List of state and territory name etymologies of the United States

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Map showing the source languages/language families of state names US State Name Etymologies.svg
Map showing the source languages/language families of state names

The fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the five inhabited U.S. territories, and the U.S. Minor Outlying Islands have taken their names from a wide variety of languages. The names of 24 states derive from indigenous languages of the Americas and one from Hawaiian. Of those that come from Native American languages, eight come from Algonquian languages, seven from Siouan languages (one of those via Miami-Illinois, which is an Algonquian language), three from Iroquoian languages, two from Muskogean languages, one from a Caddoan language, one from an Eskimo-Aleut language, one from a Uto-Aztecan language, and one from either an Athabaskan language or a Uto-Aztecan language.


Twenty other state names derive from European languages: seven come from Latin (mostly from Latinized forms of English personal names, one of those coming from Welsh), five from English, five from Spanish, and three from French (one of those via English). The source language/language family of the remaining five states is disputed or unclear: Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Oregon, and Rhode Island.

Of the fifty states, eleven are named after an individual person. Six of those are named in honor of European monarchs: the two Carolinas, the two Virginias, Georgia, and Louisiana. In addition, Maryland is named after Queen Henrietta Maria, queen consort of King Charles I of England, and New York after the then-Duke of York, who later became King James II of England. Over the years, several attempts have been made to name a state after one of the Founding Fathers or other great statesmen of U.S. history: the State of Franklin, the State of Jefferson (three separate attempts), the State of Lincoln (two separate attempts), and the State of Washington; in the end, only Washington materialized (Washington Territory was carved out of the Columbia District and renamed Washington in order to avoid confusion with the District of Columbia, which contains the city of Washington). [1] [2]

Several of the states that derive their names from names used for Native peoples have retained the plural ending in "s": Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, and Texas. One common naming pattern has been as follows:

Native tribal group → River → Territory → State

State names

State nameDate first attested in original languageLanguage of originWord(s) in original languageMeaning and notes
Flag of Alabama.svg  Alabama
Map of USA AL.svg
April 19, 1692 Choctaw/Alabama alba amo/Albaamaha'Thicket-clearers' [3] or 'plant-cutters', from alba, '(medicinal) plants', and amo, 'to clear'. The modern Choctaw name for the tribe is Albaamu. [4]
Flag of Alaska.svg  Alaska
Map of USA AK.svg
December 2, 1666 Aleut via Russian alaxsxaq via Аляска (Alyaska)'Mainland' (literally 'the object towards which the action of the sea is directed'). [5]
Flag of Arizona.svg  Arizona
Map of USA AZ.svg
February 1, 1883 Basque aritz ona'The good oak'. [6]
Oʼodham via Spanish ali ṣona-g via Arizonac [7] 'Having a little spring'. [8]
Flag of Arkansas.svg  Arkansas
Map of USA AR.svg
July 20, 1796 Kansa, Quapaw via Miami-Illinois and French akakaze via ArcansasBorrowed from a French spelling of a Miami-Illinois rendering of the tribal name kką:ze (see Kansas, below), which the Miami and Illinois used to refer to the Quapaw. [8] [9] [10] [11]
Flag of California.svg  California
Map of USA CA.svg
May 22, 1850 Spanish californiaProbably named for the fictional Island of California ruled by Queen Calafia in the 16th-century novel Las sergas de Esplandián by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. [12]
Flag of Colorado.svg  Colorado
Map of USA CO.svg
1743 Spanish colorado 'Ruddy' or 'red', [13] originally referring to the Colorado River. [14]
Flag of Connecticut.svg  Connecticut
Map of USA CT.svg
April 15, 1696 Eastern Algonquian, Mohegan-Pequot quinnitukqutFrom some Eastern Algonquian language of southern New England (perhaps Mahican), meaning 'at the long tidal river', after the Connecticut River. [15] [16] The name reflects Proto-Eastern-Algonquian *kwən-, 'long'; *-əhtəkw, 'tidal river'; and *-ənk, the locative suffix). [17]
Flag of Delaware.svg  Delaware
Map of USA DE.svg
January 31, 1680 French via English de la WarrAfter the Delaware River, which was named for Lord de la Warr (originally probably Norman French de la guerre or de la werre, 'of the war'). [18] Lord de la Warr was the first Governor-General of the Colony of Virginia. [19]
Flag of Florida.svg  Florida
Map of USA FL.svg
April 2, 1513 Spanish (pascua) florida'Flowery (Easter)' [20] (to distinguish it from Christmastide, which was also called Pascua), in honor of its discovery by the Spanish during the Easter season. [21]
Flag of Georgia (U.S. state).svg Georgia
Map of USA GA.svg
October 3, 1674 Latin via English (ultimately from Greek)GeorgiusThe feminine Latin form of "George", named after King George II of Great Britain. [22] [23] It was also a reference to Saint George, whose name was derived from the Greek word georgos, meaning 'husbandman' or 'farmer', from ge 'earth' + ergon 'work'. [24]
Flag of Hawaii.svg  Hawaii
Map of USA HI.svg
December 29, 1879 Hawaiian HawaiʻiEither from Hawaiki, legendary homeland of the Polynesians [25] (Hawaiki is believed to mean 'place of the gods'), [26] or named for Hawaiʻiloa, legendary discoverer of the Hawaiian Islands. [27]
Flag of Idaho.svg  Idaho
Map of USA ID.svg
June 6, 1864 Germanic IdahoProbably made up by George M. "Doc" Willing as a practical joke; [28] originally claimed to have been derived from a word in a Native American language that meant 'Gem of the Mountains'. [29] The name was initially proposed for the Territory of Colorado until its origins were discovered. Years later it fell into common usage, and was proposed for the Territory of Idaho instead. [30] [31]
Plains Apache ídaahę́Possibly from the Plains Apache word for 'enemy' (ídaahę́), which was used to refer to the Comanches. [32]
Flag of Illinois.svg  Illinois
Map of USA IL.svg
March 24, 1793 Algonquian, Miami-Illinois via French ilenweewaThe state is named for the French adaptation of an Algonquian language (perhaps Miami-Illinois) word apparently meaning 'speaks normally' (cf. Miami-Illinois ilenweewa, [33] Ojibwe <ilinoüek>, [34] Proto-Algonquian *elen-, 'ordinary', and -we·, 'to speak'), [35] referring to the Illiniwek (Illinois). [34]
Flag of Indiana.svg  Indiana
Map of USA IN.svg
December 2, 1794 Latin (ultimately from Proto-Indo-Iranian)indiāna'Land of the Indians'. [36] The names "Indians" and "India" come, via Latin, Greek, Old Persian and Sanskrit, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *sindhu-, which originally referred to the Indus River. [37]
Flag of Iowa.svg  Iowa
Map of USA IA.svg
August 31, 1818 Dakota, Chiwere via French ayúxba/ayuxwe via AiouezVia French Aiouez, and named after the Iowa tribe. This demonym has no further known etymology, [38] [39] though some give it the meaning 'sleepy ones'. [40]
Flag of Kansas.svg  Kansas
Map of USA KS.svg
May 12, 1832 Kansa via French kką:ze via Cansez [41] Named after the Kansas River, [42] [43] which in turn was named after the Kaw or Kansas tribe. [9] The name seems to be connected to the idea of "wind". [44]
Flag of Kentucky.svg  Kentucky
Map of USA KY.svg
April 28, 1728 Iroquoian (see Meaning and notes)Originally referring to the Kentucky River. While some sources say the etymology is uncertain, [45] [46] most agree on a meaning of '(on) the meadow' or '(on) the prairie' [47] [48] (cf. Mohawk kenhtà:ke, Seneca gëdá’geh (phonemic /kẽtaʔkeh/), 'at the field'). [49]
Flag of Louisiana.svg  Louisiana
Map of USA LA.svg
July 18, 1787 French (ultimately from Frankish)LouisianeAfter King Louis XIV of France. [50] The name Louis itself comes from Frankish hluda, 'heard of, famous' (cf. loud) + wiga, 'war'. [51]
Flag of Maine.svg  Maine
Map of USA ME.svg
October 13, 1729 English main A common historical etymology is that the name refers to the mainland, as opposed to the coastal islands. [52] [53]
French MaineAfter the French province of Maine. [54]
English (Broad)mayneA more recent proposal is that the state was named after the English village of Broadmayne, which was the family estate of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, the colony's founder. [30] [55]
Flag of Maryland.svg  Maryland
Map of USA MD.svg
January 18, 1691 English (ultimately from Hebrew) Myriam After Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of King Charles I of England. [56] The name Mary originally meant 'bitterness' or 'rebelliousness' in Hebrew, and could also have come from the Egyptian word for 'beloved' or 'love'. [57]
Flag of Massachusetts.svg  Massachusetts
Map of USA MA.svg
June 4, 1665 Eastern Algonquian, Massachusett muhsachuweesutPlural of muswachusut, meaning 'near the great little-mountain' or 'at the great hill', which is usually identified as Great Blue Hill on the border of Milton and Canton, Massachusetts [58] (cf. the Narragansett name Massachusêuck). [58]
Flag of Michigan.svg  Michigan
Map of USA MI.svg
October 28, 1811 Ojibwe via French ᒥᔑᑲᒥ (mishigami)'Large water' or 'large lake' [59] [60] (in Old Algonquin, *meshi-gami). [61]
Flag of Minnesota.svg  Minnesota
Map of USA MN.svg
April 21, 1821 Dakota mní sóta'Cloudy water', referring to the Minnesota River. [16] [62]
Flag of Mississippi.svg  Mississippi
Map of USA MS.svg
March 9, 1800 Ojibwe via French ᒥᓯᓰᐱ (misi-ziibi)'Great river', after the Mississippi River. [59] [63]
Flag of Missouri.svg  Missouri
Map of USA MO.svg
September 7, 1805 Miami-Illinois via French wimihsoorita'Dugout canoe'. The Missouri tribe was noteworthy among the Illinois for their dugout canoes, and so was referred to as the wimihsoorita, 'one who has a wood boat [dugout canoe]'. [64]
Flag of Montana.svg  Montana
Map of U.S. - MT.svg
November 1, 1860 Spanish montaña'Mountain'. [65]
Flag of Nebraska.svg  Nebraska
Map of USA NE.svg
June 22, 1847 Chiwere via French ñįbraske'Flattened water', after the Platte River, which used to be known as the Nebraska River. Due to the flatness of the plains, flooding of the river would inundate the region with a flat expanse of water. [66]
Flag of Nevada.svg  Nevada
Map of USA NV.svg
February 9, 1845 Spanish nevada'Snow-covered', [67] after the Sierra Nevada ('snow-covered mountains').
Flag of New Hampshire.svg  New Hampshire
Map of USA NH.svg
August 27, 1692 English (ultimately from Old English)HampshireAfter the county of Hampshire in England, [68] whose name is derived from the original name for its largest city, Southampton, that being Hamtun, which is an Old English word that roughly translates to 'Village-Town'.
Flag of New Jersey.svg  New Jersey
Map of USA NJ.svg
April 2, 1669 English (ultimately from Old Norse)JerseyAfter Jersey, [69] the largest of the British Channel Islands and the birthplace of one of the colony's two co-founders, Sir George Carteret. [69] The Latin name Caesarea was also applied to the colony of New Jersey as Nova Caesarea, because the Roman name of the island was thought to have been Caesarea. [70] [71] The name "Jersey" most likely comes from the Norse name Geirrsey, meaning 'Geirr's Island'. [72]
Flag of New Mexico.svg  New Mexico
Map of USA NM.svg
November 1, 1859 Nahuatl via Spanish Mēxihco via Nuevo MéxicoFrom Spanish Nuevo México. [73] The name Mexico comes from Nahuatl Mēxihca (pronounced [meːˈʃiʔko] ), which referred to the Aztec people who founded the city of Tenochtitlan. [74] [75] Its literal meaning is unknown, though many possibilities have been proposed, such as that the name comes from the god Metztli. [76]
Flag of New York.svg New York
Map of USA NY.svg
October 15, 1680 English YorkAfter the Duke of York (later King James II of England). Named by King Charles II of England, James II's brother. [77] The name "York" is derived from its Latin name Eboracum (via Old English Eoforwic and then Old Norse Jórvík), apparently borrowed from Brythonic Celtic *eborakon, which probably meant 'Yew-Tree Estate'. [78]
Flag of North Carolina.svg  North Carolina
Map of USA NC.svg
June 30, 1686 Latin via English (ultimately from Frankish)Carolus via CarolanaAfter King Charles I of England and his son, King Charles II of England. [79] The name Charles itself is derived from Frankish karl, 'man, husband'. [80]
Flag of North Dakota.svg  North Dakota
Map of USA ND.svg
November 2, 1867 Sioux/Dakota dakhóta'Ally' or 'friend', [66] after the Dakota tribe. [81]
Flag of Ohio.svg  Ohio
Map of USA OH.svg
April 19, 1785 Seneca via French ohi:yo’ [82] 'Large creek', [47] originally the name of both the Ohio River and Allegheny River. [83] Often incorrectly translated as 'beautiful river', [84] due to a French mistranslation. [33]
Flag of Oklahoma.svg  Oklahoma
Map of USA OK.svg
September 5, 1842 Choctaw okla + homaDevised as a rough translation of 'Indian Territory'. In Choctaw, okla means 'people', 'tribe', or 'nation', and homa- means 'red', thus 'red people'. [16] [85]
Flag of Oregon.svg  Oregon
Map of USA OR.svg
1765UnknownDisputedDisputed meaning. First named by Major Robert Rogers in a petition to King George III. [86]
Flag of Pennsylvania.svg  Pennsylvania
Map of USA PA.svg
March 8, 1650 Welsh and Latin Penn + silvania'Penn's woods', after Admiral William Penn, the father of its founder William Penn. [87] Pennsylvania is the only state that shares part of its name with its founder. [88] The name "Penn" comes from the Welsh word for 'head'. [89]
Flag of Rhode Island.svg  Rhode Island
Map of USA RI.svg
February 3, 1680 Dutch roodt eylandt'Red island', referring to Aquidneck Island. [90] The Modern Dutch form of the phrase is 'rood eiland'.
Greek Ρόδος (Ródos)For a resemblance to the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. [90]
Flag of South Carolina.svg  South Carolina
Map of USA SC.svg
November 12, 1687 Latin via English (ultimately from Frankish)Carolus via CarolanaAfter King Charles I of England and his son, King Charles II of England. [79] The name Charles itself is derived from Frankish karl, 'man, husband'. [80]
Flag of South Dakota.svg  South Dakota
Map of USA SD.svg
November 2, 1867 Sioux/Dakota dakhóta'Ally' or 'friend', [66] after the Dakota tribe. [81]
Flag of Tennessee.svg  Tennessee
Map of USA TN.svg
May 24, 1747 Cherokee ᏔᎾᏏ (tanasi) Tanasi (in Cherokee: ᏔᎾᏏ) was the name of a Cherokee village; [91] the meaning is unknown. [92]
Flag of Texas.svg  Texas
Map of USA TX.svg
June 30, 1827 Caddo via Spanish táyshaʔ via Tejas'Friend', [93] used by the Caddo to refer the larger Caddo nation (in opposition to enemy tribes). The name was borrowed into Spanish as texa, plural texas, and was used to refer to the Nabedache people (and later to the Caddo Nation in general). When the Spanish decided to convert the Nabedache to Catholicism, they constructed La Misión de San Francisco de los Texas , which later came to be used in naming the Viceroyalty of New Spain’s province. [94]
Flag of Utah.svg  Utah
Map of USA UT.svg
December 20, 1877 Apache via Spanish yúdah via yutaFrom the Spanish designation for the Ute people, yuta, in turn perhaps a borrowing from Western Apache yúdah, meaning 'high', [95] sometimes incorrectly translated as 'people of the mountains'. [96] [97]
Ute via Spanish noochee via yutaFrom the Ute's self-designation [nutʃi̥], plural [nuːtʃiu], as suggested by J. P. Harrington, [98] [99] though this etymology is disputed. [100]
Flag of Vermont.svg  Vermont
Map of USA VT.svg
September 27, 1721 French vert + mont'Green mount' or 'green mountain'; vert in French means 'green', and mont means 'mount' or 'mountain'. However, in French, 'green mountain' would actually be written mont vert. [101] [102]
Flag of Virginia.svg  Virginia
Map of USA VA.svg
1584 Latin Virginia'Country of the Virgin', after Elizabeth I of England, who was known as the "Virgin Queen" because she never married. [103]
Flag of Washington.svg Washington
Map of USA WA.svg
February 22, 1872 English WashingtonAfter George Washington, [104] whose surname was in turn derived from the town of Washington in historic County Durham, England. [105] [106] The etymology of the town's name is disputed, but agreed to be ultimately Old English.
Flag of West Virginia.svg  West Virginia
Map of USA WV.svg
September 1, 1831 Latin VirginiaThe western, transmontane counties of Virginia, which separated from Virginia during the American Civil War. See Virginia, above.
Flag of Wisconsin.svg  Wisconsin
Map of USA WI.svg
February 5, 1822 Miami-Illinois via French Meeskohsinki [107] via Ouisconsin(k)Originally spelled Mescousing by the French, and later corrupted to Ouisconsin. [108] It likely derives from a Miami-Illinois word Meskonsing, meaning 'it lies red' or 'river running through a red place'. [108] [109] It may also come from the Ojibwe term miskwasiniing, 'red-stone place'. [59]
Flag of Wyoming.svg  Wyoming
Map of USA WY.svg
August 14, 1877 Munsee/Delaware xwé:wamənk'At the big river flat'; the name was transplanted westward from the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania. [110]

Territory and federal district names

Territory or federal district nameYear first attested in original languageLanguage of originWord(s) in original languageMeaning and notes
Flag of American Samoa.svg  American Samoa
1911 [111] [note 1]
(July 17)
English and Samoan American + SāmoaThe CIA World Factbook says "The name Samoa is composed of two parts, 'sa', meaning sacred, and 'moa', meaning center, so the name can mean Holy Center; alternately, it can mean 'place of the sacred moa bird' of Polynesian mythology." [113] "American" is ultimately derived from Amerigo Vespucci. [114] The name "American Samoa" first started being used by the U.S. Navy around 1904, [112] and "American Samoa" was made official in 1911. [113]
Flag of Washington, D.C.svg  District of Columbia
DC Geographic Location.svg
1738 Neo-Latin ColumbiaNamed for Columbia, the national personification of the United States, which is itself named for Christopher Columbus.
Flag of Guam.svg  Guam
1898 [115] [note 2]
(December 10)
Chamorro Guåhan'What we have', from Guåhån in Chamorro language. [116] The name "Guam" was first used in the Treaty of Paris (1898). [115]
Flag of the Northern Mariana Islands.svg  Northern Mariana Islands
Northern Mariana Islands map.gif
1667 [117] [note 3] Spanish Islas Marianas Mariana Islands chain named by Spain for Mariana of Austria. [118] [117]
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico
Rico (1).png
1493 [119] Spanish puerto rico"Rich port". [120] The CIA World Factbook says "Christopher Columbus named the island San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist) and the capital city and main port Ciudad de Puerto Rico (Rich Port City); over time, however, the names were shortened and transposed and the island came to be called Puerto Rico and its capital San Juan." [119]
Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg  U.S. Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands-CIA WFB Map.png
1493 [121] Spanish Islas VírgenesNamed by Christopher Columbus for Saint Ursula and her 11,000 virgins. [122] [121] The name "Virgin Islands of the United States" (U.S. Virgin Islands) was adopted in 1917 when the islands were purchased by the U.S. from Denmark. [123] [note 4]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Minor Outlying Islands
United States Minor Outlying Islands.png
VariousVariousVariousThe name "United States Minor Outlying Islands" started to be used in 1986. [124] Previously, some of the islands were included in a group called "United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands".
  • Baker Island was named for Michael Baker in 1832. [125]
  • Howland Island was named after a whaling vessel in 1842. [126]
  • Jarvis Island was named after three people named "Jarvis" in 1821 (when they discovered the island). [127]
  • Johnston Atoll was named for Captain Charles Johnston in 1807. [128]
  • Kingman Reef was named for Captain W. E. Kingman in 1853. [129]
  • Midway Atoll was named in the 19th century for its location being approximately halfway between North America and Asia. [130]
  • The CIA World Factbook says this about Navassa Island: "The flat island was named 'Navaza' by some of Christopher Columbus' sailors in 1504; the name derives from the Spanish term "nava" meaning 'flat land, plain, or field'". [131]
  • Palmyra Atoll was named in 1802 when the USS Palmyra shipwrecked there. [132]
  • Wake Island was named after Samuel Wake, a British captain, in 1796. A different captain, William Wake, discovered the island in 1792. [133]

See also


  1. This is the date that the name "American Samoa" was officially adopted. [111] It had been used unofficially since about 1904. [112] It is unclear when the word "Samoa" first started being used.
  2. This is the date for the origin of the name "Guam", not "Guåhån". There is no information about when "Guåhån" first started being used.
  3. 1667 is the date the Mariana Islands were named; the name "Northern Mariana Islands" appears to have been first used when its constitution was created on January 9, 1978. [117] Previously it was called the "Mariana Islands District" (within the TTPI). [117]
  4. Some of the Virgin Islands became, and still are, a separate political area — the British Virgin Islands.

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  1. "City of Longview History". City of Longview, WA. Archived from the original on January 20, 2014. Retrieved April 17, 2014.
  2. "Settlers met at Cowlitz Landing and discussed the establishment of a new territory north of the Columbia River". Washington History – Territorial Timeline. Washington Secretary of State. Retrieved February 26, 2010.
  3. "Alabama: The State Name". Alabama Department of Archives and History. Retrieved 2007-02-24.
  4. Bright (2004:29)
  5. Ransom, J. Ellis. 1940. Derivation of the Word ‘Alaska’. American Anthropologist n.s., 42: pp. 550–551
  6. Thompson, Clay (2007-02-25). "A sorry state of affairs when views change". The Arizona Republic . Retrieved 2007-03-03.
  7. "Online Etymology Dictionary". Retrieved 2012-08-15.
  8. 1 2 Bright (2004:47)
  9. 1 2 Rankin, Robert. 2005. "Quapaw". In Native Languages of the Southeastern United States, eds. Heather K. Hardy and Janine Scancarelli. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, pg. 492
  10. "Arkansas". Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006. Archived from the original on 2009-10-28. Retrieved 2007-02-26.
  11. To appear. "Arkansas" in the Oxford English Dictionary
  12. "California". Mavens' Word of the Day. 2000-04-26. Retrieved 2006-11-28.
  13. "Colorado". Retrieved 2007-02-24.
  14. "Colorado". Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006. Archived from the original on 2009-10-28. Retrieved 2007-02-24.
  15. Harper, Douglas. "Connecticut". Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 2006-11-28.
  16. 1 2 3 Campbell, Lyle. 1997. American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pg. 11
  17. Afable, Patricia O. and Madison S. Beeler (1996). "Place Names", in "Languages", ed. Ives Goddard. Vol. 17 of Handbook of North American Indians, ed. William C. Sturtevant. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pg. 193
  18. Harper, Douglas. "Delaware". Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 2007-02-24.
  19. Guyton, Kathy (2009). U.S. State Names: The Stories of How Our States Were Named Nederland, Colorado: Mountain Storm Press. p. 90.
  20. "Florida". Retrieved 2007-02-23.
  21. "Florida". The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia . Columbia University Press. 2004. Archived from the original on 2011-06-29. Retrieved 2007-02-23.
  22. Harper, Douglas. "Georgia". Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 2007-02-24.
  23. "Georgia". Retrieved 2007-02-24.
  24. Harper, Douglas. "George". Online Etymology Dictionary . Retrieved 2011-09-22.
  25. Crowley, Terry. 1992. An Introduction to Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pg. 289
  26. "Online Etymology Dictionary". Retrieved 2012-08-15.
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