Isotopes of thallium

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Isotopes of thallium  (81Tl)
Main isotopes [1] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
201Tl synth 3.0421 d ε 201Hg
203Tl29.5% stable
204Tlsynth3.78 y β 204Pb
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Tl)

Thallium (81Tl) has 41 isotopes with atomic masses that range from 176 to 216. 203Tl and 205Tl are the only stable isotopes and 204Tl is the most stable radioisotope with a half-life of 3.78 years. 207Tl, with a half-life of 4.77 minutes, has the longest half-life of naturally occurring Tl radioisotopes. All isotopes of thallium are either radioactive or observationally stable, meaning that they are predicted to be radioactive but no actual decay has been observed.


Thallium-202 (half-life 12.23 days) can be made in a cyclotron [4] while thallium-204 (half-life 3.78 years) is made by the neutron activation of stable thallium in a nuclear reactor. [5]

In the fully ionized state, the isotope 205Tl81+ becomes beta-radioactive, undergoing bound-state β decay to 205Pb81+ with a half-life of 291+33
days, [6] [7] but 203Tl remains stable.

205Tl is the decay product of bismuth-209, an isotope that was once thought to be stable but is now known to undergo alpha decay with an extremely long half-life of 2.01×1019 y. [8] 205Tl is at the end of the neptunium series decay chain.

The neptunium series decay chain, which ends at Tl. Decay Chain(4n+1, Neptunium Series).svg
The neptunium series decay chain, which ends at Tl.

List of isotopes

Nuclide [9]
[n 1]
Z N Isotopic mass (Da) [10]
[n 2] [n 3]
[n 4]

[n 5]

[n 6]
Spin and
[n 7] [n 4]
Natural abundance (mole fraction)
Excitation energy [n 4] Normal proportionRange of variation
176Tl [11] 8195176.00059(21)#2.4+1.6
p (~63%)175Hg(3, 4, 5)
α (~37%)172Au
176mTl~671 keV290+200
p (~50%)175Hg
α (~50%)172mAu
177Tl [12] 8196176.996427(27)18(5) msα (73%)173Au(1/2+)
p (27%)176Hg
177mTl807(18) keV230(40) μsp (51%)176Hg(11/2−)
α (49%)173Au
178Tl [13] 8197177.99490(12)#255(9) msα (62%)174Au(4-,5-)
β+ (38%)178Hg
β+, SF (0.15%)(various)
179Tl [14] 8198178.99109(5)437(9) msα (60%)175Au(1/2+)
β+ (40%)179Hg
179m1Tl825(10)# keV1.41(2) msα175Au(11/2−)
IT (rare)179Tl
β+ (rare)179Hg
179m2Tl904.5(9) keV119(14) nsIT179Tl(9/2−)
180Tl [15] 8199179.98991(13)#1.09(1) sβ+ (93%)180Hg4-#
α (7%)176Au
β+, SF (0.0032%)100Ru, 80Kr [16]
181Tl [17] 81100180.986257(10)2.9(1) sβ+ (91.4%)181Hg1/2+#
α (8.6%)177Au
181mTl834.9(4) keV1.40(3) msIT (99.60%)181Tl(9/2−)
α (0.40%)177Au
182Tl81101181.98567(8)2.0(3) sβ+ (96%)182Hg2−#
α (4%)178Au
182m1Tl100(100)# keV2.9(5) sα178Au(7+)
β+ (rare)182Hg
182m2Tl600(140)# keV10−
183Tl81102182.982193(10)6.9(7) sβ+ (98%)183Hg1/2+#
α (2%)179Au
183m1Tl630(17) keV53.3(3) msIT (99.99%)183Tl9/2−#
α (.01%)179Au
183m2Tl976.8(3) keV1.48(10) μs(13/2+)
184Tl81103183.98187(5)9.7(6) sβ+184Hg2−#
184m1Tl100(100)# keV10# sβ+ (97.9%)184Hg7+#
α (2.1%)180Au
184m2Tl500(140)# keV47.1 msIT (99.911%)(10−)
α (.089%)180Au
185Tl81104184.97879(6)19.5(5) sα181Au1/2+#
185mTl452.8(20) keV1.93(8) sIT (99.99%)185Tl9/2−#
α (.01%)181Au
186Tl81105185.97833(20)40# sβ+186Hg(2−)
α (.006%)182Au
186m1Tl320(180) keV27.5(10) sβ+186Hg(7+)
186m2Tl690(180) keV2.9(2) s(10−)
187Tl81106186.975906(9)~51 sβ+187Hg(1/2+)
α (rare)183Au
187mTl335(3) keV15.60(12) sα183Au(9/2−)
188Tl81107187.97601(4)71(2) sβ+188Hg(2−)
188m1Tl40(30) keV71(1) sβ+188Hg(7+)
188m2Tl310(30) keV41(4) ms(9−)
189Tl81108188.973588(12)2.3(2) minβ+189Hg(1/2+)
189mTl257.6(13) keV1.4(1) minβ+ (96%)189Hg(9/2−)
IT (4%)189Tl
190Tl81109189.97388(5)2.6(3) minβ+190Hg2(−)
190m1Tl130(90)# keV3.7(3) minβ+190Hg7(+#)
190m2Tl290(70)# keV750(40) μs(8−)
190m3Tl410(70)# keV>1 μs9−
191Tl81110190.971786(8)20# minβ+191Hg(1/2+)
191mTl297(7) keV5.22(16) minβ+191Hg9/2(−)
192Tl81111191.97223(3)9.6(4) minβ+192Hg(2−)
192m1Tl160(50) keV10.8(2) minβ+192Hg(7+)
192m2Tl407(54) keV296(5) ns(8−)
193Tl81112192.97067(12)21.6(8) minβ+193Hg1/2(+#)
193mTl369(4) keV2.11(15) minIT (75%)193Tl9/2−
β+ (25%)193Hg
194Tl81113193.97120(15)33.0(5) minβ+194Hg2−
α (10−7%)190Au
194mTl300(200)# keV32.8(2) minβ+194Hg(7+)
195Tl81114194.969774(15)1.16(5) hβ+195Hg1/2+
195mTl482.63(17) keV3.6(4) sIT195Tl9/2−
196Tl81115195.970481(13)1.84(3) hβ+196Hg2−
196mTl394.2(5) keV1.41(2) hβ+ (95.5%)196Hg(7+)
IT (4.5%)196Tl
197Tl81116196.969575(18)2.84(4) hβ+197Hg1/2+
197mTl608.22(8) keV540(10) msIT197Tl9/2−
198Tl81117197.97048(9)5.3(5) hβ+198Hg2−
198m1Tl543.5(4) keV1.87(3) hβ+ (54%)198Hg7+
IT (46%)198Tl
198m2Tl687.2(5) keV150(40) ns(5+)
198m3Tl742.3(4) keV32.1(10) ms(10−)#
199Tl81118198.96988(3)7.42(8) hβ+199Hg1/2+
199mTl749.7(3) keV28.4(2) msIT199Tl9/2−
200Tl81119199.970963(6)26.1(1) hβ+200Hg2−
200m1Tl753.6(2) keV34.3(10) msIT200Tl7+
200m2Tl762.0(2) keV0.33(5) μs5+
201Tl [n 8] 81120200.970819(16)72.912(17) h EC 201Hg1/2+
201mTl919.50(9) keV2.035(7) msIT201Tl(9/2−)
202Tl81121201.972106(16)12.23(2) dβ+202Hg2−
202mTl950.19(10) keV572(7) μs7+
203Tl81122202.9723442(14) Observationally Stable [n 9] 1/2+0.2952(1)0.29494–0.29528
203mTl3400(300) keV7.7(5) μs(25/2+)
204Tl81123203.9738635(13)3.78(2) yβ (97.1%)204Pb2−
EC (2.9%)204Hg
204m1Tl1104.0(4) keV63(2) μs(7)+
204m2Tl2500(500) keV2.6(2) μs(12−)
204m3Tl3500(500) keV1.6(2) μs(20+)
205Tl [n 10] 81124204.9744275(14)Observationally Stable [n 11] [n 12] 1/2+0.7048(1)0.70472–0.70506
205m1Tl3290.63(17) keV2.6(2) μs25/2+
205m2Tl4835.6(15) keV235(10) ns(35/2–)
206TlRadium E81125205.9761103(15)4.200(17) minβ206Pb0−Trace [n 13]
206mTl2643.11(19) keV3.74(3) minIT206Tl(12–)
207TlActinium C81126206.977419(6)4.77(2) minβ207Pb1/2+Trace [n 14]
207mTl1348.1(3) keV1.33(11) sIT (99.9%)207Tl11/2–
β (.1%)207Pb
208TlThorium C"81127207.9820187(21)3.053(4) minβ208Pb5+Trace [n 15]
209Tl81128208.985359(8)2.161(7) minβ209Pb1/2+Trace [n 16]
210TlRadium C″81129209.990074(12)1.30(3) minβ (99.991%)210Pb(5+)#Trace [n 13]
β, n (.009%)209Pb
211Tl81130210.993480(50)80(16) sβ (97.8%)211Pb1/2+
β, n (2.2%)210Pb
212Tl81131211.998340(220)#31(8) sβ (98.2%)212Pb(5+)
β, n (1.8%)211Pb
213Tl81132213.001915(29)24(4) sβ (92.4%)213Pb1/2+
β, n (7.6%)212Pb
214Tl81133214.006940(210)#11(2) sβ (66%)214Pb5+#
β, n (34%)213Pb
215Tl81134215.010640(320)#10(4) sβ (95.4%)215Pb1/2+#
β, n (4.6%)214Pb
216Tl81135216.015800(320)#6(3) sβ216Pb5+#
β, n (<11.5%)215Pb
This table header & footer:
  1. mTl  Excited nuclear isomer.
  2. ()  Uncertainty (1σ) is given in concise form in parentheses after the corresponding last digits.
  3. #  Atomic mass marked #: value and uncertainty derived not from purely experimental data, but at least partly from trends from the Mass Surface (TMS).
  4. 1 2 3 #  Values marked # are not purely derived from experimental data, but at least partly from trends of neighboring nuclides (TNN).
  5. Modes of decay:
    EC: Electron capture
    IT: Isomeric transition
    n: Neutron emission
    p: Proton emission
  6. Bold symbol as daughter  Daughter product is stable.
  7. () spin value  Indicates spin with weak assignment arguments.
  8. Main isotope used in scintigraphy
  9. Believed to undergo α decay to 199Au
  10. Final decay product of 4n+1 decay chain (the Neptunium series)
  11. Believed to undergo α decay to 201Au
  12. Can undergo bound-state β decay to 205Pb81+ with a half-life of 291+33
    days when fully ionized [7]
  13. 1 2 Intermediate decay product of 238U
  14. Intermediate decay product of 235U
  15. Intermediate decay product of 232Th
  16. Intermediate decay product of 237Np


Thallium-201 (201Tl) is a synthetic radioisotope of thallium. It has a half-life of 73 hours and decays by electron capture, emitting X-rays (~70–80 keV), and photons of 135 and 167 keV in 10% total abundance. [18] Thallium-201 is synthesized by the neutron activation of stable thallium in a nuclear reactor, [18] [19] or by the 203Tl(p, 3n)201Pb nuclear reaction in cyclotrons, as 201Pb naturally decays to 201Tl afterwards. [20] It is a radiopharmaceutical, as it has good imaging characteristics without excessive patient radiation dose. It is the most popular isotope used for thallium nuclear cardiac stress tests. [21]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Isotopes of holmium</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Isotopes of magnesium</span>

Magnesium (12Mg) naturally occurs in three stable isotopes: 24
, 25
, and 26
. There are 19 radioisotopes that have been discovered, ranging from 18
to 40
. The longest-lived radioisotope is 28
with a half-life of 20.915(9) h. The lighter isotopes mostly decay to isotopes of sodium while the heavier isotopes decay to isotopes of aluminium. The shortest-lived is proton-unbound 18
with a half-life of 4.0(3.4) zeptoseconds.

Berkelium (97Bk) is an artificial element, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. Like all artificial elements, it has no stable isotopes. The first isotope to be synthesized was 243Bk in 1949. There are twenty known radioisotopes, from 233Bk and 233Bk to 253Bk, and six nuclear isomers. The longest-lived isotope is 247Bk with a half-life of 1,380 years.

Fermium (100Fm) is a synthetic element, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. Like all artificial elements, it has no stable isotopes. The first isotope to be discovered was 255Fm in 1952. 250Fm was independently synthesized shortly after the discovery of 255Fm. There are 20 known radioisotopes ranging in atomic mass from 241Fm to 260Fm, and 4 nuclear isomers, 247mFm, 250mFm, 251mFm, and 253mFm. The longest-lived isotope is 257Fm with a half-life of 100.5 days, and the longest-lived isomer is 247mFm with a half-life of 5.1 seconds.

Einsteinium (99Es) is a synthetic element, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. Like all synthetic elements, it has no stable isotopes. The first isotope to be discovered was 253Es in 1952. There are 18 known radioisotopes from 240Es to 257Es, and 4 nuclear isomers. The longest-lived isotope is 252Es with a half-life of 471.7 days, or around 1.293 years.

Mendelevium (101Md) is a synthetic element, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. Like all artificial elements, it has no stable isotopes. The first isotope to be synthesized was 256Md in 1955. There are 17 known radioisotopes, ranging in atomic mass from 244Md to 260Md, and 5 isomers. The longest-lived isotope is 258Md with a half-life of 51.3 days, and the longest-lived isomer is 258mMd with a half-life of 57 minutes.


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