List of wars involving Portugal

Last updated

The following is a list of wars involving Portugal.


County of Portugal (868–1139)

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Result
Battle of Aguioncha (966)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Bandeirareinogaliza.svg Kingdom of Galicia Victory
Battle of Pedroso

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Bandeirareinogaliza.svg Kingdom of Galicia Defeat
Capture of Santarém (1111)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Almoravids Defeat
Siege of Coimbra (1117)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Almoravids Victory
Battle of São Mamede
  • Part of Kingdom of León civil war and War of Portuguese independence

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal
Supported by:
Bandeirareinogaliza.svg Kingdom of Galicia
Portuguese rebelsVictory
Luso-Leonese War


Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Royal Banner of Leon.svg Kingdom of León Stalemate
Battle of Cerneja

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Leon banner.svg Kingdom of León Victory
  • War of Portuguese independence.

Kingdom of Portugal (1139–1910)

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Result
Battle of Ourique

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg County of Portugal Almoravids Victory
Battle of Valdevez

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg Kingdom of Portugal Leon banner.svg Kingdom of León Victory
Siege of Lisbon (1142)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1095.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Cross-Pattee-red.svg Anglo-Norman Crusaders

Taifa of Badajoz Defeat
Second Crusade


Location: Middle East and North Africa (Near East, Anatolia, Levant, Egypt) and Iberian Peninsula

Arms of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.svg Kingdom of Jerusalem

Arms of the Kings of France (France Ancien).svg Kingdom of France

Shield and Coat of Arms of the Holy Roman Emperor (c.1200-c.1300).svg Holy Roman Empire

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Royal Arms of Castille (1214-15th Century).svg Kingdom of Castile

Historic Arms of Barcelona.svg County of Barcelona

Coat of Arms and Shield of Leon (1230-1284).svg Kingdom of León

Flag of PalaeologusEmperor.svg Byzantine Empire

Royal Arms of England (1154-1189).svg Kingdom of England

Seljuk Empire

Emirate of Zengids

Abbasid Caliphate

Fatimid Caliphate


Status quo ante bellum
  • Decisive Seljuk Turks victory in Anatolia
  • Decisive Crusader victories in Iberia
Conquest of Santarém

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal Taifa of Badajoz Victory
  • Afonso Henriques and his army arrived at Santarém, taking it within a day.
Siege of Lisbon


Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Cross-Pattee-red.svg Crusaders

Taifa of Badajoz Victory
  • The victory was a turning-point in Portugal's history.
Luso-Leonese War (1167–1169)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal Almohad Caliphate

Leon banner.svg Kingdom of León

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal Almohad Caliphate Victory
  • First naval victory against the Moors.
Raid of Ceuta (1180) [2] PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal Almohad Caliphate Victory
Battle of Silves (1182)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal Almohad Caliphate Defeat
Siege of Santarém

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Leon banner.svg Kingdom of León
Almohad Caliphate Victory
  • Pope Alexander III formally recognized Afonso I as rex Portugalensium
Third Crusade

Location: Middle East (Levant and Anatolia), Mediterranean Europe (Sicily, Iberia, Balkans)

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Crusaders from Germany, Hungary, France, Denmark, Italy, Spain and England
Almohad Caliphate Victory
Almohad campaign in the Algarve

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Cross-Pattee-red.svg Crusaders

Almohad Caliphate Defeat
  • Part of the Reconquista and Third Crusade.
Battle of Alarcos


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Royal Banner of the Kingdom of Castile.svg Kingdom of Castile

Cross Santiago.svg Order of Santiago

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Ordem Avis.svg Order of St. Benedict

Almohad Caliphate

Castilian rebels

Luso-Leonese War (1196–1200)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Bandera de la Corona de Castilla.svg Kingdom of Castile

Leon banner.svg Kingdom of León

Bandera de Reino de Navarra.svg Kingdom of Navarre

Almohad Caliphate

Status Quo Ante Bellum
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Estandarte del Reino de Castilla.svg Kingdom of Castile
Royal Banner of Aragon.svg Crown of Aragon

Bandera de Reino de Navarra.svg Kingdom of Navarre Leonese volunteers

Flag of France (XII-XIII).svg French volunteers

Almohad Caliphate Victory
  • Turning point in the Reconquista
Siege of Alcácer do Sal


Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Cross-Pattee-red.svg Crusaders

Almohad Caliphate Victory
Siege of Faro


Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal Almohad Caliphate Victory
  • This marked the end of the Portuguese Reconquista, with Lisbon becoming the capital city of the Kingdom of Portugal in 1255.
War of the Strait



Location: Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Gibraltar)

Estandarte de la Corona de Aragon.png Crown of Aragon

Bandera de la Corona de Castilla.svg Kingdom of Castile

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Supported by:

Royal Coat of Arms of Navarre (1234 1259-1284).svg Kingdom of Navarre

Arms of the Kings of France (France Ancien).svg Kingdom of France

Royal Arms of England (1399-1603).svg Kingdom of England

CoA civ ITA genova.png Republic of Genoa

Marinid Sultanate

COA of Nasrid dynasty kingdom of Grenade (1013-1492).svg Emirate of Granada

  • End of Moroccan hegemony in the Strait of Gibraltar. No more offensive or expansion attempts against the Christian Kingdoms would be done by Marinids, being just at the defensive for the rest of the reconquista.
Luso-Castilian War (1295–1297)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1143.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Estandarte de la Corona de Aragon.png Crown of Aragon

Bandera de la Corona de Castilla.svg Kingdom of Castile Stalemate
Luso-Castillian War


Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile Defeat
Battle of Río Salado

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile
Marinid Sultanate
Royal Standard of Nasrid Dynasty Kingdom of Grenade.svg Emirate of Granada
  • Defeat of the Marinid invasion
Battle of Guadalmesí

(1342) [3]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal Marinid Sultanate Victory
Siege of Algeciras (1342–1344)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile

Armas del soberano de Aragon.svg Crown of Aragon Navarre Arms.svg Kingdom of Navarre

CoA civ ITA genova.png Republic of Genoa Cross-Pattee-red.svg European crusaders

Marinid Sultanate
Royal Standard of Nasrid Dynasty Kingdom of Grenade.svg Emirate of Granada
  • The city surrendered and was incorporated into the Crown of Castile in 1344.
War of the Two Peters

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Escudo de la Corona de Castilla.svg Crown of Castile
Supported by:
Royal Arms of England (1340-1367).svg Kingdom of England
CoA civ ITA genova.png Republic of Genoa
PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Blason Royaume Navarre.svg Kingdom of Navarre
COA of Nasrid dynasty kingdom of Grenade (1013-1492).svg Kingdom of Granada
Armas del soberano de Aragon.svg Crown of Aragon
Supported by:
Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Henry of Trastámara
Blason France moderne.svg Kingdom of France
  • The war was prolonged because Peter of Castile lost his throne to Henry of Trastámara.
  • Overthrowing of Peter I of Castile.
First Fernandine War

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Supported by:
Armas del soberano de Aragon.svg Crown of Aragon
Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile Defeat
Second Fernandine War

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile Defeat
Third Fernandine War

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1248.svg Kingdom of Portugal Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile Defeat
Portuguese interregnum

Location: Iberian Peninsula

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal
Supported by:
Royal Arms of England (1340-1367).svg Kingdom of England
Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile
Supported by:
Arms of the Kings of France (France Ancien).svg Kingdom of France
Aragon arms.svg Crown of Aragon
  • Consolidation of Portuguese independence.
Conquest of Ceuta

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Marinid Sultanate Victory
  • Portuguese consecrated the main mosque into the cities cathedral.
  • Start of Portuguese Morocco.
Siege of Ceuta


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Marinid Sultanate
Standard of Grenade after Cresques Atlas s XIV.svg Emirate of Granada
  • Pedro de Menezes led the Portuguese garrison in a sally against the Marinid siege camp and forced the lifting of the siege before the relief fleet even arrived
Irmandiño revolts


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Bandera de la Corona de Castilla.svg Kingdom of Castile

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Supported by: Andrade, Lemos and Moscoso families

Bandeirareinogaliza.svg Galician rebelsVictory
Battle of Tangier (1437)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Marinid Sultanate Indecisive
Conquest of Ksar es-Seghir

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
  • The conquest was successful due to the superiority of the Portuguese artillery, and to the decision of Abd al-Haqq II to keep his army in Tangier upon being informed of the presence of the Portuguese fleet, while he was preparing an attack on Tlemcen.
Catalan Civil War


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Royal arms of Aragon (Crowned).svg Principality of Catalonia

Royal Coat of Arms of the Crown of Castile (1284-1390).svg Crown of Castile

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal

Armas Navarra-Evreux-Aragon-Trastamara.svg Forces of John II of Aragon

Arms of France (France Moderne).svg Kingdom of France

Siege of Tangier (1463–1464)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Marinid Sultanate Defeat
Anfa expedition (1468)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
Conquest of Asilah

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
  • After a troubled disembarkation that resulted in the death of more than 200 men caused by strong winds and waves, Afonso's army reached the shore and laid siege to the city of Asilah, conquering it after a hard battle.
  • Establishment of Portuguese Asilah.
Portuguese conquest of Tangier


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

PortugueseFlag1385.svg Kingdom of Portugal Marinid Sultanate Victory
War of the Castilian Succession

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Arms of Afonso V of Portugal (as claimant King of Castile).svg Kingdom of Portugal
France moderne.svg Kingdom of France
Arms of the Crown of Castile (15th Century).svg Crown of Castile
Arms Aragon-Sicily (Template).svg Crown of Aragon
  • Isabella is recognised as Queen of Castile
  • Marriage of Isabella of Aragon and Afonso of Portugal
  • Portugal gains hegemony in the Atlantic south of the Canary Islands
  • Portugal recognizes Castile's claim to the Canary Islands
Siege of Ceuta (1476) [4]

Location: North Africa

Kingdom of Portugal

Blason Castille Leon.svg Crown of Castile (Juana Supporters)

Marinid Sultanate Victory
Battle of Guinea


Location: Gulf of Guinea

Kingdom of Portugal Blason Castille Leon.svg Crown of Castile Victory
Ottoman conquest of Otranto (1480–81)

Location: Italian Peninsula

Bandera de Napoles - Trastamara.svg Kingdom of Naples

Royal Banner of Aragon.svg Crown of Aragon

Bandiera del Regno di Sicilia 4.svg Kingdom of Sicily

Flag of Hungary (15th century, rectangular).svg Kingdom of Hungary

Flag of the Papal States (1808-1870).svg  Papal States

Kingdom of Portugal
Ottoman red flag.svg  Ottoman Empire Victory
  • Ottomans conquer Otranto and gain foothold in Southern Italy
  • Ottoman garrison surrender the city after 13 months
Chaouia expedition


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
Siege of Graciosa


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Defeat
Targa expedition (1490)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
First Luso-Malabarese War (1500–1513) Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal

Cochin flag.svg Kingdom of Cochin

Kingdom of Cannanore (until 1507)

Kingdom of Kollam

Kingdom of Tanur (1504 on)

Kingdom of Calicut

Vassal Malabari states (up to 1504)

Supported by:

Mameluke Flag.svg Mamluk Egypt

Flag of the Serene Republic of Venice.svg  Republic of Venice

Arab privateers


Start of Portuguese presence in Asia, Portuguese India and Malabarese–Portuguese conflicts.

Battle of Mers-el-Kébir (1501)

Location: North Africa (modern Algeria)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Flag of Zayyanid Dynasty.png Kingdom of Tlemcen Defeat
First Battle of Cannanore


Location: Asia, Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Kingdom of Calicut Victory
Battle of Tanger


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag Portugal (1495).svg Portugal Wattasids Defeat
Battle of Calicut (1503)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Kingdom of Calicut

Arab privateers

Battle of Pandarane


Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Mameluke Flag.svg Mamluk Sultanate Victory
Battle of Cochin

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1495).svg Portugal
Cochin flag.svg Kingdom of Cochin
Kingdom of Calicut

Vassal Malabari states

Battle of Mombasa (1505)

Location: East Africa (modern Kenya)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Mombasa Sultanate Victory
Portuguese-Mamluk naval war

Location: Asia, Indian Ocean

Flag Portugal (1495).svg Portugal Mameluke Flag.svg Mamluk Sultanate
Kingdom of Calicut
Bijapur Sultanate
Gujarat Sultanate Flag.gif Gujarat Sultanate

Supported byFlag of the Serene Republic of Venice.svg  Republic of Venice
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire

Siege of Anjadiva (1506)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Bijapur Sultanate Victory
Battle of Barawa


Location: East Africa (modern Somalia)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Muzzaffar (Mogadishu area) flag according to 1576 Portuguese map.svg Ajuran Sultanate Victory
Ajuran-Portuguese wars

Location: East Africa (modern Somalia)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Muzzaffar (Mogadishu area) flag according to 1576 Portuguese map.svg Ajuran Sultanate
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire [6] [ full citation needed ] [7]
Battle of Socotra


Location: Socotra (between Guardafui Channel and Arabian Sea)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of the Mahra Sultanate.svg Mahra Sultanate Victory
Capture of Ormuz

Location: Asia, Persian Gulf (Hormuz Island)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Kingdom of Ormus
Safavid Flag.svg Safavid Empire
Persian–Portuguese wars (1507–1622)

Location: Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean (modern Iran)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire (since 1580)

Safavid Flag.svg Safavid Empire

Flag of Muscat.svg Omani Empire Supported by:

Siege of Cannanore (1507)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Kingdom of Cannanore

Kingdom of Calicut

Battle of Dabul


Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Bijapur Sultanate Victory
Gujarati–Portuguese conflicts


Location: Indian subcontinent (Gujarat)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Gujarat Sultanate Flag.gif Gujarat Sultanate

Supported by:

Kingdom of Calicut

Mameluke Flag.svg Mamluk Sultanate (until 1517)

Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire (since 1517)

Sieges of Asilah


Location: North Africa

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
Malay-Portuguese conflicts (1509–1641)

Location: Southeast Asia, Malay Peninsula, Straits of Malacca (modern Malaysia, Singapore and western Indonesia)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

Sultanate of Perak Sultanate of Kedah

Supported by:

Portuguese conquest of Goa

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Bijapur Sultanate Victory
Capture of Malacca (1511)

Location: Malacca City (modern Malaysia)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Malacca Sultanate Victory
Siege of Aden


Location: Arabian Peninsula (modern Yemen)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Yemeni Tahirids Defeat
Battle of Azemmour

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids Victory
  • Conquest of Azemmour in Morocco
Battle of Tednest


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Flag of Marinid and Saadi Dynasty (1258-1420) (1554-1659).svg Saadi Sultanate Victory
Raid of Marrakesh (1515)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Hintata

Supported by:

Flag of Marinid and Saadi Dynasty (1258-1420) (1554-1659).svg Saadi Sultanate

Wattasid dynasty

Battle of Mamora (1515)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Wattasids

Supported by Abda Doukkala

Expedition against Oulad Amrane(1516)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1495).svg Kingdom of Portugal Oulad Amrane Defeat
Siege of Goa (1517)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Bijapur Sultanate Victory
Battle of Zeila


Location: East Africa (modern Somaliland)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of Adal Sultanate.svg Adal Sultanate Victory
Sinhalese–Portuguese conflicts


Location: Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Flag of Kotte.svg  Kingdom of Kotte

Flag of Sitawaka Kingdom (1521 - 1594).png  Kingdom of Sitawaka

King of Kandy.svg  Kingdom of Kandy

Principality of Raigama

Nandi flag.png Kingdom of Jaffna

Supported by:

Zamorin of Calicut

Kingdom of Tanjore

Vanni chieftains

Flag of the Dutch East India Company.svg  Dutch East India Company (From 1638)

Acehnese–Portuguese conflicts


Location: Southeast Asia, Sumatra, Malay Peninsula and Strait of Malacca (modern western Indonesia and Peninsular Malaysia)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

Flag of Aceh Sultanate.svg Sultanate of Aceh

Supported by:

  • Aceh expansionism stopped.
Portuguese conquest of Bahrain

(1521) Location: Eastern Arabia, Persian Gulf (Bahrain)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Jabrids Victory
Battle of Tunmen


Location: China (modern Hong Kong)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Seal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Defeat
Battle of Sincouwaan


Location: China (modern Hong Kong)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Seal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Defeat
Battle of al-Shihr (1523)

Location: Arabian Peninsula (modern Yemen)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Kathiri flag.svg Kathiri Sultanate Victory
Siege of Calicut (1526)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Zamorin of Calicut Defeat
Conquest of Sunda Kelapa

Location: Java (modern Indonesia)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Sunda Kingdom

Demak Sultanate

Flag of the Sultanate of Banten.svg Banten Sultanate

COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Katoenen banier met Arabische kalligrafie TMnr 5663-1.svg Cirebon Sultanate

Battle of Mombasa (1528)

Location: East Africa (modern Kenya)

Flag Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

Malindi Kingdom

Mombasa Sultanate Victory
Siege of Bahrain (1529)

Location: Eastern Arabia, Persian Gulf (Bahrain)

Flag Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Bahraini rebelsDefeat
Abyssinian–Adal war

Location: East Africa (modern Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea)

Ethiopian Pennants.svg  Ethiopian Empire
Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal (1542–43)
Flag of Adal Sultanate.svg Adal Sultanate
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire (1542–43)
Spanish-Ottoman War (1529–1541)

Location: Mediterranean Sea, North Africa

Charles V Arms-personal.svg Empire of Charles V

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire

Flag of the Papal States (pre 1808).svg Papal States

Flag Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal

Flag of the Order of St. John (various).svg  Knights of Malta

Pavillon royal de la France.svg  Kingdom of France (until 1534)

Hafsid Flag - Tunisia.svg Hafsid dynasty

Kingdom of Kuku

Kabyle people

Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire

Kingdom of Tlemcen

Banu Rashid

Arab irregulars

Pavillon royal de la France.svg  Kingdom of France (since 1535)

Ternatean–Portuguese conflicts

Location: Maluku Islands, (modern eastern Indonesia)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire
Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire
Sultanate of Tidore
Bendera Ternate - Almulk Buldan Ternate.svg Sultanate of Ternate
Flag of the Dutch East India Company.svg Dutch East India Company
Battle of al-Shihr (1531)

Location: Arabian Peninsula (modern Yemen)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire

Kathiri flag.svg Kathiri Sultanate

Siege of Diu (1531)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Gujarat Sultanate Flag.gif Gujarat Sultanate

Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1517).svg  Ottoman Empire

French invasions to Colonial Brazil (1531–1615)

Location: South America, Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Indian allies

Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  France

Indian allies

  • Henriville is destroyed
Spanish Jailolo-Portuguese Ternate war


Location: Maluku Islands, (modern eastern Indonesia)

Bendera Ternate - Almulk Buldan Ternate.svg Sultanate of Ternate

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portuguese Empire

Sultanate of Tidore

Jailolo Sultanate

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire

Iguape War

Location: South America, Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire

Indian auxiliaries

Battle of Tidore


Location: Maluku Islands, (modern eastern Indonesia)

Flag Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire

Ternate loyal to Hairun

Ternate loyal to Dayal

Sultanate of Tidore

Sultanate of Bacan

Sultanate of Jailolo

Kingdom of Vaigama [17]

Kingdom of Vaigue [17]

Kingdom of Quibibi [17]

Kingdom of Mincibo [17]

Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts

Location: Persian Gulf, Horn of Africa, Red Sea and India

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of Hormuz

Ethiopian Pennants.svg  Ethiopian Empire

Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire
Gujarat Sultanate Flag.gif Gujarat Sultanate

Flag of Adal Sultanate.svg Adal Sultanate

  • Portugal maintains control of the Persian Gulf.
Shuangyu Skirmishes (1539)

Location: China (Zhejiang)

Flag of Japan.svg Wokou (Japanese, Chinese, and Korean pirates)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese pirates

Seal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Victory
Fall of Agadir


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of Marinid and Saadi Dynasty (1258-1420) (1554-1659).svg Saadi Sultanate Defeat
Battle of Benadir


Location: East Africa (modern Somalia)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Muzzaffar (Mogadishu area) flag according to 1576 Portuguese map.svg Ajuran Sultanate Victory
Shuangyu Skirmishes (1543)

Location: China (Zhejiang)

Flag of Japan.svg Wokou (Japanese, Chinese, and Korean pirates)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese pirates

Seal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Defeat
Burmese–Siamese War (1547–1549) [18]

Location: Southeast Asia (modern Thailand)

Seal of Ayutthaya (King Narai) goldStamp bgred.png Ayutthaya Kingdom (Siam)

Supported by:Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Taungoo Imperial Flag.jpg Toungoo dynasty (Burma)Victory
Raid of Zhangzhou (1547)

Location: China (Zhangzhou)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese piratesSeal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Victory
Raid of Ningbo (1548)

Location: China (Ningbo)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese piratesSeal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Victory
Raid of Taizhou (1548)

Location: China (Taizhou)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese piratesSeal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Victory
Battle of al-Shihr (1548)

Location: Arabian Peninsula (modern Yemen)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Flag of the Mahra Sultanate.svg Mahra Sultanate

Kathiri flag.svg Kathiri Sultanate Victory
Incident of Dongshan Peninsula (1549)

Location: China (Fujian)

Flag of Japan.svg Wokou

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese merchants

Seal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China Defeat
Battle of the Bay of Velez


Location: North Africa, Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal Fictitious Ottoman flag 2.svg Ottoman Empire Defeat
Tamoyo Confederation


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Tupinambá people Victory
Aimoré War


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Aimoré people Victory
Siege of Piratininga


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Guarulho people

Guaianá people

Carijó people

  • Invaders are expelled
Siege of Kotte


Location: Sri Lanka

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Flag of Kotte.svg  Kingdom of Kotte

Flag of Sitawaka Kingdom (1521 - 1594).png  Kingdom of Sitawaka Victory
Bandeirantes raids from Brazil to Spanish domains (1557–18th century)

Location: South America (mostly Amazon Forest)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg SpainStalemate
  • The Amazon is divided between Spain and Portugal with the Treaty of Madrid (1750), as both countries compromissed to stop and punish bandits expeditions from bandeirantes.
Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts

Location: Indian Ocean

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal Fictitious Ottoman flag 2.svg Ottoman Empire
Muzzaffar (Mogadishu area) flag according to 1576 Portuguese map.svg Ajuran Sultanate
Battle of Mulleriyawa

Location: Sri Lanka

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of Sitawaka Kingdom (1521 - 1594).png  Kingdom of Sitawaka Defeat
  • Decisive victory to Sinhalese army of Kingdom of Sitawaka
Siege of Moji


Location: Asia–Pacific, Japan

Japanese Crest daki Gyouyou.svg Ōtomo clan

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Alex K Hiroshima Mori (color).svg Mōri clan Defeat
Siege of Mazagan (1562)

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of Marinid and Saadi Dynasty (1258-1420) (1554-1659).svg Saadi Sultanate Victory
Battle of Fukuda Bay

Location: Asia–Pacific, Japan

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal Japanese Crest Matura mitu Hosi.svg Matsura Takanobu Clan Victory
Blockade of Cebu (1568)

Location: Philippines

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Aceh

Location: Sumatra (modern Indonesia)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal Flag of Aceh Sultanate.svg Sultanate of Aceh Victory
  • Aceh fleet destroyed
War of the League of the Indies
(1570 – 1574)

Location: Indian Ocean, Western India and the Straits of Malacca

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Kingdom of Portugal Sultanate of Bijapur
Flag of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate.svg Sultanate of Ahmadnagar
Zamorin of Calicut
Flag of Aceh Sultanate.svg Sultanate of Aceh


Princely states of the Kanara coast

Kalinyamat Sultanate

Sultanate of Ternate

Sultanate of Tidore

Sultanate of Golkonda

Mappila Muslims

Battle of Alcácer Quibir

Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal

Moorish Allies

Flag of Marinid and Saadi Dynasty (1258-1420) (1554-1659).svg Saadi Sultanate

Supported by:

Fictitious Ottoman flag 2.svg Ottoman Empire

War of the Portuguese Succession

Location: Iberian Peninsula, Azores

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portugal loyal to Prior of Crato
Pavillon royal de la France.svg  France
Flag of England.svg  England
Statenvlag.svg  United Provinces
Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Crown of Spain
Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portugal loyal to Philip of Spain
Decisive defeat for António, Prior of Crato
Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts

Location: East Africa, Swahili coast and Indian Ocean

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal Fictitious Ottoman flag 2.svg Ottoman Empire Victory
  • Portuguese control in the South East African coast restored and Mir Ali Bey captured
Siege of Daman (1581)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Mughal Empire.png Mughal Empire Victory
Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)

Location: Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Western Europe, Azores, Canary Islands, Ibero-America.

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire

Flag of the Order of St. John (various).svg Order of Saint John


Flag of England.svg  Kingdom of England Royal Standard of Ireland (1542-1801).svg Ireland


Battle of Leitao Coast


Location: Persian Gulf, Kish Island (Iran)

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portuguese Empire Arab NiquilusDefeat
Siege of Johor

Location: Malay Peninsula

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal Johor Sultanate Victory
Siamese–Cambodian War (1591–1594) [19]

Location: Southeast Asia (modern Cambodia)

Flag of Cambodia (pre-1863).svg Kingdom of Cambodia

Supported by:Flag of the Tercios Morados Viejos.svg Spanish Empire

Flag of Thailand (Ayutthaya period).svg Ayutthaya Kingdom Defeat
Cambodian–Spanish War


Location: Southeast Asia (modern Cambodia)

Flag of the Tercios Morados Viejos.svg Spanish Empire

Flag of Cambodia (pre-1863).svg Cambodian allies

Goshichi no kiri inverted.svg Japanese mercenaries

Flag of Cambodia (pre-1863).svg Cambodia

Supported by:

Flag of Thailand (Ayutthaya period).svg Ayutthaya Kingdom

White Flag of the Malay Sultanates.svg Johor Sultanate (Muslim Malay merchants)

Guidone (bandiera).svg Kingdom of Champa (Muslim Cham merchants)

Campaign of Danture (1594)

Location: Sri Lanka

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire King of Kandy.svg  Kingdom of Kandy Defeat
  • Decisive victory to Sinhalese army of Kingdom of Kandy
Spanish-Portuguese conflict on China (1598–1600)

Location: China (near Macau)

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire Victory
  • End of Spain's attempts to circumvent the restrictions placed on them from reaching China.
  • Portuguese monopoly on the 16th century China trade seizured.
Dutch–Portuguese War


South America



Flag of Portugal (1640).svg Kingdom of Portugal

Supported by:

Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic

Supported by:

  • Formation of the Dutch Empire.
  • Portuguese Restoration War.
  • Portuguese victory in Brazil, Angola, Goa and Macau.
  • Dutch victory in Ghana, Malacca, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
  • Both sides claim victory in India.
Siege of Kottakkal


Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portuguese Empire

Kingdom of Calicut

Kunjali Marakkar forcesVictory
Palmares War

(early 17th century–1695)

Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Quilombo dos Palmares Victory
Nossa Senhora da Graça incident


Location: Nagasaki, Japan

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Tokugawa family crest.svg Tokugawa shogunate Defeat
Battle of Swally


Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portuguese Empire British East India Company flag.svg English East India Company Defeat
Cummean Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Tupinambá people Victory
Sack of Madeira


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal Fictitious Ottoman flag 2.svg Ottoman Empire Defeat
Tupinambá Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Tupinambá people Victory
Tupinambás Uprising (1617–1621)

Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal Tupinambá rebel forces under tuxaua ( cacique ) Cabelo de VelhaVictory
1st Danish expedition to India


Location: Sri Lanka

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg  Denmark-Norway

Supported by: Statenvlag.svg Dutch East India Company

Portuguese militar victory

Danish political victory

Sino-Dutch conflicts


Location: Asia–Pacific, China

Seal of Ming dynasty.svg Ming China

Southern Ming dynasty

Kingdom of Tungning

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

VOC-Amsterdam.svg Dutch East India Company

Chinese pirates

Capture of Ormuz

Location: Persian Gulf

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal

Supported by: Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spanish Empire

Safavid Flag.svg Safavid Empire
Flag of the British East India Company (1801).svg English East India Company
  • Ormuz (which was under Portuguese control since 1507) goes back to Persian control
First Kongo-Portuguese War (1622–1623)

Location: Central Africa (modernAngola and Congo region)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal Flag of the Kingdom of Kongo according to Giovanni Cavazzi da Montecuccolo.svg Kingdom of Kongo Status quo ante bellum
Spanish-Siam War

(1624–1636) [20] [21] [22]

Location: Southeast Asia (modern Thailand)

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Iberian Union Flag of Thailand.svg  Siam

Statenvlag.svg Dutch East India Company

Battle of Duyon River

Location: Malay Peninsula

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg Kingdom of Portugal Flag of Aceh Sultanate.svg Sultanate of Aceh Decisive Victory
  • Aceh's forces destroyed (loses 236 ships, 19,000 soldiers)
Motim das Maçarocas


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Iberian Union Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese independentistsVictory
Mombasa war


Location: East Africa (modern Kenya)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Mombasa Sultanate Victory
Siege of Hooghly


Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Mughal Empire.png Mughal Empire Defeat
Portuguese expedition to Mombasa of 1632

Location: East Africa (modern Kenya)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire

Safavid Flag.svg Safavid Empire

Flag of Muscat.svg Omani Empire Defeat
Manuelinho Revolt


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Iberian Union Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese independentistsVictory
Battle of Gannoruwa


Location: Sri Lanka

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire King of Kandy.svg  Kingdom of Kandy Defeat
Siege of Daman (1638–1639)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Mughal Empire.png Mughal Empire Victory
Mazagan Ambush


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire Flag of the Republic of Sale (1624-1668).svg Republic of Salé Defeat
Portuguese Restoration War

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Kingdom of Portugal
Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Crown of Spain (Castile and Aragon)Victory
Battle of Mbororé

Location: South America (modern Misiones Province, Argentina)

Flag of Portugal (1667).svg  Portuguese Empire

Tupi people

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg  Spanish Empire Defeat
Acclamation of Amador Bueno


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire NativistsVictory
  • Failure in forming a kingdom
  • Amador Bueno swears loyalty to king John IV
Siege of Muscat (1650)

Location: Gulf of Oman

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of Muscat.svg Omani Empire Defeat
  • End of Portuguese rule in Oman and presence on the Persian Gulf.
Cachaça Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Rio de Janeiro RebelsVictory
Raid of Tangier


Location: North Africa (Morocco)

Flag of Portugal (1578).svg  Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

Flag of England.svg  Kingdom of England

Khadir Ghaïlan forces

Supported by:

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Crown of Spain

Saadi Morocco

Kongo Civil War (1665–1709)

Location: Central Africa (modernAngola and Congo region)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Kingdom of Kongo according to Giovanni Cavazzi da Montecuccolo.svg Kingdom of Kongo
Kimpanzu dynasty forces
Kinlaza dynasty forces
Soyo and Ngoyo

Supported by:

Statenvlag.svg Dutch West India Company

Dutch-Zamorin Conflicts


Location: Indian subcontinent


Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag Portugal (1578).svg Portuguese Empire [26] [lower-alpha 1]

Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic Defeat
Conjuration of Our Father


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Pernambuco RebelsVictory
Battle of Pungo Andongo


Location: Central Africa (modernAngola)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Kingdom of Ndongo Victory
Battle of Katole


Location: Central Africa (modernAngola)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Kingdom of Matamba Pirric Victory
Barbarians' War


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Confederation of the Cariris Victory
Maratha–Portuguese War

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Confederacy Victory
  • Portuguese territory in India defended.
Beckman Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1640).svg Portuguese Empire Maranhão RebelsVictory
Mughal–Portuguese War

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Mughal Empire.png Mughal Empire Victory
  • Portuguese territory in India defended.
Taro Revolt


Location: Azores

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal São Jorge peasantsVictory
Battle of Daman (1694)

Location: India

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of Muscat.svg Omani Empire Victory
Omani–Portuguese conflict (1696–1714)

Location: Indian Ocean, Southeast Africa, India

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Om 1958.gif Omani Empire Indecisive
War of the Spanish Succession

On South America:

Flag of Cross of Burgundy.svg Spain loyal to Charles

Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg  Holy Roman Empire :

Union flag 1606 (Kings Colors).svg  Great Britain (formed in 1707) [27]

Statenvlag.svg  Dutch Republic
Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal (from 1703)

Flag of Savoie.svg  Savoy

Flag of Denmark.svg Danish Auxiliary Corps

co-belligerent: [28]

Bandera de Espana 1701-1748.svg Spain loyal to Philip

Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  France

Flag of Bavaria (lozengy).svg Bavaria (until 1704)

Mantua Flag 1575-1707 (new).svg Duchy of Mantua (until 1708)

Black St George's Cross.svg Cologne (until 1702)

LuikVlag.svg Liège (until 1702)

co-belligerent: [28]

Political victory for Philip
Military victory for Charles

Treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt, and Baden:

  • Austria, Great Britain and the Dutch Republic recognise Philip V as King of Spain but he renounces any claim to the throne of France.
  • Spain cedes territories in Europe.
  • Spain cedes the Colony of Sacramento to the Portuguese Empire
Mura War

(18th century)

Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Mura people Victory
War of the Emboabas


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Paulistas (Bandeirantes)Victory
Mascate War


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Vila de Olinda Victory
Salt Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal São Paulo RebelsVictory
Mandu Ladino Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Tupi people Victory
Ottoman–Venetian War

Location: Peloponnese, Aegean Sea, Ionian Islands, Dalmatia

Flag of the Serene Republic of Venice.svg  Republic of Venice
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor without haloes (1400-1806).svg Austria (from 1716)
Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Kingdom of Portugal
Flag of the Order of St. John (various).svg  Order of Malta
Flag of the Papal States (pre 1808).svg  Papal States
Bandera de Espana 1701-1748.svg  Spain
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire Defeat
Vila Rica Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Supporters of Filipe dos Santos Victory
Manaó War


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Manaó people Victory
Expedition to Cabinda


Location: Central Africa (modernAngola)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of Great Britain.svg British Empire

Kingdom of Ngoyo

Maratha–Portuguese War
(1725–1726) [29] [ full citation needed ]Location: Indian subcontinent
Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Confederacy Inconclusive
  • Peace of Bassein
Terço Velho Motin


Location: Brazil

Flag Portugal (1707).svg  Portugal Terço Velho RegimentVictory
Portuguese-Omani conflict (1728–1729)

Location: Indian Ocean, Southeast Africa

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire

Swahili city-states rebels against Oman

Flag of Muscat.svg Omani Empire

Swahili city-states rebels against Portugal

Statu Quo Ante Bellum
Maratha–Portuguese War

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Supported by: Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Confederacy Victory
Novas Conquistas (1729–1789)

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire

Supported by: Rajahnate of Soonda Kingdom of Sawantwadi

Flag of Kingdom of Mysore.svg  Kingdom of Mysore
Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Empire
Spanish–Portuguese War (1735–37)

Location: South America, Río de la Plata Basin (modern Uruguay)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Bandera de Espana 1701-1748.svg Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Vasai


Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Confederacy Defeat
Naval Battle of Calicut

Location: Indian subcontinent

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal Flag of the Maratha Empire.svg Maratha Empire Victory
Guaraní War

Location: South America, Misiones Orientales (modern Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil)

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal

Bandera de Espana 1748-1785.svg Spain


Ihs-logo.svg Jesuits

  • Ratification of the Exchange Treaty.
  • Declaration of the border between Spain and Portugal in South America
  • Treaty of El Pardo.
  • Total abandonment of the eastern missions by the Guarani (Transfer of the Guarani out of the territories ceded to Portugal.).
Seven Years' War

Location: Europe, North America, West Indies, South America, West Africa, India, Philippines

Union flag 1606 (Kings Colors).svg  Great Britain

Flag of the Kingdom of Prussia (1750-1801).svg  Prussia
Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal (from 1762)

Flag of Hanover (1692).svg Hanover
Blason duche ni Brunswick.svg Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Flag of Hesse.svg Hesse-Kassel
Flagge Furstentum Schaumburg-Lippe.svg Schaumburg-Lippe

Iroquois Confederacy

Flag of Ilocos Sur.svg Filipino rebels

Royal Standard of the King of France.svg  France

Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg Austria

Flag of Electoral Saxony.svg  Electorate of Saxony
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia (until 1762)
Bandera de Espana 1748-1785.svg Spain (from 1762)

Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden (1757–62)
Flag of Western Abenaki.svg Abenaki nation
Flag of the Mughal Empire.png Mughal Empire (from 1757)

First Curvelo Conspiracy


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal ConspiratorsVictory
War of Galangue (1768–1769) [30] Location: Angola Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Galangue KingdomVictory
Inconfidence of Mariana


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal InconfidentsVictory
Siege of Mazagan (1769)

Location: Morocco

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Flag of Morocco (1666-1915).svg Sultanate of Morocco Defeat
First Luso-Ovimbo War


Location: Angola

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Ovimbundu Kingdoms Victory
Inconfidence of Sabará


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal InconfidentsVictory
Second Curvelo Conspiracy


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal ConspiratorsVictory
Spanish-Portuguese War

Location: South America, Río de la Plata Basin (modern Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil)

Flag of Portugal (1521).svg Portuguese Empire Bandera de Espana 1748-1785.svg Spanish Empire Defeat
Bombardment of Algiers

Location: North Africa (Algeria)

Bandera de Espana 1748-1785.svg Spain
Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816).svg Kingdom of Naples

Bandiera del Regno di Sicilia 4.svg Kingdom of Sicily
Flag of the Order of St. John (various).svg Order of Saint John
Flag Portugal (1750).svg Portugal

Flag of Ottoman Algiers.svg Regency of Algiers Victory
Inconfidência Mineira


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal Bandeira da Inconfidencia Mineira.svg InconfidentsVictory
  • Failed Independence of Minas Gerais.
War of the Pyrenees

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Pyrenees

Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg  Spain
Flag Portugal (1750).svg  Portugal [lower-alpha 2]
Royal Standard of the King of France.svg French Émigrés
Flag of France official.svg  France Defeat
Rio de Janeiro Conjuration


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal Conjurates from RioVictory
  • Failed Independence of Rio de Janeiro
1798 Revolt of the Alfaiates


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal Flag Revolt of the Tailors.svg Conjurates from BahiaVictory
  • Failed Independence of Bahia
Mediterranean campaign of 1798

Location: Mediterranean Sea

Union flag 1606 (Kings Colors).svg  Great Britain

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [lower-alpha 3]

Flag of the Ottoman Empire (eight pointed star).svg  Ottoman Empire

Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1738).svg  Kingdom of Naples

Flag of the Order of St. John (various).svg Hospitaller Malta

Flag of France official.svg  France Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg  Spain Victory
Conspiracy of the Suassunas


Location: Brazil

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal Pernambuco rebelsVictory
  • Failed Independence of Pernambuco
War of the Oranges

Location: Iberian Peninsula, South America (Río de la Plata and Guiana region)

Flag Portugal (1750).svg  Portugal Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spain

Flag of France official.svg  France

Defeat in Europe
Victory in South America
Invasion of Portugal (1807)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Flag Portugal (1750).svg  Portugal Flag of France.svg French Empire

Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spain

Peninsular War

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Southern France

Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Bourbon Spain

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag Portugal (1750).svg  Portugal

Flag of France.svg French Empire
Bandera de Espana 1808-1813.svg Bonapartist Spain

Flag of the Duchy of Warsaw.svg Duchy of Warsaw
Flag of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.svg Kingdom of Italy

Confederation of the Rhine

XIX Cantone coa.svg Swiss Confederation

Portuguese conquest of French Guiana

Location: South America (The Guianas)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portugal

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of France.svg French Empire Victory
Battle of the Tiger's Mouth

Location: China (Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area)

Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Portugal Red Flag FleetVictory
Portuguese invasion of the Banda Oriental (1811–1812)

Location: Río de la Plata Basin (Uruguay)

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portugal Flag of Argentina (civil).svg United Provinces of the River Plate
Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
War of the Sixth Coalition

Location: Europe

Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
Flag of the Kingdom of Prussia (1803-1892).svg Kingdom of Prussia
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg  Austrian Empire
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Naval Ensign of Sweden.svg Kingdom of Sweden
Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spanish Empire
Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Kingdom of Portugal
Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816).svg  Two Sicilies
Civil Flag and Civil Ensign of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1816-1848).svg  Kingdom of Sardinia
Flag of France (1794-1815).svg  First French Empire
Flag of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.svg  Napoleonic Italy
Flag of the Kingdom of Naples (1811).svg  Kingdom of Naples
Flag of the Duchy of Warsaw.svg Duchy of Warsaw [lower-alpha 4]
Victory Treaty of Fontainebleau, First Treaty of Paris
War of the Seventh Coalition

Location: Europe

Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
Flag of the Kingdom of Prussia (1803-1892).svg Kingdom of Prussia
Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg  Austrian Empire
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Naval Ensign of Sweden.svg Kingdom of Sweden
Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spanish Empire
Flag of Portugal (1750).svg Kingdom of Portugal
Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816).svg  Two Sicilies
Civil Flag and Civil Ensign of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1816-1848).svg  Kingdom of Sardinia
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of France (1794-1815).svg  First French Empire
Flag of the Kingdom of Naples (1811).svg  Kingdom of Naples
Victory Second Treaty of Paris
Portuguese conquest of the Banda Oriental
(1816 - 1820)

Location: Río de la Plata Basin (Uruguay and Argentina)

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves
Flag of Argentina (civil).svg United Provinces of the Río de la Plata
Flag of Artigas.svg Federal League Victory
  • Annexation of the Banda Oriental to the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.
Pernambucan Revolt


Location: Brazil

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves Flag Pernambucan Revolt of 1817.svg Rebels from Pernambuco

BandeiraParaiba 1817.gif Rebels from Paraíba

Rebels from Potiguares

  • Revolt suppressed
  • Dissolution of the Comarca das Alagoas in the Pernambucan territory
  • Failed Independence of Pernambuco
Lisbon Conspiration


Location: Portugal

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves Supremo Conselho Regenerador de Portugal e do Algarve Victory
Oporto Liberal Revolution


Location: Portugal

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves Flag Portugal (1830).svg Liberals Defeat
Martinhada Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg Junta Provisional do Governo Supremo do Reino
  • Moderate liberals
  • Radical liberals
  • Traditionalists
Liberal Revolution in Bahia and Grão-Pará


Location: Brazil

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves Blason of Bahia (ancient).svg Captaincy of Bahia

Bandeira Provincia do (Grao) Para.svg Captaincy of Grão-Pará

  • Revolt suppressed
  • Increase of the liberal movement in Rio de Janeiro
Constitutionalist revolt of the slaves


Location: Brazil

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves Minas Gerais slavesInconclusive
  • Rebels dispersed with the Proclamation of Independence
Brazilian War of Independence


Location: Brazil

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg Portugal Flag of Empire of Brazil (1822-1870).svg  Empire of Brazil
European mercenaries


Location: Portugal

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg Portugal Flag Portugal (1707).svg Miguelites Victory
April Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves.svg Portugal Flag Portugal (1707).svg Miguelites Victory
Liberal Wars

Location: Iberian Peninsula (Portugal)

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Liberal (Forces of Queen Maria II and Pedro IV)

Supported by:

Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spain (Since 1834)
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom
Flag of France.svg France (Since 1830)

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgian volunteers (1832–1834) [31]

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Miguelites (Forces of King Miguel)

Supported by: Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spain (Until 1833)

Holy Alliance

Flag of New Spain.svg Carlists

Liberal Victory
First Carlist War

Location: Iberian Peninsula (Spain)

Flag of New Spain.svg Carlists (Forces of Infante Carlos)

Supported by:
Flag Portugal (1707).svg Portugal (until 1834)

Holy Alliance [32]

Flag Portugal (1707).svg Miguelites

Flag of Spain (1785-1873 and 1875-1931).svg Liberals (Forces of Queen Isabella II)

Supported by:
Flag of France.svg France
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom
Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal (from 1834)

Liberal Victory
Revolta dos Calcetas


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Flag Portugal (1707).svg Miguelites insurgentsVictory
September Revolution


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Septembrists (radical liberals)Defeat
Marnotas Conspiracy


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Flag Portugal (1707).svg Miguelites insurgentsVictory
Revolt of the Marshals


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Cartista insurgentsVictory
Bolama Question


Location: West Africa, Guinea-Bissau

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Victory
Torres Novas Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Anti-Cabralism insurgentsVictory
Patuleia (1846)

Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Forces of Queen Maria II

Quadruple Alliance

Junta in Porto forces Moderate Liberal Victory
Revolt of the Faitiões

Location: China (Macau)

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Chinese rebelsVictory
Baishaling Incident

Location: China (Macau)

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Flag of the Qing Dynasty (1862-1889).svg China Victory
Guerras de Cassange


Location: Angola

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Native peoplesVictory
Guerras do Nano


Location: Angola

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Native peoplesVictory
Serpa Pinto Incident [33]


Location: Southern Africa (modern Zambia)

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Kololo people Inconclusive
Anglo-Portuguese conflict on Manicaland [34]


Location: Southern Africa

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Defeat
2nd Luso-Ovimbo War


Location: Angola

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Ovimbundu Kingdoms Victory
31 January 1891 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Kingdom of Portugal Portuguese Republican Party Flag.svg Republicans Victory
Battle of Mufilo

Location: Angola

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Portugal Ovamboland flag.svg Ovambo Victory
Municipal Library Elevator Coup


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Kingdom of Portugal Portuguese Republican Party Flag.svg Republicans


5 October 1910 revolution


Location: Portugal

Flag Portugal (1830).svg Kingdom of Portugal Portuguese Republican Party Flag.svg Republicans



First Portuguese Republic (1910–1926)

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Result
East Timorese rebellion

Location: East Timor

Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal East Timorese rebelsVictory
Royalist attack on Chaves


Location: Portugal and Galicia (Spain)

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Flag Portugal (1830).svg Royalist supporters

Supported by:

Flag of Spain (1785-1873, 1875-1931).svg Spain

27 April 1913 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Federação Radical Republicana Victory
World War I

Location: Europe, Africa, Asia

Flag of France (1794-1958).svg  France
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States
Flag of the Republic of China 1912-1928.svg China
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg  Italy
Merchant flag of Japan (1870).svg  Japan
Canadian Red Ensign (1868-1921).svg  Canada
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
British Raj Red Ensign.svg  India
Red Ensign of South Africa (1912-1951).svg  South Africa
Flag of Hejaz 1917.svg Hejaz
State Flag of Serbia (1882-1918).svg  Serbia
Flag of Montenegro (1905-1918).svg  Montenegro
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Greece (1822-1978).svg  Greece
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil
Flag of the German Empire.svg  Germany
Flag of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918).svg  Austria-Hungary
Flag of the Ottoman Empire (1844-1922).svg  Ottoman Empire
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Água-Pe Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Flag Portugal (1830).svg Royalist supporters Victory
May 14 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Republicans Defeat
December 1917 coup d'état


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Rebels led by Sidónio Pais Defeat
1919 Oporto Counter-Revolution


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Flag Portugal (1830).svg Monarchy of the North Victory
Bloody Night (Lisbon)


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Rioting members of the Army, Navy, and GNR soldiersPirric Victory
April 18, 1925 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Portuguese Armed Forces rebelsVictory
July 19, 1925 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Portuguese Armed Forces rebelsVictory
28 May 1926 coup d'état


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Portuguese Government Portuguese Armed Forces Defeat

Second Portuguese Republic (1933–1974)

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Result
February 1927 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Military flag of Portugal.svg Military Dictatorship Flag of Portugal.svg February 1927 movement Victory
Fifis Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Military Dictatorship Fascists Victory
Madeira uprising


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Military Dictatorship Supported by: Paris League

Republica da Atlantida

26 Agost 1931 Insurrection


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Military Dictatorship Buda Groups

Paris League

Milk Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Madeira protestersVictory
Spanish Civil War

Location: Spain

Flag of Spain (1938-1945).svg Spanish Nationalists

Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned.svg  Italy
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg  Nazi Germany
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal

Flag of Spain 1931 1939.svg Spanish Republicans

Flag of the International Brigades.svg International Brigades
Flag of the Soviet Union (1936 - 1955).svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Mexico (1934-1968).svg  Mexico

1936 Naval Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Red flag.svg Organização Revolucionária da Armada Victory
Invasion of Timor

(1942–45) [as neutral power of World War II]

Location: East Timor and Indonesia

Allies: Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portuguese Timor
Merchant flag of Japan (1870).svg  Japan
  • Merchant flag of Japan (1870).svg Timorese and Javanese volunteers (Black Columns)
Status Quo Ante Bellum
Mealhada Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Left-wing rebelsVictory
10 April 1947 Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Junta de Libertação Nacional Victory
Integration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Location: India

Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal Flag of India.svg  India Defeat
Viqueque rebellion

Location: East Timor

Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal East Timorese rebelsVictory
Angolan War of Independence (1961–1974)

Location: Angola

Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola (bandeira).svg MPLA
Bandeira da FNLA.svg FNLA
Flag of UNITA.svg UNITA
Flag of Cabinda.svg FLEC
Military stalemate
MPLA-Coalition Political victory

Alvor Agreement;

Annexation of Portuguese India

Location: India

Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal Flag of India.svg  India Defeat
Beja Revolt


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Democrat rebelsVictory
Guinea-Bissau War of Independence (1963–1974)

Location: Guinea-Bissau

Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal Flag of PAIGC.svg PAIGC
Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea (1970 only)
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba [36]
Non-combat support:
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China [37] [38] [39]
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union [40]
Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal [41]
Flag of Libya (1969-1972).svg  Libya [42] [43]
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria [44] [45]
Flag of Brazil (1968-1992).svg Brazil [46]
PAIGC Political victory [47]
Military stalemate [47]
Mozambican War of Independence (1964–1974)

Location: Mozambique

Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal Flag of Mozambique (1974-1975).svg FRELIMO Military stalemate
FRELIMO Political victory [47]
Caldas Insurrection


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Portuguese Armed Forces rebelsVictory
Carnation Revolution


Location: Portugal

Flag of Portugal.svg Estado Novo Logotipo do Movimento das Forcas Armadas.svg AF Movement Defeat

Portugal (1974–present)

ConflictCombatant 1Combatant 2Result
Bosnian War

Location: Balkans

Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1998).svg Bosnia and Herzegovina

Flag of Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia.svg Herzeg-Bosnia
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of the Republika Srpska.svg  Republika Srpska
Logo of the JNA.svg YPA
Flag of Serbian Krajina (1991).svg  Serbian Krajina
Flag of AP Western Bosnia (1993-1995).svg Western Bosnia
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006).svg FR Yugoslavia
  • Dayton Accords
  • Internal partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the Dayton Accords
  • Deployment of NATO-led IFOR to oversee the peace agreement
  • Massive civilian casualties for the Bosniak ethnic group
Kosovo War

Location: Balkans

Flag of Albania.svg AFRK
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (1992-2006).svg FR Yugoslavia Victory
Guinea-Bissau Civil War

Location: Guinea-Bissau

Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau
Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal
Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Military flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg Military rebels
Flag of Casamance.svg MFDC
Flag of the United States.svg United States
1999 East Timorese crisis (1999–2005)

Location: East Timor

Flag of East Timor.svg  East Timor


Flag of the United Nations.svg UNTAET

Flag of Indonesia.svg Pro-Indonesia militias

Supported by:

  • Independence of East Timor is seizured
War in Afghanistan

Location: Afghanistan

Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan
Flag of the International Security Assistance Force.svg ISAF
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland
Flag of Afghanistan (1992-1996; 2001).svg Northern Alliance
Flag of the Taliban.svg Taliban

Allied groups

Taliban splinter groups

2001 invasion:
Flag of the Taliban.svg Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Flag of al-Qaeda.svg al-Qaeda

Operation Active Endeavour


Location: Mediterranean Sea

Flag of NATO.svg  NATO


Unspecified terrorist and smuggling groups"Victory"
East Timorese crisis

Location: East Timor

Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Flag of East Timor.svg  East Timor
Flag placeholder.svg FTDL elementsVictory
  • Violence ends.
Operation Atalanta


Location: Somalia

Flag of Europe.svg  European Union (European Union Training Mission in Somalia)

Non EU:

Somali pirates Ongoing
Central African Republic Civil War (2012-)

Location: Central African Republic

Flag of the Central African Republic.svg  Central African Republic

Flag of the United Nations.svg MINUSCA (since 2014)

Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda (since 2020) [55]

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia (since 2018) [55]

Wagner Group [56]

Black Russians [58]


Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa (2013)

MISCA (2013–2014)Flag of France.svg  France (2013–2021) [60] Flag of Europe.svg EUFOR RCA


Flag of the Central African Republic.svg PRNC

Alleged Flag of Lord's Resistance Army.svg Lord's Resistance Army

Azande Ani Kpi Gbe (since March 2023) [61]

Defunct groups:
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg Séléka (2012–2014)
Flag of the Central African Republic.svg RJ (2013–2018)

Flag of the Central African Republic.svg MNLC (2017–2019) Flag of the Central African Republic.svg MLCJ (2008–2022) Flag of the Central African Republic.svg RPRC (2014–2022)

Mali War (2012–2023)

Location: Mali

Flag of France.svg France

Flag of Mali.svg  Mali

Flag of Chad.svg  Chad

Flag of Spain.svg Spain [65]

Flag of Poland.svg  Poland

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom

Flag of Germany.svg Germany

Flag of the United Nations.svg MINUSMA

Flag of Jihad.svg Ansar Dine

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Islamic State flag.svg  ISIL

MNLA flag.svg Azawad
Mixed Results (end of UN mission)
Insurgency in Cabo Delgado (2017–2020)

Location: Mozambique

Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique

Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda

(from 2021) [66]

Flag of SADC.svg Southern African Development Community (from 2021)

Supported by:

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [73]

Flag of Europe.svg EUTM-Moz

(from 2021)

Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda [69]

Flag of the United States.svg  United States

(from 2021) [74] [75]

Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal

(from 2020) [76] [77]

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom [78]

Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey [79]

Flag of Jihad.svg Ansar al-Sunna

AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [80]

Supported by:

Organized crime [81]

Foreign sympathizers [81]

Bandits [82]

See also


  1. Unofficial Portuguese soldiers just helped the Zamorin.
  2. See also: Auxiliary Army to the Crown of Spain  [ pt ](in Portuguese)
  3. See also: Ushakov expedition  [ ru ](in Russian)
  4. Duchy of Warsaw as a state was in effect fully occupied by Russian and Prussian forces by May 1813, though most Poles remained loyal to Napoleon
  5. The only party under Francisco Franco from 1937 onward, a merger of the other factions on the Nationalist side.
  6. 1 2 3 4 1936–1937, then merged into FET y de las JONS

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  1. Antas, Mário Nuno; Ferreira, Sofia (October 2011), Guião Educativo da exposição "Um olhar sobre a Pré-História do Espichel" (PDF) (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Cubes de Arquelogia – Museu de Arqueologia, p. 9
  2. Schäfer, Heinrich (1840). Histoire de Portugal: depuis sa séperation de la Castille jusqu'à nos jours (in French). Parent-Desbarres.
  3. López Fernández, Manuel (2018). "Guadalmesí y Palmones: la influencia de dos batallas en la conquista de Algeciras (1342-1343)". E-Strategica: Revista de la AIHM (Siglos IV-XVI) (2): 63–88. ISSN   2530-9951.
  4. Quesada, Miguel Ángel Ladero (1 January 2000). "Portugueses en la frontera de Granada". En la España Medieval (in Spanish). 23: 67. ISSN   1988-2971.
  5. 1 2 Barros (p. 140)[ full citation needed ]
  6. The Portuguese period in East Africa – p. 112[ full citation needed ]
  7. Welch, Sidney R. (1950). Portuguese rule and Spanish crown in South Africa, 1581–1640. Juta. p. 25. ISBN   978-0-8426-1588-4.
  8. Stanley, Bruce (2007). "Mogadishu". In Dumper, Michael; Stanley, Bruce E. (eds.). Cities of the Middle East and North Africa: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 253. ISBN   978-1-57607-919-5.
  9. Knappert, Jan (1979). Four Centuries of Swahili Verse: A Literary History and Anthology. Heinemann. p. 11. ISBN   978-0-435-91702-9.
  10. "Naskah Surat Sultan Zainal 'Abidin (Wafat 923 H/1518 M)" . Retrieved 25 September 2023.
  11. "Sultan Ma'ruf Syah, Semoga Allah Merahmatinya" . Retrieved 25 September 2023.
  12. Henze, Paul B. (2000). Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia. Hurst & Company. p. 89. ISBN   1850655227.
  13. Historical dictionary of Ethiopia By David Hamilton Shinn, Thomas P. Ofcansky, Chris Prouty p. 171
  14. 1 2 Leslie Bethell: Colonial Brazil, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 167.
  15. Ramerini, Marco (16 February 2014). "The Portuguese in the Moluccas: Ternate and Tidore". Colonial Voyage. Retrieved 18 June 2023.
  16. Ramerini, Marco (16 February 2014). "The Spanish Presence in the Moluccas: Ternate and Tidore". Colonial Voyage. Retrieved 20 June 2023.
  17. 1 2 3 4 Fernão Lopes de Castanheda, 1933, book VIII, p. 391.
  18. Loureiro, Rui Manuel. Galiote Pereira_Algumas cousas sabidas da China_1992.
  19. "Intrigue In Longvek- Iberians in 16th Century Cambodia ⋆ Cambodia News English". Cambodia News English CNE. 14 December 2019. Retrieved 15 November 2023.
  20. "History of Ayutthaya - Foreign Settlements - Portuguese Settlement". Retrieved 5 July 2023.
  21. "History of Ayutthaya - Essays - Spain". Retrieved 5 July 2023.
  22. "History of Ayutthaya - Historical Events - Timeline 1600-1649". Retrieved 5 July 2023.
  23. Treaty of alliance between France and Portugal concluded at Paris, June 1, 1641. Davenport, Frances Gardiner: European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies to 1648. Clark, New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2012. ISBN   9781584774228, pp. 324-328
  24. Birmingham, p. 51[ full citation needed ]
  25. Boland-Crewe, Tara; Lea, David (2003). The Territories and States of India (e-book ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 145. ISBN   9781135356255.
  26. Poonen, T. I. (1978). Dutch Hegemony in Malabar and Its Collapse, A.D. 1663–1795. Department of Publications, University of Kerala. p. 70.
  27. The Acts of Union of 1707 united the crowns of England and Scotland, forming the Kingdom of Great Britain. For much of the war, Scottish units were under Dutch pay and operated as part of the army of the Dutch Republic.
  28. 1 2 From 1703 started the Rákóczi's War of Independence as a proxy conflict of the Habsburg-Bourbon conflict during Spanish Succession War. Spanish mercenaries fought in the Hungarian conflict for both sides due to alliances.
  29. Lobato, 1965, p. 100.[ full citation needed ]
  30. Blog TV Navegante. A Revolta do Mutu-ya-Kevela. 10 de março de 2017.
  31. "Belgian Corps 1832-35 in Portugal's Liberal Wars". 11 June 2006. Retrieved 17 February 2013.
  32. Bullón de Mendoza y Gómez de Valugera, Alfonso (1992). La primera guerra carlista. Actas. ISBN   978-84-87863-08-0.
  33. 1 2 Coelho, Teresa Pinto (18 October 2006). VI – Lord Salisbury's 1890 Ultimatum to Portugal and Anglo-Portuguese Relations (PDF). The Treaty of Windsor (1386) and 620 Years of Anglo-Portuguese Relations. St. Peter's College, Oxford: Instituto Camões Centre for Portuguese Language. Index to papers presented at the October 2006 Instituto Camões Centre for Portuguese Language Conference
  34. M Newitt, (1995). A History of Mozambique, pp. 353–354.
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  36. References:
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Further reading