Andres and Marzo's delta

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In statistics, Andrés and Marzo's Delta is a measure of an agreement between two observers used in classifying data. It was created by Andres & Marzo in 2004. [1]

Statistics study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data

Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with data collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation. In applying statistics to, for example, a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model process to be studied. Populations can be diverse topics such as "all people living in a country" or "every atom composing a crystal". Statistics deals with all aspects of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments. See glossary of probability and statistics.


Rationale for use

The most commonly used measure of agreement between observers is Cohen's kappa. The value of kappa is not always easy to interpret and it may perform poorly if the values are asymmetrically distributed. It also requires that the data be independent. The delta statistic may be of use when faced with the potential difficulties.

Cohen's kappa coefficient (κ) is a statistic which measures inter-rater agreement for qualitative (categorical) items. It is generally thought to be a more robust measure than simple percent agreement calculation, as κ takes into account the possibility of the agreement occurring by chance. There is controversy surrounding Cohen's kappa due to the difficulty in interpreting indices of agreement. Some researchers have suggested that it is conceptually simpler to evaluate disagreement between items. See the Limitations section for more detail.

Mathematical formulation

Delta was created with the model of a set of students (C) having to choose correct responses (R) from a set of n questions each with K alternative answers. Then

where the sum is taken over all the answers ( xij ) and xii are the values along the main diagonal of the C x R matrix of answers.

Matrix (mathematics) Two-dimensional array of numbers with specific operations

In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. For example, the dimensions of the matrix below are 2 × 3, because there are two rows and three columns:

This formula was extended to more complex cases and estimates of the variance of delta were made by Andres and Marzo.

Variance expectation of the squared deviation of a random variable from its mean

In probability theory and statistics, variance is the expectation of the squared deviation of a random variable from its mean. Informally, it measures how far a set of (random) numbers are spread out from their average value. Variance has a central role in statistics, where some ideas that use it include descriptive statistics, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit, and Monte Carlo sampling. Variance is an important tool in the sciences, where statistical analysis of data is common. The variance is the square of the standard deviation, the second central moment of a distribution, and the covariance of the random variable with itself, and it is often represented by , , or .


It has been used in a variety of applications including ecological mapping [2] and alien species identification. [3]

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  1. Andrés, A Martín; Marzo, P. Femia (2004) "Delta: a new measure of agreement between two raters". British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 57(1):1–19 doi : 10.1348/000711004849268
  2. Ellis EC, Wang H (2006) "Estimating area errors for fine-scale feature-based ecological mapping". International Journal Remote Sensing, 27(21), 4731–4749 doi : 10.1080/01431160600735632
  3. Prinzing A, Durka W, Klotz S, Brandl R (2005) "How to characterize and predict alien species? A response to Pysek et al. (2004)", Diversity and Distributions, 11 (1), 121–123 doi : 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2005.00138.x