Motorsport industry

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The motorsport industry is a range of engineering and service businesses that support the sporting discipline of motorsports.


In motorsports, a competitor’s success is loosely linked with the performance of their vehicle. The role of engineering in delivering on-track success has led to the formation of a considerable global industry which supplies motorsport competitors with the equipment necessary to participate in the sport.

The industry

The motorsport industry relies upon the skills of competitive engineers who design, develop, and manufacture prototypes, including chassis, materials, electronics, engines, transmissions, brakes, telemetry, and suspension components. Motorsport businesses have also developed a unique ability to use sporting endeavors and entertainment as a catalyst for engineering and manufacturing advances of real value to other High Performance Engineering (HPE) customer groups – Defense, Marine, Aerospace, and Automotive.

The Motorsport Industry Association (MIA)

In April 1994, leading personalities in British motorsport joined forces to form their own trade association with the aim of promoting one of the UK's most successful industries - motorsport. The original concept was proposed by founder and original CEO, Brian Sims, with the first Executive Committee comprising Rob Baldock (Accenture); Dick Scammel (Cosworth);Tony Schulp (Haymarket); John Kirkpatrick (Jim Russell Racing Drivers School); Tony Panaro (Euro Northern Travel) and Tony Fletcher (Premier Fuels). [1]

The Motorsport Industry Association, also known as MIA, is the one of the leading trade association for the motorsport, performance engineering, services, and tuning sectors worldwide. [2] It supports the specialized needs of motorsports ensuring its continued growth and development worldwide.

The MIA enjoys membership of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), in turn providing members access to the UK's “Voice of Industry”.


  1. "MIA Profile". Retrieved 2015-12-14.
  2. "MIA Profile". Retrieved 2015-12-14.