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Plato, Greek philosopher Head Platon Glyptothek Munich 548.jpg
Plato, Greek philosopher

A mononym is a name composed of only one word. An individual who is known and addressed by a mononym is a mononymous person.


A mononym may be the person's only name, given to them at birth. This was routine in most ancient societies, and remains common in modern societies such as in Afghanistan, [1] Bhutan, Indonesia (especially by the Javanese), Myanmar, Mongolia, Tibet, [2] and South India.

In other cases, a person may select a single name from their polynym or adopt a mononym as a chosen name, pen name, stage name, or regnal name. A popular nickname may effectively become a mononym, in some cases adopted legally. For some historical figures, a mononym is the only name that is still known today.


The word mononym comes from English mono- ("one", "single") and -onym ("name", "word"), ultimately from Greek mónos (μόνος, "single"), and ónoma (ὄνομα, "name"). [lower-alpha 1] [lower-alpha 2]


Narmer, ancient Egyptian pharaoh King Narmer.jpg
Narmer, ancient Egyptian pharaoh

The structure of persons' names has varied across time and geography. In some societies, individuals have been mononymous, receiving only a single name. Alulim, first king of Sumer, is one of the earliest names known; Narmer, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, is another. In addition, Biblical names like Adam, Eve, Moses, or Abraham, were typically mononymous, as were names in the surrounding cultures of the Fertile Crescent.[ citation needed ]

Ancient Greek names like Heracles, Homer, Socrates, and Aristotle, also follow the pattern, with epithets (similar to second names) only used subsequently by historians to distinguish between individuals with the same name, as in the case of Zeno the Stoic and Zeno of Elea; likewise, patronymics or other biographic details (such as city of origin, or another place name or occupation the individual was associated with) were used to specify whom one was talking about, but these details were not considered part of the name.[ citation needed ]

A departure from this custom occurred, for example, among the Romans, who by the Republican period and throughout the Imperial period used multiple names: a male citizen's name comprised three parts (this was mostly typical of the upper class, while others would usually have only two names): praenomen (given name), nomen (clan name) and cognomen (family line within the clan) — the nomen and cognomen were almost always hereditary. [4] Famous ancient Romans who today are usually referred to by mononym include Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) and Terence (Publius Terentius Afer). Roman emperors, for example Augustus, Caligula, and Nero, are also often referred to in English by mononym.[ citation needed ]

Mononyms in other ancient cultures include Hannibal, the Celtic queen Boudica, and the Numidian king Jugurtha.

Medieval uses


During the early Middle Ages, mononymity slowly declined, with northern and eastern Europe keeping the tradition longer than the south. The Dutch Renaissance scholar and theologian Erasmus is a late example of mononymity; though sometimes referred to as "Desiderius Erasmus" or "Erasmus of Rotterdam", he was christened only as "Erasmus", after the martyr Erasmus of Formiae.[ citation needed ]

Composers in the ars nova and ars subtilior styles of late medieval music were often known mononymously—potentially because their names were sobriquets—such as Borlet, Egardus, Egidius, Grimace, Solage, and Trebor. [5]

The Americas

Pocahontas Pocahontas by Simon van de Passe 1616.jpg

Naming practices of indigenous peoples of the Americas are highly variable, with one individual often bearing more than one name over a lifetime. In European and American histories, prominent Native Americans are usually mononymous, using a name that was frequently garbled and simplified in translation. For example, the Aztec emperor whose name was preserved in Nahuatl documents as Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin was called "Montezuma" in subsequent histories. In current histories he is often named Moctezuma II, using the European custom of assigning regnal numbers to hereditary heads of state.

Native Americans from the 15th through 19th centuries, whose names are often thinly documented in written sources, are still commonly referenced with a mononym. Examples include Anacaona (Haiti, 1464–1504), Agüeybaná (Puerto Rico, died 1510), Diriangén (Nicaragua, died 1523), Urracá (Panama, died 1531), Guamá (Cuba, died 1532), Atahualpa (Peru, 1497–1533), Lempira (Honduras, died 1537), Lautaro (Chile, 1534–1557), Tamanaco (Venezuela, died 1573), Pocahontas (United States, 1595–1617), Auoindaon (Canada, fl. 1623), Cangapol (Argentina, fl. 1735), and Tecumseh (United States, 1768–1813).[ citation needed ]

Prominent Native Americans having a parent of European descent often received a European-style polynym in addition to a name or names from their indigenous community. The name of the Dutch-Seneca diplomat Cornplanter is a translation of a Seneca-language mononym (Kaintwakon, roughly "corn-planter"). He was also called "John Abeel" after his Dutch father. His later descendants, including Jesse Cornplanter, used "Cornplanter" as a surname instead of "Abeel".[ citation needed ]

Post-medieval uses

Since the medieval period, mononyms in the West have almost exclusively been used to identify people who already had surnames. These nicknames were either adopted by the persons themselves or conferred by contemporaries.[ citation needed ]


Moliere, 17th-century French dramatist Pierre Mignard - Portrait de Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dit Moliere (1622-1673) - Google Art Project (cropped).jpg
Molière, 17th-century French dramatist

Some French authors have shown a preference for mononyms. In the 17th century, the dramatist and actor Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622–73) took the mononym stage name Molière.[ citation needed ]

In the 18th century, François-Marie Arouet adopted the mononym Voltaire, for both literary and personal use, in 1718 after his imprisonment in Paris' Bastille, to mark a break with his past. The new name combined several features. It was an anagram for a Latinized version (where "u" become "v", and "j" becomes "i") of his family surname, "Arouet, l[e] j[eune]" ("Arouet, the young"); it reversed the syllables of the name of the town his father came from, Airvault; and it has implications of speed and daring through similarity to French expressions such as voltige, volte-face and volatile. "Arouet" would not have served the purpose, given that name's associations with "roué" and with an expression that meant "for thrashing". [6]

The 19th-century French author Marie-Henri Beyle used many pen names, most famously the mononym Stendhal, adapted from the name of the little Prussian town of Stendal, birthplace of the German art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann, whom Stendhal admired. [7]

In the 20th century, a fourth French writer, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (author of Gigi , 1945), used her actual surname as her mononym pen name, Colette. [8] Some French actors and singers have used as a stage mononym their given name or surname (Dalida) or a name of a different origin (Barbara).[ citation needed ]

Nadar (Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, 1820–1910) was an early French photographer.[ citation needed ]

The controversial French physician and author Louis-Ferdinand Céline adopted, and was called by, the single name Céline.[ citation needed ]

Elsewhere in Europe

Novalis, 18th-century German philosopher Franz Gareis - Novalis.jpg
Novalis, 18th-century German philosopher

In the 17th and 18th centuries, most Italian castrato singers used mononyms as stage names (e.g. Caffarelli, Farinelli). The German writer, mining engineer and philosopher, Georg Friedrich Philipp Freiherr von Hardenberg (1772–1801), became famous as Novalis.[ citation needed ]

The 19th-century Dutch writer Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820–87), better known by his mononymous pen name Multatuli (from the Latin multa tuli, "I have suffered [or borne] many things"), became famous for the satirical novel, Max Havelaar (1860), in which he denounced the abuses of colonialism in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia).[ citation needed ]

The Dutch writer Jan Hendrik Frederik Grönloh (1882–1961) wrote under the pseudonym Nescio (Latin for "I don't know").[ citation needed ]

The 20th-century British author Hector Hugh Munro became known by his pen name, Saki. In 20th-century Poland, the theater-of-the-absurd playwright, novelist, painter, photographer, and philosopher Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz after 1925 often used the mononymous pseudonym Witkacy, a conflation of his surname (Witkiewicz) and middle name (Ignacy). [9]

A number of visual artists, such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio and Rembrandt, are commonly known by mononyms. The modern Russian artist Erté formed his mononymous pseudonym from the initials of his actual name, as did the Belgian comics writers Hergé and Jijé.[ citation needed ]

Italian painter Bernardo Bellotto, who is now ranked as an important and original painter in his own right, traded on the mononymous pseudonym of his uncle and teacher, Antonio Canal (Canaletto), in those countries—Poland and Germany—where his famous uncle was not active, calling himself likewise "Canaletto". Bellotto remains commonly known as "Canaletto" in those countries to this day. [10]


Naruhito, emperor of Japan Emperor Naruhito at TICAD7 (cropped) (2).jpg
Naruhito, emperor of Japan

Monarchs and other royalty, for example Napoleon, have traditionally availed themselves of the privilege of using a mononym, modified when necessary by an ordinal or epithet (e.g., Queen Elizabeth II or Charles the Great). This is not always the case: King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden has two names. While many European royals have formally sported long chains of names, in practice they have tended to use only one or two and not to use surnames. [lower-alpha 3]

In Japan, the emperor and his family have no surname, only a given name, such as Hirohito, which in practice in Japanese is rarely used: out of respect and as a measure of politeness, Japanese prefer to say "the Emperor" or "the Crown Prince". [12] Following an Emperor's death, but not his retirement, he is renamed according to the era of his reign. In India, the first six Mughal emperors were known by just one name, adopted by each emperor upon his accession.[ citation needed ]

Roman Catholic popes have traditionally adopted a single, regnal name upon their election. John Paul I broke with this tradition – adopting a double name honoring his two predecessors [13] – and his successor John Paul II followed suit, but Benedict XVI reverted to the use of a single name.

Modern times

Surnames were introduced in Turkey only after World War I, by the country's first president, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, as part of his Westernization and modernization programs. [14] Common people can be addressed semi-formally by their given name plus the title Bey or Hanım (without surname), whereas politicians are often known by surname only (Ecevit, Demirel). Many Turkish sportspeople, especially football players, wear jerseys with only their first name (e.g. Çağlar, Emre).[ citation needed ]

Mononyms are also common in Indonesia for Javanese individuals, both prominent government figures such as former presidents Sukarno and Suharto and weightlifter Triyatno.[ citation needed ]

Some North American Indigenous people continue their nations' traditional naming practices, which may include the use of single names. In Canada, where government policy often included the imposition of Western-style names, one of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was for all provinces and territories to waive fees to allow Indigenous people to legally assume traditional names, including mononyms. [15] In Ontario, for example, it is now legally possible to change to a single name or register one at birth, for members of Indigenous nations which have a tradition of single names. [16]


Rekha, Indian actress Rekha in 2019.jpg
Rekha, Indian actress

In modern times, in countries that have long been part of the East Asian cultural sphere (Japan, the Koreas, Vietnam, and China), mononyms are rare. An exception pertains to the Emperor of Japan.

Mononyms are common as stage names in the entertainment industry, usually when the performer's legal name is not publicly known; e.g., Ayaka, Becky, Gackt, hide, Hyde, Mana, Kamijo, Miyavi, Tsunku, and Yui. Additionally, Japanese baseball star Ichiro Suzuki is widely known in both Japan and North America as "Ichiro". In Hong Kong, a few musicians are also known by mononyms, e.g., Janice, [17] Jin, and Justin Lo (who uses the Chinese mononym, "側田"). In Korea, singers such as BoA, Shoo, and Psy are known by their mononyms.[ citation needed ]

Mononyms continue to be used in parts of India, especially the South. Mayawati, former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, chooses to use only a single name. They are also used to resist casteism, as surnames are generally a telltale sign of castes. Several Indian film personalities, such as Biswajit, Dharmendra, Govinda, Kajol, Pran, Rekha, Irrfan, and Tabu, are also mononymous. Govindjee, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Plant Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an Indian-American and an authority on photosynthesis, publishes his research under his singular name. In the northeastern state of Mizoram, most people have a single name, mostly of four syllables (e.g., Lalthansanga, Thangrikhuma, Zorinmawia). Everyone also has a tribal or clan name inherited from their father, but they do not include it in their official name.[ citation needed ]

South Indian film actors and actresses have, since inception, adopted the practice of being known mononymously by their first names. In case of any resemblance, for professional purposes, they adopt a different given name, use a patronymic surname, or use a fan-given title. This practice is reportedly to keep caste factors at bay. This norm is prevalent across languages.[ citation needed ] Some notable mononymous stars, among many others, include Rajkumar, Mammootty, Mohanlal, Chiranjeevi, Rajinikanth, Balakrishna, Asin, Malashri, Darshan, Sudeep, Vijay, Prabhas, Yash, Ramya, Upendra, Rambha, and Sridevi.[ citation needed ]

Mononyms are also common in Indonesia, especially in Javanese names. In some cases, such as those of former Presidents Sukarno and Suharto, army general Wiranto and footballer Hariono, the mononym is the full legal name. Other mononyms, such as Rossa, Chrisye and Tohpati, are stage names taken from a nickname or are part of the full name.[ citation needed ]

Single names still also occur in Tibet [2] and Mongolia.[ citation needed ] Most Afghans also have no surname. [18]

In Thailand, people usually address each other in informal situations by nicknames (Thai : ชึ่อเล่น, romanized: chue-len). Given by parents or relatives in early childhood, these nicknames are typically one syllable (or worn down from two syllables to one). They may often be nonsense words or humorous, and usually have no relation to the person's actual name, although in some cases may be diminutive forms of their first name, like "Nok" for "Noknoi" which means respectively bird and little bird, the first used as nickname and the second being the first name. Many Thais have such a name, even the royal family, and they are freely used in everyday life.[ citation needed ]

In Bhutan, most people use either only one name or a combination of two personal names typically given by a Buddhist monk. There are no inherited family names, but instead, Bhutanese differentiate themselves with nicknames or prefixes. [19]

Mononyms are common in Myanmar. U Thant, a Burmese diplomat, was the third Secretary-General of the United Nations (1961–71). "U" is an honorific in the Burmese language, roughly equal to "Mr". "Thant" was his only name per local convention. In Myanmar, he was known as Pantanaw U Thant, in reference to his hometown, Pantanaw.[ citation needed ]

In the Near East's Arab world, the Syrian poet Ali Ahmad Said Esber (born 1930) at age 17 adopted the mononym pseudonym, Adunis, sometimes also spelled "Adonis". A perennial contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature, he has been described as the greatest living poet of the Arab world. [20]

Other examples

In the West, mononymity, as well as its use by royals in conjunction with titles, has been primarily used or given to famous people such as prominent writers, artists, entertainers, musicians and athletes. [lower-alpha 4]

Some persons, such as the artist Christo, the sculptor Chryssa and the singer-songwriter Basia, have had polynymous names that were unwieldy, or unfamiliar and difficult to remember or to pronounce in the community in which they were active, but have not wanted to entirely change their names to something more familiar to the broad public at the cost of abandoning their sense of self-identification and so have used only a single part of their full names.[ citation needed ]

Adele, English singer and songwriter Adele 'Adele Live 2016' - Nashville DSC04804 (30114379680) (cropped).jpg
Adele, English singer and songwriter
Agoney, Spanish singer, composer and performer Agoney en valencia 8 (cropped).jpg
Agoney, Spanish singer, composer and performer

Some mononym stage names are the performer's given name (e.g. Beyoncé, Brandy, Shakira, Adele, Prince, Aaliyah, Mitski, Donovan, Usher, Selena, Cher, Madonna, Björk, Kelis, Tiffany, Zendaya, Normani, Kesha, Agoney, Laufey), or a variation thereon (e.g. Robyn). Others may be the performer's middle name (e.g. Rihanna, Drake, Kennedy, Chika) or surname (e.g. Teller, Liberace, Mantovani, Morrissey, Feist). Some mononym stage names are invented (e.g. Eminem, Future, Lorde, Stromae), adopted words (e.g. Capucine, French for "nasturtium", and Halsey, a street in Brooklyn, which is also an anagram of the singer's given birth name) or nicknames (e.g., Sting, Bono, Fergie, Ye, JoJo, Slash). Musicians from non-Anglophone backgrounds may use an anglicized version of their given name (e.g. Enya) or surname (e.g. Hwangbo).[ citation needed ]

In Lusophone countries such as Portugal, Cape Verde and especially Brazil, footballers often adopt a mononym (e.g. Pelé, Nani, Ronaldo, Eusébio, Marta). In Spain, mononyms for football players are also common; they include the player's first name (Xavi, Sergi, Raúl), derivations of the player's surname (Coro, Guti), derivations of the player's first name (Juanfran, Kiko, Kaká), morphemes deriving from a name (Juanito, Mista) and nicknames (Michel, Arteaga, Arzu). Because a large number of Spaniards have the same surnames (García, Pérez, López, Hernández), the use of mononyms makes it easier to distinguish between the many Garcías and Pérezes on each team. Mononyms are occasionally used by players from other countries, for example the Venezuelan Miku, the Ivorian Gervinho and the Serbian-born American Preki. Mononyms can be seen in other sports in these countries, with examples including Brazilian basketball players Hortência and Nenê.[ citation needed ]

In Brazil, president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is known as "Lula", a nickname he officially added to his full name. Such mononyms, which take their origin in given names, surnames or nicknames, are used because Portuguese names tend to be rather long.[ citation needed ]

The American writer of non-fiction and fiction Rodney William Whitaker (1931–2005) is best known for some novels that he wrote under a mononym pen name, Trevanian. The Armenian-Canadian portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh was commonly known as "Karsh of Ottawa".[ citation needed ]

The comedian and illusionist Teller, the silent half of the duo Penn & Teller, legally changed his original polynym, Raymond Joseph Teller, to the mononym "Teller" and possesses a United States passport issued in that single name. [22] [23]

Chyna (1969-2016), American professional wrestler and actress Chyna at Slim-Fast Fashion Show 1.jpg
Chyna (1969–2016), American professional wrestler and actress

The professional wrestler Warrior (born James Hellwig) legally changed his name to the mononym "Warrior" in an effort to boost his standing in a trademark dispute with his employer, the World Wrestling Federation. His children now use the Warrior name (as opposed to Hellwig) as their surname. Chyna did likewise when the now-WWE attempted to restrict her use of the name in pornographic titles; reports conflict as to whether she changed it back to her birth name, Joan Laurer, before she died.[ citation needed ]

The great British pianist Solomon Cutner (1902–1988) was worldwide known professionally as Solomon.[ citation needed ]

While some have chosen their own mononym, others have mononyms chosen for them by the public. Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host, is usually referred to by only her first name, Oprah. Elvis Presley, American singer, is usually referred to by only his first name, Elvis.

Similarly, the public has referred to President George W. Bush by the mononym "Dubya" (eye dialect of "W"), to distinguish him from his father, President George (H.W.) Bush.[ citation needed ]

Examples of mononyms also exist in modern popular culture. For instance, some characters on the NBC television sitcom Seinfeld are referred to only by their last names as a mononym, most prominently Kramer and Newman. Newman's name is clearly a true mononym, in that his first name is never used or even revealed. Kramer's first name, Cosmo, is revealed to the other characters and the audience, and so his name could be seen as less of a mononym. This occurs in the show's sixth season, and after the revelation he is still referred to as Kramer. Additionally, on the ABC television sitcom Home Improvement, the character Wilson, played by Earl Hindman, a next-door neighbor of the central characters, is only referred to as Wilson. His full name, Wilson Wilson Jr., is not revealed until the fourth season.[ citation needed ]

See also


  1. Noun: "mononym"; adverb: "mononymously"; verb: "mononymize"; abstract noun: "mononymity". [3]
  2. "Mononym" is defined in The Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edition, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989, volume IX, p. 1023) as "A term consisting of one word only […] Hence mononymic […] a[djective], consisting of a mononym or mononyms; mononymy […], a mononymic system; mononymize v[erb], to convert into a mononym; whence mononymization." The term is attested in the English language as early as 1872.
  3. The names of a few European kings have included surname — for example, those of most of Poland's elected kings, such as Stefan Batory. [11]
  4. A Paris Hilton lookalike, Chantelle Houghton, nicknamed "Paris Travelodge", became famous "for not being famous" after winning an extraordinary Celebrity Big Brother . Lucy Rock writes: "It is a select band. Madonna, Maradona, Pelé, Thalía, Sting...even, possibly, Jordan. People who wear their fame with such confidence that they have dispensed with the... concerns of having more than one name. They are the mononym brigade. Now there is one more.... Chantelle is... the apotheosis of that celebrity narrative that first gave us people who were famous for being good at something. Then came the people who were famous for simply... being famous. Now there is Chantelle, who is famous for not being famous at all." [21]

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Surname conventions and laws vary around the world. This article gives an overview of surnames around the world.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pseudonym</span> Fictitious name assumed for a particular purpose

A pseudonym or alias is a fictitious name that a person assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from their original or true name (orthonym). This also differs from a new name that entirely or legally replaces an individual's own. Many pseudonym holders use them because they wish to remain anonymous and maintain privacy, though this may be difficult to achieve as a result of legal issues.

Over the course of some fourteen centuries, the Romans and other peoples of Italy employed a system of nomenclature that differed from that used by other cultures of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, consisting of a combination of personal and family names. Although conventionally referred to as the tria nomina, the combination of praenomen, nomen, and cognomen that have come to be regarded as the basic elements of the Roman name in fact represent a continuous process of development, from at least the seventh century BC to the end of the seventh century AD. The names that developed as part of this system became a defining characteristic of Roman civilization, and although the system itself vanished during the Early Middle Ages, the names themselves exerted a profound influence on the development of European naming practices, and many continue to survive in modern languages.

A nickname or nick, also known as a sobriquet, is a substitute for the proper name of a person, place or thing. It is commonly used to express affection, amusement, a character trait or defamation of character. It is distinct from a pseudonym, stage name or title, although the concepts can overlap. Nicknames are typically informal.

Chinese surnames are used by Han Chinese and Sinicized ethnic groups in Greater China, Korea, Vietnam and among overseas Chinese communities around the world such as Singapore and Malaysia. Written Chinese names begin with surnames, unlike the Western tradition in which surnames are written last. Around 2,000 Han Chinese surnames are currently in use, but the great proportion of Han Chinese people use only a relatively small number of these surnames; 19 surnames are used by around half of the Han Chinese people, while 100 surnames are used by around 87% of the population. A report in 2019 gives the most common Chinese surnames as Wang and Li, each shared by over 100 million people in China. The remaining eight of the top ten most common Chinese surnames are Zhang, Liu, Chen, Yang, Huang, Zhao, Wu and Zhou.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Surname</span> Hereditary portion of a personal name

A surname, family name, or last name is the mostly hereditary portion of one's personal name that indicates one's family. It is typically combined with a given name to form the full name of a person, although several given names and surnames are possible in the full name. In modern times the "hereditary" requirement is a traditional, although common, interpretation, since in most countries a person has a right for a name change.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chinese name</span>

Chinese names are personal names used by individuals from Greater China and other parts of the Sinophone world. Sometimes the same set of Chinese characters could be chosen as a Chinese name, a Hong Kong name, a Japanese name, a Korean name, a Malaysian Chinese name, or a Vietnamese name, but they would be spelled differently due to their varying historical pronunciation of Chinese characters.

Japanese names in modern times consist of a family name (surname) followed by a given name. Japanese names are usually written in kanji, where the pronunciation follows a special set of rules. Because parents when naming children, and foreigners when adopting a Japanese name, are able to choose which pronunciations they want for certain kanji, the same written form of a name may have multiple readings. In exceptional cases, this makes it impossible to determine the intended pronunciation of a name with certainty. Even so, most pronunciations chosen for names are common, making them easier to read. While any jōyō kanji and jinmeiyō kanji may be used as part of a name, names may be rejected if they are believed to fall outside what would be considered an acceptable name by measures of common sense.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Personal name</span> Set of names by which an individual is known

A personal name, full name or prosoponym is the set of names by which an individual person or animal is known, and that can be recited as a word-group, with the understanding that, taken together, they all relate to that one individual. In many cultures, the term is synonymous with the birth name or legal name of the individual. In linguistic classification, personal names are studied within a specific onomastic discipline, called anthroponymy. As of 2023, aside from humans, dolphins and elephants have been known to use personal names.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Art name</span> Professional name used by East Asian artists

An art name, also known by its native names hào, , ho, and tên hiệu, is a professional name used by East Asian artists, poets and writers. The word and the concept originated in China, where it was used as nicknames for the educated, then became popular in other East Asian countries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Middle name</span> Additional portion of a personal name

In various cultures, a middle name is a portion of a personal name that is written between a person's given name and surname. A middle name is often abbreviated and is then called middle initial or just initial.

Personal names in German-speaking Europe consist of one or several given names and a surname. The Vorname is usually gender-specific. A name is usually cited in the "Western order" of "given name, surname". The most common exceptions are alphabetized list of surnames, e.g. "Bach, Johann Sebastian", as well as some official documents and spoken southern German dialects. In most of this, the German conventions parallel the naming conventions in most of Western and Central Europe, including English, Dutch, Italian, and French. There are some vestiges of a patronymic system as they survive in parts of Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, but these do not form part of the official name.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eastern Slavic naming customs</span>

Eastern Slavic naming customs are the traditional way of identifying a person's family name, given name, and patronymic name in East Slavic cultures in Russia and some countries formerly part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.

Chinese given names are the given names adopted by speakers of the Chinese language, both in majority-Sinophone countries and among the Chinese diaspora.

Traditional Vietnamese personal names generally consist of three parts, used in Eastern name order.

Filipinos have various naming customs. They most commonly blend the older Spanish system and Anglo-American conventions, where there is a distinction between the "Christian name" and the "surname". The construct containing several middle names is common to all systems, but the multiple "first" names and only one middle and last name are a result of the blending of American and Spanish naming customs.

Polish names have two main elements: the given name, and the surname. The usage of personal names in Poland is generally governed by civil law, church law, personal taste and family custom.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bulgarian name</span>

The Bulgarian name system has considerable similarities with most other European name systems, and with those of other Slavic peoples such as the Russian name system, although it has certain unique features.

An Afghan personal name consists of a given name and sometimes a surname at the end. Personal names are generally not divided into first and family names; a single name is recognized as a full personal name, and the addition of further components – such as additional given names, regional, or ethnic family/clan names or patronymics – is often a matter of parents' choice. This structure is shared amongst the different ethnicities of Afghanistan and people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


  1. Goldstein, Joseph (2014-12-10). "For Afghans, Name and Birthdate Census Questions Are Not So Simple". The New York Times. ISSN   0362-4331 . Retrieved 2021-11-03.
  2. 1 2 MacArtney, Jane (August 26, 2008). "Tibets most famous woman blogger Woeser detained by police". The Times. London. Archived from the original on April 18, 2010. Retrieved May 13, 2010.
  3. See "mononym". A Word a Day. 2003-05-06. Retrieved 2008-07-09.
  4. William Smith, Dictionary of the Bible, p. 2060.
  5. Leach, Elizabeth Eva (2002). "Grimace, Magister Grimache, Grymace". In Finscher, Ludwig (ed.). Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart . Vol. 8. Kassel, Germany: Bärenreiter. pp. 40–42. ISBN   978-3-476-41020-7.
  6. Richard Holmes, Sidetracks, pp. 345–66; and "Voltaire's Grin", The New York Review of Books , November 30, 1955, pp. 49–55.
  7. F.W.J. Hemmings, "Stendhal", Encyclopedia Americana , vol. 25, p. 680.
  8. Elaine Marks, "Colette", Encyclopedia Americana , vol. 7, p. 230.
  9. "Witkiewicz, Stanisław Ignacy", Encyklopedia Polski , pp. 747–48.
  10. "Bellotto, Bernardo", Encyclopedia Americana , vol. 3, p. 520.
  11. "Stephen Báthory", Encyclopedia Americana , vol. 3, p. 346.
  12. Peter Wetzler, Hirohito and War: Imperial Tradition and Military Decision-Making in Prewar Japan, preface, University of Hawaii Press, 1998, ISBN   0-8248-1166-6.
  13. Molinari, Gloria C. "The Conclave August 25th–26th, 1978". John Paul I The Smiling Pope. Retrieved 20 May 2015.
  14. Jan Siwmir, "Nieziemska ziemia" ("An Unearthly Land"), Gwiazda Polarna [The Pole Star]: America's oldest independent Polish-language newspaper, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, vol. 100, no 18, August 29, 2009, p. 1.
  15. Vowel, Chelsea (4 November 2018). "Giving my children Cree names is a powerful act of reclamation". CBC News. Retrieved 4 January 2021.
  16. "Newborn Registration Service". Service Ontario. Queen's Printer for Ontario. Retrieved 4 January 2021.
  17. All Janice Vidal albums are credited mononymously as "Janice".Vidal, Janice (2005–2006). CD Album booklet. Hong Kong: Amusic. pp. cover.
  18. National Public Radio report of 18 May 2009 about civilian Afghan victims of U.S. drone bombings in the U.S.-Taliban war.
  19. Hickok, John. Serving Library Users from Asia: a Comprehensive Handbook of Country-Specific Information and Outreach Resources. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019., p.588
  20. "Adonis: a life in writing". The Guardian. 27 January 2012. Retrieved 27 January 2012. each autumn is credibly tipped for the Nobel in literature
  21. Lucy Rock, "From Nobody Much to Someone Special", The Observer , January 29, 2006
  22. della Cava, Marco R. (2007-11-16). "At home: Teller's magical Vegas retreat speaks volumes". USA Today . Retrieved 2012-06-27.
  23. "Penn & Teller: Rogue Magician Is EXPOSING Our Secrets!!!". 2012-04-12. Retrieved 2012-06-27.
