Spanish exonyms

Last updated

The following is a list of Spanish exonyms , Spanish names for places that do not speak Spanish.


Some Spanish exonyms are traditional, and are therefore preferred[ by whom? ] over newer exonyms or current or native placenames (for example Pekín over Beijing ). In other cases newer names and exonyms are preferred for political or social reasons, even when a place has an older Spanish exonym (for example Bangladesh over Bengala). [1]


Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria Argelia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Algiers ArgelAl-Jazā'ir (الجزاٮُر) Standard Arabic
Bejaïa BugíaBgayeṯ Berber
Bijaya (بِجَايَة) Standard Arabic
Constantine ConstantinaQusanṭīnah (قسنطينة) Standard Arabic
Honaine Hunaín
Mers El Kébir MazalquivirAl-Marsā al-Kabīr (المرسى الكبير) Standard Arabic
Mascara MuaskarMuʿaskar (معسكر) Standard Arabic
Oran Oránوهران‎ (Wahrān) Standard Arabic
Ouargla UarglaWarqla (ورقلة) Standard Arabic
Tlemcen TremecénTilimsān (تلمسان) Standard Arabic


Flag of Andorra.svg  Andorra
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Andorra la Vella Andorra la ViejaAndorra la Vella
Les Escaldes Las Escaldas, Andorra la NuevaLes Escaldes
Sant Julià de Lòria San Julián de LoriaSant Julià de Lòria


Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia Armenia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Yerevan ErevánԵրևան Armenian


Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Adelaide AdelaidaAdelaide
Kangaroo Island Isla CanguroKangaroo Island
Karta Pintingga
New South Wales Nueva Gales del SurNew South Wales
Northern Territory Territorio del NorteNorthern Territory
South Australia Australia MeridionalSouth Australia
Sydney SídneySydney
Western Australia Australia OccidentalWestern Australia


Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Carinthia CarintiaKärnten
Salzburg SalzburgoSalzburg
Styria EstiriaSteiermark
Vienna VienaWien


Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan Azerbaiyán
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Baku BakúBakı Azerbaijani
Nakhchivan NajichevánNaxçıvan Azerbaijani


Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Bélgica
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Antwerp AmberesAntwerpen Dutch
Bruges BrujasBrugge Dutch
Brussels BruselasBruxelles French
Flanders FlandesVlaanderen Dutch
Ghent GanteGent Dutch
Kortrijk CortriqueKortrijk Dutch
Leuven LovainaLeuven Dutch
Liège LiejaLidje Walloon
Liège French
Luxembourg LuxemburgoLëtzebuerg Luxembourgish
Lussimbork Walloon
Luxembourg French
Mechelen MalinasMechelen Dutch
Ostend OstendeOostende Dutch
Sint-Niklaas San Nicolás de FlandesSint-Niklaas Dutch
Wallonia ValoniaWallonie French


Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Brasil
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Manaus ManaosManaus
São Paulo San PabloSão Paulo
Rio de Janeiro Río de JaneiroRio de Janeiro
Uruguaiana UruguayanaUruguaiana


Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Sofia SofíaSofiya (София)


Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Beijing PekínBeijing (北京) Mandarin
Guangzhou CantónGuangzhou (广州) Mandarin
Hohhot HuhehotHöh hot (Хөх хот) Mongolian
Hebei HopehHebei (河北) Mandarin
Nanjing NankínNanjing (南京) Mandarin
Sichuan SechuánSichuan (四川) Mandarin


Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus Chipre
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Limassol LimasolLemesós (Λεμεσός) Greek
Leymosun Turkish
Limasol Turkish

Czech Republic

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Chequia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Plzeň, PilsenPilsenPlzeň
Prague PragaPraha


Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Dinamarca
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Copenhagen CopenhagueKøbenhavn
Helsingør ElsinorHelsingør


Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt Egipto
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Alexandria AlejandríaAlexandria (ⲁⲗⲉⲝⲁⲛⲇⲣⲓⲁ) Coptic
Al-Iskandariyya (الإسكندرية) Standard Arabic
Eskendereyya (اسكندرية) Egyptian Arabic
Rakote (ⲣⲁⲕⲟϯ) Coptic
Cairo El CairoAl-Qāhirah (القاهرة‎) Standard Arabic
Maṣr (مَصر‎) Egyptian Arabic
Tikešrōmi (ϯⲕⲉϣⲣⲱⲙⲓ) Coptic


Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Tallinn TallinTallinn


Flag of France.svg  France Francia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Alsace AlsaciaAlsaceFrench
ElsàssAlemannic German
Angoulême AngulemaAngoulêmeFrench
Aquitaine AquitaniaAguiénePoitevin-Saintongeais
Auvergne AuverniaAuvergneFrench
Bayonne BayonaBaionaBasque/ Gascon
Biarritz BiarrizBiarritzBasque/ French
Bordeaux BurdeosBordeauxFrench
Brittany BretañaBertaèynGallo
Burgundy BorgoñaBourgogneFrench
Cambrai CambrayCambraiFrench
Carcassonne CarcasonaCarcassonaOccitan
Champagne ChampañaChampagneFrench
Clairvaux ClaravalClairvauxFrench
Collioure ColibreCollioureFrench
Corsica CórcegaCorseFrench
Franche-Comté Franco CondadoFraintche-ComtéFrainc-Comtou
Grande Chartreuse Gran CartujaGrande ChartreuseFrench
Hendaye HendayaHendaiaBasque
Languedoc LenguadocLanguedocFrench
La Rochelle La RochelaLa RochelleFrench
Lille LilaLilePicard
Rijsel/ RyselDutch/ Flemish
Limousin LemosínLemosinOccitan
Lorraine LorenaLorraineFrench
LottringeWest Franconian
Lourdes LurdesLordaOccitan
Lyon Léon de FranciaLiyonArpitan
Marseille MarsellaMarseilleFrench
Narbonne NarbonaNarbonneFrench
Nice NizaNiça/ NissaOccitan
Normandy NormandíaNormandieFrench
Picardy PicardíaPicardieFrench/ Picard
Provence ProvenzaProuvençoOccitan
Pyrénées PirineosPirenèusOccitan
PyrénéesFrenchArea also part of Spain
Rhône RódanoRhôneFrench
Rouen RuánRouenFrench
Roussillon RosellónRosselhonOccitan
Saint-Jean-de-Luz San Juan de LuzDonibane LohizuneBasque
Saint Jean-de-LuzFrench
Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port San Juan-Pie de PuertoDonibane GaraziBasque
Saint-Quentin San QuintínSaint-KintinPicard
Toulon TolónTolonFrench
Toulouse TolosaToulouseFrench
Valence ValenciaValençaOccitan
Valenciennes ValencianasValenciennesFrench
Versailles VersallesVersaillesFrench


Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia
English nameSpanish nameGeorgian placeNotes
Tbilisi TiflisTbilisi (თბილისი)


Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Alemania
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Aachen AquisgránAachen Standard German
OcheColognian German
Augsburg AugsburgoAugsburg Standard German
AugschburgSwabian German
Bavaria BavieraBayern Standard German
Berlin BerlínBerlin Standard German
Brandenburg BrandeburgoBramborskaLower Sorbian
Brandenburg Standard German
BraniborskoUpper Sorbian
BrannenborgLow German
Braunschweig BrunswickBraunschweig Standard German
BrunswiekLow German
Bremen BremaBräm, BreemLow German
Bremen Standard German
Coburg CoburgoCoburg Standard German
Cologne ColoniaKölleColognian German
Köln Standard German
Dresden DresdeDresden Standard German
DrježdźanySorbian languages
Duisburg DuisburgoDuisburg Standard German
DuisburshColognian German
Franconia FranconiaFranggn, FranknAlemannic German
Franken Standard German
Frankfurt FráncfortFrangfordHessian German
Frankfurt Standard German
Freiburg im Breisgau Friburgo de BrisgoviaFreiburg im Breisgau Standard German
Friburg im BrisgauAlemannic German
Göttingen GotingaChöttingenLow German
Göttingen Standard German
Hamburg HamburgoHamburg Standard German
HamborgLow Saxon
Hamelin HamelínHameln Standard German
Hanover HanóverHannoberLow German
Hannover Standard German
Hesse HesseHessen Standard German
Koblenz CoblenzaKoblenz Standard German
Konstanz ConstanzaKonstanz Standard German
Lübeck LubecaLübeck Standard German
Magdeburg MagdeburgoMagdeburg Standard German
MeideborgLow Saxon
Mainz MagunciaMainz Standard German
Mecklenburg MecklemburgoMecklenburg Standard German
Mękelnborg West Low German
Munich MúnichMinga Bavarian
München Standard German
Nuremberg NúrembergNärmberch East Franconian
Niamberg Bavarian
Nürnberg Standard German
Oldenburg OldenburgoOldenburg Standard German
Palatinate PalatinadoPalz West Franconian
Pfalz Standard German
Regensburg RatisbonaRegensburg Standard German
Rhineland RenaniaRheinland Standard German
Saarland SarreSaarland Standard German
Saxony SajoniaSachsen High German
Sassen Low German
Speyer EspiraSpeyer Standard German
Swabia SuabiaSchwaben Standard German
Thuringia TuringiaThüringen Standard German
Trier TréverisTréier Luxembourgish
Trier Standard German
Tübingen TubingaDibenga Swabian
Tübingen Standard German
Ulm UlmaUlm Standard German
Westphalia WestfaliaWestfalen Standard German
Wolfsburg WolfsburgoWulfsborg Eastphalian language
Wolfsburg Standard German
Würzburg WurzburgoWiazbuag Bavarian
Wörtzburch East Franconian
Würzburg Standard German


Flag of Greece.svg  Greece Grecia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Alexandrupoli AlejandrópolisAlexandroúpoli (Αλεξανδρούπολη)
Athens AtenasAthína (Αθήνα)
Attica ÁticaAttikí (Αττική)
Boeotia BeociaBoiōtíā (Βοιωτία)
Corfu CorfúKérkyra (Κέρκυρα)
Corinth CorintoKórinthos (Κόρινθος)
Crete CretaKríti (Κρήτη)
Dodecanese DodecanesoDodekánisa (Δωδεκάνησα)
Epirus ÉpiroÍpeiros (Ήπειρος)
Euboea EubeaÉvvoia (Εύβοια)
Heraklion HeracliónIrákleio (Ηράκλειο)
Ionian Islands Islas JónicasIónia nisiá (Ιόνια νησιά)
Missolonghi MesolongiMesolóngi (Μεσολόγγι)
Nafpaktos NaupactoNaúpactus (Ναύπακτος)
Patras PatrásPátra (Πάτρα)
Peloponnese PeloponesoPelopónnesos (Πελοπόννησος)
Piraeus El PireoPeiraiás (Πειραιάς)
Rhodes RodasRódos (Ρόδος)
Samothrace SamotraciaSamothráki (Σαμοθράκη)
Thebes TebasThíva (Θήβα)
Thessaloniki SalónicaThessaloníki (Θεσσαλονίκη)
Thessaly TesaliaThessalía (Θεσσαλία)
Thrace TraciaThráki (Θράκη)


Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti Haití
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Abricots Los AlbaricoquesLes Abricots
Cap-Haïtien Cabo HaitianoCap-Haïtien
Fort-Liberté Fuerte LibertadFort-Liberté
Lascahobas Las CaobasLascahobas
La Victoire La VictoriaLa Victoire
Les Cayes Los CayosLes Cayes
Limonade LimonadaLimonade
Marmelade MermeladaMarmelade
Ouanaminthe Juana MéndezOuanaminthe
Port au Prince Puerto PríncipePort au Prince
Saint-Marc San MarcosSaint-Marc
Saint-Michel-de-l'Atalaye San Miguel de la AtalayaSaint-Michel-de-l'Atalaye
Saint-Raphaël San Rafael de la AngosturaSaint-Raphaël


Flag of India.svg  India
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Kolkata Calcutaকলকাতা (Kalakātā)
Formerly known as Calcutta in English


Flag of Israel.svg  Israel
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Acre AcreAkka (عكّا) Standard Arabic
Akko (עַכּוֹ‎) Hebrew
Ashkelon AscalónAshkelon (אַשְׁקְלוֹן) Hebrew
Asqalān (عَسْقَلَان) Standard Arabic
Beersheba BeersebaBe'er Sheva (בְּאֵר שֶׁבַע) Hebrew
Bi'r as-Sab' (بئر السبع) Standard Arabic
Capernaum CafarnaúmKafr Nāḥūm (كفر ناحوم) Standard Arabic
Kfar Nahum (כְּפַר נַחוּם) Hebrew
Galilee GalileaAl-Jalīl (الجليل) Standard Arabic
HaGalil (הַגָּלִיל) Hebrew
Jaffa JaffaYafa (يَافَا) Standard Arabic
Yafo (יָפוֹ‎) Hebrew
Jerusalem JerusalénAl-Quds (القُدس) Standard Arabic
Yerushalayim (יְרוּשָׁלַיִם) Hebrew
Nazareth NazaretAn-Nāṣira (النَّاصِرَة‎) Standard Arabic
Naṣrath (ܢܨܪܬ) Aramaic
Natzrat (נָצְרַת) Hebrew
Tiberias TiberíadesṬabariyyā (طبريا) Standard Arabic
Tverya (טְבֶרְיָה) Hebrew


Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Abruzzo AbruzosAbrùzzeNeapolitan
AbruzzoStandard Italian
Adige AdigioÀdexeVenetian
AdigeStandard Italian
Alghero AlguerAlgheroStandard Italian
Assisi AsísAssisiStandard Italian
Bologna BoloniaBolognaStandard Italian
Florence FlorenciaFirenzeStandard Italian
Friuli FriulesFriûlFriulian
FriuliStandard Italian
Genoa GénovaGenovaStandard Italian
Mantua MantuaMantovaStandard Italian
Milan MilánMilanLombard
MilanoStandard Italian
Naples NápolesNapoliStandard Italian
Padua PaduaPadovaStandard Italian
Perugia PerusaPerugiaStandard Italian
Piacenza PlasenciaPiaṡëinsaEmilianObsolete
PiacenzaStandard Italian
Piedmont PiamontePiemontArpitan/ Piedmontese
PiemonteStandard Italian
Ravenna RávenaRavènaRomagnol
RavennaStandard Italian
Sardinia CerdeñaSaldignaGallurese
SardegnaLigurian/ Standard Italian
Taranto TarentoTardeNeapolitan
TarantoStandard Italian
Turin TurínTorinoStandard Italian
Venice VeneciaVenesiaVenetian
VeneziaStandard Italian
Ventimiglia VentimillaVentemigliaIntermelio Ligurian
VentimigliaStandard Italian
VintimiggiaGenoese Ligurian


Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia Letonia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Courland CurlandiaKurzeme
Latgale LetgaliaLatgale
Semigallia SemigaliaZemgale


Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Líbano
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Sidon SidónṢayda (صيدا)Standard Arabic
Tripoli TrípoliṬarābulus (طرابلس)Standard Arabic
Tyre TiroṢūr (صور)Standard Arabic


Flag of Libya.svg  Libya Libia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Tripoli TrípoliṬarābulus (طرابلس)Standard Arabic


Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania Lituania
English nameSpanish nameLithuanian placeNotes
Vilnius VilnaVilnius


Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco Marruecos
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Agadir Santa Cruz del Cabo Aguerʾagādīr (أݣادير) Standard Arabic Obsolete
Al Aaroui Monte ArruitAl-ʿArwī (العروي) Standard Arabic
Al Hoceima AlhucemasAl-Kuzāmā (الحسيمة) Standard Arabic
Asilah ArcilaAẓila (أصيلة‎ or أزيلا) Standard Arabic
Azemmour AzamorAzammūr (أزمور) Standard Arabic
Azrou AzrúAẓru (أزرو) Standard Arabic
Berkane BerkánBirkān (بركان) Standard Arabic
Bouarfa BuarfaBou 'rfa (بوعرفة) Standard Arabic
Boulemane BulmánBulman (بولمان) Standard Arabic
Chefchaouen Chauen (Xauen)Shafshāwan (شفشاون‎) Standard Arabic Spelling Xauen is archaic in Spanish
El Jebha Puerto CapazName used during Spanish colonial rule
El Jadida El Yadida, MazagánAl-Jadīda (الجديدة) Standard Arabic
Essaouira Esauira, MogadorAṣ-Ṣawīra (الصويرة) Standard Arabic
Fez FezFās (فاس‎) Standard Arabic
Fnideq Castillejos
Ifrane IfránIfran (إفران) Standard Arabic
Iksane UixánIksān (إيكسان) Standard Arabic
Khemis Sahel Jemis del SahelH̱amīs shl (خميس الساحل) Standard Arabic
Khenifra JenifraKhenifṛa (خنيفرة) Standard Arabic
Khouribga Juribgaḵurībga (خريبڭة) Standard Arabic
Ksar El-Kebir AlcazarquivirQaṣr Kabīr (القصر الكبير) Standard Arabic
Ksar Es-Seghir AlcazarseguirAl-Qaṣr Aṣ-Saḡīr (القصر الصغير) Standard Arabic
M'Diq RincónMaḍīq (المضيق‎) Standard Arabic
Marrakesh MarruecosMurrākuš (مراكش) Standard Arabic Obsolete
Martil Río MartínMartīl (مارتيل) Standard Arabic
Mehdya Mehdía, La MamoraAl-Mahdiyā (المهدية) Standard Arabic
Meknes MequínezMaknās (مكناس) Standard Arabic
Sidi Ifni Santa Cruz de Mar PequeñaSidi Ifni (سيدي إفني) Standard Arabic
Sefrou SefrúŞafrū (صفرو) Standard Arabic
Selouane ZeluánSalwān (سلوان) Standard Arabic
Tangier TángerṬanja (طنجة‎) Standard Arabic
Tarfaya Villa BensṬarfāya (طرفاية) Standard Arabic Name used during Spanish colonial rule
Taroudant Tarudant (Tarudante)Tārūdānt (تارودانت) Standard Arabic
Taounate TaunatTaunate (تاونات) Standard Arabic
Temsamane Tensamán, TansamánTamsamān (تمسمان) Standard Arabic
Tétouan TetuánTiṭwān (تطوان‎) Standard Arabic
Ouarzazate UarzazatWarzāzāt (‎ورزازات‎) Standard Arabic
Ouazzane UezánWazzan (وزان) Standard Arabic
Oujda Uchda, UxdaWujda (وجدة) Standard Arabic
Youssoufia YusufíaAl-Yūssufīyah (اليوسفية) Standard Arabic


Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Países Bajos
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Groningen GroningaGroningen
Leiden LeidaLeidenRare
Maastricht MastriqueMaastricht
Nijmegen NimegaNijmegen
Roermond RuremundaRoermondRare
Rotterdam RóterdamRotterdam
's-Hertogenbosch Bolduque's-Hertogenbosch
The Hague La HayaDet Haag
Utrecht UtrequeUtrecht
Vlissingen FlesingaVlissingen

New Caledonia

Flags of New Caledonia.svg  New Caledonia Nueva Caledonia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Nouméa NuméaNouméa

New Zealand

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand Nueva Zelandia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
New Plymouth Nueva PlymouthNew Plymouth

Papua New Guinea

Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea Papua Nueva Guinea
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Port Moresby Puerto MoresbyPot Mosbi
Port Moresby


Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Polonia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Kraków CracoviaKraków
Świętokrzyskie Province Provincia de Santa Cruz Świętokrzyskie Province
Warsaw VarsoviaWarszawa
Wrocław Breslavia Wrocław


Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Alcácer do Sal Alcázar de la SalAlcácer do Sal
Cascais CascaesCascais
Covilhã CovillánColvilha
Porto OportoPorto
Santarém SantarénSantarém
Sintra CintraSintra
Valença Valencia de MiñoValença do Minho
Viana do Castelo Viana del CastilloViana do CasteloObsolete
Vila Real de Santo António Villa Real de San AntonioVila Real de Santo António
Vila Viçosa VillaviciosaVila Viçosa
Viseu VicedoViseuObsolete


Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Rumanía
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Bucharest BucarestBucurești Romanian
Constanța ConstanzaConstanța Romanian


Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Rusia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Kalmykia KalmukiaHaľmg Tañğç (Хальмг Таңһч) Kalmyk
Kalmýkiya (Калмы́кия) Russian
Karachay-Cherkessia Karacháyevo-CherkesiaKarachayevo-Cherkesiya (Карача́ево-Черке́сия) Russian
Karaşay-Şerkeş (Қарашай-Шеркеш) Nogai
Ķêrêšei-Šêrdžês (Къэрэшей-Шэрджэс) Kabardian
Qaraçay-Çerkes (Къарачай-Черкес) Karachay-Balkar
Moscow MoscúMoskva (Москва) Russian
Saint Petersburg San PetersburgoSankt Peterburg (Санкт-Петербург) Russian
Tatarstan TartariaTatarstan (Татарстан) Russian/ Tatar Tataria is archaic in Spanish
Yekaterinburg EkaterimburgoYekaterinburg (Екатеринбу́рг) Russian


Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Belgrade BelgradoBeograd (Београд)

South Africa

Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Sudáfrica
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Cape of Good Hope Cabo de Buena EsperanzaCape of Good HopeEnglish
Cape Town Ciudad de El CaboCape TownEnglishOften Ciudad del Cabo


Flag of Spain.svg  Spain España
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
A Illa de Arousa Isla de ArosaA Illa de Arousa Galician
A Coruña La CoruñaA Coruña Galician
Alicante AlicanteAlacant Valencian
Basque Country País VascoEuskadi Basque
Bilbao BilbaoBilbo Basque
Castelló de la Plana Castellón de la PlanaCastelló de la Plana Valencian
Catalonia CataluñaCatalunya Catalan Pronounced the same in both Spanish and Catalan
Donostia San SebastiánDonostia Basque
Elche ElcheElx Valencian
Galicia GaliciaGaliza Galician Galiza is minoritarily used
Girona GeronaGirona Catalan
Ibiza IbizaEivissa Catalan
La Seu d'Urgell Seo de UrgelLa Seu d'Urgell Catalan
Lleida LéridaLleida Catalan
Mahón MahónMaó Catalan
Navarre NavarraNafarroa Basque
Ontinyent OntenienteOntinyent Valencian
Ourense OrenseOurense Galician
Pamplona PamplonaIruñ(e)a Basque Officially Iruña, Euskaltzaindia prefers the use of Iruñea [2]
Sagunto SaguntoSagunt Valencian
Sant Cugat del Vallès San Cugat del VallésSant Cugat del Vallès Catalan
S'Espalmador Isla de EspalmadorS'Espalmador Catalan
Valencia ValenciaValència Valencian
Villarreal VillarrealVila-real Valencian
Vitoria-Gasteiz VitoriaGasteiz Basque
Xàbia JáveaXàbia Valencian
Xàtiva JátivaXàtiva Valencian


Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Suecia
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Dalarna, DalecarliaDalecarliaDalarna
Gothenburg GotemburgoGöteborg
Lapland LaponiaLappland
Östergötland County Provincia de OstrogotiaÖstergötlands län
Scania EscaniaSkåne
Södermanland County Provincia de SudermaniaSödermanlands län
Stockholm EstocolmoStockholm
Uppsala UpsalaUppsala


Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Suiza
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Basel BasileaBasel German
Bern BernaBern German
Fribourg FriburgoFribourg French
Geneva GinebraGèneve French
Genf German
Lausanne LausanaLausanne French
Lucerne LucernaLuzern German
Schaffhausen EscafusaSchaffhausen German
Solothurn SoleuraSolothurn German
Ticino TesinoTicino Italian
Zürich ZúrichZürich German


Flag of Syria.svg  Syria Siria
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Aleppo AlepoḤalab (ﺣَﻠَﺐ)Standard Arabic
Damascus DamascoDimashq (دمشق)Standard Arabic

Trinidad and Tobago

Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad y Tobago
Trinidadian placeSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Port of Spain Puerto EspañaPort of Spain


Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Túnez
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Bizerte BizertaBinzart (بنزرت) Standard Arabic
Kairouan CairuánAl-Qayrawān (ٱلْقَيْرَوَان) Standard Arabic
La Goulette La GoletaHalq al-Wadi (حلق الوادي) Standard Arabic
Sousse SusaSūsah (سوسة) Standard Arabic


Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Turquía
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Ankara AngoraAnkara
Antakya AntioquíaAntakya
Bosphorus BósforoBoǧaziçi
Büyük Menderes MeandroBüyük Menderes
Cappadocia CapadociaKapadokya
Dardanelles DardanelosÇanakkale Boǧazı
Ephesus ÉfesoEfes
Euphrates ÉufratesFırat
Gallipoli GalípoliGelibolu
Halicarnassus HalicarnasoBodrum
Istanbul EstambulIstanbul
İzmir Esmirnaİzmir
Thrace TraciaTrakya
Trabzon TrebisondaTrabzon
Troy TroyaTruva


Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Ucrania
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Chernihiv ChernígovChernihiv (Черні́гів)
Kharkiv JárkovKharkhiv (Харків)Translation "Járkiv" also used
Kherson JersónKherson (Херсон)
Kryvyi Rih Krivói RogKryvyi Rih (Кривий Ріг)
Kyiv KievKyiv (Київ)
Luhansk LuganskLuhansk (Луганськ)
Lviv LéopolisL'viv (Львів)
Mykolaiv NicolaievMykolaiv (Миколаїв)
Sevastopol SebastopolSevastopol (Севасто́поль)
Vinnytsia VínnitsaVinnytsia (Вінниця)
Zaporizhzhia ZaporiyiaZaporizhzhia(Запоріжжя)
Zhytomyr JitomirZhytomyr (Жито́мир)

United Kingdom

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Reino Unido
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Channel Islands Islas Anglo-NormandasChannel Islands English Also called translation Islas del Canal
Cornwall CornuallesCornwall English
Kernow Cornish
Dover DuvresDover English Archaic
Edinburgh EdimburgoEdinburgh English
England InglaterraEngland English
Falkland Islands Islas MalvinasFalkland Islands English There are a lot of Spanish exonyms for places on the islands, see List of Falkland Islands placenames
London LondresLondon English
Orkney Islas OrcadasArcaibh Scottish Gaelic
Orkney English
Isles of Scilly Islas SorlingasIsles of Scilly English
Syllan Cornish
Scotland EscociaAlba Scottish Gaelic
Scotland English
Thames TámesisThames English
Wales GalesCymru Welsh
Wales English

United States

Flag of the United States.svg  United States Estados Unidos
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Buffalo, New York BúfaloBuffalo
Cape Coral Cabo CoralCape Coral
Hawaii HawáiHawaii
Key West Cayo HuesoKey West
Los Angeles Los ÁngelesLos Angeles
Louisiana Luisiana [3] LouisianaFormerly styled "la Luisiana", it is now acceptable to omit the article
Minneapolis MineápolisMinneapolis
Mississippi Misisipi, Misisipí [4] MississipiBoth the stress in the next to last or in the last syllable are acceptable
Missouri MisuriMissouri
Mobile, Alabama MauvilaMobile
Monterey, California MonterreyMonterey
New Hampshire Nuevo HampshireNew Hampshire
New Jersey Nueva JerseyNew Jersey
New Mexico Nuevo MéxicoNew Mexico
New Orleans Nueva OrleansNew Orleans
New York Nueva YorkNew York
New York City Ciudad de Nueva YorkNew York City
North Carolina Carolina del NorteNorth Carolina
North Dakota Dakota del NorteNorth Dakota
Oregon OregónOregon
Pennsylvania PensilvaniaPennsylvania
Philadelphia FiladelfiaPhiladelphia
Phoenix, Arizona FénixPhoenix
South Carolina Carolina del SurSouth Carolina
South Dakota Dakota del SurSouth Dakota
Tennessee Tenesí [5] [6] [7] TennesseeIn common use in the 21st, 20th, 19th, and 18th centuries
Utah YutaUtahArchaic
West Virginia Virginia OccidentalWest Virginia


Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Uzbekistán
English nameSpanish nameEndonymNotes
Andijan AndijonAndijon Uzbek
Bukhara BujaráBuxoro Uzbek
Jizzakh YizajJizzax Uzbek
Khiva JivaXiva Uzbek
Samarkand SamarcandaSamarqand Uzbek
Tashkent TaskentToshkent Uzbek

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Royal Spanish Academy</span> Official regulator for the Spanish language

The Royal Spanish Academy is Spain's official royal institution with a mission to ensure the stability of the Spanish language. It is based in Madrid, Spain, and is affiliated with national language academies in 22 other Hispanophone nations through the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Name of the Spanish language</span>

The Spanish language has two names: español and castellano. Spanish speakers from different countries or backgrounds can show a preference for one term or the other, or use them indiscriminately, but political issues or common usage might lead speakers to prefer one term over the other. This article identifies the differences between those terms, the countries or backgrounds that show a preference for one or the other, and the implications the choice of words might have for a native Spanish speaker.

<span title="Spanish-language text"><i lang="es">Voseo</i></span> Use in Spanish of the pronoun vos for the second-person familiar singular

In Spanish grammar, voseo is the use of vos as a second-person singular pronoun, along with its associated verbal forms, in certain regions where the language is spoken. In those regions it replaces tuteo, i.e. the use of the pronoun and its verbal forms. Voseo can also be found in the context of using verb conjugations for vos with as the subject pronoun.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Leísmo</span> Spanish dialect feature

Leísmo is a dialectal variation in the Spanish language that occurs largely in Spain. It involves using the indirect object pronouns le and les in place of the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, and las, especially when the direct object refers to a male person or people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Loísmo</span>

Loísmo, with its feminine counterpart laísmo, is a feature of certain dialects of Spanish consisting of the use of the pronouns lo, la, los, and las in place of the pronouns le and les. Loísmo and laísmo are almost entirely restricted to some dialects in central Spain; they are virtually absent from formal and written language. In practice laísmo is much more frequent than loísmo.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish prepositions</span> Prepositions in the Spanish language

Prepositions in the Spanish language, like those in other languages, are a set of connecting words that serve to indicate a relationship between a content word and a following noun phrase, which is known as the object of the preposition. The relationship is typically spatial or temporal, but prepositions express other relationships as well. As implied by the name, Spanish "prepositions" are positioned before their objects. Spanish does not place these function words after their objects, which would be postpositions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish pronouns</span>

Spanish pronouns in some ways work quite differently from their English counterparts. Subject pronouns are often omitted, and object pronouns come in clitic and non-clitic forms. When used as clitics, object pronouns can appear as proclitics that come before the verb or as enclitics attached to the end of the verb in different linguistic environments. There is also regional variation in the use of pronouns, particularly the use of the informal second-person singular vos and the informal second-person plural vosotros.

Río Bravo is a town, with a population of 15,391, and a municipality in the Suchitepéquez department of Guatemala. Rio Bravo is a municipality that belongs to the department of Suchitepequez, in the Republic of Guatemala. The town was established December 10, 1951.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish orthography</span> System for writing in Spanish

Spanish orthography is the orthography used in the Spanish language. The alphabet uses the Latin script. The spelling is fairly phonemic, especially in comparison to more opaque orthographies like English, having a relatively consistent mapping of graphemes to phonemes; in other words, the pronunciation of a given Spanish-language word can largely be predicted from its spelling and to a slightly lesser extent vice versa. Spanish punctuation uniquely includes the use of inverted question and exclamation marks: ⟨¿⟩⟨¡⟩.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Standard Spanish</span> Standard form of the Spanish language

Standard Spanish, also called the norma culta, 'cultivated norm', refers to the standard, or codified, variety of the Spanish language, which most writing and formal speech in Spanish tends to reflect. This standard, like other standard languages, tends to reflect the norms of upper-class, educated speech. There is variation within this standard such that one may speak of the Mexican, Latin American, Peninsular, and Rioplatense standards, in addition to the standard forms developed by international organizations and multinational companies.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Central American Spanish</span> Spanish dialect family

Central American Spanish is the general name of the Spanish language dialects spoken in Central America. More precisely, the term refers to the Spanish language as spoken in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Panamanian Spanish is considered a variety of Caribbean Spanish, it is transitional between Central American and Caribbean dialects.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chilean Spanish</span> Varieties of Spanish spoken in Chile

Chilean Spanish is any of several varieties of the Spanish language spoken in most of Chile. Chilean Spanish dialects have distinctive pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and slang usages that differ from those of Standard Spanish, with various linguists identifying Chilean Spanish as one of the most divergent varieties of Spanish.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cuban Spanish</span> Spanish dialect of Cuba

Cuban Spanish is the variety of the Spanish language as it is spoken in Cuba. As a Caribbean variety of Spanish, Cuban Spanish shares a number of features with nearby varieties, including coda weakening and neutralization, non-inversion of Wh-questions, and a lower rate of dropping of subject pronouns compared to other Spanish varieties. As a variety spoken in Latin America, it has seseo and lacks the vosotros pronoun.

Portuguese and Spanish, although closely related Romance languages, differ in many aspects of their phonology, grammar, and lexicon. Both belong to a subset of the Romance languages known as West Iberian Romance, which also includes several other languages or dialects with fewer speakers, all of which are mutually intelligible to some degree.

<i>Diccionario de la lengua española</i> Dictionary of the Spanish language by the Royal Spanish Academy, first published in 1780

The Diccionario de la lengua española is the authoritative dictionary of the Spanish language. It is produced, edited and published by the Royal Spanish Academy, with the participation of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. It was first published in 1780, as the Diccionario de la lengua castellana and subsequent editions have been published about once a decade. The twenty-third edition was published in 2014; it is available on-line, incorporating modifications to be included in the twenty-fourth print edition.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nicaraguan Spanish</span> Variety of Spanish that is spoken and native to Nicaragua

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gender neutrality in Spanish</span> Gender neutral language in Spanish

Feminist language reform has proposed gender neutrality in languages with grammatical gender, such as Spanish. Grammatical gender in Spanish refers to how Spanish nouns are categorized as either masculine or feminine. As in other Romance languages—such as Portuguese, to which Spanish is very similar—a group of both men and women, or someone of unknown gender, is usually referred to by the masculine form of a noun and/or pronoun. Advocates of gender-neutral language modification consider this to be sexist, and exclusive of gender non-conforming people. They also stress the underlying sexism of words whose feminine form has a different, often less prestigious meaning. Some argue that a gender neutral Spanish can reduce gender stereotyping, deconstructing sexist gender roles and discrimination in the workplace.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Stress in Spanish</span> Linguistic feature

Stress in Spanish is functional: to change the placement of stress changes the meaning of a sentence or phrase: for example, célebre ('famous'), celebre, and celebré contrast only by stress. There is some minor variance among Spanish dialects; a speaker of Rioplatense Spanish will pronounce boina ('beret') as, but a speaker of Colombian Spanish will pronounce it as and spell it as boína.

The Diccionario Panhispánico de dudas is an elaborate work undertaken by the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language with the goal of resolving questions related to the proper use of the Spanish language. Like other publications of the academy, such as the Diccionario de la lengua española, the work follows a linguistically prescriptive philosophy as opposed to a descriptive one. The first edition was published in 2005 and is now being revised to more properly align with principles set forth by the academy's other publications.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">India Juliana</span> 16th-century Guaraní rebel from early-colonial Paraguay

Juliana, better known as the India Juliana, is the Christian name of a Guaraní woman who lived in the newly founded Asunción, in early-colonial Paraguay, known for killing a Spanish colonist between 1539 and 1542. She was one of the many indigenous women who were handed over to or stolen by the Spanish, forced to work for them and bear children. Since the area was not rich in minerals as they had anticipated, the colonists generated wealth through the enslavement and forced labor of indigenous people—especially the sexual exploitation of women of childbearing age.


  1. Agencia Efe (1998). Manual de Español Urgente. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Cátedra. ISBN   84-376-0533-4.
  2. "EODA - Búsqueda - EODA". Retrieved 2021-08-10.
  3. "Luisiana | Diccionario panhispánico de dudas".
  4. "Misisipi, Misisipí | Diccionario panhispánico de dudas".
  5. El Solitario del Palacio (in Spanish). 6 April 2020. Archived from the original on 13 August 2021. creó una organismo para construir presas a lo largo del río Tenesí{{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  6. Ángel Bassols Batalla (1990). "El Bajo Bravo (1935-1940): desarrollo regional precursor". Problemas del Desarrollo (in Spanish). 21 (83): 193. JSTOR   43828283 . Retrieved 24 August 2021. incluyeron el desarrollo iniciado en el Valle del Río Tenesí
  7. Rudimentos de la historia de América (in Spanish). Ginn & Cía, Editores. 1901. p. 132. Retrieved 24 August 2021. en la parte nordeste de lo que hoy es el estado de Tenesí