List of wars involving Denmark

Last updated

This is a list of wars and war-like conflicts involving the modern Kingdom of Denmark and predecessor states.


  Danish victory
  Danish defeat
  Another result *

*e.g. result unknown or indecisive/inconclusive, result of internal conflict inside Denmark, status quo ante bellum , or a treaty or peace without a clear result.


YearWarBelligerents (excluding Denmark)Outcome
c. 770 Harald Wartooth's invasion of Sweden Raven Banner.svg Denmark Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg SwedenViking victory
c.770 Battle of Brávellir Raven Banner.svg Denmark
Eastern Geats
Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden
Western Geats
780s-850 Viking invasions of England Raven Banner.svg Norse Vikings
Flag of England.svg Kingdom of England Viking victory
  • Series of Viking attacks on Christian monasteries in the British Isles
810–811 Invasion of Frisia Raven Banner.svg Danish Kingdom Francia Viking victory
813 Halfdan the Mild's revolt Raven Banner.svg Danish Kingdom Halfdan the Mild

Revolt successful

Denmark is expelled and Vestfold gains independence.

838 Battle of Hingston Down Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings
Flag of Cornwall.svg Cornwall
Anglo-Saxons Defeat
  • Viking Defeat
845 Siege of Paris (845) Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings Francia Viking victory
851 Battle of Aclea Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings Kingdom of Wessex Defeat
  • West-Saxon victory
853 Invasion of Courland Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings Curonians Defeat
  • Curonian victory
859 Viking raid on Nekor [1] [2] [3]
(ca. 859)
Raven Banner.svg Norse Vikings Kingdom of Nekor Viking victory
  • Vikings occupied Nekor for 8 days.
865–878 Great Heathen Army's invasion of England Raven Banner.svg Norse Vikings
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms:

Kingdom of Strathclyde
Kingdom of Alba

Viking victory
866 Battle of Brissarthe Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings
    Flag of Brittany (Gwenn ha du).svg  Brittany
Francia Viking victory
880 Battle of Thimeon Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings West Francia Defeat
  • Viking Defeat
881 Battle of Saucourt-en-Vimeu Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings West Francia Defeat
882 Siege of Asselt Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings East Francia Defeat
885–886 Siege of Paris (885–886) Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings West Francia Stalemate
891 Battle of Leuven (891) Raven Banner.svg Danish Kingdom East Francia Defeat
  • Death of Sigfried and Godfried
899–902 Æthelwold's Revolt Followers of Æthelwold ætheling
Supported by:
Danes of Northumbria
Kingdom of East Anglia
Followers of Edward the Elder: Defeat
902 Battle of the Holme Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings Followers of Edward the Elder: Viking victory
900s Olof the Brashs conquest of Denmark
Raven Banner.svg Danish Kingdom Olof the Brash Defeat

Victory for Olof

911 Siege of Chartres (911) Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings West Francia Stalemate
939 Battle of Trans-la-Forêt Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings West Francia
    Flag of Brittany (Gwenn ha du).svg  Brittany
955–961 War between King Haakon the Good and the sons of Eirik Bloodaxe Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Sons of Eric Bloodaxe
Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway Defeat
974 German–Danish War of 974 Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Kingdom of Norway
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire
Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Norwegian Rebels
  • Hedeby under German occupation from 974 to 981
mid-980s Sweyn's revolt against Harald Bluetooth Raven Banner.svg Sweyn Forkbeard Raven Banner.svg Harald Bluetooth Victory for Sweyn Forkbeard
986 Battle of Fýrisvellir Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Raven Banner.svg Jomsvikings
Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden Defeat
  • Swedish Victory
986 Battle of Hjörungavágr Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Raven Banner.svg Jomsvikings
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway Defeat
  • Norwegian Victory
986 Norwegian-Jomsviking War
Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Raven Banner.svg Jomsvikings
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway Defeat
  • Norwegian Victory
  • Danish fleet destroyed
991 Battle of Maldon Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings Anglo-Saxons Viking victory
  • King Æthelred makes a payment of Danegeld of 10,000 Roman pounds
992 Erik the Victorious invasion of Denmark Raven Banner.svg Danish Kingdom Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden Defeat Swedish victory [4] [5]
mid-990s Eric the Victorious invasion of the Holy Roman Empire Raven Banner.svg Danish Kingdom

Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg Holy Roman Empire Stalemate Stade and Northern Germany gets pillaged and plundered by Vikings. Eric, however, fails to permanently capture land in the Holy Roman Empire.
1000 Battle of Svolder Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden
Earldom of Lade
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway Allied Victory
1001 First Battle of Alton Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark Anglo-Saxons Danish victory
1001 Battle of Pinhoe Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark Flag of England.svg Kingdom of England Danish victory
1004 Battle of Thetford Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Anglo-Norwegian Victory
1010 Battle of Ringmere Raven Banner.svg Danish Vikings Anglo-Saxons Viking victory
  • Over a three-month period the Danes wasted East Anglia, burning Thetford and Cambridge
1013 Sweyn Forkbeards invasion of England Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark Flag of England.svg Kingdom of England Danish victory
1015–1016 Olav II's conquest of Norway
  • Raid on Denmark
Kingdom of Sweden
Kingdom of Denmark
Earldom of Orkney
Kingdom of Norway Defeat
1016 Cnut the Great's invasion of England Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Norway
Flag of England.svg Kingdom of England Dano-Norwegian victory
1026 Battle of Helgeå Raven Banner.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Flag of England.svg Kingdom of England
Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Anglo-Danish victory
  • Subjegation of parts of Sweden
1028–1029 Cnut's Invasion of Norway Raven Banner.svg North Sea Empire Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway Anglo-Danish victory
  • Norway conquered
1031 Battle of Stiklestad Raven Banner.svg The "Peasant Army".loyal to Cnut the Great.Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway Peasant victory
1043 Magnus the Good's conquest of Denmark
Raven Banner.svg
Royal Standard of Norway.svg Kingdom of Norway Defeat
1043 Battle of Lyrskov Heath Royal Standard of Norway.svg Norway Wends Norwegian and Danish Loyalist victory
1043 Norwegian-Wendish War Royal Standard of Norway.svg Norway Wends Norwegian and Danish Loyalist victory
  • Destruction the Viking fort Jomsborg, possibly to destroy the Danish competitors to the throne. Plundering of the Wendish town of Jumne.
1048–1064 Invasion of Denmark Raven Banner.svg
Royal Standard of Norway.svg Norway Victory
  • Peace agreement, mutual recognition and Norwegian withdrawal.
1069–1075 Danish attacks on Norman England National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark
Earl of Northumbria
Royal Arms of England (1154-1189).svg Norman England Stalemate
1086 Peasant rebellion in Vendsyssel Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark peasants Defeat
  • Death of Canute
1093 Battle of Schmilau Wappen Mecklenburg 1.svg Prince Henry
National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark
Arms of the house of Ascania (ancient).svg Saxony
Obotrites Victory
  • Victory for the Christian coalition
1096 Magnus's raids on Halland State Banner of Denmark (14th Century).svg  Denmark Royal Banner of Norway (14th Century).svg  Norway Defeat
1131–1157 Danish Civil War (Civil war) [7] National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Valdemar I of Denmark

National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Canute V of Denmark

National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Sweyn III of Denmark Valdemar Victory
  • Valdemar I is made king of all of Denmark
1136 Erik Emunes invasion of Rügen National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Rani Danish Victory
  • Rügen conquered and converted, but the Rani returned to their pagan belief after the Danes left.
1144–1147 Wendish Crusade National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark
POL Przemysl II 1295 COA.svg Kingdom of Poland
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg Holy Roman Empire
Polabian Slavs
West Slavs
1168 or 1169 Siege of Arkona National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Rani Danish Victory
  • Rügen conquered and converted
1170 Battle of Julin Bridge National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark POL wojewodztwo zachodniopomorskie COA.svg Pomerania Danish Victory
  • entire army of Bogislaw scattered
1181 Battle of Dösjebro Royalists Scanian rebelsRoyalist Victory
1182 Harald Skraengs uprising Harald Skraeng
Denmark Victory Uprising quelled
1184 Battle of Greiswald Bay [8] National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Grunwald Slupsk i Szczecin.svg Pomerania
Supported by: Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg Holy Roman Empire
Danish Victory
1189–1192 Third Crusade Royal Arms of England.svg Angevin Empire
Arms of the Kings of France (France Ancien).svg Kingdom of France
Arms of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.svg Kingdom of Jerusalem

Shield of the Republic of Pisa.svg Republic of Pisa
Coat of Arms of the House of Hauteville (according to Agostino Inveges).svg Kingdom of Sicily
CoA Pontifical States 02.svg Papal States
Shield and Coat of Arms of the Holy Roman Emperor (c.1200-c.1300).svg Holy Roman Empire
Premyslovci erb.svg Duchy of Bohemia
Coat of arms of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia.svg Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg Kingdom of Denmark
Armoiries Genes.svg Republic of Genoa

Flag of Ayyubid Dynasty.svg Ayyubids
  • Sultanate of Egypt
  • Emirate of Damascus
  • Emirate of Hamah
  • Emirate of Mesopotamia
Crusader Victory
1191 Danish Crusade of 1191 [9] National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Finnish tribes Unknown result
  • Canute VI claims victory
1192 Invasion of Bishop Valdemar [10] National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Bishop Valdemar
Supported by:
Erican Dynasty heraldic lions (drawing 1996).jpg Sweden [11]
Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Norway [12]
Or three leopards sable.svg Hohenstaufen
Schaumburg Holstein Nesselblatt Wappen coat of arms.svg Holstein
DEU Ratzeburg COA.svg Ratzeburg
CoA Brandenburg, Germany.svg Brandenburg
  • Bishop Valdemar is imprisoned
1201 Battle of Stellau National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Holstein Arms.svg County of Holstein Danish Victory
  • Holstein Subjegated
1201 Danish Crusade of 1201 National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Finnish tribes Indecisive
  • Conquered regions handed over to Sweden [13]
1203–1290 Livonian Crusade Zakon Kawalerow Mieczowych COA.svg Sword-Brothers
Baltic coat of arms.svg Livonian Order
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
Indigenous peoples Victory
1204–1208 The Second Bagler War National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark
Bagler Party
Birkebeiner Peace
1210 Battle of Gestilren Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark House of Sverker Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden House of Eric Defeat
1210 Invasion of Pomeralia National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Denmark Pomeralia Danish Victory
  • Pomeralia subjegated
1219 Battle of Lyndanisse Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Non-Christian EstoniansDanish Victory
  • According to legend, Dannebrog fell from the sky, as an apparently helpful divine intervention, just when the Danish Crusaders were about to lose the battle to the local pagans. The flag has been the official flag of Denmark ever since, making it the world's oldest national flag still in use.
1225 Battle of Mölln (1225) Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Wappen Mecklenburg-Schwerin 2.svg County of Schwerin Defeat
  • Danish possessions in Germany rebels
1227 Danish–German war Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Holstein Arms.svg County of Holstein
 Hanse Lubeck.svg Hanseatic League
1240–1242 Livonian campaign against Rus' Baltic coat of arms.svg Livonian Order
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Novgorod Republic Defeat
1245 Battle of Embo Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Royal Standard of Norway.svg Norway
Royal Banner of Scotland.svg Kingdom of Scotland Defeat
1250 Expedition against Frisia Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Frisian rebels Defeat
1256-1257 Halland War Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Royal Standard of Norway.svg Norway Defeat
1259-1261 The Archbishop War [14] State Banner of Denmark (14th Century).svg Margaret Jacob Erlandsen.jpg Lund Archbishopric
Coat of arms of Schleswig.svg Schleswig
Ksiestwo rugijskie COA.svg Rügen
1274-1275 The war against Valdemar Birgersson Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Magnus III of Sweden
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden Victory
1276–1278 6000-mark war Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden Victory
1289–1295 Danish-Norwegian War Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Danish outlaws


YearWarBelligerents (excluding Denmark)Outcome
1304–1310 The Swedish brother's feud Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
COA family sv Magnus Ladulas.svg Birger Magnusson
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Duke Eric and Valdemar
1316 Battle of Gransee Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Mecklenburg Arms.svg Duchy of Mecklenburg
Arms of Brandenburg.svg Margraviate of Brandenburg Victory
1326–1354 Wars of the Rügen Succession Christoffer den Andens segl (bagside).png Christopher II
Mecklenburg Arms.svg Duchy of Mecklenburg
COA Pomerania-Stettin Iberian style shield white.svg Pomerania
Holstein Arms.svg Gerhard III
1326 Rebellion of 1326 Christoffer den Andens segl (bagside).png Christopher II Holstein Arms.svg Gerhard III Defeat
  • Overthrowal of Christopher II
1328–1328 Revolts against Valdemar III Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Peasants on Jutland and ZealandVictory
  • Valdemar retains the throne
1340–1360 Reunification of Denmark Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Holstein Arms.svg Holstein
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
  • Reunification of Denmark
1341–1343 Kalundborg War Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Flag of the Free City of Lubeck.svg Lübeck
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden
Schaumburg Holstein Nesselblatt Wappen coat of arms.jpg Holstein
1343–1345 St. George's Night Uprising Den tyske ordens skjold.svg Teutonic Order

Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark

1360 Valdemar Atterdag's invasion of Scania Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden Victory
1361 Valdemar Atterdag's invasion of Gotland Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden

Hanse Lubeck.svg Hanseatic League

1361–1365 First Dano-Hanseatic War Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway

Hanse Lubeck.svg Hanseatic League
Royal Banner of Sweden (14th Century).svg Sweden

  • Dissolution of the Anti-Danish Alliance
1367–1370 Great Hanseatic War [15] Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Hanse Lubeck.svg Confederation of Cologne
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
1384 Swedish invasion of Scania [16] [17] Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden * Truce likely signed in 1384 Temporary capture of Laholm by Sweden, followed by subsequent retreat
1389 Battle of Åsle Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Swedish Nobles
Mecklenburg Arms.svg Duchy of Mecklenburg
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
  • Margaret I of Denmark becomes regent of Sweden
1392–1398War with the Victual Brothers Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Victual Brothers Victory
  • Formation of the Kalmar Union.
1403–1400 War in Gotland (1403–1404) Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg Kalmar Union Flag of the State of the Teutonic Order.svg Teutonic Order Teutonic victory
  • Gotland is purchased by the Kalmar Union after negotiations in 1407
1410–1422 Eric of Pommeranias First Schleswig War [18] Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union DEU Landkreis Schaumburg COA.svg House of Schaumburg Peace agreement
  • Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor decides in favor of Denmark
1426–1435 Dano-Hanseatic War Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union DEU Landkreis Schaumburg COA.svg House of Schaumburg
Hanse Lubeck.svg Hanseatic League
  • Treaty of Vordingborg
1434–1436 Engelbrekt rebellion Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson vapen.svg Swedish rebels Defeat
  • Danish forces temporarily expulsed from Sweden
1436 Amund Sigurdssons Rebellion Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Norwegian peasantsVictory
1438 Hallvard Graatops Revolt Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Norwegian peasantsVictory
  • Revolt suppressed
1438–1441 Dutch–Hanseatic War Hanse Lubeck.svg Hanseatic League
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark

DEU Fuerstentum Lueneburg COA.svg Lüneburg
Mecklenburg Arms.svg Mecklenburg
POL ksiestwo pomorskie COA.svg Pomerania
Holstein Arms.svg Holstein
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Brandenburg

Blason fr Bourgogne.svg
Blason Norvege ancien.svg
1441 Battle of St. Jørgensbjerg [19] Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Reventlow-Wappen.png Peasant army under Henrik Reventlow Victory
  • Rebellion defeated
1448–1449 War on Gotland (1448–1449) Armoiries medievales d Eric de Pomeranie 1382-1459.svg Eric of Pomerania
Supported by:
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden
Supported by:
Gotlands vapen.svg Gutes
  • Gotland handed over to Denmark
1448–1451 War of the Norwegian Succession Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Pro-Danish Norwegians
Blason de Charles VIII de Suede et de Norvege (1408-1470).svg Sweden
Pro-Swedish Norwegians
Pro-Danish Victory
  • Christian I becomes king of Norway
1448–1502 Krummedige-Tre Rosor feud
Krummedige family
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Tre Rosor family
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden
Krummedige victory
  • The male Tre Rosor line in Norway becomes extinct.
  • Norwegian monarchy strengthened
  • Prince Christian maintains control over Norway
1451–1457 Dano-Swedish War (1451-1457) Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
COA family sv Tott.svg Erik Axelsson Tott
Blason de Charles VIII de Suede et de Norvege (1408-1470).svg Sweden Victory
  • Reinstalment of the Kalmar union
1454–1466 Thirteen Years' War (1454–1466) Flag of the State of the Teutonic Order.svg Teutonic Order

Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union
Flag of the State of the Teutonic Order.svg Livonian Order
Flag of Zuid-Holland.svg Amsterdam
[ clarification needed ]POL wojewodztwo dolnoslaskie flag.svg Duchy of Żagań

Flag of the Kingdom of Poland.svg Kingdom of Poland

Supported by:Flag of Prussia (1466-1772).svg Prussian Confederation

1464 Battle of Haraker Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Blason de Charles VIII de Suede et de Norvege (1408-1470).svg Sweden Defeat
  • Christian I was deposed as king of Sweden
1466–1467 War of Deposition against Jöns Bengtsson Oxenstierna Supporters of Jöns Bengtsson
State Banner of Denmark (14th Century).svg  Denmark
Rebels under Nils StureDefeat
  • Jöns Bengtsson is deposed
1470–1471 Dano-Swedish War (1470–1471) Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Defeat
  • Danish failure to conquer Sweden
1497 Battle of Rotebro Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Victory


YearWarBelligerents (excluding Denmark)Outcome
1500 Battle of Hemmingstedt Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union DEU Kreis Dithmarschen COA.svg Dithmarschen Defeat
  • Destruction of the royal army
1501–1503 War of Deposition against King Hans Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden Defeat
  • Hans, King of Denmark deposed as King of Sweden.
1501–1504 Alvsson Rebellion Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Knut Alvsson (until 1502)
Nils Ravaldsson (from 1502)
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
  • Dano-Norwegian ties solidified
1501–1512 Dano-Swedish War (1501–1512) Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
Flag of the Free City of Lubeck.svg Free City of Lübeck (from 1509)
  • Treaty of Malmö
1512–1520 Dano-Swedish War (1512–1520) Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden Victory
  • Danish Victory
  • Danish conquer of Sweden
1521–1523 Swedish War of Liberation Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg  Kalmar Union Shield of arms of Sweden.svg Sweden
Flag of the Free City of Lubeck.svg Free City of Lübeck (from 1522)
1523–1524 Siege of Copenhagen (1523) Royal Arms of Norway, Denmark & Sweden (1460-1523).svg Christian II Royal Arms of Norway & Denmark (1523-1535).svg Frederick I of Denmark Frederickian Victory
  • Diposition of Christian II
1524–1525Revolts for the reinstalment of Christian II [20] Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Royal Arms of Norway, Denmark & Sweden (1460-1523).svg Rebels supporting Christian II Victory
  • Failure to reinstal Christian II
1532 Christian II's Invasion of Norway Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Royal Standard of Norway.svg  Norway
Royal Arms of Norway, Denmark & Sweden (1460-1523).svg Christian II Victory
  • Invasion failed
  • Christian II captured
1534–1536 Count's Feud (civil war) National Coat of arms of Denmark no crown.svg   Christian III
Coat of arms of Schleswig.svg Duchy of Schleswig
Holstein Arms.svg  Holstein
Shield of arms of Sweden.svg  Sweden
POL Prusy ksiazece COA.svg  Duchy of Prussia
Royal Arms of Norway, Denmark & Sweden (1460-1523).svg Christian II
Wappen Lubeck.svg Christopher of Oldenburg
Flag of the Free City of Lubeck.svg Free City of Lübeck
Insigne incognitum.svg  Skåne
Insigne incognitum.svg  Malmø
Coat of arms of Copenhagen.svg  Copenhagen
Reformation in Denmark–Norway and Holstein
1536–1537 Olav Engelbrektsson's Rebellion Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark
Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Protestants
Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Catholics Victory
1538–1550 Icelandic Reformation Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark–Norway
Iceland stockfish coa.svg Protestants
Iceland stockfish coa.svg Catholics Victory
  • Jón Arason defeated and captured
  • Collapse of Catholicism in Iceland
1540 Peasant's Rebellion in Telemark Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark–Norway Coat of arms of Norway (1924) no crown.svg Norwegian peasantsRebellion suppressed
1542 Dacke War Flag of Sweden.svg Kingdom of Sweden
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg Landsknechte
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark-Norway
Smaland vapen.svg  Småland Peasants under Nils Dacke

Ostergotland vapen.svg  Östergötland peasant militia

  • Royal power strengthened
  • No further civil wars or major uprisings
1542 Italian War of 1542–1546 Pavillon royal de la France.svg  France
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1844).svg Ottoman Empire

Armoiries Guillaume de Cleves-less fancy.svg Jülich-Cleves-Berg
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark-Norway

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire
Flag of Electoral Saxony.svg  Saxony
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Brandenburg
Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spain
Flag of England.svg England
Status quo ante bellum
1558–1583 Livonian War Baltic coat of arms.svg Livonian Confederation
Choragiew krolewska krola Zygmunta III Wazy.svg Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway

Flag of Sweden.svg Kingdom of Sweden
Flag of the Cossack Hetmanat.svg Zaporozhian Cossacks
Transsylvanian Banner.svg Principality of Transylvania

Flag of Oryol (variant).svg Tsardom of Russia
Qasim Khanate
Kingdom of Livonia
1559 Campaign of 1559 Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway DEU Kreis Dithmarschen COA.svg Dithmarschen Victory
  • Conquest of Dithmarschen
1563–1570 Northern Seven Years' War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Flag of the Free City of Lubeck.svg Free City of Lübeck

Herb Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow.svg Poland–Lithuania

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Status quo ante bellum
1563–1568 Polish–Swedish War (1563–1568) Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark–Norway
Flagge der Hansestadt Lubeck.svg Lübeck
Sweden-Flag-1562.svg Sweden Defeat
1571Danish attack on Poland Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Choragiew krolewska krola Zygmunta III Wazy.svg Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Victory
1575–1577 Danzig rebellion City of Danzig
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway [22]
Choragiew krolewska krola Zygmunta III Wazy.svg Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Peace
1611–1613 Kalmar War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Victory
1618–1620 Conquest of Koneswaram Temple [23] Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
King of Kandy.svg  Kingdom of Kandy
Flag of Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Ceylon Defeat
1619 Action of 19 February 1619 Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Pirate Flag of Emanuel Wynne.svg French pirates

Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  France

  • Danish Victory
  • French ships conquered
1619 Roland Crappé's raids on Portuguese colonies Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
King of Kandy.svg  Kingdom of Kandy Supported by:
Thanjavur Nayak kingdom
Flag of Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Ceylon

Flag of Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese India

1618–1648 Thirty Years' War Protestant States and Allies

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  Kingdom of France
Flag of Bohemia.svg  Bohemia
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway (1625–1629)
Flag of Electoral Saxony.svg  Saxony
Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
Palatinate Arms.svg Electorate of the Palatinate
Coat of arms of Brunswick-Luneburg.svg Brunswick-Lüneburg
Flag of England.svg  England
Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland
Brandenburg Wappen.svg Brandenburg-Prussia
Flag of Transylvania before 1918.svg Transylvania
Hungarian Anti-Habsburg Rebels
Flag of the Cossack Hetmanat.svg Zaporozhian Cossacks
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire

Roman Catholic States and Allies

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire

Flag of New Spain.svg Spain and its possessions
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway (1643–1645)

1624 Siege of Dansborg (1624) Danish Colonial Merchant Ensign India.png  Danish India Thanjavur Nayak Victory
  • Thanjavur recognizes Tranquebar as Danish
1627 Turkish Abductions Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire Defeat
  • Abduction of 400-800 Icelanders
1642–1698 Dano-Mughal War [24] Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark–Norway Flag of the Mughal Empire.png Mughal Empire Peace treaty
  • Dannemarksnagore ceded to Denmark for 30,000 rupees to be paid over ten years
1643–1645 Torstenson War Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
1644 Conflict between Willem Leyel and Bernt Pessart Danish Colonial Merchant Ensign India.png  Danish India Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Leyel loyalist

Flag of the Dutch East India Company.svg Dutch Coromandel

British East India Company flag.svg English Madras

Flag of Portugal (1667).svg Portuguese Carical

Supported by:

Thanjavur Nayak

Willem victory
1644 Siege of Dansborg (1644) Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Thanjavur Nayak kingdom Inconclusive
1655–1669 Sieges of Tranquebar (1655–1669) Danish Colonial Merchant Ensign India.png  Danish India Thanjavur Nayak kingdom Victory
  • Villages of Poreiar, Tillali and Erikutanchery ceded to the Danes
1657–1660 Second Northern War Counts of Habsburg Arms.svg Habsburg monarchy
Choragiew krolewska krola Zygmunta III Wazy.svg Poland–Lithuania
Flag of Tsar of Moscow.jpg Russia (1656–58)
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Brandenburg-Prussia
Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Brandenburg.svg Brandenburg-Prussia
Coat of arms of Transylvania.svg Transylvania
Herb Viyska Zaporozkogo (Alex K).svg Ukrainian Cossacks
Flag of Wallachia.svg Wallachia
Flag of Moldavia.svg Moldavia
1657–1658 Dano-Swedish War (1657–1658) Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Choragiew krolewska krola Zygmunta III Wazy.svg Poland–Lithuania
Naval Ensign of Sweden.svg  Swedish Empire Defeat

Decisive Swedish victory; Treaty of Roskilde/Treaty of Taastrup

1658–1660 Dano-Swedish War (1658–1660) Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway
Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Brandenburg-Prussia
Choragiew krolewska krola Zygmunta III Wazy.svg Poland–Lithuania
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor without haloes (1400-1806).svg  Habsburg Monarchy
Naval Ensign of Sweden.svg  Swedish Empire Victory
1660–1664 Dano-Dutch Colonial War in Guinea [25] Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark–Norway
Flag of England.svg  Kingdom of England
Fetu tribe
Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic Victory
1665–1667 Second Anglo-Dutch War Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  Kingdom of France
Flag of England.svg  Kingdom of England
Flag of the Prince-Bishopric of Munster.svg Bishopric of Münster
1666 Second Swedish War on Bremen Flag of Bremen.svg Bremen
D'argent croix de sable.svg Electorate of Cologne
DEU Fuerstentum Lueneburg COA.svg Brunswick-Lüneburg
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Electorate of Brandenburg
Statenvlag.svg Dutch Republic
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Draw
1675–1679 Scanian War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Brandenburg
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  Kingdom of France
Status quo ante bellum
1678 Assault on Osu Ga-Adangbe
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Akwamu Victory
  • Assult reppeled
1686 Siege of Hamburg (1689) Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg Denmark–Norway Flag of Hamburg.svg Hamburg
DEU Fuerstentum Lueneburg COA.svg Brunswick-Lüneburg
Wappen Mark Brandenburg.png Brandenburg-Prussia
Peace agreement
  • Danish withdrawal
  • Hamburg pays 300,000 thalers as compensation to Denmark


YearWarBelligerents (excluding Denmark)Outcome
1700–1720 Great Northern War Flag of Russia.svg Tsardom of Russia
Flag of Electoral Saxony.svg  Electorate of Saxony
Flaga Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodow.svg Poland–Lithuania
Flag of the Cossack Hetmanat.svg Cossack Hetmanate
Flag of the Kingdom of Prussia (1701-1750).svg  Prussia
Flag of Hanover (1692).svg Hanover
Union flag 1606 (Kings Colors).svg  Great Britain
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Wappen Herzogtum Holstein 1703.gif Holstein-Gottorp
Flaga Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodow.svg Poland–Lithuania
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire
1703–1711 Rákóczi's War of Independence Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire :

Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark–Norway

Civil Ensign of Hungary.svg Kuruc forces (Kingdom of Hungary)
Transsylvanian Banner.svg Principality of Transylvania
Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  Kingdom of France
1733–1734 1733 slave insurrection on St. John Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark–Norway Rebel slavesVictory
  • Rebellion suppressed
1739 Battle of Jakobshavn Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark–Norway Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic Victory
  • Dutch presence on Greenland collapses
1765 Strilekrigen Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Royal coat of arms of Norway.svg Norwegian peasantsVictory
  • Rebellion suppressed
1756 Cattle War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark–Norway Thanjavur Maratha kingdom Defeat
1770–1772 Danish–Algerian War Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg Dey of Algiers Defeat
1771 Royal Life Guards' Mutiny Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway LG Colours.svg Royal Life Guard execution of Struensee
1784 Sagbadre War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Ada- Danish Alliance Anlo Confederacy Victory
  • Return of territory previously acquired by Anlo from the Alliance
  • Construction of Fort Prinzenstein
1786–1787 Lofthusreisingen Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Royal coat of arms of Norway.svg Norwegian peasantsVictory
  • Rebellion suppressed
1788–1789 Theatre War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Inconclusive
1788–1790 Russo-Swedish War Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Status quo ante bellum
1797 Action of 16 May 1797 Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire (de jure)Victory


YearWarBelligerents (excluding Denmark)Outcome
1800–1802 Lærdal Rebellion Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Royal coat of arms of Norway.svg Norwegian peasantsVictory
  • Rebellion suppressed
1800–1813 Napoleonic Wars Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg  Austrian Empire
Flag of the Kingdom of Prussia (1803-1892).svg  Prussia
Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg  Spain
Flag Portugal (1750).svg Portugal
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire (until 1803)
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  United Kingdom of the Netherlands
1801, 1807–1814 English Wars Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway

Flag of France.svg French Empire
Flag of Spain (1785-1873 and 1875-1931).svg Spain

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom

Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden

1805–1810 Franco-Swedish War

Sweden regains Swedish Pomerania Sweden integrates the Continental System

1807–1814 Gunboat War Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark–Norway Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Defeat
1808–1809 Dano-Swedish War (1808–09) Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark–Norway
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
1809 Jørgen Jørgensen's Revolution Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Jorgen Jorgensen (1809).png Iceland Victory
  • Imprisonment of Jørgen Jørgensen
1808–1981 Huéscar-Danish War Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Huéscar Peace treaty
1813-1814 Dano-Swedish War (1813–1814) Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway Naval Ensign of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
Flag of Hanover (1692).svg  Hanover
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
1813 Antisemitic riots Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Danish Jews Antisemites Victory
  • Jews gets equal rights under the law
1815 War of the Seventh Coalition Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Flag of Prussia (1892-1918).svg  Prussia
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg  Austrian Empire
Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
Flag of Hanover 1837-1866.svg  Kingdom of Hanover
Flagge Herzogtum Braunschweig.svg  Brunswick
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Spain.svg  Kingdom of Spain
Flag of Portugal (1830-1910).svg  Kingdom of Portugal
Civil Flag and Civil Ensign of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1816-1848).svg  Kingdom of Sardinia
Bandiera del Regno di Sicilia 4.svg  Kingdom of Sicily
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg  Liechtenstein
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Royal flag of France during the Bourbon Restoration.svg  Bourbon Restoration
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  United Kingdom of the Netherlands
Flag of France (1794-1815).svg  First French Empire
Flag of the Kingdom of Naples (1811).svg  Kingdom of Naples
1819–1820 Hep-Hep riots Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark

Danish Jews

Antisemites Police crackdown
  • Leaders of the Antisemites arrested
1825 Capture of the sloop Anne Flags of the 1825 Anti-Piracy Alliance.png Tri-national anti-piracy alliance Flag of Spain (black and white).png Roberto Cofresí's piratesVictory
  • Anne (El Mosquito) is disabled; pirates flee ashore
1826 Katamanso War Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Ashanti Empire Victory
1848 1848 Saint Croix slave rebellion Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Saint Croix slaves Defeat
1848–1850 First Schleswig War Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Flag of Prussia (1892-1918).svg  Prussia
Flagge Preussen - Provinz Schleswig-Holstein.svg Duchy of Holstein
Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg German Empire
1864 Second War of Schleswig Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Flag of the German Confederation (war).svg  German Confederation: Defeat
1878 Fireburn Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Supported by
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of France.svg  France
Queens of the Fireburn

Labor Rioters

  • Rebellion ended
  • deaths of 60 black laborers
  • 879 acres were burned
1939–1940 Phoney War
World War II
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg  Nazi Germany
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg  Kingdom of Italy
1940 Operation Weserübung
World War II
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg  Nazi Germany Defeat
  • German forces occupy Denmark.
1940–1945 Occupation of Denmark
World War II
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the Soviet Union (1936 - 1955).svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg  Hungary
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg  Nazi Germany
  • German forces withdrew at the end of World War II following their surrender to the Allies on 5 May 1945.
1940–1945 Danish resistance movement Flag of Denmark.svg Danish resistance groups

Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark (from 1943)

Flag of Denmark.svg Occupation Government (until 1943)
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Germany
  • Liberation of Denmark
1941–1942 Operation Barbarossa Defeat
1945–1946 Soviet occupation of Bornholm Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Victory
  • Soviet withdrawal


YearWarBelligerents (excluding Denmark)Outcome
1950–1953 Korean War Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
1956 United Nations Emergency Force Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel
  • The conflict resulted in a military victory for the Coalition, but a political victory for Egypt.
  • Egypt maintained control of the canal.
1958United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon (UNOGIL), as part of the 1958 Lebanon crisis Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Concluded
1964–present United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus emblem.png UNFICYP Flag of Cyprus.svg  Republic of Cyprus
Flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.svg  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
1973-2022 Whiskey War Flag of Denmark.svg  Kingdom of Denmark Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Stalemate
1988–1991 United Nations Iran–Iraq Military Observer Group, as part of the Iran–Iraq War Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq
  • end of hostilities
1989–1990 United Nations Transition Assistance Group Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of South Africa (1928-1982).svg  South West Africa Victory
  • The Namibian transition to democracy succeeds
1990–1991 Gulf War Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Oman.svg  Oman
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan
Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia
Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of the Syrian revolution.svg  Syria
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
other allies
Flag of Iraq (1963-1991).svg Iraq
Flag of Kuwait.svg Republic of Kuwait
1991–2003 United Nations Iraq–Kuwait Observation Mission Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq
Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait
  • Completed
1992–1997 Tajikistani Civil War Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan
Flag of the United Nations.svg UNMOT:

Supported by:

Flag red white green 5x3.svg United Tajik Opposition

Flag of Afghanistan (1992-2001).svg Afghanistan (until 1996)
Flag of Hezbi Islami Gulbuddin.svg Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (until 1996)
Flag of the Taliban.svg Taliban factions [b]
Supported by:
Flag of al-Qaeda.svg al-Qaeda [29]
Flag of al-Qaeda.svg Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran (alleged, denied) [30]

Military Stalemate
1992–1995 Bosnian War
(Operation Bøllebank)
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1998).svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of NATO.svg  NATO
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006).svg  FR Yugoslavia Victory
1992–1993United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations
Flag of Cambodia (1992-1993).svg Cambodia
Flag of the People's Republic of Kampuchea.svg KPRAF
Flag of Democratic Kampuchea.svg Khmer Rouge
Monarchy restored
1993–1995 United Nations Operation in Somalia II Flag of Somalia.svg Somali National Alliance
Flag of Jihad.svg Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya
1994–1996 United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Victory
  • Croatian victory
1996–2002 United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
  • Completed
1998 United Nations Civilian Police Support Group UNPOL PolicijaRH.svg Croatian Police Victory
  • Peace affirmed
1998–1999 Kosovo War Flag of Albania.svg  Albania
Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo
Flag of NATO.svg  NATO
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006).svg  FR Yugoslavia Victory
1998–1999 United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Sl RUF.png RUF
Flag of Sierra Leone.svg AFRC (1997–2002)
West Side Boys (1998–2000)
Changed to UNAMSIL
  • The mission was terminated in October 1999
1999United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), as part of the East Timor Crisis Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia
Flag of East Timor.svg  East Timor
  • Completed
1999–2005 United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone as part of the Sierra Leone Civil War Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Sierra Leone.svg Sierra Leone

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom (2000–2002)
Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea
ECOMOG Forces (1998–2000)
Executive Outcomes (1995–1996)

Sl RUF.png RUF
Flag of Sierra Leone.svg AFRC (1997–2002)
West Side Boys (1998–2000)
  • Commonwealth victory
1999–2010United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC)Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Democratic Republic of the Congo Victory
  • Peace maintained
1999–2002 United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor, as part of the East Timor Crisis UNTAET logo.png UNTAET Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia
Flag of East Timor.svg  East Timor
  • Completed
2000–2008 United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia
Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea
  • The mission was formally abandoned in July 2008
  • Mission completed
2002–2021 War in Afghanistan Flag of Afghanistan (2004-2013).svg  Afghanistan
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia (country)
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan
Flag of North Macedonia.svg  Macedonia
Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro
Flag of NATO.svg  NATO
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland
Flag of Tonga.svg  Tonga
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the Taliban.svg Taliban
Flag of al-Qaeda.svg al-Qaeda
  • Defeat of Taliban forces briefly before Taliban retook the region in 2021.
2002–2011 Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa
Part of the War on Terrorism
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
Flag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti
Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia
Flag of India.svg  India
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia
Flag of NATO.svg  NATO
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore
Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of al-Qaeda.svg al-Qaeda Victory
2003–2011 Iraq War Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia (country)
Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras
Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan
Flag of Kurdistan.svg Peshmerga
Flag of North Macedonia.svg  Macedonia
Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia
Flag of NATO.svg  NATO
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of the Ba'ath Party.svg Baath Party Loyalists

Flag of the Islamic State in Iraq.svg Islamic State of Iraq
Flag of al-Qaeda in Iraq.svg al-Qaeda in Iraq
Flag of Jihad.svg Mahdi Army

  • Danish withdrawal in 2008
2005–2011 United Nations Mission in Sudan Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan
Flag of the SPLA (until 2011).svg SPLA
  • Legal status: Accomplished
2007–2010United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), as part of Darfur Conflict, Civil war in Chad (2005–2010) Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of Sudan.svg Sudanese rebel groupsInactive
2009–2016 Operation Ocean Shield Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of India.svg  India
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea
Flag of Somalia.svg Somali Pirates Victory
  • Number of Somali pirate attacks have been reduced dramatically
2011 2011 Libyan Civil War Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan
Flag of Libya (1951-1969).svg National Transitional Council
Flag of NATO.svg  NATO
Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Libya (1977-2011).svg  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Victory
2011–present United Nations Mission in South Sudan Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan
Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan
2013–2023 United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, as part of the Mali War Flag of the United Nations.svg  United Nations
Flag of Mali.svg  Mali
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia (since 2021)
Flag of France.svg  France (2013–22)
MNLA flag.svgCMADrapeau.svg Coordination of Azawad Movements
Flag of Jihad.svg Al-Qaeda and allies
  • Dissolved
2014–present Military intervention against ISIL Flag of the United States.svg United States
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada (2014–17)
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium (2014–17)
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey (2014–17)
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco (2014–16)
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Islamic State flag.svg  ISIL Ongoing
2023–present Operation Prosperity Guardian Flag of the United States.svg  United States [42]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka [43]
Supported by:
Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles
Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen (SPC) Ongoing


  1. Germany's allies, in total, provided a significant number of troops and material to the front. There were also numerous units under German command recruited in German-occupied Europe and sympathetic puppet or neutral states, including the Spanish Blue Division, the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism, and the 369th Croatian Infantry Regiment.
  2. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which was headed by the Taliban and governed 90 percent of Afghanistan, officially declared their neutrality in the conflict, though several Taliban factions went on to fight on the side of the opposition nonetheless.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000042-QINU`"'


  1. "The Vikings raided Africa and then took slaves back to Ireland | Smash Company".
  2. "History: The Viking Adventure In Morocco".
  3. Ibn-Adhari, translated in Stefansson, Jon, "The Vikings in Spain. From Arabic (Moorish) and Spanish Sources". In Saga-Book of the Viking Club: Vol. VI Proceedings. University of London King's College, 1909, pp. 40–41.
  4. Lagerqvist, Lars O., Sveriges regenter från forntid till nutid, Norstedts förlag, Stockholm 1996. ISBN   91-1-963882-5 (andra upplagan) Lagerqvist, Lars O., Sveriges regenter från forntid till nutid, Norstedts förlag, Stockholm 1996. ISBN   91-1-963882-5 (andra upplagan) page 27-30
  5. Erik Segersäll (1953) Sture Bolin. Archived 1 August 2023 at the Wayback Machine
  6. Jones, Gwyn (2001). A History of the Vikings. Oxford University Press. p. 403. ISBN   9780192801340. Battle of Lyrskov Hede.
  7. Bøgh, Anders (26 May 2015). "The Civil War periode 1131-1157". (in Danish). Aarhus Universitet. Retrieved 21 November 2016.
  8. Huitfeldt, Arild. Danmarks Riges Krønike.
  10. Jørgensen, A.D. Valdemar Sejr[Valdemar the Victorious] (in Danish). p. 21.
  11. [ bare URL PDF ]
  12. [ bare URL PDF ]
  13. Olesen, Jens E.. "The Swedish Expeditions (‘Crusades’) Towards Finland Reconsidered". Church and Belief in the Middle Ages: Popes, Saints, and Crusaders, edited by Kirsi Salonen and Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016, pp. 251-268.
  14. Olrik, Jørgen. "Valdemar Sejrs sønner og den store ærkebispestrid. Danmarks historie 1241-1274". Schønbergske Forlag via Danskernes Historie Online.
  15. Eriksen, Anders Bager (2017-12-14). "Store Hansekrig (1367-70)". (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-12-21.
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See also