List of aviation, avionics, aerospace and aeronautical abbreviations

Last updated

Below are abbreviations used in aviation, avionics, aerospace, and aeronautics.



A/AAir to air TACAN function
A/C Aircraft [1]
AC Altocumulus Cloud type
ACC Altocumulus castellanus Cloud type
ACCArea Control Centre
A/D Aerodrome
ACTAlternative Configuration Tool
A/F Autofeather
A/FD Airport/Facility Directory
A/P Autopilot
AAEAbove aerodrome elevation [1] In aviation, above aerodrome level (AAL), or above aerodrome elevation (AAE), denotes that an altitude is given above the nearest aerodrome or airport.
AAIB Air Accidents Investigation Branch United Kingdom
AAIMAircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
AAOAssumed adverse obstacle
AASAirport advisory service [1]
AC Advisory circular [2] Information and guidance publication
ACAMAircraft continuous airworthiness monitoring
ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system
ACCArea control centre [1]
ACC Active clearance control Turbine engine system
ACCAccessoryIn gas turbine engine
ACEActuator control electronics
ACFT Aircraft [3]
ACI Airports Council International
ACLS Automatic carrier landing system Aircraft carrier operations
ACM Air cycle machine Part of A/C air conditioning system
ACMSAircraft condition monitoring system
ACPAudio Control Panel
ACRAvionic Communication Router
ACS1Airman Certification Standards [4] FAA pilot testing
ACS2Audio control system
ACU1Air condition unit
ACU2Alternator control unit [2] Protection from alternator over-voltage.
AD Airworthiness Directive
ADAAdvisory area
ADAHRSAir data attitude heading reference system
ADC Air data computer
ADDAcceptable deferred defect
ADF Automatic direction finder Navigation equipment
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
ADIRSAir Data Inertial Reference System
ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit
ADIZ Air defense identification zone
ADJAdjustmentMechanical term
ADM1Aeronautical decision-making [5] Piloting term of judgment
ADM2 Air data module
ADN Aircraft Data Network Ethernet derivative for Commercial Aircraft
ADS1Air data system
ADS2 Automatic dependent surveillance
ADS-AAutomatic dependent surveillance – address
ADS-B Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast
ADS-CAutomatic dependent surveillance – contract
ADVArbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen"German Airports Association"
AEA Association of European Airlines
AESA Active electronically scanned array
AFCS automatic flight control system
AFDAutopilot flight director
AFDCAutopilot flight director computer
AFDSAutopilot flight director system
AFDX Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet
AFEAbove field elevation
AFISAirborne flight information systemAlso called automatic flight information service
AFM Aircraft flight manual
AFS Aeronautical fixed service
AFT Aft The direction against the aircraft movement
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGACSAutomatic ground–air communications systemAlso known as ATCSS or data link
AGB Accessory gear box Mainly used in turbine engine
AGC Automatic gain control
AGDLAir–ground data link
AGL Above ground level
AHCAttitude heading control
AHRS Attitude and heading reference system
AIDS Aircraft integrated data system
AIM Aeronautical Information Manual
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AIRACAeronautical information regulation and control
AIRMETAir-mission's Meteorological Advisory [6] In-flight advisory given over 126.7
AISAeronautical Information ServicesA place mostly for presenting Flight Plans and filing reports
AIXMAeronautical information exchange model
ALCAutomatic level control
ALIAirworthiness Limitation Item
ALNAAirline network architecture
ALS Approach lighting system
ALT2 Altimeter
ALT3 Altitude
ALT holdAltitude hold mode
ALTSAltitude select
AMCAcceptable Means of Compliance (EASA)
AME Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
AME Aviation Medical Examiner
AMLCD Active-matrix liquid-crystal display
AMMAircraft Maintenance Manual
AMOApproved Maintenance Organization
AMSAir management system
AMSL Above mean sea level
AMPAircraft maintenance program
AMT Aircraft Maintenance Technician
ANCActive noise cancellation
ANDAircraft Nose Down
ANN Annunciator panel Caution warning system normally containing visual and audio alerts to the pilot
ANPTAeronautical national pipe taper
ANRActive noise reduction
ANSP1 Air navigation service provider
ANSP2Authorization of Aircraft Network Security Program (FAA)
ANT Antenna (radio)
ANSOGAirport Network Security Operator Guidance (Boeing)
A/OAir oilIn turbine engines
AOA Angle of attack
AOC1 Air operator's certificate
AOC2 Aeronautical operational control
AOG Aircraft on ground
AOM1Aircraft operations manual
AOM2Airport/aerodrome operating minima
AOPAirport operating plan
AP Autopilot
A/P Airplane (US), Aeroplane (ICAO)
APARSAutomatic pressure altitude reporting system
APCAuto pilot computer
APIRSAttitude and positioning inertial reference system
APOAAirport of arrival
APODAirport of departure
APMAircraft personality module
APPApproach ControlATC
APSAuto pilot system
APT Airport
APU Auxiliary power unit
APVApproach procedure with vertical guidanceInstrumental approach
AQPAdvanced Qualification ProgramFAA training and testing
ARAirworthiness review
ARAuthorization required
ARAs required
ARCAirworthiness review certificate
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc.
AROAirport reservation office
ARPAerodrome reference point
ARTCCAir route traffic control centers
ASASAirborne Separation Assurance System
ASDAircraft situation display
ASDA Accelerate Stop Distance Available
ASDE-X Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X
ASDLAeronautical satellite data link
ASI Airspeed indicator
ASL Above sea level [1]
ASLOAircraft Security Logging Overview
ASM Airspace management
ASMAvailable seat miles
A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
ASOSAutomated Surface Observation System
assy Assembly
ASR Airport surveillance radar
ASUAvionics switching unit
A/T Autothrottle Also 'AT'
ATA Air Transport Association
ATAG Air Transport Action Group A coalition of aviation industry experts focusing on sustainable development issues.
ATC Air traffic control
ATCCAir traffic control centre
ATCOAir traffic controller
ATCT Airport traffic control tower
ATCRBS Air traffic control radar beacon system
ATCSSAir traffic control signalling system
ATDActual time of departureEquivalent to off-block time [7]
ATE Advanced Technology Engine
ATFAerodrome traffic frequency
ATFM Air traffic flow management
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATM Air traffic management
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunication Network
ATOApproved Training Organisation
ATPL Airline Transport Pilot Licence
ATQPAlternative Training and Qualification Programme
ATR11Air transportable racking
ATR2Automatic thrust restoration
ATS Air traffic service
ATSAWAirborne traffic situational awareness
ATSUAir traffic services unitAvionics LRU for ACARS
ATTCSAutomatic Take-off Thrust Control System
AUPRTAAirplane Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Aid
Avionics Aviation electronics
AVSA"Adjust vertical speed adjust"TCAS Voice command to adjust traffic separation
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) or Boeing E-3 Sentry
AWBSAviation weather briefing service [6] Available at designated FSS's
AWG American Wire Gage The larger the size number, the smaller the wire diameter.
AWISAviation weather information service [6] Available at FSS
AWOAll weather operations
AWOS Automated weather observation system [6] Automated METAR reporting system
AWWSAviation weather web site [8] In Canada


B RNAVBasic area navigation
BAROBarometric indication, setting or pressure
baro-VNAVBarometric vertical navigation
BC Back course Or 'BCRS'
BCAA Belgian Civil Aviation Authority
BDC bottom dead centre [1] Piston engine
BDIBearing distance indicator
BFL Balanced field length
BFR Biennial flight review
BGANBroadcast Global Area Network
BERBeyond economic repair Hull loss
BHP Brake horsepower [1]
BITE Built-In Test Equipment
BL Butt Line
BMEBridge Mounted Equipment
B/PBlue Print
BPR bypass ratio
BOM bill of material
BTV Brake-to-Vacate SystemA new feature introduced by Airbus A380
BWCbird watch condition
BVIDBarely Visible Impact Damage
BVRBeyond Visual Range


C2 command and control
CA Captain
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CACTCSCabin Air Conditioning and Temperature Control System(Pronounced "Cactus")
CAI Caution Advisory Panel Sometimes spelled "caution-advisory" or "caution/advisory". Also known as annunciator panel or Centralized Warning Panel (CWP)
CAMcockpit area microphonePart of a cockpit voice recorder
CAMEContinuing Airworthiness Management Exposition
CAMOContinuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
CAMPContinuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (FAA)
CAN bus Controller Area Network
CANSO Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
CAPcabin attendant panel
CAR civil aviation regulation
CARscivil aviation regulations [9] [10]
CARSCanadian Aviation Regulations
CAS calibrated airspeed
CASS Commercial Air Service Standards
CASScontinuing analysis and surveillance system
CAT (I–IIIc)Operational performance CategoryCAT I: Operational performance Category 1

CAT I Enhanced: Allows for lower minimums than CAT I in some cases to CAT 2 minimums
CAT II: Operational performance Category II
CAT IIIa: Operational performance Category IIIa
CAT IIIb: Operational performance Category IIIb
CAT IIIc: Operational performance Category IIIc

CAT1clear air turbulence [1]
CAT2Commercial Air Transport
CAVOKCeiling and Visibility OK [11] Visibility is at least 10 kilometres and no clouds below 5000 feet with no forecasted significant weather change such as precipitation.
CAVUCeiling and Visibility Unlimited
CAW continuing airworthiness (EASA)
CB Cumulonimbus cloud
CBTcomputer-based training
CCRsclosed circuit mixed gas rebreathers
CCRsconstant current regulators
CDA Continuous descent approach
CDCCLcritical design configuration control limitation
CDI course deviation indicator
CDUControl Display Unit
CDFAContinuous Descent Final Approach
CDTICockpit display of traffic information
CDL configuration deviation list
CDUcontrol/display unit
CFIT controlled flight into terrain
CFGconstant frequency generator
CFR Code of Federal Regulations In the United States
CG center of gravity
CHCourse Heading
CHDOcertificate-holding district office (FAA)
CHPCourse Heading Panel
CHTCylinder Head Temperature (Piston engine aviation)
CIcost index
CIDCustomer induced damage
C/LCentre line
CL checklist A flight deck manual, usually part of a Quick Reference Handbook
CLRClearSeen on GFA and is used for sky coverage
CMCcentral maintenance computer
CMMcomponent maintenance manual
CMO Certificate Management Office FAA
CMV converted meteorological visibility
CMPAcomplex motor-powered aircraft
CMUCommunications Management Unit
CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance
CNS/ATM Communication, navigation and surveillance / Air traffic management [12]
CofA Certificate of airworthiness
COMM or COMCommunications transceiver, Communications receiver, or Communications radio transmitter Now, normally: either VHF or UHF; HF communications avionics are usually abbreviated simply HF
CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
COTS Commercial off-the-shelf
CPAClosest point of approach
CPDLC controller–pilot data link communications
CPRChanged product rule EASA
CPSCycles per second
CRDComment-response document (EASA)Part of rule making process
CRES Corrosion resistant steel
CRM Crew resource management
CRT Cathode-ray tube
CScertification specification (EASA)
CSD constant speed drive
CSDB Commercial Standard Digital Bus
CSDB Collins Standard Digital Bus
CSNCycles since newNormally measured in FC or EFC for an aircraft, engine or component
CSOcycles since overhaul
CSScabin services system
CSU constant speed unit
CSCTConfiguration Item Signer Crater Tool Boeing
CTAF common traffic advisory frequency
CTR controlled traffic region/control zone
CV/DFDRCockpit voice and digital flight data recorderSee Flight recorder
CVR cockpit voice recorder See Flight recorder
CWS control wheel steering


DCompass Deviation
DA/H decision altitude/height (rel. to THR)See instrument landing system
DA1Decision AltitudePrecision approach or vertical guidance
DA2 density altitude
DA3Drift angle
DAHdesign approval holder (EASA)
DAPsDownlink of aircraft parameters
DBERdamaged beyond economic repair Hull loss
DCDUDatalink control and display unit
DCLDeparture Clearance via CPDLC
DCPDisplay control panel
DDGDispatch deviation guide
DEFDARSDigital Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System
DERdeparture end of runway
DER Designated Engineering Representative
DEUdisplay electronic unit
DFDRDigital Flight Data RecorderSee flight recorder
DFMCDual Frequency Multiple Constellation
DG directional gyro
DGPS differential GPS [1]
DGRDangerous Goods Regulation
DH Decision height Precision approach, referred to threshold elevation
DLRdatalink recorder
DLR German Aerospace Center / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
DME distance measuring equipment
DMEDesignated Mechanic Examiner [2] A person appointed by the FAA
DMIdeferred maintenance item
DNCDirect noise canceling
DOdesign organization
DOA design organization approval EASA
DODARdiagnose, options, decide, act/assign, review
DOMdesign organization manual
DOWdry operational weight
DPDeparture Procedures
DPUDisplay Processor Unit
DR dead reckoning
DRMCDirect Reading Magnetic Compass
DSP Digital signal processing
DTO declared training organisation
DTUData transfer unit
DUATS Direct User Access Terminal Service
DVEDegraded Visual Environment


EAengineering authorisation
EADIElectronic Attitude Direction Indicator
EAS equivalent airspeed [1]
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EATexpected approach time [1]
EBOMengineering Bill of Material
EBUengine build-up
ECengineering control (also E/C)
ECAMelectronic centralised aircraft monitor
ECET end of civil evening twilight
ECREngineering Change Request
ECSEnvironmental control system
ECUEngine Control Unit (=EEC)
EDRengineering data record
EDTO extended diversion time operations
EECelectronic engine control
EETestimated elapsed time
EFB electronic flight bag
EFC1Engine Flight Cycle
EFC2expect further clearance
EFDElectronic flight display
EFFRA engine failure flap retraction altitude
EFIS electronic flight instrument system
EFHEngine Flight Hour
EFP engine failure procedure
EFS elevator feel shift
EFTO engine failure on take-off
EFVSEnhanced flight visual system
EGPWS enhanced ground proximity warning system
EGIEmbedded GPS Inertial
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EGT exhaust gas temperature
EHMengine health monitoring
EHSEnhanced surveillance
EHSIElectronic Horizontal Situation Indicator
EICAS engine-indicating and crew-alerting system
EIS Electronic Instrument System
E-LSAexperimental light-sport aircraft
ELACelevator and aileron computer
ELOSEquivalent Level of Safety
ELT emergency locator transmitter
EMAS engineered materials arresting system
EMDPelectric motor driven pump
ENCElectronic noise canceling
ENCASIA European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities
ENG engine
ENRElectronic noise reduction
EOBT estimated off-blocktime
EPAEuropean part approval (EASA)
EPR engine pressure ratio
EPU Emergency Power Unit
ERAMEn Route Automation Modernization
ERMengineering request for maintenance
ESAemergency safe altitude
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETD estimated time of departure [1]
ETEestimated time en route [1]
ETL effective translational lift
ETOPS Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards
ETSOEuropean Technical Standard Order, issued by EASA; see TSO
EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
EVASEmergency Vision Assurance System
EVSIEnhanced Vision Systems Instrument
EVSEnhanced Vision Systems
EWEmpty Weight


FAA Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Department of Transportation agency
FACFinal approach course
FACFfinal approach course fixPoint at which the final approach descent is begun
FADEC full authority digital engine control Engine equipment
FACFlight Augmentation computerAvionics
FAF final approach fix
FAFfirst available flightAirline operations
FALSfull approach lighting system
FANS Future Air Navigation System Avionics
FAPfinal approach point
FAPforward attendant panelAircraft equipment
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation FAA regulation
FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulation /
Aeronautical Information Manual
Bundle of FAA regulations and Aeronautical Manual [13]
FAROSfinal approach runway occupancy signal
FASfinal approach segment
FATFree air temperature
FATOfinal approach and take off
FB Winds aloft World Meteorological Organization abbrev. see also FD
FBO fixed-base operator Airfield operations
FBS fixed base simulator Flight crew training
FBW fly-by-wire
FCCFlight Control Computer
FC flight crew
FCFfunctional flight checkCheck functionality after maintenance
FCMCFuel Control & Monitoring Computer
FCOM flight crew operating manual Aircraft operations
FCS flight control system
FCTMflight crew training manual
FCU fuel control unit In turbine engines
FD flight director Avionics
FDupper winds and temperature forecast [1] US and Canada abbrev. See also FB
FDAU flight-data acquisition unit
FDM flight data monitoring Operations planning
FDP flight duty period
FDPSflight plan data processing system Flight planning
FDR flight data recorder Avionics. Also known as 'black box'.
FDRS flight data recorder systemAvionics
FDTLflight duty time limitations
FDUflux detector unit
FEPfinal end point
FFfuel flow
FFDZfree fall drop zone (parachutists)
FFSfull flight simulator Flight crew training
FGFlight Guidance
FIC flight information centre
FIDOFog Investigation and Dispersal OperationAirfield operations
FIKIFlight Into Known IcingAircraft operations
FIR flight information region ATC
FISFederal Inspection Services
FIS-BFlight information services – broadcast
FISEflight information service enroute
FL flight level ATC
FLIRForward-looking infra-red
FLTAForward-looking terrain avoidance
FM frequency modulation Example: FM immunity
FMA flight mode annunciator Equipment
FMC flight management computer (part of a FMS)Avionics
FMGCFlight management and guidance computerAvionics. Also FMGS: Flight Management & Guidance System
FMS flight management system Avionics
FO first officer Flight crew
FOBFuel On-Board
FOD foreign object damage Airfield operations
FOO flight operations officer Airline employee
FOQA flight operational quality assurance
FPA flight path angle
FPL filed flight plan ATC
FPMfeet per minute
FQISFuel Quantity Indication System
FREQ Frequency
FS Fuselage station
FSDOFlight Standards District Office (FAA)
FSF Flight Safety Foundation U.S.-based nonprofit organisation
FSIMSFlight Standards Information Management System (FAA)
FSS flight service station
FTD flight training device Flight crew training
FTL flight time limitations
FVU flux valve unit Equipment
FWSFlight warning system
FYDS Flight director / yaw damper system


GA general aviation
G/A or GA go-around Aborted landing procedure
GASTGBAS Approach Service Type
GBASGround based augmentation system
GCASGround collision avoidance system
GBSTground-based, software toolAirfield operations
GCA Ground-controlled approach Airfield operations
GCUgenerator control unit
GDOPGeometric dilution of precision
GEA Ground effect area
GGSGlobal positioning system ground station
GHz Gigahertz
GLOC g-induced loss of consciousness "g" Is acceleration relevant to the acceleration caused by gravity
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System Or GNSS
GLNSGPS Landing and Navigation System
GLNUGPS Landing and Navigation Unit
GLSGBAS Landing System
GLUGPS landing unit
GMguidance material (EASA)
GMMgeneral maintenance manual
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND ground Airfield operations
GPglide pathSee instrument landing system
GPPgeneral practices and procedures
GPS Global Positioning System Avionics
GPU Ground Power Unit Aerospace Ground Equipment
GPWS ground proximity warning system Avionics
G/S glideslope Avionics
GS groundspeed
GSE ground support equipment Aerospace ground equipment
GSPTGross shop processing time
GSPU Glider snatch pick-up
GUMPS Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seat belts/SwitchesMental checklist before landing


HHeavy Wake turbulence category
HAAHeight above airport
HATHeight Above Touchdown
HAZMATHazardous Material
HBCSHigh Bandwidth Connectivity System
HDBHorizontal Deviation Bar (GS)
HDG Heading Navigation
HDG SEL Heading selectNavigation
HDIHorizontal Deviation Indicator
HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision
HF High frequency
HFE Human Factors Engineering [14]
HFES Human Factors and Ergonomics Society U.S.-based nonprofit organisation
"Hg Inch of Mercury Symbol for unit of pressure
HHLDHeading holdNavigation
HIGEhover in ground effectHelicopter operations
HIRL High Intensity Runway lighting Airfield operations
HIROHigh Intensity Runway OperationAirfield operations
HIRTAHigh Intensity Radio Transmission Area
HIWAS Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service
HLHeight loss
HLDholdMaintain same altitude or speed or direction
HMGhydraulic motor generator
HMD Helmet-mounted display
HMU hydro-mechanical unit In turbine engine
HOGEhover out of ground effectHelicopter operations
HOTASHands On Throttle And Stick
HPA human-powered aircraft Aircraft type
HPChigh pressure compressor In turbine engine
HPRHigh Pressure Rotor
HPThigh pressure turbine In turbine engines
HPTACChigh pressure turbine active clearance control Mainly used in turbofan engines
HSDHigh-speed data
HSI horizontal situation indicator Avionics
HSLHeading select
HUD head-up display Avionics
HUMHuman Remains
HUMS Health and usage monitoring systems
HW headwind
HYD hydraulic Aircraft equipment
HYDIM hydraulic interface module
Hz Hertz Symbol for unit of frequency


IAC instrument approach chart
IAF initial approach fix
IAN Integrated Approach Navigation IAN approaches provide the functions, indications and alerting features similar to an ILS approach (B737 FCTM)
IAP instrument approach procedure
IAS indicated airspeed
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICA Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICAS International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences
ICD interface control document
ICOidle cut-off
ICTSice-contaminated tailplane stall
IDidentify/identification or identifier
IDG integrated drive generator Combination of a CSD and generator in a single case
IDSinformation display systemOr: integrated display system
IEPR integrated engine pressure ratio
IETM interactive electronic technical manual
IFintermediate approach fixInstrumental approach
IFA International Federation of Airworthiness
IFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations
IFE in-flight entertainment
IFF identification friend or foe
IFICSintegrated flight instrument and control systemBritish Aircraft Corporation, now British Aerospace
IFLDIn-flight Landing Distance Airbus term
IFPinstrument flight procedure
IFR instrument flight rules
IFSD in-flight shutdown
IGVinlet guide vane
ILS instrument landing system
IMC instrument meteorological conditions
IMLinside mold line
InHg inch of mercury
INS inertial navigation system
IPCillustrated parts catalog (e.g. by Boeing, Airbus)
IRinitial release
IRS inertial reference system
IRT instrument rating test
IRU inertial reference unit
IRVR instrumented runway visual range
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISFD integrated standby flight display
ISIS integrated standby instrument system
ISPintegrated switching panel
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITT interstage turbine temperature
IVSI instantaneous vertical speed indicator


JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAR Joint Aviation Requirements
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System


KCAS knots calibrated airspeed
KIASknots indicated airspeed
KREkey risk element
KTASknots true airspeed


LLight Wake turbulence category
LAAS Local Area Augmentation System
LADGPSLocal Area Differential GPS
LAHSOLand And Hold Short Operations
LAMElicensed aircraft maintenance engineer
LATlarge air tankerA class of waterbomber
LCC low-cost carrier
LCD liquid crystal display
LCGload classification group
LCNload classification number
LDAlanding distance available
LDA localizer type directional aid
LDGPSlocal area differential global positioning satellite
LDRlanding distance required
LED light-emitting diode
LHOlive human organs
LHSleft hand seatJargon for captain
LIFRLow Instrument Flight Rulesceiling < 500 ft and/or visibility < 1 sm
LIRLoading Instruction Report
LKPlast known position
LLCLife Limited Component
LLPLife Limited Part EASA, ICAO
LLZ localizer ILS approach
LMland and marine
LMMLocator middle marker
LNAVlateral navigation
LOAletter of authorization FAA
LOC localizer
LOC loss of control
LOCI loss of control inflight
LOFT line-oriented flight training
LOMlimitation of movement
LOM locator outer marker
LOPA Location of Passenger Accommodations
LORAN Long-range navigation
LOTCloss of thrust control
LPClow pressure compressorIn turbine engines
LPRLow Pressure Rotor
LPTlow pressure turbine
LPTACClow pressure turbine active clearance control Mainly used in turbofan engines
LPV localizer performance with vertical guidance
LRClong range cruise
LRDload reduction device
LRU line-replaceable unit
LSAPloadable software aircraft part (EASA)Introduced in RMP for technical records
LSASlongitudinal stability augmentation system
LTCline training captain
LTELoss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness Helicopters
LTPlanding threshold point
LVPlow visibility proceduresDesignated state of operations at aerodromes where instrument approaches and low-visibility takeoff procedures are used during inclement weather
LWlanding weight
LX Lightning
LZlanding zone


Mmedium Wake turbulence category
MAC mean aerodynamic chord
MAC mid-air collision
MAHFMissed Approach Holding FixUsed in RNAV
MANABManual of Word Abbreviations [15] Used in Canada
MAP manifold absolute pressure
MAP missed approach pointOr: MAPt. Instrument approach.
MAPSMinimum Aviation Performance Standards
MATS Manual of Air Traffic Services
MB Marker beacon
MBCMain Base Check
MCAS Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System Held responsible for Boeing 737 MAX groundings
MCBFMean cycles between failures
MCC Multi-crew cooperation
MCDUmultifunction control display unit
MCHManufacturer Certificate Holder TCCA; see also PAH and POA
MCP mode control panel
MCTmaximum continuous thrust
MCDUmulti control display unit
MDA minimum descent altitude Or: minimum decision altitude. Non-precision approach.
MDDRmaintenance deferred defect record
MDHminimum descent heightOr: minimum decision height. Non-precision approach.
MDMmulti-disciplinary measure EASA
MEManufacturing Engineer
MEAMinimum En-route Altitude
MEDEVACmedical evacuation
MEFmaximum elevation figure
MMEL master minimum equipment list
MEL minimum equipment list
MEPmulti-engine piston
METAR meteorological aerodrome report
MF Medium frequency
MFD multi-function display
MFDSmulti-function display system
MFRAminimum flap retraction altitude
MHmagnetic heading
MIC Microphone
MIDSMultifunctional information distribution system
MIJI Meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference [16]
MILSPEC Military specification
MKPMulti-function Keypad
MKR Marker beacon
MLmaintenance laptop
MLDW maximum landing weight
MLGMain Landing Gear
MLS microwave landing system
MM middle marker
MMD Moving map display
MNPS Minimum navigation performance specifications
MOA Military operations area
MOCA Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude
Mode A Transponder pulse-code reporting
Mode BTransponder code and altitude reporting
Mode CTransponder code, altitude, and TCAS reporting
MOEmaintenance organisation exposition
MOPSMinimum Operational Performance Standard
MORAMinimum Off Route Altitude
MOSArtModular Open System Architecture
MP manifold pressure
MPL multi-crew pilot license
MPUMultifunction Processor Unit
MRBMaterial Review Board
MRO maintenance, repair, overhaul
MROmaintenance and repair organization
MROTMinimum Runway Occupancy Time
MRPMaterial Resources Planning
MRW maximum ramp weight
MSA minimum safe altitude  /minimum sector altitude
MSDMinimum Stabilization Distance
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet
MSG Message
MSL mean sea level
MSLWMax. Structural Landing Weight
MSPModes S-Specific Protocol
MSSSMode S-Specific Services
MSTOWMax. Structural Take-off Weight
MSZFWMax. Structural Zero Fuel Weight
MTBF Mean time between failures
MTBSVMean time between shop visit
MTBURMean time between unscheduled removals
MTOW maximum take-off weight
MTTFMean time to failure
MVAMinimum Vectoring Altitude
MVFRMarginal visual flight rulesceiling 1000-3000′ and/or visibility 3-5 miles
MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight


NADP noise abatement departure procedure
NAS National Airspace System United States
NAVNavigation receiverNormally VHF navigation receiver for VOR
Navaid Navigational aid Or: aid to navigation (ATON)
NAVCOMMCombination navigation and communications equipmentOr: NAV/COM or NAV-COM. normally VHF navigation receiver integrated with VHF communications transceiver
NAVSTAR-GPSNavigation Satellite Timing And RangingThe space-borne or satellite navigation system
NCAT National Center for Aviation Training US educational facility
NCATTNational Center for Aircraft Technician TrainingUS educational facility
NDNavigation display
NDB non-directional beacon
NDT non-destructive testing
NFF No fault found Or: no trouble found (NTF) or no defect found (NDF)
NGSnitrogen generation system
NHAnext higher assembly
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NLGnose landing gear
NLR Netherlands Aerospace Research Centre
NM Nautical mile Or: NMI
NNCnon-normal checklist
NNMnon-normal maneuver (Boeing QRH - 737 Flight Crew Operations Manual)
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command US-Canadian military security agency
NORDO no radio
NOTAM Notice to air missions / Notice to Airmen [17]
NOTAR no tail rotor [2] Helicopter control system
NOZNormal Operating ZoneParallel runways operation
NPA non-precision approach Instrumental approach
NPAnotice of proposed amendment EASA
NPRMnotice of proposed rulemaking FAA
NRRnoise reduction ratinghearing protector attenuation
NRTCnonroutine task card
NVD Night-vision device Or: Night-vision goggles (NVG)
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board U.S. governmental agency
NTZ no-transgression zone Parallel runways operation

N numbers (turbines)

N#compressor speed [1] N1, N2, etc. refers to the specific compressor spool (in the order that air passes over them). (See: Jet engine)
Nggas generator speed [1]
Nhhigh rotor speed [1]
Nppower turbine speed [1]
Nrrotor speed (helicopters)Np and Nr are typically shown on the same gauge with two needles, both expressed in percent, so that the pilot can tell if the power turbine is driving the rotor or if it is freewheeling.


OASObstacle Assessment Surface
OAT outside air temperature
OBEovercome by events
OBIOmnibearing indicatorSee CDI
OBSomni-bearing selector
OCAobstacle clearance altitude
OCC Operations control center
OCCMon condition / condition monitored components
OCHobstacle clearance height
OEIone engine inoperative
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OFZObstacle Free Zone
OGVoutlet guide vane
OHMoverhaul manual
OISobstacle identification surfaceInstrumental procedures
OISOperational Information System
OLDOperational Landing Distance Boeing term
OMouter marker
OMLouter mold line
ONSonboard network system
ONATOnboard Network Access Terminal
O/ROn Request
OTSout of service
OPCoperational check
OPS/CHKoperational check
OWoperational weight
OWE/OEWOperating Weight Empty/Operating empty weight


P(as a prefix:) prohibited airspace
PA pressure altitude
PAPublic address system
PAEWPersonnel and equipment working
PAHproduction approval holder FAA; see also POA and MCH
PALPilot Activated Lighting
PANS-OPS procedures for air navigation services – aircraft operations
PAOG Pre Aircraft on Ground
PAPI precision approach path indicator
PAR precision approach radar
PATWASPilot's Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service [6]
PAX passenger
PBCSperformance-based communication and surveillance
PBDplace bearing distanceRNAV waypoint
PBEProtective Breathing Equipment
PBN Performance-Based Navigation
PC proficiency check
PCLPilot Controlled Lighting
P-CodeGPS precision code
PCN pavement classification number
PDProfile descent
PDA performance degradation allowance
PDASpublic domain aeronautical software
PDCPre-Departure Clearance
PDGprocedure design gradient
PDM pilot decision making
PDOPPosition dilution of precision
PDUpower drive unitFlap actuation
PETpoint of equal time
PESA Passive electronically scanned array
PFpilot flying
PFAFprecision final approach fix
PFDprimary flight displayOr: primary flight director
PICPilot In Command
PICUSPilot In Command, under supervision [18]
PIOPilot Induced Oscillations
PIPperformance improvement package
PIREP Pilot Report
PJAParachute Jumping Area
PJEParachute jumping exercise
PMpilot monitoring
PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval
PMI Principal Maintenance Inspector
PMCpower management computerTurbine engines
PMG permanent magnet generator
PN part number Also P/N
PNDprimary navigation display
PNFpilot not flying
PNRpassive noise reduction
PNRPoint of No Return
POAProduction Organisation Approval EASA; see also PAH and MHC
POBpersons on board
POFPhase of flight
POF Principles Of Flight
PO Pilot's Operating Handbook Sometimes referred to as a POH
POS Position
PPL private pilot licence
PPRprior permission required
PRAPre-recorded announcement
PSpassenger step
PSAAProduct support and assurance agreement
PSEUProximity Switch Electronic Unit / B737
PSRpoint of safe return
PSRpower supply reset
PSRprimary surveillance radar
PSU passenger service unit
PTCU power transfer Control unit
PTFpermit to fly
PTOL point take-off and landing
PTRPilot Training Record
PTT push to talk


QAR quick access recorder
QCMquality and compliance monitoring
QECquick engine change
QFEthe Q-code for: Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold)
QNE the Q-code for pressure altitude
QNH the Q-code for: Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground, i.e. altitude above MSL
QRA quick reaction alert
QRH quick reference handbook
QTOL quiet take-off and landing [19]


R(as a prefix:) restricted airspace
RAradio altitude or radar altimeter
RAresolution advisoryIn the context of TCAS
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
RAASremote airport advisory service
Rad AltRadio Altitude
Radar RAdio Detection And Ranging
RAIRadio altimeter indicator
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Or: remote autonomous integrity monitoring
RALT Radar or radio altimeter
RAREPSWeather Radar Reports [6] Provided by Air Traffic Controllers
RASrectified air speed
RA(T)restricted area (temporary)
RAT ram air turbine
RCOremote communications outlet
RCRReverse current relay
RCVR Radio receiver
RDHreference datum heightFor instrument landing system (ILS)
RDMIRadio distance magnetic indicator
RDPRadar data processing system
RDR Radar
REF Reference
REIL Runway end identifier lights
REORepair engineering order
RESA runway end safety area
RF Radio frequency
RFFrescue and fire fighting
RFI Radio frequency interference
RFIrecreational flight instructor
RGBreduction gear box
RHSright hand seatJargon for first officer
RHSMreduced horizontal separation minimal
RIAregulatory impact assessment (EASA)
RIIrequired inspection items
RLG Ring laser gyroscope
RLTCRemaining Life Time CycleCounter to the limiter especially for LLPs in engines
RLY Relay
RMIradio magnetic indicator
RMPRadio Management Panel
RMTrule making task (EASA)
RNAV area navigation
RNG Range (aeronautics)
RNP required navigation performance
RoC Rate of climb
RoD Rate of descent Or: sink rate
RPARemotely Piloted AircraftOr: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
RPASRemotely Piloted Aircraft System
RPL Recreational Pilot Licence
RPL repetitive flight planning
RPM Revolutions per minute
RPTregular public transport
RSA runway safety area
RSPReversion switch panel
RSRen-route surveillance radar
RT radiotelephony
RTBreturn to base
RTE Route
RTF radiotelephony
RTLrudder travel limiting
RTO Rejected takeoff
RTOLReduced take-off and landing
RTOWregulatory take-off weight
RVDTrotary variable differential transformerIn a turbine engine
RVR runway visual range
RVSM reduced vertical separation minima
RW ramp weight
RWY runway
RX Radio receiver


SAF Sustainable aviation fuel
SAIL Specific assurance and integrity level
SAR Search and rescue
SARSmart ACMS Recorder
SARSurveillance Approach Radar
SAS stability augmentation system
SATStatic Air TemperatureOr: Outside air temperature (OAT)
SATCOM Satellite communication
SATNAV Satellite navigation
SB service bulletin
SBAASSatellite-Based Augmentation SystemOr: SBAS
SCspecial condition
SCAPStandard Computerized Airplane Performance
SCCMsenior cabin crew member
SD Secure digital
SDF Simplified directional facility
SDU Satellite data unit
SELCAL Selective calling
SEPSafety and Emergency Procedures
SEPsingle-engine piston
SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research
SESMASpecial Event Search and Master Analysis
SFStratus FractusCloud type
SFCCSlat Flap Control Computer
SFOSenior First Officer
SFPShort Field PerformanceB737 Enhancement program for landing in short runways
SFOC Special Flight Operating Certificate
SID standard instrument departure
SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information
SIUSatellite interface unit
SLPCsingle lever power control
SMservice manual
SMMsafety management document ICAO
SMOH Since major overhaul
SMR surface movement radar
SMS Short Messaging Service
SMTsoftware maintenance tool
SN serial number
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SOCstart of climb at missed approach
SODPRO simultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operations
SOF special operations forces Military unit
SOGspeed over groundSame as ground speed
SOG Special Operations Group
SOP standard operating procedure
SOW Statement of Work
SPKR Speaker
SPS Stall Protection System
SQ Squelch Or: SQL
SR sunrise
SRMstructural repair manual
SRS Speed Reference System
SS sunset
SSCV/DRSolid-state cockpit voice/data recorderSee flight recorder
SSCVRSolid-state cockpit voice recorderSee flight recorder
SSFDRSolid-state flight data recorderSee flight recorder
SSR Secondary surveillance radar
STAR standard terminal arrival route
STARS Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System
STC supplemental type certificate
STCAShort-Term Conflict Alert
STOL short take-off and landing [1]
STP Standard temperature and pressure
STSspeed trim system
SUASpecial use airspace
SVFRSpecial visual flight rules
SVGSSynthetic vision guidance system


TAtraffic advisorySee TCAS
TAAterminal arrival altitude
TAAterminal arrival area
TACthrust asymmetry compensation
TACAN tactical air navigation (system)
Tach Tachometer
TADTerrain awareness display
TAF terminal aerodrome forecast Or: Terminal area forecast.
TAI thermal anti-ice
TALPATakeoff and Landing Performance Assessment Aviation Rules Committee
TAM total airport management
TARterminal approach radar
TAS true airspeed
TAT total air temperature Or: true air temperature
TAWS terrain awareness and warning system
TBOtime between overhaulsOr: time before overhaul
TBVtransient bleed valveIn turbine engines
TCTransport Canada
TC towering cumulus
TCturn coordinator
TCTrue Course
TC type certificate
TCA terminal control area (USA/Canada)Europe: terminal manoeuvring area (TMA)
TCAThrottle control assembly
TCAS traffic collision avoidance system
TCCA Transport Canada's Civil Aviation
TCDS type certificate data sheet
TCFTerrain clearance floor
TCHthreshold crossing height
TCIthrust computer indicator
TCU Telecommunication control unit Or: terminal control unit, or line control unit, used in Air traffic control
TDOPTime dilution of precision
TDR Transponder (In some cases)
TDZtouchdown zone
TERPSterminal instrument proceduresOr: terminal en route procedures
TFC traffic
TFR temporary flight restriction Airspace
TFT Thin-film transistor
TGBtransfer gearbox
TGLtemporary guidance leaflet
TGL(S) touch-and-go landing(s)
TGTTurbine gas temperature
THLDthresholdOr: THR
THTrue HeadingOr: THDG
THRrunway threshold
THStrimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplane
TIS–B Traffic information service – broadcast
TITturbine inlet temperature
TKTrack angle
TKETrack-angle error
TLDtime-limited dispatch
TLAThree-letter acronym
TLAThrust lever angle
TLBtechnical logbook (EASA)
TLS transponder landing system
TMA terminal manoeuvring area (Europe) USA/Canada: terminal control area
TMGtouring motor glider
TMLToolbox Mobile Library (Boeing)
TMZ transponder mandatory zone
TOC Top of climb Or: T/C
TOD top of descent (point)Or: T/D
TODA take-off distance available
TO/GA Takeoff/go-around switch / thrustOr: TOGA
TOPtake-off power
TOR take-off runway
TORA take-off runway available
TOTTurbine outlet temperature
TOWtake-off weight
TOWS take-off warning system
TPturning point at missed approach
TPAtraffic pattern altitude
TR tail rotor Or: T/R. Helicopters.
TRthrust reverser(s)Or: T/R
TRtransformer rectifier
TRtransmitter receiver or transceiver Or: T/R
TRAtemporary reserved area (airspace)
TRACON terminal radar approach control
TRANS transition
TRANS Transmission (telecommunications) Or: transmit
TREtype rating examiner
TRK Track
TRPthrust rating panel
TRPMode S transponder
TSO technical standard order [2] FAA specification of quality standard.
TSLOVHTime since last overhaulNormally measured in FH or EFH
TSNTime since newNormally measured in FH or EFH for an aircraft, engine or component
TTAFtotal time air frame
TTLTuned to Localizer
TTRTCAS II transmitter/receiver
TTSTime to station
TTSNtotal time since new
TTSOtotal time since overhaul
TVETotal vertical error
TWBTranscribed Weather Broadcasts [6] Abbreviated area forecast
TWCtail wind component
TWDLTwo-way data linkOr: terminal weather data link
TWDR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
TWIPTerminal weather information for pilots
TWLUTerminal Wireless LAN Unit
TWR Air traffic control tower
TWRTerminal weather radar
TX Transmit


UACUpper area control
UART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
UAS Unmanned Aircraft System [20]
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle Commonly called 'drones', also 'Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)'
UHF ultra-high frequency
UIRupper information region
ULB underwater locator beacon
UNICOMUniversal Communications, air-ground communication facility
UNLUnlimitedSeen on GFA and is used for visibility
UPRT upset prevention and recovery training
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Universal Time Coordinated Indicates time zones


Vmagnetic variation
V Volts or voltage
V&V video & vision [21]
VASI visual approach slope indicator VASIS = visual approach slope indicator system
VBVvariable bleed valveIn turbine engines
VCRvisual control room
VCSvehicle control service
VDFVHF direction-finding
VDL VHF Data Link
VDPvisual descent pointPoint in a direct approach where a 3º normal visual descent can be started to achieve a safe landing and stabilized approach to the RWY - VDP (in distance) = HAT (height over terrain) / 300 (HAT is the height of the MDA read in the approach chart of the AD)
VDRVHF digital radio
VFO Variable-frequency oscillator
VFR visual flight rules
VG vortex generator
VGA Video Graphics Array
VG/DGVertical gyroscope/directional gyroscope
VGLS Visual Guidance Lighting Systems FAA navigation services
VGMvoice generator moduleSee AWOS
VHF very high frequency
VIDvisible impact damage
VIGVvariable inlet guide vane
VMC visual meteorological conditions
VMCminimum control speed with critical engine out
VNAVvertical navigationOr: V/NAV
VNCVFR navigation chart
VNE Never exceed speed
VNOMaximum structural cruising speed
VNRVHF navigation receiver
VOR VHF omni-directional range
VOR/DMEVOR with Distance measuring equipment
VOR/MBVOR marker beacon
VORTACVOR and TACAN combination
VOXVoice transmissionVoice Operated Transmitter
VPAVertical Path Approach
VPATHVertical path
V/R Voltage regulator
VRP Visual point of reference
VRS vortex ring state Helicopter flight phenomenon
V/SVertical speed
VSCFvariable speed constant frequencyElectricity generation system
VSI vertical speed indicator
VSMVertical separation limit
VSO Stall speed in landing configuration
VSVvariable stator vaneIn a turbine engine
VSWRVoltage–standing wave ratio
VTAVFR terminal area chart [1]
VTOL vertical take-off and landing [1]
V/TRKVertical track
VVI vertical velocity indicator Same as VSI
VXSpeed for best angle of climb
VYSpeed for best rate of climb

V speeds


WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WACWorld Aeronautical Chart
WATweight, altitude, temperatureVariables that affect takeoff performance
W&BWeight & BalanceSometimes referred to as WxB
WCAWind Correction Angle
WD Wind direction Or: WINDR
WDMWiring Diagram Manual
WEFwith effect from
WEPWar Emergency Power
WL Waterline
WMAWXR waveguide adapter
WMIWXR indicator mount
WMSWide-area master station
WMSCWeather message switching center
WMSCRWeather message switching center replacement
WOCLwindow of circadian low
WOFWweight-off-wheelsIndicates aircraft is off ground since lift off
WONWweight-on-wheelsIndicates aircraft is on ground since touch down
WPT Waypoint Or: WYPT
WRTWXR receiver transmitter
WS wind shear
WTC Wake Turbulence Category
Wx weather [1]
WXR Weather radar system


XCcross-country [1]
XCVR Transceiver
XMIT transmit
XMSN transmission
XMTR transmitter
XPDR transponder
X-StartCross-startUsing the air pressure or electrical power from a working engine


Y yaw or yaw angle
Y/D yaw damper Or: YD


Z Zulu Time Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
ZFTzero-fuel time
ZFW zero-fuel weight

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 McDonald, Sandy A.F. From the ground up. Aviation Publishers Co. Ltd. pp. Appendix B.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Jeppesen, Boeing. A&P Technician General Textbook. pp. Glossary.
  3. "Definition of ACFT". Retrieved 2023-05-11.
  4. FAA Airman Certification Standards
  5. "Chapter 2: Aeronautical Decision-Making". Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PDF). Federal Aviation Authority. November 3, 2023.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nielsen, Dane. PILOT PREP. Canuck West Holdings Inc.
  7. "Actual Off-Block Time - EUROCONTROL ATM Lexicon". Retrieved 2019-03-12.
  8. "AWWS – Forecasts and Observations". Retrieved 2017-04-06.
  9. "Airworthiness Directives".
  10. "Current rules". 17 February 2016.
  11. Aviation., Canada. Transport Canada. Canada. Civil (2005). Transport Canada aeronautical information manual : (TC AIM). Transport Canada. OCLC   1083332661.
  12. "CNS/ATM Systems" (PDF). International Civil Aviation Organization .
  13. "FAR/AIM Series". Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
  14. "HFE".
  15. Canada, Environment and Climate Change (2012-05-23). "MANAB: Manual of Word Abbreviations - 4th edition". Retrieved 2022-09-12.
  16. "Chapter 4: Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference Reporting". Communications Techniques: Electronic Counter-Countermeasures. FM 24-33. United States Department of the Army. July 17, 1990.
  17. Federal Aviation Administration, FAA. "What is a NOTAM?".
  18. "Training requirements". Civil Aviation Authority (UK).
  19. Wragg, David W. (1973). A Dictionary of Aviation (first ed.). Osprey. p. 218. ISBN   9780850451634.
  20. US DoD
  21. V&V –
