Minimum distance estimation

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Minimum distance estimation (MDE) is a statistical method for fitting a mathematical model to data, usually the empirical distribution.

Empirical distribution function

In statistics, an empirical distribution function is the distribution function associated with the empirical measure of a sample. This cumulative distribution function is a step function that jumps up by 1/n at each of the n data points. Its value at any specified value of the measured variable is the fraction of observations of the measured variable that are less than or equal to the specified value.



Let be an independent and identically distributed (iid) random sample from a population with distribution and .

Random variable variable whose possible values are numerical outcomes of a random phenomenon

In probability and statistics, a random variable, random quantity, aleatory variable, or stochastic variable is described informally as a variable whose values depend on outcomes of a random phenomenon. The formal mathematical treatment of random variables is a topic in probability theory. In that context, a random variable is understood as a measurable function defined on a probability space whose outcomes are typically real numbers.

In statistics, a population is a set of similar items or events which is of interest for some question or experiment. A statistical population can be a group of existing objects or a hypothetical and potentially infinite group of objects conceived as a generalization from experience. A common aim of statistical analysis is to produce information about some chosen population.

Cumulative distribution function probability that random variable X is less than or equal to x.

In probability theory and statistics, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a real-valued random variable , or just distribution function of , evaluated at , is the probability that will take a value less than or equal to .

Let be the empirical distribution function based on the sample.

Let be an estimator for . Then is an estimator for .

In statistics, an estimator is a rule for calculating an estimate of a given quantity based on observed data: thus the rule, the quantity of interest and its result are distinguished.

Let be a functional returning some measure of "distance" between the two arguments. The functional is also called the criterion function.

Functional (mathematics) Types of mappings in mathematics

In mathematics, the term functional has at least three meanings.

If there exists a such that , then is called the minimum distance estimate of .

(Drossos & Philippou 1980, p. 121)

Statistics used in estimation

Most theoretical studies of minimum distance estimation, and most applications, make use of "distance" measures which underlie already-established goodness of fit tests: the test statistic used in one of these tests is used as the distance measure to be minimised. Below are some examples of statistical tests that have been used for minimum distance estimation.

Goodness of fit how well a statistical model fits a set of observations

The goodness of fit of a statistical model describes how well it fits a set of observations. Measures of goodness of fit typically summarize the discrepancy between observed values and the values expected under the model in question. Such measures can be used in statistical hypothesis testing, e.g. to test for normality of residuals, to test whether two samples are drawn from identical distributions, or whether outcome frequencies follow a specified distribution. In the analysis of variance, one of the components into which the variance is partitioned may be a lack-of-fit sum of squares.

Chi-square criterion

The chi-square test uses as its criterion the sum, over predefined groups, of the squared difference between the increases of the empirical distribution and the estimated distribution, weighted by the increase in the estimate for that group.

Cramér–von Mises criterion

The Cramér–von Mises criterion uses the integral of the squared difference between the empirical and the estimated distribution functions ( Parr & Schucany 1980 , p. 616).

Kolmogorov–Smirnov criterion

The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test uses the supremum of the absolute difference between the empirical and the estimated distribution functions ( Parr & Schucany 1980 , p. 616).

Anderson–Darling criterion

The Anderson–Darling test is similar to the Cramér–von Mises criterion except that the integral is of a weighted version of the squared difference, where the weighting relates the variance of the empirical distribution function ( Parr & Schucany 1980 , p. 616).

Theoretical results

The theory of minimum distance estimation is related to that for the asymptotic distribution of the corresponding statistical goodness of fit tests. Often the cases of the Cramér–von Mises criterion, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and the Anderson–Darling test are treated simultaneously by treating them as special cases of a more general formulation of a distance measure. Examples of the theoretical results that are available are: consistency of the parameter estimates; the asymptotic covariance matrices of the parameter estimates.

See also

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