athína Aþena
Límnos Lemney
Thessaloníki Saloníka (obsolete), Þessalónika (current)
Flag of Guinea.svg GuineaGínea
French Conakry Kónakrí
Flag of Guatemala.svg GuatemalaGvatemala
Spanish Ciudad de Guatemala Gvatemalaborg
Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg Guinea-BissauGínea-Bissá
Portuguese Bissau Bissá (reads like in English)
Flag of Hungary.svg HungaryUngverjaland
Hungarian Budapest Búdapest
Flag of India.svg IndiaIndland
HindiEnglish Kolkata Kalkútta (obsolete)
Naī DillīNew Delhi Nýja-Delí
Flag of Indonesia.svg IndonesiaIndónesía
Indonesian DKI Jakarta Djakarta
Flag of Iran.svg IranÍran
Persian Tehrān Teheran
Flag of Iraq.svg IraqÍrak
ArabicKurdish BaġdādBexda Bagdað (or which reads almost the same)
Flag of Ireland.svg IrelandÍrland
Irish Áth Cliath/Dubhlinn (Dublin)Dyflinn(i)
Luimneach (Limerick)Hlymrek (obsolete)
Flag of Israel.svg IsraelÍsrael
HebrewArabic Yerushaláyimal Quds Jórsalaborg (obsolete), Jerúsalem (current)
ḤeifaḤayfā Haífa
Tel Aviv-YafoTal ʼAbīb Tel Avív
Flag of Italy.svg ItalyÍtalía
Italian Bari Bár (obsolete)
Firenze Flórens
Genova Genúa
Lucca Lukkuborg (obsolete)
Milano Meilansborg (obsolete), Mílanó (current)
Napoli Napólí
Roma Róm, Rómaborg (both are commonly and, additionally Rómarborg, which is an incorrect spelling, [4] with extra r before the ending -borg, which means city).
Salerno Salernisborg (rare)
Torino Tórínó
Venezia Feneyjar
Flag of Japan.svg JapanJapan
Japanese Kyōto-shi Kýótó
Tōkyō Tókýó
Flag of Kenya.svg KenyaKenýa
EnglishSwahili Nairobi Naíróbí
Flag of Latvia.svg LatviaLettland
Latvian Rīga Ríga
Kurzeme Kúrland
Daugava Dvína
Livonija Lífland
Liepāja Líbá
Flag of Lebanon.svg LebanonLíbanon
ArabicFrench BayrūtBeyrouth Beirút
Flag of Liberia.svg LiberiaLíbería
English Monrovia Monróvía
Flag of Libya.svg LibyaLíbýa
Arabic Ṭarābulus Trípólí
Flag of Lithuania.svg LithuaniaLitháen
Lithuanian Vilnius Vilníus
Flag of Madagascar.svg MadagascarMadagaskar
MalagasyFrench Antananarivo Antananarívó
Flag of Malawi.svg MalawiMalaví
English Lilongwe Lílongve
Flag of Malaysia.svg MalaysiaMalasía
Malay Kuala Lumpur Kúala Lúmpúr
Flag of Mali.svg MaliMalí
FrenchBambara BamakoBamakə Bamakó
TombouctouTimbuktu Timbúktú
Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg Marshall IslandsMarshalleyjar
MarshalleseEnglish Majuro Majúró
Flag of Mauritania.svg MauritaniaMáritanía
ArabicFrench Nouakchott Núaksjott
Flag of Mexico.svg MexicoMexíkó
Spanish Ciudad de México Mexíkóborg
Flag of Moldova.svg MoldovaMoldóva
Romanian Chișinău Kisínev
Flag of Mongolia.svg MongoliaMongólía
Mongolian Ulaanbaatar Úlan Bator
Flag of Montenegro.svg MontenegroSvartfjallaland
Flag of Mozambique.svg MozambiqueMósambík
Portuguese Maputo Mapútó
Flag of North Korea.svg North KoreaNorður-Kórea
Korean P'yŏngyang Pjongjang
Flag of Nepal.svg   NepalNepal
Nepali Kāţhmāņđau Katmandú
Flag of the Netherlands.svg The NetherlandsHolland
Dutch Amsterdam Amsturdammur (little used), Erilstífla (little used)
Den Haag or ´s Gravenhage Haag
Utrecht Trekt (little used)
Zuiderzee Suðursjó (historical)
Flag of Nicaragua.svg NicaraguaNíkaragva
Spanish Managua Managva
Flag of Niger.svg NigerNíger
French Niamey Níamey
Flag of Nigeria.svg NigeriaNígería
EnglishYorùbá Abuja-Abùjá Abútja
Flag of Norway.svg NorwayNoregur
Akershus Akurshús
Arendal Arnardalur
Aust-Agder Austur-Agðir
Bergen Björgyn (obsolete), Björgvin (current) [3]
Bjørnøya Bjarnarey
Bodø Boðvin
Bærum Bergheimur (obsolete)
Drammen Dröfn (obsolete)
Finnmark Finnmörk
Gjøvik Djúpvík (historical)
Hedmark Heiðmörk
Hordaland Hörðaland
Karmøy Körmt (historical)
Møre og Romsdal Mæri og Raumsdalur
Nord-Trøndelag, Sør-Trøndelag Norður-Þrændalög, Suður-Þrændalög
Nordland Norðurland
Oslo Kauphágur (historical), Ósló (current)
Rogaland Rygjafylki
Skien Skiða (obsolete)
Sogn og Fjordane Sogn og Firðafylki
Stavanger Stafangur
Telemark Þelamörk
Trondheim Niðarós (historical), Þrándheimur (current)
Tønsberg Túnsberg (obsolete)
Østfold Austfold
Ålesund Álasund
Flag of Oman.svg OmanÓman
Arabic Masqaṭ Múskat
Flag of Paraguay.svg ParaguayParagvæ
SpanishGuaraní Asunción Asúnsjón
Flag of Peru.svg PeruPerú
Spanish Lima Líma
Flag of the Philippines.svg PhilippinesFilippseyjar
TagalogCebuano MaynilaManila Maníla
Flag of Poland.svg PolandPólland
Polish Cities
Wrocław Breslá
Kraków Kraká
Warszawa Varsjá
Szczecin Stettín
Silesia Slesía
Kuyavia Kujavía
Pomerania Pommern
Małopolska Litla-Pólland
Warmia Ermland
Masuria Masúría
Mazovia Masóvía
Flag of Portugal.svg PortugalPortúgal
Portuguese Lisboa Lissabon
Flag of Romania.svg RomaniaRúmenía
Romanian București Búkarest
Constanța Konstantía
Flag of Russia.svg RussiaRússland
Russian Murom Móramar (historical)
Novgorod Hólmgarður, Nýi Garður, Nýborg
Rostov Ráðstofa
Sankt Peterburg Sankti Pétursborg
Smolensk Smáleskja (historical)
Staraya Ladoga Aldeigjuborg (historical)
Suzdal Súrsdalar (historical)
Flag of Rwanda.svg RwandaRúanda
KinyarwandaFrench Kigali Kígalí
Flag of Samoa.svg SamoaSamóa
Samoan Apia Apía
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Saudi ArabiaSádí-Arabía
Arabic Makkah Mekka
Riyāḍ Ríad
Flag of Serbia.svg SerbiaSerbía
Serbian Beograd Belgrad
Flag of Somalia.svg SomaliaSómalía
SomaliArabic MuqdishoMaqadīshū Mógadisjú
Flag of South Africa.svg South AfricaSuður-Afríka
EnglishAfrikaans Cape of Good Hope Góðrarvonarhöfði
Cape TownKaapstad Höfðaborg
Johannesburg Jóhannesarborg
Pretoria Pretoría
Flag of South Korea.svg South KoreaSuður-Kórea
Korean Seoul Seúl
Flag of Spain.svg SpainSpánn
Spanish Barcelona Barselóna
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri LankaSrí Lanka
SinhalaTamil Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte Srí Jajevardenepúra
Flag of Sudan.svg SudanSúdan
ArabicEnglish KharṭūmKhartoum Kartúm
Flag of Suriname.svg SurinameSúrínam
Dutch Paramaribo Paramaríbó
Flag of Sweden.svg SwedenSvíþjóð [3]
Swedish Göteborg Gautaborg
Helsingborg Helsingjaborg
Lund Lundur
Malmö Málmhaugar (little used), Málmey
Stockholm Stokkhólmur [5]
Uppsala Uppsalir
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  SwitzerlandSviss
GermanFrench BaselBâle Boslaraborg (obsolete)
Flag of Syria.svg SyriaSýrland
Arabic Dimašq Damaskus
Flag of Tajikistan.svg TajikistanTadsjikistan
Tajik Dushanbe Dúshanbe
Flag of Tanzania.svg TanzaniaTansanía
Swahili Dodoma Dódóma
Flag of Thailand.svg ThailandTaíland
Thai Krung Thep Bangkok
Flag of Tonga.svg TongaTonga
TonganEnglish Nukuʻalofa Núkúalófa
Flag of Turkey.svg TurkeyTyrkland
Turkish İstanbul Mikligarður (historical), Istanbúl (current)
Flag of Ukraine.svg UkraineÚkraína
Ukrainian Kyiv Kænugarður, Kyjív
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesSameinuðu arabísku furstadæmin
Arabic Abū Zabī Abú Dabí
'Ajmān Adsman
Dubayy Dúbaí
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United KingdomBretland
English Aberdeen Apardjón (obsolete)
Canterbury Kantaraborg
Dover Dofrar (little used)
Edinburgh Edinborg
Yarmouth Járnamóða (little used)
Cambridge Kambabryggja (little used)
Lerwick Leirvík
London Lundúnir (also used, but London more current) [3]
Southampton Suðurhamtún (little used)
Oxford Öxnafurða (little used)
Scarborough Skarðaborg (obsolete)
York Jórvík
Wales Valland (little used)
Isle of Man Mön
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesBandaríkin
English California Kalifornía
Florida Flórída
Georgia Georgía
New York Nýja-Jórvík (not in common use, a jocular term of academic pretension)
North Carolina Norður-Karólína
North Dakota Norður-Dakóta
Pennsylvania Pennsylvanía
South Carolina Suður-Karólína
South Dakota Suður-Dakóta
Virginia Virginía
West Virginia Vestur-Virginía
Flag of Uruguay.svg UruguayÚrúgvæ
Spanish Montevideo Montevídeó
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg UzbekistanÚsbekistan
Uzbek Toshkent Taskent
Flag of Vatican City (2023-present).svg Vatican CityVatíkanið, Páfagarður, or Vatíkanborg
Latin Status Civitatis Vaticanae Páfagarður
Flag of Venezuela.svg VenezuelaVenesúela
Spanish Caracas Karakas
Flag of Vietnam.svg VietnamVíetnam
Vietnamese Hà Nội Hanoí
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Ho Chi Minh-borg, formerly Saígon
Flag of Zambia.svg ZambiaSambía
English Lusaka Lúsaka
LanguageNative nameIcelandic exonym

See also

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  1. Oddur Ævar Gunnarsson (16 November 2022). "Belarús mun líklega ekki rústa framtíð íslenskunnar". Fréttablaðið (in Icelandic). p. 2. Retrieved 5 April 2024 via Tí Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg
  2. Gunnar Þór Magnússon (20 August 2008). "Af hverju tölum við um Peking en ekki Beijing?". Icelandic Web of Science (in Icelandic). Retrieved 5 April 2024.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Svavar Sigmundsson (11 February 2009). "Af hverju eru erlend borgarnöfn þýdd eða þeim breytt í íslensku máli, til dæmis Lundúnir, Kaupmannahöfn, o.s.frv.?". Icelandic Web of Science (in Icelandic). University of Iceland . Retrieved 5 April 2024.
  4. "Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls". Retrieved 7 November 2022.
  5. Ólafur Hansson (18 October 1948). "Erlend staðarheiti". Mánudagsblaðið (in Icelandic). pp. 4, 7 . Retrieved 5 April 2024 via Tí Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg