List of medieval bridges in France

Last updated

The list of medieval bridges in France comprises all known bridges that existed between 500 and 1500 AD in the territory modern-day France, including regions which were not part of the country in the Middle Ages, such as Burgundy, Alsace, Lorraine and Savoie. Most of the bridges were built in the period, but some Roman bridges remained in service throughout the period. There are in total over 700 structures known.


Bridge at Carcassonne (1184), Aude Carcassonne vieux pont.jpg
Bridge at Carcassonne (1184), Aude
Location [1] DepartmentCommentFirst attested
Abbeville Somme Pont-aux-Poissons1207
Agen Lot-et-Garonne Fund collection authorized in 1189; passable by end of the 13th century1189
Airvault Deux-Sèvres 11th century
Albi Tarn c. 1035
Amboise Indre-et-Loire 1110
Ambrussum Gard, Hérault Pont Ambroix, across the Vidourle Roman
Amiens Somme Pont de la Bretesque1415
Andelys, Les Eure 1197
Angers Maine-et-Loire 1028
Angoulême Charente Pont Saint-Cybard and Pons Sancti Eporchii1144–1149
Arc-en-Barrois Haute-Marne 1157
Arcs-de-Parigny, Les Vienne 980
Arc-sur-Tille Côte-d'Or 1124
Arles Bouches-du-Rhône Roman bridge of boats after the 1st century, extant in the 4th and 5th centuries, but not in medieval timesRoman
Ars-sur-Moselle Moselle Arx
Art-sur-Meurthe Meurthe-et-Moselle Arcus770
Auboiré Moselle See Metz
Aurillac Cantal Pont dal Boys, on the Jordanne1298
Ausque, near Thérouanne Pas-de-Calais Bridge over the HemBefore 1178
Autun Saône-et-Loire Ancient and 1253
Auvers-sur-Oise Val-d'Oise Ancient, also 885
Auxance, com. Chasseneuil Vienne
Auxerre Yonne Ancient and before 1075
Avignon Vaucluse Pont-Saint-Bénezet 1177–1188
Balme, La, com. Saint-Paul-d'Izeaux Isère 14th and 15th centuries
Balme-en-Genevois, La, arr. Annecy Haute-Savoie 1370
Baudement Marne Two bridges1203
Bayonne Pyrénées-Atlantiques Pont Maior1298
Bayonne Pyrénées-Atlantiques Pont de Bertaco1381
Beaugency Loiret Before 1160–1182
Beaumont Yonne Before 1185
Beaumont-sur-Oise Val-d'Oise 1143–1145
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe Sarthe 12th century
Beauvais Oise Before 1122
Belcastel Aveyron 15th century
Bergerac Dordogne 1209
Besançon Doubs Ancient and medieval
Béziers Hérault Before 1209
Bigaroque Dordogne 1243
Blanzy Saône-et-Loire 1305
Blau Aude 1259
Blois Loir-et-Cher Before 1078
Bognens, Le pont de, com. Andert-et-Condon Ain 1290
Boisseron Hérault Roman
Bonevi, near Lorrez-le-Bocage Seine-et-Marne 1202
Bonpas Vaucluse 1166
Bordeaux Gironde 1292
Boudelin, com. Fontaine Aube 1231
Bourges Cher Bridge to vineyard1095
Bouveruel, in bailliage of Rouen Seine-Maritime 1334
Bouxières-aux-Dames, cant. Nancy-Est Meurthe 1073
Brantôme Dordogne Pont du Monastère1474
Breuilpont Eure 1336
Bréval Yvelines Bridges rebuilt in provost's district1202
Brèves Nièvre On the Yonne Gallo-Roman
Brezolles Eure-et-Loir Pontchartrain in Brezolles on the NouvetteGallo-Roman
Briare Loiret On the Loire Gallo-Roman
Brières Ardennes Gallo-Roman
Brieulles-sur-Bar Ardennes Gallo-Roman
Brieulles-sur-Meuse Meuse Called Briodurum in 11th-12th centuries11th century
Brimeux Pas-de-Calais 1292
Brioude Haute-Loire Gallo-Roman
Brioux Deux-Sèvres Gallo-Roman
Briovera, later Saint-Lô Manche Gallo-Roman
Brissac Maine-et-Loire After 1162
Brissarthe Maine-et-Loire Gallo-Roman
Brives Indre Gallo-Roman
Brives Mayenne Gallo-Roman
Brives-la-Gaillarde Corrèze Gallo-Roman; 6th century
Brives-sur-Charente Charente-Maritime Gallo-Roman
Brivodura Yonne See Pontaubert
Brivodurum Eure See Pont-Audemer
Bugue, Le Dordogne On the Vézère 1463
Cahors Lot
Pont Neuf
Pont Valentre
1308–c. 1355
Cajarc Lot 1222
Calais Pas-de-Calais 1390
Campagnac, com. Sainte-Anastasie Gard Pont-de-Saint-Nicolas de Campagnac 1261
Carbonne Haute-Garonne Rebuilding1356
Carcassonne Aude 1184
Castres Tarn Repairs of Pont Bielh and Pont de Navès1391
Céret Pyrénées-Orientales Pont du Diable 1321–1339
Chabris Indre Gallo-Roman
Chalonnes-sur-Loire Maine-et-Loire 1138–1148
Châlons-sur-Marne Marne 1164
Chalon-sur-Saône Saône-et-Loire Roman bridge of timber on stone piers; Pont Saint-Vincent built of stone 1415 on ancient piersRoman, 1415
Charenton Val-de-Marne Gallo-Roman and 7th century
Charité-sur-Loire, La Nièvre 1482
Chartres Eure-et-Loir Pont de Falaise in the parish of Saint-Prest 1374–1454
Chartroussas, cant. Guignan, com. Roussac Drôme 1334
Château-Gaillard Eure See Andelys, Les
Château-Gontier Mayenne 1080
Châteauneuf-de-Mazenc, cant. Dieulefit Drôme 1462
Châteauneuf-sur-Sarthe Maine-et-Loire 1136–1138
Château-Thierry Aisne 1287
Châtellerault Vienne c. 1060
Chaudefonds-sur-Layon Maine-et-Loire 1451
Chauvigny Vienne c. 1080
Cheney, cant. Seignelay Yonne Before 1185
Chérisy, near Argenteuil Seine-et-Oise 1266
Chinon Indre-et-Loire 1115–1126
Chocques Pas-de-Calais Castle bridge1170–1191
Choisy-au-Bac Oise 1248
Claix Isère See Grenoble
Clamecy Nièvre 1147
Coëmont, cant. Château-du-Loir, arr. Mans Sarthe 11th century
Comines Nord 2nd half 14th century
Compiègne Oise c. 876; also 1112
Comporté, communes Saint-Macoux and Saint-Saviol Vienne Pont de Compourte1432
Condom Gers Rebuilt1281
Conflans Savoie Pont de Conflans, on the Arly Peutinger Table
Confolens Charente On the Vienne c. 1110–1140
Conques Aude Pont de Vilar1083
Corbeil Seine-et-Oise 1301
Cornil Corrèze 1103
Corre, La, com. Champ-sur-Barse Aube 1215
Couilly Seine-et-Marne See Pont-aux-Dames
Coulanges-sur-Yonne Yonne 12th and 13th centuries
Coutances Manche Over the Vire 1024–1093
Cravant Yonne 1368
Creil Oise 1415
Cuisery Saône-et-Loire On the Seille 1350
Decize Nièvre 1225
Dijon Côte-d'Or Pont Arnault; wooden bridge on the Ouche 1395–1396
Donchery Ardennes 1322
Dormans Marne 1258–1259
Douve, com. Carentan Manche 1346
Durtal Maine-et-Loire 11th century
Entraygues Aveyron Pont Notre-Dame, on the Lot
Bridge on the Truyère
perhaps 14th century
Escautpont Nord Pons Scaldis
Peutinger Table
Espalion Aveyron Pont-Vieux1060
Estaing, com. Monastier Haute-Loire 1329
Étampes Seine-et-Oise 1060–1108
Évreux Eure Pont Saint1245
Fénétrange Meurthe Pons Saravi Peutinger Table
Ferté-Milon, La Aisne 1349
Figeac Lot 1291
Flogny, arr. Tonnerre Yonne 1224
Florent Marne Pont-de-RêmesGallo-Roman
Fontaine-Daniel, abbey, com. Saint-Georges-Buttavent Mayenne Bridge over the Mayenne
Fontaine-le-Port Seine-et-Marne 1204–1205
Fouchères Aube 1220
Frégère Aveyron See Najac
Gaillac Tarn 1256
Gers Two bridges over the Gers c. 1060
Gien Loiret 1458
Gières Isère Pont de Gières14th century
Gisors Eure 1184
Goncelin, between communes of Goncelin and Le Touvet Isère Pont de Goncelin, on the Isère 1270
Gournay-sur-Marne Seine-et-Oise 1147
Grenade Haute-Garonne 1309
Grenoble Isère Pont du Drac, near Claix
Pont de Porte-Traine
14th century
Grignan Drôme On the road to Grillon (Vaucluse)1436
L'Île-Bouchard Indre-et-Loire Pont de Saint-Gilles to L'Île-Bouchard in the Vienne reconstructed at that date1451
L'Isle-Adam Seine-et-Oise 1415
Isle-de-Pons, L', com. Ligugé Vienne On the Clain 1420
Isle-en-Périgord Dordogne See Lisle
Jargeau Loiret 13th century
Jarrie Isère A bridge at this point briefly about 1310, then a ferry againc. 1310
Joigny Yonne In existence from that time13th century
Jouars-Pontchartrain Seine-et-Oise Gallo-Roman
Juvardeil Maine-et-Loire 1075
Juvisy, cant. Longjumeau, arr. Corbeil Seine-et-Oise 13th century
Lagny Seine-et-Marne Destroyed at that date1432
Lalinde Dordogne Toll for bridges1289
Laval Mayenne 1170
Lectoure Gers 1485
Lézigny, com. Mailly-la-Ville Yonne 1241
Limoges Haute-Vienne Pont-Saint-Martial, rebuilt Roman bridge
Pont-Saint-Étienne; both in use in the 12th century
12th century
Limoux Aude 1318
Lisle Dordogne Isle-en-Périgord1309
Livron-sur-Drôme Drôme 1471
Longpont Aisne 1118
Lorrez-le-Bocage Seine-et-Marne See Bonevi
Lorris Loiret 1292
Louviers Eure c. 1027
Lyon Rhône Pont-de-Saône
Before 1050
Begun c. 1180–1182
Mâcon Saône-et-Loire Repairs at that time1362–1367
Magny-en-Vexin Seine-et-Oise Two bridges1260
Maguelone Hérault c. 1129 – c. 1158
Mailly-la-Ville Yonne Later ruined by neglect14th century
Mailly-le-Château Yonne 15th century
Mans, Le Sarthe Pont Perrin
Pont Ysoard or Ysoir
12th century
Mantes Seine-et-Oise In 1185 Louis VII confirmed an act of 1121 mentioning the bridge1185
Marcigny Saône-et-Loire Later disappeared12th century
Marquefave Haute-Garonne 1413
Marseilles Bouches-du-Rhône
Pont des Béroards
Pont de Velut
Mathefelon, com. Tiercé Maine-et-Loire Repaired at that date1454
Mauléon Basses-Pyrénées 1289
Mayenne Mayenne 1028
Meaux Seine-et-Marne 991
Melun Seine-et-Marne 1212
Mende Lozère Pont Notre-Dame14th century
Mesnil-Durand, Le Calvados Pont Alerie (=Pontalery)1320
Metz Moselle Pont Saint-Georges
Pont-des-Morts or Moyen Pont
Le Grand Pont des Morts
Also at Auboiré near Metz
Before 13th century
Meulan Seine-et-Oise 1182
Meung Loiret 13th century
Mézières Ardennes Repairs1497–1498
Millançay Loir-et-Cher 1387–1389
Millau Aveyron Pont Vieux
New bridge
Before 1156
Before 1286
Moissac Tarn-et-Garonne 1120
Montargis Loiret 1234
Montauban Tarn-et-Garonne c. 1336
Montélimar Drôme 1360
Montereau-Faut-Yonne Seine-et-Marne c. 1016–1037
Montferrand Puy-de-Dôme 1308
Montier-en-Der Haute-Marne 876
Montignac Dordogne Over the Vézère; Stone piers11th century
Montignac-le-Petit Dordogne Over the Ille1281
Montmorot, suburb of Lons-le-Saulnier Jura 1439
Montolieu Aude 1392
Montouron Maine-et-Loire 1458
Montpellier Hérault Pont sur le Lève1267
Montpont, arr. Riberac Dordogne 1376
Montréal Gers 1411
Montréal, cant. Isle-au-Serain Yonne Moulin du pont1204
Montreuil-Bonnin, com. Vouillé Vienne On the Boivre
Montreuillon Nièvre 1213
Montségur Ariège 1265
Moret-sur-Loing Seine-et-Marne 1499
Motte-de-Bourbon, com. Pouançay Vienne 1455
Mouy Oise 1320
Najac Aveyron Pont de la Frégère, on the Aveyron 1288
Nantes Loire-Inférieure Pont-en-Vertais14th century
Narbonne Aude Pont des Marchands Roman and 1227
Natiaux, com. Avrolles Yonne Pont-des-Natiaux, on the Armançon 1147
Negueromieu or St. Hilaire Haute-Garonne See Toulouse
Nevers Nièvre 1273
Nîmes Gard 1308
Nogent-sur-Seine Aube 1319
Norges-le-Pont, com. Norges Côte-d'Or 1276
Nyons Drôme Nyons Bridge 1361
Olargues Hérault Pont du Diable12th century
Olla, com. St. Egrène Isère 13th century
Orange Vaucluse 1368
Orléans Loiret Before 1176
Orthez Basses-Pyrénées By 1254
Oulchy-le-Château Aisne 1287
Palaminy Haute-Garonne Washed out at that date1388
Pamiers Ariège 1356
Paris Seine Grand Pont, Petit Pont
Pont-Saint Michel
After 1296
Parrigneux, near Roussillon Ain 1290
Passavant Marne Drawbridge and Pont-aux Vendages1287
Périgny-la-Rose Aube Bridges of Pugny1175
Périgueux Dordogne Ancient bridges
Stone bridge
Pons Sancti Hilarii

Perpignan Pyrénées-Orientales 1275
Pessac, Saint-Martin-de- Gironde Bridge at the archbishop's residence at La Motte-de-Pessac1354
Pichaumeix or Pechaumeix, com. Saint-Mihiel Meuse 1280–1282
Pierre-Châtel, com. Virignin Ain Replaced in 1226Ancient, 1226
Pierrepont, cant. Marle Aisne Castrum Petraepontis
938, 1165
Pierrepont Calvados Petrepons
Pierrepont Oise 1198
Pierrepont-sur-l'Arentèle Vosges 1302
Poissy Yvelines 1162
Poitiers Vienne Pont Achard, on the Boivre
Pont Joubert
Pont Cyprien, on the Clain
Pontneuf (or Pont de Rochereuil) to bourg of Montierneuf
Pomblin Aube Pont Belin1287
Pompertuzat Haute-Garonne Jerusalem Itinerary 333
Pompierre Vosges 6th century, 1179
Ponant, com. Livet-et-Gavet Isère Pons Nahon14th century
Ponnesant, com. Saint-Martin-sur-Ouanne Yonne Ponsnascentius
855, 1188
Ponrault, com. Migné Vienne Pons Regales
Pontréau Vienne 993-1030
Pons Charente-Inférieure 1242
Pons, Le Grand Logis, com. St.-Pierre-de-Chartreuse Isère 12th century
Pons Aerarius or Ponte Herarum, between communes of Bellegard and Arles Bouches-du-Rhône Jerusalem Itinerary 333
Pons de Craut Oise See Rochy-Condé
Pons-de-Rastel, Le, com. Genolhac Gard 1212
Pons Sancti Hugonis, between communes of La Chapelle-du-Bard (Isère) and Arvillard (Savoie) Isère, Savoie Bridge on the Bens, now called Pont-du-Diable14th century
Pont, Le, com. Peuvert Aude Pons de Blavo1259
Pont Aveyron 1484–1489
Pont, Le, com. Naucelles Cantal 1442
Pont, Le, com. Dienne Cantal 1485
Pont, Le, com. Feux Cher 1464
Pant, Le, com. Lugny-Champagne Cher 1302
Pant, Le, com. Moulins-sur-Yèvre Cher 1484
Pont, Le, communes of Reigny and Saint-Christophe-le-Chaudry Cher 1449
Pont, Le, Pralemine or Saint-Priest, domaine, com. Charenton-du-Cher Cher Pons Sancti Preijecti1319
Pont Côte-d'Or 937 or 938, 1257
Pont, Le, com. Bligny-sur-Ouche Côte-d'Or In molendino de Ponte1238
Pont, Le, com. Pont-et-Massène Côte-d'Or 1368
Pont, Le, com. Grignol Dordogne Molendinum dict. de Ponte1308
Pont, Le, com. Neuvic Dordogne 1471
Pont, Le, com. Vallereuil Dordogne 1440
Pont, Le, com. Bailleau-sous-Gallardon Eure-et-Loir Pons Petre1241
Pont, Chemin de Eure-et-Loir From Vauparfonds to Luisant 1300
Pont, Le, com. Tharaux Gard 1292
Pont, Le, com. Saint-Pal-de-Mons Haute-Loire 1314
Pont, Le, com. Lavoûte-Chilhac Haute-Loire 1288
Pont, Le, com. Herbeys Isère Ponte Vitreo14th century
Pont, Le, com. Saint-Pierre-de-Mésage Isère Pons de Rippis and Pons de Romanche13th century
Pont, Le, com. Villefontaine Isère 15th century
Pont, Moulin du, com. Bazougers Mayenne 1277
Pont, Moulin du, com. Coussay Vienne Farm and windmill1473
Pont, Le, com. Genouillé Vienne 1403
Pont, Le, com. Lhommaizé Vienne 1469
Pont, Moulin du, com. Saint-Genest Vienne On the Fontpoise1474
Pont, Le, com. Saix Vienne Hostel du Pont1476
Pont, Le, com. Dommartin-lès-Remiremont Vosges 1235
Pont-à-Bucy, cant. Crécy-sur-Serre Aisne Pons-de-Nogento-Abbatisse1170
Pont-à-Chaussy, com. Courcelles-Chaussy Moselle To the left of the Nied Française
Pont-aux-Loups or Pont Quinquobeille
15th century
Pont-à-Couleuvre, Le, com. Auffrique-et-Nogent Aisne Pons de Colovere1145
Pontageon, com. Ventenges Haute-Loire Pontago1279
Pontaigon, com. Lhommaizé Vienne Pontum Aigone
Pontailler Côte-d'Or Pontiliacus
Pons Lindi
In villa Pontiliaco
Pontaix, com. Die Drôme Mutatio Darentiaca of the Jerusalem Itinerary 333
Pont-Alain, Le, com. Saint-Berthevin Mayenne Le moulin et reffoul de Pontalain1443
Pont-à-Luc, communes of Nîmes and Marguerittes Gard Footbridge1301
Pontamafrey Savoie Pons Amalfredi1190
Pont-à-Mousson Meurthe 896, 905, 1230
Pont-Annet, com. Priziac Morbihan On the brook Pont-Rouge1431
Pontarcher, com. Ambleny Aisne De Ponte-Archerii1320
Pont-Arcy Aisne Pons-de-Arserio1232
Pontardennes, com. Wizernes Pas-de-Calais Pont d'Artengues1469
Pontarie, La, com. Saint-Laurent Dordogne 1460
Pontarlier Doubs On site of Ariorica in the Antonine Itinerary 13th century
Pontarm, com. Assérac Loire-Inférieure De Ponte Armore14th century
Pont-Arnaud, com. Monsec Dordogne 1373
Pont-Arnaud, com. Nîmes Gard Bridge on the Cadereau1380
Pontarrane, com. Compagne Aude Mill of Pontarrana on the Aude 1373
Pontarrou, Le, com. Magrie, sect. A. Aude 1257
Pont-à-Sault, com. Dourges Pas-de-Calais 1271
Pont-Asquin, com. Wardrecques Pas-de-Calais 1306
Pont-Astier, com. Saint-Pal-de-Chalencon Haute-Loire 1163
Pontaubert Yonne Pons-Herberti1167
Pont-Audemer Eure Brivodurum
Duos Pontes
Pont-Auffroy, com. Chevru Seine-et-Marne Mill1210
Pontaujard, com. Montbrison Drôme Pons Aujart1332
Pontault, com. Nottonville Eure-et-Loir 1468
Pontauriol, com. Cassaigne Aude A brook1468
Pont-Authou Eure Pons Altou1024
Pont-Auvray, Le, com. Landivy Mayenne 12th century
Pont-aux-Dames Seine-et-Marne 1226
Pont-aux-Moines, communes Chécy and Mardié Loiret 1075
Pont-à-Vaches, com. Béthune Pas-de-Calais 1215
Pont-à-Vendin Pas-de-Calais 1024
Pontavert Aisne Pons Vardius1112
Pontazel, com. Bram Aude 1315
Pontbagnes Isère Formerly near Izeaux 13th century
Pont-Barrois, Le, com. Concressault Cher 1345
Pont-Barse, com. Courteranges Aube 1183
Pontbeau Savoie A domain12th century
Pont-Bellanger Calvados 1203
Pont-Benoist, com. Sainte-Colombe Seine-et-Marne Mill and old fief 1256
Pont-Bernard, Le, com. Montmançon Côte-d'Or 1303
Pont-Bernard, between communes of Beaufin and Aspres-lès-Corps Isère, Hautes-Alpes On the Drac 14th century
Pont-Besnier, Le, between communes of Juigné and Auvers-le-Hamon Sarthe 1321
Pont-Besse, Le, com. Laveissière Cantal 1490
Pont-Bone, com. Lembras Dordogne 1373
Pontcallec, com. Berné Morbihan Brook and pond1291
Pontcarlet, com. Hueg Isère 14th century
Pont-Carpin, communes of Grenoble and Saint-Martin-d'Hères Isère On the brook Grande-Morgne13th century
Pontcarré Seine-et-Marne Fief 15th century
Pontcerme, com. Coursan Aude A farm; Pons Septimus1352
Pont-Cervier, Le, com. Cohade Haute-Loire On the Vendage1323
Pontcharain, com. Theys Isère Pons Charen13th century
Pontcharra Isère, Savoie 13th century
Pontchartrain Eure-et-Loir See Brezolles
Pontchartrain, com. Saint-Mard-de-Réno Orne Gallo-Roman
Pontchartrain Seine-et-Oise See Jouars-Pontchartrain
Pontchâteau Loire-Inférieure 11th century
Pont-Chauvet, Le, com. La Celle-Condé Cher 1450
Pont-Croissant, com. Montbonnot-Saint-Martin Isère 14th century
Pont-d'Aby, Le, com. Narbonne Aude Old bridge on the road from Narbonne to Capestang 1329
Pont-d'Ain Ain 13th century or 1326
Pont-d'Ainon, Le, com. Plaimpied-Givaudins Cher 1300
Pont-d'Aisy, Le, com. Aisy-sous-Thil Côte-d'Or 1255
Pont-d'Ambel, between communes of Ambel and Corps Isère On the Drac 13th century
Pont-Dandon, cant. Molières Gard 1301
Pont-d'Anglars Dordogne 1489
Pont-d'Aurel, Le, communes of Aurel and Vercheny Drôme 1193
Pont-d'Authie, com. Jussac Cantal 1369
Pont-d'Avene, com. Gigean Hérault 1376–1378
Pont-d'Avord, Le, com. Farges-en-Septaine Cher 1460
Pont-de-Barangeon, Le, com. Vignoux-sur-Barangeon Cher 1260
Pont-de-Barret, Le, com. Dieulefit Drôme Locus qui prius dictus est Sayenna et modo dicitur ad Pontem956
Pont-de-Beauvoisin, Le Isère Pontem Castellum11th century
Pont-de-Brion, communes Lavars and Roissard Isère 14th century
Pont-de-Briques, Le, com. Saint-Léonard Pas-de-Calais 1203
Pont-de-Camarès Aveyron 1311
Pont-de-Cernon, com. Chapareillan Isère 14th century
Pont-de-Champ, between communes of Jarrie and Champ Isère Bridge over the Romanche 13th century
Pont-de-Chargy, Le, com. Barneçon Cher 1350
Pont-de-Charréas, Charrées, com. Malrevers Haute-Loire 1253
Pont-de-Chéruy Isère 13th century
Pont-de-Cognet, between communes of Cognet and Saint-Jean-d'Hérans Isère Bridge over the Drac 13th century
Pont-de-Coly, cant. Montignac Dordogne 1460
Pont de Cordéac et de Quet-en-Beaumont, above the village of Gautiers Isère Pons Rumieuf13th century
Pont-de-Coubon, com. Coubon Haute-Loire 1095
Pont-de-Cros, Le, com. Murat Cantal Pons del Cros apud Muratum1289
Pont-de-Gavet, com. Livre-du-Genet, near Grenoble Isère Gallo-Roman
Pont-de-Gennes Sarthe Le Pont de Gene1357
Pont-de-Gers, com. Vienne Isère 15th century
Pont-de-Jaillon, Le, com. Jaillon Meurthe Le Pont-a-Jaillons1291
Pont-de-la-Beaurone, com. Chancelade Dordogne 1115
Pont-de-la-Bourne, com. Villard-de-Lans Isère 14th century
Pont-de-la-Chartreuse, Le, com. Brives-Charensac Haute-Loire Parvus Ponsc. 1210
Pont-de-la-Morge, Le, com. Moirans Isère Bridge on the Morge 14th century
Pont-de-la-Motte, between communes of Avignonet and La Motte-Saint-Martin Isère On the Drac 13th century
Pont-de-la-Peyre, Le, com. Fanjeaux Aude 1442
Pont-de-la-Peyre, com. Bergerac Dordogne 1467
Pont-de-la-Raz, com. Valjouffrey Isère 14th century
Pont-de-l'Arche Eure c. 1020
Pont-de-la-Reynette, cant. Nîmes Gard On the Fontaine1380
Pont-de-la-Romanche, com. Le Bourg-d'Oisans Isère Pons Medius13th century
Pont-de-l'Enceinte, Le, com. Yssingeaux Haute-Loire Mill and bridge on the Lignon; Pons voc. de la Saynta1273
Pont-de-l'Escure, Le, com. Saint-Flour Cantal La Plancha1369
Pont-de-l'Herbasse, Le, com. Clérieux Drôme 1468
Pont-de-Limon, com. Courtomer Seine-et-Marne At Pontpierre1365
Pont-de-Livier, Le, com. Bellegarde Gard 1380
Pont-de-l'Oula, Le, com. Saint-Pierre-de-Mésage Isère 14th century
Pont-de-Lussac, Le, com. Mazerolles Vienne 12th century
Pont-de-Maillé, Le, com. Saint-Martin-l'Ars Vienne 1482
Pont-de-Marne, Le, com. Langres Haute-Marne 854
Pont-de-Mars, Le, com. Chambon Haute-Loire 1254
Pont-de-Moeurs, Le, communes Moeurs and Sézanne Marne Le moulin du Pont-à-Meure1493
Pont-de-Montgnon, com. Juilly Seine-et-Marne 1467
Pont-d'Entraygues, Le Aveyron See Entraygues
Pont-de-Pierre, Le, com. Morogues Cher 1457
Pont-de-Pierre, Le, com. Auxonne Côte-d'Or 1442
Pont-de-Pierre, Le, cant. Bellefontaine Vosges 1436
Pont-de-Portes, Le, communes Séchilienne and Saint-Barthélemy-de-Séchilienne Isère Ruined bridge on the Romanche 14th century
Pont-de-Quaix, com. Quaix Isère Bridge on the Vence14th century
Pont-de-Quart, Le, com. Beaumont-lès-Valence Drôme 1483
Pont-de-Rochefort, Le, com. Alleyras Haute-Loire Bridge on the Allier 1345
Pont-de-Roison, Le, between communes of Nantes-en-Ratier and Siévoz Isère 13th century
Pont-de-Ruan Indre-et-Loire The ancient Rotomagus of the Peutinger Table 6th century, also 9th century
Pont-de-Saint-Martin, Le, com. Agonac Dordogne 1367
Pont-de-Saint-Martin, Le, between communes of Clelles and Saint-Martin-de-Clelles Isère Bridge over the Orbanne14th century
Pont-de-Saint-Nicolas de Campagnac Gard See Campagnac
Pont-des-Anjalvis, com. Menet Cantal 1441
Pont-des-Echelles, between communes of Entre-deux-Guiers and Les Échelles Isère, Savoie Bridge on the Guiers-Vif13th century
Pont-de-Soirans, com. Soirans-Fouffrans Côte-d'Or 1390-1391
Pont-d'Estrouilhas, Le, communes of Aiguilhe and Espaly-Saint-Marcel Haute-Loire On the Borne1245
Pont-de-Sumène, com. Blavozy Haute-Loire 1359
Pont-d'Etaules, com. Saint-Seine-sur-Vingeanne Côte-d'Or 1322
Pont-de-Tréboul, Le, com. Sainte-Marie Cantal 15th century
Pont-de-Vaux Ain c. 1250
Pont-de-Vaux, com. Marly-sous-Issy Saône-et-Loire 1312
Pont-de-Vaux, com. Millac Vienne 1451
Pont-de-Veyle Ain 1186
Pont-de-Veyton, Le, between communes of Allevard and Pinsot Isère Bridge on the brook Veyton12th century
Pont-d'Isalguier Haute-Garonne See Toulouse
Pont-d'Iverny, Le, com. Montmirail Sarthe c. 969
Pont-d'Ognon, Le, com. Homps Aude 1231
Pont-d'Ouilly Calvados 1125
Pont-du-Boeuf, com. Saint-Blaise-du-Buis Isère Pons Boum; Pons de Bos14th century
Pont-du-Bourniou, Le, com. Ladinhac Cantal 1464
Pont-du-Château Puy-de-Dôme Before 1151
Pont-du-Diable Isère, Savoie See Pons Sancti Hugonis
Pont-du-Fieu, Le, com. Saint-Julien-d'Ance Haute-Loire On the Ance1417
Pont-du-Fort, Le, com. Troarn Calvados 1310
Pont-du-Gard, com. Remoulins Gard Roman aqueduct on the Gardon; called Pons de Gartio in 1295Roman
Pont-du-Gy, Le, communes of Duisans and Étrun Pas-de-Calais Le Pons Duisy1364
Pont-du-Monastère Dordogne See Brantôme
Pont-du-Prat, Le, com. Valjouffrey Isère On the Bonne14th century
Pont-du-Prêtre, Le, com. Valbonnais Isère Pons Sacerdoto15th century
Pont-du-Roi, Le, com. Tigery Seine-et-Oise No evidence for Middle AgesRoman
Pont-du-Sault, between communes of Porcieu-Amblagnieu and Villebois Isère, Ain Bridge over the Rhône 14th century
Pont-du-Vau, Le, com. Til-Châtel Côte-d'Or Molendinum Pontis de Valle1203
Pont-du-Vers, com. St. Chef Isère 15th century
Pont-Echanfré Eure First name of Notre-Dame-du-Hamel; Pons Herchenfret in the 11th century, but Beata Marie de Hamilla in 126011th century, 1260
Pontécoulant Calvados Pons Escoulandi11th century
Pontempeyrat, com. Craponne-sur-Arzon Haute-Loire Pons Empeyra1311
Pont-en-Royans Isère 11th century
Pont-en-Vertais Loire-Inférieure Now inside Nantes 14th century
Pont-Érembourg, com. Saint-Denis-de-Méré Calvados 1108
Pont-Évêque Isère 11th century
Pontevin, com. Chatenay-Mâcheron Haute-Marne Terra de Pontguayn
Pont Vahin
Pont-Eyraud, com. Saint-Aulaye Dordogne 1245
Pont-Farcy Calvados 1278
Pontfaverger Marne Pons FabricatusBeginning of 11th century
Pontfère, com. Laveissière Cantal 15th century
Pont Flavien, near Saint-Chamas Bouches-du-Rhône Roman
Pontfol, com. Saint-Michel-de-Lanès Aude 1353
Pontfrault, com. Château-Landon Seine-et-Marne Pons Feraudic. 1090
Pontgallet, com. Bazoche-Gouet Eure-et-Loir Pons-Galeti1215
Pont-Gibaut, com. Saint-Christophe-le-Chaudry Cher Place name1178
Pontgibert, com. Saint-Bérain Haute-Loire Pons Gilbert1343
Pont-Gilbert, com. Torcy Seine-et-Marne Molendinum de Ponte Gilbert1263
Pont-Givart, communes Arainville and Pignicourt Aisne Aumenancourt-le-Grand and Aumenancourt-le-Petit 1146
Pontgouin Eure-et-Loir Pons Godonis1099
Pont-Gras, Rue du, Louviers Eure 1455
Pont-Gros, com. Tullins Isère 14th century
Pont-Hannois, com. La Croix-en-Brie Seine-et-Marne 1270
Ponthaut, com. Allevard Isère Nemus Pontis Altis14th century
Ponthaut, communes Saint-Laurent-en-Beaumont and Sousville Isère 10th and 13th centuries
Pont-Hébert Eure Quarter of the fief Meuille1411
Pont-Hémery, Le, com. Brazey-en-Plaine Côte-d'Or Pons Haymerici1225
Pont-Herbert, com. Saint-Clair Manche 1361–1388
Ponthévrard Seine-et-Oise Pons Ebrardi1162
Ponthion Marne Pontico
Pons Ugone
c. 590
c. 768
Pont-Honfroy, com. Rouen Seine-Maritime Place name has disappeared4th century, c. 1050
Ponthouion Sarthe 11th century
Pont-Hubault, com. Ruaudin Sarthe 1270
Pont-Hubert, Le, com. Pont-Sainte-Marie Aube 1154
Pontignol, Le, com. Fanjeaux Aude Ad Pontilhol
Ad Pontem de Insula
Pontignol, Le, com. Fonters-du-Razès Aude 1347
Pontignol, Le, com. Laurac Aude 1330
Pontignol, Le, com. Narbonne Aude 1157
Pontignol, Le, com. Villasavary Aude 1139
Pontigny, com. Condé sur le Nied Moselle
Pontigny Yonne Before that date a new bridgeBefore 1140
Pont-Jehan, com. Saint-Lyphard Loire-Inférieure 1413
Pont Julien, near Apt Vaucluse ExtantRoman
Pont-l'Abbé, com. Sainte-Mère-Église Manche 1369
Pont-Landry, Le, com. Ambrières Mayenne 1209
Pont-la-Ville, com. Châteauvillain Haute-Marne 1196
Pont-lès-Bonfays Vosges 10th century, 1303
Pont-l'Évêque Calvados 12th century
Pont-l'Évêque Finistère 12th century
Pontlevoy Loir-et-Cher Pons leviatus1075
Pontlieue, suburb of Le Mans Sarthe Bridge on the Huisne
Ad pontem Leuge

10th century, 1212
Pont-Long, Le, arr. Pau Pyrénées-Atlantiques 1277
Pontloup, com. Moret-sur-Loing Seine-et-Marne Old priory of Saint-Pierre, dependent on the abbey of Vézelay
Pons Luppae

c. 1150
Pontmain, com. Saint-Ellier Mayenne De Ponte Monii1225
Pont-Marès, Le, com. Saint-André-de-Valborgne Gard 1437
Pontmarsa, com. Villasavary Aude 1332
Pont-Minard, com. Forcey Haute-Marne 1174
Pontmoulin, com. Chailly-en-Brie Seine-et-Marne Molendinum de Pont Morlen1132
Pont-Neuf, Le, com. Die Drôme Pont Fract, on the Drôme 13th century
Pont-Neuf, Le, com. Polignac Haute-Loire Le Pont-Nou1408
Pontoise Oise, Val-d'Oise Two ancient bridges called Briva IsaraeGallo-Roman
10th century, 1227
Pontôme, com. Courgains Sarthe 1314
Pontorson Manche Repairs at that date1366
Pontoux Saône-et-Loire Pons Dubis Peutinger Table
Pont-Pastoul Dordogne Bridge on the Drôme 12th century
Pont-Pérant, com. Saint-Laurent-du-Pont Isère Ruined bridge on the Guiers-Mort14th century
Pontpérier, com. Laurac Aude 1432–1519
Pont-Perrin, Mill of, com. Évreux Eure 1187
Pont-Perrin, Le, com. Payroux Vienne On the Clain 1404
Pont-Peyrat Dordogne 1403
Pont-Peyrène, com. Roquesvaire Bouches-du-Rhône On the Huveaune 1452
Pontpierre, com. Désertines Mayenne 1220
Pontpierre Moselle To the right of the deutsche Nied 1332
Pont-Pierre, communes Bernay and Courtomer Seine-et-Marne On the Yèresc. 1210
Pont-Pierre, com. Villeblevin Yonne 1290
Pontpoint Oise 1199
Pont-Réan Ille-et-Vilaine Preserves name of Roman bridgeRoman
Pont-Renard, com. Saint-Pal-de-Chalencon Haute-Loire 12th century
Pont-Rigault, com. Les Trois-Moutiers Vienne 1416
Pont-Robert, com. Bergerac Dordogne 1460
Pont-Roide, com. Meaux Seine-et-Marne On the Marne; Farinarium super fluvium Maternam ad Pontem rapidum9th century
Pont-Rouft, Le, com. Aiguesvives Gard Ad Pontem-Ruptum, ad Pontem-Fractem1299
Pont-Rouge, com. Allemond Isère Bridge on the Romanche 14th century
Pont-Rougier, com. Chomelix Haute-Loire On the Arzon; bridge destroyed1404
Pont-Roumieu, com. Saint-Germain-et-Mons Dordogne 1290
Pont-Rousseau, com. Rezé Loire-Atlantique 1135
Pont-Roux, com. Rouillac Charente 1075–1101
Pont-Royal, com. Chapareillan Isère On the Glandon14th century
Ponts, Les Cinq, com. Meuvic Dordogne A fief 1490
Ponts, com. Eu Seine-Maritime 1181–1189
Pont-Sainte-Maxence Oise 779
Pont-Saint-Esprit Gard Begun 1265
Pont-Saint-Laurent, com. Saint-Laurent-du-Pont Isère Bridge on the Guiers-Mort15th century
Pont-Saint-Manut, com. Douville Dordogne 1310
Pont-Saint-Mard Aisne 1296
Pont-Saint-Martin, between communes of Saint-Christophe-Entre-Deux-Guiers and Saint-Christophe Isère, Savoie Bridge on the Guiers-Vif15th century
Pont-Saint-Martin, communes Saint-Michel-les-Portes and Saint-Martin-de-Clelles Isère On the brook Saint Michel14th century
Pont-Saint-Martin Loire-Atlantique 1179
Pont-Saint-Ours, Le, com. Coulanges-lès-Nevers Nièvre 1251
Pont-Saint-Pierre Eure 911–1066
Pont-Saint-Vincent Meurthe 1177
Pont-Sanguèze, com. Vallet Loire-Atlantique 1454
Pontscorff, com. Cléguer Morbihan 1280
Ponts-de-Cé, Les Maine-et-Loire Probably there in Caesar's timeGallo-Roman, also 11th century
Pont-Séchier, com. Livet-et-Gavet Isère On the Romanche 14th century
Pont-Ségur, com. Mizoën Isère On the Romanche 15th century
Pont-sur-Madon Vosges 1409
Pont-sur-Meuse Meuse 1106
Pont-sur-Seine Aube Duodecim Pontes574, 864; attested 1153
Pont-sur-Vanne Yonne 1159
Pont-sur-Yonne Yonne 833, 13th century
Pont-Taulad, com. Cailhau Aude Name of a fief 1166
Pont-Thibout, Le, hamlet of Trancheville Eure 1255
Pont-Tranchêtu, communes Fontenay-sur-Eure and Nogent-sur-Eure Eure-et-Loir c. 1117
"Pontus", near com. Véronnes Côte-d'Or 815
Pontvallain Sarthe De ponte Valani1098
Pontvianne, com. Solignac-sous-Roche Haute-Loire 1293
Pontvien, Le, com. Livré Mayenne Capellam de Pont-Viviani1184
Pont-Vieux, com. Entraigues Isère Pons Veyl, on the Marsanne14th century
Pontvray, com. Sillery Marne Pons Varensis
c. 850
Pont-Yblon, hamlet Bonneuil, cant. Gonesse Seine-et-Oise 1093
Pont-Ysoir, Le Sarthe See Mans, Le
Porte-Joie Eure Turning bridge 1198
Puy-de-Pont, com. Neuvic Dordogne 1203
Radepont Eure Rotomagus in Antonine Itinerary but Radipons in 10341034
Régennes, Les, com. Appoigny Yonne 1145
Remi Somme See Sailly
Rennepont Haute-Marne Reneponsc. 1172
Ribemont Aisne Pro pontibus de Ribermont1248
Riom Puy-de-Dôme Pont de Nonette1303
Ris, Le, com. Varennes-lès-Nevers Nièvre 1343
Robertière, La, near Saint-Georges-sur-Eure, arr. Évreux, cant. Nonancourt Eure 1346
Rochelle, La Charente-Maritime 1202
Rochemaux Vienne On the Charente c. 1080
La Roche-Posay Vienne On the Creuse 1175
Rochy-Condé Oise Pons de Craut prope villam de Conde1292
Romans, between communes of Romans and Bourg-de-Péage Drôme Bridge on the Isère From mid-11th century
Romorantin Loir-et-Cher 1336
Roque, La, cant. Bagnols Gard On the Cèze 13th century
Laroquebrou Cantal 1281–1282
Roquecourbe Tarn On the Agout; Repairs1317
Rouanne, near Nanteuil-le-Haudouin Oise 13th century
Rouen Seine-Maritime Early 11th century
Sablé-sur-Sarthe Sarthe 13th century
Sailly, between communes of Remi and Sailly Somme 1236
Saint-Affrique Aveyron On the SorguesBefore 1368
Saint-Antonin Tarn-et-Garonne On the Aveyron 1358
Saint-Astier Dordogne 1293
Saint-Bertin, near Saint-Omer Pas-de-Calais On the Aa 1177-1187
Saint-Cloud Hauts-de-Seine 1411
Saint-Denis Seine-Saint-Denis Pont Maubert
"De ponte de Trecines" between Saint-Denis and Montque
Rebuilt not long before 1247
Sainte-Menehould Marne Pont de Berges
Pont de la Villeneuve
Pont de Gier
Saintes Charente-Maritime Before 1201
Saint-Flour Cantal Bridge on the Aude to reach suburb
Two other bridges across the Aude to reach mills:
Pont de Roueyre
Before 1250

13th century
Under construction in 1273
Saint-Généroux Deux-Sèvres Traditionally 13th century
Saint-Geniez Aveyron 1356
Saint-Geniez, at Martigues Bouches-du-Rhône Hospital of the bridge of Saint-GeniezBefore 1211
Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert Hérault Across the Gouffre-Noir of the Hérault 1031–1048
Saint-Jean-d'Angély Charente-Maritime A nearby bridge over the Charente was the scene of a fight that year1380
Saint-Julien, com. Pierry Marne 1239
Saint-Laurent-du-Pont Isère 14th century
Saint-Lô Manche In ancient times called BrioveraGallo-Roman
Saint-Maixent Deux-Sèvres Pont Charraut1366
Saint-Marceau Sarthe 12th century
Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Val-de-Marne 1205
Saint-Nicolas de Campagnac Gard See Campagnac
Saint-Omer Pas-de-Calais "All the bridges over the river Aa between Saint-Omer and Gravelines."1350
Saint-Pierre-de-Maillé Vienne On the Gartempe 1485
Saint-Pierre-du-Pont Neuf, com. Beaumont-sur-Sarthe Sarthe 12th century
Saint-Pourçain Allier Under construction in that century14th century
Saint-Quentin Aisne 1237
Saint-Savin sur Gartempe Vienne Possibly 12th or 13th century
Saint-Secondin Vienne 1329
Saint-Thibaut Loiret See Sully-sur-Loire
Salbris Loir-et-Cher Gallo-Roman
Salon Bouches-du-Rhône 1374
Salonnes Moselle 950
Saturargues Hérault Before 1140
Saumur Maine-et-Loire Before 1162
Savines Hautes-Alpes 14th century
Séchilienne Isère Ecclesia de S. Martini de Ponte-Roso10th century
Sens Yonne Roman, 519, 1145
Sérant Loiret Repairs at that time1387–1389
Serrières Ardèche 1251
Seyssel, between communes of Seyssel (Ain) and Seyssel (Haute-Savoie) Ain, Haute-Savoie Over the Rhône; a bridge there only from 1300 to c. 1322c. 1300 – c. 1322
Sommières Gard On the Vidourle, repaired in Middle AgesRoman
Sône, La, between communes of La Sône and Saint-Just-de-Claix Isère 13th century
Sorgues Vaucluse 1125
Sospel Alpes-Maritimes Possibly 11th century
Sully-sur-Loire Loiret Ancient, 1318
Suze, La, arr. Le Mans Sarthe 13th century
Taillebourg Charente-Maritime "Cum pratis amoenis et ponte optimo."1242
Tarascon Bouches-du-Rhône Bridge to château of counts of Anjou 1448
Tennie Sarthe c. 1216
Terrason Dordogne 1233
Terride-en-Gimoës, com. Saint-Georges Gers 1295–1314
Thouars Deux-Sèvres 13th century
Thourotte Oise 13th century
Tocane-Saint-Âpre Dordogne Pont de Pardutz1150
Tonnerre Yonne Bridges1241
Toulouse Haute-Garonne Old Bridge attested
Pont-de-la-Daurade or New Bridge
Pont de Las Clèdes
Bridges on the Hers: Pont de Pericole and Pont de Velours
Before 1181
Before 1219
Tournon Ardèche On the Doux Begun 1351
Tours Indre-et-Loire Over the Loire
Over the Cher
Treix Haute-Marne Rebuilt at that date862
Trilbardou on the Marne Haute-Marne See Treix
La Trinité-Victor Alpes-Maritimes Ancient abutments of bridge of Moulin d'Ezé
Troyes Aube Pont-Saint-Marie
Le Pont-Hubert
Pont de Cailles over a canal
Le grand pont des Moulins-aux-Monts and le pont Martinot
Pont de Sencey
Pont de Saint-Parres-les-Tertres and Pont de Fouchy
Roman, 1136
13th century
Tugny-et-Pont Aisne 1197
Uzès Gard c. 860
Vaas Sarthe Repairs at that date1382
Vabres Aveyron On the Dourdou1302 or 1277
Valence Drôme 1214
Varennes-sur-Allier Allier 1258
Verdun Meuse 6th century
Verlhac-Tescou Tarn-et-Garonne 1306
Vermenton Yonne Over the Cure 1238
Vernay Deux-Sèvres See Airvault
Vernon Eure Before 1223
Vicq-sur-Gartempe Vienne 1285
Victot-Pontfol Calvados Ponsfolli (=Pontfol), Pons Stulti1297
Vieille-Brioude Haute-Loire On the Allier 1340
Vieillevie Cantal 1218
Vienne Isère Replacing old bridge1251
Villefranche-de-Belvès Dordogne 1357
Villemanoche Yonne 823
Villeneuve-sur-Lot Lot-et-Garonne 1282
Villeneuve-sur-Yonne Yonne Formerly Villeneuve-le-Roi1186
Villerets, com. Écouis Eure 1260
Vitry-le-François Marne Two bridges, one to a castle1267
Vivonne Vienne Legacy for repairs to bridge1264
Vizille Isère Washed out at that date1336
Vouvant Vendée 13th or 14th century
Warneton Nord 1093–1111
Youle Aveyron On the Aveyron 1320

See also

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  1. com. = commune; cant. = canton; arr. = arrondissement
