List of living former members of the United States House of Representatives (L)

Last updated


Representative/DelegateState/TerritoryDistrict(s)ServedPartyDate of birthAgeReferences
Raúl Labrador Idaho 1 2011–2019 Republican December 8, 196753 years, 220 days [1]
John J. LaFalce New York 36
1975–2003 Democratic October 6, 193981 years, 283 days [2]
Ray LaHood Illinois 18 1995–2009 Republican December 6, 194575 years, 222 days [3]
Nick Lampson Texas 9
Democratic February 14, 194576 years, 152 days [4]
Martin Lancaster North Carolina 3 1987–1995 Democratic March 24, 194378 years, 114 days [5]
Leonard Lance New Jersey 7 2009–2019 Republican June 25, 195269 years, 21 days [6]
Jeff Landry Louisiana 3 2011–2013 Republican December 23, 197050 years, 205 days [7]
James Lankford Oklahoma 5 2011–2015 Republican March 4, 196853 years, 134 days [8]
Steve Largent Oklahoma 1 1994–2002 Republican September 28, 195466 years, 291 days [9]
Larry LaRocco Idaho 1 1991–1995 Democratic August 25, 194674 years, 325 days [10]
Tom Latham Iowa 5
1995–2015 Republican July 14, 194873 years, 2 days [11]
Greg Laughlin Texas 14 1989–1997 Democratic
January 21, 194279 years, 176 days [12]
Rick Lazio New York 2 1993–2001 Republican March 13, 195863 years, 125 days [13]
Buddy Leach Louisiana 4 1979–1981 Democratic March 30, 193487 years, 108 days [14]
Jim Leach Iowa 2 1977–2007 Republican October 15, 194278 years, 274 days [15]
John LeBoutillier New York 6 1981–1983 Republican May 26, 195368 years, 51 days [16]
Chris Lee New York 26 2009–2011 Republican April 1, 196457 years, 106 days [17]
Gary A. Lee New York 33 1979–1983 Republican August 18, 193387 years, 332 days [18]
Richard H. Lehman California 18 1983–1995 Democratic July 20, 194872 years, 361 days [19]
Sander Levin Michigan 17
1983–2019 Democratic September 6, 193189 years, 313 days [20]
Mel Levine California 27 1983–1993 Democratic June 7, 194378 years, 39 days [21]
Elliott H. Levitas Georgia 4 1975–1985 Democratic December 26, 193090 years, 202 days [22]
David A. Levy New York 4 1993–1995 Republican December 18, 195367 years, 210 days [23]
Jason Lewis Minnesota 2 2017–2019 Republican September 23, 195565 years, 296 days [24]
Ron Lewis Kentucky 2 1994–2009 Republican September 14, 194674 years, 305 days [25]
Jim R. Lightfoot Iowa 5
1985–1997 Republican September 27, 193882 years, 292 days [26]
Blanche Lincoln Arkansas 1 1993–1997 Democratic September 30, 196060 years, 289 days [27]
John Linder Georgia 4
1993–2011 Republican September 9, 194278 years, 310 days [28]
Bill Lipinski Illinois 5
1983–2005 Democratic December 22, 193783 years, 206 days [29]
Dan Lipinski Illinois 3 2005–2021 Democratic July 15, 196655 years, 1 day [30]
Bob Livingston Louisiana 1 1977–1999 Republican April 30, 194378 years, 77 days [31]
Frank LoBiondo New Jersey 2 1995–2019 Republican May 12, 194675 years, 65 days [32]
Dave Loebsack Iowa 2 2007–2021 Democratic December 23, 195268 years, 205 days [33]
Tom Loeffler Texas 21 1979–1987 Republican August 1, 194674 years, 349 days [34]
Jill Long Thompson Indiana 4 1989–1995 Democratic July 15, 195269 years, 1 day [35]
James B. Longley Jr. Maine 1 1995–1997 Republican July 7, 195170 years, 9 days [36]
Trent Lott Mississippi 5 1973–1989 Republican October 9, 194179 years, 280 days [37]
Mia Love Utah 4 2015–2019 Republican December 6, 197545 years, 222 days [38]
Bill Lowery California 41 1981–1993 Republican May 2, 194774 years, 75 days [39]
Nita Lowey New York 20
1989–2021 Democratic July 5, 193784 years, 11 days [40]
Ken Lucas Kentucky 4 1999–2005 Democratic August 22, 193387 years, 328 days [41]
Ben Ray Luján New Mexico 3 2009–2021 Democratic June 7, 197249 years, 39 days [42]
Michelle Lujan Grisham New Mexico 1 2013–2018 Democratic October 24, 195961 years, 265 days [43]
Charlie Luken Ohio 1 1991–1993 Democratic July 18, 195169 years, 363 days [44]
Cynthia Lummis Wyoming At-large 2009–2017 Republican September 10, 195466 years, 309 days [45]
Stan Lundine New York 39
1976–1987 Democratic February 4, 193982 years, 162 days [46]
Dan Lungren California 34
Republican September 22, 194674 years, 297 days [47]
Bill Luther Minnesota 6 1995–2003 Democratic-Farmer-Labor June 27, 194576 years, 19 days [48]

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  1. "LABRADOR, Raúl R., (1967 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  2. "LaFALCE, John Joseph, (1939 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  3. "LaHOOD, Ray H., (1945 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  4. "LAMPSON, Nicholas V., (1945 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  5. "LANCASTER, H. Martin, (1943 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  6. "LANCE, Leonard, (1952 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  7. "LANDRY, Jeff, (1970 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  8. "LANKFORD, James, (1968 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  9. "LARGENT, Steve, (1954 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  10. "LaROCCO, Larry, (1946 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  11. "LATHAM, Thomas, (1948 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  12. "LAUGHLIN, Gregory H., (1942 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  13. "LAZIO, Enrico A. (Rick), (1958 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  14. "LEACH, Anthony Claude, Jr., (1934 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  15. "LEACH, James Albert Smith, (1942 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  16. "LeBOUTILLIER, John, (1953 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  17. "LEE, Christopher John, (1964 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  18. "LEE, Gary Alcide, (1933 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  19. "LEHMAN, Richard Henry, (1948 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  20. "LEVIN, Sander Martin, (1931 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  21. "LEVINE, Meldon Edises, (1943 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  22. "LEVITAS, Elliott Harris, (1930 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  23. "LEVY, David A., (1953 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  24. "LEWIS, Jason Mark, (1955 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  25. "LEWIS, Ron, (1946 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  26. "LIGHTFOOT, James Ross, (1938 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  27. "LINCOLN, Blanche Lambert, (1960 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  28. "LINDER, John Elmer, (1942 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  29. "LIPINSKI, William Oliver, (1937 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  30. "LIPINSKI, Daniel" . Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  31. "LIVINGSTON, Robert Linlithgow, Jr., (1943 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  32. "LoBIONDO, Frank A., (1946 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  33. "LOEBSACK, Dave" . Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  34. "LOEFFLER, Thomas Gilbert, (1946 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  35. "LONG, Jill Lynette, (1952 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  36. "LONGLEY, James, (1951 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  37. "LOTT, Chester Trent, (1941 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  38. "LOVE, Ludmya Bourdeau (Mia), (1975 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  39. "LOWERY, William David, (1947 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  40. "LOWEY, Nita M." Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  41. "LUCAS, Ken, (1933 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  42. "LUJÁN, Ben Ray" . Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  43. "LUJAN GRISHAM, Michelle, (1959 - )" . Retrieved 3 January 2019.
  44. "LUKEN, Charles J., (1951 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  45. "LUMMIS, Cynthia M., (1954 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  46. "LUNDINE, Stanley Nelson, (1939 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  47. "LUNGREN, Daniel Edward, (1946 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.
  48. "LUTHER, William Paul, (1945 - )" . Retrieved 1 February 2017.

See also