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Greek alphabet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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History | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Diacritics and other symbols | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Greek letters are used in mathematics, science, engineering, and other areas where mathematical notation is used as symbols for constants, special functions, and also conventionally for variables representing certain quantities. In these contexts, the capital letters and the small letters represent distinct and unrelated entities. Those Greek letters which have the same form as Latin letters are rarely used: capital A, B, E, Z, H, I, K, M, N, O, P, T, Y, X. Small ι, ο and υ are also rarely used, since they closely resemble the Latin letters i, o and u. Sometimes, font variants of Greek letters are used as distinct symbols in mathematics, in particular for ε/ϵ and π/ϖ. The archaic letter digamma (Ϝ/ϝ/ϛ) is sometimes used.
The Bayer designation naming scheme for stars typically uses the first Greek letter, α, for the brightest star in each constellation, and runs through the alphabet before switching to Latin letters.
In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the variables denoted by Greek letters used to describe the risk of certain investments.
Some common conventions:
The Greek letter forms used in mathematics are often different from those used in Greek-language text: they are designed to be used in isolation, not connected to other letters, and some use variant forms which are not normally used in current Greek typography.
The OpenType font format has the feature tag "mgrk" ("Mathematical Greek") to identify a glyph as representing a Greek letter to be used in mathematical (as opposed to Greek language) contexts.
The table below shows a comparison of Greek letters rendered in TeX and HTML. The font used in the TeX rendering is an italic style. This is in line with the convention that variables should be italicized. As Greek letters are more often than not used as variables in mathematical formulas, a Greek letter appearing similar to the TeX rendering is more likely to be encountered in works involving mathematics.
Name | TeX | HTML |
Alpha | Α α | |
Beta | Β β | |
Gamma | Γ γ | |
Delta | Δ δ | |
Epsilon | Ε ϵ ε | |
Digamma | Ϝ ϝ | |
Zeta | Ζ ζ | |
Eta | Η η | |
Theta | Θ θ ϑ | |
Iota | Ι ι | |
Kappa | Κ κ ϰ | |
Lambda | Λ λ | |
Mu | Μ μ |
Name | TeX | HTML |
Nu | Ν ν | |
Xi | Ξ ξ | |
Omicron | Ο ο | |
Pi | Π π ϖ | |
Rho | Ρ ρ ϱ | |
Sigma | Σ σ ς | |
Tau | Τ τ | |
Upsilon | Υ υ | |
Phi | Φ ϕ φ | |
Chi | Χ χ | |
Psi | Ψ ψ | |
Omega | Ω ω |
Name | Greek Letter | Bold | Italic | Bold Italic | Sans-Serif Bold | Sans-Serif Bold Italic | APL | Double struck bold | Unicode variants or similar |
Alpha | Α α | 𝚨 𝛂 | 𝛢 𝛼 | 𝜜 𝜶 | 𝝖 𝝰 | 𝞐 𝞪 | ⍺ ⍶ | ||
Beta | Β β ϐ ᵝ ᵦ | 𝚩 𝛃 | 𝛣 𝛽 | 𝜝 𝜷 | 𝝗 𝝱 | 𝞑 𝞫 | |||
Gamma | Γ γ ᴦ ᵞ ᵧ | 𝚪 𝛄 | 𝛤 𝛾 | 𝜞 𝜸 | 𝝘 𝝲 | 𝞒 𝞬 | ℾ ℽ | ||
Delta | Δ δ ᵟ | 𝚫 𝛅 | 𝛥 𝛿 | 𝜟 𝜹 | 𝝙 𝝳 | 𝞓 𝞭 | U+2206∆INCREMENT, U+2207∇NABLA | ||
Epsilon | Ε ε ϵ ϶ | 𝚬 𝛆 𝛜 | 𝛦 𝜀 𝜖 | 𝜠 𝜺 𝝐 | 𝝚 𝝴 𝞊 | 𝞔 𝞮 𝟄 | ⍷ | U+2208∈ELEMENT OF–U+220D∍SMALL CONTAINS AS MEMBER | |
Zeta | Ζ ζ | 𝚭 𝛇 | 𝛧 𝜁 | 𝜡 𝜻 | 𝝛 𝝵 | 𝞕 𝞯 | |||
Eta | Η η Ͱ ͱ | 𝚮 𝛈 | 𝛨 𝜂 | 𝜢 𝜼 | 𝝜 𝝶 | 𝞖 𝞰 | |||
Theta | Θ θ ϑ ϴ ᶿ | 𝚯 𝛉 𝚹 𝛝 | 𝛩 𝜃 𝛳 𝜗 | 𝜣 𝜽 𝜭 𝝑 | 𝝝 𝝷 𝚹 𝞋 | 𝞗 𝞱 𝜭 𝟅 | |||
Iota | Ι ι ᶥ ℩ | 𝚰 𝛊 | 𝛪 𝜄 | 𝜤 𝜾 | 𝝞 𝝸 | 𝞘 𝞲 | ⍳ ⍸ | ||
Kappa | Κ κ ϰ | 𝚱 𝛋 𝛞 | 𝛫 𝜅 𝜘 | 𝜥 𝜿 𝝒 | 𝝟 𝝹 𝞌 | 𝞙 𝞳 𝟆 | |||
Lambda | Λ λ ᴧ | 𝚲 𝛌 | 𝛬 𝜆 | 𝜦 𝝀 | 𝝠 𝝺 | 𝞚 𝞴 | |||
Mu | Μ μ | 𝚳 𝛍 | 𝛭 𝜇 | 𝜧 𝝁 | 𝝡 𝝻 | 𝞛 𝞵 | |||
Nu | Ν ν | 𝚴 𝛎 | 𝛮 𝜈 | 𝜨 𝝂 | 𝝢 𝝼 | 𝞜 𝞶 | |||
Xi | Ξ ξ | 𝚵 𝛏 | 𝛯 𝜉 | 𝜩 𝝃 | 𝝣 𝝽 | 𝞝 𝞷 | |||
Omicron | Ο ο | 𝚶 𝛐 | 𝛰 𝜊 | 𝜪 𝝄 | 𝝤 𝝾 | 𝞞 𝞸 | |||
Pi | Π π ϖ ᴨ | 𝚷 𝛑 𝛡 | 𝛱 𝜋 𝜛 | 𝜫 𝝅 𝝕 | 𝝥 𝝿 𝞏 | 𝞟 𝞹 𝟉 | ℿ ℼ | U+220F∏N-ARY PRODUCT, U+2210∐N-ARY COPRODUCT | |
Rho | Ρ ρ Ῥ ῥ ῤ ϱ ϼ ᴩ ᵨ ☧ | 𝚸 𝛒 𝛠 | 𝛲 𝜌 𝜚 | 𝜬 𝝆 𝝔 | 𝝦 𝞀 𝞎 | 𝞠 𝞺 𝟈 | ⍴ | ||
Sigma | Σ σ ς Ϲ ϲ Ͻ ͻ Ͼ ͼ Ͽ ͽ | 𝚺 𝛔 𝛓 | 𝛴 𝜎 𝜍 | 𝜮 𝝈 𝝇 | 𝝨 𝞂 𝞁 | 𝞢 𝞼 𝞻 | ⅀ | U+2211∑N-ARY SUMMATION | |
Tau | Τ τ | 𝚻 𝛕 | 𝛵 𝜏 | 𝜯 𝝉 | 𝝩 𝞃 | 𝞣 𝞽 | |||
Upsilon | Υ υ ϒ | 𝚼 𝛖 | 𝛶 𝜐 | 𝜰 𝝊 | 𝝪 𝞄 | 𝞤 𝞾 | |||
Phi | Φ φ ϕ | 𝚽 𝛗 𝛟 | 𝛷 𝜑 𝜙 | 𝜱 𝝋 𝝓 | 𝝫 𝞅 𝞍 | 𝞥 𝞿 𝟇 | |||
Chi | Χ χᵡᵪ☧ | 𝚾 𝛘 | 𝛸 𝜒 | 𝜲 𝝌 | 𝝬 𝞆 | 𝞦 𝟀 | |||
Psi | Ψ ψ ᴪ | 𝚿 𝛙 | 𝛹 𝜓 | 𝜳 𝝍 | 𝝭 𝞇 | 𝞧 𝟁 | |||
Omega | Ω ω ꭥ | 𝛀 𝛚 | 𝛺 𝜔 | 𝜴 𝝎 | 𝝮 𝞈 | 𝞨 𝟂 | ⍵ ⍹ | U+2126ΩOHM SIGN, U+2127℧INVERTED OHM SIGN |
Note: The empty set symbol ∅ looks similar, but is unrelated to the Greek letter.
These parameters are related by the expression:… where E is effect size, n is sample size, α is the type I error rate and σ is the standard deviation of the variability of the data
Thermal diffusivity is defined numerically as thermal conductivity divided by the product of specific heat and density, or α= k/ (CxP)
The two angles that specify the location of a point on the celestial sphere are called the right ascension α and the declination δ
The primary designation system for bright stars, called Bayer designations… The Greek letters are assigned in order (α,β, γ,δ etc.) according to brightness.
The probability of making a Type I error is the significance level, or alpha (α), while the probability of making a Type II error is beta (β).
Vieth (1982) established that cognition could be quantified by summing the value of alpha plus beta brain waves.
Celestial longitude (λ) is measured eastward from the vernal equinox along the zodiacal circle, and celestial latitude (β) is the angular distance of the arc dropped perpendicularly from the body to the zodiacal circle.
The quantity β is a global plasma parameter whose value is critical for a fusion reactor... Qualitatively, β measures the ratio plasma pressure to magnetic pressure:
We defined β as the ratio v/c, where v the is the modulus of the vector velocity v.
The reflection coefficient Γis real when medium 1 and medium 2 are both lossless media,…
The Veblen approach was quite sufficient even for the ordinal, now known as the Feferman–Schütte ordinal, Γ0 for predictive analysis
Because we will come across this coefficient quite often, we will give it a special name, the Lorentz factor, and stick to our symbol γ(V),...
The two angles that specify the location of a point on the celestial sphere are called the right ascension α and the declination δ
The Earth's orbital obliquity or axial tilt (ε) is the angle between the Earth's equatorial plane and its orbital plane,
We shall refer to ζ as the damping ratio throughout this text.
It is also possible to correlate the ζ-potential with the sedimentation behaviour of colloidal systems and with the flotation behaviour of mineral ores.
When describing backpropagation of error, we assumed a constant learning rate, η .
It is generally denoted by the symbol 'k' but can also be denoted by 'λ' and 'κ'.
Celestial longitude (λ) is measured eastward from the vernal equinox along the zodiacal circle, and celestial latitude (β) is the angular distance of the arc dropped perpendicularly from the body to the zodiacal circle.
Introduce variables ζ and η related to the true anomaly f and the eccentric anomaly E by…
The chromatic number of a graph G is most commonly denoted χ (G) (e.g., Skiena 1990, West 2000, Godsil and Royle 2001, Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003),...
However, for newly synthesized materials, there is one indispensable characterization technique that is as old as the field of magnetism itself: magnetic susceptibility, χ,...
A special function mostly commonly denoted ψ_n(z), ψ^((n))(z), or F_n(z-1)...
... 2) accuracy (i.e., day-to-day stability of the phase relationship (ψ), where ψ is the duration between a phase of the rhythm and a phase of the external cycle) is greater for clocks with τ close to 24 h; ...
vRNA is selectively packaged because it contains a "packaging signal" or "ψ" [also designated the "core encapsidation signal" (2)].
Germination sensitivities to temperature and water potential (ψ) were quantified as indicators of the influence of seed maturity and priming on seed vigour.
ohm, abbreviation Ω, unit of electrical resistance in the metre-kilogram-second system,
The solid angle Ω subtended by a surface S is defined as the surface area Ω of a unit sphere covered by the surface's projection onto the sphere.
The first transfinite ordinal, denoted ω ...
A clique of a graph G is a complete subgraph of G, and the clique of largest possible size is referred to as a maximum clique (which has size known as the (upper) clique number ω(G)).