List of life peerages (1958–1979)

Last updated

Peerages and baronetcies of Britain and Ireland
Dukes Dukedoms
Marquesses Marquessates
Earls Earldoms
Viscounts Viscountcies
Barons Baronies
En, Sc, GB, Ir, UK (Law, Life:
1958–1979, 1979–1997, 1997–2010, 2010–2024, 2024–present)
Baronets Baronetcies

This is a list of life peerages in the Peerage of the United Kingdom created under the Life Peerages Act 1958 from the time the Act came into effect to 1979, grouped by prime minister. During this period there were five prime ministers: three Conservatives, Harold Macmillan, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, and Edward Heath, and two from the Labour Party, Harold Wilson (who served twice) and James Callaghan.


Harold Macmillan (1958–1963)

Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
1 August 1958 Ian FraserBaron Fraser of Lonsdaleof Regent's Park in the County of London 19 December 1974
2 August 1958 Victor CollinsBaron Stonhamof Earl Stonham in the County of Suffolk 22 December 1971
4 August 1958 Charles Geddes Baron Geddes of Epsomof Epsom in the County of Surrey 2 May 1983
5 August 1958 John Stopford Baron Stopford of Fallowfieldof Hindley Green in the County Palatine of Lancaster 6 March 1961
6 August 1958 Granville WestBaron Granville-Westof Pontypool in the County of Monmouth 23 September 1984
7 August 1958 Stephen TaylorBaron Taylorof Harlow in the County of Essex 1 February 1988
8 August 1958 Barbara Wootton Baroness Wootton of Abingerof Abinger Common in the County of Surrey 11 July 1988
11 August 1958 Edward ShackletonBaron Shackletonof Burley in the County of Southampton 22 September 1994
18 August 1958 Edward Twining Baron Twiningof Tanganyika
and of Godalming in the County of Surrey
21 July 1967
22 August 1958 Robert BoothbyBaron Boothbyof Buchan and Rattray Head in the County of Aberdeen 16 July 1986
22 September 1958 Stella Isaacs, Dowager Marchioness of Reading [a] Baroness Swanboroughof Swanborough in the County of Sussex 22 May 1971
24 September 1958 Victor Noel-Paton Baron Ferrierof Culter in the County of Lanark 4 June 1992
26 September 1958 Katharine Elliot Baroness Elliot of Harwoodof Rulewater in the County of Roxburgh 3 January 1994
30 September 1958 Hubert Parker [b] Baron Parker of Waddingtonof Lincoln's Inn in the Borough of Holborn 15 September 1972
6 October 1958 Irene Curzon, 2nd Baroness Ravensdale [c] Baroness Ravensdale of Kedlestonof Kedleston in the County of Derby 9 February 1966
14 February 1959 Hartley ShawcrossBaron Shawcrossof Friston in the County of Sussex 10 July 2003
17 February 1959 Edwin Plowden Baron Plowdenof Plowden in the County of Salop 15 February 2001
19 February 1959 Eric James Baron James of Rusholmeof Fallowfield in the County Palatine of Lancaster 16 May 1992
16 June 1959 Lionel Robbins Baron Robbinsof Clare Market in the City of Westminster 15 May 1984
2 November 1959 Herbert MorrisonBaron Morrison of Lambethof Lambeth in the County of London 6 March 1965
3 November 1959 Jack BrowneBaron Craigtonof Renfield in the County of the City of Glasgow 28 July 1993
16 December 1959 Florence HorsbrughBaroness Horsbrughof Horsbrugh in the County of Peebles 6 December 1969
28 January 1960 Hugh DaltonBaron Daltonof Forest and Frith in the County Palatine of Durham 13 February 1962
30 January 1960 Sir Alfred Bossom, Bt.Baron Bossomof Maidstone in the County of Kent 4 September 1965
16 May 1960 Richard Casey Baron Caseyof Berwick in the State of Victoria and Commonwealth of Australia
and of the City of Westminster
17 June 1976
2 February 1961 Tom WilliamsBaron Williams of Barnburghof Barnburgh in the West Riding of the County of York 29 March 1967
4 February 1961 Edith SummerskillBaroness Summerskillof Ken Wood in the County of London 4 February 1980
7 February 1961 William Hughes Baron Hughesof Hawkhill in the County of the City of Dundee 31 December 1999
8 February 1961 James Peddie Baron Peddieof the City and County of Kingston upon Hull 13 April 1978
9 February 1961 George LindgrenBaron Lindgrenof Welwyn Garden City in the County of Hertford 8 September 1971
10 February 1961 Henry Walston Baron Walstonof Newton in the County of Cambridge 29 May 1991
16 February 1961 Cuthbert AlportBaron Alportof Colchester in the County of Essex 28 October 1998
21 February 1961 Hugh MolsonBaron Molsonof High Peak in the County of Derby 13 October 1991
2 June 1961 Geoffrey Fisher Baron Fisher of Lambethof Lambeth in the County of London 15 September 1972
28 June 1961 Alfred RobensBaron Robens of Woldinghamof Woldingham in the County of Surrey 27 June 1999
11 July 1961 Alexander Coutanche Baron Coutancheof Saint Brelade in the Island of Jersey 18 December 1973
12 April 1962 Elaine BurtonBaroness Burton of Coventryof Coventry in the County of Warwick 6 October 1991
13 April 1962 Francis Williams Baron Francis-Williamsof Abinger in the County of Surrey 5 June 1970
16 April 1962 Alexander R. Todd Baron Toddof Trumpington in the County of Cambridge 10 January 1997
3 May 1962 Alan Sainsbury [d] Baron Sainsburyof Drury Lane in the Borough of Holborn 21 October 1998
10 May 1962 Oliver Franks Baron Franksof Headington in the County of Oxford 15 October 1992
11 May 1962 Arthur ChampionBaron Championof Pontypridd in the County of Glamorgan 2 March 1985
14 May 1962 Geoffrey HutchinsonBaron Ilfordof Bury in the County Palatine of Lancaster 20 August 1974
15 May 1962 Tom WilliamsonBaron Williamsonof Eccleston in the Borough of Saint Helens 27 February 1983
31 January 1963 Eric Edwards Baron Chelmerof Margaretting in the County of Essex 3 March 1997
13 June 1963 Charles HillBaron Hill of Lutonof Harpenden in the County of Hertford 22 August 1989
9 July 1963 Alick Buchanan-Smith Baron Balernoof Currie in the County of Midlothian 28 July 1984

‡ former MP

Sir Alec Douglas-Home (1963–1964)

Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of extinction
13 January 1964 Frances Davidson, Viscountess Davidson [e] Baroness Northchurchof Chiswick in the County of Middlesex 25 November 1985
15 January 1964 Gerald Gardiner Baron Gardinerof Kittisford in the County of Somerset 7 January 1990
16 January 1964 Richard Llewelyn-Davies [f] Baron Llewelyn-Daviesof Hastoe in the County of Hertford 27 October 1981
18 January 1964 B. V. Bowden Baron Bowdenof Chesterfield in the County of Derby 31 July 1989
20 January 1964 Charles HobsonBaron Hobsonof Brent in the County of Middlesex 17 February 1966
21 January 1964 Ted Willis Baron Willisof Chislehurst in the County of Kent 22 December 1992
22 January 1964 Edwin Herbert Baron Tangleyof Blackheath in the County of Surrey 5 June 1973
23 January 1964 Dora Gaitskell Baroness Gaitskellof Egremont in the County of Cumberland 1 July 1989
20 April 1964 Dennis VosperBaron Runcornof Heswall in the County Palatine of Chester 20 January 1968
21 August 1964 Sir Hendrie Oakshott, Bt.Baron Oakshottof Bebington in the County Palatine of Chester 1 February 1975
22 August 1964 Geoffrey Bourne Baron Bourneof Atherstone in the County of Warwick 26 June 1982
24 August 1964 Anthony Hurd [g] Baron Hurdof Newbury in the Royal County of Berks 12 February 1966
25 August 1964 Charles RoyleBaron Royleof Pendleton in the City of Salford 30 September 1975
14 September 1964 Hervey RhodesBaron Rhodesof Saddleworth in the West Riding of the County of York 11 September 1987
17 September 1964 Keith Murray Baron Murray of Newhavenof Newhaven in the County of the City of Edinburgh 10 October 1993
5 October 1964 Dick MitchisonBaron Mitchisonof Carradale in the County of Argyll 14 February 1970

‡ former MP

Harold Wilson (1964–1970)

Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of retirement
(if applicable)
Date of extinction
(if applicable)
27 October 1964 Hugh Foot Baron Caradonof St Cleer in the County of Cornwall 5 September 1990
29 October 1964 C. P. Snow Baron Snowof the City of Leicester 1 July 1980
11 November 1964 Alun Gwynne Jones Baron Chalfontof Llantarnam in the County of Monmouth 10 November 2015 [1] 13 January 2020
7 December 1964 Barbara Brooke [h] Baroness Brooke of Ystradfellteof Ystradfellte in the County of Brecknock 1 September 2000
8 December 1964 Evelyn Emmet [i] Baroness Emmet of Amberleyof Amberley in the County of Sussex 10 October 1980
12 December 1964 Frank BowlesBaron Bowlesof Nuneaton in the County of Warwick 29 December 1970
14 December 1964 Harold Collison Baron Collisonof Cheshunt in the County of Hertford 29 December 1995
15 December 1964 Reginald SorensenBaron Sorensenof Leyton in the County of Essex 8 October 1971
16 December 1964 Charles Leatherland Baron Leatherlandof Dunton in the County of Essex 18 December 1992
16 December 1964 Billy BlytonBaron Blytonof South Shields in the County of Durham 25 October 1987
17 December 1964 Fenner BrockwayBaron Brockwayof Eton
and of Slough in the County of Buckingham
28 April 1988
17 December 1964 William Wynne-Jones Baron Wynne-Jonesof Abergele in the County of Denbigh 8 November 1982
18 December 1964 Frank BeswickBaron Beswickof Hucknall in the County of Nottingham 17 August 1987
18 December 1964 Samuel SegalBaron Segalof Wytham in the Royal County of Berks 4 June 1985
21 December 1964 Norah Phillips Baroness Phillipsof Fulham in the County of London 14 August 1992
21 December 1964 Lady Violet Bonham Carter [j] Baroness Asquith of Yarnburyof Yarnbury in the County of Wilts 19 February 1969
22 December 1964 Wilfred Brown Baron Brownof Machrihanish in the County of Argyll 17 March 1985
22 December 1964 Frank ByersBaron Byersof Lingfield in the County of Surrey 6 February 1984
28 December 1964 Donald WadeBaron Wadeof Huddersfield in the West Riding of the County of York 6 November 1988
29 December 1964 Arwyn Davies Baron Arwynof Glais in the County of Glamorgan 23 February 1978
1 January 1965 James Chuter EdeBaron Chuter-Edeof Epsom in the County of Surrey 11 November 1965
28 January 1965 Christopher Hinton Baron Hinton of Banksideof Dulwich in the County of London 22 June 1983
29 January 1965 William Holford Baron Holfordof Kemp Town in the County of Sussex 17 October 1975
4 February 1965 Howard Florey Baron Floreyof Adelaide in the Commonwealth of Australia
and of Marston in the County of Oxford
21 February 1968
19 February 1965 Rab ButlerBaron Butler of Saffron Waldenof Halstead in the County of Essex 8 March 1982
24 March 1965 George James Cole Baron Coleof Blackfriars in the County of London 29 November 1979
10 May 1965 Beatrice Plummer Baroness Plummerof Toppesfield in the County of Essex 13 June 1972
10 May 1965 Reginald Wells-Pestell Baron Wells-Pestellof Combs in the County of Suffolk 17 January 1991
11 May 1965 Harold Caccia Baron Cacciaof Abernant in the County of Brecknock 31 October 1990
11 May 1965 Albert HiltonBaron Hilton of Uptonof Swaffham in the County of Norfolk 3 May 1977
12 May 1965 Donald Soper Baron Soperof Kingsway in the London Borough of Camden 22 December 1998
12 May 1965 Thomas Simey Baron Simeyof Toxteth in the County Palatine of Lancaster 27 December 1969
13 May 1965 John HaireBaron Haire of Whiteabbeyof Newtown Abbey in the County of Antrim 7 October 1966
13 May 1965 Lewis Cohen Baron Cohen of Brightonof Brighton in the County of Sussex 21 October 1966
14 May 1965 Ian WinterbottomBaron Winterbottomof Clopton in the County of Northampton 4 July 1992
14 May 1965 Dennis Lloyd Baron Lloyd of Hampsteadof Hampstead in the London Borough of Camden 31 December 1992
17 May 1965 Clementine Churchill Baroness Spencer-Churchillof Chartwell in the County of Kent 12 December 1977
22 June 1965 Roxbee Cox Baron Kings Nortonof Wotton Underwood in the County of Buckingham 21 December 1997
5 July 1965 Russell Brock Baron Brockof Wimbledon in the London Borough of Merton 3 September 1980
6 July 1965 Richard Kahn Baron Kahnof Hampstead in the London Borough of Camden 6 June 1989
7 July 1965 Richard Beeching Baron Beechingof East Grinstead in the County of Sussex 23 March 1985
16 July 1965 Noel Annan Baron Annanof the Royal Burgh of Annan in the County of Dumfries 21 February 2000
20 July 1965 Arnold Goodman Baron Goodmanof the City of Westminster 12 May 1995
7 December 1965 Audrey Hylton-Foster [k] Baroness Hylton-Fosterof the City of Westminster 31 October 2002
14 January 1966 Jock Campbell Baron Campbell of Eskanof Camis Eskan in the County of Dumbarton 26 December 1994
15 January 1966 Stephen King-HallBaron King-Hallof Headley in the County of Southampton 2 June 1966
17 January 1966 Mary Stocks Baroness Stocksof the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 6 July 1975
18 January 1966 Israel Sieff [l] Baron Sieffof Brimpton in the Royal County of Berks 14 February 1972
19 January 1966 John Fulton Baron Fultonof Falmer in the County of Sussex 14 March 1986
27 May 1966 Arthur HendersonBaron Rowleyof Rowley Regis in the County of Stafford 28 August 1968
31 May 1966 Sir Richard Nugent, Bt.Baron Nugent of Guildfordof Dunsfold in the County of Surrey 16 March 1994
1 June 1966 Bernard TaylorBaron Taylor of Mansfieldof Mansfield in the County of Nottingham 11 April 1991
2 June 1966 Sir William Anstruther-Gray, Bt.Baron Kilmanyof Kilmany in the County of Fife 6 August 1985
6 June 1966 Ernest PopplewellBaron Popplewellof Sherburn-in-Elmet in the West Riding of the County of York 11 August 1977
7 June 1966 Frank SoskiceBaron Stow Hillof Newport in the County of Monmouth 1 January 1979
9 June 1966 George PargiterBaron Pargiterof Southall in the London Borough of Ealing 16 January 1982
10 June 1966 Sir Martin Redmayne, Bt.Baron Redmayneof Rushcliffe in the County of Nottingham 28 April 1983
13 June 1966 Thomas JonesBaron Maelorof Rhosllanerchrugog in the County of Denbigh 18 November 1984
15 June 1966 Walter MonslowBaron Monslowof Barrow-in-Furness in the County Palatine of Lancaster 12 October 1966
16 June 1966 Sir Samuel Storey, Bt.Baron Bucktonof Settrington in the East Riding of the County of York 17 January 1978
23 June 1966 Arthur MoyleBaron Moyleof Llanidloes in the County of Montgomery 23 December 1974
24 June 1966 William McFadzean Baron McFadzeanof Woldingham in the County of Surrey 14 January 1996
4 July 1966 John Hunt Baron Huntof Llanvair Waterdine in the County of Salop 8 November 1998
5 July 1966 Peter Calder Baron Ritchie-Calderof Balmashannar in the Royal Burgh of Forfar 31 January 1982
11 July 1966 Jack CooperBaron Cooper of Stockton Heathof Stockton Heath in the County Palatine of Chester 2 September 1988
20 July 1966 Henry Brooke [m] Baron Brooke of Cumnorof Cumnor in the Royal County of Berks 29 March 1984
19 September 1966 Evelyn Sharp Baroness Sharpof Hornsey in Greater London 1 September 1985
16 January 1967 Sir Robert Platt, Bt. Baron Plattof Grindleford in the County of Derby 30 June 1978
17 January 1967 Charles Morris Baron Morris of Grasmereof Grasmere in the County of Westmorland 30 May 1990
18 January 1967 Harold Woolley Baron Woolleyof Hatton in the County Palatine of Chester 31 July 1986
19 January 1967 Willis Jackson Baron Jackson of Burnleyof Burnley in the County Palatine of Lancaster 17 February 1970
20 January 1967 Beatrice Serota Baroness Serotaof Hampstead in Greater London 21 October 2002
6 February 1967 Sir George MacLeod, Bt. Baron MacLeod of Fuinaryof Fuinary in Morven in the County of Argyll 27 June 1991
6 July 1967 John Redcliffe-Maud Baron Redcliffe-Maudof the City and County of Bristol 20 November 1982
7 July 1967 William Penney Baron Penneyof East Hendred in the Royal County of Berks 3 March 1991
10 July 1967 Llewellyn Heycock Baron Heycockof Taibach in the Borough of Port Talbot 13 March 1990
11 July 1967 William Carron Baron Carronof the City and County of Kingston upon Hull 3 December 1969
25 August 1967 Ifor Evans Baron Evans of Hungershallof the Borough of Royal Tunbridge Wells 28 August 1982
26 August 1967 Alan Mais Baron Maisof Walbrook in the City of London 28 November 1993
29 August 1967 Pat Llewelyn-Davies, Lady Llewelyn-Davies [n] Baroness Llewelyn-Davies of Hastoeof Hastoe in the County of Hertford 6 November 1997
30 August 1967 Desmond Hirshfield Baron Hirshfieldof Holborn in Greater London 6 December 1993
11 September 1967 Frank McLeavyBaron McLeavyof the City of Bradford 1 October 1976
12 September 1967 Edgar GranvilleBaron Granville of Eyeof Eye in the County of Suffolk 14 February 1998
14 September 1967 David Urquhart Baron Taysideof Queens Well in the Royal Burgh of Forfar and County of Angus 12 March 1975
15 September 1967 Alma Birk Baroness Birkof Regent's Park in Greater London 29 December 1996
18 September 1967 Bill Fiske Baron Fiskeof Brent in Greater London 13 January 1975
19 September 1967 Charles Garnsworthy Baron Garnsworthyof Reigate in the County of Surrey 5 September 1974
20 September 1967 Herbert BowdenBaron Aylestoneof Aylestone in the City of Leicester 30 April 1994
21 September 1967 Ted Hill Baron Hill of Wivenhoeof Wivenhoe in the County of Essex 14 December 1969
22 September 1967 Harry Douglass Baron Douglass of Clevelandof Cleveland in the County of York 5 April 1978
13 October 1967 Charles Delacourt-Smith [o] Baron Delacourt-Smithof New Windsor in the Royal County of Berks 2 August 1972
20 November 1967 Jack Donaldson Baron Donaldson of Kingsbridgeof Kingsbridge in the County of Buckingham 8 March 1998
27 November 1967 George WiggBaron Wiggof the Borough of Dudley 11 August 1983
29 November 1967 John Foot Baron Footof Buckland Monachorum in the County of Devon 11 October 1999
4 December 1967 Peter ThorneycroftBaron Thorneycroftof Dunston in the County of Stafford 4 June 1994
5 December 1967 John Bannerman Baron Bannerman of Kildonanof Kildonan in the County of Sutherland 10 May 1969
6 December 1967 Tim Beaumont [p] Baron Beaumont of Whitleyof Child's Hill in Greater London 9 April 2008
18 January 1968 Harry Pilkington Baron Pilkingtonof St Helens in the County Palatine of Lancaster 22 December 1983
19 January 1968 Michael Berry [q] [r] Baron Hartwellof Peterborough Court in the City of London 3 April 2001
22 January 1968 Lewis Wright Baron Wright of Ashton under Lyneof Ashton-under-Lyne in the County Palatine of Lancaster 15 September 1974
29 January 1968 Thomas Taylor Baron Taylor of Gryfeof Bridge of Weir in the County of Renfrew 13 July 2001
12 February 1968 Humphrey Trevelyan Baron Trevelyanof Saint Veep in the County of Cornwall 8 February 1985
21 May 1968 Laurence Helsby Baron Helsbyof Logmore in the County of Surrey 5 December 1978
20 June 1968 Thomas Balogh Baron Baloghof Hampstead in Greater London 20 January 1985
21 June 1968 William Black Baron Blackof Barrow in Furness in the County Palatine of Lancaster 27 December 1984
28 June 1968 Geoffrey Crowther Baron Crowtherof Headingley in the West Riding of the County of York 5 February 1972
10 July 1968 William Evans Baron Energlynof Caerphilly in the County of Glamorgan 27 June 1985
11 July 1968 John Jacques Baron Jacquesof Portsea Island in the County of Southampton 20 December 1995
17 September 1968 Ralph Grey Baron Grey of Nauntonof Naunton in the County of Gloucester 17 October 1999
9 January 1969 Donald Stokes Baron Stokesof Leyland in the County Palatine of Lancaster 21 July 2008
27 January 1969 Patrick Blackett Baron Blackettof Chelsea in Greater London 13 July 1974
21 February 1969 Saville Garner Baron Garnerof Chiddingly in the County of Sussex 10 December 1983
3 March 1969 Henry Wilson Baron Wilson of Langsideof Broughton in the County and City of Edinburgh 23 November 1997
24 March 1969 Learie Constantine Baron Constantineof Maraval in Trinidad and Tobago
and of Nelson in the County Palatine of Lancaster
1 July 1971
2 July 1969 Paul Gore-Booth Baron Gore-Boothof Maltby in the West Riding of the County of York 29 June 1984
3 July 1969 Sidney Bernstein Baron Bernsteinof Leigh in the County of Kent 5 February 1993
24 July 1969 Kenneth Clark Baron Clarkof Saltwood in the County of Kent 21 May 1983
28 October 1969 Robert Hall Baron Roberthallof Silverspur in the State of Queensland and Commonwealth of Australia
and of Trenance in the County of Cornwall
17 September 1988
16 January 1970 John Beavan Baron Ardwickof Barnes in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames 18 August 1994
23 January 1970 Terence O'Neill [s] Baron O'Neill of the Maineof Ahoghill in the County of Antrim 12 June 1990
5 February 1970 Frank Kearton Baron Keartonof Whitchurch in the County of Buckingham 2 July 1992
12 February 1970 Susan Cunliffe-Lister, Lady Masham [t] Baroness Masham of Iltonof Masham in the North Riding of the County of York 12 March 2023

‡ former MP

Edward Heath (1970–1974)

  Living but left the House of Lords
Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of retirement
(if applicable)
Date of extinction
(if applicable)
19 June 1970 Manny ShinwellBaron Shinwellof Easington in the County of Durham 8 May 1986
20 June 1970 Barnett Janner [u] Baron Jannerof the City of Leicester 4 May 1982
30 June 1970 Quintin Hogg [v] Baron Hailsham of Saint Maryleboneof Herstmonceux in the County of Sussex 12 October 2001
1 July 1970 Priscilla Buchan, Lady Tweedsmuir [w] Baroness Tweedsmuir of Belhelvieof Potterton in the County of Aberdeen 11 March 1978
2 July 1970 Sir John Vaughan-Morgan, Bt.Baron Reigateof Outwood in the County of Surrey 26 January 1995
3 July 1970 Sir Edward Boyle, Bt.Baron Boyle of Handsworthof Salehurst in the County of Sussex 28 September 1981
4 July 1970 James HoyBaron Hoyof Leith in the County of the City of Edinburgh 7 August 1976
6 July 1970 Cyril Hamnett Baron Hamnettof Warrington in the County Palatine of Lancaster 17 March 1980
7 July 1970 Nigel BirchBaron Rhylof Holywell in the Parish of Swanmore in the County of Southampton 8 March 1981
8 July 1970 Joseph SlaterBaron Slaterof Ferryhill in the County of Durham 21 April 1977
9 July 1970 Eric FletcherBaron Fletcherof Islington in Greater London 9 June 1990
28 July 1970 John Wheatley, Lord WheatleyBaron Wheatleyof Shettleston in the County of the City of Glasgow 28 July 1988
31 July 1970 Max Rosenheim Baron Rosenheimof the London Borough of Camden 2 December 1972
21 September 1970 Julian SnowBaron Burntwoodof Burntwood in the County of Stafford 24 January 1982
22 September 1970 Tony GreenwoodBaron Greenwood of Rossendaleof East Mersea in the County of Essex 12 April 1982
25 September 1970 Jack DiamondBaron Diamondof the City of Gloucester 3 April 2004
28 September 1970 Harold DaviesBaron Davies of Leekof Leek in the County of Stafford 28 October 1985
12 October 1970 Eirene WhiteBaroness Whiteof Rhymney in the County of Monmouth 23 December 1999
14 October 1970 Alice BaconBaroness Baconof the City of Leeds
and of Normanton in the West Riding of the County of York
24 March 1993
5 November 1970 Jennie LeeBaroness Lee of Asheridgeof the City of Westminster 16 November 1988
6 November 1970 George BrownBaron George-Brownof Jevington in the County of Sussex 2 June 1985
29 January 1971 Miles Thomas Baron Thomasof Remenham in the Royal County of Berkshire 8 February 1980
5 February 1971 Jack SimonBaron Simon of Glaisdaleof Glaisdale in the North Riding of the County of York 7 May 2006
9 February 1971 Sir Charles Maclean, Bt. Baron Macleanof Duart and Morven in the County of Argyll 8 February 1990
2 March 1971 Horace KingBaron Maybray-Kingof the City of Southampton 3 September 1986
5 March 1971 Laurence Olivier Baron Olivierof Brighton in the County of Sussex 11 July 1989
20 April 1971 John Widgery Baron Widgeryof South Molton in the County of Devon 26 July 1981
30 April 1971 Sir Ian Orr-Ewing, Bt.Baron Orr-Ewingof Little Berkhamsted in the County of Hertford 19 August 1999
1 May 1971 Arthur Vere HarveyBaron Harvey of Prestburyof Prestbury in the County Palatine of Chester 5 April 1994
17 May 1971 Robert Blake Baron Blakeof Braydeston in the County of Norfolk 20 September 2003
18 May 1971 Nancy Seear Baroness Seearof Paddington in the City of Westminster 23 April 1997
21 May 1971 Simon Mackay [x] Baron Tanlawof Tanlawhill in the County of Dumfries 3 November 2017 [1]
24 May 1971 Janet Young Baroness Youngof Farnworth in the County Palatine of Lancaster 6 September 2002
4 June 1971 Evelyn Macleod Baroness Macleod of Borveof Borve in the Isle of Lewis 17 November 1999
18 June 1971 Solly Zuckerman Baron Zuckermanof Burnham Thorpe in the County of Norfolk 1 April 1993
20 July 1971 James Chichester-Clark Baron Moyolaof Castledawson in the County of Londonderry 17 May 2002
20 April 1972 Michael Adeane Baron Adeaneof Stamfordham in the County of Northumberland 30 April 1984
24 April 1972 Leslie HaleBaron Haleof Oldham in the County Palatine of Lancaster 9 May 1985
26 April 1972 Thomas Hewlett Baron Hewlettof Swettenham in the County of Chester 2 July 1979
28 April 1972 Frederic Seebohm Baron Seebohmof Hertford in the County of Hertford 15 December 1990
1 May 1972 John Boyd-Carpenter [y] Baron Boyd-Carpenterof Crux Easton in the County of Southampton 11 July 1998
2 May 1972 Diana Elles Baroness Ellesof the City of Westminster 17 October 2009
9 May 1972 Charles Elworthy Baron Elworthyof Timaru in New Zealand
and of Elworthy in the County of Somerset
4 April 1993
10 May 1972 Tudor WatkinsBaron Watkinsof Glyntawe in the County of Brecknock 2 November 1983
3 July 1972 Harold Samuel Baron Samuel of Wych Crossof Wych Cross in the County of Sussex 28 August 1987
10 July 1972 Bernard Fergusson Baron Ballantraeof Auchairne in the County of Ayr
and of the Bay of Islands in New Zealand
28 November 1980
5 February 1973 Sir Arthur Porritt, Bt. Baron Porrittof Wanganui in New Zealand
and of Hampstead in Greater London
1 January 1994
14 March 1973 Leslie O'Brien Baron O'Brien of Lothburyof the City of London 24 November 1995
18 June 1973 Pamela Sharples Baroness Sharplesof Chawton in Hampshire 18 December 2017 [1] 19 May 2022
22 June 1973 Desmond Brayley Baron Brayleyof the City of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan 16 March 1977
25 June 1973 John Hunt Baron Hunt of Fawleyof Fawley in the County of Buckingham 28 December 1987
29 June 1973 Rhys Lloyd Baron Lloyd of Kilgerranof Llanwenog in the County of Cardigan 30 January 1991
6 July 1973 Eric Ashby Baron Ashbyof Brandon in the County of Suffolk 22 October 1992
9 July 1973 Norman Crowther Hunt Baron Crowther-Huntof Eccleshill in the West Riding of the County of York 16 February 1987
16 July 1973 Robert AllanBaron Allan of Kilmahewof Cardross in the County of Dunbarton 4 April 1979
31 January 1974 Denis Greenhill Baron Greenhill of Harrowof the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 8 November 2000

‡ former MP

Harold Wilson (1974–1976)

Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of retirement
(if applicable)
Date of extinction
(if applicable)
6 March 1974 Vic Feather Baron Featherof the City of Bradford 28 July 1976
7 March 1974 Burke Trend Baron Trendof Greenwich in Greater London 21 July 1987
11 March 1974 Elwyn JonesBaron Elwyn-Jonesof Llanelli in the County of Carmarthen
and of Newham in Greater London
4 December 1989
25 March 1974 Goronwy RobertsBaron Goronwy-Robertsof Caernarvon
and of Ogwen in the County of Caernarvon
22 July 1981
26 March 1974 John Harris Baron Harris of Greenwichof Greenwich in Greater London 11 April 2001
2 May 1974 Duncan SandysBaron Duncan-Sandysof the City of Westminster 26 November 1987
3 May 1974 Michael NobleBaron Glenkinglasof Cairndow in the County of Argyll 15 May 1984
6 May 1974 Geoffrey LloydBaron Geoffrey-Lloydof Broomfield in the County of Kent [z] 12 September 1984
7 May 1974 Tufton Beamish ‡ #Baron Chelwoodof Lewes in the County of East Sussex 6 April 1989
8 May 1974 Ernest MarplesBaron Marplesof Wallasey in the County of Merseyside 6 July 1978
9 May 1974 Robin TurtonBaron Tranmireof Upsall in the County of North Yorkshire 17 January 1994
10 May 1974 George MackieBaron Mackie of Benshieof Kirriemuir in the County of Angus 17 February 2015
13 May 1974 Patricia Hornsby-SmithBaroness Hornsby-Smithof Chislehurst in Greater London 3 July 1985
14 May 1974 Inga-Stina Robson Baroness Robson of Kiddingtonof Kiddington in Oxfordshire 9 February 1999
15 May 1974 Mervyn PikeBaroness Pikeof Melton in Leicestershire 11 January 2004
16 May 1974 Basil Wigoder Baron Wigoderof Cheetham in the City of Manchester 12 August 2004
11 June 1974 Michael Fraser Baron Fraser of Kilmorackof Rubislaw in the County of the City of Aberdeen 1 July 1996
18 June 1974 Edward Castle [aa] Baron Castleof Islington in Greater London 26 December 1979
19 June 1974 Samuel Fisher Baron Fisher of Camdenof Camden in Greater London 12 October 1979
20 June 1974 Douglas HoughtonBaron Houghton of Sowerbyof Sowerby in the County of West Yorkshire 2 May 1996
21 June 1974 Charles PannellBaron Pannellof the City of Leeds 23 March 1980
24 June 1974 Robert Grant-FerrisBaron Harvingtonof Nantwich in Cheshire 1 January 1997
25 June 1974 Phyllis Stedman Baroness Stedmanof Longthorpe in the City of Peterborough 8 June 1996
26 June 1974 Peter Lovell-Davis Baron Lovell-Davisof Highgate in Greater London 6 January 2001
27 June 1974 Harry Kissin Baron Kissinof Camden in Greater London 22 November 1997
28 June 1974 George Wallace Baron Wallace of Campsieof Newlands in the County of the City of Glasgow 23 December 1997
1 July 1974 Frederick LeeBaron Lee of Newtonof Newton in the County of Merseyside 4 February 1984
2 July 1974 Doris Fisher ‡ #Baroness Fisher of Rednalof Rednal in the City of Birmingham 18 December 2005
3 July 1974 George DarlingBaron Darling of Hillsboroughof Crewe in Cheshire 18 October 1985
4 July 1974 Patrick Gordon Walker ‡ #Baron Gordon-Walkerof Leyton in Greater London 2 December 1980
5 July 1974 Margaret Delacourt-Smith, Lady Delacourt-Smith [ab] Baroness Delacourt-Smith of Alterynof Alteryn in the County of Gwent 8 June 2010
8 July 1974 Elfed DaviesBaron Davies of Penrhysof Rhondda in the County of Mid Glamorgan 28 April 1992
9 July 1974 Nicholas Kaldor Baron Kaldorof Newnham in the City of Cambridge 30 September 1986
10 July 1974 Alfred Allen Baron Allen of Fallowfieldof Fallowfield in Greater Manchester 14 January 1985
11 July 1974 Marcia Falkender Baroness Falkenderof West Haddon in Northamptonshire 6 February 2019
12 July 1974 John Wolfenden Baron Wolfendenof Westcott in the County of Surrey 18 January 1985
2 September 1974 William Alexander Baron Alexander of Potterhillof Paisley in the County of Renfrew 8 September 1993
18 November 1974 Michael Ramsey Baron Ramsey of Canterburyof Canterbury in the County of Kent 23 April 1988
19 December 1974 Alec Douglas-Home [ac] Baron Home of the Hirselof Coldstream in the County of Berwick 9 October 1995
2 January 1975 Reginald PagetBaron Paget of Northamptonof Lubenham in Leicestershire 2 January 1990
3 January 1975 Arnold Silverstone Baron Ashdownof Chelwood in the County of East Sussex 23 July 1977
6 January 1975 Anthony BarberBaron Barberof Wentbridge in West Yorkshire 16 December 2005
7 January 1975 Desmond Banks Baron Banksof Kenton in Greater London 15 June 1997
8 January 1975 Hugh Cudlipp Baron Cudlippof Aldingbourne in the County of West Sussex 17 May 1998
9 January 1975 Gordon CampbellBaron Campbell of Croyof Croy in the County of Nairn 26 April 2005
10 January 1975 Sir Harmar Nicholls, Bt. ‡ #Baron Harmar-Nichollsof Peterborough in Cambridgeshire 15 September 2000
14 January 1975 Alfred Wilson Baron Wilson of Radcliffeof Radcliffe in Lancashire 25 January 1983
15 January 1975 Mary Stewart [ad] Baroness Stewart of Alvechurchof Fulham in Greater London 28 December 1984
16 January 1975 Richard Briginshaw Baron Briginshawof Southwark in Greater London 27 March 1992
17 January 1975 George WallaceBaron Wallace of Coslanyof Coslany in the City of Norwich 11 November 2003
20 January 1975 Donald Bruce ‡ #Baron Bruce of Doningtonof Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire 18 April 2005
21 January 1975 Sidney Greene Baron Greene of Harrow Wealdof Harrow in Greater London 26 July 2004
22 January 1975 Dennis Lyons Baron Lyons of Brightonof Brighton in the County of East Sussex 18 January 1978
23 January 1975 Irene WardBaroness Ward of North Tynesideof North Tyneside in the County of Tyne and Wear 26 April 1980
24 January 1975 Robert Lindsay, Lord Balniel [ae] Baron Balnielof Pitcorthie in the County of Fife 28 November 2019 [1] 18 March 2023
27 January 1975 Joan VickersBaroness Vickersof Devonport in the County of Devon 23 May 1994
28 January 1975 Rudy Sternberg Baron Plurendenof Plurenden Manor in the County of Kent 5 January 1978
29 January 1975 William Armstrong Baron Armstrong of Sandersteadof the City of Westminster 12 July 1980
30 January 1975 Derek Pritchard Baron Pritchardof West Haddon in Northamptonshire 16 October 1995
31 January 1975 Patrick Gibson Baron Gibsonof Penn's Rocks in the County of East Sussex 20 April 2004
3 February 1975 David Pitt Baron Pitt of Hampsteadof Hampstead in Greater London
and of Hampstead in Grenada
18 December 1994
10 July 1975 Leslie LeverBaron Leverof Ardwick in the City of Manchester 26 July 1977
11 July 1975 John Gregson Baron Gregsonof Stockport in Greater Manchester 12 August 2009
14 July 1975 William Denholm Barnetson Baron Barnetsonof Crowborough in the County of East Sussex 12 March 1981
15 July 1975 Don Ryder Baron Ryder of Eaton Hastingsof Eaton Hastings in Oxfordshire 12 May 2003
16 July 1975 Sydney Jacobson Baron Jacobsonof St Albans in Hertfordshire 13 August 1988
17 July 1975 John Smith Baron Kirkhillof Kirkhill in the District of the City of Aberdeen 30 April 2018 [1] 21 March 2023
14 January 1976 Raymond Brookes Baron Brookesof West Bromwich in the County of West Midlands 31 July 2002
15 January 1976 Robert CarrBaron Carr of Hadleyof Monken Hadley in Greater London 17 February 2012
16 January 1976 Tom DribergBaron Bradwellof Bradwell juxta Mare in the County of Essex 12 August 1976
19 January 1976 William McCarthy Baron McCarthyof Headington in the City of Oxford 18 November 2012
20 January 1976 Donald ChapmanBaron Northfieldof Telford in the County of Salop 26 April 2013
21 January 1976 Gordon Parry Baron Parryof Neyland in the County of Dyfed 1 September 2004
22 January 1976 Albert OramBaron Oramof Brighton in the County of East Sussex 4 September 1999
23 January 1976 Michael WinstanleyBaron Winstanleyof Urmston in Greater Manchester 18 July 1993
26 January 1976 Lucy Faithfull Baroness Faithfullof Wolvercote in the County of Oxfordshire 13 March 1996
27 January 1976 Frank Schon Baron Schonof Whitehaven in the County of Cumbria 7 January 1995
29 January 1976 Thomas Brimelow Baron Brimelowof Tyldesley in the County of Lancashire 2 August 1995
30 January 1976 Alan Bullock Baron Bullockof Leafield in the County of Oxfordshire 2 February 2004
3 February 1976 Paul Wilson Baron Wilson of High Wrayof Kendal in the County of Cumbria 24 February 1980
5 February 1976 John Wall Baron Wallof Coombe in Greater London 29 December 1980
8 March 1976 Selwyn LloydBaron Selwyn-Lloydof Wirral in the County of Merseyside 17 May 1978

‡ former MP

James Callaghan (1976–1979)

Date of creationNameTitleTerritorial qualificationDate of retirement
(if applicable)
Date of extinction
(if applicable)
22 June 1976 Lew Grade Baron Gradeof Elstree in the County of Hertfordshire 13 December 1998
23 June 1976 John Vaizey [af] Baron Vaizeyof Greenwich in Greater London 19 July 1984
24 June 1976 Joseph Stone Baron Stoneof Hendon in Greater London 17 July 1986
25 June 1976 George Weidenfeld Baron Weidenfeldof Chelsea in Greater London 20 January 2016
28 June 1976 Albert Murray ‡ #Baron Murray of Gravesendof Gravesend in the County of Kent 10 February 1980
29 June 1976 Bernard Delfont Baron Delfontof Stepney in Greater London 28 July 1994
30 June 1976 Joseph Kagan Baron Kaganof Elland in the County of West Yorkshire 17 January 1995
1 July 1976 Terence BostonBaron Boston of Favershamof Faversham in the County of Kent 23 July 2011
2 July 1976 Benjamin Britten Baron Brittenof Aldeburgh in the County of Suffolk 4 December 1976
12 July 1976 Philip Allen Baron Allen of Abbeydaleof the City of Sheffield 27 November 2007
19 July 1976 Asa Briggs Baron Briggsof Lewes in the County of East Sussex 15 March 2016
2 August 1976 Max Rayne Baron Rayneof Prince's Meadow in Greater London 10 October 2003
23 September 1976 Fred PeartBaron Peartof Workington in the County of Cumbria 26 August 1988
29 September 1976 John McCluskey Baron McCluskeyof Churchhill in the District of the City of Edinburgh 1 March 2017 [1] 20 July 2017
18 October 1976 Barbara Ward Baroness Jackson of Lodsworthof Lodsworth in the County of West Sussex 31 May 1981
28 January 1977 Edward ShortBaron Glenamaraof Glenridding in the County of Cumbria 4 May 2012
1 February 1977 John Baker Baron Bakerof Windrush in the County of Gloucestershire 9 September 1985
7 February 1977 Brian Faulkner Baron Faulkner of Downpatrickof Downpatrick in the County of Down 3 March 1977
8 February 1977 Morrice James Baron Saint Bridesof Hasguard in the County of Dyfed 26 November 1989
23 March 1977 George ThomsonBaron Thomson of Monifiethof Monifieth in the District of the City of Dundee 3 October 2008
15 July 1977 Michael Carver Baron Carverof Shackleford in the County of Surrey 9 December 2001
18 July 1977 Pratap Chitnis Baron Chitnisof Ryedale in the County of North Yorkshire 12 July 2013
19 July 1977 Eric Roll Baron Roll of Ipsdenof Ipsden in the County of Oxfordshire 30 March 2005
20 July 1977 Bill Wedderburn Baron Wedderburn of Charltonof Highgate in Greater London 9 March 2012
22 July 1977 Philip Noel-BakerBaron Noel-Bakerof the City of Derby 8 October 1982
7 February 1978 Martin Charteris [ag] Baron Charteris of Amisfieldof Amisfield in the District of East Lothian 23 December 1999
8 February 1978 Douglas Allen Baron Crohamof the London Borough of Croydon 11 September 2011
9 February 1978 Oliver McGregor Baron McGregor of Durrisof Hampstead in Greater London 10 November 1997
27 February 1978 Betty Lockwood Baroness Lockwoodof Dewsbury in the County of West Yorkshire 18 May 2017 [1] 29 April 2019
20 March 1978 Michael Young Baron Young of Dartingtonof Dartington in the County of Devon 14 January 2002
14 April 1978 Arthur Cockfield Baron Cockfieldof Dover in the County of Kent 8 January 2007
17 April 1978 Peter RawlinsonBaron Rawlinson of Ewellof Ewell in the County of Surrey 28 June 2006
19 April 1978 Christopher Soames [ah] Baron Soamesof Fletching in the County of East Sussex 16 September 1987
21 April 1978 William HowieBaron Howie of Troonof Troon in the District of Kyle and Carrick 26 May 2018
24 April 1978 Gruffydd Evans Baron Evans of Claughtonof Claughton in the County of Merseyside 22 March 1992
26 April 1978 Derek PageBaron Whaddonof Whaddon in the County of Cambridgeshire 16 August 2005
28 April 1978 Nora David Baroness Davidof Romsey in the City of Cambridge 29 November 2009
2 May 1978 John Leonard Baron Leonardof the City of Cardiff in the County of South Glamorgan 17 July 1983
3 May 1978 William Sefton Baron Sefton of Garstonof Garston in the County of Merseyside 9 September 2001
4 May 1978 Tom Taylor Baron Taylor of Blackburnof Blackburn in the County of Lancashire 25 November 2016
5 May 1978 John Hatch Baron Hatch of Lusbyof Oldfield in the County of West Yorkshire 11 October 1992
9 May 1978 Cyril Plant Baron Plantof Benenden in the County of Kent 9 August 1986
10 May 1978 Victor Mishcon Baron Mishconof Lambeth in Greater London 28 January 2006
11 May 1978 Aubrey Buxton Baron Buxton of Alsaof Stiffkey in the County of Norfolk 1 September 2009
16 May 1978 Jeremy Hutchinson Baron Hutchinson of Lullingtonof Lullington in the County of East Sussex 3 October 2011 [2] 13 November 2017
19 May 1978 Alexander Mitchell Donnet Baron Donnet of Balgayof Balgay in the District of the City of Dundee 15 May 1985
10 July 1978 Evelyn Denington Baroness Deningtonof Stevenage in the County of Hertfordshire 22 August 1998
13 July 1978 Rodney Smith Baron Smithof Marlow in the County of Buckinghamshire 1 July 1998
17 July 1978 Robert Hunter Baron Hunter of Newingtonof Newington in the District of the City of Edinburgh 24 March 1994
18 July 1978 Paul Reilly Baron Reillyof Brompton in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 11 October 1990
21 July 1978 William Blease Baron Bleaseof Cromac in the City of Belfast 16 May 2008
31 January 1979 Sue Ryder [ai] Baroness Ryder of Warsawof Warsaw in Poland
and of Cavendish in the County of Suffolk
2 November 2000
2 February 1979 Sir John Richardson, Bt. Baron Richardsonof Lee in the County of Devon 15 August 2004
5 February 1979 Peter Hill-Norton Baron Hill-Nortonof South Nutfield in the County of Surrey 16 May 2004
7 February 1979 Bernard Miles Baron Milesof Blackfriars in the City of London 14 June 1991
9 February 1979 Walter Perry Baron Perry of Waltonof Walton in the County of Buckinghamshire 17 July 2003
19 February 1979 Hugh Scanlon Baron Scanlonof Davyhulme in the County of Greater Manchester 27 January 2004
20 February 1979 Brian Flowers Baron Flowersof Queen's Gate in the City of Westminster 25 June 2010

‡ former MP

See also


  1. Widow of Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading.
  2. Son of Robert Parker, Baron Parker of Waddington, (Law Lord, 1913).
  3. Daughter of George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston.
  4. Father of John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover (Life Peer, 1997).
  5. Daughter of Willoughby Dickinson, 1st Baron Dickinson and wife of J. C. C. Davidson, 1st Viscount Davidson.
  6. Husband of Pat Llewelyn-Davies, Baroness Llewelyn-Davies of Hastoe (Life Peer, 1967).
  7. Father of Douglas Hurd, Baron Hurd of Westwell (Life Peer, 1997).
  8. Wife of Henry Brooke, Baron Brooke of Cumnor (Life Peer, 1966) and mother of Peter Brooke, Baron Brooke of Sutton Mandeville (Life Peer, 2001).
  9. Daughter of Rennell Rodd, 1st Baron Rennell.
  10. Daughter of H. H. Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith.
  11. Daughter of Douglas Clifton Brown, 1st Viscount Ruffside.
  12. Father of Marcus Sieff, Baron Sieff of Brimpton (Life Peer, 1980).
  13. Husband of Barbara Brooke, Baroness Brooke of Ystradfellte (Life Peer, 1964) and father of Peter Brooke, Baron Brooke of Sutton Mandeville (Life Peer, 2001).
  14. Wife of Richard Llewelyn-Davies, Baron Llewelyn-Davies (Life Peer, 1964).
  15. Husband of Margaret Delacourt-Smith, Baroness Delacourt-Smith of Alteryn, (Life Peer, 1974).
  16. In remainder to the Barony of Allendale (United Kingdom).
  17. Son of William Berry, 1st Viscount Camrose.
  18. Formerly the 3rd Viscount Camrose, disclaimed that title in 1995.
  19. In remainder to the Barony of O'Neill (United Kingdom).
  20. Wife of David Cunliffe-Lister, 2nd Earl of Swinton.
  21. Father of Greville Janner, Baron Janner of Braunstone (Life Peer, 1997).
  22. Formerly the 2nd Viscount Hailsham, disclaimed that title in 1963.
  23. Wife of John Buchan, 2nd Baron Tweedsmuir.
  24. Son of Kenneth Mackay, 2nd Earl of Inchcape.
  25. Father of Sarah Hogg, Baroness Hogg (Life Peer, 1995).
  26. There are two places in Kent called Broomfield: Broomfield, Herne Bay and Broomfield, Maidstone. The official record does not say which one this is.
  27. Husband of Barbara Castle, Baroness Castle of Blackburn (Life Peer, 1990).
  28. Wife of Charles Delacourt-Smith, Baron Delacourt-Smith (Life Peer, 1967).
  29. Formerly the 14th Earl of Home, disclaimed that title in 1963.
  30. Wife of Michael Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham (Life Peer, 1979).
  31. Son of David Lindsay, 28th Earl of Crawford, succeeded as 29th earl later in 1975.
  32. Father of Ed Vaizey, Baron Vaizey of Didcot (Life Peer, 2020).
  33. In remainder to the Earldom of Wemyss and March (Scotland).
  34. Father of Nicholas Soames, Baron Soames of Fletching (Life Peer, 2022).
  35. Wife of Leonard Cheshire, Baron Cheshire (Life Peer, 1991).


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In accordance with Section 1 of the House of Lords Reform Act 2014.
  2. Under the terms of the House of Lords voluntary retirement scheme.