List of Manitoba provincial highways

Last updated

Manitoba Provincial Highway System
Manitoba Highway 1.svg Manitoba Highway 10.svg Manitoba secondary 426.svg
Standard highway markers for Manitoba
System information
Maintained by Manitoba Infrastructure
Highway names
Provincial HighwaysManitoba Highway XX (PTH XX)

    The following is a list of Manitoba provincial trunk highways and provincial roads. Provincial Trunk Highways are the primary highways, and Provincial Roads are the secondary highways.


    Primary Routes

    These Provincial Trunk Highways are numbered from 1 to 99 for mainline routes and 100 to 199 for loop/spur routes (only four currently exist).

    Provincial Trunk Highways 1 and 75, as well as the Perimeter Highway (PTH 100/PTH 101), are the most important and are divided highways for most of their length with some sections at expressway or freeway standards. PTHs 1A (Brandon), 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9A, 10, 12, 14, 16, 44, 52 and 59 also have some divided sections. Speed limits are generally 90 km/h (55 mph) to 110 km/h (70 mph).

    NumberLength (km)Length (mi)Southern or western terminusNorthern or eastern terminusLocal namesFormedRemovedNotes
    Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) 489304Saskatchewan Highway 1.svg Highway 1 (TCH) at Saskatchewan boundary near Kirkella Ontario 17.svg Highway 17 at Ontario boundary near West Hawk Lake   Trans-Canada Highway
      Yellowhead Highway
    (Portage La Prairie – Winnipeg)
    PTH 1 (TCH) (Sections)Rerouted; one old route became part of PTH 21 and rest removed in 1949
    PTH 1 (TCH) 265165 Portage la Prairie West Hawk Lake 01958-01-011958Rerouted; became part of PTH 4 in 1958 (this section became PTH 1A, PTH 26, PTH 9, and PTH 44 in 1968)
    Manitoba Highway 1A.svg PTH 1A (TCH) 3119Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) near Kemnay
    Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) west of Portage la Prairie
    Manitoba Highway 1.svgManitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 1 (TCH)  / PTH 10 in Brandon
    Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) east of Portage la Prairie
    Former sections of PTH 1
    PTH 1A 3723PTH 1 west of Carberry PTH 1 east of Carberry01958-01-01195801966-01-011966Former section of PTH 1; replaced by PR 351
    Manitoba Highway 2.svg PTH 2 315196Saskatchewan Highway 13 (jct).svg Highway 13 at Saskatchewan boundary near Sinclair Manitoba Highway 100.svg PTH 100 (TCH) at Oak Bluff Red Coat Trail
    Manitoba Highway 3.svg PTH 3 395245Saskatchewan Highway 18 (jct).svg Highway 18 at Saskatchewan boundary near Pierson Winnipeg city route 155.svg Route 155 at Winnipeg city limitsBoundary Commission TrailFormerly continued into Winnipeg along McGillivray Blvd. to PTH 75 (Pembina Hwy.); replaced by Route 155 in 1966.
    Manitoba Highway 3A.svg PTH 3A 116.8Manitoba Highway 3.svg PTH 3 south of Clearwater Manitoba Highway 3.svgManitoba Highway 34.svgManitoba secondary 423.svg PTH 3  / PTH 34  / PR 423 east of Clearwater
    Manitoba Highway 4.svg PTH 4 95.6Manitoba Highway 9.svgManitoba Highway 9A.svg PTH 9  / PTH 9A northwest of Selkirk Manitoba Highway 59.svg PTH 59 northeast of Selkirk01988-01-011988current
    PTH 4 267166 Saskatchewan boundary near Harrowby PTH 1 west of Portage La Prairie Yellowhead Highway 01928-01-01192801977-01-011977Replaced by PTH 16
    PTH 4 284176PTH 1 west of Portage la Prairie PTH 1 at West Hawk Lake 01958-01-01195801968-01-011968Section replaced by PTH 26, PTH 9, PTH 44
    PTH 4A 95.6Business route through Minnedosa 01971-01-01197101977-01-011977Former PTH 4; replaced by PTH 16A
    PTH 4A 95.6PTH 1 in Portage La Prairie Former PTH 4 at Macdonald 01953-01-01195301966-01-011966Now Main Street, Road 71N, (former PR 249) and PR 240
    PTH 4B 31.9Business route through Beausejour 01965-01-011965
    PTH 4 284176PTH 1 west of Portage La PrairiePTH 1 near the Ontario boundary01958-01-01195801968-01-011968Replaced by PTH 26, PTH 9, PTH 44
    Manitoba Highway 5.svg PTH 5 401249ND-4 (2015).svg ND 4 at Canada–U.S. border near Cartwright Saskatchewan Highway 10 (jct).svg Highway 10 at Saskatchewan boundary near Roblin  Parks Route
      Northern Woods and Water Route
    (Ste. Rose du Lac – Ochre River)
    PTH 5 3019 Ochre River PTH 10 in Dauphin 01959-01-011959Section replaced by PTH 20 and PTH 5A
    Manitoba Highway 5A.svg PTH 5A 85.0Business route through Dauphin 01959-01-011959currentFormer PTH 5; concurrent with PTH 10A for entire length
    Manitoba Highway 6.svg PTH 6 732455Manitoba Highway 101.svg PTH 101 northeast of Winnipeg Manitoba secondary 391.svg PR 391 in Thompson 01947-01-011947currentFormerly continued into Winnipeg along Brookside Blvd. and Notre Dame Ave. to downtown Winnipeg; replaced by PTH 101, Route 90, Route 47, Route 57, and Route 62 in 1966.
    PTH 6 196122PTH 5 near Ashville Saskatchewan boundary near Benito 01928-01-01192801947-01-011947Replaced by PTH 10 and PTH 49 in 1938 east of Swan River, remainder replaced by PTH 31 in 1947 (PTH 31 was replaced by PTH 83 in 1954)
    Manitoba Highway 7.svg PTH 7 10465Winnipeg city route 90.svg Route 90 at Winnipeg city limitsManitoba Highway 68.svg PTH 68 at Arborg Formerly continued into Winnipeg along Brookside Blvd. and Century St. to PTH 1 / PTH 4 (Portage Ave.); replaced by Route 90 in 1966.
    PTH 7 PTH 6 northwest of Winnipeg Fisher Branch 01951-01-011951Section through Stonewall removed in 1951 (now PR 236); section from Fraserwood to Fisher Branch renumbered to PTH 16 (became PTH 17 in 1977)
    Manitoba Highway 8.svg PTH 8 162101Winnipeg city route 180.svg Route 180 at Winnipeg city limits Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park Veterans Memorial HighwayFormerly continued into Winnipeg along McPhillips St. and Arlington St. to PTH 1 / PTH 4 (Portage Ave.); replaced by Route 180 in 1966.
    PTH 8A 31.9PTH 8 north of Winnipeg PTH 9 / PR 238 north of Winnipeg01964-01-01196401968-01-011968Replaced by PTH 27
    Manitoba Highway 9.svg PTH 9 8452Winnipeg city route 52.svg Route 52 at Winnipeg city limitsManitoba secondary 222.svgManitoba secondary 231.svg PR 222  / PR 231 in Gimli Formerly PTH 1 and PTH 4 south of Lockport.
    PTH 9 Downtown Winnipeg PTH 222 / PR 231 in Lockport Henderson Highway01968-01-011968Section through Winnipeg became Route 40 (now Route 42); replaced by PR 204 and PTH 44
    Manitoba Highway 9A.svg PTH 9A 7.44.6Manitoba Highway 9.svg PTH 9 near Selkirk Manitoba Highway 4.svgManitoba Highway 9.svg PTH 4  / PTH 9 in Selkirk01960-01-011960current
    Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 804500US 281.svgND-3 (2015).svg US 281  / ND 3 at Canada–U.S. border near Boissevain Saskatchewan Highway 167 (jct).svg Highway 167 at Saskatchewan boundary at Flin Flon 01938-01-011938current
    PTH 10 15294PTH 4 at Lockport Ontario border near West Hawk Lake 01926-01-01192601932-01-011932Replaced by PTH 1 (now PTH 44)
    PTH 10 SectionsSection east and north concurrent with PTH 1 became concurrent with PTH 1A in 1959, and an extension of 18th Street to PTH 1 was under construction. When this was completed in 1962, PTH 10 was rerouted onto the new road and along the new route of PTH 1. When the current route between PTH 24 and PTH 16 opened, the old route was eliminated in 1962, but became PR 262 in 1966.
    Manitoba Highway 10A.svg PTH 10A 1912Business routes through Dauphin, Ethelbert, Swan River, and Flin Flon.Former sections PTH 10
    Manitoba Highway 11.svg PTH 11 14087Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) near Hadashville Manitoba Highway 59.svg PTH 59 south of Victoria Beach 01926-01-011926current
    PTH 11 5534PTH 12 near Ste. Anne Hadashville 01958-01-011958Replaced by PTH 1
    Manitoba Highway 12.svg PTH 12 256159MN-313 wide.svg MN 313 at Canada–U.S. border near Middlebro Grand Beach MOM's Way
    (U.S. Border – Ste. Anne)
    PTH 12 3824PTH 59 in Winnipeg Ste. Anne 01926-01-01192601958-01-011958Replaced by PTH 1
    PTH 12 5132PTH 59 near Beaconia PTH 11 at Pine Falls 01959-01-01195901966-01-011966Replaced by PTH 59 and PTH 11
    PTH 12G 74.3PTH 12 Grand Beach 01959-01-01195901966-01-011966Former PTH 22A; replaced by PTH 12
    PTH 12V 95.6PTH 12 Victoria Beach 01959-01-01195901966-01-011966Former PTH 22; replaced by PTH 59
    Manitoba Highway 13.svg PTH 13 5132Manitoba Highway 3.svgManitoba secondary 245.svg PTH 3  / PR 245 in Carman Manitoba Highway 1.svgManitoba secondary 430.svg PTH 1  / PR 430 near Oakville 01947-01-011947current
    PTH 13 31.9 Canada–U.S. border near Emerson PTH 14 (present-day PTH 75) of Emerson 01941-01-011941Replaced by PTH 75; now part of PR 200 (border crossing now closed).
    PTH 13 3723 Carman PTH 1 at St. Francois Xavier 01947-01-01194701958-01-011958Section became part of PTH 1
    Manitoba Highway 14.svg PTH 14 5031Manitoba Highway 3.svg PTH 3 near Winkler Manitoba Highway 75.svg PTH 75 near Letellier 01950-01-011950current
    PTH 14 10666 Canada–U.S. border near Emerson Winnipeg 01949-01-011949Replaced by PTH 75
    PTH 14A 2516 Canada–U.S. border at Gretna PTH 14 / PR 332 at Rosenfeld 01968-01-011968Replaced by PTH 30
    Manitoba Highway 15.svg PTH 15 7748Manitoba Highway 101.svgWinnipeg city route 115.svg PTH 101  / Route 115 in Winnipeg Manitoba Highway 11.svg PTH 11 at Elma 01953-01-011953currentFormerly continued into Winnipeg along Dugald Rd. to PTH 59 (Lagimodière Blvd.); replaced by Route 115 in 1966.
    PTH 15 Ste. Anne Canada–U.S. border near Piney 01930-01-01193001939-01-011939Eliminated due to the discontinuation of Municipal PTHs; now PTH 12, PTH 52, PR 210, PR 203, and PTH 89.
    Manitoba Highway 16.svg PTH 16 (TCH) 267166Saskatchewan Highway 16.svg Highway 16 (TCH) at Saskatchewan boundary near Harrowby Manitoba Highway 1.svgManitoba secondary 305.svg PTH 1 (TCH)  / PR 305 west of Portage La Prairie   Yellowhead Highway
      Trans-Canada Highway
    01977-01-011977currentFormerly PTH 4
    PTH 16 10062PTH 1 west of Portage La Prairie Route 52 / Route 85 in Winnipeg
    (Portage and Main)
    Yellowhead Highway 01977-01-01197701990-01-011990Formerly PTH 4; cosigned with PTH 1; section dropped when PTH 16 assumed the TCH designation.
    PTH 16 7043PTH 7 near Fraserwood PR 224 / PR 233 at Fisher Branch 01966-01-01196601979-01-011979Replaced by PR 231 and PR 228 (PR 228 replaced by PTH 17 in 1983)
    Manitoba Highway 16A.svg PTH 16A 95.6Business route through Minnedosa 01977-01-011977currentFormerly PTH 4A
    Manitoba Highway 17.svg PTH 17 12779Manitoba Highway 9.svg PTH 9 near Winnipeg Beach Manitoba secondary 224.svgManitoba secondary 325.svg PR 224  / PR 325 near Hodgson 01983-01-011983current
    PTH 17 106.2 Canada–U.S. border near Fallison PTH 3 near Crystal City 01928-01-01192801964-01-011964Replaced by PTH 34
    Manitoba Highway 18.svg PTH 18 6540ND-30 (2015).svg ND 30 at Canada–U.S. border near Lena Manitoba Highway 2.svg PTH 2 southeast of Wawanesa 01928-01-011928current
    Manitoba Highway 19.svg PTH 19 3421Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 near Wasagaming Manitoba Highway 5.svg PTH 5 at Norgate 01947-01-011947current
    PTH 19 5534PTH 3 at Killarney PTH 2 southeast of Wawanesa 01928-01-01192801929-01-011929Replaced by PTH 18
    Manitoba Highway 20.svg PTH 20 169105Manitoba Highway 5.svgManitoba secondary 582.svg PTH 5  / PR 582 at Ochre River Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 at Cowan Northern Woods & Water Route 01948-01-011948current
    PTH 20 4830PTH 2 east of Carroll Boissevain 01928-01-01192801929-01-011929Replaced by PTH 25; now part of PTH 10
    Manitoba Highway 20A.svg PTH 20A 53.1Business route through Dauphin 01959-01-011959currentFormer PTH 5 (southern section)
    Manitoba Highway 21.svg PTH 21 189117ND-14 (2015).svg ND 14 at Canada–U.S. border near Goodlands Manitoba Highway 45.svgManitoba secondary 577.svg PTH 45  / PR 577 at Oakburn
    Manitoba Highway 22.svg PTH 22 2214Manitoba Highway 23.svg PTH 23 near Elgin Manitoba Highway 2.svgManitoba secondary 250.svg PTH 2  / PR 250 in Souris 01960-01-011960current
    PTH 22 10465 Canada–U.S. border near Lena PTH 1 near Virden 01953-01-011953Replaced by PTH 83
    PTH 22 10465PTH 15 at Anola Victoria Beach 01953-01-01195301959-01-011959Replaced by PTH 12 and PTH 12V
    PTH 22A 74.3Former PTH 22 Grand Beach 01955-01-01195501959-01-011959Replaced by PTH 12G (now PTH 12)
    Manitoba Highway 23.svg PTH 23 276171Manitoba Highway 21.svg PTH 21 near Hartney Manitoba Highway 59.svg PTH 59 in La Rochelle 01950-01-011950current
    PTH 23 3522Former PTH 22 near Melita PTH 21 near Deloraine 01929-01-011929Replaced by PTH 3
    Manitoba Highway 24.svg PTH 24 8251Manitoba Highway 83.svg PTH 83 at Miniota Manitoba Highway 10.svgManitoba secondary 262.svg PTH 10  / PR 262 at Tremaine 01956-01-011956currentFormer PTH 27
    PTH 24 2717 Saskatchewan boundary near Pierson Former PTH 22 near Elva 01949-01-011949Replaced by PTH 3
    Manitoba Highway 25.svg PTH 25 2918Manitoba secondary 259.svg PR 259 near Wheatland Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 near Forrest 01953-01-011953current
    PTH 25 9861 Canada–U.S. border near Boissevain PTH 1 in Brandon 01928-01-01192801938-01-011938Replaced by PTH 10
    Manitoba Highway 26.svg PTH 26 6440Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) near Portage la Prairie Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) near St. François Xavier Assiniboine Trail01968-01-011968currentFormer PTH 1 and PTH 4
    PTH 26 5534PTH 1 in Brandon Former PTH 4 in Minnedosa 01928-01-01192801938-01-011938Replaced by PTH 10
    Manitoba Highway 27.svg PTH 27 31.9Manitoba Highway 8.svg PTH 8 north of Winnipeg Manitoba Highway 9.svgManitoba secondary 238.svg PTH 9  / PR 238 north of Winnipeg01968-01-011968currentFormer PTH 8A
    PTH 27 2918Former PTH 26 at Tremaine Former PTH 4 at Basswood 01928-01-01192801966-01-011966Section east of Rapid City transferred to PTH 24 in 1956; remainder became part of PR 270 in 1966.
    PTH 28 8050PTH 1 near Griswold Former PTH 4 at Shoal Lake 01928-01-01192801949-01-011949Replaced by PTH 21
    PTH 28 106.2 Canada–U.S. border near Cartwright PTH 3 / PR 258 at Cartwright01959-01-01195901980-01-011980Replaced by PTH 5
    PTH 29 0.50.31 Canada–U.S. border near Emerson PTH 75 near Emerson01985-01-01198502012-01-012012Spur of PTH 75; became part of PTH 75 when PTH 75's southern terminus was changed in 2012.
    Manitoba Highway 30.svg PTH 30 2516ND-18 (2015).svg ND 18 at Canada–U.S. border at Gretna Manitoba Highway 14.svgManitoba secondary 332.svg PTH 14  / PR 332 at Rosenfeld 01968-01-011968currentFormer PTH 14A
    Manitoba Highway 31.svg PTH 31 2214ND-1 (2015).svg ND 1 Canada–U.S. border at Windygates Manitoba Highway 3.svgManitoba secondary 240.svg PTH 3  / PR 240 at Darlingford 01959-01-011959current
    PTH 31 182113Former PTH 4 at Russell PTH 10 at Swan River 01928-01-01192801959-01-011959Replaced by PTH 83
    Manitoba Highway 32.svg PTH 32 2314ND-32 (2015).svg ND 32 at Canada–U.S. border near Rosengart Manitoba Highway 14.svgManitoba secondary 428.svg PTH 14  / PR 428 in Winkler 01957-01-011957current
    Manitoba Highway 34.svg PTH 34 14288ND-20 (2015).svg ND 20 at Canada–U.S. border near Fallison Manitoba Highway 16.svg PTH 16 (TCH) at Gladstone 01955-01-011955current
    Manitoba Highway 39.svg PTH 39 164102Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 at Simonhouse Manitoba Highway 6.svg PTH 6 at Ponton 01987-01-011987current
    Manitoba Highway 41.svg PTH 41 6943Manitoba Highway 1.svgManitoba secondary 542.svg PTH 1 (TCH)  / PR 542 at Kirkella Manitoba Highway 16.svgManitoba Highway 83.svg PTH 16 (TCH)  / PTH 83 near Binscarth 01956-01-011956current
    PTH 41A 5635PTH 41 near St. Lazare Former PTH 4 at Shoal Lake 01956-01-01195601968-01-011968Former section of PTH 4 (present-day PTH 16) between Birtle and Shoal Lake; replaced by PTH 42
    Manitoba Highway 42.svg PTH 42 5635Manitoba Highway 41.svg PTH 41 near St. Lazare Manitoba Highway 16.svg PTH 16 (TCH) at Shoal Lake 01968-01-011968currentFormer PTH 41A
    Manitoba Highway 44.svg PTH 44 14993Manitoba Highway 9.svg PTH 9 at Lockport Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) near West Hawk Lake Historic Highway No. 101968-01-011968currentFormerly PTH 1 and PTH 4
    Manitoba Highway 45.svg PTH 45 10666Manitoba Highway 16.svgManitoba Highway 83.svg PTH 16 (TCH)  / PTH 83 at Russell Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 north of Erickson Russell Subdivision Trail01959-01-011959current
    Manitoba Highway 49.svg PTH 49 1.50.93Saskatchewan Highway 49 (jct).svg Highway 49 at Saskatchewan boundary near Benito Manitoba Highway 83.svg PTH 83 near Benito01938-01-011938currentFormer PTH 6
    Manitoba Highway 50.svg PTH 50 12477Manitoba Highway 5.svgManitoba secondary 361.svg PTH 5  / PR 361 at McCreary Manitoba Highway 16.svg PTH 16 (TCH) near Westbourne 01953-01-011953current
    Manitoba Highway 52.svg PTH 52 3522Manitoba Highway 59.svg PTH 59 near Tourond Manitoba secondary 210.svgManitoba secondary 302.svg PR 210  / PR 302 at La Broquerie 01959-01-011959current
    Manitoba Highway 57.svg PTH 57 1.50.93Saskatchewan Highway 57 (jct).svg Highway 57 at Saskatchewan boundary in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest Manitoba Highway 83.svg PTH 83 northwest of San Clara
    Manitoba Highway 59.svg PTH 59 221137US 59.svg US 59 at Canada–U.S. border near Tolstoi Victoria Beach 01952-01-011952currentConcurrency through Winnipeg with Route 52 (Lagimodière Blvd); section between PR 210 and Winnipeg city limits relocated in 2000 and 2006, former route replaced by PR 210 and series of municipal roads
    PTH 59A 63.7PTH 1 in Winnipeg PTH 59 in St. Boniface Broadway, Marion Street01953-01-01195301966-01-011966Followed Broadway, Main St, St. Mary's Rd, and Marion St. Shortened to only Marion St. when PTH 1 was rerouted in 1958. Replaced by Route 115.
    PTH 59B 53.1PTH 4 in Winnipeg PTH 59 in WinnipegHiggins Avenue, Nairn Avenue01958-01-01195801966-01-011966Replaced by Route 35 (now Route 37)
    Manitoba Highway 60.svg PTH 60 15294Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 north of Overflowing River Manitoba Highway 6.svg PTH 6 south of Grand Rapids
    Manitoba Highway 67.svg PTH 67 4629Manitoba Highway 6.svg PTH 6 at La Broquerie near Warren Manitoba Highway 9.svg PTH 9 at Lower Fort Garry 01963-01-011963current
    Manitoba Highway 68.svg PTH 68 220140Manitoba Highway 5.svg PTH 5 at Ste. Rose du Lac Manitoba Highway 8.svg PTH 8 at Hnausa Northern Woods & Water Route
    Manitoba Highway 75.svg PTH 75 10163I-29.svgUS 81.svg I-29  / US 81 at Canada–U.S. border near Emerson Manitoba Highway 100.svgWinnipeg city route 42.svg PTH 100  / Route 42 in Winnipeg Lord Selkirk Highway01949-01-011949currentFormerly PTH 14; southern terminus relocated in 2012, former route through Emerson replaced by an extension of PR 200
    Manitoba Highway 77.svg PTH 77 4226Saskatchewan Highway 3 (jct).svg Highway 3 at Saskatchewan boundary near Westgate Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 near Baden 01987-01-011987currentFormerly PR 277
    PTH 80 169.9PTH 83 north of Kenville PTH 83 north of Benito 01939-01-011939Eliminated due to the discontinuation of Municipal PTHs; now PR 487
    Manitoba Highway 83.svg PTH 83 402250US 83.svg US 83 at Canada–U.S. border near Lena Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 at Swan River 01953-01-011953current
    Manitoba Highway 83A.svg PTH 83A 4.12.5Business route through Swan River 01953-01-011953currentFormer PTH 83
    Manitoba Highway 89.svg PTH 89 106.2MN-89.svg MN 89 at Canada–U.S. border near Piney Manitoba Highway 12.svgManitoba secondary 203.svg PTH 12  / PR 203 near Piney
    Manitoba Highway 100.svg PTH 100 (TCH) 4025Beltway around Winnipeg (south of PTH 1)  Perimeter Highway
      Trans-Canada Highway
    Manitoba Highway 101.svg PTH 101 5031Beltway around Winnipeg (north of PTH 1) Perimeter Highway 01955-01-011955current
    Manitoba Highway 110.svg PTH 110 148.7Manitoba Highway 10.svg PTH 10 south of Brandon Manitoba Highway 1.svg PTH 1 (TCH) east of BrandonBrandon Eastern Access Route01995-01-011995current
    Manitoba Highway 190.svg PTH 190 106.2Manitoba Highway 101.svg PTH 101 near Winnipeg Winnipeg city route 25.svgWinnipeg city route 90.svg Route 25  / Route 90 in Winnipeg CentrePort Canada Way02013-01-012013current
    •       Former

    Secondary Routes

    These Provincial Roads are numbered from 200 to 596. Some of these routes are gravel for part or all of their length. The speed limit is generally 80 to 100 km/h (50 to 60 mph).

    Manitoba Provincial Road 200 PTH 100 in Winnipeg PTH 75 at Emerson 101 km (63 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 201 PTH 89 near Piney PR 242 in Snowflake 218 km (135 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 202 PTH 59 near Birds Hill PR 204 near Lockport 14.6 km (9.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 203 PTH 12 / PR 404 PTH 12 / PTH 89 46.4 km (28.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 204 Route 42 in northern Winnipeg PTH 9A in Selkirk 29.9 km (18.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 205 PTH 3 near Sperling PTH 12 south of Steinbach 84.9 km (52.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 206 PTH 44 near Kirkness PTH 52 near Randolph 62.4 km (38.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 207 PR 213 PTH 1 57.9 km (36.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 209 PTH 59 near Tolstoi PR 201 14.1 km (8.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 210 PTH 75 near St. Adolphe PTH 12 near Piney 117 km (73 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 211 PTH 11 Pinawa 14 km (8.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 212 PR 204 in Selkirk PR 213 22.7 km (14.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 213 PTH 59 PTH 12 24 km (15 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 214 PTH 11 PTH 44 near Seddons Corner 26 km (16 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 215 PTH 12 PTH 44 near Beausejour 10.1 km (6.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 216 PR 311 near New Bothwell PTH 59 near Rosa 40.8 km (25.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 217 PR 246 near St. Jean Baptiste PR 218 27.8 km (17.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 218 PTH 59 near St. Malo PR 200 near Emerson 45.5 km (28.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 220 PTH 8 north of Winnipeg Oak Hammock Marsh north of PTH 67 21.4 km (13.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 221 PTH 190 near Winnipeg PR 248 37 km (23 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 222 PTH 9 / PR 231 in Gimli PR 329 near Riverton 42.6 km (26.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 224 PTH 17 / PR 325 near Hodgson Fisher Bay on Lake Winnipeg44.6 km (27.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 225 PTH 8 near Dunnottar PR 232 in Dunnottar 6.2 km (3.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 227 PTH 16 near Westbourne PTH 6 in Warren 72.0 km (44.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 229 PTH 6 in Clarkleigh PTH 9 in Winnipeg Beach 81.3 km (50.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 230 PTH 8 near St. Andrews Airport PTH 9 in Selkirk 10.5 km (6.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 231 PTH 17 in Narcisse PTH 9 / PR 222 in Gimli 41.9 km (26.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 232 PTH 9 near Dunnottar PTH 9 in Winnipeg Beach 9.9 km (6.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 233 PR 325 near Fisherton PTH 68 near Arborg 63.9 km (39.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 234 PTH 8 near Riverton Cable ferry to Matheson Island 92.6 km (57.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 236 PTH 6 near Gordon PTH 7 near Balmoral 34.5 km (21.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 237 Watchorn Provincial Park Spearhill 20.3 km (12.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 238 PTH 9 / PTH 27 near Parkdale PTH 44 in Lockport 10.1 km (6.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 239 PTH 6 Steep Rock 32.3 km (20.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 240 PTH 3 / PTH 31 at Darlingford Delta Beach 122.8 km (76.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 241 PR 334 at Headingley PTH 100 in Winnipeg 5.3 km (3.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 242 US Border (Hannah-Snowflake) Lake Manitoba 157 km (98 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 243 PTH 75 near Emerson PTH 32 near Reinland 53 km (33 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 244 PTH 3 in Manitou PTH 2 in Rathwell 46.2 km (28.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 245 PR 342 near Cypress River PTH 3 / PTH 13 in Carman 90.2 km (56.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 246 PR 200 PTH 75 near St Jean Baptiste 36.4 km (22.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 247 PTH 2 in Elm Creek PTH 75 in Howden 68.2 km (42.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 248 PR 305 near Brunkild PTH 6 near Woodlands 76.1 km (47.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 250 PTH 2 / PTH 22 at Souris PR 354 134.7 km (83.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 251 PR 256 near Antler-Lyleton Border Crossing PTH 21 near Goodlands 55.7 km (34.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 252 PTH 3 (Boundary Commission Trail) near Elva PR 345 near Broomhill 24.7 km (15.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 253 PTH 18 near Killarney PTH 3 / PTH 34 (Boundary Commission Trail) in Pilot Mound 62.9 km (39.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 254 PR 251 near Goodlands PR 259 near Virden 118.7 km (73.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 255 Township Road 92 at Saskatchewan border near Ebor PR 254 near Oak Lake Beach 52.7 km (32.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 256 North Dakota Highway 256 (ND 256) at US Border (Antler-Lyleton) PTH 41 near McAuley 160 km (99 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 257 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 48) PTH 1 near Virden 37.3 km (23.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 259 PTH 1 near Virden PR 250 near Wheatland 64.2 km (39.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 260 PTH 16 (Yellowhead Highway) near Gladstone PR 261 near Waldersee 40.9 km (25.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 261 PTH 5 near Riding Mountain Dead end at Lake Manitoba 61.0 km (37.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 262 PTH 10 / PTH 24 at Tremaine PTH 10 / PR 354 at Onanole 76.4 km (47.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 264 PTH 24 near Crandall PTH 83 119.2 km (74.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 265 PR 262 north of Clanwilliam PTH 50 at Langruth 80.6 km (50.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 266 PTH 10 in Bowsman PR 268 in Birch River 14.9 km (9.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 267 PR 274 near Venlaw PTH 20 (NWWR) near Sifton 32.6 km (20.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 268 PTH 10 near Minitonas PTH 10 near Birch River 44.7 km (27.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 269 PTH 10 near Ethelbert PR 276 near Meadow Portage 72.8 km (45.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 270 PTH 1 near Brandon PR 354 near Onanole 86.3 km (53.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 271 PTH 10 at Pine River PTH 20 near Camperville 32.2 km (20.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 272 PTH 20 near Camperville Duck Bay 21.4 km (13.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 273 PTH 10 Ukraina 7.1 km (4.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 274 PTH 10 / PTH 10A at Ethelbert PTH 5 / PTH 10 west of Dauphin 91.6 km (56.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 275 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 753) PTH 10A in Swan River 23.2 km (14.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 276 PTH 5 (Northern Woods and Water Route) in Ste. Rose du Lac Skownan 114.3 km (71.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 278 PTH 50 at Silver Ridge PTH 68 near Eddystone 41.8 km (26.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 279 PTH 10 near Bowsman Whitefish Lake Provincial Park within the Porcupine Provincial Forest 32.1 km (19.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 280 PR 391 Gillam 181 km (112 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 282 PR 283 PTH 10 near Westray 23.8 km (14.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 283 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 9) PTH 10 near The Pas 39.5 km (24.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 285 PTH 10 in The Pas Saskatchewan River 14.4 km (8.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 287 PTH 10 at Clearwater Lake Provincial Park Cormorant 57.8 km (35.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 289 PR 285 in The Pas The Pas/Grace Lake Airport 3.8 km (2.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 290 PR 280 at Long Spruce Generating Station Sundance 24.9 km (15.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 291 PTH 10 near Flin Flon PTH 10A in Flin Flon4.5 km (2.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 301 PTH 1 in Falcon Lake PTH 44 near West Hawk Lake 11.5 km (7.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 302 PR 201 near Vita PTH 44 near Beausejour 68.6 km (42.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 303 PTH 12 near Friedensfeld PR 302 near La Broquerie 13 km (8.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 304 PTH 12 / PTH 59 / PR 500 near Beaconia PR 314 near Bissett 192 km (119 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 305 PTH 1 / PTH 16 (Yellowhead Highway) near Portage la Prairie PTH 59 near Tourond 151.8 km (94.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 306 PR 243 near Rosetown PTH 23 near Kane 36.1 km (22.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 307 PTH 11 PTH 44 near Rennie 48.4 km (30.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 308 PTH 12 near Sprague PTH 1 near East Braintree 101.5 km (63.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 309 PR 307 in Whiteshell Provincial Park Big Whiteshell Lake 12.2 km (7.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 310 PTH 12 near South Junction Minnesota State Highway 310 at US Border (Roseau-South Junction Border Crossing)4.2 km (2.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 311 PR 200 PR 302 east of Giroux 49 km (30 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 312 PTH 44 in Whiteshell Provincial Park Ingolf, Ontario 5.5 km (3.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 313 PTH 11 near Lac du Bonnet Pointe du Bois 40 km (25 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 314 PR 304 near Bissett PR 315 in Nopiming Provincial Park 73 km (45 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 315 PR 313 at Pinawa Bay Werner Lake Road at Ontario border in Nopiming Provincial Park 59 km (37 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 317 Libau PR 502 in Lac du Bonnet 50.3 km (31.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 319 PTH 59 near Scanterbury Patricia Beach Provincial Park 6.0 km (3.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 320 PTH 9A in Selkirk Netley Creek Provincial Park 18.0 km (11.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 321 PTH 6 in Grosse Isle PTH 8 near Parkdale 31.9 km (19.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 322 PTH 6 in Grosse Isle PR 415 near Erinview 41.6 km (25.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 323 PTH 6 near Woodlands PTH 7 near Stonewall 26.5 km (16.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 324 PTH 8 PR 222 near Camp Morton 1.6 km (0.99 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 325 PTH 68 in Oakview PR 234 near Washow Bay 129.0 km (80.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 326 PR 233 near Vidir PTH 68 in Arborg 22.9 km (14.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 327 PTH 60 near Chemawawin Easterville 12.7 km (7.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 328 PR 276 in Waterhen PTH 6 near Gypsumville 63.5 km (39.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 329 PTH 17 near Broad Valley Dead end at Sandy Bar Beach on Lake Winnipeg 47.6 km (29.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 330 PTH 75 near Morris PTH 100 near Winnipeg 46.4 km (28.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 331 PR 240 near Portage la Prairie PTH 13 at Oakville 19.2 km (11.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 332 PTH 14 / PTH 30 in Rosenfeld PTH 1 in Dacotah 87.2 km (54.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 334 PR 330 near Domain PR 221 near Rosser 55.4 km (34.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 336 PTH 23 near Kane PTH 3 / PR 205 in Sperling 16.4 km (10.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 338 PTH 23 in Miami PR 305 near Haywood 25.0 km (15.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 340 PTH 2 near Wawanesa PTH 1 near Douglas 40.1 km (24.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 341 PTH 10 near the International Peace Garden PTH 18 in Lena 33.9 km (21.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 342 PTH 3A in Clearwater PTH 2 in Cypress River 57.2 km (35.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 343 PR 448 north of Whitewater Lake PTH 10 north of Boissevain 18.1 km (11.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 344 PTH 2 (Red Coat Trail) near Wawanesa PR 340 in Wawanesa 6.1 km (3.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 345 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 361) PTH 21 north of Dand 65.6 km (40.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 346 PTH 3 near Ninga PTH 2 (Red Coat Trail) at Nesbitt 50.5 km (31.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 347 PTH 2 (Red Coat Trail) near Souris PTH 22 near Souris21.5 km (13.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 348 PTH 2 (Red Coat Trail) near Carroll PR 349 near Brandon 13.1 km (8.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 349 PR 250 near Beresford PTH 10 near Brandon 22.2 km (13.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 350 PR 242 near Lavenham PTH 16 (Yellowhead Highway) at Woodside 55.2 km (34.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 351 PTH 1 near Camp Hughes PTH 1 west of Sidney 37.3 km (23.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 352 PTH 34 near Arizona PTH 5 near Birnie 92.6 km (57.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 353 PTH 10 PTH 5 34.4 km (21.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 354 CNR main line near Bradwardine PTH 10 / PR 262 at Onanole 108.9 km (67.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 355 Birdtail Sioux First Nation PTH 16A in Minnedosa 98.2 km (61.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 357 PTH 10 near Erickson PTH 5 near Birnie 34.9 km (21.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 359 PTH 16 / PTH 41 / PTH 83 near Binscarth PR 264 near Rossburn 35.9 km (22.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 360 PTH 5 / PR 480 near Laurier PTH 5 near Ste. Rose du Lac 30.4 km (18.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 361 PTH 5 / PTH 50 at McCreary Riding Mountain National Park 7.2 km (4.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 362 PTH 5A / PTH 10A in Dauphin PR 267 in Sifton 29.0 km (18.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 363 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 5) PTH 83 8.9 km (5.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 364 PTH 20 near Winnipegosis PR 276 near Rorketon 54.3 km (33.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 365 PTH 10 near Birch River North Steeprock Lake Provincial Park 29.7 km (18.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 366 PTH 83 near Inglis PR 266 at Bowsman 219 km (136 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 367 PTH 83 near San Clara PTH 10 84 km (52 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 373 PTH 6 in Pipun Norway House 109 km (68 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 374 PR 373 in Jenpeg Cross Lake 23 km (14 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 375 PTH 6 Paint Lake Provincial Park 4 km (2.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 384 PR 287 at Clearwater Lake Provincial Park Moose Lake 39.3 km (24.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 391 PTH 6/PR 280 in Thompson PR 394 / PR 396 in Lynn Lake 201 km (125 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 392 PTH 39 Snow Lake 33.1 km (20.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 393 PR 392 in Snow Lake Osborne Lake Mine 19.0 km (11.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 394 PR 391 / PR 396 in Lynn Lake Saskatchewan boundary (Saskatchewan Highway 994)59.7 km (37.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 395 PR 392 in Snow Lake Chisel Lake Mine 13.1 km (8.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 396 PR 391 / PR 394 in Lynn Lake Fox Mine 48.0 km (29.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 397 PR 396 in Lynn Lake Eldon Lake 2.8 km (1.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 398 PR 394 near Lynn Lake Burge Lake Provincial Park 1.7 km (1.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 399 Dead end at former mine PR 391 in Lynn Lake 0.5 km (0.31 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 403 PTH 59 in St. Malo PTH 12 near Zhoda 25.5 km (15.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 404 PTH 12 in Sandilands Provincial Forest PR 210 near Marchand Provincial Park 23.9 km (14.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 405 PTH 59 in Île-des-Chênes PR 206 near Lorette 15.5 km (9.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 406 PTH 15 near Elma PTH 11 / PTH 44 near Whitemouth 8.7 km (5.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 408 PTH 11 near Oldenburg PR 307 in Seven Sisters Falls 13.5 km (8.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 409 PTH 101 PR 220 4.7 km (2.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 410 PR 230 in Rossdale PR 238 at St. Andrews Rectory National Historic Site 3.3 km (2.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 411 PR 430 in St. Ambroise PTH 6 (NWWR) near Woodlands 22.9 km (14.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 412 PR 224 in Dallas Jackhead 63 km (39 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 415 PTH 6 in St. Laurent PTH 7 in Teulon 60.3 km (37.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 416 PR 415 near Harperville PTH 17 / PR 229 in Inwood 12.5 km (7.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 417 PTH 6 / PTH 68 in Eriksdale Lake Manitoba First Nation 24.8 km (15.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 418 PR 419 near Lundar Beach Provincial Park PR 417 near Eriksdale 14.7 km (9.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 419 PTH 17 near Chatfield Lundar Beach Provincial Park 62.0 km (38.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 421 PTH 30 near Altona PTH 75 near Emerson 20.5 km (12.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 422 PTH 23 near Morris PR 205 in Rosenort 11.6 km (7.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 423 PTH 3 / PTH 34 / PTH 3A in Crystal City PR 242 near Snowflake 19.7 km (12.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 424 PTH 2 near Springstein PR 248 near St. Eustache 34.5 km (21.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 425 PR 334 in Headingleay PTH 101 in Winnipeg 6.0 km (3.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 426 PR 201 in St. Joseph PTH 14 6.5 km (4.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 427 PR 424 PTH 100 12.8 km (8.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 428 PTH 14 / PTH 32 in Winkler PTH 23 near Roland 18.3 km (11.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 430 PTH 1 / PTH 13 St. Ambroise Beach Provincial Park 38.8 km (24.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 432 PR 201 near Windygates PTH 23 in Rosebank 37.1 km (23.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 433 PR 313 near town of Lac du Bonnet dead end at Cape Coppermine Marina14.8 km (9.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 435 PTH 59 near East Selkirk PR 214 near Milner Ridge Correctional Centre 38.8 km (24.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 440 PTH 23 near Mariapolis PR 253 near Pilot Mound 19.1 km (11.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 442 PR 342 near Clearwater PTH 3 near Mather 19.2 km (11.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 443 PTH 10 in Boissevain PR 346 in Ninga 13.3 km (8.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 444 PR 343 near Croll PTH 23 near Fairfax 11.5 km (7.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 445 PR 256 between Pierson and Tilston PTH 3 / PTH 83 in Melita 19.2 km (11.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 448 PTH 23 in Elgin PTH 10 near Boissevain 34.5 km (21.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 449 PTH 34 in Holland PR 245 near Notre Dame de Lourdes 16.3 km (10.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 450 PTH 3 Lake Metigoshe 19.8 mi (31.9 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 452 PTH 83 near Melita PR 251 in Waskada 36.4 km (22.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 453 PTH 10 south of Brandon PR 340 near Criddle/Vane Homestead Provincial Park 24.6 km (15.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 455 PTH 21 PR 250 near Alexander 11.6 km (7.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 457 PTH 1A in Brandon PR 340 in Cottonwoods 16.7 km (10.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 458 PTH 3 near Holmfield PTH 23 near Belmont 38.9 km (24.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 459 PTH 1 at Grand Valley Provincial Park PTH 10 in Brandon 9.5 km (5.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 462 PR 265 near Plumas PTH 5 near McCreary 57.9 km (36.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 463 PR 254 PTH 21 3.8 km (2.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 464 PTH 1 PTH 16 near Neepawa 37.8 km (23.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 465 PR 262 PR 464 24.0 km (14.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 466 PR 465 PTH 16 near Franklin 10.0 km (6.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 467 PTH 41 near Manson PTH 83 near Miniota 29.5 km (18.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 468 PR 457 near Chater PR 353 near Moore Park 23.0 km (14.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 469 PR 264 PTH 21 at Hamiota 13.1 km (8.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 470 PR 566 PR 250 15.6 mi (25.1 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 471 PR 262 near Clanwilliam PTH 5 near Neepawa 14.8 mi (23.8 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 472 PTH 42 PTH 16 near Solsgirth 5.6 km (3.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 474 PTH 24 PR 355 near Isabella 9.9 km (6.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 475 PTH 41 PTH 16 / PTH 83 at Foxwarren 8.4 km (5.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 476 PTH 16 PR 264 22.5 mi (36.2 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 478 Saskatchewan border (Hwy 22) PR 366 near Inglis 10.8 km (6.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 480 PTH 5 PTH 5 near Laurier 18.3 km (11.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 481 PR 364 near Fork River PTH 68 near Eddystone 58.6 km (36.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 482 PTH 5 / Hwy 10 near Saskatchewan border PTH 83 near Inglis 46.5 km (28.9 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 483 PTH 10 Pelican Rapids 27.3 km (17.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 484 PR 363 PTH 5 near Roblin 15.2 km (9.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 485 PR 486 PR 366 10.1 km (6.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 486 PTH 83 near Durban PTH 83 near Swan River 17.8 km (11.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 487 PTH 83 PTH 83 aka Harlington Road near Kenville 15.7 km (9.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 488 PR 486 PTH 10 13.4 km (8.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 489 PTH 20 PR 271 near Pulp River 14 km (8.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 490 PR 481 PR 269 8 km (5.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 491 PR 362 near Valley River Trembowla 9.1 km (5.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 493 PR 391 in Leaf Rapids South Indian Lake 97.3 km (60.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 500 PTH 12 / PTH 59 / PR 304 near Beaconia PTH 12 near Grand Marais 11.0 km (6.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 501 PTH 1 near Rosewood Ross 26.0 km (16.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 502 PTH 11 in Lac du Bonnet PR 313 near Lac du Bonnet 5.6 km (3.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 503 PR 308 PTH 1 21.5 km (13.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 504 PTH 59 near Victoria Beach dead end at Lake Winnipeg 2.3 km (1.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 505 PR 503 Whitemouth River 3.2 km (2.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 506 PTH 11 near Reynolds PTH 1 near Prawda 13.9 km (8.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 507 PTH 11 near Hadashville PR 506 4.0 km (2.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 508 PR 212 near East Selkirk PTH 59 8 km (5.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 509 PR 204 PTH 59 1 km (0.62 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 512 PTH 68 PR 419 9.6 km (6.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 513 PTH 6 near St. Martin Junction Dauphin River 50.7 km (31.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 518 PTH 6 near Woodlands PR 415 11.6 km (7.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 519 PTH 8 near Sandy Hook PTH 9 in Sandy Hook2.8 km (1.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 520 PR 211 near Pinawa PR 313 8.8 km (5.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 521 PTH 32 near Rosengart PR 243 at Reinland 5.5 km (3.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 524 PR 243 near Gretna Blumenort South 4.5 km (2.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 525 PR 308 US border10.2 km (6.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 528 PTH 3 (Boundary Commission Trail) Kaleida 8.2 km (5.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 530 Dead end at Souris River near Treesbank PTH 2 near Stockton 7.3 km (4.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 532 PTH 23 PR 245 7.2 km (4.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 541 PTH 21 near Hartney PR 254 6.5 km (4.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 542 PR 257 near Kola PTH 1 / PTH 41 near Kirkella 13.2 mi (21.2 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 543 PTH 21 PR 254 11.5 km (7.1 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 545 Saskatchewan border (near Rocanville Potash Mine) PTH 41 5.5 km (3.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 547 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 381) PR 482 3.2 km (2.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 549 Saskatchewan border PR 482 4.2 km (2.6 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 564 PTH 21 PR 259 near Bradwardine 9.1 km (5.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 566 PTH 45 near Menzie PR 577 near Olha 13.7 km (8.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 567 PTH 50 Whitemud River 7.5 km (4.7 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 568 PTH 83 PTH 42 near St. Lazare 12.6 km (7.8 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 569 PTH 50 Lake Manitoba 5.7 km (3.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 571 Saskatchewan border (Saskatchewan Highway 308) PTH 41 6.4 mi (10.3 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 575 PR 260 near Waldersee Tenby 6.5 km (4.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 577 PR 264 PTH 45 near Oakburn 23.4 km (14.5 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 579 PTH 83 PR 478 16.1 mi (25.9 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 582 PTH 5 / PTH 20 near Ochre River PR 480 near Makinak 10.2 km (6.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 583 PTH 83 PTH 5 9.2 mi (14.8 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 584 PR 366 PR 594 45.6 km (28.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 588 PR 275 PR 279 8.1 km (5.0 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 591 PTH 5 PR 584 3.9 km (2.4 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 592 PR 366 near Inglis PR 583 16.4 km (10.2 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 593 PTH 83 PR 484 west of Deepdale 10.1 km (6.3 mi)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 594 PTH 83 PR 367 12.1 mi (19.5 km)
    Manitoba Provincial Road 596 PTH 39 Wekusko 5 km (3.1 mi)

    Former Secondary Routes

    See also

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    Provincial Road 366 is a 219-kilometre-long (136 mi) north-south provincial road in the Parkland Region and Swan River Valley of the Canadian province of Manitoba. It serves as the main north-south thoroughfare through Duck Mountain Provincial Park, as well as providing a connection between Inglis and Grandview on its southern end, while also connecting Minitonas and Bonsman on its northern end.

    Provincial Trunk Highway 24 is a provincial highway in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It is an east–west route that runs from PTH 83 near Miniota, east through Oak River and Rapid City to the junction of PTH 10 and PR 262 between Brandon and Minnedosa.

    Provincial Trunk Highway 22 is a short north-south provincial highway in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It runs from PTH 23 near Elgin to PTH 2 and PR 250 in Souris. This highway is the main access road to the renowned Souris Swinging Bridge.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Highway 83</span> Highway in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Trunk Highway 83 is a 402 kilometres (250 mi) long, major north-south highway that runs in the far western region of the Canadian province of Manitoba. It travels from the North Dakota border south of Melita, north through Virden, Birtle, Russell, and Roblin to its northern terminus with PTH 10 in the town of Swan River. Along with US 83, PTH 83 is part of a continuously numbered north-south highway in North America with a combined distance of 3,450 kilometres (2,140 mi).

    Provincial Trunk Highway 50 is a provincial highway in the south-central region of the Canadian province of Manitoba. It runs from PTH 16 to PTH 5 and PR 361 in the village of McCreary.

    Provincial Trunk Highway 21 is a provincial highway in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It runs from the U.S. border to PTH 45 and PR 577 in the village of Oakburn.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 586</span> Former provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Road 586 is a former provincial road in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It is sometimes called "Alpine Road".

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 344</span> Provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Road 344 is a very short provincial road in the Westman Region of the Canadian province of Manitoba. It connects the town of Wawanesa with PTH 2 on its western side.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 340</span> Provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Road 340 is a provincial road in the Westman Region of the Canadian province of Manitoba, connecting Wawanesa with Treesbank, Sprucewoods, Cottonwoods, and the Trans-Canada Highway at Douglas.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 262</span> Provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Road 262 is a 76.4-kilometre-long (47.5 mi) north-south provincial road in the Westman Region of the Canadian province of Manitoba. It serves as a loop route off of PTH 10, connecting Tremaine with Onanole on the south side of Riding Mountain National Park via Minnedosa, Clanwilliam, Hilltop, and Scandinavia.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 355</span> Provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Road 355 is an east-west provincial road in the Westman Region of the Canadian province of Manitoba.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 354</span> Provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Provincial Road 354 is a 108.9-kilometre-long (67.7 mi) north-south provincial road in the Westman Region of the Canadian province of Manitoba.

    <span class="mw-page-title-main">Manitoba Provincial Road 263</span> Former provincial road in Manitoba, Canada

    Manitoba Provincial Road 263 is a former provincial road in the Canadian province of Manitoba.
