List of inscriptions in biblical archaeology

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The following is a list of inscribed artifacts, items made or given shape by humans, that are significant to biblical archaeology.


Selected artifacts significant to biblical chronology

This table lists inscriptions which are of particular significance to the study of biblical chronology. References are from ANET [1] and COS [2] and link to editio princeps (EP), if known.


NameImageCurrent locationDiscoveredDateWritingSignificanceRefs
Autobiography of Weni Autobiography of Weni, from Abydos, now at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.png Cairo Museum 1880, Abydos c.2280 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs Records the earliest known Egyptian military campaigns in Sinai and the Levant.ANET 227–228
Sebek-khu Stele Sebek-khu Stele.png Manchester Museum 1901, Abydos c.1860 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs Records the earliest known Egyptian military campaign in Retjenu, including Sekmem (s-k-m-m, thought to be Shechem).ANET 230
Merneptah Stele Merneptah Steli (cropped).jpg Cairo Museum 1896, Thebes c. 1209 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs The text is largely an account of a military campaign against the ancient Libyans, but the last three of the 28 lines deal with a separate campaign in Canaan, including the first documented instance of the name Israel in the historical record, and the only documented record in Ancient Egypt.COS 2.6 / ANET 376–378 / EP [3]
Bubastite Portal Bubastis portal at Karnak.jpg Original location1828, Karnak c. 925 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs Records the conquests and military campaigns in c.925 BC of Shoshenq I, of the Twenty-second Dynasty, identified with the biblical Shishaq. Towns identified include Rafah (rph), Megiddo (mkdi) and Ajalon (iywrn)ANET 242–243

Other significant Egyptian artifacts

  • Execration texts – earliest references to many Biblical locations
  • Papyrus Brooklyn 35.1446 – A document that lists the names of 45 individuals, including a Canaanite woman named "Šp-ra." Scholars assume that this is a hieroglyphic transliteration of the Hebrew name "Shiphrah," which also appears in Exodus 1:15–21. However, while the name may be related, the document dates to c. 1833–1743 BCE (centuries before the biblical Shiphra would have lived). [4] [5]
  • Ipuwer Papyrus – poem describing Egypt as afflicted by natural disasters and in a state of chaos. The document is dated to around 1250 BC [6] but the content is thought to be earlier, dated back to the Middle Kingdom, though no earlier than the late Twelfth Dynasty. [7] Once thought to describe the biblical Exodus, it is now considered the world's earliest known treatise on political ethics, suggesting that a good king is one who controls unjust officials, thus carrying out the will of the gods. [8]
  • Berlin pedestal relief – considered by many modern scholars to contain the earliest historic reference to ancient Israel. [9] [10] Experts remain divided on this hypothesis. [11]


NameImageCurrent locationDiscoveredDateWritingSignificanceRefs
Statue of Idrimi Idrimi of Alalakh.jpg British Museum 1939, Alalakh c.1500 BC Akkadian cuneiform Records the earliest certain cuneiform reference to Canaan ANET 557
Kurkh Monoliths Karkar.jpg British Museum 1861, Üçtepe, Bismil c.850 BC Assyrian cuneiform The Shalmaneser III monolith contains a description of the Battle of Qarqar at the end. This description contains the name "A-ha-ab-bu Sir-ila-a-a" which is generally accepted to be a reference to Ahab king of Israel, [12] [13] although it is the only known reference to the term "Israel" in Assyrian and Babylonian records, a fact brought up by some scholars who dispute the proposed translation.COS 2.113A / ANET 277–278
Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III Black-obelisk.jpg British Museum 1846, Nimrud c.825 BC Assyrian cuneiform Contains what is thought to be the earliest known picture of a biblical figure: possibly Jehu son Omri (mIa-ú-a mar mHu-um-ri-i), or Jehu's ambassador, kneeling at the feet of Shalmaneser III.COS 2.113F / ANET 278–281
Saba'a Stele Sabaa Stele.jpg Istanbul Archaeology Museums 1905, Saba'a c.800 BC Assyrian cuneiform Records Adad-nirari III's Assyrian campaign to Pa-la-áš-tu (Philistia)COS 2.114E / ANET 282 / EP [14]
Nimrud Slab Nimrud Slab (Calah Slab) Inscription.png Unknown1854, Nimrud c.800 BC Akkadian cuneiform Describes Adad-nirari III's early Assyrian conquests in Palastu (Phillistia), Tyre, Sidon, Edom and Humri (the latter understood as the Kingdom of Israel).COS 2.114G [15]
Nimrud Tablet K.3751 Nimrud Tablet K 3751.png British Museum c.1850, Nimrud c.733 BC Akkadian cuneiform Describes Tiglath-Pileser III's (745 to 727 BC) campaigns to the region, including the first known archeological reference to Judah (Yaudaya or KUR.ia-ú-da-a-a).COS 2.117 / ANET 282–284
Sargon II's Prism A Sargon's Prism A fragments.png British Museum c.1850, Library of Ashurbanipal c.710 BC Akkadian cuneiform Describes Sargon II's (722 to 705 BC) campaigns to Palastu, Judah, Edom and Moab.COS 2.118i / ANET 287
Lachish relief Lachish inscription.jpeg British Museum 1845, Nineveh c.700 BC Assyrian cuneiform Portion of the Sennacherib relief, which depicts captives from Judah being led into captivity after the Siege of Lachish in 701 BCCOS 2.119C / EP [16]
Azekah Inscription K6205 Rawlinson and Smith Azekah Inscription.jpg British Museum c.1850, Library of Ashurbanipal c.700 BC Akkadian cuneiform Describes an Assyrian campaign by Sennacherib against Hezekiah, King of Judah, including the conquest of Azekah.COS 2.119D
Sennacherib's Annals Taylor Prism-1.jpg British Museum, Oriental Institute of Chicago, and the Israel Museum 1830, likely Nineveh, unprovenanced c.690 BC Assyrian cuneiform Describes the Assyrian king Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem in 701 BC during the reign of king Hezekiah.COS 2.119B / ANET 287–288
Esarhaddon's Treaty with Ba'al of Tyre Treaty of Esarhaddon with Baal of Tyre (K 3500 + K 4444 + K 10235).png British Museum c.1850, Library of Ashurbanipal c.675 BC Akkadian cuneiform Describes a treaty between Esarhaddon (reigned 681 to 669 BC) and Ba'al of Tyre with respect to pi-lis-teCOS 2.120 / ANET 533
Cylinders of Nabonidus Nabonidus cylinder sippar bm1.jpg British Museum and Pergamon Museum 1854, Ur c.550 BC Akkadian cuneiform Describes Belshazzar (Balthazar) as Nabonidus' eldest sonCOS 2.123A
Nebuchadnezzar Chronicle The cuneiform inscription highlights the conquest of Jerusalem and the surrender of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, in 597 BCE. From Babylon, Iraq.jpg British Museum 1896 (acquired), unprovenanced c.550 – 400 BC [17] Akkadian cuneiform Describes Nebuchadnezzar's first siege of Jerusalem in 597 BC, the Siege of Jerusalem (597 BC) COS 1.137 / ANET 301–307
Cylinder of Cyrus Cyrus Cylinder.jpg British Museum 1879, Babylon c.530 BC Akkadian cuneiform King Cyrus's treatment of religion, which is significant to the books of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah.COS 2.124 / ANET 315–316
Nabonidus Chronicle Nabonidus chronicle.jpg British Museum 1879 (acquired), Sippar, unprovenanced 4th –1st century BC [18] Akkadian cuneiform Describes the conquest of Babylon by the Persian king Cyrus the Great COS 1.137 / ANET 301–307 / EP [19]

Other significant cuneiform artifacts

Canaanite, Aramaic and Hebrew

NameImageCurrent locationDiscoveredDateWritingSignificanceRefs
Mesha Stele Mesha stele.jpg Louvre 1868, Dhiban, Jordan c.850 BC Moabite language Describes the victories of Moabite king Mesha over the House of Omri (kingdom of Israel). It bears the earliest certain extra-biblical reference to the Israelite god Yahweh, and—if French scholar André Lemaire's reconstruction of a portion of line 31 is correct—the earliest mention of the "House of David" (i.e., the kingdom of Judah). One of the only two known artifacts containing the "Moabite" dialect of Canaanite languages (the second is the El-Kerak Inscription)COS 2.23 / ANET 320–321
Tel Dan Stele Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Archaeology WingDSCN5105.JPG Israel Museum 1993, Tel Dan c.800 BC Old Aramaic Significant as an extra-biblical corroboration of Israel's past, particularly in lines 8 and 9, which mention a "king of Israel" and a "house of David". The latter is generally understood by scholars to refer to the ruling dynasty of Judah. Although the meaning of this phrase has been disputed by a small minority of scholars, [33] today it is generally accepted as a reference to the Davidic dynasty. [34] [35] [36] [37]
Siloam inscription Hashiloach.jpg Istanbul Archaeology Museums 1880, Siloam tunnel c.701 BC Paleo-Hebrew Records the construction of Siloam tunnel COS 2.28 / ANET 321
LMLK seals Lmlk-seal impression-h2d-gg22 2003-02-21.jpg Various1870 onwardsc.700 BC Phoenician alphabet (also known as Paleo-Hebrew)c.2,000 stamp impressions, translated as "belonging to the King"COS 2.77 / EP [38]
Ekron inscription Ekron inscription.jpg Israel Museum 1996, Ekron c.650 BC Phoenician alphabet The first known inscription from the area ascribed to PhilistinesCOS 2.42
Trumpeting Place inscription To the trumpeting place.jpg Israel Museum 1968, Jerusalem c.1st century ADHebrew [39] Believed to be a directional sign for the priests who blew a trumpet, consistent with an account in Josephus

Other significant Canaanite, Aramaic and Hebrew artifacts

Gezer calendar in the Istanbul Archaeology Museums. Gezer calendar close up.jpg
Gezer calendar in the Istanbul Archaeology Museums.
"To Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, king of Judah" - found at the Ophel excavations in Jerusalem LMLK, Ezekiah seals.jpg
"To Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, king of Judah" – found at the Ophel excavations in Jerusalem
  • Seals
    • Seal of Jaazaniah – Features skillfully ground onyx into appearance of eye with black pupil. Cock image proof of chickens in Palestine before Hellenistic times. [53]
    • Seal of Hezekiah – 8th. c BCE [54]
    • King Ahaz's Seal (732 to 716 BC) – Ahaz was a king of Judah but "did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord his God, as his ancestor David had done" (2 Kings 16:2; 2 Chronicles 28:1). He worshiped idols and followed pagan practices. "He even made his son pass through fire, according to the abominable practices of the nations" (2 Kings 16:3). Ahaz was the son and successor of Jotham.
    • Seal of פלטה (Paltah) – one known of at least seven women's names on inscribed Hebrew seals with a pedigree. Provenanced seals constitute 7% of what's on record. [55]
  • Khirbet Beit Lei graffiti contains oldest known Hebrew writing of the word "Jerusalem", dated to 7th century BC: "I am YHWH thy Lord. I will accept the cities of Judah and I will redeem Jerusalem. ... Absolve us oh merciful God. Absolve us oh YHWH" [56]
  • Yavne-Yam ostracon is an inscribed pottery fragment dated to 7th century BC and written in ancient Hebrew language. It contains early attestation of the word Shabbat. [57] [58]
Ketef Hinnom Priestly Blessing Ketef Hinnom KH2 Scroll.jpg
Ketef Hinnom Priestly Blessing

Greek and Latin

NameImageCurrent locationDiscoveredDateWritingSignificanceRefs
Eunēlos inscription Eunelos.png Likely the National Museum of Damascus Ras Macalister's excavations of Gezer GreekEarly Greek trigrammaton attestation with syncretic character, refers to Hercules and a feast of Yahweh Inasios. [64]
Temple Warning inscription Jerusalem Temple Warning Inscription.jpg Istanbul Archaeology Museums 1871, Jerusalem c.23 BC – 70 ADGreekBelieved to be an inscription from Herod's Temple, warning foreigners ("allogenē") to refrain from entering the Temple enclosure
Arch of Titus Arch of Titus Menorah.png Original locationn.a., Rome c.82 ADLatin Relief showing spoils from the Sack of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD. Depicted are the menorah and trumpets, as well as what might be the Table of Showbread.

Other significant Greek and Latin artifacts

  • Pilate Stone (c. 36 AD) – carved inscription attributed to Pontius Pilate, a prefect of the Roman-controlled province of Judaea from 26 to 36 AD.
  • Delphi Inscription (c. 52 AD) – The reference to proconsul Gallio in the inscription provides an important marker for developing a chronology of the life of Apostle Paul by relating it to the trial of Paul in Achaea mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (18:12–17).
  • Erastus Inscription (Roman period) – an inscription found in 1929 near a paved area northeast of the theater of Corinth, dated to the mid-first century and reads "Erastus in return for his aedileship paved it at his own expense." [65] Some New Testament scholars have identified this aedile Erastus with the Erastus mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans but this is disputed by others. [66] [67]
  • Judaea Capta coinage (after 70 AD) – a series of commemorative coins originally issued by the Roman Emperor Vespasian to celebrate the capture of Judaea and the destruction of the Jewish Second Temple by his son Titus in 70 AD during the First Jewish Revolt.
  • Nazareth Inscription bears an edict of Caesar prohibiting grave robbing.

Controversial (forgery, claimed forgery, or identification disputed)

Significant museums

Concordance of external lists

Pyramid Texts 1.4Pyramid Texts Spell 6003The Creation by Atum
1.9Papyrus Bremer-Rind6–7The Repulsing of the Dragon and the Creation
Shabaka Stone 1.15The "Memphite Theology"4–6The Theology of Memphis
1.17Coffin Texts Spell 11307–8All Men Created Equal in Opportunity
Book of the Dead 1.18Book of the Dead 1759–10The Primeval Establishment of Order
Coffin Texts 1.19Coffin Text 15710The Mythological Origin of Certain Unclean Animals
1.21The Repulsing of the Dragon11–12The Repulsing of the Dragon
1.22The Legend of Isis and the Name of Re12–14The God and His Unknown Name of Power
Astarte and the Insatiable Sea 1.23The Legend of Astarte and the Tribute of the Sea17–18Astarte and the Tribute of the Sea
Book of the Heavenly Cow 1.24The Destruction of Mankind10Deliverance of Mankind from Destruction
Great Hymn to the Aten 1.25The Great Cairo Hymn of Praise to Amun-Re365–367A Hymn to Amon-Re
1.27Two Hymns to the Sun-god367–368A Universalist Hymn to the Sun
1.28The Great Hymn to the Aten369–371The Hymn to the Aton
Harper's Songs 1.30The Song from the Tomb of King Intef467A Song of the Harper
1.31The Song from the Tomb of Neferhotep33–34The Good Fortune of the Dead
Execration texts 1.32Execration Texts328–329The Execration of Asiatic Princes
1.33Dream Oracles495The Interpretation of Dreams
1.34Daily Ritual of the Temple of Amun-Re at Karnak325–326The Daily Ritual in the Temple
Teaching for King Merykara 1.35Merikare414–418The Instruction for King Meri-ka-re
Instructions of Amenemhat 1.36Amenemhet418–419The Instruction of King Amen-em-het
Story of Sinuhe 1.38Sinuhe18–22The Story of Si-nuhe
Tale of Two Brothers 1.40The Two Brothers23–25The Story of Two Brothers
Story of Wenamun 1.41The Report of Wenamun25–29The Journey of Wen-Amon to Phoenicia
Ipuwer Papyrus 1.42The Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage: the Admonitions of Ipuwer441–444The Admonitions of Ipu-wer
The Eloquent Peasant 1.43The Eloquent Peasant407–410The Protests of the Eloquent Peasant
Instruction of Any 1.46Instruction of Any420–421The Instruction of Ani
Instruction of Amenemope 1.47Instruction of Amenemope421–424The Instruction of Amen-em-Opet
The Satire of the Trades 1.48Dua-khety or the Satire on the Trades432–434The Satire on the Trades
Famine Stela 1.53The Famine Stela31–32The Tradition of Seven Lean Years in Egypt
Bentresh stela 1.54The Legend of the Possessed Princess ("Butresh Stela")29–31The Legend of the Possessed Princess
Myth of Elkunirša 1.55Elkunirsa and Asertu519El, Ashertu and the Storm-god
Illuyanka 1.56The Storm-god and the Serpent (Iluyanka)125–126The Myth of Iluyankas
Telipinu 1.57The Wrath of Telipinu126–128The Telepinus Myth
Muršili II 1.60Plague Prayers of Mursili II394–396Plague Prayers of Mursilis
1.63Uhhamuwa's Ritual Against Plague347Ritual Against Pestilence
Hittite military oath 1.66The First Soldiers' Oath353–354The Soldiers' Oath
Šuppiluliuma I 1.74Deeds of Suppiluliuma319Suppiluliumas and the Egyptian Queen
1.83Instructions to Priests and Temple Officials207–210Instructions for Temple Officials
1.84Instructions to Commanders of Border Garrisons210–211From the Instructions for the Commander of the Border Guards
Baal Cycle 1.86The Ba`lu Myth129–142Poems about Baal and Anath
Legend of Keret 1.102The Kirta Epic142–149The Legend of King Keret
Tale of Aqhat 1.103The 'Aqhatu Legend149–155The Tale of Aqhat
1.108The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld106–109Descent of Ishtar to the Nether World
1.109Nergal and Ereshkigal507–512Nergal and Ereshkigal
1.110Nergal and Ereshkigal (Amarna Version)103–104Nergal and Ereshkigal
Enūma Eliš 1.111Epic of Creation60–72, 501–503The Creation Epic
Dynasty of Dunnum 1.112The Theogony of Dunnu517–518A Babylonian Theogony
1.115Prayer to Gods of the Night390–391Prayer to the Gods of the Night
Great Prayer to Šamaš 1.117The Shamash Hymn387–389Hymn to the Sun-god
1.129The Adapa Story101–103Adapa
Atra-Hasis 1.130Atra-Hasis104–106, 512–514Atrahasis
1.131Etana114–118, 517Etana
Epic of Gilgamesh 1.132Gilgamesh72–99, 503–507The Epic of Gilgamesh
1.133The Birth Legend of Sargon of Akkad119The Legend of Sargon
1.134Babylonian King Lists271, 272, 566–567The Babylonian King List B, The Babylonian King List A, A Seleucid King List
1.135Assyrian King Lists564–566The Assyrian King List
Babylonian Chronicles 1.137Babylonian Chronicle301–307The Neo-Babylonian Empire and its Successors
1.143An Assurbanipal Hymn for Shamash386–387Prayer of Ashurbanipal to the Sun-God
Adad-guppi 1.147The Adad-Guppi Autobiography560–562The Mother of Nabonidus
Ludlul bēl nēmeqi 1.153The Poem of the Righteous Sufferer596–600; 434Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi
Babylonian Theodicy 1.154The Babylonian Theodicy601–604The Babylonian Theodicy
Dialogue of Pessimism 1.155Dialogue of Pessimism or the Obliging Slave600–601The Dialogue of Pessimism
1.171Gilgamesh and Akka45–47Gilgamesh and Agga
Dialogue between a Man and His God 1.179"Man and his God"589–591Man and His God
Autobiography of Ahmose Pen-Nekhebet 2.1The Tomb Biography of Ahmose of Nekheb233–234The Expulsion of the Hyksos
2.2AThe Annals of Thutmose III234B–238The Annals in Karnak
2.2BThe Gebel Barkal Stela of Thutmose III238C, 240D-CThe Barkal Stela
2.2CThe Armant Stela of Thutmose III234 AThe Armant Stela
2.3The Memphis and Karnak Stelae of Amenhotep II245–247The Memphis and Karnak Stelae
Karnak 2.4A[Sethos I] Karnak, Campaign from Sile to Pa-Canaan, Year 1254C, 254A, 254DCampaigns of Seti I in Asia
2.4C[Sethos I] Karnak, Campaign to Yenoam and Lebanon (Year 1 or Later)254CCampaigns of Seti I in Asia
Beisan steles 2.4B[Sethos I] First Beth-Shan Stela, Year 1253–254A Campaign of Seti I in Northern Palestine
2.4D[Sethos I] Second Beth-Shan Stela, Year Lost255Beth-Shan Stelae of Seti I and Ramses II
Kadesh inscriptions 2.5A[Ramesses II] The Battle of Qadesh — The Poem, or Literary Record255–256The Asiatic Campaigning of Ramses II
Merneptah Stele 2.6The (Israel) Stela of Merneptah376–378Hymn of Victory of Mer-ne-ptah (The "Israel Stela”)
2.10Coffin Text 15933The Fields of Paradise
2.12Book of the Dead 12534–36The Protestation of Guiltlessness
Mesha Stele 2.23The Inscription of King Mesha320–321The Moabite Stone
Siloam inscription 2.28The Siloam Tunnel Inscription321The Siloam Inscription
Yehimilk inscription 2.29The Inscription of King Yahimilk653–654Yehimilk of Byblos
Kilamuwa Stela 2.30The Kulamuwa Inscription654–655Kilamuwa of Y'dy-Sam'al
Yehawmilk Stele 2.32The Inscription of King Yehawmilk656Yehawmilk of Byblos
Stele of Zakkur 2.35The Inscription of Zakkur, King of Hamath655–656Zakir of Hamat and Lu`ath
Ahiram sarcophagus 2.55The Sarcophagus Inscription of ‘Ahirom, King of Byblos661Ahiram of Byblos
Tabnit sarcophagus 2.56The Sarcophagus Inscription of Tabnit, King of Sidon662Tabnit of Sidon
Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar II 2.57The Sarcophagus Inscription of 'Eshmun`azor, King of Sidon662Eshmun`azar of Sidon
Sefire steles 2.82The Inscription of Bar Ga'yah and Mati`el from Sefire659–661The Treaty between KTK and Arpad
Gezer calendar 2.85The Gezer Calendar320The Gezer Calendar
Arslan Tash amulets 2.86An Amulet from Arslan Tash658The Amulet from Arslan Tash
Kurkh Monoliths 2.113A[Shalmaneser III] Kurkh Monolith277–278[Shalmaneser III] Annalistic Reports (i 29 – ii 13)
2.113B[Shalmaneser III] Annals: Assur Clay TabletsCf. 278–279[Shalmaneser III] Annalistic Reports
2.113C[Shalmaneser III] Annals" Calah Bulls279–280[Shalmaneser III] Annalistic Reports (Bull Inscription)
Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 2.113F[Shalmaneser III] Black Obelisk278–281[Shalmaneser III] Annalistic Reports (Black Obelisk)
2.113G[Shalmaneser III] Assur Basalt Statue280[Shalmaneser III] Various Inscriptions (a)
2.113H[Shalmaneser III] Black Stone Cylinder281[Shalmaneser III] Various Inscriptions (c)
Saba'a Stele 2.114E[Adad-nirari III] Saba'a Stela282[Adad-Nirari III] (b) Saba'a Stela
2.117A[Tiglath-Pileser III] The Calah Annals282–283[Tiglath-Pileser III] Annalistic Records (103-133)
2.117C[Tiglath-Pileser III] Summary Inscription 4283–284[Tiglath-Pileser III] Annalistic Records (1-34)
Annals of Sargon II 2.118A[Sargon II] The Annals285[Sargon II] From Annalistic Reports (23-57)
Sargon Stele 2.118E[Sargon II] The Great “Summary" Inscription284–285[Sargon II] Inscriptions of a General Nature (1)
Annals of Sargon II 2.118F[Sargon II] The Small “Summary" Inscription285[Sargon II] From Annalistic Reports (11-15)
Sargon II's Prisms 2.118i[Sargon II] The Nimrud Inscription287[Sargon II] From Broken Prisms (3)
Sennacherib's Annals 2.119BSennacherib's Siege of Jerusalem287–288[Sennacherib] (a) The Siege of Jerusalem
Cyrus Cylinder 2.124Cyrus Cylinder315–316Cyrus
Laws of Eshnunna 2.130The Laws of Eshnunna161–163The Laws of Eshnunna
Code of Hammurabi 2.131The Laws of Hammurabi163–180The Code of Hammurabi
2.132The Middle Assyrian Laws180–188The Middle Assyrian Laws
2.133The Neo-Babylonian Laws197–198The Neo-Babylonian Laws
Code of Ur-Nammu 2.153The Laws of Ur-Nammu523–525The Laws of Ur-Nammu
Lipit-Ishtar 2.154The Laws of Lipit-Ishtar159–161Lipit-Ishtar Lawcode
Gudea cylinders 2.155The Cylinders of Gudea268–269Gudea, ENSI of Lagash
3.2The Craft of the Scribe475–479A Satirical Letter
Papyrus Anastasi I 3.3Praise of Pi-Ramessu (Papyrus Anastasi I)471In Praise of the City Ramses
3.4A Report of Escaped Laborers (Papyrus Anastasi V)259The Pursuit of Runaway Slaves
3.5A Report of Bedouin (Papyrus Anastasi VI)259The Report of a Frontier Official
Judicial Papyrus of Turin 3.8The Turin Judicial Papyrus (The Harem Conspiracy against Ramesses III)214–216Results of a Trial for Conspiracy
3.10A Lawsuit over a Syrian Slave216–217From the Record of a Lawsuit
Yavne-Yam ostracon 3.41The Mesad Hashavyahu (Yavneh Yam) Ostracon568A Letter from the Time of Josiah
Lachish letters 3.42ALachish Ostraca [2]322Lachish Ostracon II
3.42BLachish Ostraca [3]322Lachish Ostracon III
3.42CLachish Ostraca [4]322Lachish Ostracon IV
3.42DLachish Ostraca [5]322Lachish Ostracon V
3.42ELachish Ostraca [6]322Lachish Ostracon VI
3.42FLachish Ostraca [9]322Lachish Ostracon IX
Arad ostraca 3.43AArad Ostraca [1]569BThree Ostraca from Arad (A)
3.43HArad Ostraca [17]569CThree Ostraca from Arad (B)
3.43iArad Ostraca [18]569AThree Ostraca from Arad (C)
Elephantine papyri and ostraca 3.46[The Jedaniah Archive from Elephantine] The Passover Letter491"The Passover Papyrus"
3.51[The Jedaniah Archive from Elephantine] Request for Letter of Recommendation (First Draft)491–492Petition for Authorization to Rebuild the Temple of Yaho
3.52[The Jedaniah Archive from Elephantine] Recommendation for Reconstruction of Temple492Advice of the Governors of Juda and Samaria to the Jews of Elephantine
3.53[The Jedaniah Archive from Elephantine] Offer of Payment for Reconstruction of Temple (Draft)492Petition by Elephantine Jews, Perhaps to Arsames
3.65[The Mibtahiah Archive] Withdrawal from Goods491Settlement of Claim by Oath
3.87COffer to Sew a Garment491Letter from One Jew to Another of Superior Station
3.87EGreetings from a Pagan to a Jew491Greeting from a Pagan to a Jew
Amarna letters 3.92ALetter of Abdi-heba of Jerusalem (EA 286)487–488[The Amarna Letters] EA, No. 286
3.92BLetter of Abdi-heba of Jerusalem (EA 289)489[The Amarna Letters] EA, No. 289
3.92CLetter of the Ruler of Gazru (EA 292)489–490[The Amarna Letters] EA, No. 292
3.92GLetter of Lab'ayu of Shechem (EA 254)486[The Amarna Letters] EA, No. 254
3.129Inheritance of a Brother and Sister545–546 (§ 14)Litigation Concerning Inheritance
Dispute between a man and his Ba 3.146The Dispute Between a Man and His Ba405–407A Dispute Over Suicide
Anzû 3.147The Akkadian Anzu Story514–517The Myth of Zu

Other external lists

See also


  1. ANET: Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament . Third Edition with Supplement. Ed. James B. Pritchard. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1969
  2. COS: The Context of Scripture. 3 volumes. Eds. William W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger. Leiden: Brill, 1997–2002
  3. Petrie, WM Flinders; Spiegelberg, Wilhelm [in German] (1897), Six temples at Thebes, 1896, London: Quaritch, archived from the original on 3 April 2016, retrieved 29 May 2016
  4. van Heel, Koenraad Donker (2014). Mrs. Tsenhor. Oxford University Press. p. 114. ISBN   978-977-416-634-1.
  5. "Brooklyn Museum". Brooklyn Museum.
  6. Quirke 2014, p. 167.
  7. Willems 2010, p. 83.
  8. Gabriel 2002, p. 23.
  9. Veen, Pieter van der; Zwickel, Wolfgang (23 January 2017). "The Earliest Reference to Israel and Its Possible Archaeological and Historical Background". Vetus Testamentum. 67 (1): 129–140. doi:10.1163/15685330-12341266.
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  12. The Hebrew Bible: New Insights and Scholarship, edited by Frederick E. Greenspahn, NYU Press, 2008 p. 11
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  25. Dunn, James D. G.; Rogerson, John William (19 November 2003). Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN   978-0-8028-3711-0 . Retrieved 8 December 2016 via Google Books.
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  27. Archived 2 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine , Quote: "For a defense of the idea that Azariah of Judah headed up an anti-Assyrian coalition, see Tadmor, 'Azarijau of Yaudi' Scripta Hierosolymitana 8 (1961): 232–271. However, Israelite and Judaean History, Old Testament Library. Edited by John H. Hayes and J. Maxwell Miller. London: SCM Press, 1977 says, 'Recently, Na'aman [Nadav Na'aman. "Sennacherib's 'Letter to God' on His Campaign to Judah", BASOR CCXIV (1974) 25–39] has shown conclusively that the fragment presumably mentioning Azriau king of Yaudi actually belongs to the time of Sennacherib and refers not to Azariah but to Hezekiah. In Tiglath-Pileser's annals there are two references to an Azariah (in line 123 as Az-ri-a-[u] and in line 131 as Az-r-ja-a-í) but neither of these make any reference to his country. Thus the Azriau of Tiglath-pileser's annals and Azariah of the Bible should be regarded as two different individuals. Azriau's country cannot, at the present, be determined.' Na'aman separates the country (Yaudi) from the name Azriau (p. 36). Also p. 28 on line 5 where the original transcription was '[I]zri-ja-u mat Ja-u-di' he reads 'ina birit misrija u mat Jaudi'. However, Kitchen, On the Reliability of the Old Testament (OROT), p. 18, is less dogmatic. He says 'Hence we cannot certainly assert that this Azriau (without a named territory!) is Azariah of Judah; the matter remains open and undecided for the present and probably unlikely.' See Also CAH, 3:35–36."
  28. Davies, Philip R. (June 1992). In Search of "Ancient Israel": A Study in Biblical Origins. A&C Black. p. 63. ISBN   978-0-567-44918-4. The reference to az-ri-a-u (? ANET ia-u-ha-zi) (mat)ia-u-da-a is seen by a minority of scholars (see, e.g., ANET) as a reference to Azariah of Judah; the majority, however, identify the state in question as Y'di, mentioned in the Zinjirli inscription and located in northern Syria.
  29. Verzeichnis der in der Formerei der Königl. Museen käuflichen Gipsabgüsse (1902) Archived 14 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine page 20
  30. Levinson, Bernard M. (2010). "Esarhaddon's Succession Treaty as the Source for the Canon Formula in Deuteronomy 13:1". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 130 (3). American Oriental Society: 337–347. JSTOR   23044955 . Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  31. Steymans, Hans U. (1 January 2013). "Deuteronomy 28 and Tell Tayinat : original research". Verbum et Ecclesia. 34 (2). University of Pretoria. doi:10.4102/ve.v34i2.870. hdl: 2263/33483 . Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  32. Thomas, D. Winton (1958) Documents from Old Testament Times; 1961 ed. Edinburgh and London: Thomas Nelson and Sons; p. 84.
  33. Rainey 1994, p. 47.
  34. Grabbe, Lester L. (28 April 2007). Ahab Agonistes: The Rise and Fall of the Omri Dynasty. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. ISBN   9780567251718. "The Tel Dan inscription generated a good deal of debate and a flurry of articles when it first appeared, but it is now widely regarded (a) as genuine and (b) as referring to the Davidic dynasty and the Aramaic kingdom of Damascus."
  35. Cline, Eric H. (28 September 2009). Biblical Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. ISBN   9780199711628. Today, after much further discussion in academic journals, it is accepted by most archaeologists that the inscription is not only genuine but that the reference is indeed to the House of David, thus representing the first allusion found anywhere outside the Bible to the biblical David.
  36. Mykytiuk, Lawrence J. (1 January 2004). Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200–539 B.C.E. Society of Biblical Lit. ISBN   9781589830622. Some unfounded accusations of forgery have had little or no effect on the scholarly acceptance of this inscription as genuine.
  37. Biran, Avraham; Naveh, Joseph (1993). "An Aramaic Stele Fragment from Tel Dan". Israel Exploration Journal. 43 (2–3). Israel Exploration Society: 81–98. JSTOR   27926300.
  38. Warren, Charles (1870). "Phoenician inscription on jar handles". Palestine Exploration Quarterly. 2 (30 September): 372.
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  47. Kaufman, S. A. Anchor Bible Dictionary. pp. 173–178.[ dead link ]
  48. See William F. Albright for the former and for the latter Edwin R. Thiele's, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings (3rd ed.; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan/Kregel, 1983) 217. But Gershon Galil dates his reign to 697–642 BC.
  49. Grena (2004), p. 26, Figs. 9 and 10
  50. Shoham, Yair. "Hebrew Bullae" in City of David Excavations: Final Report VI, Qedem 41 (Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2000), 33
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  67. Gill, David W. J. (1989). "Erastus the Aedile". Tyndale Bulletin. 40 (2): 298. doi: 10.53751/001c.30545 . S2CID   245872410.
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  72. Shanks, Hershel (25 April 2012). "Jerusalem Forgery Conference Report" (PDF). Bible Translation Magazine. Retrieved 19 April 2024.
  73. Watch for confusion, there are a number of apparently unrelated seals with a name like "Shema".
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