List of local service districts in New Brunswick

Last updated

The Canadian province of New Brunswick contained 236 local service districts prior to governance reforms in 2023; [1] another 80 former LSDs were previously dissolved or incorporated.


Reforms to New Brunswick's local governance system on 1 January 2023 abolished local service districts. [2] [3]

List of service districts on 31 December 2022

Provincial government guidelines required capitalising the word parish only if it followed the specific part of the name: e.g. Flatlands Local Service District but the local service district of Flatlands. [4]

Changes in 2023 have been noted; the percentages given in the report refer to LSDs' population according to the original report, not their land area. Maps were not finalised until the appropriate Regulation is released; there were differences between maps released in March [5] and the original boundary proposals. Because property and survey lines were the basis for the new boundaries, small adjustments were too common to list.

Names for the new municipal entities and rural districts were released on 24 May 2022. [6]

Current local service districts, as of 1 January 2021
Official name [lower-alpha 1] County Parish Established2023 reform
The parish of Aberdeen Carleton 1966-11-23 [7] District of Carleton North
The parish of Acadieville Kent 1966-11-23 [7] Nouvelle-Acadie
The parish of Addington Restigouche 1966-11-23 [7] Campbellton (small areas west and southwest of Glencoe)
Restigouche rural district (unpopulated interior)
Aldouane KentSaint-Charles1980-09-24 [8] Beaurivage
Allardville Gloucester Allardville
1999-10-14 [9] Chaleur rural district
The parish of Alma Albert 1973-11-01 [10] Fundy Albert (Fundy National Park)
Southeast rural district (remainder)
The parish of Alnwick Northumberland 1968-06-27 [11] Alnwick
The parish of Andover Victoria 1966-11-23 [7] Regional Community of Southern Victoria (Hillandale and area to north)
Western Valley rural district (area south and west of Hillandale)
(French: Anse Bleue)
GloucesterNew Bandon1968-07-17 [12] Rivière-du-Nord
Baie du Petit Pokemouche GloucesterShippegan1980-09-16 [13] Shippagan
Baie Ste. Anne
(French: Baie-Sainte-Anne)
NorthumberlandHardwicke1967-12-06 [14] Kent rural district
Baie-Verte Westmorland Westmorland1974-09-11 [15] Strait Shores
The parish of Balmoral Restigouche1966-11-23 [7] Bois-Joli (Boissonault, Drapeau, and Saint-Maure Roads)
Campbellton (area on southern side of McAbbie Road)
Heron Bay (areas along eastern border)
Restigouche rural district (unpopulated interior)
Balmoral-St. Maure RestigoucheBalmoral1968-01-31 [16] Bois-Joli
The parish of Bathurst Gloucester1969-09-24 [17] City of Bathurst (Chamberlain Settlement, Gloucester Junction, area north of Goodwins Mill)
Belle-Baie (Dunlop area)
Chaleur rural district (remainder)
Bayfield WestmorlandBotsford1973-07-18 [18] Strait Shores
Bayside Charlotte Saint Croix1985-06-03 [19] Town of Saint Andrews
Beaver Harbour CharlottePennfield1971-02-17 [20] Eastern Charlotte
Benton Carleton,
Canterbury [lower-alpha 2]
1967-10-30 [21] Municipality of Lakeland Ridges
The parish of Beresford Gloucester1969-09-24 [17] Belle-Baie (populated area)
Chaleur rural district (interior)
Big River GloucesterBathurst1989-12-22 [22] City of Bathurst (Big River and Rough Waters)
Chaleur rural district (south of Big River)
Black River-Hardwicke NorthumberlandGlenelg,
1971-10-18 [23] Greater Miramichi rural district
The parish of Blackville Northumberland1968-06-27 [11] Miramichi River Valley (north of community of Cains River)
Greater Miramichi rural district (Cains River and Crown lands along western border of parish)
Blair Athol RestigoucheBalmoral1983-11-28 [24] Bois-Joli
Blanchard Settlement GloucesterCaraquet1987-08-04 [25] Caraquet
The parish of Blissfield Northumberland1968-06-27 [11] Village of Doaktown (populated area)
Greater Miramichi rural district (Crown lands)
The parish of Blissville Sunbury 1966-11-23 [7] Capital Region rural district
The parish of Botsford Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Strait Shores
The parish of Bright York1966-11-23 [7] Central York (populated area except Howland Ridge)
Nackawic-Millville (Howland Ridge area)
Hartland (Becaguimec South Branch Road)
Capital Region rural district (remainder)
The parish of Brighton Carleton1966-11-23 [7] Hartland
The parish of Brunswick Queens 1968-06-27 [11] Butternut Valley (populated area)
Kings rural district (interior)
The parish of Burton [lower-alpha 3] Sunbury1966-11-23 [7] Capital Region rural district
The parish of Cambridge Queens1968-06-27 [11] Arcadia
The parish of Canning Queens1966-11-23 [7] Arcadia (along Route 695)
Municipality of Grand Lake (most)
Capital Region rural district (Clarks Corner, Douglas Harbour, areas to southwest)
The parish of Canterbury York1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Lakeland Ridges
(French: Cap-Bâteau)
GloucesterShippegan1987-04-21 [26] Île-de-Lamèque
Cap-de-Richibouctou KentRichibucto1973-07-18 [18] Five Rivers (small areas on southern edge)
Kent rural district (most)
Cape Tormentine
(French: Cap Tormentin)
WestmorlandBotsford1972-11-08 [27] Strait Shores
The parish of Caraquet Gloucester1968-06-27 [11] Caraquet (most)
Municipalité des Hautes-Terres (Maltampec Road and areas west)
Shippagan (small area, possibly error)
The parish of Cardwell Kings 1968-06-27 [11] The Community of Three Rivers (small area near Upper Goshen)
Kings rural district (most)
The parish of Carleton Kent1966-11-23 [7] Beaurivage (Route 480, west of Route 11)
Kent rural district
1996-12-10 [28] Heron Bay (Benjamin River, Blackland, New Mills, area south of Charlo, and Heron Island)
Restigouche rural district (Black Point, Gravel Hill, Nash Creek, interior)
Chamcook CharlotteSaint Andrews1997-07-29 [29] Town of Saint Andrews
The parish of Chatham Northumberland1967-12-20 [30] Greater Miramichi rural district
Chiasson-Savoy GloucesterShippegan1970-04-29 [31] Île-de-Lamèque
The parish of Chipman Queens1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Grand Lake (populated area)
Capital Region rural district (remainder)
The parish of Clarendon Charlotte1975-01-15 [32] Capital Region rural district
the local service district of Coldstream CarletonBrighton1970-10-14 [33] Hartland
Collette NorthumberlandRogersville1983-12-20 [34] Nouvelle-Acadie
Coteau Road
(French: Chemin Coteau)
GloucesterShippegan1987-08-04 [25] Île-de-Lamèque
The parish of Coverdale Albert1966-11-23 [7] Fundy Albert (along Petitcodiac River south of Riverview)
Salisbury (Colpitts Settlement and west of Riverview)
Southeast rural district (remainder)
The parish of Dalhousie Restigouche1966-11-23 [7] Bois-Joli (eastern portion southwest of railway)
Campbellton (portion west of Eel River Crossing)
Heron Bay (eastern portion northwest of railway, islands)
Dalhousie Junction RestigoucheDalhousie1968-06-19 [35] Heron Bay
Debec Consolidated School District
(French: le district scolaire consolidé de Debec)
1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Lakeland Ridges (most)
Woodstock (Beardsley area, Dugan Road)
The parish of Denmark Victoria1966-11-23 [7] Western Valley rural district
Dennis-Weston CharlotteSaint Stephen1988-11-02 [36] Municipal District of St. Stephen
The parish of Derby Northumberland1967-12-20 [30] Miramichi River Valley
The parish of Dorchester Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Tantramar (portion east of Memramcook River and south of Memramcook)
Southeast rural district (remainder)
The parish of Douglas York1966-11-23 [7] Central York (Dorn Ridge Road and areas south of Hamtown and west of Carlisle Road)
Fredericton (Carlisle Road and area north to Claudie Road, Lower Douglas, Saint John River islands)
Nashwaak (populated area north from Hamtown Corner)
Capital Region rural district (interior)
The parish of Drummond Victoria1966-11-23 [7] Grand Falls (populated area)
Vallée-des-Rivières (area along northern side of Route 17 on western border)
Northwest rural district (interior)
The parish of Dufferin Charlotte1969-02-19 [37] Municipal District of St. Stephen
Dugas GloucesterNew Bandon1979-05-17 [38] Rivière-du-Nord
The parish of Dumbarton Charlotte1969-02-19 [37] Southwest rural district
The parish of Dumfries York1966-11-23 [7] Harvey (area between Magaguadavic Lake and Mud Lake)
Nackawic-Millville (inland along Allandale Road and along Saint John River)
Capital Region rural district (interior)
The parish of Dundas Kent1966-11-23 [7] Beausoleil (Notre-Dame, MacDougall Settlement)
Champdoré (Saint-Antoine Sud, east of Grand Saint-Antoine)
Maple Hills (Dundas, Trafalgar Road)
Dunlop GloucesterBeresford,
1987-12-18 [39] Belle-Baie
The parish of Eldon Restigouche1966-11-23 [7] Kedgwick (Adams Gulch and Wyers Brook)
Restigouche rural district (remainder)
Elgin AlbertElgin1968-02-07 [40] The Community of Three Rivers
The parish of Elgin Albert1966-11-23 [7] Salisbury (Little River)
The Community of Three Rivers (populated area except Little River)
Southeast rural district (remainder)
Escuminac NorthumberlandHardwicke1969-01-29 [41] Greater Miramichi rural district
Estey's Bridge YorkDouglas1987-06-30 [42] Central York (most)
Fredericton (Killarney Road, Lakeside Estates, McLeod Hill)
Nashwaak (Hamtown Corner)
(French: Évangéline)
GloucesterInkerman1988-03-22 [43] Caraquet (most)
Shippagan (small area on southeastern border)
Fair Isle NorthumberlandAlnwick1987-04-21 [26] Alnwick
Fairfield Saint John Simonds1974-10-09 [44] Fundy-St. Martins
Flatlands RestigoucheAddington,
1966-11-23 [7] Restigouche rural district
the local service district of Fundy Bay CharlotteSaint George1978-05-24 [45] Eastern Charlotte
The parish of Gladstone Sunbury1966-11-23 [7] Sunbury-York South (Mersereau Lake Road)
Capital Region rural district (remainder)
Glassville CarletonAberdeen1974-12-28 [46] District of Carleton North
Glencoe RestigoucheAddington1977-09-21 [47] Campbellton
The parish of Glenelg Northumberland1967-12-20 [30] Greater Miramichi rural district
The parish of Gordon Victoria1966-11-23 [7] District of Tobique Valley (populated area)
Western Valley rural district (interior)
Grande-Digue Kent,
1991-05-16 [48] Beausoleil
The parish of Grand Falls
(French: la paroisse de Grand-Sault)
Victoria1966-11-23 [7] Grand Falls
Grand Saint-Antoine KentDundas,
Wellington [lower-alpha 2]
1981-09-17 [49] Champdoré
The parish of Greenwich Kings1976-12-15 [50] Fundy rural district
The parish of Hammond Kings1968-06-27 [11] Kings rural district
Hampstead Queens Hampstead 1981-12-17 [51] Arcadia
The parish of Hampton Kings1968-06-27 [11] Hampton
The parish of Harcourt KentHarcourt,
1966-11-23 [7] Champdoré (Birch Ridge area)
Five Rivers (Adamsville, Coal Branch, Harcourt)
Grand Lake (western populated area along Route 116)
Nouvelle-Acadie (northern and eastern Huskisson Parish)
Kent rural district (interior)
The parish of Hardwicke Northumberland1968-06-27 [11] Greater Miramichi rural district (mainland west of Eel River region, islands)
Kent rural district (Eel River region and mainland to east)
The parish of Harvey Albert1966-11-23 [7] Fundy Albert (most)
Southeast rural district (interior)
Haut-Lamèque GloucesterShippegan1977-05-18 [52] Île-de-Lamèque
Haut-Shippagan GloucesterShippegan1988-03-22 [53] Shippagan
The parish of Havelock KingsButternut Valley1968-06-27 [11] Butternut Valley (most)
Kings rural district (small border areas)
The parish of Hillsborough Albert1966-11-23 [7] Fundy Albert (most)
Southeast rural district (Crown lands along inland borders)
The parish of Hopewell Albert1966-11-23 [7] Fundy Albert (most)
Southeast rural district (Caledonia Gorge area)
Inkerman Centre GloucesterCaraquet,
1970-02-25 [54] Shippagan
The parish of Johnston Queensmost in Butternut Valley1968-06-27 [11] Butternut Valley (populated area except Kelly Road)
Kings rural district (Kelly Road and interior)
The parish of Kars Kings1968-06-27 [11] Valley Waters
The parish of Kent Carleton1966-11-23 [7] District of Carleton North (populated area)
Western Valley rural district (interior)
the local service district of Keswick Ridge YorkBright1974-02-27 [55] Central York
The parish of Kingsclear York1966-11-23 [7] Central York (Saint John River islands)
Harvey (New Market and Smithfield)
Hanwell (remainder)
The parish of Kingston Kings1968-06-27 [11] Hampton (along Route 845 from Lower Norton)
Fundy rural district (remainder)
Lakeville CarletonWakefield,
1985-06-03 [19] District of Carleton North
Landry Office GloucesterInkerman1988-03-22 [56] Caraquet
Laplante GloucesterBeresford1980-09-16 [13] Belle-Baie
The parish of Lepreau Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] Fundy Shores (south)
Southwest rural district (interior)
The parish of Lincoln Sunbury1966-11-23 [7] Fredericton (Fredericton Airport and corridor along highway)
Oromocto (remainder)
Lorne RestigoucheColborne,
1994-09-16 [58] Restigouche rural district
The parish of Lorne Victoria1966-11-23 [7] District of Tobique Valley (populated area)
Western Valley rural district (remainder)
Lower Newcastle-Russellville NorthumberlandNewcastle1989-09-01 [59] Greater Miramichi rural district [lower-alpha 4]
The parish of Madawaska Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Northwest rural district
Madran GloucesterBeresford1991-05-07 [60] Belle-Baie
Maltempec GloucesterInkerman1987-08-04 [25] Municipalité des Hautes-Terres
Mann Mountain RestigoucheEldon1975-04-09 [61] Restigouche rural district
The parish of Manners Sutton York1966-11-23 [7] Harvey (populated area except Flume Ridge Road)
Capital Region rural district (remainder)
The parish of Maugerville Sunbury1966-11-23 [7] Capital Region rural district
The parish of McAdam York1973-11-01 [10] Southwest rural district
McLeods RestigoucheDalhousie1969-09-03 [62] Bois-Joli (small area west of Route 280)
Campbellton (remainder)
Miscou Island
(French: île de Miscou [sic])
GloucesterShippegan1980-09-16 [13] Acadian Peninsula rural district
The parish of Moncton Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Beausoleil (MacDougall Settlement)
Dieppe (Greater Lakeburn, Calhoun Road)
Maple Hills (most of populated area)
Moncton (Charles Lutes Road, Zack Road)
Salisbury (Salisbury River and along Homestead Road west of Steeves Mountain)
Southeast rural district (northwestern corner)
Murray Corner WestmorlandBotsford1984-05-16 [63] Strait Shores
The parish of Musquash Saint John1985-06-03 [19] Fundy Shores
The parish of Nelson Northumberland1967-12-20 [30] Miramichi (upriver to North Barnaby Road, Old Track Road and part of Route 126)
Miramichi River Valley (Quarryville Road and areas along southwestern border)
Nouvelle-Acadie (Murray Settlement area and border areas)
Greater Miramichi rural district (remainder)
The parish of New Bandon Gloucester1969-09-24 [17] Rivière-du-Nord (Boudreau Road and area north of Bertrand)
Chaleur rural district (most)
Acadian Peninsula rural district (may be erroneous)
New Bandon-Salmon Beach GloucesterBathurst,
New Bandon
1976-11-03 [64] The City of Bathurst (area northeast of Route 134)
Chaleur rural district (remainder)
The parish of New Maryland York1966-11-23 [7] Harvey (South Oromocto Lake and Route 645)
Sunbury-York South (Beaver Dam, Charters Settlement, Nasonworth)
Capital Region rural district (interior)
The parish of Newcastle Northumberland1967-12-20 [30] Miramichi River Valley (Chaplin Island Road area)
Miramichi (border city along Beaverbrook Road, O'Keefe Road, and Route 430)
Greater Miramichi rural district (remainder)
Noonan SunburyMaugerville1988-03-22 [65] Capital Region rural district
The parish of North Esk NorthumberlandNorthesk1968-06-27 [11] Miramichi River Valley (along river, Chaplin Island Road, Maple Glen)
Greater Miramichi rural district (interior)
The parish of North Lake York1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Lakeland Ridges
North Tetagouche GloucesterBathurst1987-04-21 [26] City of Bathurst (most)
Dunlop (small area on southern edge of Dunlop)
The parish of Northampton Carleton1966-11-23 [7] Woodstock
The parish of Northfield Sunbury1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Grand Lake (populated area)
Capital Region rural district (interior)
The parish of Norton Kings1968-06-27 [11] Valley Waters (Bloomfield, Bloomfield Ridge, Bloomfield Station, Dickie Mountain)
Hampton (Central Norton, Lower Norton, Passekeag)
Fundy rural district (easternmost corner)
The parish of Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Vallée-des-Rivières (populated area)
Northwest rural district (interior)
Oak Point - Bartibog Bridge NorthumberlandAlnwick1970-10-22 [66] Alnwick
The parish of Paquetville Gloucester1969-09-24 [17] Municipalité des Hautes-Terres
the Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Érables GloucesterPaquetville
New Bandon
1986-01-10 [67] Municipalité des Hautes-Terres
The parish of Peel Carleton1966-11-23 [7] District of Carleton North (most)
Hartland (community of Peel)
The parish of Pennfield Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] Eastern Charlotte (populated area exception Route 780)
Southwest rural district (Route 780, interior)
The parish of Perth Victoria1966-11-23 [7] Regional Community of Southern Victoria (Tobique River downstream to Inman)
Western Valley rural district (remainder)
The parish of Petersville Queens1973-03-14 [68] Fundy rural district
Petite-Lamèque GloucesterShippegan1970-04-29 [31] Île-de-Lamèque
Petit-Rocher-Nord (Devereaux) GloucesterBeresford1978-06-14 [69] Belle-Baie
(French: Petit-Rocher-sud)
GloucesterBeresford1969-02-05 [70] Belle-Baie
Pigeon Hill GloucesterShippegan1987-08-04 [25] Île-de-Lamèque
Pointe-Alexandre GloucesterShippegan1989-12-22 [71] Île-de-Lamèque
Pointe-Canot GloucesterShippegan1987-04-21 [72] Île-de-Lamèque
Pointe de Bute WestmorlandWestmorland1984-01-01 [73] Tantramar (most)
Southeast rural district (small area in northern corner)
Pointe-du-Chêne WestmorlandShediac1971-11-03 [74] Shediac
Point La Nim
(French: Pointe La Nim)
RestigoucheDalhousie1977-06-08 [75] Heron Bay
Pointe-Sapin KentCarleton1970-05-06 [76] Kent rural district
Pointe-Sauvage (Indian Point) GloucesterShippegan1974-10-16 [77] Shippagan
Poirier GloucesterNew Bandon1987-04-21 [26] Rivière-du-Nord
Pokemouche GloucesterInkerman1987-08-04 [25] Caraquet
Pokesudie GloucesterCaraquet1988-03-22 [78] Caraquet
The parish of Prince William York1966-11-23 [7] Harvey (most)
Capital Region rural district (west of Magaguadavic Lake)
The parish of Queensbury York1966-11-23 [7] Central York (Lower Queensbury, Scotch Lake, Upper Hainesville)
Nackawic-Millville (remainder)
Renous-Quarryville NorthumberlandBlackville,
1970-02-11 [79] Miramichi River Valley
The parish of Richibucto
(French: la paroisse de Richibouctou)
Kent1966-11-23 [7] Beaurivage (Crown land north of railway)
Five Rivers (most)
Grand-Bouctouche (border areas and northwest of Service Road)
The parish of Richmond Carleton1966-11-23 [7] Woodstock
Riley Brook VictoriaLorne1969-09-10 [80] District of Tobique Valley
The parish of Rivière-Verte Madawaska1973-11-01 [10] Vallée-des-Rivières (small border area along Montagne-de-la-Croix Road)
Northwest rural district (most)
Robertville GloucesterBeresford1970-03-25 [81] Belle-Baie
The parish of Rogersville Northumberland1967-12-20 [30] Nouvelle-Acadie
The parish of Rothesay Kings1968-06-27 [11] Fundy rural district
Rusagonis-Waasis SunburyLincoln1987-08-14 [82] Fredericton (area between Highways 2 and 7)
Sunbury-York South (most)
Capital Region rural district (areas on southern border and southwestern corner)
The parish of Sackville Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Tantramar (populated area)
Southeast rural district (northeastern and northwestern corners)
The parish of Sainte-Anne Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Vallée-des-Rivières (populated area)
Northwest rural district (interior)
Sainte-Anne-de-Kent KentRichibucto,
1971-11-24 [83] Grand-Bouctouche
The parish of Saint-Basile Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Northwest rural district
Ste. Cecile
(French: Ste-Cécile)
GloucesterShippegan1972-12-13 [84] Île-de-Lamèque
The parish of Saint-Charles Kent1966-11-23 [7] Beaurivage
The parish of Saint Croix Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] Municipal District of St. Stephen (Board Road)
Southwest rural district (remainder)
The parish of Saint David Charlotte1969-02-19 [37] Municipal District of St. Stephen (Saint David Ridge, Sawyer Road and areas)
Southwest rural district (north)
The parish of Saint George Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] Eastern Charlotte (Lee Settlement and south except Red Rock Road)
Southwest rural district (remainder)
Saint-Ignace KentSaint-Louis1991-04-30 [85] Beaurivage
The parish of Saint-Isidore GloucesterSaint-Isidore,
1968-06-27 [11] Municipalité des Hautes-Terres
The parish of Saint-Jacques Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Edmundston (Madawaska River grants from Edmundston to provincial border)
Northwest rural district (remainder)
The parish of Saint James Charlotte1969-02-19 [37] Municipal District of St. Stephen (small border areas)
Southwest rural district (remainder)
St. Jean Baptiste – Menneval [lower-alpha 5] RestigoucheEldon2019-06-01 [86] Kedgwick
The parish of Saint-Joseph Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Edmundston (block on eastern bank of Iroquois River along Couturier and Deuxième Sault Roads)
Northwest rural district (remainder)
The parish of Saint-Léonard Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] Vallée-des-Rivières (populated area)
Northwest rural district (interior and corner southeast of Route 17)
The parish of Saint-Louis Kent1966-11-23 [7] Beaurivage (most)
Nouvelle-Acadie (western gore)
Kent rural district (Kouchibouguac National Park)
St. Margarets NorthumberlandGlenelg1985-03-15 [87] Greater Miramichi rural district
St. Martin de Restigouche
(French: St-Martin-de-Restigouche)
RestigoucheSaint-Quentin1968-06-27 [11] Saint-Quentin
The parish of Saint Martins Saint John1966-11-23 [7] Fundy-St. Martins (Little River and west)
Fundy rural district (remainder)
The parish of Saint Mary
(French: la paroisse de Sainte-Marie)
KentSainte-Marie1966-11-23 [7] Champdoré (most)
Grand-Bouctouche (small area near McDonald Road)
The parish of Saint Marys York1966-11-23 [7] Fredericton (Evergreen Park, Pepper Creek, Richibucto Road)
Nashwaak (populated area north of Fredericton)
Capital Region rural district (east)
The parish of Saint Patrick Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] Eastern Charlotte (Bethel, Digdeguash, Route southern 760)
Southwest rural district (remainder)
The parish of Saint-Paul Kent1966-11-23 [7] Champdoré (most)
Five Rivers (northern edge, near Clairville and Coal Branch)
Maple Hills (Dundas)
The parish of Saint-Quentin Restigouche1966-11-23 [7] Kedgwick (area south of Petit-Ouest Road)
Saint-Quentin (populated area surrounding town)
Northwest rural district
Saint-Sauveur GloucesterAllardville1985-06-03 [19] Municipalité des Hautes-Terres
St. Simon
(French: St-Simon)
GloucesterCaraquet1971-09-22 [88] Caraquet
The parish of Saint Stephen Charlotte1969-02-19 [37] Municipal District of St. Stephen
The parish of Salisbury Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Salisbury (Lewis Mountain, Monteagle, River Glade, Second North River, The Glades)
The Community of Three Rivers (Harewood and remainder of south)
Southeast rural district (north)
Scoudouc WestmorlandShediac,
1987-11-30 [89] Dieppe (Calhoun Road area)
Shediac (remainder)
Scoudouc Road WestmorlandShediac1987-08-04 [25] Shediac
The parish of Shediac Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Beausoleil (MacDougall Settlement)
Maple Hills (Saint-Philippe)
Shediac Bridge-Shediac River
(French: Shediac Bridge – Shediac River)
1988-03-22 [90] Beausoleil
Shediac Cape WestmorlandShediac1987-04-21 [26] Shediac
The parish of Sheffield Sunbury1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Grand Lake (Albrights Corner, New Zion, Ripples)
Capital Region rural district (remainder)
The parish of Shippegan Gloucester1968-06-27 [11] Île-de-Lamèque (areas on Lamèque Island)
Shippagan (mainland, William Island, tidal islands in Baie du Petit-Pokemouche)
Acadian Peninsula rural district (Miscou Island, minor islands)
The parish of Simonds Carleton1966-11-23 [7] Hartland (St. Thomas, Simonds)
District of Carleton North (remainder)
The parish of Simonds Saint John1976-10-13 [91] Fundy-St. Martins (most)
Fundy rural district (Sands Road and Upper Golden Grove Road)
Somerville CarletonWakefield1971-10-13 [92] Hartland
The parish of South Esk NorthumberlandSouthesk1968-06-27 [11] Miramichi River Valley (Little Southwest Miramichi River from Dennis down, all areas to east)
Greater Miramichi rural district (remainder)
The parish of Southampton York1966-11-23 [7] Nackawic-Millville (most)
Woodstock (small areas on western border)
Capital Region rural district (small areas on northeastern border)
The parish of Springfield Kings1968-06-27 [11] Valley Waters
The parish of Stanley York1966-11-23 [7] Nashwaak (Green Hill, Maple Grove, and to south)
Capital Region rural district (Maple Grove Station, remainder of southern portion, northern portion)
The parish of Studholm KingsButternut Valley1968-06-27 [11] Butternut Valley
Sunny Corner NorthumberlandNorthesk1980-08-14 [93] Miramichi River Valley
The parish of Sussex Kings1968-06-27 [11] Sussex (small areas along Cumberland Road and west of Church Avenue)
Kings rural district (remainder)
Tabusintac NorthumberlandAlnwick1968-05-01 [94] Alnwick
Tremblay GloucesterBeresford1972-08-16 [95] Belle-Baie
The parish of Upham Kings1967-07-01 [96] Hampton (Barnesville, Titusville, Upham)
Valley Waters (Cassidy Lake, Clover Hill, Salt Springs)
Kings rural district (remainder)
Upper and Lower Northampton CarletonNorthampton1987-08-04 [25] Woodstock
Upper Gagetown Queens Gagetown 1968-07-30 [97] Arcadia
Upper Kent
(French: Haut-Kent)
CarletonKent1968-06-27 [11] District of Carleton North
The parish of Wakefield Carleton1966-11-23 [7] Hartland (Wakefield Outside taxing authority)
Woodstock (Wakefield Inside taxing authority)
The parish of Waterborough Queens1966-11-23 [7] Arcadia (populated area)
Capital Region rural district (remainder)
The parish of Waterford Kings1968-06-27 [11] Kings rural district
The parish of Weldford Kent1966-11-23 [7] Champdoré (small border areas)
Five Rivers (most)
Nouvelle-Acadie (Kent Junction)
The parish of Wellington Kent1966-11-23 [7] Beausoleil (two small areas along Route 134 on border of Cocagne)
Champdoré (McKees Mills and roads to Saint-Antoine)
Grand-Bouctouche (most)
The parish of West Isles Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] Southwest rural district
Western Charlotte CharlotteSaint James,
Saint Stephen
1988-11-02 [98] Municipal District of St. Stephen (Little Ridge and south from junction of Route 735 and Mill Road)
Southwest rural district (remainder)
The parish of Westfield [lower-alpha 6] Kings1972-12-13 [84] Grand Bay-Westfield (Brittain Road, Campbell Road)
Fundy rural district (remainder)
The parish of Westmorland Westmorland1966-11-23 [7] Strait Shores (Coburg Road, Route 16)
Southeast rural district (interior)
White Head Island Charlotte Grand Manan 1979-10-17 [99] Southwest rural district
White's Brook RestigoucheEldon,
1986-03-14 [100] Kedgwick
The parish of Wickham Queens1968-06-27 [11] Valley Waters
The parish of Wicklow Carleton1966-11-23 [7] District of Carleton North
The parish of Wilmot Carleton1966-11-23 [7] District of Carleton North
Wirral-Enniskillen QueensPetersville1968-02-29 [101] Capital Region rural district
The parish of Woodstock CarletonRichmond, [lower-alpha 7] Woodstock1966-11-23 [7] Municipality of Lakeland Ridges (south from Critter Road and Punkin Road)
Woodstock (remainder)

Former local service districts

Former local service districts, as of 1 July 2017
Official name [lower-alpha 1] County Parish EstablishedRepealedCurrent status
The parish of Allardville Gloucester1969-09-24 [17] 1999-10-14 [9] part of LSD Allardville
Allardville Centre
(French: Allardville-centre)
GloucesterAllardville1970-11-24 [102] 1999-10-14 [9] part of LSD Allardville
Armstrong Brook RestigoucheDurham1985-06-03 [19] 1994-01-01 [103] annexed by Belledune
The parish of Baker Brook Madawaska 1966-11-23 [7] 2017-07-01 [104] part of rural community of Haut-Madawaska
Barsa Subdivision
(French: lotissement Barsa)
KingsRothesay1973-10-10 [105] 1998-01-01 [106] annexed by Rothesay
Benoit GloucesterSaumarez1985-03-15 [87] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Boudreau West
(French: Boudreau ouest)
WestmorlandShediac1989-09-07 [108] 1995-05-08 [109] part of rural community of Beaubassin East
Brantville NorthumberlandAlnwick1984-01-01 [110] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Breau Creek WestmorlandDorchester1978-09-06 [111] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by Memramcook
The parish of Campobello Charlotte1969-02-19 [37] 2010-08-31 [112] incorporated as rural community of Campobello Island
School district No. 9 in the parish of Canning QueensCanning1966-11-23 [7] 1967-12-20 [30] annexed by Minto
the local service district of Castalia CharlotteGrand Manan1969-01-15 [113] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by village of Grand Manan
Chatham Head NorthumberlandChatham1973-08-15 [114] 1995-01-01 [115] annexed by Miramichi
The parish of Clair Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] 2017-07-01 [104] part of rural community of Haut-Madawaska
Cocagne KentDundas,
Wellington [lower-alpha 2]
1988-03-22 [116] 2014-05-23 [117] incorporated as rural community of Cocagne
The parish of Colborne Restigouche1973-11-01 [10] 1996-12-10 [28] part of LSD Chaleur
Cormier's Cove
(French: Cormier Cove)
WestmorlandDorchester1980-10-23 [118] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by Memramcook
Darlington RestigoucheDalhousie1966-11-23 [7] 1977-06-08 [75] incorporated as a village, later annexed by Dalhousie
Douglasfield NorthumberlandChatham,
1975-05-07 [119] 1995-01-01 [115] annexed by Miramichi
Dover-Fox Creek WestmorlandDorchester,
1972-08-30 [120] 1973-07-09 [121] annexed by Dieppe
Dundee RestigoucheDalhousie1968-01-31 [16] 2015-09-01 [122] annexed by Eel River Crossing
The parish of Durham Restigouche1966-11-23 [7] 1996-12-10 [28] part of LSD Chaleur
Garden Creek YorkKingsclear1966-11-23 [7] 1973-11-01 [10] part annexed by Fredericton, remainder added to LSD the parish of Kingsclear; part later included in the local service district of Hanwell
Gauvreau-Petit Tracadie GloucesterSaumarez1989-09-07 [123] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Grand Barachois WestmorlandShediac1990-06-29 [124] 1995-05-08 [109] part of rural community of Beaubassin East
The parish of Grimmer Restigouche1966-11-23 [7] 2012-07-01 [125] merged with village of Kedgwick to form rural community of Kedgwick
the local service district of Hanwell YorkKingsclear1974-11-20 [126] 2014-05-23 [127] incorporated as rural community of Hanwell
Haute-Aboujagane WestmorlandShediac1986-01-10 [67] 1995-05-08 [109] part of rural community of Beaubassin East
Haut Pointe Verte GloucesterBeresford1971-11-24 [83] 1977-08-10 [128] annexed by Pointe-Verte
Haut-Sheila GloucesterSaumarez1983-11-28 [129] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
The parish of Inkerman Gloucester1968-06-27 [11] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
The parish of Lac Baker Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] 2017-07-01 [104] part of rural community of Haut-Madawaska
La Hêtrière-McGinley Corner WestmorlandDorchester1974-04-24 [130] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by Memramcook
Lakeview WestmorlandSackville1968-11-27 [131] 1978-09-06 [111] annexed by Sackville
Leech GloucesterSaumarez1987-04-21 [26] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
LeGoulet GloucesterShippegan1967-08-30 [132] 1986-05-12 [133] most incorporated as village of Le Goulet; excluded areas now part of LSD Baie du Petit Pokemouche [lower-alpha 8] and LSD The parish of Shippegan
Parish of Ludlow NorthumberlandLudlow1968-06-27 [11] 1971-03-10 [134] included in LSD Upper Miramichi, which later became the rural community of Upper Miramichi
Maisonnette GloucesterNew Bandon1967-07-01 [96] 1986-05-12 [135] incorporated as a village
Memramcook WestmorlandDorchester1978-09-06 [136] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by village of Memramcook
Memramcook East
(French: Memramcook-est)
WestmorlandDorchester1979-10-11 [137] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by Memramcook
Menneval RestigoucheEldon1986-01-10 [67] 2019-06-01 [86] part of LSD St. Jean Baptiste – Menneval
Moorefield NorthumberlandNewcastle1989-09-01 [138] 1995-01-01 [115] annexed by Miramichi
Nash Creek RestigoucheDurham1968-07-17 [12] 1996-12-10 [28] part of LSD Chaleur
NashwaakYorkSaint Marys1969-12-17 [139] 1987-08-14 [140] returned to LSD The parish of Saint Marys
Nordin NorthumberlandNewcastle1975-07-30 [141] 1995-01-01 [115] annexed by Miramichi
Pigeon Hill-Coteau Road
(French: Pigeon Hill-chemin Coteau)
GloucesterShippegan1971-04-14 [142] 1987-08-04 [25] split to form cores of LSD Pigeon Hill and LSD Coteau Road
Pointe-à-Bouleau GloucesterSaumarez1988-04-19 [143] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Point Verte Sud GloucesterBeresford1973-03-14 [68] 1977-08-10 [128] annexed by Pointe-Verte
Pont LaFrance GloucesterSaumarez1982-04-01 [144] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Pont Landry GloucesterInkerman,
1986-01-10 [67] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
(French: Portage de Shippagan)
GloucesterShippegan1979-05-03 [145] 2001-10-01 [146] annexed by Shippagan
Portage River-Tracadie Beach
(French: Rivière-du-Portage-Tracadie Beach)
1979-08-16 [147] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Pré-d'en-Haut WestmorlandDorchester1969-09-24 [17] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by Memramcook
Richardsville RestigoucheDalhousie1966-11-23 [7] 1980-10-23 [148] annexed by Campbellton
Rivière à la Truite GloucesterSaumarez1989-09-07 [149] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
The parish of Saint-André Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] 2006-07-31 [150] merged with village of St. André to form rural community of Saint-André
Saint-André & LeBlanc Office
(French: Saint-André & Leblanc Office)
1987-11-30 [89] 1995-05-08 [109] part of rural community of Beaubassin East
The parish of Saint Andrews Charlotte1970-06-03 [57] 1997-07-29 [29] replaced by LSD Chamcook
St. Arthur
(French: St-Arthur)
RestigoucheAddington1970-08-12 [151] 2015-07-01 [152] annexed by Atholville
The parish of Saint-François Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] 2017-07-01 [104] part of rural community of Haut-Madawaska
The parish of Saint-Hilaire Madawaska1966-11-23 [7] 2017-07-01 [104] part of rural community of Haut-Madawaska
Saint Irénée and Alderwood
(French: Saint Irénée et Alderwood)
GloucesterSaumarez1987-04-21 [26] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
St. Isidore Centre
(French: St-Isidore-centre)
GloucesterSaint-Isidore1970-06-24 [153] 1991-06-01 [154] incorporated as core of village of Saint-Isidore
St. Jean Baptiste de Restigouche
(French: Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Restigouche)
RestigoucheEldon1966-11-23 [7] 2019-06-01 [86] part of LSD St. Jean Baptiste – Menneval
St. Leolin GloucesterNew Bandon1969-12-17 [139] 1978-06-14 [69] incorporated as village of Saint-Léolin
St. Paul
(French: St-Paul)
GloucesterNew Bandon1977-06-22 [155] 1990-01-01 [156] annexed by Grande-Anse [lower-alpha 9]
Saint-Pons GloucesterSaumarez1985-03-15 [87] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
St. Raphael sur-Mer
(French: St-Raphaël-Sur-Mer)
GloucesterShippegan1970-03-25 [81] 1986-05-12 [157] most incorporated as core of Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël; remainder returned to LSD The parish of Shippegan, then separated as LSD Cap-Bateau
Sainte-Rose GloucesterInkerman,
1988-07-12 [158] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Saumarez GloucesterSaumarez1987-04-21 [26] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
the local service district of the Parish of Saumarez
(French: la paroisse de Saumarez)
Gloucester1968-06-27 [11] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Shediac Road
(French: Chemin Shédiac)
WestmorlandDorchester1980-10-23 [159] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by Memramcook
Sheila GloucesterSaumarez1970-09-02 [160] 1978-08-16 [161] incorporated as a village; now part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Silverwood YorkKingsclear1968-01-31 [16] 1968-09-18 [162] incorporated as village of Springhill; now part of Fredericton
the local service district of Upper Miramichi Northumberland,
1971-03-10 [134] 2008-03-17 [163] incorporated as rural community
Upper Portage River (Haut-Rivière-du-Portage) NorthumberlandAlnwick1971-12-15 [164] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
(French: Val- Comeau [sic])
1985-03-15 [87] 2014-07-01 [107] part of Regional Municipality of Tracadie
Val D'Amours RestigoucheAddington,
1980-10-09 [165] 2015-07-01 [152] annexed by Atholville
Verret MadawaskaMadawaska1967-07-07 [166] 1978-06-21 [167] incorporated as a village; now part of Edmundston
the local service district of Woodwards Cove CharlotteGrand Manan1967-04-17 [166] 1995-05-08 [109] annexed by village of Grand Manan

Special services areas

The following were areas within local service districts that generally received services not provided in other parts of the LSD.

See also


  1. 1 2 French names usually differ only in using "la paroisse de" instead of "the parish of"; other differences are noted. Spellings used are those in Regulation 84-168; these sometimes vary from the spellings used in other Acts and Regulations or colloquial usage.
  2. 1 2 3 Extension into this county or parish not explicitly stated.
  3. Burton's LSDAC calls itself the Burton-Greater Geary Local Service District Advisory Committee
  4. listed as Ferry Road-Russellville
  5. Menneval and St. Jean Baptiste de Restigouche formed a joint advisory council five years before their legal merger.
  6. The advisory committee for the parish of Westfield is often referred to as serving Westfield West; it is unclear if there is a separate Westfield East committee serving the Kingston Peninsula and Kennebecasis Island portions of the parish.
  7. The extension of the parish of Woodstock into Richmond Parish occurred when the town of Woodstock was enlarged and the boundary description of the parish of Woodstock was replaced by a map that shows ignorance of the southern boundary between Richmond Parish and Woodstock Parish; this is not the first time an error has occurred when a map replaced a written boundary description in an amendment of Regulation 84-168
  8. When Baie du Petit Pokemouche was established its eastern boundary overlapped with LeGoulet. When LeGoulet was incorporated as a village its western boundary was updated, leaving a small gore out of both. The map released for the Shippagan-Sur-Mer in 2012 finally clarified the east boundary of Baie du Petit Pokemouche.
  9. Conversion between imperial and metric measure when boundary descriptions were updated might leave a narrow strip between Saint-Léolin and Grande-Anse.
  10. 1 2 Area with reduced services.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Counted as an LSD in 2016 Canadian Census, sometimes with a slight difference in name and/or altered boundaries. [168]
  12. Boundaries extended into the parish of Salisbury
  13. Boundaries extended into the parish of Dundas.

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  1. "New Brunswick Regulation 84-168 under the Municipalities Act (O.C. 84-582)". Government of New Brunswick. Retrieved 29 July 2020.
  2. Working together for vibrant and sustainable communities (PDF) (Report). Government of New Brunswick. November 2021. ISBN   978-1-4605-2959-1 . Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  3. "untitled list of adjustments" (PDF). Government of New Brunswick. 21 December 2021. Retrieved 23 December 2021.
  4. LeBlanc, Valmond (14 July 2020). "Legislate Assembly of New Brunswick Parliamentary Stylebook" (PDF). Government of New Brunswick. p. 92. Retrieved 31 July 2020.
  5. "Entity Maps by Region". Government of New Brunswick. Retrieved 26 May 2022.
  6. "Proposed Legal Names of Entities" (PDF). Government of New Brunswick. 25 May 2022. Retrieved 26 May 2022.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 "Regulation 66–41 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 66–968)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 124: 604–605. 21 December 1966.
  8. Regulation 80-120 (O.C. 80-792)
  9. 1 2 3 Regulation 99-54 (O.C. 99-521)
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 "Regulation 73–122 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 73–846)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 131: 1014–1015. 24 October 1973.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 "Regulation 68–64 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–592)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 407–408. 24 July 1968.
  12. 1 2 "Regulation 68–70 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–657)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 418. 31 July 1968.
  13. 1 2 3 Regulation 80-116 (O.C. 80-765)
  14. "Regulation 67–124 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–1148)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 639–640. 20 December 1967.
  15. "Regulation 74–126 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–774)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 132: 956. 25 September 1974.
  16. 1 2 3 "Regulation 68–8 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–101)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 92–93. 21 February 1968.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Regulation 69–95 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–986)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 599. 8 October 1969.
  18. 1 2 "Regulation 73–79 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 73–593)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 131: 738–739. 1 August 1973.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 Regulation 85-103 (O.C. 85-419).
  20. "Regulation 71–17 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–127)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 154. 3 March 1971.
  21. "Regulation 67–112 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–1058)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 597. 22 November 1967.
  22. Regulation 89-195 (O.C. 89-1001)
  23. "Regulation 71–103 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–708)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 737–738. 27 October 1971.
  24. Regulation 83-193 (O.C. 83-977)
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Regulation 87-104 (O.C. 87-642)
  26. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Regulation 87-42 (O.C. 86-278)
  27. "Regulation 72–139 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 72–869)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 130: 937. 22 November 1972.
  28. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 96-116 (O.C. 96-1089)
  29. 1 2 Regulation 97-94 (O.C. 97-606)
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Regulation 67–130 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–1196)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 10–11. 3 January 1968.
  31. 1 2 "Regulation 70–54 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–311)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 278–279. 13 May 1970.
  32. "Regulation 75–4 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 75–33)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 133: 80. 29 January 1975.
  33. "Regulation 70–97 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–715)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 585. 28 October 1970.
  34. Regulation 83-229 (O.C. 83-1071)
  35. "Regulation 68–62 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–552)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 378. 3 July 1968.
  36. Regulation 88-227 (O.C. 88-938)
  37. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Regulation 69–17 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–161)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 149. 12 March 1969.
  38. Regulation 79-91 (O.C. 79-383)
  39. Regulation 87-170 (O.C. 87-1074)
  40. "Regulation 68–11 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–110)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 103. 28 February 1968.
  41. "Regulation 69–5 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–77)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 87. 12 February 1969.
  42. Regulation 87-89 (O.C. 87-564)
  43. Regulation 88-43 (O.C. 88-179)
  44. "Regulation 74–141 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–866)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 132: 1047. 23 October 1974.
  45. "Regulation 78-63 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 78-430)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 136: 2010–2011. 5 July 1978.
  46. "Regulation 74–222 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–1063)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 133: 15. 1 January 1975.
  47. "Regulation 77-101 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 77-777)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 135: 1818–1820. 12 October 1977.
  48. Regulation 91-98 (O.C. 91-398)
  49. Regulation 81-151 (O.C. 81-735)
  50. "Regulation 76–166 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 76–922)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 134: 1316. 22 December 1976.
  51. Regulation 81-211 (O.C. 81-1027)
  52. "Regulation 77–48 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 77–373)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 135: 752. 25 May 1977.
  53. Regulation 88-44 (O.C. 88-115)
  54. "Regulation 70–28 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–157)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 142. 11 March 1970.
  55. "Regulation 74–24 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–197)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 132: 267–268. 13 March 1974.
  56. Regulation 88-41 (O.C. 88-118)
  57. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Regulation 70–63 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–385)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 343–344. 17 June 1970.
  58. Regulation 94-119 (O.C. 94-642)
  59. Regulation 89-118 (O.C. 89-650)
  60. Regulation 91-85 (O.C. 91-351)
  61. "Regulation 75–29 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 75–241)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 133: 344–345. 16 April 1975.
  62. "Regulation 69–87 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–902)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 554. 17 September 1969.
  63. Regulation 84-99 (O.C. 84-374)
  64. "Regulation 76–144 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 76–815)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 134: 1166–1167. 17 November 1976.
  65. Regulation 88-46 (O.C. 88-120)
  66. "Regulation 70–101 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–740)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 600–601. 4 November 1970.
  67. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 86-1 (O.C. 85-915)
  68. 1 2 "Regulation 73–34 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 73–210)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 131: 258–259. 21 March 1973.
  69. 1 2 "Regulation 78-76 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 78-514)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 136: 2027–2028. 5 July 1978.
  70. "Regulation 69–9 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–108)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 117. 26 February 1969.
  71. Regulation 89-194 (O.C. 89-1000)
  72. Regulation 87-43 (O.C. 87-279)
  73. Regulation 83-194 (O.C. 83-978)
  74. "Regulation 71–108 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–752)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 784. 17 November 1971.
  75. 1 2 "Regulation 77–59 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 77–438)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 135: 891. 15 June 1977.
  76. "Regulation 70–55 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–324)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 290. 20 May 1970.
  77. "Regulation 74–142 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–893)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 132: 1083. 30 October 1974.
  78. Regulation 88-42 (O.C. 88-116)
  79. "Regulation 70–18 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–112)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 100–101. 18 February 1970.
  80. "Regulation 69–90 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–935)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 571. 24 September 1969.
  81. 1 2 "Regulation 70–35 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–222)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 195–196. 8 April 1970.
  82. Regulation 87-112 (O.C. 87-702)
  83. 1 2 "Regulation 71–117 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–807)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 849–850. 8 December 1971.
  84. 1 2 "Regulation 72–155 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 72–973)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 130: 1004–1005. 20 December 1972.
  85. Regulation 91-82 (O.C. 91-334)
  86. 1 2 3 "Regulation 2019-11 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2019-96)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 177: 771–773. 19 June 2019. ISSN   1714-9428.
  87. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 85-40 (O.C. 85-170)
  88. "Regulation 71–97 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–678)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 678. 29 September 1971.
  89. 1 2 Regulation 87-161 (O.C. 87-1005)
  90. Regulation 88-47 (O.C. 88-121)
  91. "Regulation 76–137 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 76–751)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 134: 1071. 27 October 1976.
  92. "Regulation 71–101 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–690)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 736. 27 October 1971.
  93. Regulation 80-96 (O.C. 80-638)
  94. "Regulation 68–44 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–376)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 267–269. 15 May 1968.
  95. "Regulation 72–108 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 72–630)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 130: 721. 30 August 1972.
  96. 1 2 "Regulation 67–66 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–587)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 398. 19 July 1967.
    "Correction". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 515. 27 September 1967.
    "Regulation 67–66 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–587) Correction". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 620. 6 December 1967.
  97. "Regulation 68–78 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–708)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 437. 14 August 1968.
  98. Regulation 88-228 (O.C. 88-937)
  99. Regulation 79-158 (O.C. 79-895)
  100. Regulation 86-31 (O.C. 86-139)
  101. "Regulation 68–24 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–180)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 151. 13 March 1968.
  102. "Regulation 70–114 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–824)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 656. 2 December 1970.
  103. Regulation 94-3 (O.C. 94-13)
  104. 1 2 3 4 5 "Regulation 2017-5 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2017-54)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 175: 393. 5 April 2017. ISSN   1714-9428.
  105. "Regulation 73–117 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 73–815)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 131: 990. 17 October 1973.
  106. Regulation 97-42 (O.C. 97-370)
  107. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 "Regulation 2014-35 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2014-86)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 172: 656–659. 16 April 2014. ISSN   1714-9428.
  108. Regulation 89-124 (O.C. 89-682)
  109. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Regulation 95-38 (O.C. 95-344)
  110. Regulation 83-211 (O.C. 83-1025)
  111. 1 2 "Regulation 78-118 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 78-805)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 136: 2778–2779. 27 September 1978.
  112. "Regulation 2010-139 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2010-463)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 168: 2268. 22 September 2010. ISSN   1714-9428.
  113. "Regulation 69–4 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–46)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 50. 22 January 1969.
  114. "Regulation 73–92 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 73–670)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 131: 820. 22 August 1973.
  115. 1 2 3 4 Regulation 94-80 (O.C. 94-442)
  116. Regulation 88-45 (O.C. 88-119)
  117. "Regulation 2014-44 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2014-95)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 172: 678. 16 April 2014. ISSN   1714-9428.
  118. Regulation 80-155 (O.C. 80-868)
  119. "Regulation 75–43 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 75–312)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 133: 453. 21 May 1975.
  120. "Regulation 72–113 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 72–675)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 130: 748–749. 13 September 1972.
  121. "Regulation 73–58 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 73–359)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 131: 513–525. 30 May 1973.
  122. "Regulation 2015-36 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2015-167)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 173: 1025–1027. 19 August 2015. ISSN   1714-9428.
  123. Regulation 89-121 (O.C. 89-679)
  124. Regulation 90-76 (O.C. 90-520)
  125. "Regulation 2012-19 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2012-76)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 170: 571. 28 March 2012. ISSN   1714-9428.
  126. "Regulation 74–212 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–990)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 132: 1185–1186. 18 December 1974.
  127. "Regulation 2014-32 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2014-83)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 172: 583. 9 April 2014. ISSN   1714-9428.
  128. 1 2 "Regulation 77-88 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 77-642)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 135: 1389. 31 August 1977.
  129. Regulation 83-188 (O.C. 83-972)
  130. "Regulation 74–51 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 74–347)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 132: 452. 1 May 1974.
  131. "Regulation 68–114 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–1070)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 666. 23 October 1968.
  132. "Regulation 67–92 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–837)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 504. 20 September 1967.
    "Correction". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 515. 27 September 1967.
    "Regulation 67–92 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–837) Correction". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 540. 18 October 1967.
  133. Regulation 86-39 (O.C. 86-159)
  134. 1 2 "Regulation 71–26 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–165)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 187. 17 March 1971.
  135. Regulation 86-40 (O.C. 86-159)
  136. "Regulation 75–88 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 75–606)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 133: 779. 17 September 1975.
  137. Regulation 79-147 (O.C. 79-858)
  138. Regulation 89-117 (O.C. 89-651)
  139. 1 2 "Regulation 69–124 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 69–1268)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 127: 742–743. 24 December 1969.
  140. Regulation 87-113 (O.C. 87-703)
  141. "Regulation 75–77 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 75–546)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 133: 679–680. 6 August 1975.
  142. "Regulation 71–40 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–246)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 270. 21 April 1971.
  143. Regulation 88-74 (O.C. 88-288)
  144. Regulation 82-59 (O.C. 82-291)
  145. Regulation 79-76 (O.C. 79-326)
  146. "Regulation 2001-68 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2001-451)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 159: 1359–1361. 17 October 2001. ISSN   0703-8623.
  147. Regulation 79-130 (O.C. 79-674)
  148. Regulation 80-157 (O.C. 80-870)
  149. Regulation 89-122 (O.C. 89-680)
  150. "Regulation 2006-55 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2006-246)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 164: 1307. 9 August 2006. ISSN   1714-9428.
  151. "Regulation 70–84 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–547)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 462. 19 August 1970.
  152. 1 2 "Regulation 2015-13 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2015-99)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 173: 666–668. 27 May 2015. ISSN   1714-9428.
  153. "Regulation 70–73 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–454)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 381. 2 July 1970.
  154. Regulation 91-93 (O.C. 91-349)
  155. "Regulation 77–70 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 77–497)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 135: 934–935. 29 June 1977.
  156. Regulation 89-150 (O.C. 89-816)
  157. Regulation 86-41 (O.C. 86-155)
  158. Regulation 88-149 (O.C. 88-578)
  159. Regulation 80-156 (O.C. 80-869)
  160. "Regulation 70–90 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 70–595)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 128: 502. 9 September 1970.
  161. "Regulation 78-107 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 78-711)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 136: 2703. 20 September 1978.
  162. "Regulation 68–94 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 68–849)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 126: 514–521. 2 October 1968.
  163. "Regulation 2008-38 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 2008–111)" (PDF). The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 166: 598. 26 March 2008. ISSN   1714-9428.
  164. "Regulation 71–127 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 71–891)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 129: 895–896. 22 December 1971.
  165. Regulation 80-139 (O.C. 80-832)
  166. 1 2 "Regulation 67–42A under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 67–378)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 504. 20 September 1967.
    "Correction". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 125: 515. 27 September 1967.
  167. "Regulation 78-81 under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 78-543)". The Royal Gazette. Fredericton. 136: 2186–2188. 19 July 1978.
  168. "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and designated places, 2016 and 2011 censuses – 100% data". Statistics Canada. 7 February 2018. Retrieved 24 December 2021.