Opinion polling for the next Japanese general election

Last updated

In the run up to the Next Japanese general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intention. Results of such polls are displayed in this article. The date range for these opinion polls is from the previous general election, held on 27 October 2024, to the present day.



The following table shows the pollsters who conduct opinion polls in Japan:

ANN RDD https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/hst/poll/
Asahi RDD https://www.asahi.com/yoron/database/
Jiji Press Personal interview https://www.jiji.co.jp/service/yoron/
JNN RDD https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/list/search?fulltext=JNN世論調査
Kyodo News [a] RDD https://www.chunichi.co.jp/digican/shuin2024_yoron
Mainichi d-Survey [b] https://mainichi.jp/opinion-research
SSRC https://ssrc.jp/research/
NHK RDD https://www.nhk.or.jp/senkyo/shijiritsu/
Nikkei RDD https://vdata.nikkei.com/newsgraphics/cabinet-approval-rating/
TV Tokyo https://txbiz.tv-tokyo.co.jp/search/detail?search_word=テレ東・日経世論調査
Sankei RDD https://www.sankei.com/politics/poll/
FNN https://www.fnn.jp/subcategory/opinion_poll
Senkyo.com RDD/Online [c] https://go2senkyo.com/research/
Yomiuri RDD https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/election/yoron-chosa/
NNN https://www.ntv.co.jp/yoron/

Party identification

Party Identification Polling for the Next Japanese General Election.svg


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size LDP CDP DPFP Ishin Komei Reiwa JCP DIY CPJ SDP OthersNo partyUnd./
no ans.
7–9 MarNHK [1] 1,22529.27.58.432.92.81.811.10.20.435.766.5
1–2 MarJNN [2] 1,02725.65.610.
22–23 FebSankei/FNN [3] [4] 1,02826.
22–23 FebANN [5] 1,03433.
21–23 FebNikkei/TV Tokyo [6] 84730111364620102159
15–16 FebSenkyo.com/JX [7] 1,00427.515. [d] 31.84.3
15–16 FebAsahi [8] 1,111257102342110036911
15–16 FebKyodo News [9] 1,06330.610.410. [e] 18.55.312.1
15–16 FebMainichi/SSRC [10] 2,043181014535200039421
14–16 FebYomiuri/NNN [11] [12] 1,03326883342000139413
7–9 FebNHK [13] 1,21231. [f]
6–9 FebJiji Press [14] 1,12617.
1–2 FebJNN [15] 1,01024.
25–26 JanANN [16] 1,03035.310.
25–26 JanKyodo News [17] 1,06429.610.714. [g] 19.33.810.3
24–26 JanNikkei/TV Tokyo [18] [19] 946331014634211020613
18–19 JanAsahi [20] 1,10323712343310037714
18–19 JanSankei/FNN [21] [22] 1,00529.410.
18–19 JanMainichi/SSRC [23] 2,04220111552421203818
17–19 JanYomiuri/NNN [24] [25] 1,0152851334421103446
11–13 JanNHK [26] 1,21130. [h]
10–13 JanJiji Press [27] 1,18017.
11–12 JanSenkyo.com/JX [28] 99626.8175. [i] 292.2
4–5 JanJNN [29] 1,01826.28.2112.


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size LDP CDP DPFP Ishin Komei Reiwa JCP DIY CPJ SDP OthersNo partyUnd./
no ans.
20–22 DecNikkei/TV Tokyo [30] [31] 7743291453331112438
14–15 DecSenkyo.com/JX [32] 99626.817. [j] 31.95.1
14–15 DecAsahi [33] 1,049249114322110135711
14–15 DecSankei/FNN [34] [35] 1,02028.1911.
14–15 DecMainichi/SSRC [36] 2,045201113524212038218
14–15 DecKyodo News [37] 1,05629.111.312.652.352. [k]
13–15 DecYomiuri/NNN [38] [39] 1,01824812453200036412
6–9 DecJiji Press [40] 1,15219.
6–9 DecNHK [41] 1,22428.
7–8 DecANN [42] 1,01735.213.910.
30 Nov1 DecJNN [43] 1,00328.28.58.843.
1 Dec Hirofumi Yoshimura and Seiji Maehara succeed Nobuyuki Baba as leaders of Ishin. [44]
23–24 NovMainichi/SSRC [45] 1,91921121353421213817
16–17 NovKyodo News [46] 1,02130.515. [l]
16–17 NovSenkyo.com/JX [47] 1,00326.916.
15–17 NovNHK [48] 1,21330.
15–17 NovNikkei/TV Tokyo [49] [50] 800301611544521119211
11–12 NovYomiuri/NNN [51] [52] 1,0543011103342110304Tie
11 NovThe Second Ishiba Cabinet is formed.
8–11 NovJiji Press [53] 1,190207.
9–10 NovANN [54] 1,02536.615.
9 Nov Tetsuo Saito succeeds Keiichi Ishii as President of Komeito. [55]
2–3 NovAsahi [56] 980261310233211029103
2–3 NovSankei/FNN [57] [58] 1,01225.813.710.
1–2 NovJNN [59] 1,02024.612.
28–29 OctYomiuri/NNN [60] [61] 1,0682514754432113136
28–29 OctKyodo News [62] 1,06331.820.
27 Oct Election results 53.84% [m] 26.721.211.39.410.976.

Voting intention (party vote)

Voter Intention for the next Japanese General Election.svg


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size LDP CDP DPFP Ishin Komei Reiwa JCP DIY CPJ SDP OthersNone/Und.No ans.Lead
22–23 FebANN [5] 1,03423.610. [n] 10.8
21–23 FebNikkei/TV Tokyo [6] 84729131474831101 [o] 10915
15–16 FebSenkyo.com/JX [7] 1,00425.720. [p] 14.54.9
15–16 FebAsahi [8] 1,11126111655942211188
15–16 FebKyodo News [9] 1,06324.911.311. [q] 28.73.8
15–16 FebMainichi/SSRC [10] 2,043161115535202038322
6–9 FebJiji Press [63] 1,126229.710.
25–26 JanKyodo News [17] 1,0642612.914. [r] 251
24–26 JanNikkei/TV Tokyo [18] [19] 946321315835322111817
18–19 JanAsahi [20] 1,10325151586631122169
18–19 JanMainichi/SSRC [23] 2,042171416624212013518
11–12 JanSenkyo.com/JX [28] 9962721.28.884. [s] 12.95.8


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size LDP CDP DPFP Ishin Komei Reiwa JCP DIY CPJ SDP OthersNone/Und.No ans.Lead
14–15 DecSenkyo.com/JX [32] 99623.822.710. [t] 15.21.1
16–17 NovSenkyo.com/JX [47] 1,00326.321. [u] 12.55.3
27 Oct Election results 53.84% [m] 26.721.211.39.410.976.

Preferred coalition


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample sizeLDP–Komei–led coalitionCDP–led coalition [v] OtherUnd./
no ans.
18–19 JanAsahi [20] 1,103345115
17–19 JanYomiuri/NNN [24] [25] 1,015414019


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample sizeLDP–Komei–led coalitionCDP–led coalition [w] OtherUnd./
no ans.
13–15 DecYomiuri/NNN [38] [39] 1,018414118
15–17 NovNikkei/TV Tokyo [49] [50] 80042 [x] 13 [y] 31 [z] 14
11–12 NovYomiuri/NNN [51] [52] 1,054443719
8–11 NovJiji Press [53] 1,19040.732.726.6
9–10 NovANN [54] 1,025503417
2–3 NovAsahi [56] 980433225
2–3 NovSankei/FNN [57] [58] 1,01260.7 [aa] 31.18.2
1–2 NovJNN [59] 1,020444115
28–29 OctYomiuri/NNN [60] [61] 1,068434017
28–29 OctKyodo News [62] 1,06337.4 [ab] 24.631.6 [ac] 6.4

Preferred prime minister


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size Ishiba
9–10 NovANN [54] 1,0253715911512013
2–3 NovSankei/FNN [57] [58] 1,01246.117.410.22.723.6
1–2 NovJNN [59] 1,020503515

Cabinet approval/disapproval ratings

Cabinet Approval for the Ishiba Cabinet.svg


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size Prime Minister ApproveDisapproveUnd. / no answerLead
7–9 MarNHK [1] 1,225 Shigeru Ishiba 36.244.8198.6
1–2 MarJNN [2] 1,02738.457.73.919.3
22–23 FebSankei/FNN [3] [4] 1,02844.350.15.65.8
22–23 FebANN [5] 1,03437.541.121.33.6
21–23 FebNikkei/TV Tokyo [6] 8474052812
15–16 FebSenkyo.com/JX [7] 1,00440.6 [ad] 31.1 [ae] 28.49.5
15–16 FebAsahi [8] 1,1114044164
15–16 FebKyodo News [9] 1,06339.641.818.62.2
15–16 FebMainichi/SSRC [10] 2,04330541624
14–16 FebYomiuri/NNN [11] [12] 1,0333943184
7–9 FebNHK [13] 1,21243.834.621.69.2
6–9 FebJiji Press [14] 1,12628.540.131.48.6
1–2 FebJNN [15] 1,01037.
21–27 Jan Morning Consult N/A24.65421.429.4
25–26 JanANN [16] 1,03036.241.322.55.1
25–26 JanKyodo News [17] 1,06435.749.215.113.5
24–26 JanNikkei/TV Tokyo [18] [19] 946435077
18–19 JanAsahi [20] 1,10333511618
18–19 JanSankei/FNN [21] [22] 1,00543.548.77.85.2
18–19 JanMainichi/SSRC [23] 2,04228531925
17–19 JanYomiuri/NNN [24] [25] 1,0154046146
11–13 JanNHK [26] 1,21138.739.821.51.1
10–13 JanJiji Press [27] 1,18028.240.331.58.8
11–12 JanSenkyo.com/JX [28] 99636 [af] 33.9 [ag] 30.12.1
2–8 Jan Morning Consult N/A24.55421.529.5
4–5 JanJNN [29] 1,01841.455.23.413.8


Fieldwork datePolling firmSample size Prime Minister ApproveDisapproveUnd. / no answerLead
20–22 DecNikkei/TV Tokyo [30] [31] 774 Shigeru Ishiba 4151810
14–15 DecSenkyo.com/JX [32] 99634.4 [ah] 35.9 [ai] 29.71.5
14–15 DecAsahi [33] 1,0493643217
14–15 DecSankei/FNN [34] [35] 1,02045.947.76.41.8
14–15 DecMainichi/SSRC [36] 2,04530531723
14–15 DecKyodo News [37] 1,05636.543.120.46.6
13–15 DecYomiuri/NNN [38] [39] 1,0183948139
6–9 DecJiji Press [40] 1,15226.841.331.99.4
6–9 DecNHK [41] 1,22437.738.3240.6
7–8 DecANN [42] 1,01738.539.821.61.3
26 Nov2 Dec Morning Consult N/A24.453.522.129.1
30 Nov1 DecJNN [43] 1,00342.152.45.510.3
23–24 NovMainichi/SSRC [45] 1,91931502019
16–17 NovKyodo News [46] 1,0214038.821.21.2
16–17 NovSenkyo.com/JX [47] 1,00339.7 [aj] 29.9 [ak] 30.59.8
15–17 NovNHK [48] 1,21340.83722.23.8
15–17 NovNikkei/TV Tokyo [49] [50] 80046468Tie
11–12 NovYomiuri/NNN [51] [52] 1,0544342151
11 NovThe Second Ishiba Cabinet is formed.
8–11 NovJiji Press [53] 1,190 Shigeru Ishiba 28.738.3335.3
9–10 NovANN [54] 1,02538.337.324.41
29 Oct4 Nov Morning Consult N/A2353.423.629.8
2–3 NovAsahi [56] 98034471913
2–3 NovSankei/FNN [57] [58] 1,01243.849.86.46
1–2 NovJNN [59] 1,02038.957.33.818.4
28–29 OctYomiuri/NNN [60] [61] 1,06834511517
28–29 OctKyodo News [62] 1,06332.152.215.720.1

See also


  1. Database from Chunichi Shimbun.
  2. Online (smartphone based)
  3. Not included in this article.
  4. The Collaborative Party: 0.2%
  5. The Collaborative Party: 0.4%
  6. The Collaborative Party: 0.2%
  7. The Collaborative Party: 0.3%; Others: 0.5%
  8. The Collaborative Party: 0.1%; Others: 0.2%
  9. The Collaborative Party: 0.1%
  10. The Collaborative Party: 0.2%
  11. The Collaborative Party: 0.4%; Others: 0.8%
  12. The Collaborative Party: 0.2%; Others: 0.4%
  13. 1 2 Election turnout.
  14. Undecided/no answer: 31%; None: 3.4%
  15. The Collaborative Party: 1%
  16. The Collaborative Party: 0.4%; Others: 1.9%
  17. The Collaborative Party: 0.5%; Others: 0.2%
  18. The Collaborative Party: 0.1%; Others: 0.3%
  19. The Collaborative Party: 0.2%; Others: 1.8%
  20. The Collaborative Party: 0.3%; Others: 1.0%
  21. The Collaborative Party: 0.7%; Others: 1.4%
  22. Some polls refer it as "Opposition–led coalition".
  23. Some polls refer it as "Opposition–led coalition".
  24. "Opposition parties cooperating with the LDP–Komeito government on each policy basis": 42%
  25. "A coalition government between the opposition parties": 13%
  26. "A coalition government between the LDP–Komeito and opposition parties": 30%; Others: 1%
  27. LDP–Komei coalition: 30.5%; LDP–Komei with other parties: 30.2%
  28. LDP–Komei coalition: 18.1%; LDP–Komei–Ishin coalition: 19.3%
  29. "A new framework through political realignment": 31.5%; Others: 0.1%
  30. Strongly approve: 9.7%; Approve on balance: 30.9%
  31. Disapprove on balance: 11.5%; Completely disapprove: 19.6%
  32. Strongly approve: 10.5%; Approve on balance: 25.5%
  33. Disapprove on balance: 15.4%; Completely disapprove: 18.5%
  34. Strongly approve: 10%; Approve on balance: 24.4%
  35. Disapprove on balance: 15.9%; Completely disapprove: 20.0%
  36. Strongly approve: 10%; Approve on balance: 29.7%
  37. Disapprove on balance: 13.3%; Completely disapprove: 16.6%


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